Where's Wally (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

A Wanderer in Paris

# Oh ay oh where do you go
Where do you go Wally?
# Oh ay oh where do you go
Where do you go Wally?
# Oh ay oh I search the world
for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves
of the beach jumping
# Discover something new
# Oh ay oh
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Oooooo
# Where do you go?
Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Whoo! (GRUNTS)
Time for the Worldwide Wander Knock.
Whoo! (GRUNTS)
Time for the Worldwide Wander Knock.
Huh. Where is everyone?
And where's Wally?
And where's Wally?
I'm on it!
Oh cool.
A triple decker striped peanut
butter and jam sandwich? Yummy!
Cool, huh?
Wally! Gets me every time.
Wally! Gets me every time.
Now, remind me again why you can't
make a sandwich like everyone else.
Because this way is more fun!
Wenda, meet the Sandwichanator.
Because this way is more fun!
Wenda, meet the Sandwichanator.
Made it this morning with some stuff
I found lying around the HQ.
Now, how's that sandwich taste?
Pretty great, huh?
Now, how's that sandwich taste?
Pretty great, huh?
I call it
the Wally Triple-Nutter Special.
It's pretty special, alright.
Oh. I'll grab a ladder.
BOTH: Wizard Whitebeard!
BOTH: Wizard Whitebeard!
Ah, Wally! Wenda!
Arf and I
were just down in the basement
looking for my special
Bonsai tree clippers.
looking for my special
Bonsai tree clippers.
Old Sap Beard here
was getting a little bushy
and could use a little off the top!
A WanderPost from a fellow Wanderer.
That must be important.
A WanderPost from a fellow Wanderer.
That must be important.
Uh-oh, it's Odlulu and Fritz.
What could those two be up to now?
Wenda, look!
Odlulu has something in her hand.
Wenda, look!
Odlulu has something in her hand.
What is that?
Well, whatever it is, it's really
teeny tiny.
Wonders! That's the Teeny-Tiny Key!
And it has the power to
Wonders! That's the Teeny-Tiny Key!
And it has the power to
BOTH: Make things teeny-tiny.
Oh, you already know.
Lucky guess.
But where are they,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Odlulu and Fritz could be anywhere
in the world.
Odlulu and Fritz could be anywhere
in the world.
Well, young wanderers, let us
find where those troublemaking
travellers have landed this
time by using the WanderGlobe!
travellers have landed this
time by using the WanderGlobe!
By strip-ed staff
and white of beard, I summon magic,
wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe,
Spin, oh magic globe,
to show
where these Wanderers will go.
France! Oh, how I love France!
It has marvellous cheese,
and the Eiffel Tower and of course
It has marvellous cheese,
and the Eiffel Tower and of course
(GASPS) the Grand Race, a wonderful
bike race across the French
countryside to the city of Paris.
Where the winner gets
the Striped Jersey,
Where the winner gets
the Striped Jersey,
the greatest shirt in all of France.
And if my memory is correct,
this would be
the time that the race is run.
this would be
the time that the race is run.
Or was it last Thursday?
Or a month ago Saturday?
Hmm, let's see. You subtract August.
Minus, add Arbor Day.
Carry February
Oh, yes, right.
As I was saying, Wanderers,
Odlulu is in France.
A Teeny-Tiny Key in Odlulu's hands?
That can't be good.
A Teeny-Tiny Key in Odlulu's hands?
That can't be good.
Right. We have to stop her before
she gets into any trouble with it.
Thanks, boy. Come on, Wenda.
We're headed to France.
BOTH: Wander!
Woof, woof.
Good travels, my young Wanderers!
Bring back that TeenyTiny Key!
Good travels, my young Wanderers!
Bring back that TeenyTiny Key!
Oooh! A-ha!
A Wally Triple-Nutter Special.
Oooh! A-ha!
A Wally Triple-Nutter Special.
BOTH: Whoo!
Baguette, sir and madam?
Yep, this is France all right.
Look, Wenda, racers!
Look, Wenda, racers!
Wow. This must be the race
Wizard Whitebeard was talking about.
I wonder if one of them
might have seen Odlulu.
I wonder if one of them
might have seen Odlulu.
Water! Water for the bike racers!
Get your ice cold water!
Merci! Thank you friend.
My quest for the greatest shirt
in all of France
My quest for the greatest shirt
in all of France
has made me very thirsty.
I am Jacques.
And this is my racing team.
Camille, Henri, Chloe and Louis.
Camille, Henri, Chloe and Louis.
I'm Wally and this is Wenda.
You said you're a racing team?
