Vampires (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

I'm a Monster

[man 1] Hey, darling. What's up?
- [man 2] You get clothes from the trash?
- She's half naked.
- Don't you have two minutes?
- Let go.
Don't act stuck up like that.
Come on. Go forward.
Go through here.
What did she say?
Don't touch me!
Come here, you.
Ouch! Fuck, my arm.
Doina, it's Mom.
I've called you 15 times.
I've tried everywhere.
I'm not mad at you.
You need to come back now.
You're not safe outside.
I just got back from Csilla's.
The Nemeths are coming for you.
Do you understand that?
Doina, what did you do?
[dog barking]
What's wrong? It's me.
Calm down.
Calm down!
[Martha] What did you do?
What did you do?
I don't know.
[Doina sobbing]
What's happening to me?
[theme song playing]
[woman screams] No! Stop it!
[Martha] Where is Redouane?
- Stop it!
- Where is Redouane?
[Ladislas] What are you doing? Come on.
Our moms aren't here. Let's get high.
It's butt-ugly.
From before the war.
Is it you?
And my mother.
Yes, it is.
You've never been here?
Once, years ago.
To our families.
Drink. It's the good stuff.
I don't drink blood.
Aren't you like your sister?
I'm not like you guys.
And leave Doina out of it.
Tell me, what where you doing
lurking outside?
Did you know my father?
Briefly, yes. Why?
What happened?
Who knows?
They don't tell me about this stuff.
Enough about your dad.
Talk to me about your sister.
You don't get it.
How did my father die?
You're tossing this at me here?
In my house?
I wasn't involved.
Nor was my mother, in fact.
Come on. Let's have fun.
Here. Take your medication.
Right now.
Go on. Please. What's going on?
Nacer, the guy from school,
I think I bit him.
- You bit him?
- Yes.
Will he transform?
It doesn't work that way. I told you.
It's only genetic.
Go on, please.
To have the life you had before.
With the meds, it will all stop.
You'll see.
Show your arms.
Nice smell. What is it?
Evening primrose.
It's for the smell.
Let me see.
Your skin it's normal.
It means I won't become
I won't become like you?
I swear it.
Don't stay here tonight.
I'll handle stuff, that's dangerous.
Why? Is it because of the Nemeths?
Is there anyone you trust,
that you can go to?
Yes. Moji.
First thing tomorrow go to Moji's.
Because if the Nemeths catch you,
you can kiss your life goodbye.
Wait here. I'm checking on him.
And don't tell your siblings anything.
[Stan] Rad! Rad!
You have to leave now.
I can't risk it anymore.
What? You're fucking with me.
Somebody complained
you were paid under the table.
It could shut us down.
Whoa. Who ratted what out?
I don't know. They gave details,
like you stole blood.
I steal blood?
Stan, I've always been straight with you.
What's this?
No, that's nothing.
Please don't touch.
- What is it?
- Stan, how are you?
- I thought
- You're out, too.
Don't come back here.
Stan, don't get involved in this.
- I'm begging you.
- Come on. Let's go.
Hey! You whore son of a bitch!
People like you end up in hell.
[Rad] Let's go see Csilla.
Mom's screwed everything up.
What's going on?
[Ladislas whistles]
Andrea, did you get lost?
Come in. There's room.
You haven't told me anything.
How was my dad?
He was helpful to us.
What kind of help?
I can shut up.
I've shut up for 23 years.
I don't know
He, like, partied with us.
And he'd give us blood.
Well, he'd sell it actually.
Slaughterhouses weren't enough?
Not animal blood.
You're lying. Human blood's forbidden.
Forbidden, my ass.
Hypocrites say that.
Your father saw an opportunity.
Clever. And since he was a doctor,
he had a killer supply.
I need to see my father's clients.
Supply, I can get.
I'm telling you I can get blood.
Can you introduce me?
Sure. Why not?
- Tomorrow.
- Well, tomorrow
Tomorrow. After, it will be too late.
Those guys are always moving.
[Rad] What is he doing here?
[Irina] If you have problems
with our mother, resolve them with her.
But deprive us of blood?
Why do this to us?
You want to slowly starve us to death?
The slaughterhouse stuff was overkill.
We liked it there.
I want all of us to live happy, hidden,
for a long time. That is my role.
If you live without us in your hole,
very well. That's your choice.
But letting your baby sister
expose us all in broad daylight,
that is unacceptable.
Who, Doina?
Why do you say this?
You have lied to me, all of you,
including you, Irina
when you came begging for papers
"for the little schoolgirl." Please.
She's like us.
No. Didi, our Didi?
She's completely normal.
We would have seen it.
If you haven't seen anything,
it's even more concerning.
This girl
she's a hand grenade
with the pin pulled out.
All right?
You have to bring her here.
Afterwards, we'll solve
your little blood problem.
Don't do that.
I don't believe it.
- Clean it up.
- Sorry.
