Watership Down (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

The Raid

[water trickles]
[approaching paws]
- Hazel.
- Holly.
Are you ready to tell me your story?
The night you left Sandleford,
the Threarah decided
there was no point risking lives
by trying to follow you further.
The next day it began.
[nervous breathing]
[loud thudding]
- [gasps]
- [distant screams]
- [rabbit 1] Run.
- [rabbit 2] Come on, run!
[Holly] Get everyone to the slack run!
Something's come!
[grunting and panting]
In the end, my injuries were sustained
not at the hands of humans
but at the claws of my own friends
and family, desperately trying to escape.
- Why would the humans do that?
- I don't know.
All I know is that where there are humans,
there is death.
We must stay clear of them at all costs.
Shall I continue, Hazel-rah?
I don't know how, but I managed to dig
my way out near the green slip.
Alone, I tracked you across fields,
meadow and marshland.
[pants and gasps]
It was the morning of the third day
when I thought I'd found you.
[grunts softly and pants]
By Frith!
- Did the Efrafans do this to you?
- What? Who are you?
They're coming.
- Who are?
- The Efrafans, you fool.
[pants] Promise me you'll leave
these hills and never return.
If you stay here, they'll find you.
Now, run! [pants]
Get out of here before they see you.
[grunting and panting]
- I can't believe Sandleford's gone.
- Yes.
Fiver was right.
[sighs] Bucks don't dig. We can't dig.
Look at this scrape, for Frith's sake.
Looks like it was dug
by a moon-crazed badger. Uh!
Oh! Could you just
Could you be Look what you're doing.
Oh! Oh, will you cut it out?
- [grunts]
- Stop, you two, stop!
Digging a new warren is hard enough,
without us fighting.
I know we need to be safe
from the Efrafans, but bucks can't dig.
We need does.
He's right. You say this is home now,
but without does, it can never be so.
As diggers, as mothers, as companions,
they'd bring us balance
and a reason for living.
There was at least one doe in the hutch
on the farm we passed through.
Was there? I don't remember
Don't remember?
You were staring into her eyes
like they were filled with carrots.
- Don't remember!
- What about the farm we passed?
No. Nobody goes back to the farm.
Nobody goes near the humans.
We are eight bucks and one doe, Hazel.
If that balance isn't addressed,
there will be fighting.
There will be blood spilled. As leader,
that blood will pool at your feet.
If we just raid the farm,
we can avoid all that by freeing the does.
You don't understand! [sighs]
No one goes back to the farm.
No one goes near humans
- and that is an order.
- [squawking]
- [squawks and groans]
- Frith's fury.
The heavens are falling down.
[bird whimpers]
It's enormous.
- What is it?
- [squawks]
- [grunts]
- [squawks]
Be careful, Hazel. That thing looks like
it could tear your leg off.
I think he's starving.
And it looks like it may be wounded.
[wings flutter]
We need to feed him. Quickly, everyone,
let's dig up some grubs.
Are you mad? Why would you save
a creature that could kill us?
I might be mad
but that thing may be our best hope.
Oh, right, best hope.
It's got wings. It sees things we can't.
It can look for other warrens.
He can see does.
Well, you heard him.
Dig up some worms now. [chuckles]
Ah. And there we are.
Aw, thank you.
I, uh, spotted some sow thistle
over by the woods earlier.
I wondered if you wanted to go with me
and silflay for a little while later on.
[giggles] Hawkbit, you're so sweet.
Oh, remember what I said about Dandelion.
Someone told Strawberry I had the white
blindness and I think it was you.
Prove it.
Call this a meal? Bring me more worms.
Worms. Aye, they're pink wiggly things
that live in the ground.
Keep 'em coming. Come on. Come on.
Right, it looks like
he's coming round a little.
He's the most loathsome creature
I've ever met.
This plan of yours better work, Hazel.
Massive ears but no brains whatsoever.
Hello, again. What's your name, bird?
Kehaar. What's it to you?
How were you hurt, Kehaar?
Hurt? I'm not hurt. Who's hurt?
Are you hurt?
All right, maybe a bit,
but you should've seen the other guy.
If you must know, a pesky farm cat
jumped me by surprise.
What do you care? Huh?
I have a favour to ask.
You see, our warren needs does and
- [burps]
- Oh, pardon you.
