Veneno (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Un viaje en el tiempo

I love a good wine, honey.
Nothing like it to rejoice a pussy.
- I love it, too.
- Look at the paella.
- It smells so amazing, right?
- Mix it well. Mix it well.
Juani, go get some water for the paella.
But the beans should be fresh, eh?
Write this down.
"On Thursdays,
business was always booming.
"Then on Fridays and the weekends,
it was never busy enough."
- But why was that?
- Well, honey,
because most of our clients
are married with children.
Not all of them, though,
but the ones that were
would have to come see us after work,
and then they'd spend the weekend
- with their wives and kids.
- That makes sense.
Come on, Paca!
Is the book yours or mine?
Oh, now it's all about the book.
It'll be like Pepete's.
Look at Pepete's huge ass.
- Write this down.
- It's like a butter churner.
But, Cristina,
I-I told you it's not a book.
It's an assignment for class,
- that's all.
- Whatever. Just write.
Back then in the West Side Park,
there were 4,000 whores.
4,000 whores and their drama queen.
Tell the truth, girl.
There were only 30 or 40 of us.
That depended on the day.
It wasn't a parade.
The parade was marching
in your twat, hon.
There were just a few cunts,
but we were action cunts!
Write this down.
In our underwear,
we were only three,
the ones with the best bodies.
- Hmm.
- La Manola
Carolina from Vigo
and me, an absolute dime!
Hey, sweetheart,
I also went out in my panties.
I had a beautiful, nice body, too,
of course just for summer or spring.
During winter, not a chance.
No, no, no.
I never went out in my undies.
That's anything but classy.
That's for trashy girls like you.
And why not whoring in your undies, baby?
Air-drying the twat!
All the guys waited in line
to have sex with me.
Just look.
- Not you.
- I'll pay you double!
- Not you.
- Pick me!
- Not you.
- Hey, over here!
- You're really pretty!
- Hey, come on!
Yes, you.
Here we go with the horror stories
to keep us awake.
The other girls were green with envy.
No lie.
Put that in the book.
Sweet Mother of God!
Lord have mercy!
Tons of cash Veneno's doing,
riding cars with her cunt
faster than the Grand Prix.
Cars lined up from here to Albacete.
Who could that be?
I'm not expecting anyone.
Maybe they came to collect money.
Open the door.
They might collect La Veneno.
- Coming.
- That's right.
Take that whore ass of yours to the door.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- What a surprise, hon.
- Hi. Welcome, Bienve.
- I know that voice.
- Yes, I invited them!
- Come in, girls!
- May I?
- Oh, its Bienve!
- Hello.
- Hey!
- Bienve!
- Sweetie.
- Look at those new boobs.
- What a scandal!
- They're beautiful, right?
You got a pair of Soviet missiles now.
- Smells delicious, dear.
- And Sacha, baby.
Look, Valeria.
She just got her pussy.
- Hey, stop that.
- What? You should be proud.
- That's amazing, sweetheart.
- You're a whole woman now.
This is Valeria.
She's writing a book about me.
- Well
- Hi. I'm Sacha.
- Hi to you, too.
- Nice meeting you.
Pleasure. I'm Bienve.
- What a cute girl.
- Hi.
- Thank you.
- Do you want some paella?
You hungry?
I can add more rice
and artichokes, my loves.
Bring out the artichokes,
the sweet potatoes, all of it.
If you want clams, you get clams,
and, if you want cucumber,
a whopping big one.
And if not, a nice, thick bean stew
to keep you farting
all through the night.
You are so disgusting
so vulgar.
I might be vulgar,
but the entire world loves me!
'Cause I'm transparent like glass,
not like the rest.
Put that in the book.
I don't get it?
What is this book even about?
What else can it be
but plain science fiction?
It's about that alien over there.
All right, it's not a book, okay?
It's a literary contest,
and if they choose me,
the prize is publishing the book,
but, um, they haven't
picked me yet, so
But how could you lose?
It's about my life!
Write down that she owes me 250 bucks.
- Quiet, you crazy cow.
- I won't be quiet!
If you owe me, you owe me.
Don't worry.
She must be exaggerating.
- She owes me money, too.
- No, I never lie.
- Everybody, stop complaining!
- Sweetheart, please get me
- some artichokes
- What is happening?!
Shut up, you sluts!
It's my story here!
I'm telling it, not you.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
I was born
on March 19th.