Yes. The Grand Race is a long
journey all the way to Paris.
Yes. The Grand Race is a long
journey all the way to Paris.
That is why we race as a team.
We start the race together,
we finish the race together!
We start the race together,
we finish the race together!
A team. Just like us, Wally.
Exactly. And we were wondering if
you might have seen another team
a girl wearing yellow
and black stripes?
And a ferret wearing a hoody?
And a ferret wearing a hoody?
A ferret in a hoody?
I'm sure we would have noticed that.
But sadly, Wally and Wenda, we have
been so focused on winning the race,
But sadly, Wally and Wenda, we have
been so focused on winning the race,
we haven't seen much except
the finish line in our dreams.
We will win this race, for our team.
BOTH: For France!
Ready, Jacques?
The race is about to start!
Ready, Jacques?
The race is about to start!
Good luck finding your friends,
Wally and Wenda.
Good luck winning the race, Jacques!
I hope Jacques and his team do well
in the Grand Race, Wally!
I hope Jacques and his team do well
in the Grand Race, Wally!
I just hope we can find
Odlulu before she messes it up.
How hard can it be to find
a girl in yellow and black stripes?
And a super hungry ferret.
And a super hungry ferret.
Phew, that was close, Fritz.
What are Wally and Wenda doing here?
Phew, that was close, Fritz.
What are Wally and Wenda doing here?
I don't know.
Doesn't matter.
Let's get back to our mission.
Ah ha. Yes!
Not eating pastries, Fritz.
Not eating pastries, Fritz.
Winning the Grand Race.
If anyone should have the greatest
shirt in all of France,
If anyone should have the greatest
shirt in all of France,
it should be me. And we both know
I look amazing in stripes.
Whoa! Whoa, look out! Sorry, miss!
Sorry Miss, sorry rat!
He's not a rat. He's a ferret!
He's not a rat. He's a ferret!
Yeah, I'm not a rat!
Those cyclists sure are fast, Fritz.
And they're the only thing
standing between me
and looking awesome in that
striped jersey.
and looking awesome in that
striped jersey.
But I think I have a way to make
sure we cross the finish line first.
Ha! It works!
There'll be time for eating later,
We have the greatest
shirt in all of France to win.
We have the greatest
shirt in all of France to win.
Wally! There she is.
And she's heading for the starting
line to the Grand Race!
Racers, on your marks. Get set
My bike!
My bike!
Let's roll, Fritz! The greatest
shirt in all of France is mine now!
Let's roll, Fritz! The greatest
shirt in all of France is mine now!
Oh, no Wally. They're getting away.
With the key and the race.
Oh, my bike.
Oh, my bike.
Aah! Sorry, everyone.
Riding straight isn't easy
on these teeny bikes!
It's true. They're very wiggly.
And wobbly.
It's true. They're very wiggly.
And wobbly.
MAN: They're tiny!
Don't worry, team.
It's not the size of the bike,
Don't worry, team.
It's not the size of the bike,
but the heart of the bike rider.
We can still do this! We just have
to work a little harder, that's all!
Useless. The race is over
before it even started.
Useless. The race is over
before it even started.
No Louis, we must ride!
For our team!
For France!
But these bikes are teeny tiny.
It's impossible!
But these bikes are teeny tiny.
It's impossible!
I'm sorry, Jacques,
we can't win. Our dream is over.
But Louis, Chloe We're a team!
Jacques, I'm so sorry.
I know how hard you were
training for this.
Oh, Wenda, my big dream of winning
the Grand Race has sadly
Oh, Wenda, my big dream of winning
the Grand Race has sadly
become a teeny-tiny nightmare.
I wish there was something
we could do to help.
Right, Wally? Wally? Where's Wally?
Right, Wally? Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
Maybe there is a way
we can help each other.
Maybe there is a way
we can help each other.
Uh, Wally what is that?
I call it
the Wally Quintuple Bike-anator!
The Quintuple What-anator?
Bike-anator. It's a superbike.
What a good idea!
The bike-anator!
The superbike!
One of us on a teeny-tiny
bike can't catch Odlulu
One of us on a teeny-tiny
bike can't catch Odlulu
but maybe five of us can.
Right. Together we'll catch Odlulu,
then together we'll finish the race.
Right. Together we'll catch Odlulu,
then together we'll finish the race.
Oh, thank you, Wally and Wenda!
C'mon team.
Our dream of winning the Grand Race
is back! For France!
I have to say,
this is pretty amazing, Wally.
I have to say,
this is pretty amazing, Wally.
Ah, but what about all those
extra bike parts?
So, who wants to steer?
