White Lines (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[clock ticking]
[ticking continues]
Were there more than 15 people
at this gathering?
Yes, Your Honor.
[trance music playing]
[crowd cheering and whistling]
Was the music sufficiently loud
to make it impossible
for two people to have conversation?
I hope so.
- [laughter]
- [trance music playing]
[Axel] Hey, Zoe!
Come here. Come up.
[crowd cheering and whistling]
[Axel] All right. Come here.
To the best of your knowledge,
were narcotic substances consumed?
I wasn't aware of any.
[trance music playing]
Oh, dance with me ♪
Oh, oh, dance with me ♪
[judge] Would you say
you were the promoter of this gathering?
Did you gain from it?
I've got a question for you,
Your Honor.
Have you ever had a good time?
I mean it.
Like, a proper good time.
[trance music playing]
I give you top shit!
This is an illegal gathering.
You must leave immediately,
or we're coming in.
Anna, get Zoe out of here now!
- [Anna] Come on.
- [Zoe] Okay.
[Anna] Go! Quickly! Come on!
Da-da, da, da, da, da
Da-da, da, da, da ♪
[Marcus] Let's fuckin' have it!
[crowd] Da, da, da, da
Da-da, da, da, da ♪
Da-da, da, da, da, da
Da-da, da, da, da ♪
[crowd continues singing]
[Marcus] Let's fuckin' have it!
[whistling and yelling]
[girl screams]
- [music stops]
- [boy] Oh!
What? You gonna arrest your own son?
- [laughs]
- [grunts]
Come on!
We'll say it got out of hand
and it won't happen again.
Anna's dad's a lawyer,
and he says it's best just to be sorry.
No, we'll get off.
None of us have got a record.
We'll get community service at worst.
And then what?
Like, DJ in an old folks' home?
What are you on about?
I'm on about staying the fuck out of jail.
[Axel] Uh-huh. And then what?
Let's see.
Then we reach the next level in Pac-Man.
Yeah, we're all playing, mate.
That's what life is.
Come on. Let's do one.
We've gotta get to court.
What do you think Amadeus is all about?
Havin' a great night?
Makin' a bit of cash?
Marcus, you've gotta see
the bigger picture.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means not conformin'.
It means havin' parties,
each one bigger than the last one.
It means transportin' people
with our music
so they can forget
about this shit goin' on in their lives.
And float above it all.
What's goin' on with you, mate?
Just took a pill, boys.
[crickets chirping]
Dear Axel
has it really been 22 years
since we danced at your parties?
We feel your loss like it were yesterday.
But death
is part of life.
Like the flower that withers.
But Axel's light lives on
in all of us.
But especially
in his best friends
and in his sister, Zoe
who is with us to say goodbye.
[Zoe] Did you know
that Marcus called me up and lied to me?
- [wind chimes tinkling]
- Look
Zoe, I'm not defending what he did.
But he knew how cut up you were.
He he was trying
- to make life easy for you.
- Think about how you would feel
if you lost someone.
All the questions that you'd have.
Did they kill themselves?
Were they murdered?
That was the best you could come up with?
Look, I know I screwed up,
but we did really think
he'd gone to India.
It it was the kind of thing
we used to do.
- Kind of like a a spiritual journey.
- [sighs] Right.
But in actual fact, he was killed,
taken across the Mediterranean
and buried in the desert like a dog.
Doesn't sound very spiritual to me.
I want you to think
about Axel.
You've got an image of him in your mind,
or or something he said. Write it down.
We're gonna bury them
so that they live forever.
[Zoe] When did you last see him?
[Anna] At his party.
There was, like, 600 of us there.
[Zoe] What party?
It was his 24th birthday.
[Anna] He wanted a 24-hour party.
[singing bowl chimes]
[note resonates]
[David] He wanted a party that were bigger
than Freddie Mercury's, and he got it.
With even more drugs.
[Marcus] By the end,
there was a sort of
collective amnesia.
I know it sounds ridiculous,
but nobody could remember what happened
by the end of it.
