Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


[indistinct chatter]
[machine beeping]
Is Ryan here?
Not yet.
The power dynamic begins.
Ryan and I have never met
in person,
but we did buy a football team
Maybe not the smartest thing
to do.
- ROB: Looks fine.
- RYAN: Oh, guys,
you're gonna need
a bigger crew for this.
- Oh, hi.
- RYAN: Oh, God.
- CREW MEMBER: There he is.
- RYAN: Oh, my.
It's so weird to see you
the Disney princess filter.
- Yes, on your Zoom.
- I know.
- What do you think?
- [crew member laughs]
Oh, my God.
- How's it going?
- Good. How about you?
ThisI think we're wearing
this is similar colors.
Right, see, this is why
it was just meant to be.
I'm going with
the Clubber Lang body.
He's not that tall.
- No.
- Wow.
No, not with your 6-inch lifts.
- ROB: What? Well, yeah.
- RYAN: No.
ROB: Hello,
my name is Rob McElhenney.
And my name is Ryan Reynolds.
And earlier this year,
we became owners
of a football club in Wrexham,
and we thought
it was only appropriate
for our Welsh fans
to have a translator.
[speaking Welsh]
- [laughs]
- Wow.
- It's a beautiful language.
- Lengthy.
Getting Wrexham out
of the National League
and into the EFL is
is the goal.
Then it really is about
putting Wrexham
on a world stage
should build this team,
and it's an underdog story,
and that's something I love.
[continues in Welsh]
- What the fuck was that?
- I don't know, man.
Did you hirewho hired her?
I don't
- She's looking at you like
- Looking at me?
[both muttering indistinctly]
[Keb' Mo's "The Times
They Are A-Changin'"]
Come gather round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
around you have grown ♪
And accept it
that soon you'll be drenched ♪
To the bone
If your time to you
is worth savin' ♪
Then you better
start swimmin' ♪
Or you'll sink
like a stone ♪
For the times, they are
Not sure what to get your
special someone this holiday?
Tired of them opening
the same old scarf or sweater?
Try Ifor Williams Trailers.
Ifor Williams Trailers
has been Britain's leading
trailer manufacturer
for over 60 years.
Nothing says
"I'm thinking about you"
and your horse like
Ifor Williams Trailer.
Tilt bed, Beavertail,
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livestock, you name it.
So if you're looking
to really wow them this year
And you own livestock
- Visit
- Ifor Williams.
Why are Rob and I pitching
a North Walian
trailer manufacturer?
because we just became owners
of Wrexham Association
Football Club,
and they're our team sponsor.
You may have never heard
of Wrexham,
the Racecourse Ground or
- RYAN: Ifor Williams.
- ROB: But you will.
So to the
Wrexham Supporters Trust,
thank you for your faith
and trust in us.
We are humbled
and we're already
getting to work.
Holy [bleep].
This is really happening.
Thanks for gathering.
your employment
by the football club
is not affected by this sale.
You will remain employed
by Wrexham AFC.
Okay? So there's no change
to your terms of conditions
of employment,
but I fully understand
that in any change
people do feel,
um, a little bit, uh,
nervous about change,
and that is fully
It was quite emotional
actually, talking to the staff
'cause most of these people
have been with us
for a long time.
[bike chain clicking]
ROB: I trust Humphrey
with lots of things.
- Hey.
- How are you?
Yeah, I'm Humphrey.
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Dan.
- Hi, Dan.
- Hi, are you all right?
- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah, it's nice to meet you.
ROB: Because I didn't know
anybody at first,
I wanted to make sure
I had somebody
that I could trust
on the inside.
I'm Humphrey.
I'mI'm, uh, I'm over from
I'm like Rob and Ryan's guy.
That's how
I'm describing myself for now.
It's nice to work out what
we can do to help.
Yeah, basically. Yeah, yeah.
ROB: That said, he admittedly
doesn't know fuck all
about operating
a football club either.
HUMPHREY: [laughs]
Old Christmas decorations.
[light music]
ROB: So we needed somebody
with a vision
of what it is
to run a football club.
And Shaun Harvey
was way overqualified
for this particular position,
I said,
"Let's just give it a shot."
SHAUN: I worked
in the football industry
for 26 years,
and every day,
there was a different problem.
By the time I was 29,
I was the managing director
of Bradford City
Football Club,
making decisions
at the Premier League table
along with Chelsea,
Manchester United,
Liverpool, and all
the household names of today.
From there, I moved
to Leeds United till 2013
and then became the CEO
of the
English Football League.
I remember my first
conversation with Rob.