Hold onto your stripes.
I'm on it, Wally!
Hold onto your stripes.
I'm on it, Wally!
Ready to roll, team?
Let's go!
HENRI: Vive le Grand Race!
I am going to look
so amazing in that striped jersey
I am going to look
so amazing in that striped jersey
Fritz! Hey! Ugh! I can't see!
Nuh-uh. No stopping for cheese.
We have a race to win!
Ugh, fine! We'll get a quick snack,
but then back to winning.
# Je t'aime fromage
I love my cheese #
# Je t'aime fromage
I love my cheese #
May I help you, mademoiselle?
Uh, yeah.
I'd like some cheese, please.
(CHUCKLES) What kind of cheese? In
France we have hundreds of cheese.
(CHUCKLES) What kind of cheese? In
France we have hundreds of cheese.
We have it in wedges, blocks
and, for the true cheese lover,
We have it in wedges, blocks
and, for the true cheese lover,
cheese wheels!
(SHRIEKS) A rat!
(GASPS) Where?
(GASPS) Where?
Right there!
Who, me?
I'll have you know that
Fritz is not a rat.
He's a ferret.
He's a ferret.
My fine cheese is not for animals!
No cheese for you! Or your rat!
No cheese for you! Or your rat!
He's a ferret!
Don't listen to him, Fritz. Who
wants that stinky old cheese anyway?
Don't listen to him, Fritz. Who
wants that stinky old cheese anyway?
(SIGHS) Fritz wants that
stinky old cheese
(SIGHS) Fritz wants that
stinky old cheese
C'mon, team, keep pedalling!
It's no use.
We're not getting anywhere, Jacques.
It's no use.
We're not getting anywhere, Jacques.
because we're not working together.
We all need pedal at the same pace.
Just like rowing a boat!
Just like rowing a boat!
Exactly, Wenda.
OK, everyone, start with your left
foot then right foot
then left foot And one, two,
three, one, two, three
then left foot And one, two,
three, one, two, three
Wally, it's working! It's working!
Ha-ha! Our dream of winning
the Grand Race has returned!
Ha-ha! Our dream of winning
the Grand Race has returned!
Vive la France!
Vive la teamwork!
OK, team, let's keep up the pace.
We have a magic key to get
and a race to win!
We have a magic key to get
and a race to win!
Left foot, right foot.
One, two, three, one, two, three
Un, deux, trois. Un, deux, trois
Onward! Onward!
En avant! En avant!
En avant! En avant!
ALL: En avant! En avant!
# I love my cheese #
# I love my cheese #
Good afternoon, sir and madam.
How may I help you?
Um, my ferr (CLEARS THROAT)
my human friend here
would like to buy some cheese.
my human friend here
would like to buy some cheese.
Ooh, then you have
come to the right place!
Here is one of my finest cheeses
Here is one of my finest cheeses
Now this cheese, this is
one of my personal favourites
It looks like my friend is
a pretty demanding customer.
Would you just pick something
so we can get out of here?!
Would you just pick something
so we can get out of here?!
I have the greatest shirt in all
of France to win, remember?
(GRUNTS) Here.
Here is the perfect cheese for you!
(GRUNTS) Here.
Here is the perfect cheese for you!
Uh, sir, your moustache
Huh? Uh-oh.
Huh? Uh-oh.
You! The rat! No cheese for rats!
He's a ferret!
Rat! Girl! Come back with my cheese!
Rat! Girl! Come back with my cheese!
Leave it, Fritz.
We have enough cheese!
ALL: En avant! En avant
BOTH: Odlulu!
Aah! Wally and Wenda!
And what are they riding?
Aah! Wally and Wenda!
And what are they riding?
I don't know.
Never mind.
Deal with this, Wanderers.
Come on, Fritz! Now's our chance!
Bye-bye, Wally and Wenda,
we'll be moo-ving along now!
If we are going to catch Odlulu,
we have to get these cows
out of the road, Wally.
we have to get these cows
out of the road, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Up here, Wenda.
Hey cows! Corn here,
get your fresh corn, right here!
It's working!
The cows are moving!
And I know just where to lead 'em!
Hold onto your stripes!
And I know just where to lead 'em!
Hold onto your stripes!
I'm on it!
Hyah! Hyah!
Send 'em along, Wally!
The cows are following the corn!
And the road is clear!
Now to catch them
before they get to Paris.
Let's pedal like we've never
pedalled before, team!
Let's pedal like we've never
pedalled before, team!
For France!
ALL: En avant! En avant! En avant!
En avant!
Almost to Paris.