Are you telling me
there were 600 people at this party
- and no one remembers a thing?
- [Anna] No. I'm telling you
that none of us remember.
Come here.
[wind chimes tinkling]
What did the police say?
Or did you tell them
that he was meditating in India?
How do you not remember anything?
There was an investigation,
- for Christ's sake!
- [David] Just say it!
You think we had something to do with it?
- You think we're hiding something?
- [people chanting trance refrain]
[chanting continues]
Is that why you've been staying with me?
You want to interrogate us?
Search the house? What are you after?
- I want you out of my house.
- Marcus, calm down.
Why should I?
We went through this 20 years ago.
I'm not doin' it again.
[chanting continues]
[humming trance refrain]
[humming continues]
[humming continues]
[David] It's time to go down.
Everyone's here.
Dear Axel
has it really been 22 years
since we danced at your parties?
We feel your loss like it were yesterday.
I'm sorry for what was said earlier.
This news about Axel,
it's just so gutting. For all of us.
Of course we're gonna feel anger
and and frustration.
I went to India.
After he disappeared, I felt so lost.
- I I went to Goa looking for him.
- Seriously?
I never found him, of course.
But out of of all of that pain and
and all of that frustration
came something beautiful.
I found meself.
I think you could do with a bit of that.
Fourteen years I was over there.
The cow was a gift from me guru.
They worship them.
Whenever negative feelings arise, I
- hug the cow
- [mooing]
and it gives me peace.
Hug the cow with me, Zoe.
Feel the energy.
I'm not hugging the cow.
I was definitely at a point where I could
do with some peaceful energy,
- but it didn't last long.
- [Joanna] Just take some deep breaths.
Tell me what's happened.
[inhales] Okay.
[Zoe] I mean, honestly,
you should have seen these people.
They were Axel's best friends,
but they all seemed
pretty suspicious to me.
I mean, yesterday,
Marcus was being accused of killing Axel
and was half drowned so he'd confess,
and now the guy's standing right there
like nothing happened.
I realized
how I could get through to Marcus.
Take the cocaine from his house
and don't give it back
until he comes clean.
[Indian music playing]
How's the leg?
I'll live.
Oh, if you're offering to be my nurse,
to be honest,
I'd rather have a professional.
- I'm not.
- Hmm.
I do need to ask you a favor, though.
Can I borrow your car?
What's wrong with your scooter,
harpoon girl?
I can't use my scooter.
Marcus and I have had a big row.
He wants me to leave his house,
and I need to go and get all my stuff.
Give me your keys.
So I've got some wheels.
[Zoe clears throat]
Everyone's asking about my leg.
I tell them I was shot with Cupid's arrow.
Well [chuckles]
a harpoon,
but it's the same thing, isn't it?
A little mushroom tea?
Not today, mate.
[phone ringing]
[Marcus] You've reached Marcus. I can't
pick up right now, but leave a message.
We waited for you yesterday, Marcus,
but you didn't come.
That's strange, because you have my drugs,
but I don't have your money.
So I've asked Yuri,
"How long do we give him?"
- He says
- Two hours.
"Two hours."
I say, "It's Marcus."
He says
Okay, 24.
[mimics Yuri] "Okay, 24."
And now you're not picking up.
You are in deep shit!
Deep shit.
["Welcome to my World" playing]
The key to this world of mine ♪
♪I'll be waiting here ♪
Ooh ♪
With my arms unfurled ♪
[shouting in Romanian]
Waiting just for you ♪
[house music playing]
♪Welcome to my world ♪
Shake it off, baby! Shake
Waiting just for you ♪
Ooh ♪
Welcome to my world ♪
- [Zoe] Oh! Hello, darlin'.
- [rap music playing in distance]
What are you doing here?
Nothing. You?
Is that yours?
That one's good.
What's up?
Tanny's with a boy.
With a boy?
When Tanny's with a boy,
she shuts me in here.
Right. I'll sort it out.
- We're supposed to be at Mum and George's.
