Wave Makers (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Write to me saying
What kind of dream
You want to have tonight
In reality
Do I leave you no choice?
Holding onto my heart
I couldn't close my eyes all night
You fell for me
Yet why wouldn't you come near?
Listen to the crying of the sea
Lamenting for the brokenhearted
But still wouldn't face reality
Today's focus is on environmental issues.
Come on, tell us about the P stuff.
This is BPL.
BPL is like plastic.
But it's refined from plant fibers.
It can naturally decompose
and be made into compost.
We promoted this as the ruling party
eight years ago.
But nothing came out of it
after the ruling party changed.
Now, it has become
the main political achievement
of the Democracy and Peace Party.
But when this biomass material
-is recycled--
-Excuse me.
You mentioned recycling.
Fatso, the reporter
from Public Opinion Weekly,
told me he received a tip.
The residents
around the BPL recycling factory
smell the stink
of burning garbage at night.
What's up with that?
I wanted to bring this up, you know?
The Democracy and Peace Party's
current technology is actually not enough.
So when they recycle in bulk,
they can't be composted.
So they're burning it secretly.
-That's a fabrication.
-If so, they'll be in big trouble.
-Will the reporters write about it?
Fatso said he'll keep digging.
Okay. If this news is really released,
we'll hit it hard.
"The ruling party
is deceiving the public."
It's a matter of integrity.
In the past two days,
the Democracy and Peace Party has been
pushing the ban on disposable utensils.
But it doesn't include BPL.
Then this policy is a bit strange.
It's like they're favoring
BPL manufacturers.
And first,
will it have an impact
on the traditional plastic industry?
can our recycling system handle
such a large amount of recycled materials?
-The public won't understand these.
Just directly say
that permitting BPL products
-are benefitting specific manufacturers.
Aren't we jumping the gun
without any proof?
Taiwan's only BPL manufacturers
are Longchuan Plastics, The First,
and Taiwan Wisdom,
so I think this is acceptable.
No, what Wen-fang means is that
we might hurt our friends
in making random hits.
Don't worry.
No one can be worse
than the Democracy and Peace Party.
Let's make the issue bigger.
Like this.
"Fake Environmental Protection,
Real Pollution."
We can attack that.
"Sun Ling-hsien reneged on her policy."
Let's discuss this
after the weekly journal publishes this.
Okay. Ms. Ya-ting, you go first.
"Biological plastic must be buried
in a place above 50 degrees Celsius
for three months
before it can completely decompose.
They won't decompose
when thrown into the sea."
Then it's your turn, Lung.
"Environmental protection isn't an issue,
it's science.
Untreated environmental waste
is still garbage.”
Then it's He's turn. "The sea waste
problem will still go back…"
Aren't these lines too long?
-Fifty degrees…
-Yes, I said so earlier.
We won't be able to memorize the script.
Okay, if you don't want my script,
what will you do in the play?
-Let's think of something.
-Can't we just shout some slogans?
No one wants to watch this action drama.
Listen, the media will only film
what they want.
-Just give them something to film.
An action drama can make the issue hotter.
The most amazing action drama
is Jesus' crucifixion.
He became a symbol.
A symbol.
Every movement has a symbol.
Velvet, white rose.
What about sea turtles?
-I've seen this before.
-I saw this on the Internet before.
It was stuck up its nose.
That hurts a lot.
Don't you want a symbol?
The sea turtle is a symbol.
It symbolizes nature being poisoned
by human civilization.
Yes, and the sea turtle
is a very cute animal.
If a cute animal suffers,
the general public would feel more moved.
-Kai-kai, come here.
I have an idea.
Look, he's cute enough, right?
What if that sea turtle says,
"Disposable tableware is banned now.
No more straws up my nose."
Get a BPL straw.
Right, then the sea turtle
can get stabbed while shouting,
"A BPL straw is stabbing me.
-Why isn't BPL banned?"
-Stab me.
-Like this.
"BPL straws aren't prohibited!"
