When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

When The Devil Calls Your Name
♬ Fragments of a thought ♬
Episode 2
♬ are gathered under foot ♬
♬ I wonder if you have a long reach? ♬
♬ I can't pick any up. ♬
I found this while packing my stuff.
Everything is in here, the song that you sang ten years ago.
Hey. Cry a bit if you feel wronged!
Or curse that evil bastard.
Just go and kill that bastard.
Go right now and tell him that you'll spread it on the internet.
His pulse is dropping, please hurry!
- What kind of patient?
- It's a trauma patient,
there's a lot of bleeding.
One, two, three!
- Please call the neurosurgery department.
- Will do.
Connect the monitor and check it.
Hello, this is the emergency department. We have a trauma patient who just arrived.
Please hurry and come.
Code blue, code blue.Compression, compression! One ml of epinephrine.
- 1ml of epinephrine.
- Prepare defibrillator.
- Charge.
- It's ready.
Shock! Compression.
- Charge 500 Joules.
- 500 Joules charged! Shock!
- Charge 200 Joules.
- Charged!
Get ready. Shock!
His pulse is not returning!
200 Joules. Charge.
Are you his guardian?
Excuse me?
Are you a relative of the patient?
No, I don't really know him.
In the case with no guardian, if there is no response in 30 minutes
we stop the compressions.
We'll stop and announce the patient's death.
Let's stop.
I will announce his time of death.
July 24th, 2019
22:52, the patient has passed away.
Intensive Care Unit
♫ It will all pass ♫
♫ Both the stars I counted while falling asleep ♫
♫ and the soft tears ♫
♫ all will likely pass ♫
♫ What I want to set aside ♫
♫ Both what happened yesterday and my weary spirit ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
Why is your workplace here again?
Why am I always like this?
Calm down, now. Why are you here?
How can I calm down? A person just died!
He was bleeding in front of me-
- He died?
- Yes, they say he died.
You mustn't die.
Not without my permission.
Oh my!
How is this..? There's no way.
My gosh.
How is it possible?
He's fine.
I'll be passing by.
He is still a patient.
There was blood.
The doctor kept asking me things
but I couldn't respond because I didn't know anything.
They were doing CPR,
but then, suddenly
his hea heart stopped beating.
The doctor came out and said he's dead.
Because I wasn't his guardian, if he didn't improve in 30 minutes,
he said there was nothing more they can do.
So he died.
Because I wasn't his guardian, that man died.
What the? You're not dead?
Excuse me. First, at least get a CT taken.
Doctor, I am completely fine.
could I borrow your slippers?
Excuse me?
I need to go home.
But I am wearing white socks
For now, why don't you go back and return tomorrow?
You, you know my phone number, right?
Yes, yes. You can take your time doing the report.
- When did you come?
- What happened? Did you tell him?
- No, I couldn't.
- Why not?
- Because he died.
- What? Who did?
- But then..
he survived.
You came back with nothing, huh? Are you in a place to think of others' situations right now?
I have no other choice. Give that to me.
- I'm going to go myself and complain to that bastard.
- No, you can't right now.
- I said, give it to me!
- Ah! I'll take care of it myself!
What is this?
- Did you get hurt?
- No.
I fell down out front just now
and got a nosebleed. I'm going to, to go wash up. Wash, yeah.
Hey, are you joking?
Dong Hui,
a kid without a religion went to a cathedral to pray once.
"Why was I born with such misfortune?"
"Why does my nose break even when I fall backward?" (metaphor for being unlucky)
So the priest told me this.
That it's because God especially cares for me,
so that evil spirits will not be tempted by me.
That behind me, I have a guardian angel, so don't lose hope.
Are you a kid? Do you really believe that?
It's nonsense.
But, "You're an unfortunate girl,"
rather than hearing that, it was nicer.
And who knows? I might one day become an extremely lucky girl.
Hey, come here.
Aigoo, you should have washed it clean at least!
Oh, it didn't wash out. Why isn't it gone?
Hey! Why are you doing this?
I'm sick of it. Let's be happy from now, I beg you.
I want to be happy too.
I came back from the dead.
You can't die. Not without my permission.
I thought that saying was only for when you are suffering like crazy, but
I really died and came back.
He even brings the dead back to life.
I cannot escape from his hands.
If you're going somewhere, say where you're going first!
If you don't want to do that, at least have your phone with you! CEO Ji asked when you're coming back.
- Why did CEO Ji ask?
- How can I know what you don't?
Should I get a fortune reading?
Why are you like this today? You look as if you came back from the dead.
Died? As if.
CEO Ji, I'm sorry. Can we do it next time? I'm very busy right now.
No way. You'll be busier later. A new director is coming.
- What director?
- You live so ignorantly, huh?
You care nothing but you, huh?
Who is it?
Put this on the bottom. No, not there. Behind that.
Be careful, don't scratch it.
- Director.
- Oh! CEO Ji!
Step out for now.
Greet him, Producer Ha.
The Co-CEO of our Soul Entertainment, Lee Choong Ryeol.
- Lee Choong Ryeol?