- Okay. Don't you worry about it.
Show 'em, baby, how you flex
And make it shake ♪
All that back and pretty face
Girl, I'm tryna get a taste ♪
I'm just bopping
Give a fuck who's in the place ♪
- Gucci buckle with a snake ♪
- [phone ringing]
Show 'em, baby, how you flex
And make it shake ♪
All that back and pretty face
Girl, I'm tryna get a taste ♪
I'm just bopping
Give a fuck who's in the place ♪
Gucci buckle with a snake
But my hoodie looking bait ♪
Yo, the aim's to get the bag
And then get off, ain't got time ♪
Put your clothes back on. You're going
to your mum's house with Matilda.
- Who are you?
- It's my dad's friend.
- And I'm also a mum.
- Eh?
Hey, do you know what my dad does?
He's a policeman.
And that girl there, she's underaged.
Do you know what they do
to guys like you in prison?
Off you go!
'Bout to take another sip
I'm just younger livin' life ♪
You can't blame it on the kid ♪
[phone ringing]
- Why didn't you answer your phone?
- I was just getting my things.
Well, if you take my car,
you answer your fucking phone.
- Keys.
- But I'm not finished with the car.
[Boxer] Oh! Well, I'm really sorry,
but my boss needs me to pick up
his daughter from the airport, so get out.
No, no! You can't drive like that.
Not with your stitches.
Come on. I'll take you. Get in.
I already got here
in this fucking scooter, didn't I?
And let's get one thing straight,
harpoon girl.
No one drives me anywhere.
I drive them. Hmm?
Well, let's get another thing straight,
buddy. I'm not letting you drive.
I'm pretty sure it's not even legal,
so unless you wanna get in trouble
with the authorities, you'd better get in.
Well, if it's about what's legal
[house music playing]
[phone rings]
Hello, Marcus.
Can we talk?
I'm sorry I lost it earlier about Axel,
but I've gotta go.
No, no, wait. It's it's not about that.
Matty called me.
Is she being bullied again?
Yeah, I know. I'm on it.
[sighs] Now it's all online.
Those little shits
call her "the croissant."
Is she not following the diet?
Yeah, most of the time.
But with the hours I work,
sometimes she asks for pizza
when I'm not around.
- Her big issue is ice cream.
- No, Marcus. Come on. She's ten.
You've gotta give her structure
when I'm not there.
What are you talkin' about? That's part
of it. You're in London half the year.
Oh, what? So it it's my fault?
No. Look, I'm not saying that.
It's just
She's been all over the place
since we separated,
and sometimes she binges on ice cream.
Why don't you stay with us
when you're here?
It's still your house, after all.
Why don't you
try and relax?
- Here have some tea.
- [sighs]
Don't we always find a way
around our problems, eh?
I don't really feel like it.
Look, I've gotta go.
Something didn't work out,
- and I'm a bit worried about it.
- Yeah, no problem.
George has asked me to marry him.
Planning summat small. Three
or four weeks. Nothing grand. Just
[both laugh]
I'm so fuckin'
- happy for you.
- [chuckles] Aww!
[man] Anna!
Here's to you both. Eh?
- That's such great news.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Right.
- I'm so happy for you!
Drink the tea!
- David!
- Such great fuckin' news.
[Anna laughing]
[Anna laughing]
[automated voice]
You have 16 new messages. First message.
[Romanian man] We waited for you
yesterday, Marcus, but you didn't come.
That's strange, because you have my drugs,
- but I don't have your money.
- [beep]
So what do you know
about my brother, then?
Not much.
How come you wrote two pages for him
at the memorial?
Jesus Christ!
You've been spying on me.
It was a poem, for fuck's sake.
Charles Baudelaire.
You can't write down half a poem.
[plane door opens]
[Zoe] Hmm.
[in Spanish]
You're more gorgeous than ever, my dear.
- [squeals]
- [laughs]
[Boxer] Oh! Aah!
- You're exactly the same.
- Except now I'm lame.
What happened?
Fishing accident.