-That's great.
-I didn't expect that.
-Yes, it's good.
-And I think it's effective.
-Right? You two do it.
-They'll do it.
-It's fine.
I'll just edit stuff.
-No, listen.
There will be a lot of media
at the press conference.
I can't be seen.
My family is Democracy and Peace Party's
solid supporters.
Okay, then…
Shi-min can do it.
-It's Shi-min then.
-I can't act.
-Portray the sea turtle.
-What does acting have to do with this?
-Get a guy.
-Kai-kai, okay? You did well just now.
-Let's play rock paper scissors.
-Come on, let's play that.
-No need, you do it.
You're too old for this game.
-Rock, paper, scissors.
-Rock, paper, scissors.
I'll do it.
You'll be seen on camera.
Everyone will see you.
I think it's a good idea.
A pretty sea turtle.
-It's better than Dr. Turtle.
-Okay. I think…
-A round of applause.
-A round of applause.
-A cute animal. Okay.
-A round of applause.
-Ten minutes remaining.
-The straw.
-I'm good at making it.
I'll give you one, two, three straws.
Ten more minutes, okay? Make props.
Mr. Chao, you have two meetings
early in the morning.
I've already bought you breakfast.
What about you?
No, I'm on intermittent fasting.
I can only eat at noon.
This way,
people will misunderstand
and think I'm abusing my assistant.
Although I can't eat food,
I can eat you.
Dad, are you going out?
-Why are you back?
-I forgot my phone.
Where's Mom?
She's probably changing clothes upstairs.
She has a Women's Club activity today.
Dad, you remember tonight, right?
It's Mom's birthday.
Of course I remember. How could I forget?
I want to go too.
Stop kidding around.
Why did you come back?
I'm running late.
Can you give me a ride to school?
Let's go.
I've already made reservations,
five tables.
You have a great memory.
You're the eternal class president indeed.
I just need to talk to people.
I have to rely on you,
the eternal activities coordinator.
And you can use the outer wall
of my husband's company
for your billboards.
If you need any help,
don't hesitate to ask.
It's not a sure thing yet.
Keep it a secret for me first.
I know.
I only told my husband.
And we've already prepared the check.
We'll really be counting on you then.
No problem.
Okay, I must take care of my grandchild.
I was wondering
why you had a uniform made.
So you're going to your class reunion.
Will you be campaigning there?
It's called networking.
Your dad is running for office.
We have to help out.
You too.
You're a candidate's daughter.
People will scrutinize
everything you say and do.
You must be very careful
about what you say online.
I know.
I don't usually post political stuff.
Help me check this area.
Am I getting a dark spot?
No, the mirror is dirty.
You're very beautiful.
One day,
when animals in the underwater world
heard that the government
banned disposable tableware…
I won't get straws up my nose anymore.
Sea Turtle.
Do you think there are no more straws?
This is a BPL straw.
It won't decompose
in a normal environment.
Littered bioplastics
can cause environmental pollution.
Sea Turtle, die!
-Sea Turtle, die!
Our sea turtle collapsed.
President Sun Ling-hsien, do you see that?
An incompetent government
and useless policy
-is making sea turtles suffer greatly.
-What's so funny?
-Plastic reduction…
-Mr. Chao.
Look at them.
-We're glad the government is pushing…
-They're so out of ideas.
They resorted to doing a play.
But the current amendment
-has opened…
-You watch this nonsense daily.
Did you edit the draft
I'll be using this afternoon?
Let me check.
But the current amendment
has opened a back door for BPL.
President Sun Ling-hsien.
Do you really want to solve
the garbage problem in Taiwan?
Do you really want to create
a good future for the Taiwanese people?
Or do you want to cater
to your own interests?
To the crying of the sea
Lamenting for the brokenhearted
But still wouldn't face reality
-Is that included?
-It must be impromptu.
It must not be me
-At least I'm very calm
-Our sea is crying.
-But my tears
-Because our sea
-is polluted with BPL trash.
