Women in Blue (2024) s01e02 Episode Script


- Good morning!
- [stall owner] Good morning!
[bells tinkle]
[man sighs]
- Where's Paola?
- Her shift hasn't started yet.
- Good morning.
- [sighs]
[line ringing]
[customer] Hey! Waiting on you, sweetie.
- Be right there.
- [handset settles in cradle]
- More coffee?
- Please.
- Thanks.
- [waitress] I'm sorry about that.
What the fuck is wrong with your sister?
I don't know.
Well, when she comes back,
tell her she's fired.
She could be away, or sick,
or not answering the telephone.
You went to her place?
No, she'd come straight here.
[customer] Miss? Bill, please.
You should help at table 5.
[waitress] I brought a photo.
[detective] Let's see.
Mm-hmm. Pretty face.
[waitress] Keep it.
I wanna report a missing person.
Didn't you see her yesterday?
It feels like The Undresser did this.
I've read about this.
The Undresser.
I've heard enough.
Do you know how many people
came to tell me today
that this bastard took their sister?
And do you know how many came back home
like nothing happened?
All of 'em.
My suggestion to you, go on back home.
Make yourself some nice linden tea.
And read a book.
[waitress] I'm worried about her.
[detective sighs] Look.
Missing work doesn't mean
that something bad happened to her.
People have their secrets, that's all.
[liquid sloshes]
[muffled screaming]
- [cat yowls]
- [screams]
- [meows]
- Oh! Stupid cat, you.
Always the same thing, over and over.
She wouldn't have left her cat alone,
and hungry.
Cats are shrewd creatures.
I should know. I have three of 'em.
[waitress] But she's not like that.
Look, normally in cases like this,
they're out on the town
with their boyfriend.
- Huh. Go and feed the cat.
- She has no boyfriend.
That's what I'm telling you.
- [detective] Are you sure? Hmm?
- [engine revs]
Folks like you get all worried
about them, but then they show up
and tell us they got a new romance
with someone they just met.
Look, lady, don't waste
any more of my time.
We have serious work to get done.
[Alex] So, you're not gonna eat with us?
Baby, listen to me.
No, baby, we take turns.
And I won't be coming home
until my shift's over.
But Grandma's making you dinner.
But, Mom, I don't like Grandma's cooking.
I already told you,
her cooking is horrible.
Stop your whining.
Ignore him, Ma.
- Bye.
- Ciao.
I'll make you milanesas. You'll like that
for dinner. Isn't that nice?
[Mar] "If my mommy doesn't cook
for me, I won't eat".
- You okay?
- No. No way I'm okay.
It could be nerves. I don't know.
Maybe I'm just terrified.
[sighs] Two weeks is not much time
to be prepared to go do this.
Everything you need to know,
I'm sure they explained.
- You think so?
- Yeah, of course.
Am I doing the right thing?
[chuckles] Yeah.
- Yes.
- Yes?
Yes, you're doing the right thing.
- Yeah? You think?
- Yes.
I believe so.
You jumped out of a plane, huh?
- Yeah.
- Did the parachute open?
Sure did.
Know what your problem is?
You're too hard on yourself.
What you don't know yet,
you'll learn on the job.
You're amazing. You'll be just fine.
Oh, and the kids weren't wrong
about dinner.
Your mother's milanesas
aren't as good as yours. [chuckles]
[breathes shakily] Thanks.
["Chica Alborotada" playing]
[beads rattle]
[song continues playing]
I look forward
to the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.
[song continues playing]
Good morning, Dad.
[song continues playing]
[horn honks]
- [hums]
- [horn honks]
[horn honks]
It's our first day,
and you wanna show up late?
Of course not, Mama.
[song ends]
I thought you said you'd keep
The Undresser out of the news.
Mr. President,
at the moment we're making progress.
- Gaining ground.
- Yeah, so what? Emilio
This headline's fucking political venom!
Talk to PIPSA. And hang those bastards.
All due respect, Mr. President,
I don't think that now is a good time
for a headline that says
the federal government
is actively censoring the media.