- Oh my! Who might this be?
Nice to meet you, Producer Ha.
I am, 'nice' Choong and 'clear' Ryeol, "a person with a nice and clean heart,"
Lee Choong Ryeol. Nice to meet you!
There isn't an event in the world that happens without a reason.
In this moment, this timing, what is the reason that person appeared?
We finally get to meet!
I am a die-hard fan of yours, Producer Ha.
He really wanted to meet you, PD Ha. You know, right?
Director Lee also used to do music as Heart and Soul.
I just did it for a bit in the past.
I know very well.
Oh! You know me well? Wow, what an honor.
There are not many young people these days who know Heart and Soul.
In 1977, with your army mate Seo Dong Cheon, you formed Heart and Soul.
In the 1st University Music Festival, you guys won third place. First album: "Loner," second album: "Love is like this."
After the release of the 2nd album, you suddenly disbanded.
Mr. Lee Choong Ryeol received his in-laws' business and continued in the medical machines business since then, I hear.
What was the name again?
Cat Pharmaceuticals?
Oh wow, you know me better than I do!
Not cat, but tiger. Tiger.
Cat, tiger, same thing.
You must have made some money? What some can't do even after trying so hard for 30 years,
- in one blow, you became a producer.
- Hey.
Life is one shot.
By the way, money really is something.
I had to give up on music for it, though.
I returned to music at this old age thanks to money?
You had no choice but to give up music, huh?
- Why do you keep pinching me?
- Oh, sorry.
But, have we met somewhere before?
I briefly forgot
that I am facing someone who knew best Seo Dong Cheol in his twenties.
- No way.
- Really? Sir?
Probably sir.
Then that's a relief.
I thought I made a mistake. I can't recognize faces well.
A few days ago, I was walking down the street
and some woman came and slapped my back.
I exploded and yelled, "What the hell?"
But she turned out to be my wife.
Our son was standing there, too.
Sometimes I don't recognize CEO Ji either.
I am against this collaboration!
Are you insane? Why are you like this in the end?
You should've told me sooner! It's Lee Choong Ryeol!
I did tell you sooner! The one who didn't pay attention was you.
CEO Ji, even if it were not Lee Choong Ryeol, my life is too complicated right now.
What's so complicated? Let's hear the reason.
If I could've told you, I would have!
- What was the name? Cat?
- Tiger.
It's not hard to differentiate between a cat and a tiger.
Yes, come in.
- Do you even know what kind of a person he is?
- What?
He does not care about music.
He only cares for money but why does he want to work with us?
I am okay with you being only person with darn music spirit.
Who was the one who wanted to make a global comprehensive content group?
- That is
- Will it be possible only with music spirit?
If you're going to commit that much, you need people with money and people who know how to earn money.
CEO Lee Choong Ryeol's character? I don't care. Whatever.
Ugh, I don't know either!
Just forget about it. I don't approve this.
Top shareholder and co-director, I also put your signature on there.
Are you ready? It's showtime!
Of all people, why Mo Tae Kang?
How could he have brought Mo Tae Kang of all people?
Do you hate Lee Choong Ryeol that much?
But what do you have against Mo Tae Kang?
really don't know?
Am I supposed to know?
You're also Mo Tae Kang's anti-fan?
What am I getting out of taking care of that brat?
- Where are you going?
- To clean up your shit!
Oh, I forgot!
- Chief Kang, you look exceptionally tired today.
- I apologize.
Truthfully, to make your arrival perfect,
I stayed up late to watch your works.
Yesterday, I watched the movie "The Devil is Alive."
Your acting as a psychopathic murderer
was so lifelike, I couldn't sleep at night.
Aigo, that small thing. I can't even call it acting.
That is the film that turned unknown Mo Tae Kang into a Hallyu star one year ago.
The once bankrupt producer went to Cannes Film Festival, the actress
went to a mental hospital, and my secretary jumped off a building.
I gained many memories.
This profession called acting, it's pretty fun.
Didn't you say your previous secretary died of heart failure?
Oh, that person was my secretary before the most recent one.
He was working diligently so I scold him with a few words.
That was when I was a member of the National Assembly.
There was a wife he hid overseas, and a child appeared.
I found out he was a rapist and was arrested for drunk driving.
And, did you get a good look at Mo Tae Kang's records?
Yes, sir. Even the police records are clean.
I see.
- Then
- Hold on.
My coffee suddenly cooled.
Don't you feel a chill from somewhere?
She is always surrounded by chilly air.
Her glaze is how should I put it,
- scary.
- I was just about to speak about that.
They dated secretly for five years, then broke up a year ago.
They were such a secretive couple, I couldn't discover the reason for their breakup.
Chief Kang, when you were in the National Intelligence Service, were you comfortable spending the special activity fund?
- Pardon?
- Now that I have been in fear of the unknown for two hours and 32 minutes,
from now on, should I know the target of terror?
If you work that halfheartedly under me,
you will follow the path of the person who used work before you.
I'll correct myself!
I'm warning you beforehand.
Do not use my power as if it is yours.
