Wonderful World (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[theme music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[judge] Prosecutor,
you may start with the demand.
[prosecutor] Your Honor, it's evident
that despite having a motive,
the defendant retaliated with
deliberate vindictiveness.
The prosecution requests 10 years
in prison.
[judge] Counsel,
make your final statement.
[defense] Your Honor.
The defendant was
mentally unstable at the time.
There were many reasons
attributable to the victim.
Above all, take into account that
the defendant confessed to her crimes.
I ask you be lenient.
[judge] Defendant, present your
closing statement.
[suspenseful music intensifying]
I think
what happened was wrong.
[suspenseful music continues]
if I were to go back in time
I would still make the same choice.
[dramatic music playing]
I don't seek
[dramatic music continues]
[female anchor] I'm sure you all remember
Kang Gunwoo's accident
that recently occurred in a school zone.
[male anchor] The driver who killed Gunwoo
was on his way home after receiving
a suspended sentence,
when he was killed.
[female anchor 2] The culprit
is none other than
Gunwoo's mother, Professor Eun Soohyun.
It has shocked the nation.
-[reporter 1] There she is!
- [protesters] Punish the murderer!
[reporter 2] Ms. Soohyun, is it true
you refused your sentence reduction?
[protesters] Release her!
-[reporter 3] Please tell us something.
- Move! Move! Soohyun!
[people shouting]
Don't worry. I'll do everything I can.
- Don't worry, okay?
- [tearfully] I'm sorry.
Let go of me! Damn it!
[reporter 4] Will you file for an appeal?
Soohyun, please!
[protesters] The mother is innocent!
[staff] The field connection
is almost over.
-Fifteen seconds.
- [PD] Studio anchor, standby.
[exhales] Will the next story be okay?
[intriguing music playing]
Three, two, one. Cue!
Next up.
Eun Soohyun's first murder trial
ruling was today.
It was announced
at the Seoul Central District Court.
The court considers
retaliatory murder to be
socially unacceptable and an antisocial
crime in our society.
She was sentenced to seven years
[PD] Suho, continue calmly.
She was just a mother who lost her child.
[PD] Suho!
- Follow the teleprompter.
- But the court
forgave him and calls her a criminal.
Hey! Turn it off!
Just once, think about why
she had no choice but to do what she did.
Is there anyone out there
who can really judge her?
[intriguing music continues playing]
[emotional music playing]
[buzzer sound]
New inmate 4811, Eun Soohyun.
[music fades]
A letter for Room Nine.
- [inmate 1] A letter? Really?
- [inmate 2] A letter?
[both gasp]
[inmate 1 laughing]
- [inmate 2] Whose are they?
- [inmate 1] Eun Soohyun, Eun
- Wow, she's a big star.
- [all laughing]
[inmate 3] "I'll wait for the day
you come out into the world."
"From, your pan."
[inmate 2] It's not "pan"! It's "fan"!
- [inmate 3] Fan!
- [inmate 2] Fan.
- [all laughing]
- [banging on door]
Be quiet.
[female guard 1] Inmate 4811, visitor.
Inmate 4811!
[instrumental music playing]
She refused the visit.
[indistinct conversation]
[Suho] Soohyun, I know how hard it is
for you to see me right now.
Hang in there for me.
I'll keep my promise
and do everything I can in my power.
[intriguing music playing]
Lawyer, Hwang Jiseok.
CEO of Jaehwa Construction, Gwon Jiwoong.
Blood alcohol level of 0.03%.
Cheongdam-ro, 16-2.
[phone ringing]
[Sang] Right. Chrome Sun in Cheongdam.
It's a members-only room salon
that serves and caters
to self-proclaimed chairmen.
[Suho] I think he tampered with
his blood alcohol levels. I need to check.
[intriguing music continues playing]
[Jiwoong in video] What is it?
I'm busy right now.
Let's talk later if it's not urgent
I'm leaving right now.
[dramatic music playing]
Kim Joon.
[music fades]
[inmates talking indistinctly]
[emotional music playing]
[all] Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Mommy ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
[all cheering]
- Yay!