It was more about how
can we benefit the community
and make a positive difference
than it was "Do you think
we could be playing
in the championship
in three years?"
I said, "Have you got that
in writing?"
For when all this
potentially pans out
and they genuinely
don't make any money.
In a moment of weakness,
I've committed to look after
the club until such time
as they are able to find a CEO
and effectively
to look after their investment
going forward.
[players talking indistinctly]
- [lights click]
- Oh. Shit.
HUMPHREY: It feels like
you're standing in front
of all the coolest
bad boys at school.
And, if like me, you spent
much of your schooltime
pretending to be a dinosaur,
it feels like a real reversion
to "Hi, I'm the dork."
- PLAYER: You got it.
- DEAN: Morning, gents.
- You all right?
- PLAYER: Yeah.
DEAN: Quick introduction.
This is Humphrey.
He's coming in as chief
executive director, is it?
- Just executive director.
- DEAN: Executive director.
I don't wanna build myself up
too much.
- DEAN: Okay.
- Just wantyeah, hi.
Hi, everybody.
Um, my name's Humphrey Ker.
I am gonna be working
with you guys.
Basically, my role is
I'm gonna be Rob and Ryan's
kind of representative.
I've worked for Rob
for a couple of years now
as a writer
on one of his TV shows.
So that
I'm not gonna lie to you,
that is my principal
for becoming involved
with the club.
But my role is not gonna have
really anything to do
with what goes on
on the field, right?
I'm not the CEO.
Uh, I'm not
the Director of Football.
I'm nothing like that.
I'm just basically here
to represent their interests,
uh, and the club's interests
going the other way.
So I'm gonna be a conduit
between what you guys need
and what Dean needs, uh,
and what the incoming CEO
needs from them,
uh, and you know, what it is
that they want to achieve here,
which is the same thing
that you guys wanna achieve,
which is to win games,
win promotion,
uh, and to, you know,
get the best out of this club
for the club and for the town
as well, so yeah, that's me.
I'll leave you
in Dean's very capable hands
and get out of your hair.
All right, cheers, everybody.
[players laugh]
I see.
[soft music]
[child giggles]
[Paul laughs]
You nearly fell over, did ya?
- Oh! Get that off me head, you.
- [laughs]
No, no, no. None of that, lad.
Go on.
You're a little madman,
aren't you?
Right, come on now.
Let's get you ready, kid.
This is all of the, um, clips
from when Jordan's
been growing up,
different photos of
well, not just his football.
There ishe did other things
like go to school
and Christmas concerts and
and this isn't even all of it
because there's another
cupboard full.
I grew up in Wrexham.
It's a great experience
to play for your hometown
'cause I know what it means
to the fans.
It's my club. It's my town.
It's what my life has been,
so when they get frustrated,
I'm just as equally
as frustrated, so yeah.
Chanting along
with all my mates.
We used to get the bus down
and we used to go
to the games.
It was great.
[warm music]
For me for playing
for Wrexham,
it'sit's more than
going out there
and for myself, for the team.
It's doing it
for all my friends, my family,
and the people of the town.
to me it's more
than the football club
'cause it's been my life
for many, many years now.
Wrexham's a sleeping giant.
With the new owners,
it's a massive thing for us.
So I can't wait for that
on a personal note.
Under 11s.
Look how tiny you are
compared to everybody else.
[light melodic music]
[engine turns over]
[classical music]
- DEAN: Gents.
- PERSON: Moving out!
- DEAN: How are you?
- PERSON: Can't complain.
RICHARD: The football season
is still ongoing
and we are hoping
to get to the playoffs.
Anything being said about
the tenure of the manager
and the personnel here?
There's been no discussion
about people's futures.
We're going
to support the manager
and the playing staff
to give them every incentive
because that's how we get
this club promoted
to the Football League
at the earliest possible
[person talking indistinctly]
HUMPHREY: It's interesting
coming in mid-season
because I have received
messages telling me
to fire these people
and furlough everybody
and play the kids
or sack x, y, and zed.
And it's not just
the management structure.
It's not just the players.
I mean, there are
there are people who have beef
with almost every element
of this club in some level.
PERSON: I just hope
that in God knows
how many months' time we can
get some of these players out.
Look at the management team.
It's not good enough.
Positive in what you do.
Mistakes will happen.
Get your teammates
out of the shit.
The sooner we can get out of
this bloody league, the better.
At the moment, it feels like
the heart's been ripped out
of our club.
We keep seeing this.
We keepwe keep seeing
these little unbeaten runs
with too many draws,
not enough wins.
We definitely need some signs.
Uh, we're going nowhere.