Your soul is already mine. It's nothing but a three-year deferment of your death sentence.
Anyway, I won't bored for a while.
I've never said it was plagiarism.
Will other people think it was a coincidence?
If word about this situation gets out, the backlash will be great against Harib.
Still, he'll smooth things over quickly, since he's a man with a lot.
But you will be hurt a lot. You may never be able to stand up again.
You seem to know a lot about me.
I've thought about how I could help you.
It was an unbelievable coincidence. Even I know it sounds weird.
But I finished my song on July fifteenth,
and you guys released the same song on the seventeenth.
Harib had worked on this song since last year.
If we think about it practically, it's more likely that you
somehow listened to our song before and you followed it.
You don't believe me.
Then this is useless as well.
I've never released my song before, so Harib did not plagiarize.
- Yi Gyeong—
- Should I write a vow, then?
Or do you want to write one from your side?
Please don't bother me for stuff like this.
It was a coincidence, just like you said. Both now and ten years ago.
Do you want to debut?
Do you want to become famous?
I think I told you I'm not interested.
But I completed the song on the fifteenth,
and you released the same song on the seventeenth.
July seventeenth.
- What?
- That person has arrived!
- Let's go.
- Hold on! CEO Ji!
Hey, wake up. Get up.
- Ji Ho, you came?
- Sorry for calling you all at this time.
- You're all here?
- Hello.
Harib, is this my birthday present?
It's your birthday? Happy birthday.
- What about lyrics?
- Learn the melody first. I'm going to write that now.
Wow, for real? We're releasing the day after tomorrow!
You can do it. You're the best, right?
With this music note? There's no guide?
Let's add some reverb.
Fall into the trap.
Fall into the trap.
He's a weirdo.
Like you said, it was a coincidence. Both now and ten years ago.
Ten years ago, too?
That girl, Yi Gyeong, has a history of juvenile delinquency.
I suffered a bit, trying to retrieve all of this.
According to the article, she has a history of being reprimanded and released when she was 18 for robbery.
This one has a bit more severe.
This is a case of serious injury to her stepfather.
The victim didn't die, but until now he is a quadriplegic.
She received a sentence of 6 months imprisonment and is now on probation.
"Because of domestic abuse," an 18-year-old attempted to kill her stepfather
Harib also asked me to look into this. How should I handle it?
- Tell it to him as it is.
- Yes, ma'am.
Everything was caught on the CCTV, so please come in with us.
The cat cried every night. You know how they cry, right?
It sounds like a baby kicking, like something crazy.
Aren't you not supposed to make crazy noises in a neighborhood where people live?
You killed it because it cried?
I studied for three years,
but it's funny if I fail because of a crying cat. My test is in three months.
Your test is in three months?
Sergeant Oh, could you stay here?
- Why do you live like this?
- They said to fill out a witness testimony document.
- If you are going to counsel me on my life, I'm going to leave.
- You write testimony at the police station.
Once you are transferred to police station,
things get complicated. You say you are a witness, but the circumstances place you as a suspect.
But Harib, whom you say was attacked, confirmed that he has no injury up to now.
That is why you are at no fault, but you
Why? I'm going to get an additional punishment if I do the same thing twice?
What if something goes wrong once more?
Will I really go to jail and live there for ten years?
- Gyeong!
- Just do your job properly.
Keep your nose out of other people's business.
What crazy bastard, to my kitty!
Where is that crazy person?
He looks uninjured.
Steel pipe.
I saw it! This guy is the steel pipe.
Why am I so unfortunate.
That person pissed me off by turning on the music nonstop. I only have three months until my test.
My brother and sister are both lawyers.
If I don't become a lawyer, that will dive me nuts.
That's nonsense. Do you know how much money I put in to make it soundproof?
This little brat.
Sit down here.
Let go.
It's more annoying when it's a soft sound going dum, dum, dum
Annoying? You hit people because it's annoying?
Come here I'm annoyed right now! Come here you little brat!
You are uninjured so why are you making a fuss about it?
You can't sue someone for two weeks of injury.
Two weeks? I died!
I'll pay you compensation.
- Even if you take this to trial I'm only going to be fined two hundred thousand won. ($200)
- What, bastard?
I take back about killing six cats. There's no evidence.
This bastard!
The cat has an owner and I fed it with a medicine.
Under the animal protection law, I might be charged with property damage.
Might cost a little more.
I will give you two-hundred fifty. Would be happy with that?
Give me your bank account number. I'll deposit it.
Hey! Let me kill you and pay it by card!
I don't have enough time to attend trials.
If you don't like it, do it according to the law.
What? You like law, huh?
Let's do it by the law then, you bastard!
Would you like to be hit on the back of the head with a steel pipe? Do you want to eat your own poison?
- Vi-vi-violence.
- Violence, as if! I'm murdering you right now, you bast—
You can't murder! No no!
Let me go! It hurts!
- Why are you grabbing me so hard?
- I'm sorry!
My gosh.
Are you okay? I guess you had urgent business.
The restroom is that way.
This is three week's worth of injury.