- [Soohyun] Yay!
[Soohyun laughs]
You're the best.
My sweet boy.
Do you like stars that much, Gunwoo?
I don't like that.
- [Gunwoo] Why not?
- [Soohyun] It would be so sad
with me here and you all the way there.
[Gunwoo] Don't worry.
I'll fly you up there.
[Soohyun] Really?
[Gunwoo] I'll hold your hand.
You can't let go. Never!
What's that?
Goodness! What do we do?
What's going on? Guard!
[screaming] Guard!
- Guard! Look at this!
- [inmates screaming]
[female guard 1] There is an emergency!
Area 3, there is an emergency!
[inmates screaming]
[inmates screaming]
[male guard 1] Choir volunteers!
Get your access passes
and we'll go into the assembly hall.
[female guard 1] Inmate 4811!
Inmate 4811! Snap out of it!
- Inmate 4811!
- [female guard 2] Move out of the way!
- Move out of the way!
- [female guard 1] Make way!
Inmate 4811! Stay with me!
[Soohyun] Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[distant kid laughing]
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[Hyegeum] Be careful.
[Heejae] Hello!
Hi, Heejae!
- [presses password]
- [door lock opens]
[machine beeping]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [breathing laboriously]
[doctor 1] How much longer?
Her blood pressure's dropping.
- [doctor 2] It'll take another hour.
- [doctor 1] Put in another line.
- Start the HEPA.
- [nurse] Okay!
[machine beeping rapidly]
[breathing laboriously]
The patient is suffering
from severe anxiety
and depression due to trauma
from past events.
I think her reaction led to this accident.
[emotional music playing]
Why are you doing this?
Why would my daughter
Do you know how much you mean to me?
Why does my daughter
have to suffer like this?
[Goeun's breath trembling]
I think I closed the gate.
- Soohyun.
- I'm sure of it.
I shut the gate with this hand.
[Goeun] What's the point of that now?
How much longer will you live
in the past like this?
Look at yourself.
- What if something happens to you
- I really shut the gate.
[voice trembling] How did Gunwoo get out?
My Gunwoo
He can't open the gate on his own.
I should've checked one more time.
Just once more.
- [Goeun crying]
- I should've checked once more!
- Just once more!
- [Goeun] Soohyun, no!
- Just once more!
- Someone, take these cuffs off!
- She's in pain! Take these off!
- Just once!
I should've checked one last time!
Just once more!
Just once
[enthralling music playing]
[defense] A mother's misguided confidence
that her child would never
do something impulsive
was the starting point of this accident.
It's quite unfortunate.
[Jiwoong] I'm very sorry!
I'll repent! I'm very sorry!
[judge] Due to the lack of evidence,
the defendant is found not guilty.
[enthralling music continues playing]
I'm sorry I kept you waiting
when I called you here.
They talked so much
that the meeting was prolonged.
I'm Kim Joon.
- I'm Kang Suho.
- I know who you are.
I hear you were looking to expose me
when you quit.
Imagine how uncomfortable
I felt after hearing that.
I'm sure you didn't call me to comfort me.
You bought off the waiter at the bar.
Did you find anything out?
[dramatic music playing]
It seems you were very close to the man
who killed my son.
You were both drinking
on the day of the accident.
Just because you're present,
doesn't mean you're drinking.
I know.
So why did you use
all the personal connections you have
to protect someone who wasn't drinking?
Do you have proof?
The chief of police who can manipulate
DUI records.
The judge who gave him
a suspended sentence.
Even his attorney.
How will you explain the one connection
all of these people share?
Congressman Kim Joon.
Mr. Kang.
You should write articles for news,
not write a novel.
I'll ask you one thing.
A member of the National Assembly
worked so hard to get a mere CEO
of a construction company out of trouble.
By chance, is it related
to the Buyeongdong Corruption
I tried to expose?
Are you still going on about that?
He was the CEO of a service company
during the Buyeongdong development.
From then,
he was your crucial right-hand man
in your chance
at the presidential election.
For instance,
the man in charge of money laundering.
Does this sound like a novel too?
