Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

La Memoria

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
Come here. Come on. Leave that there.
That level of inspiration
Come on, Jonás.
You need to blow out the candles.
Should I put some more flowers there?
-Well done, huh? Well done!
-Well done!
That's right, the drummer of the family!
They're going to hire you!
We can't just let anyone in.
-Stay with your dad.
Stay with Jonás.
-Stay with him.
-Are you okay?
Well done, champ. Are we dancing today?
We need to talk.
I need you to listen to me.
-No, stop!
Stop! Stop! Don't move!
Stay still!
What did you do, you son of a bitch?
Keep still. Keep still.
-Keep still or I'll kill him!
-What are you looking at?
-Lot 321.
My son's being taken via the canal.
-Right now.
Send someone! Please, I beg you!
They're taking him right now! Right now!
Oh, no!
I told you to stay with him!
I would like to thank the Ambassador
for inviting us to his home,
which is also our home.
A piece of Israel outside Israel.
A privilege that few of us have access to,
to make Aliyah
in the heart of Buenos Aires.
Mr. Ambassador, a companion
in the battles we fought together,
a silent hero who watches over
the tranquility and well-being
of all the Jews who inhabit this land.
I would also like to thank Mr. Consul.
And, of course, the kids of the choir
and their teacher, Silvina,
who have moved me once again.
I believe that my dear Perla,
would have been very proud
of this wonderful choir
that bears her name.
Perla Silverman.
Thank you.
Nice, huh?
Very moving indeed.
Shall we?
Good job, Saúl!
-Come, I want to show you something.
Follow him.
Don't lose him.
I thought you were taking me upstairs.
-We can't go upstairs.
-We can't?
What's in here?
What you see.
Doron Avit is a kid from Tel Aviv.
He had problems and now lives in Paraguay.
Once back here, he'll ask you
for a meeting. I said you'd see him.
He has interesting ideas.
What ideas, Saúl?
Half an hour. It's worth it.
Will you travel to Kadesh's
30th anniversary ceremony?
Thirty years already?
Everyone's going?
All who are left.
We recently lost Ben Baraj.
Ben Baraj.
He was a good soldier.
He could disarm a tank with his left hand.
To Ben Baraj.
Hi, how are you? Shall we?
Our security is here, Dad.
Dafne, your dad's busy. Some other time.
-The ambassador invited us for dinner.
-I'm not staying. Let me introduce you.
Iosi, my dad.
Hi. It's the ambassador. We're staying.
-I have plans with Iosi.
-The plan is, we stay.
-It's the ambassador, do you understand?
-Dafne, maybe some other time, okay?
Excuse me.
Good night.
Who is this boy?
Someone who looks at me
when he talks to me.
I'm sending a photo.
Identify him and send me
anything we know about him.
Thank you.
And Victor?
-Victor doesn't come to these things.
-I thought he was coming.
He can't stand the ideology
or the speeches they give here.
And you do?
I'm more adaptable.
We're getting a pizza with the group,
if you want to come.
I have things to do.
See you some other time.
Good work, José.
Thank you.
Do you think they suspected you
at the embassy?
It seemed too easy
for you to get in and out.
I'm efficient.
Don't trust them. They're Jews.
They're better at this than us.
It's all laid out. I'm understanding the--
You keep digging.
Others will analyze this.
Go on. I have things to do.
Dr Raúl Alfonsín
President of Argentina
Therefore, we are sending
to the Congress of the Nation,
for its consideration
in extraordinary sessions,
a bill
that establishes a time limit
for the termination
of criminal proceedings
that will allow
What happened?
Trouble is on its way.
Anyone who doesn't jump is military!
You have to jump
You have to jump
Anyone who doesn't jump is military!
Anyone who doesn't jump is military!
Anyone who doesn't jump is military!
What's up, Iosi? It'll be a nice strike.
It'll be great.
Want to join us?
Yes, sure.
-There'll be cops all over tomorrow.
-Are you afraid?
No, so we can sing this one.
Cops! Cops! Cops!
All cops are bastards!
Cops! Cops! Cops!
All cops are bastards!
Mass protests nationwide
due to the approval of the Due Obedience
and Clean Slate acts
which grant impunity to those
involved in the military dictatorship,
say human rights organizations.