[Boxer] That's Zoe.
Axel's sister.
found his body
in Almeria.
On your family's land.
It looks like he was murdered
and then buried 20 years ago.
[in English] Hi.
[in Spanish] Hello.
[in English] I'm sorry. [laughing]
I'm so sorry. It's just, um
I know it's been
more than 20 years, but
Axel was my first love.
I'm Kika.
[Zoe] Hi.
Uh I
- I'll do it, sorry.
- Eh?
- It's got all my stuff in the boot.
- Okay.
[Zoe clears throat]
- [Boxer speaks Spanish]
- [Kika laughs]
[Boxer groans]
[Boxer and Kika speaking Spanish]
- Aah!
- [Zoe] Oh! Sorry!
- [Kika laughs]
- [Zoe] Sorry.
["It's a Sin" by Eddy Arnold playing]
It's a sin, my darling ♪
How I love you ♪
Because I know our love can never be ♪
It's a sin to keep this memory of you ♪
When silence proves ♪
- That you've forgotten me ♪
- [chuckles] Mm.
- The dream I built for us ♪
- [squeals and laughs]
Has tumbled ♪
Each promise ♪
Your brother would never stop talking
about you.
We'd sit in cafés and write you postcards.
I would draw starfish, medusas, crabs.
Oh, and that yellow bikini
you got for your birthday?
I tried it on myself.
He said we were the same size.
[in Spanish] She has no fucking idea
who I am, does she, Boxer?
[in English] Okay. You clearly have
no idea who I am, do you?
I don't. I'm sorry.
Axel never told you.
I did love that yellow bikini, though.
I didn't get to wear it very much
in Manchester.
Hey, how old were you?
You're about the same age as me.
Well, maybe that's why
he didn't say anything.
He probably didn't want you to think
he was a cradle snatcher.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, uh, turn over here, please.
[in Spanish] No, no. Your father said
go straight to the funeral.
Boxer, don't be a pain in the arse.
[arguing in Spanish]
[Kika, in English] Turn here.
[Axel] Look who's here.
And I thought you wouldn't come.
[Kika] My driver brought me.
What do you want?
To see you.
Don't you get it? I'm with Cristóbal.
But you don't love him.
Otherwise, why are you here?
What do you think you're doing?
You're nobody. Got it?
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh?
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.
- [laughs]
- [scoffs]
All right.
Time to head.
Since you like guys with money
I'm gonna leave you a trail.
Just so you know where to find me.
[Kika] What are you doing?
Where are you going?
Like Tom Thumb.
[Kika] How dare you?
Just take them back. Fuck you!
You can't afford me!
You okay?
This was Axel's favorite place.
He used to come here
before playing a set.
[laughs] You should have seen us together.
A posh girl from Ibiza
and a lad from Manchester.
[Zoe chuckles]
[Kika] He didn't know it at the time,
but I could be so much worse than him.
What did you think when he disappeared?
It was a relief for my family.
They didn't want anything to do with him.
They told me the same thing
they'd said to everyone else.
That he'd left.
[in Spanish] A beer, please.
[in English] How's it going, fellas?
[grunts] How are you, Popeye?
All right, brother?
Don't look like that, for fuck's sake.
I was at a memorial, okay?
Look, right. Uh I wanna pay,
but I I can't sell the stuff.
You know, the Calafats are gettin' heavy.
So are the police.
Sell it somewhere else.
Police control all the clubs.
[chuckles] Look, Grigor, mate
I'm just a DJ with two kids.
You know? I sell a bit when I'm playin'
to make ends meet, but
[chuckles] I don't really fancy going
to prison. Do you know what I mean?
So what do you want?
I return the drugs, and
I return the drugs, and we're all good.
[all chuckle]
Do you have a receipt?
Excuse me?
Know why you don't have one?
'Cause we're not a supermarket.
Let me explain.
We are the wholesaler.
You are the retailer.
We give you the drugs.
You sell it, and you give us the money.
End of story.
No returns.
What if I can't sell it?
