Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Dog Day

What can we do for you gentlemen today?
Good one! "What can we do"
I think they got it, Erkki-Erkki.
We have 1200 bottles today.
Premium vodka.
Imperial Duma.
Seventy kroner a bottle this time.
-We normally pay 60.
Imperial Duma is better
than the other brand.
We didn't ask for a fancier brand.
Okay, we can do 65.
Your mom tells me you like to shoot.
-Do you?
Yeah, me too.
Maybe you and I should try
some shooting?
You can use this one.
A Smith & Wesson.
.222 caliber.
I'll take this one.
I know what happened. Horagallis.
Finn, I saw you driving off.
Yeah, okay.
He won't be maiming any more sheep.
What are you going to do about that?
You must wash it off, Finn.
Bilzi won't find out, he'll get a new
dog and everything will be fine.
You need to clean it up now!
Right away!
I need to use your bathroom.
Wow, you're quite the marksman!
Thanks. Good rifle. Good scope.
Now try this one.
Slightly heavier caliber.
It has more recoil.
-I'll remove the safety catch. Ready?
Can you hear it?
There's snow in the air.
It was these ones.
What brings you here, old friend?
-I need to talk to you.
-Go ahead and talk.
It's private.
Marin, please take the guns inside
and put them in the gun cabinet.
I don't know how to tell you this.
I found him on the road.
Did you do it?
-Who then?
-It wasn't me
We need to focus on the future, Finn.
We're adults.
I'm thinking that Marin
can stay with you every other weekend.
And with me the rest of the time.
You can keep the animals,
I'll keep my business.
I put the plants on the dining table.
Water them three times a week.
I'll get you a glass of water.
I know, Stein. I know.
Here you go.
Get back on your feet again, now.
Get your business up and running.
Come back to the poker game.
Wouldn't that be nice, Stein?
Life Life goes on, Stein.
I owe you for the funeral.
-I never got around to paying for it.
-That's right.
Let's see. Cremation casket
in untreated beechwood.
Urn in glazed ceramics.
Organist and choir, three people.
19,450 NOK.
God damnit.
With or without invoice?
Are you crying over the dog too?
I'm crying because I'm so happy!
Have you seen this?
Look at this! Bilzi has cleared out
this entire room for me.
It's almost like
a walk-in closet with a reading nook.
Life is hard, Marin.
Life creates winners,
and it creates losers, and
And I was a loser.
I was a miserable person
with a cleaning company.
Running a cleaning company
can't be that bad.
A cleaning company and a flock of sheep,
Marin. That was my life.
You had me and dad too.
Everything is so neat and tidy here.
-And Bilzi. Did you hear him out there?
Feelings, love, a man of action.
He's the kind of man
that can make me happy.
Will you help me be happy?
We have to fucking end this now,
you understand?
I can't humiliate you anymore.
You're a cripple and I'm normal,
and besides, you owe me 300.
Okay, I'll move you a bit closer.
-We were supposed to meet at 9.
-We heard the news, Stein.
Our condolences.
Hey! Did you hear her?
Our condolences.
Thank you.
Well, what's on the menu today?
Elena and Drita,
two ladies who really know their stuff.
Straight out of Albania.
They look so bloody sad.
-They're not sad.
-No, they're not sad.
They're not sad at all!
These ladies are capable of anything.
-Are you buying or not?
-Calm down!
-You calm down!
-Now, now
Now, now
Let's talk a price, then.
They look bloody worse for wear.
Watch your mouth! They're listening.
-Okay, 38,000.
Look at them. Such flexible girls.
They are so devilishly dexterous that
Thirty-five thousand.
That's my final offer.
You are now the owner
of two lovely ladies, Stein.
The beds.
Here's the kitchen. And the food.
Yum Yum, cup noodles.
Chicken, beef, vegan.
In that room,
there's a washing machine and a dryer.
My wife used to do the laundry
for our girls.
You'll have to do it yourself.
She died.
My wife.
-I'll pay you for doing mine also.
-So, how about our deal?
Well, 60 percent for me and 40 for you.
Excuse me?
Sixty percent for you until your
investment is paid off,
then it's fifty-fifty.
I'll think about it.
Get some sleep.
Hello, hello.
I forgot to say that smoking
is not allowed inside the house.
It's strictly forbidden to smoke inside.
I'm learning Norwegian.
I'm going to find myself a husband.
One who doesn't have skinny legs.
Then I'll be
the happiest girl in the world.
I don't give a shit about love.
I want to go back to Dûrres this time,
not Pristina, and open a corner shop.
I need maybe 24,000 euros.
That should be enough to begin with.
I also want loads of money.
I want a warm and big house
with clean bedsheets.
Man plans, and God laughs.
-Dagrun. Would you like a box?
-Yes, please.
120 per bottle this time.
Better brand. Imperial Duma.
-Thank you.
I heard something.
An exciting rumor.
Want to hear it?
They're saying
there's a wolf around here.
My name is Kari.
I very much look forward to all
that we will learn from each other,
and all the knowledge we'll be sharing.
And to kick off this journey,
I thought I'd start with a theme week
about utopias.
-Does anyone know what a utopia is? Yes?
-Something that doesn't exist.
"Utopia" is composed of two Greek words:
"eutopia" and "outopia".
Meaning "no place" and "a good place".