Gave me chills to see you in that photo.
You were in the middle of that.
Let's introduce him properly.
Half the people here don't know him.
-We have a Jewish gaucho with us.
-A gaucho?
He comes straight from Entre Ríos.
He looks so quiet,
but he sings in the choir like Bob Dylan.
And he chases off the cops.
A Swiss Army knife, this son of a bitch.
He needs to adjust his ideas,
but we'll do that.
Don't get confused, Iosi. This is just
an excuse to get together for lunch.
You know?
-I didn't know. I didn't bring anything.
-Don't worry.
Eat up. No one stays hungry here.
Okay. We have latkes. Pass him the latkes,
These are delicious.
-Have some.
We might not change the world,
but we'll eat good food.
I couldn't eat so calmly
if we're not changing the world.
Eli, don't take it personally.
I don't. Why would you say that?
-We're talking.
-I don't get why you're here.
You don't?
-You don't?
You've got sauce all over your mouth.
Clean me up.
Grab a latke.
That's what I said.
Exactly. We need to focus
on Argentine politics.
Of course.
-See you, guys.
-See you.
Democracy must be maintained,
it's not a territorial whim.
No politics. I'm bored.
Don't tell Daddy what we talked about.
Show respect. He's a war hero.
You have a place to live thanks to him.
I have a place. Argentina.
I don't need another.
Iosi! Come on, man! Please!
-What the fuck is he doing?
-Look. Look.
Fucking Jews.
-How do you know they're Jews?
-The smell.
-We don't want trouble.
They say they fuck well.
-Where you going?
-Nowhere. I'm here.
-You're cute.
Don't touch me!
Stop it, help! Bastards!
No! Victor!
Let him go!
Let him go.
Let him go, asshole!
Fuck off! Let him go!
Let me go.
Let him go.
Let him go!
I'm coming to find you, okay?
-Are you okay?
So you're Jewish?
What a son of a bitch.
I thought you'd been kicked out for real.
You played dumb so well.
What about you?
Working with neo-Nazis.
Looks good on you.
I work in a cold storage plant.
On weekends we go out to beat up Jews,
and Bolsheviks too.
Who'd have thought we'd cross paths?
Anyway, not a word to anyone.
-It stays between us.
-Relax. Relax.
Do you report to Claudia as well?
You're right, better not to know.
We never met, right?
This is between you and me.
Did you fuck Claudia too?
Stop it, man.
Are you fucking Jews now?
They fuck well, don't they?
Your apartment is too small.
Don't you want to go to my place?
No way. Your dad's there.
He's on a trip.
-Why is he traveling so much?
-I don't know. That's his business.
I don't get involved.
Víctor always talks about your dad.
Why doesn't he like him?
Victor doesn't like people with money.
He has money too, but it's his family's.
Not like my dad.
You can say what you want about my dad,
but he made his money by working.
So why do you go to Ofakim?
To mess with my dad.
Don't let your dad know
you're dating a lowlife.
Dafne Menahem dating a schlepper?
I don't know, are we dating?
Mario's good-looking.
No, that's Marcos, my father.
That's Mario.
-Good-looking, too.
-I say that black and white helps.
Okay, Zuni.
Did you try Helueni's boyoz?
If you don't know Helueni,
you don't know Once, no.
Enjoy your Sabbath.
Thanks, Zuni.
Take care, child.
Enjoy your Sabbath.
Thank you.
-Shall I turn them off?
Yes, Valeria, but today
our commitment is to democracy,
to the memory of the dead,
to the exiles, do you understand?
We have to strengthen
the dialogue with all parties.
Your speech is fine, Victor.
-But what the fuck are we doing in Mapam?
-We're with them because they finance us.
-What's Mapam?
It's Israel's workers' party
with representation in the Knesset,
the parliament.
So, then, does Israel finance
political parties in Argentina?
No. Mapam is financing us
and other left-wing groups
around the world to broaden their base.
I don't care about Mapam.
-That makes two of us.
Do you think they care about us?
They don't even see us.
But wouldn't it be good if Mapam saw us?
What for?
To start a dialogue everywhere,
as you just said.