Put her in jail, too, for assault.
That bastard is still out of his mind.
It seems like you don't even deserve to take the bar exam.
Just go turn the heater in the corner of your room and rest.
What are you talking about?
Under the Act Concerning the Bar Exam Article 6, Paragraph 2,
no person who has received a sentence of imprisonment may apply for the examination
until five years pass after the execution of the sentence or confirmation of the suspension of the sentence.
What did I just say? I think I watched too many dramas.
The one that is on on the weekend.
- It's all your fault!
- Hey, hey, calm down.
If you keep doing this, we'll charge you for interference with official business.
Interference with official business? Come over here!
Come here, hey!
Are you okay?
Can the police hit a civilian like this? Huh? What do I
How was this devil created?
What kind of people are devil-like people?
I once wondered.
But it's too commonplace.
Devil, and devil-like person.
They are more common than ordinary people.
Someone died because I wasn't their guardian.
Please do say.
Why did you come to visit me that day?
It doesn't matter anymore.
I just went to speak to you, but you suddenly passed awa—
Passed away? Who passed—
Don't you see, I'm fine?
So, from now on, don't go telling others that I died, okay?
How can I do that?
In front of my eyes, a person died and then came back!
That day, the doctor asked me your blood type,
past medical history, but I couldn't answer at all because I knew nothing.
Then suddenly, your heart stopped and they did CPR for 30 minutes,
-then announced your dea—
- Ah, I'm saying it's not like that!
If you can't believe me, touch me and see if I'm cold or warm.
Wait a minute. You were dead for sure. Here.
- What are you doing?
- The two of them, what's their relationship?
I'm not sure. Seeing how they're touching each other like that, I don't think they are strangers to each other.
You don't know, is that right?
Yes. Would I know his thoughts?
Don't try to know. You'll get hurt.
Oh, but, a cat killer is still a killer. You're letting him go?
The law is like that.
Oh, I see.
You released "Soul Song" by Soul River on August 21, 2009.
I was in a correctional facility at that time.
When I got out, the world was going crazy over my song.
When I found out, people were saying it was made by Harib.
- What do you think happened?
- What are you trying to do right now?
Other than saying our souls connected, is there no other way to explain?
Or if we ever crossed paths with each other?
Was it me that perhaps stole your ideas?
No matter how hard I think, I don't know.
Even if I come to stop music, I must find out the reason first.
You are a genius, and I can't even draw music notes.
Isn't it peculiar that I somehow could record the same piece, and twice for that matter?
There is nothing peculiar about it.
Something I have that you don't: a muse.
That muse, while on his way to me, must have made a pit-stop at your place.
He must have taken pity on your sorry life and dropped a few notes for you.
Don't think of it as talent.
It makes you look pitiful.
You're done talking right? I'm going.
♫ The fragments of an idea are gathered at my feet ♫
♫ Are my fingernails long enough to reach?? ♫
I went that day to show you this.
♫ I can't pick up even one ♫
♫ I wonder if ♫
I sang this song to my friend.
It was my first song, in case I forgot it.
♫ the yellow balloon in the sky ♫
♫ meet a friend? ♫
♫ Shall I tell you my name? ♫
♫ Shall I tell you my age? ♫
♫ A child. Unknowing. It won't do. ♫
♫ I am not heartless. ♫
Shall I play it for you?
♫ I'll tell you my story. ♫
♫ Even if you are sad, smile. Even if you are in pain, be happy. ♫
♫ While you can't even know ♫
♫ Say the words that you know well
It seemed like such a fake coincidence that I didn't even know it was an issue until now.
Do you see the date here?
It's three weeks earlier than your release date.
I'm not trying to get anything out of this.
But But what is certain is
that I definitely did not steal it.
This is what I was going to tell you that day.
Then today, is it different today?
It's different. Very much.
I was disappointed
that you tried to calm me down with a little bit of money.
What do you mean, money?
I am a person without much pride,
but my pride was severely hurt.
Did you meet CEO Ji?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Why do I have to be treated this way?
I thought I had to give up
since it seemed like I couldn't ever do music again. I felt so wronged.
No matter how pitiful a person, they must have a reason to live.
Even the Constitution speaks about the right to happiness for all.
I'm happiest when I do music.
I was going to stop doing music anyway.
But this situation with you telling me first to stop doing music
makes me angry.
I'll keep living the way I used to.
So please, stop pestering me and leave me alone.
I'm the type of person that breaks her nose without doing anything.
But from now on, I want to have a life where I break my nose if I fall forward
and break my head if I fall backward. That kind of normal life.
What kind of wish is that?
If you touch me one more time, I'm going to reveal this to the world.
If this is revealed, you will also be framed for plagiarism.
Then, there will be a dent on your fame at least once.
Just in case, I will hold onto this for now.
- Are you threatening me right now?
- No.
I'm squirming
because you stepped and stepped on me.
This is blackmail.
Yes. So, I sincerely hope I won't have to release this.
From now on, whether with money or words, don't step on a worm.
I beg of you, Sir.
First, blackmailing, then begging.