I mean, fucking help me out, you know?
I I I've been good up to now,
haven't I?
[low rumbling]
[Grigor and Yuri speaking Romanian]
[in English]tomorrow morning
[sighs] Oh, fuck.
[speaking Romanian]
You can return the merchandise.
[sighs] Oh, fu Thanks, guys.
I owe you one.
We take the drugs,
and you give us 15 percent.
Fifteen percent?
'Cause we bring the drugs from Bolivia,
and that, you fucking moron, costs money.
That's about 35 grand!
I think you'd better ask someone
for a loan, Marcus.
Who's it gonna be?
Father? Brother? Wife? Call them.
[sighs] Yeah.
- Oh, hon, it's a lot of money.
- [dance music playing]
I've spent a small fortune
on costume and props.
Look, didn't you say we always
find a way round our problems?
You see, the thing is, right now,
I am fucking drowning!
Why don't you ask George?
Your fiancé?
So are you here in Ibiza for a while, Zoe?
Yeah, looks like it.
I'm here just for a couple days.
I can only take my mum and my brother
in small doses.
They're pretty toxic.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
We won't be long. You'd better wait here.
[Andreu, in Spanish] Come here, my girl.
I miss you, you know?
[in English] Hello?
The Spanish police
looked into Axel's case.
What are you talkin' about?
There was an investigation.
They must have told you.
You're his fatherand a police officer.
Is this really what you want?
Do you want your life to fall apart again?
Panic attacks, popping pills,
someone lookin' at you while you sleep?
No, of course not.
Well, what's your plan, then?
Is it looking for footprints?
Interrogating people that aren't there,
you know? Are you
Are you gonna go to the black market
and buy yourself a gun?
You work in a library, for God's sake.
You lied.
I know.
You knew all along he wasn't in India.
You knew about the police.
You knew that they talked to his friends.
I know you're thinking
you're protecting me, Dad, but you're not.
Okay, fine. I ha
I had a breakdown when I was 18.
But that was then. This is now.
I'm an adult, and I have to find out
what happened to him. Do you understand?
- [father] Is that really what you want?
- Yes.
I have just been sent
the preliminary autopsy report.
[sighs] What did it say?
"Genetic tests confirm
this is Axel Collins.
The corpse has a high concentration
of chlorine.
Flocculant and anti-algae product
were found in the lungs,
probably due to intake of pool water
through the respiratory tract.
Drowning does not appear
to be the cause of death.
In addition to numerous historic scars,
there are other injuries.
Five ribs broken
by some kind of lateral impact.
In all likelihood,
- this paralyzed the deceased."
- Right. Stop it.
Carry on.
[Clint] "Abrasions on knees, elbows
and also toenails
suggest he tried to crawl and escape
before his death."
"Finally, an open wound
in the dorsal region,
inflicted by a sharp object
which severed the aorta.
Death was most likely caused
by massive loss of blood."
[echoing sigh]
- Good afternoon, Zoe.
- [gasps]
I'm Andreu Calafat.
On behalf of my whole family,
I want to express my deepest condolences.
I guarantee you can count on my family
and our resources
to help you in your search
for Axel's killers.
The land where his body was found
belongs to me.
It appears someone is trying
to smear our name.
I want you to know we are with you.
[Mike] Have you lost your mind?
[Clint] She asked for it.
When she knew Axel wasn't coming back,
she tried to top herself.
What the hell
do you think she's gonna do now?
You're the one who believed in her
all these years.
And it wasn't me
who let her go off on her own.
I'm gonna go to Ibiza
and get her back.
[Andreu, in Spanish] One morning,
I went into one of my restaurants, and
you stayed waiting outside, as always.
But I had a panic attack,
and I left in a daze
through the back door.
When I realized I had left you,
I sent Boxer back to get you.
But you wouldn't budge.
When he grabbed your collar,
you bit him like a beast.
You wouldn't leave without me.
No one has ever been so loyal to me.
A part of me dies with you, my friend.