Then get that motherfucker
once and for all!
Did you hear me, asshole?
We We're working on that, Mr. President.
It's We're working
double, triple shifts.
- Every one of us is working
- No more excuses, Emilio.
Your job was simple enough.
Control the narrative and change
the public's image of the police.
If you can't do it,
I'll get someone who can.
- [dial tone sounds]
- Have a good day.
[sniffs, groans]
[Gabina sighs]
You were here all night again.
I'll rest as soon as
I've caught this fucker.
[sighs] Have you talked to Dad?
More or less.
He's never gonna approve of this,
you know.
[chattering continues]
A fucking sewing club.
A piss-poor excuse for an idea.
Ain't so bad.
Oh, it'll be nice to see
some skirts around here. Am I right?
- That's stupid.
- [chuckles]
I need someone to explain
how women are now all going to
[Octavio] Now what?
Maybe go somewhere else, Romandía.
Hey, fuck stick. Did they really find you
in a dirty whorehouse and drag you here?
Cabaret dance hall.
Ah! You get that, boys?
How serious this all is? Hmm?
It's so serious, they had to bring in
a bouncer to supervise their little shop.
That badge doesn't make you a cop.
You wanna lose it all again?
And that's why I always liked you.
[clears throat] Please take your seats.
How are you?
- Hi there.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Good day.
Aren't you lovely?
[clears throat]
Ladies, how are you?
[cadets] Fine, thanks.
I'm here to wish you the best of luck
for your first day.
And let me remind you ladies
that wherever you patrol,
you represent
the capital's police department.
All the time.
A smile.
Simple! Always. All right?
- That's all. Captain.
- [clears throat]
We will be dividing you
into four groups of four.
[clears throat]
Pérez, López, Carrión, Hernández.
Hundido Park.
Sánchez, Aedo, Rodríguez, Astorga.
Alameda Central.
De la Torre, Camacho, Herrera and Cruz.
Santiago Park.
Now go pick up your equipment.
And I want all of you
to have a wonderful first day.
[cadets] Thank you.
- Miss Herrera. Uh
- Yes, sir. Gabina Herrera.
- Gabina Herrera. Am I right?
- Yes, sir.
And Commander Herrera,
Station Chief, is your father, correct?
Um, yes, sir.
I suppose that you, more than anyone,
know how important this project is.
- Of course I do.
- Not everyone sees it.
No, Chief.
That's the problem, huh?
Maybe we can fix it, Gabina.
Telling authentic human stories.
Share the light, fully emotional,
and balanced.
- Makes sense?
- [sighs] Not really, no.
I want to tell your story.
"Gabina Herrera.
Her commander father has won awards.
And family of three officers
from the Mexico City police force."
- Yeah.
- And you, in your blue uniform.
Keeping the tradition alive.
I've gotten you the cover
of Gran Hogar magazine.
Oh. You want me
for the front of the magazine?
- Yes, you.
- [laughs]
And your father.
- No. No, no.
- Why not?
Uh, because he doesn't like any of that.
What is it that he doesn't like?
- Being front and center.
- Ah, no?
- No. He hates it.
- Ah, what a drag.
- Yeah.
- It doesn't matter, Gabina.
We still have you.
That's what's important.
So, when your shift is over,
I'll expect you in the conference room.
[sighs] What the fuck is going on?
- [Valentina] What do you think we'll get?
- Hmm. A .22.
- [Valentina] Great.
- No, one of the good guns.
- So, who do you wanna kill?
- [all laugh]
Here he comes.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Um, do you know
where the rest of the equipment is?
What rest of the equipment?
The firearms. Hmm?
How the fuck are we not carrying weapons?
[Octavio] Look, the way I understand it,
it's a bureaucratic thing.
A bit of paperwork that has to be done.
- [María] And how long will that take?
- I don't know.
And what are we supposed to do with this?
The coin purse
is so you can call the police
in case you witness any illegal activity.
[Valentina laughs]
Are you ser You heard him, right?
- Did you hear him or not?
