X-Men (2011) s01e02 Episode Script


Flying object confirmed.
Mutant signal detected.
It's the X-Men's Blackbird.
They are approaching this location.
The X-Men
They've finally made a move.
Activate anti-X-Men weaponry.
We've entered Tohoku's airspace.
I'm starting the descent.
We should be landing at the Ichiki
household in about 30 minutes.
Roger that.
Cerebro Mobile
So that's the upgraded
portable Cerebro, huh?
Yes. I've enhanced it so that even
non-telepaths can detect mutants.
I see you're checking it right away.
You also suspect Charles
of losing his skills?
I'm just devoted to the mission.
Sure, sure.
I see they've come.
Please don't worry.
With our technology, we have
nothing to fear from the X-Men.
I'm looking forward to it.
Someday, Professor X,
I'll have you visit too.
Yes. This is where we found
Hisako's backpack.
If only we'd walked her
to the bus stop
Our car had broken down that day.
But she had an important test,
so we let her take the bus.
She came home with the other kids
in the evening
but walked home alone from the stop.
And here
Did you always pick her up?
Yes. Other children
have gone missing, so
Other children?
More than 20 young mutants
have disappeared in the past few years.
But the actual number is higher.
Most people didn't want to make
their child's disappearance public.
But why keep it a secret?
Unexplained accidents
are common lately.
Many people suspect
they are caused by mutants.
So people are afraid of being looked at
oddly or discriminated against.
Will the day ever come
when people understand mutants?
The number of people who have
gone missing is significant.
I guess it may be a case
of mutant hunting after all.
Then it's probably the U-Men.
I heard a rumor they've been
hanging around Japan lately.
The U-Men?
They misuse mutant abilities
to try and destroy humanity.
They're an organization
of mad scientists.
That was Mr. Fujiwara!
His grandson's gone missing!
Oh, honey
He disappeared while on a delivery
for the liquor store where he works.
Is the boy also?
He's from a mutant family.
We're going to check out his workplace.
You guys handle the Fujiwaras.
Yes. We'll meet up later.
Yeah, this is the kid.
-You're positive?
But it was two weeks ago, not yesterday.
See, there's a restaurant
at the foot of that mountain.
He didn't come back.
That's the last I heard of him.
I only found out later,
but apparently he was a mutant.
What did they do this time?
They use their powers for nothing
but accidents and disasters.
Wait, you guys aren't mutants,
are you?
And if we are?
Wolverine, cut it out.
I didn't mean anything by it.
I have to make a delivery, so
Thanks for your time.
Man, what are they
sniffing around here for?
It's so creepy.
What we've done for mutants
Has it gotten us anywhere?
What did Jean die for?
A restaurant at the foot of the mountain?
A high school student delivered
something there just before he vanished.
-I'm going ahead.
It wasn't Fujiwara's grandpa
who called the Ichikis.
They were so worried about what people
would think, they kept it a secret.
From the Ichikis too.
That call was a trap to lure us out.
Bring it on!
They're here already, huh?
So the U-Men have finally
made something decent.
What makes you so sure
it's the U-Men?
I fought an older version
of these bots once.
They were kid's toys
in comparison, though.
Do something, Cyclops!
I'm on it!
The X-Men.
I'm worried about Scott and Logan.
Let's worry about ourselves for now.
You're right.
Are you all right, Storm?
Yes, barely.
You're getting in too deep!
You're going to get killed.
These people
These people
As long as they're around, the senseless
attacks on mutants won't stop.
What are you charging in for?
Don't be so reckless! They're coming.
Looks like we finished them off, Cyclops.
I understand how you feel, but had I not
been watching, it could have been worse.
Get a grip.
I don't need your advice.
Let's go.
The mobile unit has been annihilated.
Whatever. It's within range
of what I expected.
We gathered data.
Begin analyzing the X-Men's abilities
and developing new countermeasures.
Leave it to me.
Our science will bring them
to their knees.
The U-Men? Are you sure?
Logan confirmed it from the weapons
that attacked us.
The mutant detection jamming,
the case of Hisako Ichiki
and the disappearance of mutants
in this area
all seem to be their work.
The U-Men,
homo sapiens supremacists
harvest mutant organs
and steal mutant powers
in order to fight evenly with mutants.
It's definitely possible.
We're on our way to meet with Scott
and Logan, and infiltrate the enemy base.
Please be careful.
This looks like it'll be a tough battle.
The Sasaki Institute has been closed.
Unable to connect.
An abandoned hospital?
Yes. A specialized medical facility.
It was closed 20 years ago.
The people nearby are afraid
and steer clear of it.
Sounds like the perfect place
for their HQ.
I can't sense anyone.
Don't let your guard down.
It may be a trap.
I wouldn't mind.
What was that?
It It hurts
Help Help me
It hurts!
It's the delivery boy who went missing!
Cyclops, wait!
What are you doing?
Wolverine, stop!
He's a mutant!
But if he's been modified this much
The scanner's readings are so far
past the limit, it can't calculate it.
I'm sorry, but he's too far gone.
We can't save him.
I feel sorry for him, but all we can do
is put an end to his pain!
Stop! Stop it!
Get ahold of yourself!
Do it now! Cyclops!
I feel better.
Thank you.
Save them.
My friends are still in
What on earth are the U-Men
trying to accomplish here?
What meaning does
a fight like this have?
Mutants killing each other
You bastard, do you want Jean's death
to be for nothing?
Like you could ever understand
how I feel!
Sometimes you have to
harden your heart!
As X-Men, such is our fate!
Especially if you are the leader!
Let's go.
Let's hurry.
-Storm, are you okay?
What is this facility?
Looks like a chemical laboratory
or something.
This girl's
-It's Hisako Ichiki!
There's a woman sleeping here too.
Why? Why?
Why is she here?
The mutant telepath, Emma
was imprisoned with Hisako.
She claims she's there to help Hisako,
as her teacher
but the X-Men have their doubts.
That's when Todd,
a leading mad scientist for the U-Men
And in the fierce battle that follows
Hisako's mutant powers awaken.
Next time on X-Men: Awakening.
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