-Even my tears
-Sea turtles and sea creatures are harmed.
-Don't believe it
The BPL policy harms the environment.
-Why insist on implementing it?
-Who's singing?
-To the crying of the sea
The Democracy and Peace Party
must explain this.
-This sea is too sentimental
-Sun Ling-hsien must explain this.
-It's weeping sadly until dawn
-That girl is sacrificing a lot.
Now, let's invite our Assistant
Secretary-General Ms. Chien Yi-ping,
Marine Life
Guardian Association's president,
Mr. Hsieh,
and its vice president, Mr. Liao,
and Haisheng University professor,
Mr. Hsu, to come to the front
to shout the slogan with us.
-Thank you, everyone.
-Edit the draft quickly.
By the way, do you remember
where the legislator will be dining later?
-At the third floor's…
Which floor?
-Tenth floor, thank you.
Excuse me.
Can I borrow your power bank?
-Just unplug it yourself.
Thank you.
-Excuse me.
-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You can use it.
You don't need it?
Don't you need it?
I do.
Then I'll get it myself.
Okay. I'm sorry.
I'll return this to you.
It's fine.
"The Press Department"?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
She has too few followers.
The Secretary-Generals rejected her.
This one doesn't do political stuff.
Then there's beauty and fashion
and esports live streams.
Aren't these too far-fetched?
Beauty and fashion are good.
The chairperson can have a major makeover.
It should be quite interesting.
Can a presidential candidate
go and have a makeover?
Don't you think that's too frivolous?
-It's fun.
-You think it's fine?
How about
esports live streams?
She can talk about the esports
or games industry.
That may be doable, but it's a bit forced.
That can be the second one.
The first one must be more powerful.
It's better
if he has millions of followers.
Wait a minute.
This one. Parrot Quack Quack.
I think she stands a chance.
She's my junior.
Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?
She started when I was almost done
with my graduate studies.
It's a bit of a stretch.
What does she do? Keep parrots as pets?
Eat, drink, have fun, everything.
She's challenging herself
to stay unplugged for a week.
How can we film anything unplugged?
Excuse me, wait, there are more people!
Hey, beautiful.
-We made it.
-You're going to the Press Department?
Thank you.
Why are you being so polite?
You were
the press conference's star today.
You were awesome.
-Thank you.
The Press Department
is full of beautiful girls.
-The Organization Department is all-male.
-That's right.
The turtle head she's holding
has eyes.
It's so cute.
You're so gross.
Stop saying nonsense, okay?
I'm sorry, beautiful.
The Organization Department
is full of jerks.
Don't be mad.
I'm talking about the turtle head
in the Discovery Channel.
What are you thinking?
-The protected turtle species?
These photos seem too…
-Let's take another one.
I think it's too cold.
-The power didn't show.
-Mr. Chen.
-How is it?
-Many netizens are discussing
-our press conference this morning.
-What are they saying?
And many Sun Ling-hsien supporters
also agree
that they must explain
if BPL can decompose.
The sea turtle is so effective.
Well done. Ya-ching.
She's really good.
-"Listen to the Sea" was great.
-She's amazing.
-She's great.
-Good job.
-Thank you.
-This will only heat up if they respond.
-Good work.
Otherwise, we're just attacking the air.
This is great.
We all know that Parrot Quack Quack
is one of the most popular influencers
among the younger generation.
We'd like to invite her to film a video
that gives a sense of life
with the chairperson
to emphasize the party's
youthful and energetic image.
This is our current idea.
See if you have any suggestions.
We really respect Ms. Lin.
We're very pleased
with this invitation too.
it's really hard to film with politicians.
Don't worry.
It doesn't have to be
about politics at all.
Actually, we're very concerned
about politics too.
But this is the entertainment
industry after all.
Yes, so we can tone down
the political aspect.
For example,
Quack Quack can teach the chairperson
how to make videos as a senior
or teach her some tricks in filming.
I understand.
