Veronika (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

The Girl in the Forest

Veronika is never present.
She started having nightmares.
And I just don't want the
same thing to happen again.
Did they say how long
they want to keep her?
-Possibly until Monday.
That's completely normal.
Are you going now?
I just wanted to say bye.
See you later.
We were going to let Mum
rest a little.
Where's Liv?
She's waiting in the car.
16 OCTOBER 2017
What are you doing?
I'm just getting my deodorant.
Are you guys
going to Philip's party?
I don't know, I think so.
No, I don't know,
depends on who's coming.
Should we go to the cafeteria?
Yeah, sure.
What the hell are you doing?
Disgusting little kid,
peeing himself.
Huh? Huh? Huh?
Gross! In his shoe too!
So gross, standing there,
peeing himself. Huh?
What are you doing?
Stop it! What are you two doing?
-You're coming with me, right away!
-He started it! It wasn't
We've been working with chords
and we've got our basic notes,
plus four and plus three,
and it's major.
And plus three and
plus four makes it minor.
So like this, if we say the basic
note is D.
We'll count up, D, E flat, E, F
I have to take this.
Just try by yourselves for a bit,
I'll be right back.
Hello, this is Tomas.
Have you seen Klas?
Yes, I think he's in the evidence
room, getting something.
Can I ask you something?
Sure, ask away.
I thought you had the day off.
Do you remember exactly what
happened to Oskar Lidman?
I was off sick when you were
investigating the case.
Yes, I do.
Horribly tragic,
the boy was really unlucky.
He was on his way
to a friend's house,
walking the same way,
via the bridge over the river,
that he walked
pretty much every day.
He slipped and fell in.
As you know, the current is strong
by the bridge, he had no chance.
Do they know how he fell in?
Um That's impossibly to say.
Nine year old boys are not the
world's smartest people,
who knows what he was up to?
It doesn't matter much
anymore, really.
It was horrible, regardless.
Hi, I'm sorry.
Great that you could come, Veronika.
We heard about your accident,
I hope you're not feeling too bad.
No, just a little tired.
Yes, well, we've just been through
what happened today.
We understand that it can feel
locking the bathroom door,
and that's why it happened. But
I think we have a solution.
Right Simon?
So, what will you do next time
you need to go to the bathroom?
I'll ask a friend to stand guard.
Exactly, super easy.
I just don't know who to ask.
But you have someone, right?
Isn't there a teacher or something?
Well, they probably don't have
I'm sure there's an adult here,
who can guard the door
when you need to go to the bathroom.
Simon, I think
we're done here for today.
Dan and I would like to speak to
Mum and Dad alone for a minute.
So maybe you could wait outside?
This won't do anymore.
What happened today
is just an escalation
of all the incidents
involving Simon.
And regarding violence, we have
zero tolerance at this school.
We would like to suggest an
-An evaluation for
If it is the case,
that Simon has a diagnosis,
we'll get access to
extra resources and support
which would be very good for Simon.
Just because he's impulsive,
you think he's got ADHD?
I understand it's a lot
to take in right now,
but my assessment
is that he does have it.
Most of Simon's behaviour
matches the criteria.
I'm a teacher too,
I know what the diagnosis is.
I don't think
he meets those criteria.
I don't think we'll
get much further today.
I suggest you bring this home,
and let the information settle.
Get in.
It's too easy.
Give him a diagnosis, so he can have
medicine and be like everyone else,
then everything will be fine?
I think it's good
that they're doing an evaluation.
Then he can get help.
Where the hell were you?
Okay, we want to see a nice start.
Get ready.
Come on now.
Yes! Head.
Nice turn, good job.
That's good,
keep your head in position.
Good, Liv.
No, what the hell,
I've said so every time.
You're so crazy fast.
It's a great head start,
you should know that.
Great you're doing so well
in the relay team.
-You're the youngest, right?
Yeah, me and Tindra.
And still,
you're almost faster than Agnes.
Okay, listen up.