- [María] Yes, Val. Hang on. Calm down.
You expect that we, who are the police,
are going to call the police?
And And And the whistle?
In case there's illegal activity
coming your direction, blow it.
Well, in that case, Captain,
since you know perfectly well
how to blow, you can keep it.
- [María] Valentina.
- What?
- [Octavio] You'd better control her.
- [María] She'll be okay.
She'll be unemployed.
All right. And where can we pick up
our patrol cars?
To think we believed them.
I think you're not being very reasonable.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
I'm not being very reasonable?
They lied to us.
Is lying reasonable to you?
Delays are a real thing.
One time, my brother lost his handcuffs.
He said someone stole them, but I'm
pretty sure he forgot them somewhere.
The point is that it took four months
for them to give him a new pair.
When he arrested someone,
he had to use rope.
[laughs] Poor guy was dying of shame.
[Ángeles] It's better not to carry guns.
Statistically speaking,
the presence of a gun increases violence
rather than decreases it.
- Is that true?
- [Ángeles] There are studies.
Additionally, 71% of officers
never fire their gun in the line of duty.
Not even once.
- Hear that, Val? That's good to know.
- Good to know.
- Hi.
- [María] Hello.
Your job is the coolest.
Thank you very much, young lady.
My husband's a pilot.
What airline do you girls work for?
And now, time to work.
- [shutter clicks]
- Thank you.
Could you please help me find where
the Mexican City Museum is located?
Can I do anything for you, gentlemen?
How about you come with us
for a cup of coffee?
[chuckles] Of course I can't do that.
Can't you see I'm working?
[Ángeles] Four hundred meters south,
then west three hundred meters.
And that should put you right there.
Who do you think I am? The editor?
I've barely been at this paper
three months.
There's an article here, Lucas.
Whistles instead of pistols?
- They lied to us.
- I thought they said it was a delay.
Yeah, I mean, they said it's a delay,
but what do you want them to say?
Val, it's not a news story
when the Mexican government is late.
What happened to you?
What do you mean by that?
Why don't you admit it?
You're a petrified little boy.
And you, when you're angry,
you want everyone to be angry as well.
No. You
That call was very important.
These coins are solely for official use.
Oh, yeah? I had something official
that I needed to get out of the way.
Why are you so insistent?
He has a girlfriend.
I know. He already said that.
It's not that serious. It won't last.
He's What do you call it? Rebound?
She's just the rebound.
[child] Ostin! Ostin! Ostin!
- Trouble.
- María.
- What happened?
- Ostin!
- I can't find Ostin.
- Who is Ostin?
- My dog.
- What's he like?
He's little. White with brown spots.
Don't worry. We'll help you find him.
Uh, no, in fact, we won't help you,
because that isn't our job.
So you can go now, kiddo.
- Goodbye. Thanks.
- No, no. Hold on.
Actually, that is our job.
We were asked to help,
and he needs our help right now.
Why do you always have to do
whatever you're told? Huh?
Your whole life,
you never could color outside the lines.
- Well, that's what they're there for.
- Mmm.
Well, I didn't become a police officer
to go running after lost doggies.
And you?
- There it is. None of us.
- There what is?
It isn't what we're here for!
Mmm My brothers and I
flip a coin to settle things.
Let's go.
- [María] Okay.
- Yep. Got tails.
[María] Ostin!
- Call him.
- [Valentina] Ostin!
[Gabina whistles]
- Ostin.
- [dog barks]
Ostin, come here.
Hey, I found him!
Mystery solved. Can we go, girls?
- Yeah?
- Come, look.
[Gabina] Here. Come here.
[Valentina and Gabina laugh]
- [Valentina] Hi!
- [Gabina] Good boy. Good boy.
[Gabina] Hey, look. Look.
Look. Look.
[Gabina laughs]
- [gasps]
- [Valentina] What?
What's that?
[whistle blowing]
Keep those people back, please.
- What happened?
- Looks like The Undresser again.
Same old MO. Woman, dark brown hair.