-It's just that--
-We can negotiate the fee.
Ms. Weng, I'll be straight with you.
Our source of income from Y
is based on the clickthrough rate
and advertisements.
If we're labeled as political,
we'll lose a lot of customers at once.
We can't handle such a result.
So I'm really sorry.
You came here in vain.
How many votes did the Justice Party get
in the presidential election last time?
We got 6,3 million.
6,3 million is a lot.
We can just do business with them.
We can talk about that later.
Ms. Weng, I'm sorry.
You came here for nothing.
-Ms. Kelly.
-Thank you.
I know you're worried about me.
You don't want me to accept this project.
Okay, it's initially fine with me.
It's okay because I trust your judgment.
But there's something
I can't move on from.
My mom is Indonesian.
I'm the new immigrant kid
that Sun Ling-hsien is referring to.
Okay. I don't care,
I'm taking this project.
I'll let you handle it.
Ms. Weng.
Come on, have a seat.
-Lung, choose a few photos to post first.
Have you wired the money?
Wait. I remember now.
The piano class, right?
How much should I wire?
Sorry, I was thinking
about something else.
The Democracy and Peace Party
is so troublesome today.
-What month is it now?
It's March.
What month is the election?
January next year.
So you'll be busy for another ten months?
This is how it is during elections.
I know.
I'll bring Yang-yang
to live with my mom later.
What do you mean?
I can't work
under these circumstances at all.
You can't help me either.
If I go to my mom's,
at least someone can help with housework.
It will be easier for me. Okay?
That's what we'll do.
Your call is being transferred
to the voice mailbox.
-You will be charged after the tone.
-Damn it.
Mr. Chen, I've chosen the photos.
Do you want to take a look?
Show Wen-fang when she's back.
She'll decide.
Mr. Chen.
Excuse me.
-So last time…
-I'm sorry.
Damn it.
-I'm sorry.
-Sir, are you all right?
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
-Sir, your clothes are…
-I'm sorry. Damn.
-Are you hurt?
-No. I'm glad we're fine.
I'm sorry. I apologize.
-I'm glad we're fine. It's okay.
-I'm sorry. Thank you.
-I'm sorry.
-For the meeting later,
-you can't use that.
-This should be hard to remove.
You need to buy one.
Ms. Wen-fang, did you go out earlier?
-Wen-chun, why are you here?
-I'm here for work.
Guess where I went just now.
I went to an influencer
with one million followers.
Parrot Quack Quack.
-That's great.
Will she be filming with the chairperson?
Tsai Yi-an.
-Soon. You know influencers…
-Ms. Wen-fang.
-Ms. Wen-fang.
-Tsai Yi-an, hurry.
-Thank you.
-When are you planning to film?
-See you on the ground floor.
We're hoping it's this month, of course.
-The sooner, the better.
-Excuse me.
-The KPI…
-May I know your name?
Hsu Wen-chun.
-Times Daily reporter.
-Times Daily.
Ms. Wen-fang, I'll get to work.
Go. You can do it.
Keep it up.
Send me the link later,
I'll post it for you.
I'll let Yi-an handle this video.
So I'll tell him to send you the link.
-Okay, thank you.
Okay, go.
We meet again, pretty girl.
Hi, Mr. Chien.
You dropped this.
Do you want to add me on LINE?
If you drop something again,
I can inform you at once.
I don't have my phone with me.
Add me later then.
What are you doing? You're making tea?
I have great tea leaves here. Here you go.
You'll get slim when you drink these.
I think you're already very slim.
Are you done yet?
My arm!
My arm.
What happened?
-Are you okay? Okay, I won't.
-Don't touch me.
-Call an ambulance.
-I have habitual dislocation.
-What's wrong?
-Lie down.
-What's going on? What happened?
Mr. Chien.
Don't touch him, his arm is dislocated!
-What happened?
-What now?
-We've called an ambulance.
-You did?
-Are you okay?
-Come to my office.
-What happened?
-My arm.