[dog barking]
Damn it.
The big kids.
[Irina] Csilla was right.
[Rad] You okay, Didi?
- You'll go with us to the Nemeths.
- No!
You're not feeling well?
The law's the same for everyone.
- There's no law.
- Doina, don't be scared.
I'm your brother.
Have no fear. Come with us.
Don't touch me.
[Irina] She just wants to see you.
Doina has nothing to do with the Nemeths.
Let me go!
[Irina] Doina! Doina!
- That's enough.
- Doina!
What's with you?
She's your sister, damn it!
Mom, it's really serious.
Call her back. She'll listen to you.
Csilla's right. She's dangerous.
I don't get it.
How is it even possible?
She had stopped her medication.
I had her take it again,
but it doesn't seem to work.
So, what is she?
She's like us, only half like us?
She drinks blood but tolerates the sun?
What do I know?
There's no one like her.
She'll stick out and get noticed.
She can't control herself.
[Rad] Csilla's cutting off our supply
until we bring her Doina.
[Irina] What are you doing?
Where are you going?
You're getting her?
So, you deliver her to Csilla?
[scoffs] You're crazy.
[Martha laughs]
What side are you on, you two?
You need to choose.
[school bell rings]
[girl 1] People told me.
Who said what?
[boy] What's up with you?
What is this?
[girl 1] I'll try again.
[girl 2] You're kidding me.
Check this out.
I have a huge favor to ask.
You saunter into school
without your stuff?
My stuff's been stolen.
I have no phone, nothing.
Stolen? I'm supposed to believe that?
- Think I didn't see you with Nacer?
- What?
You slept at his place.
What are you talking about?
And you reek, big time.
You stink to high heaven.
- For real.
- I fought with my mom. I had to leave.
Because of the pool and all that?
Yes, and lots of other stuff.
I'll tell you everything.
So, can I sleep at your place
for a few days?
Sleep at my place? Sure, if you want.
Can we leave now, please, Moji?
What, like right now?
We have classes for five hours.
There's the French test
practice session. It's 8 a.m.
Listen, it's a matter of life and death.
Do you think I would ask
if it wasn't life and death?
My old lady's at home. She'd kill me.
Go out there and hang out.
I can't hang out outside.
What do you mean,
you can't hang out outside?
You're on your period?
I don't know Doina!
Hey. Where are going? How are you doing?
I'm okay. And you?
I'm cool. Why didn't you answer my texts?
I don't have a phone. I lost mine.
How did it go with the guards?
It didn't go well with my father.
What did you tell the others?
What do you think I am, a rat?
You're not mad at me?
No, but look. This is what you did to me.
Don't ever do that again.
It's not really my thing.
[heartbeat racing]
[Doina] Keep calm. Calm.
[Andrea] Anybody home?
- You're here.
- Yeah.
- Where were you?
- Just living my life.
Hold on.
What are you doing?
Where's Doina?
At school, I assume. Why?
Yes, most likely.
Could you go get her?
No. Why do you ask?
- What is this?
- Nothing. Let go.
- Stop it.
- What?
Andrea, we're the men of the house.
We have to be tight, the two of us.
Why did you go to the Nemeths?
What about you?
No. Just no.
I need information.
Nobody tells me anything.
About what?
About stuff. My father.
You knew he didn't die in Algeria?
Look at me. I'm serious.
Don't go stirring up shit.
I'm watching you.
Andrea, I'm worried about you.
And when I'm worried I get ugly.
I get really ugly. Do you get that?
[Martha] Excuse me.
You're Elise Lanval, aren't you?
[Elise] We know each other?
[Martha] Not directly,
but I was Redouane Agur's wife.
[Elise] He spoke to me about you, vaguely.
[Martha] He really admired your research
on genetic mutations. It inspired him.
Now our daughter Doina
is in full mutation.
I need your help. Please.
[Elise] In mutation?
[Martha] It's difficult to explain.
Here's the prescription
Redouane had written for our kids.
It's an enzymatic block
of cell destruction.
I don't understand.
What's happening to your daughter?
It's no longer enough.
I need
a stronger treatment.
This is absurd. We're not talking about
antibiotics. This is advanced genetics.
Let's say the genes were awakened.
I need to put them back to sleep.
Is that possible?
What do these genes do?
We have to stop this process.
Do you understand?
I have your stuff.
You had my stuff?
Where's my phone?
Are you nuts?
What happened yesterday with Nacer?
You like him?
Don't act like this. We can talk.
If we like the same guy,
let's deal with it.
We can share him, if you like.
You can have him. I don't care.
[teacher] Come on, Doina. Hurry up.
Everybody quiet. Thank you. Please focus.
The measuring instruments are fragile.
What did I just say?
Nacer, where are you going?
Hey, Moji. Can I sit next to Doina,
- just for today?
- Okay.
[teacher] What do we see?
Osmosis is a biological process.
[Nacer] Hi there.