When you're stronger, of course,
we were wondering if you wouldn't mind
flying up on your magnificent wings
and see if you can spot any other warrens,
where there might be does.
Ah, tell you what,
let me have a wee think about it.
[insects buzz]
No. [spits]
- [sighs]
- [Kehaar chuckles]
Huh! Well, he's growing on me.
What's the plan now, Hazel-rah?
Maybe we could ask a field mouse
to make us some does out of straw.
[grunting and yelling]
- [grunting]
- [Hazel] Hawkbit! Dandelion!
- Stop it. Stop it right now!
- [grunting and groaning]
- [panting]
- [Strawberry] Dandelion, stop!
[Hazel] What on earth is going on?
[panting and grunting]
- Uh, you two, stop.
- You'll pay for that, Dandelion.
Both of you, go calm down!
I warned you there'd be fighting
and, mark my words, without does,
this is only the beginning of it!
Fiver, Bigwig, we leave for the farm
at dawn. The rest of you stay here.
I don't want to risk all of us.
[cattle lowing]
[distant rattle of machinery
and cattle lowing]
Remember, any sign of humans,
and we leave immediately. Come on.
[pants and groans]
[breathes heavily]
- [Bigwig sighs] Fiver.
- [gasps softly]
[all sniff]
[farmer's wife] You're gonna have to talk
to Lucy. She don't listen to me anymore.
[farmer] I'll talk to her
when she's back from school.
I don't know why you're getting
your knickers in such a twist.
[wife] The teachers say
she's acting up at school.
Bigwig, you keep watch.
[farmer] All right, all right,
I'll talk to her.
[whispers] Hello.
[whispers] Hello.
[gasps softly]
Hello. My name's Hazel.
My name's Clover. When I saw you
the other day, I knew it wasn't a dream.
There are rabbits that live under the sky.
We've come to get you to
to break you free.
- Get me free? [chuckles]
- What do you mean he's come to free us?
Would we still live in the hutch?
- I'm not sure.
- He's come to free us?
When you're free,
you live underground in fields.
You can eat when you want.
You can even run about. Can't you, Hazel?
Listen, you need to be quick.
The humans are inside,
but sometimes they come out
to gather wood for the fire.
- Did you hear that, Thlayli? Stay sharp.
- I'm always sharp, Hazel.
Bigwig doesn't get distracted.
Okay, there are two straps
that hold the door in place.
I think they're made of something soft.
[grunts and pants]
- [crockery smashes]
- [farmer's wife] Tom! For goodness' sake!
Why on earth would you leave
my grandmother's plate on the side?
[farmer] Oh, you clumsy git!
[Tom] It's not my fault. Anyway, I had
to take it off to get behind the cupboard.
Go on. Nothing there.
Hello. Who are you?
Me? I'm Bigwig. Good to meet you.
Cheer up, Holly.
Hazel should've let me go with them.
I was the one who tried to stop you
leaving Sandleford.
- And had I succeeded
- You owe us nothing, Holly.
You were obeying orders.
Don't feel guilty.
No rabbit here holds that against you.
- See you later, bunnies! Bye-bye!
- [grunting]
At least we don't have
to feed the bird anymore.
Good riddance.
"Our warren needs does."
Stupid rabbits.
Oh. Ah.
My wing.
[wind whistles]
If I ever get my beak on that cat,
I'll rip its dirty, rotten ears off!
[pained squawk]
[yells and grunts]
[Kehaar grunts and groans]
Hey, guys, come Just just stop.
Guys, come here. Come on. Come on.
Listen! Listen to me. Right, just wait.
Stop right there. Listen!
Because I'm a decent sort of a bird,
because I like to do what's right,
I decided to come back and tell you
that there is a warren
away to the east of here.
It's got a load of does.
Now, as payment for this information
Does? Did he say something about does?
I hope you're not thinking
what I think you're thinking.
We should leave for the warren
Kehaar speaks of at first light.
If there are does there,
we have to see if they will join us.
Does, does, does,
that's all you stupid rabbits think about.
Hey, wait, what about my food?
Come on, guys! Hello!
[soft growling]
[Hazel] It won't give.
[grunts and pants]
Let me try again.
[Clover] Since I first saw you,
I've dreamed of this day.