How would I know?
He was like this when I came in.
Okay, just lie down.
Don't move.
What just happened?
He touched me.
He touched you?
He touched my waist.
I didn't know he has habitual dislocation.
He deserved it.
Are you okay?
This isn't the first time.
Every time I stand next to him,
he'd intentionally come near me.
Or he'd ask me if I have a boyfriend.
He wants to be my boyfriend.
He and his friends even said today
that my turtle head was very cute
and had eyes.
Because I portrayed a sea turtle.
Come in.
Ms. Weng.
Mr. Chang from the Organization Department
is looking for you.
Tell him I'm in a meeting.
I'll go to his office later.
Come in for a moment.
Do you know Mr. Chien
from the Organization Department well?
He's a known lecher.
What happened?
He harassed Ya-ching.
Fuck that bastard, he really won't change.
He already harassed a girl
in the Organization Department before.
Does Mr. Chang know?
Of course he does.
But he doesn't think
it's sexual harassment.
He thinks the girl
is just thinking too much.
Later on, that girl quit on her own.
All right, I got it. Thank you.
I really hope he gets fired.
But I know that will be difficult.
Chia-ching and I won't feel that filing
a case is making a big deal out of things,
so if you want to do that,
we'll surely help you.
I don't want to file a case.
Are you afraid of trouble?
I'll help you investigate.
If I file a case,
I must keep answering
these questions repeatedly.
In the end,
since I have no witness and proof,
I won't get any results.
People might even suspect
that I want to get something from him.
I've worked in a big organization
like this before.
That's why I know.
Besides, his arm even got dislocated.
If he does it again,
he won't just get a dislocated arm.
Don't you want him to get punished?
I do hope so.
He was already lying there when I arrived.
How did this happen?
I don't know if his arm was broken
or if it was karate…
Mr. Chang, sorry. I was in a meeting.
-What's up?
-What's going on?
Your staff beat Hsiao-chien
to the point that his arm got dislocated.
He came to work well
and got his arm dislocated.
How can I explain that to his wife?
Mr. Chien harassed my staff.
So it was considered self-defense.
-And Mr. Chien has habitual dislocation.
-I'm sorry.
Claiming sexual harassment
is too much.
Don't act this way.
Hsiao-chien doesn't know
how to get along with girls.
Please, go and tell your staff
not to take it to heart.
When I meet Hsiao-chien later,
-I'll surely give him a good scolding.
Mr. Chang.
Sexual harassment must have a punishment.
If you won't deal with it,
I can only report it to the higher-ups.
But he was beaten
to the point of being hospitalized.
I told you earlier,
that was self-defense.
Do you have any proof?
Do you?
Don't act this way.
This is what we'll do.
I'll treat everyone to a meal
as an apology.
Then let's drop this matter.
It's election time now.
Let's both take a step back.
We must look at the big picture.
Hsiao-chien has been in
the Organization Department for 20 years.
You're a manager,
you should know
that it's very hard to find good people.
Mr. Chang.
I've heard about looking
at the big picture too many times.
If we lose just because
we have one less staff,
then we don't need to run in the election.
We must win this time no matter what.
I need him.
I promise you,
he definitely won't do it again.
He has already done it so many times.
When didn't you dismiss the matter
when it was reported to you?
I want to give my colleagues
a safe place to work.
You need Mr. Chien.
I need Ya-ching too.
All right.
Let's see if you have any evidence first.
Don't handle your colleague's affair
with personal emotions.
You also know
why you lost in the election, don't you?
Are you seriously downstairs?
Are you…
My gosh.
My gosh. You…
I'm really exhausted.
What's the matter? Did you drink a lot?
It must be hard on you.
-Give me your bag.
I need more energy.
-Okay. Get in the car.
Don't act this way.
-Your dad is pitiful enough to lose a son.
-What are you doing?
-You can't be gay.
-It's okay, I know him. Get in the car.
-He won't have any descendants this way.
-Okay, Mr. Li.