It was 1964
On St. Joseph's Night
under the song of a serenade.
Well, that's it.
It's over. He's here.
I was born when the clock
struck midnight.
My grandmother gathered me up,
and she was stunned
when she looked into my eyes.
She felt lightning inside.
My eyes were wide open,
and they sparkled.
She said
This child is destined
to captivate with a mere gaze.
Something that's always
been a part of who I am.
I was born in Adra, just like my mother.
Adra is a town in Almería
that used to be very small, a pit,
a hole in the middle of Andalusia,
but it has grown a lot since then.
Here. Give her to me.
My family wasn't upper class,
but you could say we did all right.
- Mommy!
- What are you two doing?
My mother, Maria José,
owned a local grocery store,
and my father worked as a car salesman.
- Boys! Come over here!
- They got by with that.
Everybody squeeze together a bit.
There are six of us.
Maricarmen is the oldest.
Then there's Rafa,
who's always playing it cool.
María Teresa, and Tere used
to fight a lot with my mom.
Tere, you better fix those bangs.
Would you fix her hair?
Paco, who I shared a room with,
was also my confidant.
Okay, everybody's here, right?
Rocío, who's the youngest.
All right. Ready. Set.
And me, Jose Antonio Ortiz Rodriguez.
Joselito! Where is that boy?
I never liked school.
I wasn't good at it.
My favorite thing in
the whole world was animals
playing with dogs
taking care of birds.
My neighbor's name was Gabriel,
but everyone called him Cat-killer.
You can imagine why.
He had tons of animals
of all kinds in his backyard,
guinea fowls and even peacocks.
And I snuck in to see them.
Come on! Let's go home!
Maricarmen, come here!
Just do what I say, and let's go!
Just a minute.
I want to show you something.
Okay, but make it quick.
Joselito, what are you doing?
Mom's angry.
I'm looking at this beautiful dove.
You know what they say
about the pretty ones.
- No. What?
- That they don't fly as high.
- Why is that?
- Because you can't have
everything in life, Joselito.
Come on.
I'm coming! I'm coming!
Come on!
Here he is!
Where were you?
Running an errand.
Running an errand?
Get over here.
Come on. Let's go.
Everyone, get over here.
Let's go.
We're going to lose the light!
My mother loved appearances.
The richest
the most beautiful
The perfect family.
And did you get along with your mother?
Hey there. Get ready.
This amazing paella is waiting for you.
Let's eat. Come on.
Please help me set the table.
Stuff your cunts with paella.
- Help me, Juanita Banana.
- Of course, sweetie.
And stop the questions for now, okay?
Baby coy is so inquisitive
Hey, Maria Patiño!
Writing Petete the Penguin's book.
- The most important thing is
- Be careful with that.
That La Veneno was the most beautiful
trans woman in all Spain!
No lie!
- Oh.
- Hi.
I didn't hear you.
- And how's it going, my love?
- Good.
- Good?
- Hanging out with these ladies.
Well, these ladies are crazy.
Trust me.
They're so funny, though, right?
Yeah, they are.
Sometimes they're a little too much,
but they're the best.
How long has it been for you?
Well, it's been, I don't know,
about a year and a half or so.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- And you look like that?
- Yes.
I mean, with a few touch-ups,
because you're not quite getting there
as fast as you'd like to,
but, yeah, a year and a bit.
Oh. I want to start
taking hormones,
but I haven't talked
to my mother yet, so
You haven't told her?
I'm gonna do you a small favor.
All right?
I'm not a trafficker.
Promise me you'll see a specialist.
- I will.
- This is what I take.
You have to take one of each every day.
You'll notice that your skin
starts to get softer.
Your boobs will fill out just a bit.
You won't wake up
with huge tits one morning.
Some people say your voice changes.
I don't think so.
Exhibit A, baby.
But honestly, it doesn't really matter,
at least not to me.
- Maybe you care.
- I don't know.
Just take it easy.
Everyone walks her own path, sweetie.
Come on.
Look at that pair.
Well, see you, Marchalenes.
I'll be back!
Bye, my dear.
Now begone, Little Red Hood.
Grandma is waiting in the woods.
See you, Paca! And you, Veneno!
Oh, hey, you two!
Wait till Juani comes down.
She's packing up the paella
in some to-go containers!
- A pig, is what she is!
- Oh, I've noticed.
- So then you know! Oi!
- Yeah.
She'll forget it in the fridge
for two weeks.
