Wind Breaker (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

The Hero of My Dreams

What's the matter, Sakura?
-Get off of me already!
You've sure got some guts
to use me as your horse!
Morning, Kotoha-chan!
Granny Sato!
I said get off!
Are you telling me to jump off
from this height?
Be more considerate of your elders, boy.
I'll slam you down, granny!
Goodness, you're so inconsiderate.
Huh? You said you had lower back pain
so you couldn't stand!
Ow, it hurts so much.
My lower back is in so much pain
I could only get this far.
You liar! You're as healthy as one can be!
But still
Even with all the complaints,
you're still a Furin kid.
You were a great help. Thank you.
Damn it! I'm leaving!
Hey, Sakura. Hold up.
What is it?
Fully-packed egg sandwich
with seasonal fruits!
It's finally the entrance ceremony today.
But isn't it starting in the afternoon?
It's still 10:00 a.m.
Are you getting too excited?
No! I was just taking a walk!
Well, it's nice to get excited.
There are a lot of interesting
guys there, after all.
I said I'm not excited!
Oh, Nirei-chan! Good morning!
Good morning, Granny Sato!
What do you think, Kotoha-san?
My Furin uniform look! Tight, ain't it?
You still have the tag on it.
Huh? Ah! You're right!
Huh? I can't get it off somehow.
Silly me! I forgot to take off
the tag on my pants, too!
Huh? This guy's in Furin, too?
Yup. You two will be in the same grade.
What do you mean by this?
I've never seen you before, either!
Did you come from out of town?
I did. And what does it matter
where I came from?
Also! What's up with that?
That hair! And those eyes!
Are they from stress?
You poor thing. You're still so young.
Huh? Stress?
-Sorry, sorry!
Nirei, this guy is Sakura.
He arrived in town yesterday.
And this is Nirei.
Never heard of any Sakura
from out of town.
Why would such a no-name kid come here?
He doesn't have any ill intentions.
That's just how he is.
Furin High is no ordinary school!
Were you even aware?
The people of Bofurin
stand up to protect the town.
They defend the weak and crush evil!
They're real-life heroes!
Everyone who comes to Furin
looks up to them
and wishes to join them to protect
the town! They're all cool people!
Of course, I'm one of those very people!
And yet, why would a nobody
who has no connection with the town
want to come to Furin?
So I can become the top there.
Yeah, heroes who defend the town
are cool and all.
And there seem to be quite a lot
of strong guys there.
If I can become the best among them
that'd feel pretty satisfying.
That's impossible.
You could never make it.
If you say that
If you actually try for it
You'll go bald.
All right! Let's take this outside!
What's wrong?
Look at the time!
Kotoha-san, I'm heading out now!
Hey, hold up! Hey!
You're not having your usual breakfast?
-I only came to show off my uniform.
-Listen to me!
I'm doing three more rounds of patrol
before the ceremony!
Since I'll be joining the heroes
starting today!
See? Pretty interesting guy, huh?
Yeah! Interesting all right!
A klutz who doesn't
listen to people, that is!
Plus, what the heck is wrong with him?
He's so lame.
Even guys like that are in Furin, too?
If they call themselves heroes,
they should look the part.
Oh, I didn't expect
you'd criticize other people's fashion.
Do you want another cup of coffee?
I'm not talking about his clothes.
People like that who only care about their
looks are the first to run from a fight.
They're as pathetic as they can be.
You sure talk like you know.
Because I have seen it a lot.
Enough times to make me sick.
I see.
Say, Sakura.
Do you know what color
the coffee fruit is?
Brown like coffee?
It's red.
They're smooth, like cherries.
At first, I thought they were
the same as the ones they sold in jars.
I didn't even know that
those were actually the seeds.
You wouldn't know what something really is
if you're only looking at it
from one direction.
You're free to think however you want,
but aren't you being too quick to judge?
You should talk to them, look at them,
and try to understand them properly.
Or else you'll never know
what a person is really like.
I'm facing you head-on.
So you should lift
your face up to us, too.
Is he
actually good at fighting?
Is that the only thing
that matters to you?
You're free to think however you want,
but aren't you being too quick to judge?
Yeah, but I know I was right.