Underwear. Hands, feet and ankles
all tied the same way.
Cause of death?
Probably strangulation,
but the autopsy will confirm it.
- Jewels, belongings?
- She wore a necklace.
Okay, take it to the station.
Get a close look at it.
Maybe we can find a fingerprint.
Anything else?
We combed the area,
but nobody saw anything.
All right. Search it again.
- We need a fucking witness, Tony.
- Okay.
[clears throat]
[sighs] What the fuck?
Who found the body?
You're not gonna like it.
- You found the body?
- No.
I did.
Anything else we should know, Vaca?
[Vaca] A puppy led them to the body.
But when we arrived,
we found that this one over here
had covered it with her jacket.
And why the fuck would anyone
contaminate the crime scene?
To respect her.
- Respect?
- Mmm.
I'll give you some advice, missy.
If you wanna help the dead girl,
first, you respect the crime scene,
and then, if you can, the body.
- Understood?
- Understood.
- Do we know who it is?
- [officer] No, not yet.
Well, we have to review all the lists
of persons reported missing.
- We should find something.
- Okay.
We discovered a shoe print
where the body was.
Maybe you should make a cast.
[sighs] Díaz.
- Make a record of the footprint, Tony.
- Yeah.
- Vaca.
- Sir?
Get them out of here, please.
Have them give a statement at the station.
- Let's go. You've done enough.
- [sighs]
Move it!
[thunder rumbling]
[young woman] I'm free to decide
how I wanna live my life!
Your misunderstanding is your problem,
not mine!
[María] You wanna be free?
Get out of my car.
- María.
- Yeah?
Didn't she remind you?
Of who?
Of Natalia.
Why would you say that?
She didn't look like her at all.
I didn't say she looked like her.
I said she rem
Forget it.
How was your first day?
[María] Well, it was fine, I guess. But
Fine, right? Peaceful? Calm?
You saw there's no problem.
Yeah, but it was still a strange day.
Mmm, well, this might help your mood.
Come here, come here.
Hello, Mom?
- Hello.
- Hey, I was talking!
Guess what? I told my teacher that you're
police and you're catching criminals.
She caught a criminal? Hey, Mom!
- Is it true that you caught a criminal?
- Alex.
- Shh. Let her talk. One at a time.
- No, pumpkin.
It's only my first day.
And she said that the real criminals
in the city were the police.
Well, Mar, that's just her opinion.
Well, her opinion is wrong. She's crazy.
- Hey, Mom, what time are you coming home?
- At seven.
Don't forget to do your homework, okay?
Oh, I miss you two so much, you know.
Can you put your dad on?
- Yes.
- We love you.
- Mmm.
- Here.
- Hey.
- Hello.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Mmm. What's the strange thing from today?
[Vaca] Lozano wants to see you
about the body.
- Right now.
- Yeah, I'm coming.
- We'll talk later, okay?
- Of course.
I have to go. See you at home.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
[Vaca] Detective, here they are.
Okay, they just brought in a suspect.
He's a big, stocky guy, balding,
and he has a beard.
He's about thirty years old.
He works in the park.
Did any of you see him during your shift?
- No.
- No.
- No.
- That right?
Speak of the devil.
[suspect grunting, panting]
Hey. I want these completed statements
on my desk before you leave.
- You can do it later. Come on.
- We're coming.
Come on, let's go. Get moving.
[sniffles] I can't do it. No, no. No, no.
I'm struggling to get her face
out of my mind.
[Gabina] It was awful.
[Valentina] Can you imagine
what she suffered?
Can you imagine how scared she was?
She's with God in Heaven.
[Valentina] She's not with God.
She's in the morgue
on a fucking mortuary table.
She's naked and alone.
That's only her body. God has her soul.
How perfect that you think so,
because you could, I don't know, explain
Um, do you also believe the son
of a bitch who did this has a soul?
All humans have them.
That's what the Bible says.
No. That's from people like you.
With your righteous plan.
It's not. It's not my plan.
It's It's God's plan.
My grandma says that in Chapter 29
of the Book of Jeremiah
So what the fuck are we doing here?
