Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Are We Now Dating?

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
Are you dating Nifuji?!
Don't say it so loud, Hana-chan.
Well, I guess.
What do you mean by that?
We're talking about Hirotaka here!
I don't feel excited or anything anymore
after all this time.
What? Nifuji
Are you dating Momose?
That's right.
-Well, I guess.
-What do you mean by that?
These days,
she always runs away
like a mythical Pokémon.
What did you do?
Nothing yet.
Oh, speak of the devil.
You guys are dating, right?
Mr. Kabakura,
do you know of a trap door over there
like the one from those game shows?
Not that I know of.
What? Did you guys have a fight?
No. It's just kind of awkward.
Then just act normal.
You're too gloomy.
That's what I like about you, Hana-chan.
Avoiding him for no reason is unfair.
Nifuji might think
you don't like him anymore.
He might feel hurt.
Hirotaka doesn't
feel hurt.
Does he look like he's been hurt?
What's so unfair about it to him?
Kaba Fuyutsuki, right?
You're right!
What's wrong? Did you guys have a fight?
No. Not really.
Then why is she avoiding you?
Who knows?
Dating sims aren't my specialty,
so I don't know.
Stop comparing everything to a game.
But that girl, Momose.
She's not good at her job
and has a small chest.
Her only strength is her cute smile.
Why is she so depressed?
Sorry, I messed up on 200 copies.
Are you going out for drinks?
If you'll treat me, I'll go too.
A severe game addict like you is too much
for normal people to handle.
You think so?
As always, your impersonation of Narumi is perfect.
Go talk to her
before this has a negative impact on your work!
I see.
Trying to raise your affection level
through individual events,
it's a typical move in dating sims.
Didn't I just tell you to
stop comparing everything to a game?
I don't know anything about dating sims!
Well, to tell you the truth,
I'm damn jealous.
He's good at his job,
he seems like the type who won't cheat,
and he's accepting of otaku like us.
I mean, he's an otaku himself.
And he has a nice figure,
so I bet he'd look good doing cosplay!
I have a certain posture for playing games.
And he's so hot!
This is what my face looks like
when I'm not thinking about anything.
He's a top-quality piece of real estate.
Why are you so unsatisfied?
I'm not unsatisfied.
Well, to tell you the truth,
Kabakura is more of my type.
Super-mad Hirotaka
and his senior Kabakura appeared!
What will Narumi do?
Narumi cannot run!
Hey, hey. Nifuji.
I know how you feel,
but Naru is scared.
I'll talk to her for you,
so could you give her some more time?
Koyanagi the otaku friend's skill
was activated!
Koyanagi uses persuasion!
Wait, Koyanagi.
This issue is between Nifuji and Momose.
Outsiders shouldn't interfere.
Kabakura's skill
chivalry was activated!
Koyanagi's persuasion
was blocked!
I don't want to hear it coming from you,
Did you say something, ugly woman?
Round one!
An urgent event has occurred!
A battle has suddenly started!
-Go home!
-You go home!
You always butt into other people's business!
That's so typical of women. Such a pain!
You're one to talk! Do something about
your habit of always lecturing other people.
Show consideration
for the people around you.
You're not a little kid anymore.
Let me explain.
Taro Kabakura and Hanako Koyanagi
were both volleyball team captains in high school.
They fought fierce battles over who got to use
their school's tiny gym.
It was an explosive situation.
They fought like cats and dogs!
These two are a rare type of otaku:
Otaku who are good at sports.
Narumi cannot run.
Please spare my life
I didn't mean to scare you.
I wasn't sure how much space I should give you.
We were much closer
when we used to be friends.
I shouldn't have told you
that I like you.
NoHe never said that.
I never said that.
Viewers who don't remember
should re-watch the previous episode.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
Don't say that.
It was a little awkward,
but you tried your best to tell me how you felt, right?
I was happy.
I'll try not to run away next time
I feel embarrassed
when I see your face.
Don't say, "I shouldn't have told you."
Hirotaka? What's wrong?
Wait, what language is that?!
What did you say?!
Really! What's wrong?!
Don't follow me!
Don't get so full of yourself because
she said you're her type!
You're such a mess!
I'm not getting full of myself!
Why are you so mad?
Hey, Koyanagi. Listen to me.
I thought I told you not to call me Hanako
at work!
-But your name is Hanako!
-Seeing you pisses me off!
You didn't know?
Let me explain.
It's exactly what you're thinking.
I wasn't mad.
What's with that face?
No, really.
It's not that I was mad.
Since you were acting like that towards me,
I thought you didn't like me anymore.
Come on.
Let's go to the arcade! Okay?
What do you mean?
My god
That face you make pisses me off.
Is the west entrance arcade okay?
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
26 YEARS OLD - 184cm
The heroine is the cutest.
End of argument.
Very well.
Then krieg is what you shall have.
Girls are so weird.
Why do they always want other people
to like the same thing?
Isn't it better not to be
fans of the same thing?