Hey, kid! Do you want a loaf of bread?
They're fresh from the oven.
Huh? Why?
Why? Well, you Furin kids
are always helping us out.
So we want to give back as much as we can.
You're the boy who
fought here yesterday, right?
Everyone was talking about
how lucky we were to have you here.
I'm not hungry right now.
Then please, take some with you
and have it for lunch!
Our breads are still good
even when they're cold!
Have a nice day!
Hey, boy! Thanks for yesterday!
Hey there, kid!
You were really cool back then.
Hi, son! You're one strong kid!
Wanna try competing in drinks
against this old man?
Don't be silly, Dad!
What the hell is going on?
What is wrong with everyone
in this town, anyway?
Aren't they acting too friendly
to a guy like me?
To a guy like me?
Did I judge too early?
That there was no way
anyone would look at me like that
Excuse me!
You're from Furin, right?
I need your help!
And here I was,
having fun chatting with a girl.
Why'd you try to get in my way?
That girl didn't want to talk to you!
What? Now you're making stuff up.
You punks call yourself Bofurin
and talk about protecting the town,
but if anything,
you are the one in need of protection.
Nice one!
Hey, you still don't get it?
You're not cut out to be a hero.
Go home and cry to your mommy!
You said it!
Listen, kid,
you're really testing my patience.
will be purged
Huh? What'd you say?
"Anyone past this point, who causes pain
who brings destruction,
and holds evil in their heart,
will be purged by Bofurin
without exception!"
Only heroes on TV shows get stronger
by yelling their signature phrase.
Just give up already!
You're so persistent!
I don't care if you're called Bofurin
or Bowling, or whatever.
The one getting purged today is you!
Why are you saving me?
What the hell you think you're doing?
You're a Furin, too?
Here to save your friend, huh?
All by yourself?
Save? Friend?
Don't get the wrong idea, moron.
I just hate weaklings who act all smug,
thinking they're strong.
They make me sick.
What did you say, you punk?
You can't take them on your own!
-In a flash
-You guys are freaking weak.
In just the blink of an eye
Who is this guy?
Thank you very much.
You're disappointed, aren't you?
That a guy like me in Bofurin in Furin
Don't get the wrong idea.
I didn't save you or anything.
You can find people trying
to look tough anywhere.
I don't know why you came to Furin,
but you better gauge your strength right.
have been treated as a gofer
and been beat up every single day
in middle school.
All I could do was obey
everything I was told
But the person who stepped in
to save me was someone from Furin.
Normally, I would've been scared of him.
But he was really cool.
I wanted to be just like him.
That's why I came to Furin, hoping
to be strong and cool just like him.
But I'm just pathetic.
People like that who only care about their
looks are the first to run from a fight.
They're as pathetic as they can be.
"will be purged by Bofurin
without exception!"
You already can't fight.
Don't be a crybaby, too.
It's gonna make you look weaker.
But well
I suppose you're not all that pathetic.
Um, are you okay?
Huh? I'm perfectly fine!
I was so scared when they grabbed my arm,
but I'm grateful you were there!
Thank you so much.
And you too! Thank you!
What is it?
Well, uh
What's your height, weight, blood type,
hobbies, skills, and preferred type?
You're just a bit taller than me,
around 169cm.
You've got a lot of muscles
and very little fat. About 59kg?
Your foot size is 26.5.
You've still got a lot to grow!
-Gross! Don't touch me! Don't measure me!
I love gathering data on people
that I think are super cool.
Do whatever you want!
Okay! I'll watch you up close!
And while I'm at it,
let me show you around!
Are you trying to say
I don't know the way to the school?
No, not that!
I might not be able
to help much in fights,
but I can show you around
the town and its people.
All the way to the top!
Come on! The school is this way!
Hey, don't touch me! Don't drag me!
Listen to me, damn it!
Welcome, first-years.
Hey, come on! Let's hurry!
Shut up. I get hungry after a fight, okay?
This bread's good!
Oh, That bread's from Cactus, right?
The bread there is great even when cold!
Wait, that's not it.
Anyway, let's go!
Sakura-san! Hurry, hurry!
If you're in such a rush,
just go by yourself.