[teacher] It's when a fluid goes through
to a less concentrated medium.
The aim of the test
is to observe and understand it.
How do we do this?
[heavy breathing]
[glass breaks]
[teacher] Nacer, what happened?
[girl] No!
[Nacer] Doina, are you insane?
What's gotten into you?
[teacher] Nacer
How are you, okay?
[recording] New voice message.
Andrea, it's Ladislas Nemeth.
Your father's clients agreed to meet you.
Let's meet in an hour at Porte d'Ivry.
Don't forget to bring blood.
Lots of blood.
These guys are ravenous.
What's going on?
Come to school, please.
I can't.
Please, Andrea.
I can't.
Please, Andrea.
I have a big problem over here.
Ask for the assistant principal
when you get here.
Come on.
[Bibadeau] Mrs. Clisson
has had it with you.
Broken equipment is one thing,
but what's the deal with the blood?
[Nacer] Actually, sir, what happened
was I cut myself in class.
I bled, and she totally flipped out.
Thanks, Nacer. That's lovely,
but I want to hear from Doina.
I want to go to another class.
Are you kidding me?
School's almost over.
I'm not transferring you in June.
I don't care. I won't come anymore.
What's going on here? What did we talk
about, you and I? Your final exam.
Something's not adding up.
You can tell him everything.
I'm cool with it.
Don't touch me.
Where do you think you are? Pick it up!
Pick it up! Now! Are you out of your mind?
I'm calling the school counselor.
Let's make an appointment together.
Here you are. Can she leave?
She can.
That's lucky. I had to talk to you.
You're her brother, right?
Because this is really serious.
You're well equipped.
What kind of research do you do?
I no longer do research.
I just consult privately. That's all.
It's a shame.
Your thesis had a lot of promise.
"Cell life prolonged by chemical therapy."
- You read my doctoral thesis?
- I did.
Great intuition, but you lacked proof.
Redouane did have proof, though.
He never told you who I was?
I age five times slower than you do.
I'm lucky that way.
Unlucky too.
Really? How old does that make you, 120?
I'm flattered.
I was born in 1774.
I'll let you do the math.
I'm only asking you to believe me
enough to treat my daughter.
She's only 17.
If you cure her,
I'll give you everything you want.
DNA testing, blood tests.
You'll get a Nobel prize for unlocking
the secret of eternal life.
You'll be able to make miracle products
for your patients.
You decide, Elise.
Eat. You're pale.
I'm not hungry. It's
It's grossing me out.
Rad came to me and asked me
to take you home. What happened?
Promise you'll still be my brother?
Whatever you do,
you'll always be my little sister.
I think I've become like them.
Like Mom, like the others.
What do you mean?
When it happens, when I have a fit,
I can't hear anymore,
as if the sound's been cut off.
You're feeling, like, horny?
That's being a teen.
- You're in love with the guy from school?
- No.
Then what?
I attacked him because I wanted his blood.
I wanted to eat him. Can you believe it?
I think I'm a monster.
- You stopped taking the meds?
- Yes.
You're saying you've stopped for two days,
and now you've mutated.
You told me to stop, that it wouldn't
do anything, and I believed you.
It's not possible.
- I swear
- It does nothing! I'm telling you.
- It did nothing to me. Right?
- What's up?
We're like Dad. You're not like them.
I am.
Okay. What's up? It should be easy
to defend yourself. Crush me, go on!
- Stop it.
- Stop what?
- Stop it.
- What? What about your bullshit?
Show me you're like them. Go on!
Doina! Doina!
Doina, what's wrong with you? Wake up.
[phone buzzes]
Hi, Mom.
You're okay? Have you seen your sister?
I can't reach her.
Yes, she's here.
What's going on? Talk to me.
What's up?
I had to go looking for you, damn it.
- Put her on.
- I can't right now.
Andrea, put her
What did you do?
Suddenly she fainted.
Doina. Doina.
I'll handle it.
Give me that. Go on.
I know what's wrong. She needs blood.
- I'll give her some.
- What?
Why are you still here?
You're late, man.
You don't make guys like them wait.
We were going together.
No, you go. Don't leave them hanging.
You want to know, for your father?
We were going to go together.
You go.
I'll tell them you're coming.
They're at the railway yard.
I consider your sister my sister. Okay?
Go on, scram.
[Andrea] Anybody there?
Anybody there?
[man] Hey!
Come over here.
What are you doing here?
Don't touch this!
Ladislas sent me.
I'm Redouane Agur's son.
- This way.
- Take your hand off.
Do you have the stuff?
No, I have nothing.
Ladislas took it.
I can get some, but let's talk first.
Come on.
[man] Come closer.
You know how it went
how it was with your dad.
What are you doing? Get your hands off me.
Leave me alone. What are you doing?
- Easy.
- Leave me alone!
- Let go.
- Don't be scared.
Let me go!
Subtitle translation by Catherine Kelsey
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