-Mapam is a tool--
-What makes us relevant
is not our conclusions,
but how we contribute to the debate.
-Or it's a sideshow discussion.
It's not that easy.
-Our voice needs to be heard outside.
-It's not a priority today.
What's wrong?
Why aren't you in class?
I don't feel like dancing today.
It's my mom's anniversary.
I would have loved to have met her.
Will you come see her?
Everyone says
I got my personality from her.
I don't think so.
I would never marry a guy like Dad.
Thanks for coming with me.
I always come alone.
Dad doesn't like it when I cry.
I like everything about you.
I can't believe it.
Look, film this!
Everyone's talking about this photo.
AMIA and DAIA called too.
We stirred up a hornets' nest.
-All right!
-Is that good or bad?
It means we're stirring shit up.
-All right!
5:00. At least the power cuts are on time.
Where did you get that camera?
The camera? Dafne's dad
brought it from New York.
We have to answer these bastards.
We won't waste time with these idiots.
Iosi, you know what this is?
-What does it say?
-It's an anti-Semitic myth.
It's been going on for years.
-It's old.
-We have Once and Villa Crespo.
Why would we want Patagonia?
Andinia plan? Oh, please.
Look, love.
-What does it say?
-No, no, exactly.
God almighty.
Don't be fooled, José.
They tell the myth to protect themselves,
to make it look absurd.
But the plan is real, and it is complex.
And none of these cells
know it in its entirety.
I'm working on a line that can take me
to the Argentine Zionist Organization.
It's one step
from the World Zionist Organization.
There's no time.
There's a visit from
the President of Israel in two months.
It may be connected to the Andinia Plan.
What else do you have?
Look, film this.
You're asking me what?
Whoa. No, no. Leave it.
The way the she looks at you.
She's giving it all up.
She's got such a nice ass.
But what I want is her daddy's head.
To get to Saúl Menahem,
you'll have to be more creative.
-Wait for me here.
-Whatever you want, honey.
Go into the next room.
We're ordering something?
-Order whatever you want.
-You guys have fun.
You finally got it, faggot.
Stop. Don't turn it off.
Why are you turning it off?
I want to see
if they get married in the end.
I need a favor.
-Take a shower first.
-Come on, man.
What do you need?
You and your friends.
What for?
For a small job.
What's in it for me?
I'll owe you a favor.
Those were the days.
Look who came to visit me.
Garrido, long time no see.
What are you doing here?
I came to see your wife.
I'll steal him for a minute.
What's your life come to, José?
You were a valuable asset.
They trusted you with a special mission.
I don't get it.
The Jews got in your head.
It's more complicated than you think.
-No point in talking about it.
-No point?
And yet, they say
you want to talk to everyone.
I am now a very powerful man in the force.
Why don't you calm down?
If you calm down, everything calms down.
I could get you back into the Force.
Want to stay an outcast?
Did you kidnap Jonás Kesselman?
the Force is very troubled
by what you're doing.
You know, it seems you're in control,
but then everyone plays their own game.
I'll see if I can find out.
How can I contact you?
Just look at this. It's the last piece.
The tone is divine. This satin is divine.
-It's beautiful.
It is. But my husband is out of work.
That's why you won't get a dress?
It's your niece's wedding!
-You are ray of sunshine.
-Sometimes I'm cloudy.
Today's a good day.
Yes, that's me.
This is cheaper.
No, thanks.
-See you.
But how?
No. No.
Yes. I'm on my way.
What is it, Zuni?
My purse.
What happened?
My purse. I have to go!
Okay, wait. You're not going
on your own like that. I'll go with you.
Tell me what happened.
This can't be happening!
Do everything you can.
-We must find out who they are.
-Perfect, we'll do it.
This is a
It was at least three
Look what they did to my mom.
Only real bastards mess with the dead.
Keep me informed.
That's enough, darling.
Let's go home.
Suddenly you're everywhere.
Where did you come from?
Tel Aviv says there's nothing on the kid
you sent them to look into.
Please, Zucher, I want to read the report.
There is no report.
Not a word about the guy.
The fact that there's nothing
makes me even more concerned.
It wasn't easy.