[players shouting]
FAN: We need a major change
in direction in this club.
They seem to be like
rabbits caught in a
caught in a headlight.
They don't know what to do.
Nobody knows what to do.
Hopefully that money
is gonna pay the manager off,
fuck him off
and get someone else in,
but listen,
if it happens, it happens.
If it doesn't, it doesn't.
It fucking needs to be changed
from top to bottom.
Take your fucking staff
with ya.
None of you don't
wanna do it anymore.
It really is trying times
at the moment.
You're going into each game
almost defeated as you start.
Please give us hope.
All we want is hope.
[melancholic music]
Do I believe in this group?
100%. 100%.
They'll find a level
of consistency
that I feel will get us
to where we want to be,
coming into season.
[cheers and applause]
Fucking get it!
Get it!
Well done!
It's not about the start.
It's about how we finish.
[whistle blowing]
[indistinct PA announcements]
SHAUN: After the takeover,
the decision was made
that whilst ever we had
a realistic chance
of getting to the playoffs,
there would be no change
of manager.
But if we do not get
to the playoffs,
Dean Keates was going to have
to be relieved of his duties.
You know, truth be told,
a lot of these players
are probably thinking,
"I'm not gonna be here
next season."
They either don't feel like
they're good enough
or feel that we're likely
to just go around
splashing the cash or
or whatever it may be.
And just life at this level
of football
is one-year contracts.
We got a bunch
of people's contracts
- that are ending in two months.
- Mm-hmm.
One of the things I was really
impressed byShaun Pearson,
when I first spoke to him
was him saying,
"This takeover is great
for the town,
"and it's great for my kids
'cause I live in this town,
"but I don't know if it's great
for my football career
"because you guys
are gonna want
to probably
get different players in."
There isthere's a lot of that
sentiment through the squads.
You know,
they're like, you know,
"I could've been here for
three to five years and"
- ROB: Well, they still could be.
- Absolutely.
- Absolutely.
- They perform and they
and they get in the playoffs
and make a run, I mean
It's hard to argue
with people who are winning.
[pensive piano music]
REPORTER: The whole town
waits with bated breath
as we enter the final match
of the season away
to Dagenham and Redbridge.
PERSON: Is that Pete Jones,
a table of six?
PERSON: Underneath the window.
Opposite that,
is that Pete Finchit?
- Yeah.
- REPORTER: If Wrexham win,
they're in the playoffs.
Anything less, and the season,
and perhaps Dean Keates,
are over.
PERSON: Um, you can open up,
Rich, if you want.
Jan, open, please.
- PERSON: Let's go.
- PERSON: What are we doing here?
113 in today, guys.
Come on, Wrexham.
[tense music]
SHAUN: When there's a lot
of change about to happen,
continuity gives you
the best chance of success.
After the takeover,
there was
a conscious decision made
to try and provide Dean Keates
and the players
with as much support
for the balance of the season
as possible.
Dean and the team
went on a great run.
All that built to this
last game of the season.
A win,
and we are in the playoffs.
ANNOUNCER: Every single team's
trying to do their best
to get to these playoffs
with the rewards
of possibly going
into the Football League.
But this is a huge game
for Wrexham
in terms of the season
they've had
with the buys that
have come in.
In their hands, if they win,
they will be heading
to the playoffs.
We've got 4:20.
We got 10 minutes till kickoff.
It's a little early.
But I'm glad we got up early
enough to have breakfast.
Jordan Davies, I think,
probably worth a mention
creative player,
young talent, 22 years old.
Seven in his last nine
he's scored.
Come good at the right time.
Definitely, and that's exactly
what Wrexham need.
He's been a massive part
of everything that they do.
[indistinct chatter]
All together, come on!
ANNOUNCER: No current
National League club
has been in this division
longer than Wrexham,
their 13th season in a row
at this level.
Their whole season
is on the line in this final.
They'll hope it's still
a top-seven finish this time.
ROB: I gotta put
on my white jersey.
Wrexham is in the green.
Okay, here we go.
Come on, boys.
a compelling couple of hours
in the race for the playoffs.
[dramatic music]
- And Johnson to
- [players yelling indistinctly]
To the middle.
ROB: Okay, now here's our
we have a corner kick.
ANNOUNCER: So it's Young
to take the corner.
It's a deeper one this time,
towards Omotayo.
Netting where [indistinct]
the captain up from the back.
[whistle blows]
Well, it's tense.
It's nervous.
It's edgy on this final day
of the campaign for Wrexham.
And it's the Daggers nil,
Wrexham nil.
- PLAYER: We know we come.