You don't know what it's like, living in
a box, not being able to see the sky.
- I just want to be able to run, Hazel.
- You will. I promise you, you will.
Why do they keep you in this thing?
I don't know. I guess
they think they're being kind to us.
The humans aren't completely bad.
In fact,
that little girl seems quite nice.
I think they just lack understanding.
I don't know if I'll ever believe that.
It's too tight to the wood.
- I can't get my teeth around it.
- Right. Stand away from the door.
- Fiver, help me push it inwards.
- [grunting]
[growls softly]
Faster. Faster.
- Are you inside yet?
- [growls]
- [growls]
- [yells]
Bigwig. Oh, no.
Get off me, you flea-bitten fur ball!
- [groans]
- Get out of here. You have to help Bigwig.
- [hisses]
- [Clover] Leave! I'm fine.
- [hisses]
- [gasps and grunts]
- [screeches]
- [farmer's wife] Tom! That blooming cat!
Wait, Bigwig! Bigwig, we need to go.
[farmer's wife] Go and get
that blooming cat in, will ya? Oh!
I could have held off that cat
for you to get into the hutch,
but you blew the whole damn scheme
by being too squeamish.
What in the name of Frith
has gotten into you?
I'm leader.
That's what's got into me, Bigwig.
Oh! [chuckles]
You're leader, a leader
who could drown in a puddle of water!
Oh, you've got the fear in you.
I can see it in your eyes.
Your mind's going tharn.
That's the truth of it.
The truth of it is that
if I make one bad decision,
like the Threarah did at the old warren,
we all end up dead.
[Bluebell] I'm sure Hazel said we should
stay at the down, Remember? Blackberry?
Will Hazel be mad when he finds
that we left? Blackberry!
- Remember Blackberry!
- I don't know.
But when will you be back?
- Should I wait up for you?
- No.
Promise you'll find
somewhere safe to sleep.
Make sure he finds somewhere safe
to sleep.
Bluebell, be quiet!
You've rabbited on so much that we've gone
too far for you to go back now anyway.
Oh, no, this is a mistake.
I've gone on an adventure by mistake.
I wonder how many does will be
at this place. [chuckles] Blackberry.
If you're coming along, you can't
make jokes at inappropriate times.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means you have a tendency
to be a liability.
How dare you call me a liability!
I never even wanted to come along.
I mean,
are you sure this is a good idea, Holly?
From what the bird said, it sounds like
this warren has too many does.
We'll just let them know that any who want
to leave are welcome to join us,
and there we go. [chuckles]
Hm. [pants]
There's the belt of woods
Kehaar mentioned. We're halfway.
[pants] We'll stop here for the night.
I hope Strawberry, Hawkbit and Dandelion
will be okay back at the down.
Bluebell, what did they say
when you told them we were leaving?
Mm, was that my job?
[gags, burps and snorts]
Maybe they left because they saw how
Dandelion almost mortally wounded me.
- [Kehaar burps]
- [sighs]
Oh, I'm so worried for them.
I hope they're safe.
You hope they're safe? What about us?
We've been abandoned. It's going dark.
We've no warren and there's a new type
of elil in these hills.
- We'll be lucky to last the night.
- [Kehaar munches]
Oh, brambles, I've just had a great idea.
Why don't we dig the warren?
Imagine the others' faces, if when they
get back, we've built a place to sleep,
a place to feel safe and warm.
Oh, and cosy, it has to be cosy.
Agreed. I'll help you with that,
while Hawkbit feeds Kehaar.
Why don't you feed Kehaar?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm afraid he'll mortally wound me.
Slugs in a burrow. Stop!
You are both helping me dig the warren!
I don't want to hear another word
out of you, or we won't be friends!
[Kehaar chuckles]
Oh-ho-ho-ho! You two have
quite a way with the females.
How could you resist such charm?
Hey, wait, what about my worms?
- [owl hoots]
- [sniffs]
Can you smell fox?
I can definitely smell fox.
There's a distinct foxy flavour
to the air, right?
The fox scent is a couple of days old.
We should be fine for the night.
Should be fine.
Should be fine. Should be fine
- [squawking]
- [gasps]
[distant squawk]
- [rustling]
- [soft gasps]
Did you hear something? What was that?
[all pant]
[breathes heavily]
Bluebell, you don't have to,
but tell us a story.