In other words,
a wonderful dream that isn't real.
Can anyone think of an example? Yes?
-Yes, that's a utopia.
Shangri-La is an excellent example.
-You dummy!
-We don't call each other names.
I think we have to acknowledge
that Oslo exists.
You in purple
Do you have an example of a utopia?
The church bazaar.
An old local tradition.
Perhaps you and your students
could take on a task?
They usually sing hymns, and you've been
in choirs, so it's right up your alley.
So I thought: "Yes, bullseye!"
-I haven't planned
-An old and important tradition.
the semester yet.
So I'm not quite sure
what we can fit in.
It's very important.
Hey, you.
What did you mean by
"luring girls to you"?
-What about it?
-What did you mean?
Depends on what kind of girl
we're talking about.
Well, you could always talk about sheep.
What's going on here?
You've booked cleaning?
I'm going to quit drinking.
And that stuff about traveling
We could give that a go.
The sheep will do just fine for a week.
We can go away for a week.
We need to move on, Finn.
At first, we were happy.
then we grew less happy.
But we had Marin.
My God, at least we had Marin.
You'll meet someone.
Yes, I know you will.
Come here.
Hi, Finn! Look here.
I'm introducing something
I've called "Last chance".
Expired items that are just fine.
I just want a few bottles
of the Russian one.
But I have an agreement with Siri.
Yes, I know, but
Well, she Siri has left me.
I don't get involved
in other people's relationships,
but I promised Siri not to sell
you liquor, and I'll stand by my word.
I could just cross the border
and shop at the liquor store there.
Sure, you could do that,
but you should control your drinking.
-You run a bootlegging business.
-Hey! Don't you dare.
To make it in retail,
you must adapt to supply and demand.
You can't argue with capitalism, Finn.
Big misunderstanding.
We're not doing porn. This is Norway.
-These dresses are too pornographic.
-But we sell sex.
You have to be erotic, sophisticated,
if you want to get customers up here.
But this is all we have.
We fuck for money.
Why do we have to be sophisticated?
-That's how they like it in Norway.
Try some of these on.
You can try this,
and you can try this on.
Is this better?
Are you okay?
-Take it off.
Please take it off.
-Take it off!
-Yes, yes.
Take it off now!
Give me all of it. All of it!
What happened?
-Fix & Move, how can I help you?
-Hi, I'm Kari Hungerholt.
I'm still waiting for my things.
My clothes and books.
-Do you have a customer number?
-I sure do.
It's 247 871 34.
-No .
-No? What do you mean?
I can't find you here
in the system at the moment.
-What does that mean?
-That you're not in the system.
-But you have my things?
-Not at the moment, no.
That's another day done.
No fuss, no wolf, no conflicts.
A nice and peaceful day.
The night is still young, Willman.
That mood of yours
isn't good for anything, Unna.
I don't have any other mood.
Can't sleep?
Jesus Christ.
Hasn't he chanted enough
for that dog?
Hey, is something wrong?
What is it?
I know something that I'd rather not.
But Marin darling, I'm your mom.
You can tell me anything.
I'm worried about dad.
Yeah. I can see why.
But it'll all work out.
-Dad will find himself a new
-I'm not talking about the two of you.
What are you talking about, then?
It was dad who ran over Horagallis.
And I think he's feeling so guilty
that he's drinking more than usual,
and I don't know what to do
-Please don't tell anyone!
I think you'd better try
to get some rest now. Okay?
-Good night.
-Good night.
Put the food in your mouth.
I need to eat too, for fuck's sake.
Hi, Uzi. Erkki.
I was wondering
if you could sell me a few bottles.
-A few bottles?
-Two or three would be good.
Does this look like a corner shop?
We don't deal in two or three bottles
at a time out in the parking lot.
It's easy money.
Two hundred a bottle.
Two-fifty a bottle.
-Three hundred.
-600 kroner and no bullshit.
Fucking Bilzi is just a costly middleman
and he always has to argue.
The Sámi bastard.
I think it's great
that you're so in touch with your grief.
I believe it's very healthy
to be in touch with your feelings.
I think it's time to get up and move on.
-I think now is the time
-Someone has wronged nature.
Nature demands a response.
I demand a response.
-There's something I have to tell you.
-Go ahead.
Promise me you won't get angry.
What the hell do you know?
-You have to swear not to cause drama
-What the hell do you know?
It was Finn.
But he must have been drunk as a skunk.
I know him. He loves animals,
and would never do that on purpose.
He's Marin's dad!
If we are going to make this work
You can't cause any drama.
That can't happen
if we're to be together.
Look at it this way:
You lost a dog,
but you got me instead.
Balance! You have me!
-Get dressed.
-Get dressed.
Was it you who ran over Horagallis?
Probably driving drunk, as usual.
I don't give a damn if you drive drunk.
But I want money for Horagallis.
Surely it balances out
with all the sheep that mongrel killed.
I'm fucking tempted to skin you alive.
But since Marin and Siri are living
under my roof, that won't happen.
Horagallis is descended
from strong, legendary lines.
And he was to sire
a whole generation of puppies.
That's what happens
when you let him roam free.
Twenty-five thousand.
I want 25,000 in blood money, Finn.
You're not getting a penny from me.
You just doubled it. Now I want 50,000.
You'll live to regret this.
will claim what is hers.
Nice one, Bilzi.
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