What is your real intent?
I'm glad you are safe.
This is the truth.
Then I'll be leaving first.
I do face-reading (fortune-telling based on how they look).
A misfortune will happen to you soon.
Go to bed. I already had a bad day.
Oh, your feelings were hurt.
You're not in the mood to talk?
Then how about this?
Are you in the mood to talk now?
Do you know the law of the dead?
In order to bring someone from the dead back to life, another
will have to take that pain.
Do you see this?
This is the price to revive someone you killed.
This is too painful.
Don't you think someone needs to take it?
That's you.
Don't worry. You won't die.
I should bear that burden at least.
I am really too nice
You are a genius, and I don't even know how to draw music notes.
Isn't it peculiar that I somehow could record the same piece, and twice for that matter?
There's is nothing peculiar about it. Something I have that you don't: a muse.
That muse, while on his way to me, must have made a pit-stop at your place.
It is definitely crazy nonsense. But,
I remembered the night the muse visited me with that song.
Who is this?
Come with me. Come!
But who is this?
To celebrate the birth of the new Seo Dong Cheon, this is my first present.
It was a sweet temptation.
One I couldn't refuse.
I simply heard the melody in my dreams, and I thought that song was mine.
♫ Shall I play it for you?♫
♫ I'll tell you my story. ♫
♫ Even if you are sad, ♫
The first song that made today's Harib
That wasn't my music?
Did you spend the night again?
This crazy Devil Bastard. He tricked me?
I only had one glass!
We love you, Mo Tae Kang!
Amazing! The crowd is heating up!
This is the world's best actor, Mo Tae Kang's, fan meeting. It's the site of very hot excitement.
I guess this is why gods rule over people.
How cheap and disgusting.
Lowly humans, praise me.
Your greedy desire is my food.
Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang!
Mo Tae, Mo Tae, Mo Tae Kang!
Everyone, is there something you want from Mo Tae Kang?
Sing a song! Sing a song! Sing a song!
That's right! Mo Tae Kang has an incredible voice.
We cannot ignore his singing talent!
Sing a song! Sing a song! Sing a song!
Sorry guys, Mo Tae Kang is in poor condition today.
Unfortunately, I don't think we can hear him sing.
Sing a song! Sing a song!
They are all desperately asking.
It's your fan's wish. Can you sing one song?
We will meet you at 3rd meeting a while later!
If I go to Busan,
will I be able to see you again?
will I be able to see you again?
With your silky hair
blowing in the air.
How about vomiting blood and fainting on the stage?
Mo Tae Kang was a musical actor.
There's no way you guys are the same person.
- You're so cold to say that.
- It's because of you.
You can take control of human's soul, but why can't you sing?
Don't you have the same voice as him too?
Singing must be given by God.
Please open the door.
Excuse me.
Hey! You swindler devil bastard!
This is a fraudulent contract. Did you trick me from the beginning?
I made you a young, rich and famous composer.
What do you mean by fraudulent contract?
There are five minutes till standby. Get to the point.
You stole from someone and gave it to me? Is "thief" a bonus?
You became successful and rich.
Rich and successful right?
Success! Are you being serious?!
Did you think the world would suddenly like your music?
Is it true?
Is all the music I composed someone else's?
Sir, you said you wanted to be successful not a genius.
I don't have the power to make a knucklehead into a genius in the first place because I'm not a god.
Ah, I'm not saying that you are a knucklehead.
All my music is stolen?
You need to break gems to turn them into treasure.
I've merely handed you precious gems that were lying around.
Making a treasure out of it is all Mr. Seo— I mean
Mr. Ha's talent.
So don't be too self-conscious about it.
Ah, this is why they say the devil truly is a devil.
But the past ten years were good for us.
- Us?
- Yes
Us. Who didn't like it?
The wrong person gets the damage.
Once again, I'm not a god.
Think about it. There are many different talents in the world, but it all adds up.
In order to increase someone's talent, we need to take it away from someone else.
If there's someone who picks up money from the street,
there's someone who lost that money. That's how the world turns.
Why do you humans not know this simple fact?
This is all nonsense. Let's pretend everything you said is right.
- Yes, it's all true.
- Then you should've done it once!
Why did you take it twice from one person and make this concurrence?
That happened? I've never counted every single one of them.
But why are you so mad?
What? Why?
I feel sorry! I took her music twice.
I took someone else's future and work twice.
I feel sorry!
You feel sorry?
Why do you feel sorry?
I did my best to fulfill your entire contract.
I did not tell you to make me into a thief. You take the responsibility.
You're the one who became young and rich.
But why is it always my responsibility?
Try laying a single finger on my soul!
This contract is invalid! You broke the contract!
Break the contract? Fine then.
We can do that?
If the contract is breached, you will be returned to the past.
It's the same for the life you led through the contract.
You will start over in the past with the same path you would have taken had you not met me.
- What does that mean?
-If you want to breach the contract,
we can go to the past
as it says in the contract.
You're not the only one like this.
But the reason why we stayed over the long years.
Take a drink.
What are you doing?