Hm. Um
Once upon a time in, the deepest cruellest
winter the world has ever known,
El-Ahrairah's people were starving.
So, El-Ahrairah set out to find
the only being he thought could save them.
The Black Rabbit of Inle.
He struggled on and on
until eventually,
he arrived at the Caves of Inle,
the mouth of which appeared before him,
like the maw of a giant monster
trying to eat the sky
[Orchis] And before the prince,
that nightmare figured emerged,
like a toxic void, and in his heart,
El-Ahrairah knew
that there were no more tricks
to be played. [chuckles]
The old yarns are the best
and you spin them so well, storyteller.
My name is Captain Orchis.
[anxious breathing]
[Orchis laughs]
My friends and I are from a little warren
nearby called Efrafa.
We'd love you to join us.
Come along quickly now.
What's the plan, Hazel? Do we go back?
- We rest.
- Of course we go back!
We rest for a while. I need to think.
I want her free, Hrairoo,
but Bigwig's right.
- The fear is taking hold of me.
- What are you afraid of, brother?
It's Holly. Ever since he told me about
what the humans did at the old warren,
I've not been able to stop thinking
about it. It follows me into my dreams.
What if it breaks me?
I'll just have to put you
back together again.
I'd feel a lot better about going back
in there if you'd seen something.
No. I don't want to go beyond anymore.
Just as the weight of knowing
what has past is crushing you,
so am I crushed by the weight
of knowing what may become.
All right, Hrairoo, I'm sorry.
If I do this, you never ask me again.
Leave me.
[distant cawing]
Holly, I don't have a good feeling
about this.
Stay calm. Everything will be fine.
[whimpers and pants]
That is the biggest rabbit
I have ever seen.
What is this place?
[distant screams]
My esteemed guests, welcome to Efrafa.
[evil chuckle]
[guard] Come on.
No talking!
- Get back to the warren, does.
- [whimpers]
Are you the fool who's supposed to be
supervising this mark?
- Well, I don't
- Concentrate, Sergeant.
Give these does an inch
and they'll be gone.
- Now, get them down to the holding.
- Thank you, sir.
- Uh, Captain Vervain.
- [grunts]
- Brother, what's this?
- [clears throat] We have come to ask
You'll speak when you're
spoken to directly and not before.
I picked these up on the wide patrol.
One for the Council.
I'll take them down with me.
[guard] Move along there!
Hurry up!
- [panting and grunting]
- [doe sobs in distance]
- [soft gasp]
- Get!
[grunting and groaning]
Wait here until the Council
is ready to see you.
- [Thethuthinang] What if they separate us?
- [Hyzenthlay] They won't.
Leave the talking to me.
So long as we stay together
- Can I help you with something?
- [grunting]
[pants and whimpers]
So, they got you in the end, then?
I'm sorry?
Three days ago, a little way from here,
I'll admit, but it was definitely you.
I told you to run for your life.
Who did this to you?
Sainfoin, the Council want Blackavar
paraded around each of the marks
at silflay as an example.
Take him down to the deep burrows.
Right, vermin, you're in first.
You lack animality.
What did you say to me?
You have no integrity.
Animals don't behave like men.
If they have to fight, they fight.
If they have to kill, they kill,
but they don't devise ways
of hurting other creatures.
If you speak out of turn to me again,
I will have your tongue.
Next time you see me,
you'd better wish yourself invisible.
What's happening here, Holly?
What have we got ourselves involved in?
[breathes heavily]
[farmer's wife] Firth!
What you done now? [echoes]
[gasps and pants]
[gun cocks and fires]
[pants and gasps]
[ropes whip]
[breathes deeply and gasps]
- [Hazel] Fiver?
- [Fiver whimpers]
- [Hazel] Fiver! Fiver!
- [whimpers]
- It's all right. It's all right.
- [pants]
- What did you see?
- I don't know. I don't [pants]
I I couldn't see clearly enough.
Just answer me this.
If we go back, will we get the does out?
I don't [sighs] Yes.
Thank you, Fiver.
Now, go and sleep.
It's going to be a busy night.
Listen here. Those does are to be
separated and re-marked accordingly.
You three, you're next.
[guard] Move it!
[breathes heavily]
- [pants and whimpers]
- [guard] Come on, move it.