- Such a pig, Juani.
- Oh, that is rude.
- Don't say that!
- Oh, my God.
I've known Juani for a very long time.
All right, you cows!
Begone before the sheriff sees you
and slaps you
with the long arm of the force.
Listen, girl,
if the sheriff shows, I'd say,
- "Shove it in my cunt."
- Oi!
Look at that big mouth.
She was playing coy!
The schoolgirl is learning from you both!
- Schoolgirl's learnin'.
- Little schoolgirl!
Oi, my sweetheart. Right?
That's right! Bye-bye! Ciao!
Bye! See you!
Oh, wow, I can't believe it.
What a surprise.
- Hi, Remedios.
- Hello.
What a handsome boy.
I mean, you look so
different, right? Huh?
Handsome, handsome.
- What are you doing?
- Uh, nothing.
Hanging hanging with some friends.
You bunch of whores! You left me
to pack everything up!
All right.
Give me a kiss, you crazy twat.
- Ciao, Juani.
- The bus doesn't wait. Hah!
- Nice to meet you, puss.
- Thank you.
- Help me?
- Yes, of course.
I'm such a blind whore, sweetie.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
No problem. Be safe.
She's something else.
Well, send love to your mom.
I haven't seen her in quite a while.
- Give me a kiss.
- Of course.
All right, take care.
You're okay then, right?
- Yeah.
- It was so good seeing you.
Okay. I'll leave you
with your friends.
See you, hon.
Nice meeting you. Bye.
Hey! Hello.
- Where were you?
- Studying.
You're studying a lot lately.
- You've got exams coming up?
- You get mad if I study.
- You get mad if I don't study.
- Wait a sec. Look at me.
What's that on your face?
Who were you with?
Son, I just want to know.
Tell me.
With Amparo.
Amparo is studying?
Yes, Mom, yes. She is now.
Really? And what for?
- For an application, I think.
- An application for what?
To be a cop, Mama!
I don't know, okay?
Amparo wants to be a cop?
That's a very tough exam to pass.
Just ask her, then!
I said I don't know, Mom!
You didn't give me my kiss, son!
Honey, are you having dinner?
I'm stuffed from the paella,
so I'm just having a kiwi
and a couple of cheese cubes.
If you want, I can make you
an omelet or something.
Who are you
Okay are you going to tell me
who you're calling on my phone?
- Nobody.
- Nobody?
Lets just quit with the phone calls.
You know they're expensive.
Let's watch Cinderella.
It's your favorite.
Yeah, let's watch Cinderella.
Look at the mice.
I love that little chubby one.
It's just like you.
And I'm the one with the big ears.
- May I?
- Yes, I'm just
- I'm grading tests.
- I can come back another time.
No, no, no. Come in.
My God, I'm grading tests.
Please come in, and save me.
By the way, your exam is trash.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's just I'm not really focused.
Why? Talk to me.
I don't even know.
She talks a lot, so much, really.
I got notebooks that are loaded,
and she's all over the place.
She's politically incorrect.
She breaks every single rule
- Hmm.
- All of them!
- I love it.
- Yeah, I know.
I've no idea where to begin.
Every beginning is complicated.
For her, too.
She's never done this, either.
Where to begin?
From the beginning.
Then, bit by bit,
things will fall into place.
You won't even know how, but they will.
Don't overthink it.
There's plenty of time.
I just signed you up.
If she talks a lot,
I assume you're gonna need it.
Thank you.
It's done.
Write this down.
When I was with Pepe,
his ratings were
absolutely out of this world!
Get this.
Almost eight million people!
Y-you aren't writing this down.
You told me that already.
Am I gonna like my book?
My story's pretty great.
Yes, Cristina,
you're gonna love the book.
You want to ask me something?
Of course. It's your book.
What happened in Adra?
Even who ain't a bitch growls.
what do you remember of your childhood?
Excuse me.
You can't smoke inside.
- There's no one here.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Of course she can smoke.
- Okay, guess you can.
That cutie knows better.
And bring a whiskey.
I'll get you a whiskey sweetheart.
One whiskey coming up.
Want to know what I remember?
The first time
I heard the word "faggot."
I was only seven,
and I didn't know what it meant,
but it wasn't long before I
was sick of hearing that word.
- Faggot.
- On every corner,
- I could hear a
- Faggot.
- So I became a
- Faggot.
Joselito, the fag.
I'm sorry to butt in,
but I just can't with this.