Thank you for gathering
so many people today.
-Go home and rest first.
-No, listen, you have to listen.
-I'm listening.
-You must listen to me!
I am listening.
-Okay, Mr. Li.
Leave, homo!
-What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
-Are you okay?
Ms. Weng, aren't you out of line?
Did you hear what he said?
Did you?
Whatever he said,
you shouldn't have hit him.
What does he mean? He called us homos.
So what if we are?
-Don't set a bad example.
-Come on.
-What do you mean?
-Violent councilor!
-Did you hear him?
-You hit him and you'll run for office?
-Did you hear him?
-Keep filming.
-Look carefully.
-Go ahead. What do you want?
-She's the current legislator's daughter,
Weng Jen-hsiung.
-What are you doing?
-Why are you taking it?
-What are you filming?
-What are you doing?
-So what if you're a councilor?
-Forget it.
-Violent councilor!
Violent councilor?
Didn't you see what your dad did earlier?
-Violent councilor?
I'll tell my daughter to delete it.
she's resorting to violence
at such a young age.
What if the people here find out?
I've been helping you for so many years
and I've never encountered such a thing.
My daughter said
that whoever is bullying me
is bullying you.
Even your daughter can't be an exception.
You still call the shots
in the Weng family, right?
Keep this.
I'll ask Wen-fang to apologize to you.
Let's have a meal sometime.
Kids aren't sensible.
They're a bit impulsive.
Don't blame her.
-I won't.
I can apologize,
but he must apologize to me first.
Julia came to pick me up that day
and he lectured her when he saw her.
He was even screaming
and getting physical.
He said our family
won't have any descendants.
He said such bad things.
How am I wrong?
Mr. Weng.
Wen-chieh just passed away.
I watched Wen-fang grow up.
Of course I'm worried
that you won't have any descendants.
This is very normal.
Besides, we're friends.
Don't pretend to be nice.
You speak with affection and loyalty,
yet you do evil.
It's election time now.
We must look at the big picture.
Can't you just apologize?
Do you still want to run or not?
What happened to you?
Nothing. This is juice.
Someone bumped into me.
Is Fang-ting here?
If you go inside now,
you'll just have a fight.
Go home first.
My son.
Chen Chia-ching, why are you hurt?
-Why did you call him by name?
-You're disrespectful.
-No, this is juice.
Well, is your mom here?
-Fang-ting knows your work is important.
-Mom, Dad is looking for you!
She didn't bad-mouth you
to Yang-yang either.
I know.
Go in first.
You didn't answer your phone.
Are you very mad?
I forgot to wire the money.
I won't do it again.
Sorry, honey.
"Sorry, honey."
I'm staying here tonight.
Will you come home tomorrow?
Will you come home tomorrow?
-Time to go home.
-Time to go.
-Bye, guys.
-Hello, Mr. Chen.
-It's so late.
-Why are you back so late?
-Mr. Chen.
I'm filming the power plant.
Everyone. We're off work now.
Come to karaoke with me. It's my treat.
Are you stupid?
-It's a business social. Karaoke?
-Isn't karaoke good?
Chia-ching is going to the karaoke again.
-Pick me up at the usual place later.
Thank you, Mr. Chen.
-Thank you, Mr. Chen.
-Thank you, Mr. Chen.
-Let me get changed first.
Your heart
Is like a flashing neon light
It's mesmerizing
Yet confusing
I'm not confident
-Who is instigating
-Mr. Chen is great at singing.
-The fragility of the night
-Why are we gathering?
I want to go home.
-The healed wound
-Will this happen often in the future?
Mr. Chen is in a bad mood today.
-Is aching again
-Treat it as charity and sing with him.
It will bring you good karma.
-Who said
-You haven't sung. Pick a song.
We can't look back
I know.
-You don't know.
-I do.
Of course I do.
Drowned me
-Chen Chia-ching!