He who has tasted the best cannot come down.
How about you? Can you live as Seo Dong Cheon again?
Should I return it?
It's not hard to return it.
But do not forget that the lives that have changed thanks to you will also return as they once were.
Oops I forgot.
In this case you will die.
No! No! No!
So when you are making a contract, read it carefully.
If you breach the contract with the bank, your house is gone, and if you breach a loan shark's contract,
your internal organs won't be safe. This is your world.
What will happen to someone who breaches a contract with the devil?
Since I'm smiling kindly, do I look like a pushover?
I can take you soul right now
and throw you over here.
You would beg me to take your soul.
Spare me.
Spare you? Okay, I will spare you.
Should I make living more painful than hell?
I can even make you beg me to kill you instead.
You too
can sing well.
You have a minute left.
What did you just say?
I can't lose my soul like this.
I finally realized why I felt empty and uncomfortable for last ten years.
My things weren't mine.
I can't understand but you're understanding your situation now.
Let's be honest.
You had a reason you saved me when I was dying.
I did that?
I will make you more than a singer.
I'll write an album for you, and make you number one on the charts.
I don't need an album.
Are you going to disappoint the massive amount of fans out there?
Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang!
Mo Tae Kang!
You're tone deaf!
Excuse me. Times up.
You are tone deaf.
♫ If I go to Busan ♫
♫ can I see you again? ♫
♫ With your silk hair blowing, ♫
♫ you will welcome me. ♫
♫ you will welcome me. ♫
♫ In front of the Busan station ♫
♫ there are a lot of changes. ♫
♫ Where do I need to go? ♫
♫ Now that you're not there either? ♫
♫ Aimlessly in my head ♫
♫ I'm looking at the moon rising. ♫
♫ Just the sea for a long time. ♫
♫ Just us for a long time. ♫
♫ As though time stopped. ♫
♫ I will take your hand ♫
♫ and let's walk the way ♫
♫ we did then. ♫
Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang!
Mo Tae Kang!
When I go to Busan.
Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang!
Mo Tae Kang! Mo Tae Kang!
So emotional!
People call this feeling touching.
Well, I'm pretty good.
China, Japan, Vietnam, USA. There are so many places that want a fan meeting with me.
If they find out you're tone deaf, your image will be ruined.
Choi Baek Ho's song,
Do you think I can do it?
As if.
This song is perfect for your voice.
Is that so?
Time. I need some time. Give me some time.
Piercing accurately the details of the wishes and desires
of the opposing party is the basis of negotiation.
I would like my staff to be able to do that like you.
Let extend it. I will not call it invalid. Please extend it.
In return, I'll give you a lesson.
Let me live now as Harib,
and when I die, then you can take my soul.
Life contract.
It's somewhat extreme. And innovative.
But you see,
Lesson and life contract
There's something
I feel like it's my loss.
What do you mean loss?
I am an artist. How will an artist make music without a soul?
You signed the contract without knowing that?
I'm sure I passed the message to you.
The muse will no longer come to you.
A person who loses his tears will lose his emotion.
Emotion. I don't need that.
A person who loses emotion won't have any inspiration.
No, back then! Good point.
What inspiration am I not going to get?
My musical inspiration? Or the muses you sent for ten years?
And you never mentioned those muses would steal others' stuff.
You said let's be meticulous! Meticulous!
Is the contract a joke to you?
Think about it.
All the music I've been doing wasn't mine.
I want to do music once with all my soul.
Not from the fake inspiration you stole for me but my music.
I kind of feel pity for you but it's not convincing.
I'll give you a lesson. Mr. Devil can do it too.
If you start from tomorrow, you can escape from being tone deaf.
You can also go to fan meetings and on a world tour.
Three months of singing lessons. World tour?
If you trust me and go to Busan.
If you take my soul I'm going to curse you to be tone deaf forever,
and I will jump into the Han River.
Look, I recorded our conversation up to now.
Mo Tae Kang is a tone deaf devil who is trying to steal my soul through a scam.
I'm going to write my last testatment saying I am leaving this earth
and spread this to the media!
No, no. I'm just squirming.
I hope I don't have to spread this.
Please, I beg you, Mr. Devil.
No. I have a strong feeling that I'm losing.
Are you trying to do business? What else should I do?
I said I will give you a lesson and make the devil's fan meeting successful.
What else do you want? Do you want me to steal someone else's soul for you?
Devil who loves to steal from other people.
Freeze! Freeze, freeze, freeze.
I really like that. Great! Deal! Let's do that.
- What?
- First, take care of my singing.
I will give you an additional three months.
- Really?
- And
- And?
- Bring me your replacement.
Bring me someone else's soul contract.
Don't steal it. Make it official.
Then your soul is free. Freedom!
Are you telling me to sell someone?
This devil This devil is crazy!
Why are you changing your mind? Forget it if you don't want it!
Replacement. Is there such a thing?
That contract I just created it. Can I not do it?
Why? Is it not fun for you? It's pretty fun for me.
If he brings me a replacement, I can do a fan meeting
and collect the soul he brings.