First they insult you.
They call you sissies, pansies.
They say you're girls,
and when you become women
Because of course
that's what you've always been
But when you're finally women,
they treat you like men.
What the fuck? It's like they're
deliberately pissing you off.
Pour me another.
I'll get you another whiskey.
Since when have you known you're a woman?
Since always.
I wore my mom's dresses,
put on her makeup and her high heels.
I put on her wedding dress,
and I ripped it.
It was a scandal.
Look, Mama!
And from that moment,
my mom decided to prove to me
That it was wrong to be myself.
What is wrong with you?
You're going to give me a heart attack!
Take that off! Take that off!
When I showed up
with a rip in my trousers
She'd beat me with
an almond branch till it broke.
Get in there! Come on!
What were you thinking? My God.
Ah, stop!
No! Mom! Please!
And no matter where we were
What in the world are you doing?
She was ashamed of me.
See what I have to endure?
You are an open wound to me.
Did you hear, son?
You're my cross.
You are my cross, my burden.
She might have an open wound,
but it was my body that
began to fill up with scars.
I don't know why she did that,
but it seemed she hated me for being me.
She got disgusted just by looking at me,
and my dad did nothing.
Oh, dear Lord!
The burdens I've been asked to shoulder!
Just like your brother.
You shut your mouth!
Don't talk about him!
You hear me?
I don't have a brother.
I didn't know what my uncle had done,
but I started to feel afraid
to be like him.
In Adra, my only friend was Manolito,
Manolito Ceballos.
Joselito, this is very dangerous!
Let's go back to Sunday school.
We won't make it for the First Communion!
Good! I don't want to do it.
You have to do it!
You are so weird.
Oh, my pretty little dove.
I'm so sorry you're locked up like that.
You and your doves.
Let's get out of here.
But, Manolito,
just look at all the animals.
I've never noticed them before.
Why does he have so many?
I don't know,
but he treats them very bad.
Don't tell me these things!
I'll end up crying
in my bed! Come on!
You have to see the best thing.
There's more?
- Here.
- Thanks.
Hey, Joselito
am I ugly?
Come on. Yes or no?
It's very simple. Yes or no?
- A little bit, Manolito.
- See?
I just knew it.
I look in the mirror,
and all I see is a witch
with a hairy mole on the nose.
But, Manolito,
you're not horrible, either.
I wish I was handsome like you,
and I wish a boy liked me.
I'm gonna die alone.
Plus I'm going to Hell.
Why are you going to Hell?
Because I'm a fag
and I'm skipping Sunday school.
Man, I'll never get married,
and I'll end up a tailor like my mother.
But, Manolito,
you might not be ugly forever.
- See that chick?
- Mm, which one?
Small gray one there.
Oh! What about it?
Right now it's not beautiful.
Because it's still a chick.
But one day, it'll become
the most beautiful peacock
in the whole wide world.
And so will you.
- You sure?
- Yes.
My brother told me so.
- Have you seen it?
- No, but it's real.
But what if I'm just a turkey
with a wattle hanging down
instead of a peacock?
Line up, boys!
Manolito! Manolito!
What is it now?
- Those boys over there.
- What about them?
What are they doing?
What do you think, Joselito?
Their Fist Communion
with Father Miguel Ángel.
Why are they wearing dresses?
Because altar boys wear that.
It's standard.
Joselito, did you listen during class?
Because apparently you didn't.
What are you doing?
Run, Manolito!
Come here, you little bastards!
Please! Help me!
Hey, kid! Come here!
Manolito? Manolito?
- What is it?
- Nothing. Sorry, ma'am.
Why did you knock, boy?
What is it?
Sorry. It was an accident.
I'm leaving.
You are?
Joselito, Joselito Ortiz.
- Maria José's?
- Yes. Why?
That woman looked at me
in a way no one ever did before,
like she recognized me.
Off you go.
Go on. Now.
My mother always told me
to stay away from her,
and I didn't know why.
- Mommy
- What?
I've decided
I want to do the First Communion.
You were gonna do it anyway.
Why wouldn't you do it?
Honestly, kid. Move.
Out of the way.
Your feet, Tere.
I've told you, girl.
Get your feet down.
And brush your hair.
You look like a tomboy.
Shh. I'm reading.
Shh. I'm reading!
I want to ask you something.
- What is it?
- What's the difference
between a peacock and a simple turkey?
You really don't know?
- I wouldn't ask if I did.