These are the rabbits
Captain Orchis captured
when he was assessing
the wide patrol, sir.
They were down by Caesar's Belt.
The little one [chuckles]
tells stories.
- I just thought of a joke.
- Don't you dare.
What did I say about inappropriate jokes?
You, at the front, speak.
[clears throat]
We're from a warren not too far away.
We came to request that some of your does
be asked if they'd like to join us.
Let me get this straight.
You came to Efrafa
to ask if you could take our does.
[sinister laughter]
Vervain is right.
Gifting our does is out of the question.
I take it back.
That's the biggest rabbit I've ever seen.
We can't leave here
without putting our case forward
Leave here? Who on earth said
you were ever going to leave here?
We really do feel it would be beneficial
for both our warrens, uh, Captain
My name is Woundwort, General Woundwort.
[rabbit digging]
Okay, yeah. I don't know why does
think they're so good at digging.
We got pretty far with this tunnel. Um
maybe one of us should help Strawberry out
since she's been digging on her own.
Wow, nice tunnel.
Okay, I think I've finished.
[gasps] How did you dig two tunnels
in the time it took us to dig a li
- Huh?
- Whoa.
Oh, my
The roots aren't as thick
as the ones at Cowslip's warren,
so I had to leave some
to hold up the roof.
I thought we could call it the Honeycomb.
[chuckles] What do you think?
I I think it's incredible.
I think you've given us a place
we can feel safe, Strawberry.
I think you've given us a a home.
All right, you've had enough
time to make your mind up, Hazel.
If we're going, we have to do
Fiver Fiver, wake up. Where's Hazel?
- [snoring]
- [gasps]
What the?
[gasps softly]
What in Frith? [sniffs]
[dog snores]
[anxious breathing]
Where are they taking us?
You're going to be marked. On which leg
determines where you'll live in Efrafa,
what time you can go out,
- to eat, pass hraka.
- This is It's just a prison.
They tell us it's to keep us safe
from humans and elil.
They tell us it's better to give up
a little liberty in exchange for safety,
- but it's a load of old lendri beard.
- Nettle. Be careful.
Hurry up!
[panting and whimpering]
[high-pitched scrape]
Who's first?
I'll go first. I'm not scared.
[low growling]
Why don't the rabbits here try to escape?
- Your name is Hyzenthlay, isn't it?
- Keep your voice down.
In Efrafa, even the soil has ears. If by
some miracle we did manage to get out,
they destroy everyone you left behind.
[grunting and sniffing]
- [whimpering and groaning]
- Don't avert your eyes, Captain.
You're party to this.
I'm following orders.
That's what soldiers do.
Take it from me. What makes a good soldier
is not always what makes a good rabbit.
[groaning and whimpering]
[guard] Move it.
- What's your name?
- Bluebell.
Bluebell, I want you to close your eyes
and think of something you really like.
Spring morning, eating sweet sow thistle.
- Sun on my back
- You there, you're next.
Hyzenthlay, I can see
you're a good rabbit, a strong rabbit.
Let's make a break for it tonight.
We'll take as many with us as we can.
You know nothing of me, Holly,
and I nothing of you.
How do I know you're not one of them?
- [grunts]
- [whimpers]
[romantic song plays in background]
[farmer's wife coughs]
[snorts and sobs]
[soft gasp]
[puzzled grunt]
You just keep coming back, don't you?
I suppose I must like you a little bit.
They moved you in here
because of what we did to the door?
She pushed pieces of metal in
to hold it in place.
If you can get them out
and we push from inside, it'll give.
- It's out.
- After three.
One, two, three.
[all grunt]
Come on, Clover. It's time.
[gasps softly]
We need to move quickly. The human
and the cat are in the room with the fire.
- So, are we free now?
- Not quite.
We have to get outside to the fields.
This isn't freedom yet.
What the Frith are you doing?
Laurel, try and concentrate!
[sharp gasp]
Ah, I think it cut deep.
It won't stop bleeding.
We have a choice to make.
We can stay or we can run.
All right, listen up, left hind mark.
I want to introduce you to Blackavar.
Look hard at this rabbit and remember him
when you think
of disobeying General Woundwort.
Remember him
when you think of running away.
Well, that settles it, then.
Yes, I think it does.
On my word, run and don't look back.