Can you explain to me
why we're looking for The Undresser
if, in the end, every one of these murders
is part of God's perfect fucking plan?
Valentina, leave her alone.
I'll finish her statement.
You okay?
- Are you okay?
- It wasn't my intention to upset her.
His boss says that he has 24-hour shifts.
And he only has to check in with him
once a week.
So, the suspect could be away
for large periods of time,
and only check in with him
and that's it?
These are our statements, Detective.
- Anything else?
- No.
This asshole was also in jail
for sexual assault.
What more can we find
to put him behind bars?
[Gerardo] Let's see.
According to the psychiatric evaluation,
the case was dismissed when he turned 17.
He had symptoms
of reduced mental capacity.
He's a mental retard.
A pervert is a pervert.
I know, Lozano.
But it's our job to prove it.
And speaking of possible proof
Hey, Sofi. Sit here next to me.
What about the prints?
[Sofi] They're a match.
Take the file to the notary.
Have him write the confession.
- We should talk to his mother.
- No.
Not until we have a signed confession.
Lozano, you're with me.
[Gerardo, echoing] Margarito.
Do you know this woman?
Do you know this woman?
- Coffee for you?
- Thanks, cutie. You read my mind.
A pretty woman?
She was walking in the park
where you work.
You saw her, right?
You saw her and wanted to talk to her.
You wanted to talk to her.
You got closer. Am I right?
But she rejected you.
And you got angry, right?
You got very mad at her, right, Tito?
- [sighs] Why did you do this?
- [Tito gasps]
[Lozano] Where are you going,
motherfucker? Sit your ass down.
[Gerardo] "The 29th of March, 1971.
The suspect followed the citizen,
Paola Machado Rojo.
He approached. He spoke with her."
And you killed her, bastard.
Why did you do this, Tito?
Why did you do this to them, Tito?
[gasping, grunts]
Look at it, you bastard! Take a good look,
because you'll pay for this!
You're going to sign!
You'll pay for this, bastard.
Take the fucking pen, Tito.
You're gonna sign
He doesn't understand what they're saying.
Can't you see that?
What the fuck are you doing here?
Get out! Go away!
Yes, yes, I'm going.
[Gerardo] Now, we're gonna do
whatever it takes
to put you away for the rest of your life.
- Please don't touch anything.
- All right.
Gabriela, my dear.
- Gabina.
- Gabina. A beautiful name, hey?
I have a surprise for you.
Oh, it's a huge surprise, yes.
Right, Commander?
[Commander Herrera sighs]
It's that I'm starting to think
that Gabina on the cover, that's good.
But father and daughter on the cover,
outstanding, incredible.
And I said to myself,
"Let's see how much your father hates
being center of attention." You know?
That's why I called you, right, Commander?
Come on.
Well, then, let's put you to work.
That's great.
All right?
Uh, very good. Let's get started.
Hey, Commander, could you get
a little closer to your daughter?
Hey, Commander, could you
put your arm around your daughter?
Put your arm around her, Commander.
You're family.
Now give us a big smile.
[Emilio] That's it, smile, Commander.
- There you go. Yes!
- Very good. Another one.
Hey. Hey, cop. Come here.
The victim's sister is over there. Hmm?
She's here to identify the body.
Take her to the morgue.
Me? Really?
Am I talking to someone else or what?
I have to get home at seven.
I promised my family.
I don't care if you promised the Pope.
Go over there. Go.
You'll do what you're ordered to do.
Is that clear?
And, besides, women are better
at doing this kind of nonsense. Here.
Good evening. Jessica Machado?
- Yes.
- I'm María de la Torre.
Sorry for coming so late. I was working.
Come with me.
Is Paola okay?
Excuse me?
They called and told me
they had information about my sister.
Is she in trouble?
They didn't tell you anything else?
Like what?
Sit down, please.
- Your sister
- Paola.
Earlier this afternoon we found a body.
We need you to
to tell us if it's Paola.
[sobs] Kitten.