- All right.
A peacock has
green and blue feathers. Okay?
And when they open their tail,
it makes a circle like this,
a huge one.
And why do they do that?
To flirt?
- To flirt, yes.
- Huh.
But sometimes just
for protection from others.
Peacocks. Peacocks. Here!
"Peacocks, or Pavo cristatus,
use their beauty
to scare away
or dominate other birds."
Get it?
I want to be a peacock.
You know what you are?
A kestrel.
Now enough! Let me read.
Do you think Mom doesn't love me?
Mom doesn't love anyone.
But but she loves me less.
She never kisses me.
Good night, Joselito.
Sweet Mother, are you sure about this?
Of course, Manolito.
Tighten it up.
This looks like a sack.
Then hold still! I'm trying.
Okay, fine. Don't you think
it's still too long?
This boy is gonna drive me crazy.
Come on, Manolito.
Tighten it up more.
Okay, hold on.
Honestly, you're all over the place.
Stop moving.
Can't you just stay still?
Calm down, would you?
So, how do I look?
So handsome.
That night, I didn't dare go back home,
but I didn't care.
I had won the battle.
Oh, my goodness.
What are you doing here?
D-don't be scared.
Come with me. Come on.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Come here.
Come with me. You poor thing.
And that's how I finally got
to know Gracia La Sevillana.
If I go home, my mother's gonna beat me.
She says I do bad things like my uncle.
She's the one who does bad things.
That's my daughter Ana.
Say hi, sweetie. Don't be shy.
Now eat.
That's heavy.
- They're all jealous!
- Paca!
What's going on?
I was the most beautiful woman in Spain.
What's going on?
Is she drunk? What is
As beautiful as Raquel Welch.
I should have gone out with you two.
I knew this would happen.
- Out of the way, hyena.
- Hyena?
You think you can drink
with those pills you're taking?
Don't you know she's on Tranxilium 50?
- Give me the phone, Paca!
- What phone? E.T.'s phone?
Why do you want the phone, Cristina?
- Who are you calling?
- Well, her mother.
- Go to bed now!
- Paca, give me the phone.
Look at her.
This is all your fault!
- With your goddamn book.
- Paca, give the phone
I said no phone!
- Where were you?
- I was studying.
With Amparo, right?
No, alone.
Have a seat.
I heard you were in Marchalenes
with a group of people who
A group of people who what?
What are you doing, son?
What were you doing with them?
Have you started doing drugs now?
You don't tell me anything.
Really, Mom
go fuck yourself.
And tell Remedios
she can go fuck herself, too.
No, Remedios is worried like I would be
if I saw her son hanging out
with dangerous people.
I can't believe you.
Seriously, Mom?
Are you for real?
Yes, because I'm worried about my son!
And what are you worried about?
That I'm doing drugs? Really?
Fine, Mom. Just leave me alone.
No, I won't leave you alone.
If you're gonna be living in my house,
then you owe me an explanation.
Well, then maybe I'll move out!
- Hi.
- Hello.
Come in.
Tell me how I can help you, handsome.
I'm here for hair removal.
Mm-hmm. Very good.
You want laser or waxing?
- Laser.
- Oh, laser!
- But all over.
- All over?
Are you an athlete?
- Is that it?
- No.
- So you just want to do it.
- Mm-hmm.
It's also more hygienic.
Trust me, yeah?
Hang on a sec.
Tina, bring me an authorization!
- Tina!
- Yeah, yeah! I'm coming.
Wait a minute.
I've got my hands full.
- How's it going?
- Ah, terrible.
- A mess of a twat.
- Oh, my God. That bad, huh?
Its such a crazy, wild jungle down there
that I might not finish until tomorrow.
- Thick, darker than night.
- Oh, wow.
- So disgusting.
- Shh!
- She's gonna hear you.
- No, I don't think so.
She's pretty deaf, eh?
Well, sunshine, patience is a virtue.
All right.
Estency, how you feeling?
Here. I need you to sign here.
Oh, I'm sorry, but
I'm sorry.
It's just a health authorization form,
pretty standard.
But don't worry.
Nothing's gonna happen.
We do this all day long.
You'll be fine.
Can I sleep here?
What happened to you?
Cathy Nails. 24 to 48 hours.
Hon, I told you not to go to that place.
And who's gonna pay for it?
So you haven't told your mother yet, hmm?
- No, not yet.