Almost to Paris.
Are you even pedalling back there?!
What do you mean, "They're back"?!
ALL: En avant! En avant!
What are we gonna do?
Oh yeah! Good idea, Fritzy!
ALL: Whoa!
ALL: En avant!
Say cheese!
Say cheese!
ALL: En avant!
ALL: En avant!
Odlulu! Watch out!
Watch out for wha-whoa!
The Teeny-Tiny Key!
Got it!
Look out!
top floor.
We did it, Wally!
We got the key back!
We did it, Wally!
We got the key back!
Now Odlulu can't make anything
else in France teeny tiny.
Enjoy the view up there!
Look for me at the finish line!
I'll be the one wearing
the striped jersey!
I'll be the one wearing
the striped jersey!
Well, we gave it our best shot,
(SIGHS) But now we will have to
watch her win the greatest shirt
(SIGHS) But now we will have to
watch her win the greatest shirt
in all of France from the top of
the greatest tower in all of France.
It's not over yet, team.
It's not over yet, team.
We started the race together and
we're going to finish it together.
You helped us
get the Teeny-Tiny Key back,
now we're gonna help you win
this race, Jacques!
now we're gonna help you win
this race, Jacques!
But how? Odlulu is already so far
ahead and we're all the way up here.
Wait, I know that look.
Wait, I know that look.
Tell me you're not
thinking about using the key to
shrink the Eiffel Tower.
Well, there's no
time now to wait for the lift
and we do need to catch up. So
and we do need to catch up. So
What do you think, team?
Should we
TEAM: Shrink the tower!
Shrink the tower!
I guess we're shrinking
the Eiffel Tower.
Hang on everyone!
Hang on everyone!
Alright, Teeny-Tiny Key.
Let's see what you can do.
Shrink the Eiffel Tower!
Here we go!
For France!
Come on, team! To the finish line!
ALL: Whoa!
ALL: Whoo-whoo!
Yes, Paris, your winners are here!
ALL: En avant! En avant!
ALL: En avant! En avant!
What? Aah! Pedal!
ALL: Allez, allez, allez!
ALL: Allez, allez, allez!
They're getting closer!
Toss the cheese at them!
Do it or they're going to beat us!
And I need that shirt!
And I need that shirt!
They're still there!
Toss all the cheese!
Wenda! Cheese wheel ahead!
Look out!
The handlebars!
Our wheel! (GASPS)
It's all over.
Odlulu is going to win.
It's all over.
Odlulu is going to win.
Oh, if we only had a
handlebar and a wheel,
we could still be in this.
we could still be in this.
Hmm This race isn't over yet!
Quick! Roll me that cheese!
Good thinking, Wally.
This goes here, this goes there,
and finally
This goes here, this goes there,
and finally
The most French bike in the world!
The most French bike in the world!
Uh, does anyone know
how to steer a baguette?
Hold onto your stripes. I'm on it.
Hop on team.
I knew you could do it.
I knew you could do it.
ALL: Allez! Allez! Allez!
MAN ON SPEAKER: Odlulu has the clear
lead! But here comes another team,
riding on
a wheel of cheese?
riding on
a wheel of cheese?
Vive la France!!
Come on, team!
We can do it!
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two, three, one, two, three
Un, deux, trois, un, deux, trois
MAN ON SPEAKER: It will be a photo
One, two, three, one, two, three
MAN ON SPEAKER: And the French bike
wins by a baguette!
MAN ON SPEAKER: And the French bike
wins by a baguette!
We did it!
We won the race!
And we got the Teeny Tiny Key.
Vive le teamwork!
Looks great!
Now, to turn everything
back to normal size.
The Eiffel Tower is back! Whoo-hoo!
France is back to normal!
Now let's take this key
back where it belongs!
Goodbye, France.
Or should I say, au revoir.
Goodbye, France.
Or should I say, au revoir.
BOTH: Wander!
(CHUCKLES) Good to see you
too, Arf.
Wally! Wenda! You're back!
How was France?
How was France?
We had a few teeny tiny problems
But we managed to grab you
a souvenir.
The Teeny-Tiny Key!
Now Odlulu can't use it
to cause any more trouble.
Now Odlulu can't use it
to cause any more trouble.
WorldWide Wander Books, please?
Cool! Thanks!
You're welcome. By the way,
how was the Grand Race?
We won it!
By a baguette.
By a baguette.
(GASPS) A baguette!
Ah, my favourite souvenir
one I can eat.
But I bet that baguette would
make an even better
But I bet that baguette would
make an even better
Wally Triple-Nutter Special.
Here we go again.
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