That's a lot of them.
This is the Bofurin headquarters!
I'm so excited!
There are a lot of people
just like them here, huh?
Sakura-san, there it is!
There is what?
The class lists!
What's up with this sign?
Let's see
Yay! Sakura-san, we're in the same class!
Yeah, yeah. I got it.
I wonder who else will be there.
Huh? There's Suo-san! And Kiryu-san!
And even Tsugeura-san?
You know them?
Nope, not at all!
But they're all amazing people!
-Let me explain from Suo-sa
Don't get so excited from
just looking at a damn list.
-It doesn't matter who we're stuck with.
-What are you saying, Sakura-san?
It's very important to know who
we're going to be in class with
Huh? What's wrong?
You're kidding me
-No way. Are you serious?
-Hey, what's the matter?
Out of all people we ended up with him?
Where did all that excitement
from earlier go?
Don't tell me you wanna
go home after com
Can you promise me one thing?
Please be nice to everyone in class.
You gotta smile! Smile!
Huh? Are you messing with me?
I'm serious!
Listen, everyone in Bofurin
gathered here to protect the town.
So it wouldn't be surprising
if someone don't think
too fondly of those
from out of town like you.
I think it's important for you
to have people understand that
you're not here to harm the town
and not an enemy of Bofurin!
So please
What are you doing?
I don't know how strong
the guys behind that door are.
So I better get myself ready.
Were you even listening
to what I just said?
You're an outsider!
One little misunderstanding
could get this whole class
no, this whole school to
treat you like their enemy!
I don't care if they
think of me as an enemy.
I came here to fight my way to the top.
They're all glaring at us!
Ow, ow, ow! It hurts!
Not bad.
You must be Sakura-kun.
What about it?
Who are you?
Don't do that!
I'm sorry! He's just very excitable!
More importantly, you
An eyepatch and long tassel earrings!
There's no doubt about it!
I'm Leonardo DiCaprio!
You're a foreigner?
I am
-That's what got you?
-Nope, I'm Japanese.
I didn't know he's the type
to make a joke like that.
I thought he'd be more aloof and cold.
You're Suo-san, right?
Yup. That's what everyone calls me.
By the way, this eyepatch is to seal
an ancient Chinese spirit inside.
Wasn't it because of a past accident?
Yup. That's what everyone says.
What? He's just a habitual liar!
Wait! Among the first-years,
he's actually
That's enough about me.
Sakura-kun. Let's talk about you.
Shoot. People from out of town
are really treated as outsiders here.
Is it impossible for him
to be accepted here?
I heard all about it!
You were amazing back there!
You're the star of that fight
on main street yesterday, right?
Fight on main street yesterday?
What are you talking about, Suo?
Who is that guy?
You guys heard about the clash with
Spaltips yesterday on main street, right?
Hiragi-san and the others went there,
but the first one to show up
and protect the town was
Did you really, Sakura-san?
For real?
I heard Hiragi-san go, so I was
relieved and didn't listen to the rest.
Same here.
My grandma was there, apparently.
She said there was a guy she didn't
recognize wearing Furin uniform.
I knew someone new moved into town,
but way to go, man!
You did great before school even started!
Too close
Looks like we managed for now
Nice job, Sakura-san!
Now Sakura-san won't be seen
as an enemy to Bofurin, at least.
I'm sure it'll be okay with that guy, too
But why did you come all the way here
from outside town?
I came here to be the top.
Wait, please!
He doesn't mean that
he's gonna pick a fight
or beat anyone up!
-Yes, I do.
-Can you shut up for a sec?
Sakura-san! Please! Anyone but him!
He's undoubtedly the most dangerous guy
in our grade No, in the whole school!
He's Kyotaro Sugishita!
Dangerous guy?
They're my favorite.
I'll crush you.
Phew, you almost got caught in that.
I expected no less from Furin High.
Now we're talking.
Sakura-san! You shouldn't do that?
Shouldn't do what?
You threw all the food
you got from everyone
in the shopping district before you fight!
I only threw that on reflex to save you.
This is this. That is that.
Besides, after that
I picked them all up and ate them.
You're surprisingly upright,
huh, Sakura-san?
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