- Sweetie. I ran into your mom,
and she started asking if I'm
studying to be a cop now.
Either we start telling her the truth,
or I have to buy a gun
and learn to shoot it.
Does it hurt?
A little.
Hey, Do you think that if I
tried that on my bikini area,
it would look like that, too?
I doubt it, because with my luck,
I bet it only happens to me.
And I've got five sessions left.
- Five!
- You serious?
Will you be staying here for all five?
I love having you here,
but I think it's absurd.
Don't worry. I'm moving out.
Valeria. Move out?
You must be joking.
You can't move out on your own.
Amparo, what can I do?
You can talk to your mother.
I'm sure that she'll understand.
please don't.
Fine. Forget it.
I won't bring it up again.
If you need anything, just call me.
I'll be in my room with Rubén.
Cathy Nails.
Have a good night.
Good night, Madame Detective.
Night, night.
And when you hit a client
right in his glass eye, he was so
The men I've fucked were very important.
They were poli
Look, honey, as I grew older,
I realized my mother
was never gonna love me,
so I stopped hiding.
I mean, why should I hide?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
If I didn't have my mother's love
why should I care about others' hate?
- Faggot!
- No lie!
Fag and proud!
Plus coming out of the closet
in a tiny village has an advantage.
All the guys who were mad horny
because the girls ignored them
came to me to find relief.
Don't tell anyone.
Who would I tell?
What are you doing in there?
I'm just trying to see what you're up to,
since you never invite me anywhere.
You know who that was?
- Who?
- Ines' boyfriend.
- No way!
- Yep.
- Ines' boyfriend is gay?
- I have no idea if he is,
but I know he has a big shark.
Oh, Joselito, really, I tell you,
I'm green with envy.
I hope a cute boy falls for me someday.
have you seen a new musician
has come to town?
- Really?
- Juan Antonio.
So handsome!
It was love at first sight.
I don't know if he's fruity,
but whatever.
Hey, Manolito, if you want
to be sure, you have to ask him.
Oh, no, I can't ask that.
Do you ever ask that?
- Just do it.
- I would blush right away.
- I'd feel embarrassed.
- Look into his eyes,
and say, "Tell me,
you gay or not? Period."
Oh, so brave.
You think everyone is like you.
No, honey.
Such beauty has no equal.
Check it out.
Oh, my. Oh, my.
See you at the carnival.
So what's your costume this year?
Hon, it's a surprise.
You want to know everything.
- Fair enough. See you.
- Give me two kisses.
Oh! You are such a pain.
One. You and your two kisses.
You're a piece of work.
And after I came all this way
out here to see you.
- Okay, bye!
- Bye.
- Begone, and find me a man!
- Bye.
Oh, man.
Ah, I wish.
Well, this is done.
Oh, it's gorgeous!
But can you add
one more ruffle or a skirt,
maybe a shawl or something?
One more ruffle, one more ruffle.
Don't overreach. You know
people are difficult here.
But it's a carnival.
No one will notice.
Pretty please?
I can't say no to you, you beautiful
Always having your way.
Let me see what I can do.
All right.
Have some cake now.
And you, too, sweetie.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Joselito, you want more ruffles?
- Mm-hmm.
- Then that's what you'll get.
Ah, wow.
So cute!
You're Miguel Bosé, right?
And I?
- Well, I don't really get it.
- What do you mean?
Look at the flag and the goat.
I mean, the bare chest.
I'm a Legionnaire!
Hey! Don't look at me like that.
I'll get bad skin. My kisses.
This place looks amazing, right?
- They did a good job, huh?
- Eh?
All right, let's get a drink.
The thirst.
Thanks, and please, two more shots.
Antonio, can you just put these
on my tab, please?
- What are you doing?
- Ucch.
- Hey, give it to me. Come on.
- That's gross.
Here. Dear Lord,
you're an alcoholic,
- to be honest.
- And proud of it!
Come on.
Joselito, that's Juan Antonio,
there, the one standing up.
Stop staring.
Stop staring.
He's looking over here!
He's so cute.
- Manolito
- So cute.
Stop staring.
Stop that.
Oh, man.
He's looking over here.
He's looking at me.
Me? He mean me? Uh
Joselito, I think he likes me
and he wants me over there.
Okay. I'm coming.
Ohh. My glasses.
- Here. I'm ready.
- Hey, hey, wait, wait.
- Hold these, please.
- Careful.
Careful, Manolito.
Joselito, stop that!