[in English] Forgive the interruption.
You can shove your help and your money
up your arse.
First, they tried to drown my brother
in a pool.
Then they broke his ribs.
Then they crushed his neck
until he was paralyzed.
He tried to crawl away, and they just
stabbed him in the back,
and he bled to death like a pig.
[Andreu] What are you saying?
The body of your daughter's boyfriend
turned up on your land, Mr. Calafat.
It don't smell right.
[laughs] But then, what am I to know, eh?
Maybe you're the kind of guy
who gives his dog a funeral
and buries the body of a man in a desert.
Fuck! [sighs]
[Zoe] Hi, Joanna!
Oh, I shouldn't be ringing you, should I?
I'm not supposed to.
It's against all the rules.
Why did you call me, Zoe?
Because I can't tell Mike I've got seven
kilos of cocaine in the back of my car.
Congrats on the engagement, George.
Anna told me.
[Marcus sighs] Um
[George] Go ahead.
I've got an issue.
Take a seat.
[Marcus] Aah
It's about me pool.
It's broken, and, um
Well, you know,
I've also racked up some debt.
I need a loan.
Thirty-five grand, to be precise.
Anna said, you know,
you might be able to help.
It's just for a few weeks, it's
How old are you, Marcus?
- I'm 44.
- But your mental age is what?
[chuckling] Nineteen at a push?
[both chuckle]
- Yeah!
- What on earth are you wearing?
You look like Bart Simpson.
At the first whiff of trouble,
you go crying to your wife.
Except she's not your wife anymore,
is she?
You come to her fiancé,
cap in hand, looking for money.
And for what?
To pay for cancer treatment in Houston?
[chuckling] To sort out
your bloody swimming pool!
Do you know what kind of man does that?
A man with no self-respect.
Perhaps there is a chance
this little chat
might be a wake-up call for you.
[Anna laughing] Please!
[Matty] Fire it, light it!
[Anna] Ah, George, come down!
Come down. Join in!
- Oh, be
- Okay. No problem.
You know, George, you're a great guy.
forget it.
Do you know what?
Falling in love with Anna
was the most incredible thing
that's ever happened to me.
She made me feel like I could crush
the world between me finger and thumb.
One day
when you're even older
and she's got tired of you
and your fuckin' watercolors,
you'll understand how I feel right now.
["Southern Trees" by Sub Sub playing]
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
♪Can you feel the
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
- Oh
- Can you feel the ♪
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
- Oh
- Can you feel the ♪
[on car radio]
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
Can you feel the ♪
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
Can you feel the
Can you feel the pressure on us? ♪
Southern trees ♪
It's on its way.
- [Grigor] On its way?
- [Yuri] He doesn't have it!
[choking] Obviously, it's not here.
I mean, who keeps 30,000 euros
in their house?
You know? They're not fucking narcos.
All right? Look
We've had a chat, and
and they're gonna get it to me.
[Yuri and Grigor speaking Romanian]
- Eh?
- [both continue speaking Romanian]
What's he saying?
Where are the drugs, Marcus?
- Where are the drugs?
- [Marcus groaning]
[Andreu, in Spanish ]
And forgive our trespasses,
as we forgive them
that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
I've asked Kika here
because from tomorrow,
we start making preparations
for her to take over my position
and all my roles
in the family company.
Is this a joke?
No. It is something
I have given a lot of thought.
[Kika] Well, Dad, you'd better unthink it!
You call and tell me King is dead,
that you need me to come over. For what?
Were you trying to trick me?
Our father thinks I'm the guy who killed
your English boyfriend.
Enough. He doesn't think that.
Yes, he does, Mum.
And if not me,
he thinks it was you, right?
That's it.
Either your son is a killer,
or you're married to one.
But you're wrong, Dad. And I'll prove it.
I will sit Axel's killer in front of you.
Then you'll have to beg me
for forgiveness, and Mum as well.
[Oriol sighs]
What are you going to do?
I'll do whatever it takes, Mum.
Whatever it takes.
