White Wall (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The chosen ones

A demonstrator was shot at the construction site.
- You said it hadn't leaked.
Why you keep doing this?
There's been an accident.
You have any idea what happened?
- Terrorism.
There's something behind this.
Not a word to anyone.
How stupid can you be?
What if it collapsed?
It killed three of our friends.
- We don't know yet.
We have to inform management about this.
- We don't even know what it is.
If we report this,
bureaucracy will get in the way
They'll start investigations
months of delay!
People will lose their jobs.
- We don't know what they'll decide.
Do you know Gina?
She told me in confidence
this is our last chance.
The company will go bankrupt
if we don't meet the deadlines.
The company is safe.
- You think? This has already gone way over budget.
It's their fault if we have to work weekends.
I'm serious.
- You know what overtime costs.
If the company goes bankrupt
it means years of legal proceedings.
No one wants responsibility for
nuclear waste that will eventually start to leak.
I don't wanna be addressed as the man
who turned our land into a radioactive desert.
We have an unknown
an unknown object on the site of a deadly accident,
wedged deep in the bedrock.
It must be thoroughly investigated.
- It will be.
- We keep quiet until we have answers.
If you clean it up,
it's completely white.
It's all a bit tense in there.
Nobody wanted any hiccups before the opening.
In other words, it's impossible
for the blast to take place
until everyone has made it to safety.
For some reason
they were connected this day.
The blast leader was there with the detonator
along with the others who lost their lives.
And you don't know why
- People make mistakes.
So it's a human error?
The accident was a terrible tragedy,
of course.
We must send flowers to the families.
But that's how it goes.
People make mistakes and life goes on.
We did the right thing.
It's the only solution.
Not just for the suits in there
for everyone and everything.
We'll have time to find out what happened
and waste is safe.
Holmström won't be mentioned by name, right?
- Of course not.
His family will get
full insurance compensation.
It's 15 minutes from Grebbestad.
You can use the boat.
The outhouse can accommodate 12/13 people.
We can have freshly caught fish on the menu.
Look, the best part!
They renovated the barn a year ago.
I could start with about a hundred sheep.
What do you say?
Shall we place a bid?
- Why not? You'll be done soon up there.
I have to deal with an accident
that killed three people.
Half the world have their eyes
on the facility I have built.
I can't be buying an island right now,
do you understand?
Although it's nice.
The facility YOU built
YOU can't buy an island
It would be nice to put in a "we" sometimes.
Ok, you can open your eyes whenever you want.
It's blurry
- Bandages at night and keep using dexamethasone.
I think she said "blurry".
- Yes, she'll get her vision back in 2 hours.
I'll check on you tomorrow.
Now rest.
If you need anything
just ring for the nurse.
What the hell
a hundred bucks that he's not a doctor!
He's peculiar but he's nice.
Said woke up.
- Really?
He's very weak but he's awake.
You don't have to stay here.
- I know.
How long are you going to sit there?
- Until you can see me.
It could take hours.
- Perfect.
0,3 microsieverts per hour, radon 350
Ok but magnetism is gone.
But it could come back and
it might have caused the accident!
We don't know
- They blamed Holmström.
That's not true!
- We have to stick with the story.
We'll remove it quickly and discreetly.
- But what is it?
Something they dumped when
they were digging in the 80's.
They didn't get this deep!
- Remember the maintenance tunnel?
960 meters deep and no one knew about it.
This could be the same thing.
It's fused with the rock with no air in between.
How's that possible?
How's that possible?
- Keeping guessing is pointless!
We dig it out and then we'll know!
Be careful,
they may have buried any kind of toxic stuff.
The hell with it!
Everything ok?
- I'm ok, but
I don't understand
what's this bullshit about Holmström?
What you mean?
- He made no mistake!
I'll come see you so we can talk.
- No, I want you to tell me now.
We did some research and
We looked into it and
he was the one with the detonator for some reason.
But that's not true he was placing charges
He was not.
- Yes, I remember well.
You remember it wrong.
- Maybe
I'll see you later, ok?
- Hi. What happened?
