Vividred Operation (2013) s01e02 Episode Script

When Two Become One

A successful operation!
That's the power of my ultimate invention, the Vivid System!
Vivid System?
Do you wish to help them?
Because you have that power—
the only power in this world that can stand against the Alone!
We do!
Listen carefully, you two!
You'll have to dock!
"Episode 2 - The Moment of Our Resonance"
What's that, Grandpa?
If my calculations are correct, once you dock you'll be able to fend off—
no, defeat the Alone!
We can defeat it?
The boat
Let's do this, Aoi-chan!
Let's dock and save everyone!
B-But I doubt I can
It will happen if you so desire.
All the other conditions have been met.
I'll do it!
I'll help Akane-chan and protect everyone!
What's this?
The key to saving the world!
It's your key.
My key?
Here we go! Operation start!
Texture on!
I did it!
I transformed too!
Look, Akane-chan!
Great job, Aoi-chan!
Watch out!
Onee-chan. Grandpa.
The island!
Why that little
This is
Got it!
Operation Naked Rang!
That's amazing, Akane-chan!
This is Unit 05!
I'm going down!
Ejector seat has malfunctioned!
It's heading straight this way!
E-Excuse me
Are you all right?
A-A girl?!
Holy cow, Aoi-chan!
I apologize for the disturbance!
Th-Thank you.
That was incredible, Aoi-chan!
You were holding up a plane!
I can't even do a flip on the gym bars!
This is my
Operation Naked Impact!
This is my weapon?
I'm sorry!
I'll pay for the damages.
Aoi-chan, you hit it out of the park!
Now instead of being protected, I can
I can fight! Together with Akane-chan!
Is this all a dream or something?
Beats me.
What's the situation?
"Incarnate Engine System Control Center"
The Incarnate Engine is diverting
massive amounts of energy to something!
Don't worry. Chances are—
An unidentified entity is
interfering with our systems!
I suspected it was you, Professor Isshiki.
Good to hear from you again, Shijou-kun.
I'll be borrowing the Engine for a bit.
Your predictions came true, Professor.
We should have listened to you back then.
Now is not the time for regrets.
It the time to take up arms, Shijou-kun!
Captain, what do those look like to you?
Are flying girls fighting this enemy that's impervious to missiles?
This is Shijou from the Incarnate Engine Administration Bureau.
As Bureau Chief, I have a request for all forces defending Blue Island.
I am sure you are all shocked by the
unbelievable sights you are witnessing.
However, one thing is for certain.
Those girls are the only ones with the power to defeat the enemy we face, the Alone.
I ask that you do everything in your power to support them.
Our future lies in their hands!
Aoi-chan, did you hear that?
Naked Rang!
It's my turn to protect everyone!
It acted differently over there.
Could it be?
Akane-chan! Aim for that!
Got it!
Alone energy signature is rapidly fading.
Cessation of all activity.
Well done, you two!
Now finish it off!
Got it!
Here we go!
Docking Operation!
Miss! Plant a smacker on Akane-chan!
A-A smacker?
All right!
Not like that! On her forehead! Her forehead!
Oh, that's what you meant.
Here, go ahead.
What's this feeling?
Something is entering me.
I can see Aoi-chan's memories.
I can see Akane-chan's memories.
Grandpa, we can't dock. Is it broken?
That's impossible.
This is
I've discovered the cause of the failure.
Can you fix it right away?
That's beyond my ability.
The moment you attempted to dock,
the power being used for the operation inverted.
One of you unconsciously rejected the dock.
In other words, the operation failed
due to the strength of your friendship.
Our friendship?
"Two years ago - Izu Ōshima"
When can you join me?
I'm sorry, Aoi.
I don't think we can for the foreseeable future.
But don't forget what the doctor said.
It's best for your health if you stay there to recuperate.
Stay strong.
Yes, Father.
Are you all right, Miss?
I'm sorry!
Did I hit you?
N-No, you didn't.
Oh yeah. Do you like tomatoes?
U-Um, yes.
Here, have one.
Thank you.
They're really sweet and super delicious!
See you!
So this is where you live!
That's some house!
Well, see you later!
Thank you!
The tomato you gave me tasted wonderful!
Do you mind telling me where I could buy more?
I can bring you more anytime.
That tomato was from our garden.
My name's Isshiki Akane.
What's yours?
My name is Futaba Aoi!
Nice to meet you, Aoi-chan!
What do you mean it's our fault the docking failed?
I'm merely stating the truth.
It's not the truth!
If we can't dock, then I doubt
anyone in the world can!
Right, Aoi-chan?
Huh? R-Right.
Um, when we tried to dock, I felt like you were entering me, Akane-chan.
Upon docking, your memories and consciousnesses become one.
I thought you two could pull it off without any problems, but
Of course there wouldn't be any problems!
Are you certain you're not hiding anything from each other?
Give it a rest already, Grandpa!
All right. I'll check the program again.
Come on, Aoi-chan. Let's keep at it!
If there's anyone that can
do it, it's the two of us!
Status report?
The Alone has reactivated!
Energy levels are increasing rapidly!
What's this?
It's exceeded the gauges' limits! We can't measure it!
How can this be?
This is orders of magnitude more energy than before!
How terrible.
Your attacks are no match for it anymore!
Naked Rang!
It bounced off?
Naked Impact!
Are you okay, Aoi-chan?
I'm sorry, Akane-chan.
I've been lying to you all this time.
When we docked, I was afraid you'd find out.
The truth is
I hate tomatoes!
I wanted to be friends with you, so I pretended that tomato I never ate was delicious!
That's why we couldn't dock!
It's my fault!
I'm so sorry, Akane-chan!
I knew that.
'Cause every time the school
lunch had tomatoes in it,
you looked like you were
forcing them down.
It was obvious.
But I knew you were trying so hard
because you didn't want to disappoint me.
When I thought of it that way, I felt this sort of
tingling feeling!
I knew we'd be together forever!
I was certain we'd become best friends!
So don't cry.
You're my best friend.
Operation Vividblue!
Aoi-chan, we've become one!
Let's go, Akane-chan!
Vividblue Operation!
Vivid Impact!
Safety off!
Engine output at 120%!
Critical limit exceeded! Output at 200%!
Final Operation!
It looks like the crisis is over.
This is only the beginning, Shijou-kun,
of the battle for our future.
Those meddlers.
As soon as you have a day off from deliveries, you sleep in.
I was tired from fighting that evil monster yesterday.
Grandpa told me about that.
I was really, really worried!
Will those things be back?
And will you have to fight them again?
We're the only ones who can.
Why can't I fight with you?
I hate this.
Let's go!
Vividmomo Operation!
Hang on! Onee-chan!
Did something happen?
Hey! Aoi-chan!
This is terrible!
The school
Wh-What happened?
The school
was destroyed.
You girls will be transferring.
"To be continued"
I'm the heir to the Heaven-Shaking Style School, Saegusa Wakaba.
A redheaded troublemaker has shown up at my school.
You parried my sword? Who are you?
Next episode:
"Episode 3 - True Strength"
"True Strength".
I cannot lose!
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