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[in English] How do you hot-wire a car?
[virtual assistant] I'm sorry.
Your language is somewhat new to me.
Can you try asking me in a different way?
Jeez Louise!
[in Spanish]
That's quite a mess you got into.
My God!
[in English] Where are you going?
I've no idea.
[sighs] Okay.
You can stay at my place.
Oh, but if my boss comes,
you're hiding in the closet.
Why are you helping me?
You and Andreu want to find out
the same thing. Who killed Axel.
So I just thought, let's do it together.
We can be like Bonnie and Clyde.
Thelma and Louise.
Just take me to a hotel.
- I'll take you.
- Yeah.
[Boxer grunts]
To talk like that to Andreu
Whew. it takes balls.
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
When I saw you in there like a wildcat,
I thought to myself, "Fuck!
You could have something serious
with a woman like that."
I'm married with a kid.
I'm not looking for a holiday romance.
No, I just meant in general.
Like, you're the type of person I could
eventually see myself with in the future.
Nothing more than that.
[in Spanish] He wants Kika to take over.
She lives in Miami
without a penny to her name.
With all due respect, as her mother,
I can tell you she is none too smart.
- Andreu is having a bad time.
- [scoffs]
You need to be patient.
This is not a question of patience,
He's buried his dog in the family vault
with his father, his grandparents.
I can't get over seeing him
kneeling there, praying
for a dog.
It's a mental health issue.
What do you want to do? Section him?
Don't be so dramatic, please.
He can stick around for a while.
But we need to find a way
to cut Andreu out
and take control of the company before
he manages to destroy it.
I'm not sure, Conchita.
He's your husband.
Have you never had doubts about God?
What are you saying?
[Conchita chuckles]
[Rafael gasps]
Well, then imagine me
with my husband, Rafael.
[Rafael gasping and moaning]
[gasping intensely]
["At the River" by Groove Armada playing]
If you're fond of sand dunes
And salty air ♪
Quaint little villages here and there ♪
If you're fond of sand dunes
And sa ♪
[chuckling] Oh! What a doofus! I
Uh, I just remembered, you know?
I I left it round the back, you know?
It's too risky to keep it here.
- Do you fancy a beer?
- [Grigor] No.
[Marcus] No?
[speaking Romanian]
[in English] What's that?
Oh, you're fucking kidding me?
If you aren't responsible enough
to take care of your animals,
you shouldn't have them.
- Oh! Come here, boy!
- [speaking Romanian]
- Come here!
- [Grigor speaking Romanian]
- [Marcus] Come on, boy!
- [laughing]
Come on! Come on, boy!
Come on! Right Wh
[gasping] What do I do?
What what the fuck do I do?
One, two, one, two,
one, two, one, two.
Stay with me, boy! Stay with me!
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam
- [grunts]
- [Sylvester whimpers]
Oh! He's alive!
He's alive!
- [laughing] He's
- [Sylvester barks]
[laughing hysterically]
Oh, for [laughing]
Oh! I did it!
[laughing] I fucking well did it!
Where is the cocaine?
[Marcus] I can assure you, Your Honor,
it it won't happen again.
Let's get out of here.
- Me daughters are about to come home.
- Five minutes.
- Five minutes!
- [grunting] Fuck!
- [Grigor] We'll talk calmly, sitting down.
- [Yuri] Calm down.
[Marcus whimpers]
- [Yuri] Your daughter's?
[Yuri] You should put it on the fridge.
She's very talented.
It just got out of hand.
Let's play lucky dip.
- [Grigor] Yeah!
- Hm?
- I love lucky dip.
- No
Wh what do you mean, lucky dip?
Write down
Just give me an hour, guys. Right?
I I can get you the drugs and the money.
Write down "arm."
[Grigor] Good boy.
- Leg?
- [Marcus] Plus 20 percent.
Yeah? For the inconvenience.
All we wanted to do was play our music,
and then when
all these other people turned up
Perhaps we can do community service?
[whimpers] Fuck.
- Eye?
- Okay! Eye.