You know you can't start too early.
I saw several of you do it.
Reaction time is crucial
the first 15 meters,
but I'm seeing
way too many false starts.
Hey! Knock it off.
Jack, will you help me
with the lines?
Sure, coach.
Good job today.
Great work, but I know
you can do better than this.
Listen You could go all the way.
You just need to stay focused.
That's good.
Hello? We're here.
Simon, my Simon!
Hey there. I'll take this.
And I've got the board here.
Everything alright, Ninni?
Yes, thanks.
Why can't you live with us?
Ninni has a great place here, Simon.
Veronika, you look tired.
-Did something happen?
-Yeah, she hit her head.
Oh dear.
Your mother really liked playing
chess when she was your age.
Veronika, you look tired.
Did something happen?
No, Ninni, everything's fine.
By the way, how are
Ann-Charlotte and Bengt doing?
Well, Mum's doing fine but Dad
died a long time ago, you know that.
But I just talked to him
You know, it's Simon and I who's
leaving, you live here.
I'll see you tomorrow.
-Goodbye, Simon.
-Bye, Ninni.
Mum, why does Grandma
never come here?
I don't actually know.
-Hi, Ivar.
But they're siblings.
Alright, you see that rock over
there? Try to hit that. One
I don't know if I can.
No, just try it.
You look like that again.
What do you mean?
Like you want to
talk about boring things.
And you don't want to?
Hey, buddy
Try to just not care
about what other people say.
Just ignore them
and pretend they don't exist.
-Mm. And
-try not to get so angry.
Can't I go to your school?
So we can be together?
That would have been really nice.
But it's not possible.
I know. Let's keep going.
Tempo, good.
Good night.
Good night.
It's as if everything is up to me.
I take initiative for all
the practical things
and all problems at home.
And I've talked about it many times,
we've agreed that things have to
get better or change, but
Well, Veronika is
It's as if nothing happens.
Veronika told me you had a meeting
with the school, about Simon,
and you're now considering
a ADHD evaluation.
-Did I understand correctly?
-That we're considering it?
We've barely had a chance
to discuss it.
But the school wants us to do it.
And who knows Simon best?
Is the school, or is it us?
Simon, he He struggles.
And he needs to feel safe.
He needs some attention.
And do you feel he doesn't receive
the attention he needs in school?
I don't think it's
just about school.
But he needs to feel
heard and seen, at home too.
I need that,
and the children need it.
You have to be there.
I mean it, you can't just
If you don't
If something doesn't
happen, I don't know
I have to
It can't be like last time.
Sigge, come here.
Come here, Sigge.
Damn it
Come here.
What are you doing?
Here's some broth,
keep your strength up.
Keep people out of the cordoned off
area, all the way around.
Veronika, right?
-Everything okay?
I'm Nassir Hakim.
Oh, hi.
Hi, we met the other day.
So, your dog found the body,
is that right?
Do you often walk here?
Do we have anything new?
Yes, the body seems to be
neatly buried.
Which implies the perpetrator
knew the victim
and it was someone they cared about.
They? It's more likely to be a he,
isn't it?
Um, maybe.
But we don't know that yet.
We'll see what more we find before
we do a profile on the perpetrator.
I didn't know you were home.
I didn't know you were.
I'm going to swimming practice now.
Oh, okay, wait, I'll drive you.
-I'll pick you up after, then?
-Yeah, bye.
You forgot your goggles.
What the hell are you doing here?
Hi, Dad, you could say.
I wanted to watch
my favourite girl practice.
-Nova Clinic.
-I'm here to see Dr. Lars.
Do you have an appointment?
It's Veronika.
Dr. Björklund has no
free appointments.
I have to speak to him now.
Wait there.
Why aren't the pills working?
-What you prescribed last,
was that normal Sobril?
Make an appointment and we'll talk,
-I have other patients.
-Can you answer the question?
-It's the same as always.
-But they don't work.
What do you mean?
Can a concussion
give you hallucinations?