If he cannot bring a replacement, I still do a fan meeting,
and take his soul.
What do you call this?
Is this what you call a scam? I was completely fooled.
And if I bring a substitute?
Are my contract terms going to be fulfilled?
Of course.
While living as Harib now
you can maintain wealth, fame, and youth.
- Wish number 1?
- Naturally.
And my soul becomes free?
You asked me to change the soul contract to a life contract. That's how you will live.
- Is just one person's soul enough?
- A desperate soul. Only one.
It's easy.
I can't report it to either to the Fair Trade Commission or call 911.
Rather than an insane abuse of power it's a scam.
Anyway, that devil's been stealing music.
How was I the only one who didn't know?
Now that I think about it, not once have I ever suspected her.
As the one who discovered Harib
and got the title of youngest director, CEO Ji.
What exactly have you been doing behind my back?
Don't worry, I took care of it.
Took care of it? How?
She said it's not plagiarism with her own mouth.
And, no more talking about this.
I see.
In the meantime, has there been anyone looking for me?
About plagiarism or whatnot?
Of course, there has.
Why didn't you tell me?
It's common. The legal team takes care of it.
They take care of it?
With no evidence. If it's simply a coincidence, what are you going to do, huh?
So you gave them money? Is that how you handle things?
Why would you give them money? That's like admitting I plagiarized.
Well, one of you probably did. And you two know who plagiarized.
I have no interest.
Listen carefully. I won't say it twice. This is our first joint collaboration.
The attention of the investors' trust in us is all focused here.
First of all, plagiarizing? I don't care who did it.
What I'm interested in is making sure the problem doesn't get bigger.
That is why you had no problems.
- CEO Ji.
- Yeah that's me, keep listening.
Two. That darn muse or whatever, do it.
If it doesn't work, then you sing yourself. If you say something else later,
you and I will go into the Han River holding hands.
Let's go for a nice walk, then jump off.
- Why would you say tha—
- Shut up.
We're going to hold a newbie audition, so you attend as a judge.
- Why would you go that f—
- Just listen.
And releasing a new song every month is almost impossible.
From now on, think about it as investing and make your songs.
Make them without resting in between.
Hey! When I said I was going to do whatever, that shit—
I said to just listen!
I'm not saying my opinion.
I'm cleaning up the mess you made.
Do you want to clean it yourself? Should I leave?
Do you think the decision you're making right now is just?
There's no such thing as a just decision.
You just make the decision, and from then on you make the decision just.
I've already put up a bulletin board for entry into an audition.
- I have my underlings to select a few talented ones.
- Right now?
Yeah, starting tomorrow. Okay?
Okay. Leave.
[55Na 7003]
Bring me a substitute.
There is no right decision.
A desperate soul. Only one.
The end of your contract is only 90 days away.
We just need to make that decision right.
Bring a substitute? You sat there talking bullshit.
I'm going to go my own way.
I'm going to use the three months I live my life to the fullest before dying.
Yes. That's it.
Damn. That surprised me!
Have you ever passed away before?
No, it's just that the police were saying weird stuff.
That you were dead. They should say stuff that makes sense.
You look like you'll live for at least 100 more years.
But then, thinking about it, Gyeong said the same thing.
She came by the day you got called by CEO Ji and went to the company.
To the point where even her parents would know she was worried,
with a pale face,
she asked if you weren't in pain anywhere
and if you're really okay, asking endless questions.
That woman is butting in too much.
I'm warning you ahead of time.
- Warning?
- Don't make Gyeong cry.
- Gyeong?
- I'm warning you because you're someone who'll make her cry and more.
What are you? Are you her older brother or something?
I will be her older brother.
I feel that is my destiny.
So if you touch our Gyeong one more time, I'm going to—
Then what? Huh?
What? Come here, you.
Your memory came back, right?
You keep acting like you're just better than me. Come here.
It came back, right?
Come here! Come!
Soul Entertainment.
I feel sorry. I stole her songs twice.
Someone else's future, someone's music, twice!
Of course I'm sorry!
What does it mean to be 'sorry'?
When there's something you did wrong, you become sorry.
The humans I've seen, even after they did something wrong all said they did not remember.
Those kinds of people exist too.
Then, does Seo Dong Cheon really feel sorry for Yi Gyeong?
Since he stole something precious twice, he must feel sorry.
Then, what about me who stole as many souls as the feathers on a bird?
Do I need to be sorry?
You need to have emotions to feel sorry.
Ji Seo Yeong, til when are you going to be like this?
You are CEO Ji. Be fierce.
Hello, Sunbaenim!
Ah yes, but who?
You must not listen to KPOP since you're busy!
I am Joo Ra In.
I was voted the sexiest idol not too long ago.
- Ah, is that so?
- From the new singers' department team,
do you have the list for the audition?
Your drama is so good!
You even sing well! So handsome.
Be seated.
I'm joining a drama this time,
but it's my first time acting. There's so much I want to ask you.
Could I have dinner with you sometime?
Let's do that.
Oh! Really? When are you free?
I am, any time this week is good for me!