I guess you're not afraid
of anything, Mr. Kang.
I have nothing left to lose.
People like me aren't afraid of anything.
Someone who has everything to lose
like you would be afraid, Congressman.
I'm sure you want to cover this up,
but I will expose everything
for my wife and my late son.
Just you wait and see.
Hey, our guest is leaving.
Can we let him go empty-handed?
We prepared a gift for you.
- What are you doing?
- Check out.
It's from that day.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Do you still have nothing left to lose?
What would happen if Eun Soohyun saw this?
Could she endure it?
[breath trembling]
You must know best
on how to protect your wife.
- [inmate 2] White stone.
- [inmate 1] That's it.
- Aah.
- [inmate 2] Ooh.
[female guard 1] Inmate 4811.
[inmates laughing]
Why don't you allow him to visit?
Every time
[toilet flushing]
[Suho] Soohyun, it's already fall.
Will you meet with me next time
so we can talk?
What are you doing?
Finish wiping the floor.
- You must have so much free time.
- [inmate 1] Forget her.
Don't mess with the professor.
The professor is one strong woman.
[laughingly] The needle put
all those holes in her hand.
All around her hand.
She didn't scream once.
[inmate 2] It must not have hurt.
- I don't think it hurt.
- [Hyeongja] Shut up.
It tore through her flesh.
Wouldn't that hurt you?
You saw it too.
Blood was dripping from her hand,
but she didn't even flinch.
[Hyeongja] Compared to the pain
of losing your child,
that must not be anything.
What are you doing? Hey!
- I'll do it.
- [Hyeongja] No. Do your own chores.
- Okay? Do your chores.
- [inmate 1] Whatever.
[inmate 3] Whatever.
[inmates talking indistinctly]
[inmate 4] Do you have
any interesting stories?
[inmate 5] I used to be so popular.
[inmate 4] Stop lying.
- [inmate 5] It's not a lie.
- [inmate 6] Right.
[inmate 6] Hurry up.
Inmate 4811, go on out.
- No, it's fine.
- Get up for a second.
Get up for a second.
Step on it.
What are you doing?
You can't stop working. Hurry.
[inmates talking indistinctly]
[soothing instrumental music playing]
- Thank you.
- Don't thank me.
I'm doing it because I want to.
Then why me?
You remind me of me in the past.
Back then, my life was hanging on
by a thread and I found myself horrifying.
I used to be like that once.
But then I used all my strength
to survive.
I got further away
from my painful memories.
[inmates talking indistinctly]
Wow! Wow.
Are you okay now? Does it hurt?
Congratulations! Good for you.
Also, this
It's a brand new world.
Well? Do I look incredible?
[both chuckle]
[sawing machine sound]
[female guard 3] Let's wrap it up
in five minutes and move to Building Four!
[inmates] Okay!
[piano music playing]
[choir] O Holy night ♪
The stars are brightly shining ♪
It is the night ♪
Inmate 4811. Go to your spot.
Inmate 4811
Long lay the world ♪
In sin and error pining ♪
'Til He appears
And the soul felt its worth ♪
A thrill of hope ♪
The weary world rejoices ♪
For yonder breaks
A new and glorious morn ♪
Fall on your knees ♪
O hear the angel voices ♪
O night divine ♪
O night when Christ was born ♪
[Soohyun sniffles]
O night divine ♪
[Soohyun sobs]
O night ♪
O night divine ♪
[suspenseful music playing]
[Joon] Do you still have
nothing left to lose?
What would happen if Eun Soohyun saw this?
Could she endure it?
- [Yuri] Freezer?
- [Goeun] Put the meat in the fridge.
- We're going to eat it soon.
- [Yuri] Okay.
[door closes and chimes]
Have you been well?
How could I be well?
My son is all alone now.
We were going to send Suho some food.
We just got the groceries.
There's no need for that.
Suho won't be home.
He won't?
- Is he going somewhere?
- To the States as a correspondent.
Are you sure? When is he going?
[dramatic music playing]
- What about my sister?
- [scoffs]
That's your problem.
I can't stand aside
and watch my precious son wither.