It can happen
but it's exceedingly rare.
It is Sobril, that you're getting,
that's meant to prevent
more of these psychotic events.
Okay, good.
Then I want you to prescribe more.
Okay, I'll call it in.
Hi, Veronika.
How are you?
Um I have to
The remains belong
to a woman, young.
14-20 years old. 168 cm tall.
She very likely
died from strangulation,
we found fractures
on the hyoid bone.
The body has been buried
for at least four years.
Probably more.
No one matching this description
has been reported missing.
Is there anything indicating
the murder took place
somewhere else?
-Um, no.
We don't know that yet.
On the other hand, the person
who buried her did so carefully.
She was wrapped in a blanket
and the arms were
lain crossed over her belly,
in a way that must
have been arranged.
And she was buried,
rather than just dumped there.
Which indicated
she knew the perpetrator.
These are the pieces
of the jaw bone we have.
What we do now is look at
dental records in the area
and send in pieces of bone
to the technicians for analysis.
See what that gives us.
We've confirmed we've found
a body in the woods,
but no more than that.
And neither us nor you will say
any more than that, understood?
And Veronika, you go home
and rest if you need to, okay?
What a fucking psychopath.
Rasmus, I need
that copy before lunch.
-Otherwise I can sort that out.
-No, Rasmus should sort it out.
It could just as well be a berry
picker, right? Super simple.
They come to Sweden, pick berries,
he gets sick of his wife,
kills her, buries her and then
he goes back
to Poland or Romania or wherever
the hell they come from.
And he tells everyone she stayed.
Can't I just talk
to the person in charge,
so they can be there instead?
You don't have the right to tell
me Don't touch me!
No, but you have to leave.
Like I said,
I can't tell you anything.
How hard can it be? You found
someone in the woods, right?
-Do you need help here, Sofia?
-It's fine.
I've explained to Love here,
we can't help him now.
I don't want help,
I want someone to listen.
-Come with me.
-I'm just saying
it might be Hanna you've found in
the woods, but you're not listening.
She was my best friend, I haven't
heard from her in five years.
How old was she when she
She was 16.
Nassir, I think you
might want to take this.
Come with me.
I had a best friend.
Or have, I don't know, Hanna Hagman.
We were going to go to Stockholm,
but then she disappeared and
when I heard you'd found
some girl buried in the woods,
I thought it might be her.
Who did you hear that from?
Everyone's talking about it.
Assume you're right,
we've found a female body.
But there is no Hanna Hagman
reported missing.
That doesn't mean it can't be her.
I understand that you're worried.
Very understandable
I have a picture. Hang on.
Here. That's Hanna.
We were gonna run away to Stockholm.
She wanted to leave
everything behind. Start over.
We have to get out of here.
Go to Stockholm and
leave this shithole behind us.
And she was scared.
-Of what?
-Of him.
He doesn't hit you, does he?
What? Who?
You know who I mean.
What are you talking about?
Who do you mean?
At the same time,
he gave her something.
Hope maybe. Status. A guy like Alex,
ice hockey play, popular
Is it Alexander Östberg
your talking about?
Yes, that's right.
Who's that?
He's our ice hockey star.
Okay. So, you and Hanna decided
to go to Stockholm together.
-Just like that?
Did you know anyone in Stockholm.
No. We figured it would
work itself out when we got there.
So, what happened?
I I bailed.
We were meant to meet at the
bus stop but I never went there.
Okay, did she?
Well, that's what I've always
thought, but now I'm not sure.
You didn't think it was strange
that she never got in touch
after going to Stockholm?
I don't know
I guess I thought she was angry.
That she didn't care about me.
What was the date she left?
Um, October 15, 2017.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
October 15, 2017.
Um I have to I'm just gonna
Look, I don't have the same
information about this.
We'll see if it says something
a bit further back.
-Look at this.
-There, look at this.
OCTOBER 16, 2017
Are you alright, Veronika?
Shouldn't you go home and rest?
No, I'm fine.
Go home.
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