- [coroner] Is this your sister?
- [sobbing] Paola.
It's Paola.
What did they do to you, kitten?
You're freezing.
Oh, no!
[mellow music playing]
[door buzzing]
[door buzzing]
Speak of the devil.
Talking about me?
I could be.
Are you alone?
Mm-hmm. You?
At the moment.
You sounded upset on the phone.
About the weapons thing.
Yes, I I'm upset
about the weapons thing.
- I did a little digging.
- Mm-hmm?
And I don't think the reason
you're not getting weapons
is only bureaucratic red tape.
- It's not a fucking delay?
- That's right.
So, they just think it's immoral
for women to carry weapons?
It's been a fucked-up day.
You coming in?
I can't.
You mean you can't?
Or you don't want to? Hmm?
- Good night, Val.
- Yeah, good night.
You wanted to see me?
Two firsts for you today.
Your first body on your first day.
If it makes you feel better,
The Undresser confessed.
Tomorrow morning,
he'll go before the judge.
Sorry, but they forced him to sign.
He's not right in the head.
Obviously not. He killed six women.
- But also
- I get you.
You saw your first body,
but that's why we have evidence.
I was there, Captain.
They were beating him.
He couldn't even speak.
- There were three officers.
- Enough!
- He couldn't even hold on to the
- Stop, stop, stop!
Not another word about this.
And I'll tell you one more thing,
which you'll thank me for.
Your husband doesn't wanna know
about this either.
So don't take it home with you.
Believe me.
I have an ex-wife to prove it.
Now, go. It's late.
Good night.
Do you need a ride anywhere?
It's here.
[engine stops]
Hey, maybe we could talk
about the other night?
She was super rushed to leave.
How could I not be suspicious?
Can you wait up for me?
No. I'm already late, and you're
always telling me to be on time.
Why don't you tell me
where you're running off to?
- Goodbye!
- Paola, the city's very dangerous.
I went outside a minute later,
but she was gone.
The only thing I saw
was one of those cars with a white roof,
parked at the end of the alley,
with the engine running.
Had you previously seen the car?
I'd never seen it before.
Was that normal? Did she often do that?
What are you saying?
Did she habitually
get into strangers' cars?
What are you saying?
I'm just trying to say that if
That it's normal for her
to get into strange cars?
Like a prostitute?
Uh, no.
You're calling my sister a prostitute.
- No. No, no, of course not.
- [scoffs]
How dare you say that
about someone you don't even know.
You should feel ashamed.
[Emilio] Pardon me.
Commander. Hey, Commander.
Thanks for your valuable time here.
And you, Gabina. [blows]
"You rocked it, baby",
as the young people say nowadays.
Don't you think she was wonderful,
Thank you for accep
The simple act
of putting me in this position.
This is not a game.
You don't know what's out there.
I wanted to warn you.
I wanted to take care of you.
Don't look me in the eyes
if I don't ask you to!
You're no longer welcome in the house.
[María] Mom? What are you doing here?
[grandmother] I came to save your skin.
- [Mar] Mom, how was work? Amazing?
- [María] Hi, honey.
Go wash your hands. Where's your brother?
[Mar] Throwing a fit
over Grandma's cooking.
- [María] My love.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi, hi.
We were very worried.
Yes, I'm sorry.
- I got distracted and lost track of time.
- [grandmother] María!
Where did you hide the ketchup?
I didn't hide it, Mother.
It's in the pantry.
I don't think the children
should be eating any ketchup. Right?
Thank you, Mom.
[Alejandro] Thank you for everything.
Why did you call her?
Because we were hungry.
Now, don't change the subject.
You know I supported you with all of this.
But I need to know,
the children need to know,
what's going on,
if we can count on you or not.
Do you know how many times
we've had to eat without you?
- Because of some last-minute meeting or
- I don't want to fight.
I left Acapulco for So that I can be
right here with you, be with the kids.
But if you tell me that it won't
happen again, that's enough for me, okay?
I love you.
Alex, Mom's home now!
Come down, son. Come eat.