I don't think your daughter
is my business.
What do you think?
If Suho was your son,
would you get in the way of his success?
Since you're an educated woman
who raised a daughter into a professor,
I trust you understand me.
[voice trembling] Mom.
How are you feeling?
What about you, Mom?
How are you?
How are your knees?
[Yuri] If you're that worried about her,
how could you not ask for leniency?
You knew the sentence would be lengthy.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted
to pay for all my sins.
[Soohyun sighs]
By the way, did you know?
Suho got an offer
to become a correspondent.
- That's great.
- How is that great?
Don't you know what that means?
He'll be gone for who knows how long.
You two will have to be apart.
With all that distance,
this separation could be permanent.
Soohyun, you shouldn't refuse
Suho's visitation.
He hasn't told you all this time.
I don't think he wants to go.
So hold onto him, okay?
[emotional music playing]
[voice trembling] Are you okay?
I missed you.
I'm sorry.
[voice trembling] I couldn't bring myself
to see you.
[breath trembling]
I understand.
I was going to keep coming no matter what.
[voice trembling] I was going
to wait until then.
Congrats on returning to the station.
This is what you wanted.
I'm going to work hard again.
When you come out, you won't have to work.
- Suho.
- [Suho] Yes?
I have a favor to ask.
Whatever you want. I'll do anything.
Don't come here anymore.
- What?
- Today's the last day
we'll see each other.
I thought it was right
to say this in person.
That's why I asked you to come.
What? What are you saying?
I'm so sorry.
it's hard for me to see you.
I can't afford to consider your feelings.
I know. I'm not asking you to.
Just let me be beside you.
Okay, Soohyun?
Let's stay strong together
and hang in there.
We can overcome this difficult situation,
and we can start over, okay?
I'm a murderer.
Look at me.
Look at where I am.
Look at what I'm wearing.
What could you do with your future
with a murderer as your wife?
Isn't it time for you to wake up
from that dream?
- Soohyun?
- Please.
Leave me alone.
Just live your life.
[voice trembling] Where
could I go without you?
There's no room for you
in my life anymore.
Do you mean that?
You really
don't need me in your life?
[Soohyun] No. I don't.
So just go.
[breath trembling]
I might become a correspondent.
I might not be able to come back!
- We're done here.
- What?
You're not going to stop me?
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
[Soohyun sniffles]
Don't hold it in.
It'll make you sick.
Just cry.
What do I do? ♪
About the tears in my heart? ♪
[inmates cheering]
No, I can't forget you ♪
I love only you ♪
[singer] Let's keep this mood going up!
Is there anyone who wants to sing?
Show me your hands!
Over here!
[singer] Yes, so impressive!
[inmate 7] Sing us a song.
[playing a tune on guitar]
Since the day I left ♪
I knew I would return someday ♪
So familiar in my eyes ♪
This place where I can rest in comfort ♪
In search of many things ♪
I left for afar ♪
Where had I been? ♪
Flying high into the sky ♪
I want to touch the stars ♪
But, forgetting all
That was most precious ♪
Was this the way to live? ♪
It would be great
If things went that way ♪
Standing in the shadows ♪
You heal your weary heart ♪
All things precious ♪
Were right beside you ♪
[Hyeongja] If only this was told ♪
To those going far away ♪
[inmates talking indistinctly]
- [inmate 3 moans]
- [inmate 1 mumbles]
[inmate 3] It hurts.
Inmate 0826.
- Yes?
- Come out.
[door buzzes]
See you later. [chuckles]
[indistinct conversation]
What are you drawing?
The first place I want to go
when I get out of here.
It's near the southern end.
The sea's in front,
and in the back, there's this little hill
with silver grasses.
A place where you can't see
a gray wall like that.
There's a very old tree at the top.
They say if you touch it and make a wish,
it'll come true.
What will you wish for if you go there?
What about you?
I'd wish
for all the people who suffered
because of me
find happiness in their lives.
[voice trembling] Let's go there
together one day.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm dying.
That's why they called me out
this morning.
I guess my last physical exam
wasn't all that great.