-I want to give up, but I can't accept it
-You're in my dream, but it hurts me
-You're in my dream, but it hurts me
Instead of waiting
-I'll forget you first
-I picked a really exaggerated song.
I'm the one who left you anyway
-Mr. Chen!
-Sing and drink!
-So cool!
Pick a song.
-Have you eaten yet?
-Is it enough? Order more.
Mr. Chen.
Here it comes.
-Yi-an, nice!
-An old campaign song.
I haven't heard this in a while.
-When Mr. Chen was young…
-Chen Chia-ching.
-Why do we have this?
-Mr. Chen.
I love you!
Why do we have this? It has been 20 years.
-I picked it.
-I love you, Mr. Chen.
My gosh, I can't believe you know.
-Who stands in the way of this era
-Who stands in the way of this era
-Doing everything to stop the dreaming
-Doing everything to stop the dreaming
-I'm asking if you've seen it
-I'm asking if you've seen it
Do you see it?
-We can't wait any longer
-We can't wait any longer
-We need to use our passion
-We need to use our passion
-To change our future
-Kai-kai, do you know this song?
-I don't.
-Mr. Chen is in there.
-I believe that we're the real masters
-I believe that we're the real masters
-It's coming, get ready!
Kai-kai, do you see that?
-Who is that?
-My gosh!
-Who is that?
-I didn't know Mr. Chen was experienced.
-Mr. Chen.
-A toast to you.
-Because we have a dream
-That's why we dare to get loud
-That's why we dare to get loud
Do you have a boyfriend?
No, girlfriend.
-No? Let me tell you.
Those who have boyfriends or girlfriends,
treasure them.
-To sing our song
-Don't be like me.
No one is there when I go home at night.
Those in politics should be like…
-Mr. Chen.
-Mr. Chen.
Come on, let him puke.
I think he drank a lot.
Is Mr. Chen divorced?
-He drank a lot.
No, that's how aides are.
That's too bad.
Ms. Ya-ting, why don't you quit?
Because this is the happiness I want.
Stefanie Sun. "The Happiness I Want."
-You know how to pick songs.
-It's Stefanie Sun.
My parents really like her.
-You're so annoying.
-Tell this fresh graduate
-to go home and drink milk!
-How annoying.
-Mr. Tsai, why do you know that song?
-I'm so mad.
Aren't you just a few years older than me?
I like listening to old songs.
-Old my ass, you zygotes!
-Old songs?
It's really an old song.
No matter how the future changes
-As long as you
-As long as you
-And I
-And I
-Are determined
-Are determined
Friends in the back!
-To sing our song
-To sing our song
It has really been so long.
You know, I saw you
in the news this morning.
Why did you join the Justice Party?
How long have you been back in Taipei?
Are you doing well lately?
Why didn't you contact me?
I'm quite curious about how I can contact
someone who blocked me.
I blocked you?
That's impossible.
Maybe it's because I got a new phone.
You know, messaging apps now
-will make the old--
-Give me back the photos.
Give me back the photos.
What photos?
You know which photos.
I don't.
I don't know what you want to do
by joining the Justice Party.
But haven't you been very safe
in the past five years?
As long as you keep a low profile
and silent,
no one will do anything to you.
You can trust me.
I won't say a word.
Give the photos back to me.
How would I know what you'll do with them?
This is what people call collective karma.
This is the collective karma
that we both must bear.
You were the one
who wanted to take those photos back then.
You were so beautiful that night.
Give those photos back to me.
I'm sorry.
I'm in the most important phase
of my life now.
I can't let anything go wrong.
I must control everything.
Can you understand me?
I initially harbored some hope.
I initially harbored some hope too
that you'd leave
the political circle for me
with all my love.
The photos were taken in the afternoon.
Don't you always reserve the nights
for your family?
"All your love"?
Do you know what your problem is?
You think you're so smart.
When someone has a recording jammer,
whether you're recording with your phone
or hiding a recorder in your bag
or hiding it here…
Even if you're hiding it here,
you can't record anything.