Okay? I finally got it!
I don't want to fight.
Let's get a drink.
All right? It's a party!
Here's a shot for you and a shot for me.
- Yes, cheers!
- Cheers.
- Disgusting!
- Go on now!
Be right back.
You're strong.
Uh, so impressive.
Well, uh
I-I still haven't introduced myself.
Sorry. M-my name's Manolito.
And you're Juan Antonio, right?
It's nice to meet you.
So I'm pretty nervous,
because I've never
been with a guy before.
Wh-what are you dressed as?
I-I really can't see.
What's up, Legionnaire?
What's this?
What? No, no.
- Faggot!
- What?
- What's up, huh?
- No, no, no, no!
- I told you he's a sissy.
- What's going on, faggot?
- You want this?
- You crave a dick?
- No! Help!
- You like that?
Help me!
- Please don't!
- Get him!
Come on!
- No, no! Please!
- Grab his arms!
No! I didn't do anything!
Hit him again.
- Hit him.
- Yeah!
What the fuck?
You're not laughing now,
huh, faggot's friend?
- Manolito!
- Hit him!
Hold him down.
He likes it when you hit him.
Come on!
Yeah, good. Good.
Come on. Do it again.
You better kill me now.
I'm gonna tell 'em all
Let's go, guys!
- Okay, let's go.
- Faggot!
Come on.
Run before someone sees us!
It's over, Manolito.
It's over now.
I really thought he liked me.
They tried to kill me.
Get off. Get off!
That's what happens to faggots.
You hear me? A faggot!
What are you wearing?
What is this? What is this?
They should've done worse!
Leave now! Get out!
Get out of here!
Out! Out of my sight!
Yes, baby?
Listen to me, Joselito. Listen.
Listen, I loved your uncle.
Yes, your mother's brother.
This place was awful to him, too.
One day, he disappeared,
and I never saw him again.
A while ago, he wrote to me
and said he was finally very happy,
but he'd realized that he'd
been dead inside for 30 years.
30 whole years.
Can you imagine that?
Every day, my love, I see him in you.
Don't let that happen to you, okay?
If you find an opportunity,
leave this town. Get out.
Leave, and don't ever look back, ever!
You hear me?
Is Gracia there?
Who's calling?
I'm Joselito.
This is her daughter, Anita.
How are you?
my mom passed away a few years ago.
I just called her to say,
to tell her
that I remember how good she was to me.
I wanted to thank her.
She saved my life.
I wanted to thank her for that.
Where are you going?
Where are you gonna live?
I don't know!
It doesn't matter!
- I don't care!
- Tell me why are you leaving!
I have no freedom, Mom!
You're smothering me!
- What do you mean
- You're smothering me!
- I've had it!
- Think about it!
There's nothing out there for you!
I hate this, and I hate this house!
- You hate what?
- I hate this!
Where are you even going, Tere?
I don't know, and I don't care!
Can't you see that I
have to get out of here?
See what? What else do you need?
Yes, I need my freedom, Mom!
- I have no freedom here!
- Freedom?
- You've got everything you need.
- Yes, four walls,
- but not freedom!
- What four walls?
Come here! Listen to me!
I'm begging you, child! Stop!
- Don't touch me anymore!
- Stop right there!
Don't touch me anymore!
It's because of her, isn't it?
- You always get your way, huh?
- Stop that!
Don't you talk to her like that!
Just let us be, and go away!
You're crazy!
- Well, you're sick!
- Crazy!
You're sick! Sick!
You and your brother, both of you!
You'll kill me!
You're gonna send me to my grave!
Go and live
your dissolute life! Go!
I'm writing a book,
a book about Cristina, La Veneno.
That's what I was doing in Marchalenes.
- It was for the book.
- Why didn't you just say that?
María Teresa!
Hurry. Hurry.
Come with me, brother.
Let's go.
Get in. Come on.
you said that Cristina
is a dangerous person.
But you know what?
Well, dangerous is
having an abusive mother.
Dangerous is running away
when you're only 13.
Dangerous is being called a faggot
in every corner of your town
and being tortured because
all you want is to be loved
or feeling lonely because
no one sees who you are.
That's more dangerous, Mama.
Tere, can we stop the car a second?
She's a fighter, yeah,
but that doesn't make her dangerous.
They are women.
we're women for whom
the world is dangerous.
I'm not ready to leave, Mama.
I don't want to live this process alone.
But that's up to you.
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