I'll take them with me.
- You there!
- [soft gasp]
- [hisses]
- [grunting]
Bigwig! Oh, it's good to see you, brother.
Well, I can't let you have all the fun,
now, can I?
[angry meowing]
You're not so tough
when you're backed into a corner.
Oh, no.
- [gasps]
- Everyone, run, quick!
- [farmer's wife] Puss, what you done now?
- Come on. What are you doing?
[farmer's wife] Oh! Oh, my God!
Lucy, get in here!
Your rabbits have got out again!
Come here, you!
[gasping and panting]
Oh, gotcha.
- Up here, quickly.
- [farmer's wife] Lucy!
- They're only running up the stairs.
- [pants]
[farmer's wife]
I've only just had that decorated!
[panting and grunting]
[grunts and gasps]
- [Clover] Hazel!
- [pants]
[cat hisses]
- My leg. Holly, I can't run fast enough.
- We're nearly there, Blackberry.
We're nearly
There's no end to this place.
You rabbits have made a very grave error.
- [gasps]
- [grunting]
- [groans]
- Hyzenthlay.
- Run!
- [grunts]
- [pants]
- Alarm! Alarm!
Well? Get after them! Chase them down!
Enjoy this moment, Hyzenthlay.
This is the last time you're ever going
to stand beneath the stars.
- Oh!
- Huh?
- [squeals]
- [barks]
- [barks]
- [pants and gasps]
- [meowing and grunting]
- [Hazel] Bigwig!
- [Clover] Fiver!
- [Bigwig] Not so clever now!
- You embleer pfeffa!
- [dog barks]
Everyone scarper, quick!
- [dog barks]
- [rabbits pant]
- [barks]
- [rabbits pant]
I can't, Holly. Leave me.
Just keep going. Just keep looking ahead!
Run faster, you swines!
Tear them to pieces!
[track rattles]
Keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward.
[dog barks]
- Don't look into the light!
- [gasps]
- Gotcha.
- Ah!
[track rattles]
- [grunting]
- My leg! Oh!
Bluebell, Holly, don't look
into the light. You'll go tharn.
[farmer's wife] Just make sure
you don't shoot any of our Lucy's.
[farmer] If they get shot, they got shot.
They're a bloomin' nuisance.
- [gunshot]
- [farmer's wife] Oh! Crikey!
You could've warned me first!
Get into the ditches! Come on! Now! Hide!
Where have you gone, you blighters?
- [breathes heavily]
- [farmer sighs]
[breathes heavily]
- Ah, I sees you.
- [cocks gun]
Oh. Got you
- [farmer chuckles]
- [gasps softly]
[cocks gun]
- [sighs]
- [shivers in fright]
[pants and grunts]
Oh! What the heck was that?
What the
Uh? Right, you little
[gunshot echoes]
Bluebell You saved me.
You're a hero.
I much preferred it
when I was a liability.
What was that?
I don't know. I
Frith has decided that it's not our time
to stop running.
[farmer's wife]
Better not have shot one of Lucy's.
[farmer] It was a wild 'un.
[groans softly]
[farmer] Blood. I told you I shot it.
[wife] Come on. It's late. If he's out
here, you'll find him in the morning.
We searched everywhere.
There's no sign of him.
Let's go back.
I'm going back. He might still be alive.
No, not in the dark, not tonight.
Tonight we go back to the down.
Hazel chanced his life to free you,
and we're not throwing that away
by having you wander around
in the shadow of a farmer's gun.
You understand?
It's my fault.
I saw it. I saw it in my vision.
I should have seen it was Hazel.
I didn't know.
The only one at fault tonight
was the farmer, Fiver.
Hazel was right. There's a terrible evil
in the world and it comes from men.
All other elil just do what they do
to live on the earth to get food.
But men will never rest
until they've spoiled the earth
and destroyed the animals.
- [ghostly voice] Hazel.
- Who are you?
Oh, I go by many names,
but your people know me
as the Black Rabbit.
Am I
Am I to walk with you now?
All walk with me, Hazel.
It is but for a brief moment called life
that you leave my side.
I'm afraid.
Oh, there's no more to fear in death
than in the changing of the seasons.
If you keep this in your heart, Hazel,
you will become
a truly great leader of rabbits
one worthy of joining my Owsla.
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