- Oh, fuck off! Come on. Please!
- [Grigor] Eye. Eye.
[Marcus sobbing] I can't fucking
- I can't.
- [Grigor] It's all right, Marcus.
- I'll write.
- [whimpers]
- Eye.
- [Marcus] Oh, fuck.
- Testicles?
- [Grigor] Testicles! Marcus!
- Oh, fuck off!
- [Grigor laughs]
Come on! Stop it! Please!
We'll change, Your Honor. I swear.
Right. You choose.
- No, no
- Oh, thank you.
- Don't pick anything out! No!
- [chants] Marcus!
- Marcus!
- [Yuri] You ready?
What is it?
[Grigor] Aaah!
Beginner's luck!
I played in Timişoara.
- You know what I got?
- No.
[tapping on glass]
- [whimpers]
- Sit down!
- [Marcus] Look! Right, right. Please! I
- Cruel, cruel world ♪
I'll pay you 30 percent! Yeah?
- No, no I can sell the house!
- Cruel, cruel world ♪
- I'm movin' on ♪
- No, there are ways.
You you're fucking with me, aren't you?
Not me leg. I I
I've just had an operation, you know.
- Knees are so fucking complicated!
- Marcus, it's better to be calm.
I can't be fucking calm!
- Leg up! I'll help you.
- No, no, no, no!
- No, no! Please don't!
- Otherwise, we choose something else.
If you don't have the drugs
and the money in 24 hours,
we pick up Matilda from school.
- And with the moonlight as my guide ♪
- [whimpering]
- And with this feeling deep inside ♪
- [screams]
I just feel like everyone on this island's
telling me to do the same thing.
Move on. Get over it.
[Joanna] They want you to accept
what's happened, Zoe.
Toe the line.
No, it's what I've been doing
for 22 years. It's bullshit.
- Cruel, cruel world, I'm movin' on ♪
- "Toe the line." What does that even mean?
See, end of the day, I'm gonna live
how I want, whatever the consequences.
And I won't let you define me
by my class or my clothes.
Or the brick terraced house
where I grew up in.
Or the weekends we spent
down shoppin' arcades.
Way back when,
Your Honor, you condemned
the suffragettes, the gays,
the abortionists, and today,
they're all free to do what it was
you were condemning them for.
Your Honor, one day, what you're
condemning me for now will be legal.
I have seen ♪
So much pain ♪
All I'm askin' for is the freedom
to do it.
If you're lookin' for new experiences,
new feelings,
there's always someone saying,
"You shouldn't be doing that."
Sure, I organized that party.
You can lock me up, throw me in jail
and give me community service,
but don't ask me not to live.
'Cause I won't do that.
I've got a question for you, Your Honor.
- This big ol' world sure got me ♪
- Have you ever had a good time?
- Runnin' round ♪
- [radio chatter in Spanish]
- [Axel] I mean it.
- I heard a voice ♪
- Like, a proper good time.
- That said "Just settle down" ♪
There's something I need to tell you.
No, course you haven't. Look at you.
- Silence in court!
- What are you on about, you dickhead?
[yelling and commotion]
Now I see into the eyes ♪
There's seven kilos of cocaine
in the back of this car.
No more, no more, cruel world ♪
Cruel, cruel world, must I go on? ♪
Cruel, cruel world, I'm movin' on ♪
I've been livin' too fast ♪
And I've been livin' too long ♪
Cruel, cruel world, I'm gone ♪
This big ol' world
Sure got me runnin' round ♪
I heard a voice that said
"Just settle down" ♪
And with the moonlight as my guide ♪
And with this feelin' deep inside ♪
I know now that I am homeward bound ♪
Cruel, cruel world, must I go on? ♪
Cruel, cruel world, I'm movin' on ♪
I've been livin' too fast ♪
And I've been livin' too long ♪
Cruel, cruel world, I'm movin' on ♪
I've been livin' too fast ♪
And I've been livin' too long ♪
Cruel, cruel world, I'm gone ♪
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