Excuse me, our actor's schedule is—
Let's do that. Dinner tonight!
Got it!
♫ You gave me so many emotions ♫
♫ You gave me so many faces ♫
♫ What stories make you happy ♫
♫ your busy day passes by ♫
A substitute? Talking bullshit.
I'm going to go my own way.
Ah right. I forgot. If I do this, you might die.
Desperate soul. Only one.
♫ With only that thought ♫
- Do you want to be a singer?
- Yes.
- Are you desperate?
- Yes, I am.
- To the point that you could sell your soul?
- Excuse me?
No, never mind.
I'm really desperate. I prepared for a long time.
If you pick me, I'll do my best.
Why am I like this?
I decided to go my own way.
Please take care of me!
♬ your faithful lover ♬
♬ sighs day and night, ♬
♬ oh heartless one ♬
♬ cease your harshness ♬
Please take care of me!
Stop and go rest.
Was it too obvious that I was falling asleep?
Falling asleep? You were just sleeping.
Stop it. I'll be better.
It's okay. There's not many left so we'll take care of it.
Go home and rest.
Now, shall we also take a ten-minute break?
Why are you like this all of a sudden? It's scary.
Not many left? There are over twenty people left.
Applicant: Kim Yi Gyeong
The reason why you're telling me to leave, is it because of Kim Yi Gyeong?
Why are you going to this extent?
You haven't heard from Lawyer Min, yet?
Even if she comes, she's out.
Kim Yi Gyeong
From now on, whether by money or words, don't step on a worm.
So why are you lurking around,
getting on my nerves?
You're a funny person.
You told me to stop bothering you. Didn't that mean let's stop crossing paths?
Why did you sign up for the audition?
What are you after in the audition?
Is that why you threatened me?
Even if you come, you're out.
You are just an extra.
You don't need to come. Don't come!
Don't you dare come!
Okay. I won't go.
I'm not going, so don't worry.
Our fans are so gentle.
Other people's fans are so rabid. They cause a ruckus.
In our Love Line, there's no one like that.
So boring.
If humans did not have mouths, how would they have evolved?
Because of them, so much prey has been killed,
and through that mouth, they consume nutrients.
They spout pointless things to satisfy themselves.
And through that mouth, they take in oxygen
and express love through that mouth.
The more I get to know them, the less I understand. Their existence is like a feather.
Please give some applause for the song of congratulations!
Hey, that's her. The ashtray of Sungwook High.
How could someone like her be at a baby's first birthday party? How horrible.
She's so arrogant.
Oh my gosh! I totally love this!
Ms. Joo Ra In.
The pasta's so oily I feel like dying,
and now are you saying I should eat cake and get fat?
If I freaking eat this, I need to run so many days! You're a freaking
You freaking son of a bitch.
I should
And you! Why do you keep yawning from before?
Are you bored?
I-I'm boring?
I'm Joo Ra In!
Right? I'm Joo Ra In.
You're done, right?
My time is up, excuse me.
This is a present I'm giving to you, angel dear.
Grow up healthy and pretty—
What are you doing, dear?
It's you, right?
Seongbong Girl's High School.
I'm really sorry.
If I had known it was your party, I would not have come.
No, it's okay. I won't accept it.
I'm sorry, but can you hurry and leave?
Stop right there!
How could someone who beat someone to death dare to come here?
Where's that event company?
To my precious grandchild's party
how could they send an ex-convict? Disgusting!
Hurry and get out! Get out!
I'm sorry I ruined the party.
Congratulations on the first birthday.
Stop talking and get out!
Ms. Kim Lee Gyeong.
♫ Talking to yourself like a habit. ♫
Is this why you were making me wait?
♫ will be fine. It's okay. ♫
♫ Someday it will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than the mirror ♫
♫All things must pass. ♫
♫ Even the soft tears I suppressed ♫
Oh my.
Let's go. I'm hungry.
♫ while counting the stars
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Both what happened yesterday and my worn-out spirit which I want to set aside ♫
What's going on?
♫ Will it all pass? ♫
♫ Over the days ♫
♫ even my dream ♫
♫ will seem to be slowing down ♫
When the Devil Calls Your Name
I sincerely made a wish yesterday.
I don't care who, someone please save me.
She got a probation because she was a victim of domestic violence and was minor.
I stopped doing music.
Gyeong is a pitiful child if you get to know her!
I'm not going to make that deal.
Then retrieve the soul immediately.
Can you lend me that?
That guitar looks good on you. You can have it.
Is 'I'm sorry' so difficult to say?
I beg you, as Soul Entertainment's Representative,
make sure to separate business and personal matters.
Be human! Human! Can you handle your own shit?
Let's get rid of the audio recording first.
That's troublesome.
Do you want to sing? Even by selling your soul?
Something good will happen this time.
What will humans think of our proposition? Will they be afraid?
Open your heart and look around you.
A desperate, top-rated soul
will be here.
Return my deposit at least, please.
Why is your world so cruel?
Let's hire a maid.
I'll do it.
Thank you for hiring me.
Get out. I told you to get out.
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