The drone got caught in the wind
and I chased it.
And they shot you?
- You know how they are.
Did they let you go just like that?
- What you think? I must lay low.
I've put at risk the safety of the plant.
They know I flew the drone.
You got the data?
- Nothing. No position, no data.
It wasn't a great plan.
- Better than no plan at all.
It's not a game, Astrid.
We risk the entire funding.
It can lift up to 10 kilos.
- Ok.
I need to see the site of the accident.
It's already been checked.
- Not from a security expert perspective.
Someone may have brought something from outside.
- Using this?
700 meters underground?
- This thing dropped something maybe for someone.
You're saying they have someone inside?
We can't rule out anything.
- It's no conspiracy, Atte!
Maybe it was carrying a Geiger counter.
They're desperate to find some flaws.
- Maybe but we haven't found one.
We have to agree on how to do this.
- There's a risk of landslides down there.
I'll let you know when it's safe to go down.
You left the device before you got shot?
Yes. Nothing from the transmitter?
- Nothing at all.
So I did it all for nothing?
You must place a counter here.
The oldest containers will start leaking first.
Or we help it leak ourselves.
We're looking to draw attention after all!
We must go back there.
- No, we must make it work.
I was only kidding!
- We know.
What is this?
- It looks like a drone.
What was it carrying?
- How would I know?
Astrid will know.
- I haven't seen her in days.
She's hurt , isn't she?
Are you sure you don't know
where she is?
So she's not here.
- No.
She flew this over the mine
and the next day three people died.
Another is seriously injured and
one is almost blind.
I'm really sorry for them but
we have nothing to do with it.
Ok. Thanks.
See you.
What's happening on Mars?
- They're drilling.
Are they still looking for water?
It must be exciting exploring a new planet.
If you want
we can do something later.
Like what?
- I don't know. Eat something.
Pancakes hamburgers ice-cream?
I don't want to.
- Ok.
Is that blood?
- Yes but I'll be better.
- In a couple of days.
You're coming home in two days?
- Yes.
Can you still die?
- I'm not going to die.
If you die, will Li adopt me?
Not him!
Not him
- Why are you laughing?
I'm not going to die and
you won't need to be adopted.
Not Lars definitely not Lars.
Funeral will be at three o'clock tomorrow.
We'll lower them for their last rest
miles away from the mine.
We'll bury 21.000 containers
with 1.5 tons of uranium in each.
We'll stick poison pills in the ground
every week for the next century.
What a way to say
"rest in peace, comrades!"
What the hell
Aren't they tired of doomsday talk?
She says what everybody thinks.
People should hear that
they have an important job.
They see that in the salary spec.
I think she has a good taste in music.
Ok, what did you find?
- I haven't found any edge yet.
No logos? No joints? Nothing to tell us what it is?
- Nothing.
What the hell have you been doing down there?
- You told me to be careful.
I can always blow it up.
- Absolutely not!
You need a bit more space down there.
What do you say?
About what?
- You did the first blast.
It was between two rock walls.
You're crazy, Lars!
I was wondering about the meter
I checked the log and
it stopped sending data for two hours
before you got to the plant.
- As if it was broken before.
What happened? Did you drop it?
- No.
Nothing happened.
I couldn't call before.
It stopped sending before I flew it in.
Maybe it broke when it fell.
We must have one measurement
before the first opening.
Maybe your contact will be able
to help us from the inside.
It's too risky, forget it.
- Ok, I was just thinking
Hell do we try again?
- No, lay low and be quiet.
We're finished with dexamethasone.
Do not drive before the next check-up.
Don't hesitate to call us.
- No, thanks.
Shall we say hello to Said?
How are you?
- I'm ok.
They just released me. You'll be out soon too.
- Why are they lying?
- Holmström didn't have the detonator, I did!
Are you sure?
- I just put it down on the table, don't you remember?
You need to rest!
- I'm coming.
I'll see you.
Let's go.
How's the situation?
- I'm here.
I'm Lars.
- I'm here I'm here.
When did you last sleep, Magnus?
- Did you hear what I said?
I just got the radio, I didn't hear what you said.