- PLAYER: Yeah.
Come on, boys.
[indistinct pep talk]
We fucking believe ya, Wrex.
We have 'em!
After 13 seasons,
Wrexham have had as a club
in the National League,
and as it stands,
much can change
in the next 45 minutes.
A change being made as well
by Dean Keates at halftime
and it's the experienced
Paul Rutherford.
He's coming on here.
Somebody who's been
with Wrexham
since the summer of 2016.
Would love to be in his fifth
season with the club.
Come on!
ANNOUNCER: The playoff places,
but much can change
in the next 45 minutes.
[players yelling indistinctly]
The Wright over to
take the shot,
and now Balanta.
And Wright.
- [cheers and applause]
- And it's in!
[Rob groans]
ANNOUNCER: And on a day
of such significance
for Wrexham, it's Dagenham
and Redbridge here
who take the lead.
Five minutes
into the second half.
Fucking plenty of time.
- Just fucking relax!
- [whistle blows]
Young looks primed and ready.
And it's
Young with the ball
into the box
[dramatic music]
that was not a good challenge.
He could be
in some real trouble here.
Rutherford, it's a red.
A little high.
A red card?
Yeah, he got a red card,
which means he's immediately
ejected from the game
and we are down a man
for the rest of the game.
And this is threatening
to get very messy indeed here
for Wrexham on the final day.
So now we're down a person,
down a goal.
ANNOUNCER: Experienced player
at this level
doesn't need to do this.
It doesn't look good, Adam.
Fuck off!
That's yellow card shown here.
Davies [indistinct].
One goal
in the current circumstances
wouldn't be enough
for Wrexham,
but it'd certainly be a big
step in the right direction.
Wrexham here having
to throw everything at this.
Get the ball!
Get the fucking ball!
That's a great pass as well.
And then get the ball
over towards Ponticelli.
Goal! No way.
[cheers and applause]
And they've got the equalizer.
It's hope here for Wrexham.
Come on, boys. Come on, boys.
Come on.
Fucking come on!
That goal on its own
won't be enough,
but it's a glimmer
a glimmer of hope here
for Dean Keates and Wrexham.
See, this is
you know, never give up.
Never give up.
You're in. Right, right!
of course, they still
No way.
Here's Vilhete.
No way. No way.
- No way.
- [announcer continues]
And Pearson's [indistinct]
and Ponticelli was there
as well!
On the deflection, almost took
it into the path of Pearson.
- God, we had awe had a run.
- ANNOUNCER: Could this be?
Wrexham have to score
or their playoff hopes,
their promotion hopes
are over.
- [cheers and applause]
- Come on! Come on!
ANNOUNCER: Surely this will be
the last chance
to get it forward.
- It's a hard time for this.
Can they do it?
Pearson with the header.
[tense music]
Will it bounce here
for Wrexham?
- [whistle blows]
- No, it doesn't!
Their promotion dream is over.
Fuck off!
On the final day.
[all groaning]
ANNOUNCER: It will be
a 14th straight season
in the National League
for Wrexham.
And Wrexham's
promotion hopes in tatters.
Well, it's gonna be
a tough, tough day now
for Wrexham to recover
from this.
Just this game, you look
at not being good enough.
Big moments in the game
that have cost you,
especially the red cards
to Rutherford.
But you look over the course
of the season,
that's when you look now
when you look
at the League table,
have they been good enough?
[somber music]
ROB: We just got knocked out
of the playoffs by one point.
[cell phone rings]
Hi, Ryan.
Hello there.
I do not like losing.
This is true.
We will aim to avoid losing
as much as possible
for next season.
There's so much riding
on a team's relegation
or promotion.
If we don't win,
what are we gonna do?
RYAN: Our goal is to get
the fuck out of this league.
Like, that's it.
If you don't get promoted
that's our fault.
SHAUN: Telling somebody
that their services
are no longer required
that's really hard.
But that's the world
of football.
That is the game.
You know, we weren't
going into the season
to finish seventh or eighth,
so the view was a new manager
would give us that best chance
of success.
Not everybody can come
on the journey with us.
Dean and Andy and Carl
did a very solid job,
but what was previously
an acceptable standard
ofof performance
is now no longer that.
RYAN: It makes it
really challenging though
as aas a co-chairman
when you're
letting players go.
When you're in the fifth tier,
a lot of these players
are playing for their lives.
They don't have
these Premier League contracts
that they can, you know,
fall back on and go,
"Oh, it's, you know,
could retire tomorrow."
[somber music]
- [baby laughs]
- [seagull caws]
Captioned by Captionmax
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