It's not that girls are weird.
I think they're just war hawks.
What's wrong,
Hirotaka and Kabakura?
Are you done with your work?
I have to do overtime.
What about it?
Thanks for being that girl
who always OTs.
Well, you're almost done today, right?
You're just not used to the new company yet.
I was thinking about going for a drink now.
Are you going to treat me?
I feel embarrassed about yesterday.
Koyanagi. Listen to me.
Whose fault is that?
It's your fault!
Anyway, I'm going to hurry
and finish the rest of my work.
Knowing there's a prize
motivates her to work harder.
She can do it once she puts her mind to it.
Excuse me.
I want to stop by the bookstore today.
I'll meet up with you later.
Oh, if you're going to the bookstore,
then I'll go with you.
It's still early.
Okay! We don't get a chance
to do this every day.
Why don't we all go together?
This is how the group wound
up at a bookstore
before going out for drinks.
Right. To the "bookstore."
To tell you the truth,
I can't wink.
Thanks for the useless info!
I can wink both eyes at the same time.
What was that?
That was so cute.
That's just blinking.
Winking is so easy! See?
She's so cute.
Dependable and stable cuteness.
Hey! Go, go!
You can do it, Nifuji!
Nifuji, go!
That's so creepy!
Sorry! Sorry for pushing you too hard, Hirotaka.
-It's all right, Nifuji.
-Well, well. I'm sure you can do it.
I was caught off guard.
They said it was a "bookstore,"
so I was completely caught off guard.
Acting like I own this place.
Isn't this a bookstore?
The type of bookstore that's for people like us!
I heard about it. Momose
really is into this kind of stuff.
Much more than you are!
I had to get the limited edition
that went on sale today!
Okay, okay. I get it.
Hurry up and go pay!
Maybe I'll get something too.
Then let's browse together.
What? Hey.
If you don't hurry,
the bar is going to get crowded.
No problem. We'll be done soon.
I'm going to borrow Hana-chan for a bit.
Let's meet in front of the register
in 30 minutes!
Got it.
Me? With this guy?
If I knew this was going to happen,
I would have gone to the bar first and waited.
Mr. Kabakura,
you don't like this kind of stuff, right?
I love it.
Why are you slightly mad?
It's not that I don't like this store,
I just didn't want to come here dressed in
work clothes.
I don't want to look like a hard-core otaku
who came to buy manga after work.
Why are you following me?
Don't peek over my shoulder!
Go shop by yourself!
I buy my manga as e-books.
There's nothing I want in particular.
When I come with Narumi,
I always walk behind her.
-It's my habit. I couldn't help myself.
-I see.
Poor Momose.
But you come here together sometimes too, right?
-With Koyanagi.
-Of course not!
Why do you look so surprised?
Normally, I like to shop alone and take my time.
And the genres we like are totally different.
So, there's a genre you want to buy discretely.
That's not what I meant.
Is there not?
It's not that I don't have one
But I think you're right.
It's best for both of us
if we split up.
I'm sure they have things over there that
they want to buy privately.
Hana-chan. That's a good one.
I'm buying it.
If you like things like that,
then I recommend these over here too.
Put them all in.
-How about this?
-Oh, that one.
The inside is really different from the cover.
If you want, I'll bring it tomorrow
so you can read it.
When you're with me, Naru,
I don't have to feel lost buying
boys' love books anymore. Thanks.
Don't mention it.
Do you mind if I look at the magazines a bit?
The magazines are over here.
I'm so happy.
I've always hid the fact that I'm an otaku
from my friends.
That's why I've always dreamed of doing
something like this.
Searching for the perfect book
with my soul mate
after sharing our sexual interests with each other!
-Oh, the magazines are over here.
I'll be waiting around here,
so take your time.
I'm fine.
I already know which one to get.
-What's this?
-A cosplay magazine.
Try reading it once.
If you're interested,
let's try cosplaying together once.
-It'll be okay.
The difference in our heights is perfect,
so we'll be able to do anything.
-It'll be okay.
We can enhance things when they're too small.
Cosplay, huh?
It takes courage.
But I do enjoy watching.
We are?
I'll buy it!
You're going home?
I thought we're going for drinks.
Sorry, Nifuji.
I ended up buying more than I planned.
Come on. Well, if you say so, it can't be helped.
Me too. I have to go home and study.
Well, then. Bye!
This is why otaku are no good.
Well, I guess that means me too.
I'm going to go home and play some games.
Are We Now Dating?
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
I read too many manga last night
and didn't get enough sleep.
Naru looks like she stayed up late too.
I love watching you stand there in an awkward panic
as you struggle to hide
your mushy feelings!
He hit back.
A smile bomb!
What was that just now?
What was that? That pisses me off!
Kabakura! How dare he?
I don't know what's gotten into her,
but she looks like she's in a good mood.
I bet she finally pooped.
Good, good.
He's practicing how to wink!
You're still not getting it right!
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