You can't record anything.
Leave the political circle.
It's really for your own good.
-Happy forever 28th birthday, Mom.
-Happy forever 28th birthday, Mom.
Twenty-eight years old?
Why isn't Dad here yet?
I haven't seen him in a long time.
Dad has been busy lately.
He's going to be the vice president.
The president suddenly wanted
to talk to him.
It should be quite important.
My gosh. If he gets elected,
will special agents come to protect me?
As if. You're in England.
Your dad has important responsibilities.
You must do your best too.
Come back soon to help your dad.
I will.
I'll go to class first.
Happy birthday, Mom.
Study hard. Bye.
Mrs. Chao, can we serve the appetizers?
Serve it when we're all here.
You can serve it first.
Jung-chih, you must be hungry.
-Then you can serve it first.
I'll get something from my car.
-What is it? I'll get it for you.
-It's okay. I'll do it.
Hello, Ms. Wen-fang.
Hello, Ya-ching?
Hello? Wait a moment.
Hold on.
Hello? Ya-ching, listen.
Don't just forget what happened, okay?
How can I not know
this system has a lot of lousy problems?
At the time,
a bunch of people told me to forget it.
No one was willing to help me.
No one.
But now…
I fucking want to help you.
I want to help you.
So let's not just forget about this.
Many things can't just be forgotten.
If you do that, you'll…
You'll slowly die.
You'll die.
Are you crying?
Don't cry.
I'll accompany you.
Let's not forget it.
Let's not forget it.
Let's not forget it.
Jung-chih, eat more.
The president
was looking for you so urgently.
Did it go smoothly?
It's fine.
It went very smoothly.
Come and eat.
I'll spread some blue cheese for you.
Do you like this restaurant's dishes?
They're delicious.
Thank you.
Why exactly do people get married?
For the sake of family.
Am I not getting a good person elected
for the sake of family?
People care about what their family thinks
because of an evolutionary mechanism.
It's because the genes from ancient times
want us to cling to our families.
-But you know, I really think
-But our DNA
-didn't tell us that in modern society,
-she doesn't have to work.
-I can support her.
-you can live without family.
-I'll just support her, you know?
-But I can't say it.
-It's true.
-I'm an improved middle-aged man.
My work is really more important.
-You really can't speak that way.
-Can illustrations make Taiwan better?
-Tell me.
-You can't say that.
You're doomed.
Your partner needs to have a profession.
Chen Chia-ching.
-There's nothing to talk about.
-You don't know that we…
I do housework, you know?
We have a lot of things…
I do housework. Forget it.
-Forget it.
-…to do.
-Forget it.
-We can't just forget it.
-Ya-ching can't just forget it.
-Forget it.
How much did you drink?
Li-ya, you're here?
-What happened? Are you okay?
Why are you here?
She drank a lot, didn't she?
-She just drank a bit.
-I'll give you the check first.
Your bill today is 8,325 dollars.
-I'll pay.
-No. I'll pay.
-Here, I'll pay.
-It's my treat today.
-This is my wallet.
-Cut it out. You have a family to feed.
-I'll pay. You have a family to feed.
-Get me my wallet.
-Chen Chia-ching.
-What family?
-Help me get my wallet.
-I'll pay.
Okay, stop arguing. I'll pay.
-Thank you.
-Li-ya, don't act this way.
-You're so cool.
-It's fine.
It's okay.
It's my principle
not to let drunk people pay.
The election is really harming my life.
Is it that serious?
I won't work on an election again.
Me too. It's so exhausting.
How can you two not work on an election?
I really don't want to do this again.
He had a fight with Fang-ting.
Fang-ting left.
I heard you.
if you really don't want to work
in politics anymore,
you can work in my company.
I really like this job.
I know.
What a crybaby.
Just like Weng Wen-chieh.
Who says so? He was more
of a crybaby than me, okay?
-Hi, your card and bill for signature.
-He was more of a crybaby.
-Add another hour.
I'm sorry.
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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