- Come on, let's go. Dinnertime!
- [grandmother] It's ready!
- [grandmother] Come on. Here it is.
- [Alejandro] Dinnertime! Hmm. Hey, hey.
I don't think I should go back
to the police.
We found the body
of a 24-year-old woman in the park.
That's awful.
Later, my coworker, Valentina,
yelled at me
because I told her
the victim's soul was with God.
She told me that The Undresser
doesn't have a soul.
But she clearly hasn't read the Bible.
No, she was probably angry.
Because she's wrong.
Not necessarily.
You always say that the victims' souls
are going with God.
Yes, yes, but not everyone thinks
the way that we do.
Then, who's right?
- I don't know. Both?
- I don't understand how.
She believes what she believes.
And so do we.
The important thing
is to accept everyone as they are,
and not how we want them to be.
Your hot chocolate's getting cold.
Everything okay?
Yes. The milanesas for the kids.
I heard on the radio
that another Undresser victim was found.
In a park?
Yeah, that's right.
That's terrible. That's terrible.
Is that why you were nervous?
No. [chuckles] No, no.
I was nervous about my first day.
You know, I saw a beautiful car.
One of those new ones with the white roof.
Are those expensive?
Well, they're not cheap,
because they're imported.
But if you like that kind of car,
when they make me a partner,
I can buy you one.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Cadillac, yeah? Like in the commercial.
You know which one?
Yeah, sure. Beautiful.
The news has already started.
All right.
Mmm. Okay?
- You're beautiful.
- Thank you.
[phone ringing]
Are you expecting a call?
One moment.
It's Captain Romandía.
[Romandía] De la Torre.
Did you interrogate the victim's sister?
She needed a ride home.
I just spent a half hour convincing her
not to file a complaint,
and I'm not sure I should have.
- I'll catch up with you, honey.
- Okay.
De la Torre!
Yes? Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, but it seems
the victim here, Paola,
got into an unknown car
on the night she was killed.
And so what?
It was an expensive car.
The kind of car someone
who works in the park couldn't afford.
Enough. Enough!
That's all worthless,
because the guy's already dead.
They found him dead in his cell
after he signed his confession.
Today at 1300 hours and 24 minutes
[continues on TV]
responding to an emergency call
in the Garden of Santiago Park
in the district of Tlalpan,
the Central Department
of Police and Transit
found the lifeless body
of a citizen, Paola Machado.
After collecting evidence
and conducting an exhaustive search,
one person was arrested,
the gardener answering to the name
of Margarito Hidalgo Flores,
approximately 35 years of age.
After being presented
with the irrefutable evidence against him,
the suspect finally decided
to confess to his crimes.
Hours later,
after being taken to his cell,
aware that this is how he'd spend
the rest of his days,
tormented by the crimes he'd committed,
Tlalpan's Undresser
decided to take his own life.
With his death, tonight our city
will finally be able to rest.
- Finally some good news.
- [Gerardo] Sir.
[Emilio] Good evening to everyone at home.
[Emilio] Tlalpan's Undresser
left behind six victims in his wake,
and brought fear to an entire city.
But the night is darkest
just before the dawn,
and the Mexico City police
rose to the occasion.
I was there, Captain.
They were beating him.
- He couldn't even speak.
- Enough.
- There were three officers.
- Stop.
- He couldn't even hold on to the
- Stop, stop, stop!
Listen to me closely.
You can't interrogate anyone.
You are not a detective.
The Undresser's case is closed.
Good night.
[Ángeles] In the next episode
[Octavio] Going forward,
you will alternate between here,
at the station, and the parks.
Do you need any help?
Will you leave if I say yes?
I for one wanna be certain
Tito Flores was The Undresser.
[María] Jessica Machado believes
she saw her sister get into a car
with a white roof
the night she was killed.
The day they arrested Tito,
they mentioned his mother.
Let's ask her some questions.
[Gilberto] You've been gone so long,
you forgot the rules
- of the jungle?
- [grunts, coughs]
[customer] Could you help me
find a pair for this stiletto?
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