- Ok
I found no edges yet, nothing at all.
What the hell is this thing?
We'll let Helen have a look.
- It's like bones.
Moose bones, only harder.
Maybe it's something alive.
Maybe it once was alive
like a big fossil
Some unknown animal.
We must get him out.
- One second, Magnus.
What do we do?
We can't leave him down there any longer!
Magnus, you hear me?
- I'm here.
Sorry imagination runs down here.
Maybe I need some sleep.
I'll sleep a little and then continue.
We'll get this shit out.
He's been down there too long!
- Are you sure, Magnus?
Said, hey!
Can you talk?
- They think so.
I'll go straight to the point.
Before the explosion, do you remember
if someone brought anything unusual down there?
Like what?
Like a bag.
- No.
Was anyone behaving strangely?
Like they were nervous or something.
- Fuck this
What did you do before you went down?
What did I do I ate, then
I went to the can and crapped what I ate
I ringed my father
That was it that's right
Also before I went down
I smoked a big fat joint.
Get well.
- Suck my dick.
- Hey.
Why didn't you tell me you got released?
I asked you to tighten this thing, didn't I?
Ok, sorry.
Did something happen?
You lied to me.
- What do you mean?
Said had the detonator.
You said I misremembered.
Why did you lie?
- I'm sorry, I had to.
What you mean? Why did you lie to me
Yes I lied to you and I'm sorry!
I had a reason for that.
Protect ECSO, right?
Come down and see for yourself.
- I'm not going back there.
You'll understand when you see it.
I need your help, you hear me?
I need you.
Is it just us?
Magnus has been here around the clock
but he just went up.
I don't feel comfortable down here, I feel
I'm going back, I feel sick.
- We'll be out soon.
You need to see something first.
What is this?
- I was hoping you could tell me.
Cables were not even connected!
Why blame Holmström?
Either they don't know what happened
or they don't wanna say it.
It's the environmentalists.
- They asked if it was me
or if I could rat on someone.
Nobody knows what happened down there.
So they're putting the blame on a dead man
a dead colleague.
Hi I'm terribly sorry.
I know it's not the right time but
the company provides coffee and we provide all the rest
The proceeds will go to the victims' families
- Can I talk to you?
The priest said their souls will rest in peace.
How does he know that?
- He doesn't know, he thinks.
That's what priests do.
- What if he's wrong?
Have some coffee.
- Coffee thanks.
Hey I'm good.
No I'll sit down.
I'm coming I'll just have some
It's alright.
Can I have your attention?
- Stay calm
I hope coffee was good it may be your last one.
Many wonder what happened down there.
- Magnus!
Maybe my supervisor, Lars, will tell you.
Or maybe I should tell you myself.
Will you tell them?
- Calm down
They have the right to know, don't they?
I'm alright I feel better now.
- These are his sleeping pills.
How many?
- One.
How about one of these, buddy?
No, Magnus!
Calm down!
Take one, ok?
- We want to help you!
I can't take those they suck me in
Have one.
- Ok, wait wait
Calm down!
Calm down!
Get better, buddy.
Sleep have some rest.
When were you going to tell me?
Tell you what?
- About that wall.
What Magnus was raving about?
He hasn't slept in a week.
I was down there.
I want to involve as few as possible
until we know what it is.
So you don't know what it is yet.
- Not yet we're working on it.
You realize the position you're putting me in?
- I understand
We all want to open on time.
I'll keep you informed then we'll find
a solution we can present together, ok?
We're not moving a stone until
you say what caused the accident.
Otherwise we go on strike.
- I understand you're upset.
But we can't postpone the opening.
- Lars, I was there.
I had the detonator, stop lying!
What kind of investigation did you do?
We want to see the report!
I can't share that info!
- See what I mean? You keep us in the dark!
I'm sitting right here
- Ok, then it was a murder attempt!
Admit it was the tree-huggers!
- They have nothing to do with it!
We can't work if they keep placing bombs!
- Will you stop that?!
They already placed one!
- There was no bomb! Nowhere!
There was no bomb!
There is no bomb!
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