There's no need for that. Stop it.
I guess dying like this
is part of my redemption.
So I'm actually completely fine with it.
I mean it.
But I'm only saying this because of you.
I just
don't want you to have to say
farewell again without any preparations.
When you live this long,
leaving someone properly is just
as important as meeting someone.
[emotional music playing]
So let's say farewell properly.
One more thing.
I have something to tell you.
[brushes off the snow]
To be honest,
I was just like you
I dreamt of revenge.
[Hyeongja in the past gasps]
I learned my husband was having an affair.
I wanted to kill them.
So I set the room on fire.
[loud bang]
However, I didn't know the fire
would spread so much.
Once I snapped out of it,
I realized an innocent family died
because of me.
Quick! Over here!
[Hyeongja] There was one child
who survived.
- [siren]
- [boy] My mom and dad are in there!
[Hyeongja] I prayed to God every day.
I hoped the child could endure this.
I prayed for his survival and protection.
That I'd give everything I had for it.
I started writing letters to the child.
I couldn't dare to bring myself
to apologize to him. I felt so guilty.
I begged and pleaded.
[emotional music continues playing]
I have a favor to ask.
Could you
give these letters to him for me?
[emotional music continues playing]
Soohyun, could you give these letters
to him for me?
That child endured a hard time
as much as you did.
Can you help him put
that great pain behind him?
[rock music playing]
[machine whirring]
[rock music continues playing]
This place is good.
[dog barking]
I, Kim Joon,
am the candidate
for the Hankuk United Party.
The reason we invited
the primary candidates here today
is to come together as one and create
a better nation.
I hope it can promote harmony.
There shouldn't be any fighting
or biting in politics, right?
[assistant] Lee Jingwon's
daughter is the problem.
The congressman's daughter
bullied her classmate in school
and our team got the recording.
I think we'll be able to use it.
School violence will lower
the approval rating by 10% these days.
[girl on TV] It was almost like a torture.
It wasn't easy for me.
I heard Congressman Lee's a great farmer.
He cultivated his daughter well.
His daughter's a treasure.
He's not the problem.
The problem's Son Hyeonmin.
[assistant] He's a strong candidate.
The team's digging into him.
He's cleaned up his tracks well.
They can't find a speck of dust on him.
[microwave beeps]
[suspenseful music playing]
[watch alarm beeping]
[suspenseful music continues playing]
Isn't Son Hyeonmin the director
of Sanggyeong Academy?
I hear his wife's the principal there.
Isn't that perfect to launder money?
Our team's youngest is working on it now.
[mysterious music playing]
[chain clinks]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[device beeping]
[guard] Check the principal's office!
[mysterious music continues playing]
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
Great job. Let's go after
Congressman Choi Juseok tomorrow.
[indistinct conversation]
[birds chirping]
[peaceful music playing]
[peaceful music continues playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[assistant on phone]
Congressman Choi's here.
- Not today.
- [assistant] It's now or never.
[call disconnects]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[voice trembling] Gunwoo.
I'm here.
[emotional music playing]
Are you okay?
The dark sacred night ♪
And I think to myself ♪
- Use this.
- It's fine.
What a wonderful world ♪
[both] The colors of the rainbow ♪
So pretty in the sky ♪
Are also on the faces ♪
Of people going by ♪
I see friends shaking hands ♪
Saying, "How do you do?" ♪
They're really saying ♪
I love you ♪
I hear babies cry ♪
You can use this umbrella.
I watch them grow ♪
I think it would make Gunwoo sad
if he were to see you.
[woman] And I think to myself ♪
What a wonderful world ♪
[both] I think to myself ♪
What a wonderful world ♪
[closing theme playing]
[Soohyun] I'd like to find
the survivor of this case.
[Myunghee] What happened
to Gunwoo was your fault.
[Soohyun] When we meet,
I have a message to deliver.
-[audience cheering]
- [Suho] I need to find someone.
[Seonyul] Someone
was following me earlier.
[Soohyun] I hoped you weren't trapped
in pain like me.
Do you have any idea what you did to me?
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