A cop from Tablada freed up the area.
He asked me for two pairs
of sneakers, size 43.
And my delivery?
I meant to tell you. We're in trouble.
-What trouble?
-The stuff is there, but it costs money.
People buy this thing you want.
These sons of bitches want to sell it.
But I need it. That's why I asked.
Then tell me about your business.
If not, this happens.
Now you have to get the money,
negotiate with Fat Mauro.
Who the hell is Fat Mauro?
He has the stuff. He'll sell it to you.
Did you bring the money?
Tell me what you need the money for.
Have you heard about the Jewish cemetery?
I can recover some of the stolen stuff.
If you help me get this,
I'll get you Saúl Menahem.
How do you plan to do it?
People collect that shit.
I know a guy who buys and sells.
You did the cemetery yourself?
You told me to be creative.
Bye, baby boy.
-I'm looking for Fat Mauro.
Come in.
How much do you have?
Stop. It's not even enough for half of it.
-It's all I have.
-Get out. Don't waste my time.
I'll take a photo, just a few things.
Okay. Go ahead.
Well, come on, now.
That's it. Stop there.
-That's it, there.
-That's enough.
-So we're good?
Yeah, fine. Go.
Anything else?
Why don't you let go?
Your gut, fatso.
Can you see it when you pee?
-Aren't you ashamed?
What are you saying, idiot?
What happened to you?
-I'm fine. Relax, I'm fine.
What happened to your face?
-Were you robbed?
I'm fine.
Iosi, how?
It's not that much. I had to run.
Hey, how did you get this?
Some shitty people
who buy and sell this stuff.
I pretended to be a collector.
I didn't have to ask too much.
-Did you have to pay these bastards?
Of course I had to pay them, Victor.
How much are memories worth to you?
Thank you.
I can't thank you enough.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I hardly ever come to Dad's office.
Are you nervous?
A little bit.
Me too. Dad never
invites my boyfriends for lunch.
Hi, Mabel!
I imagine he must be used to--
to sophisticated people,
not to a redneck like me.
Stop. When I brought him
the picture of Mom,
he was moved.
He wants to meet you.
what people want is a gesture.
I thought it was just the three of us.
We were just chatting
while waiting for you.
Dafne, my daughter.
-How are you?
-And her
Iosi. Nice to meet you.
Sit down.
I've done lots of things, Doron,
but I can't do everything.
No problem. I'll take care of it.
Tonight you leave for Paraguay.
I have to.
I've already spoken to the ambassador.
Then I will wait for you to escape.
Everyone's talking about you, my boy.
How did you manage
to recover what was stolen?
Through a friend in Entre Ríos,
an uncle who's a military man
told me how to contact
a guy who knows a guy
who knows where to get this stuff.
That's how business is done.
-Being between buyers and sellers.
-Iosi didn't do business, Dad.
Really? Look where he's eating.
Dafne says you are active
in community politics.
Drop the interrogation, Saúl.
Do you mind me asking?
Not at all. No.
Besides getting to know each other,
I'll honor you with delicious milanesas.
I said I didn't want to eat milanesas.
I apologize, darling.
Go ask Tiru to make whatever you want.
A little ruse to get you and me alone.
Well done.
-Do you really like my daughter?
Dafne is very special.
I'm not possessive with my daughter,
so don't worry.
Do you know why I ask you?
Dafne is my daughter,
but we don't know each other that well.
I had two boys with another woman before.
Both of them left, and we don't talk.
Do you know why?
We knew each other very well.
Something I learned.
To keep your family together,
don't know each other too well.
That's why Dafne stays with me, I think.
We know just enough about each other.
As long as we don't break that balance,
you're welcome.
Thanks for Perla's photo.
No, please.
Nothing to thank me for.
I thought your generation had no balls,
but I was wrong.
Drink wine. Don't be shy.
Many people think you're a hero.
A hero? No, please.
You're the hero, I heard.
What do you do for a living?
I work in a fabric shop in Once.
Do you like money?
Do you?
-Yes, I like money.
-Thank goodness.
People who don't like money scare me.
If you don't like money, then what?
Iosi seems to have very good taste.
Here's to you, guys.
What a stimulating place, Iosi.
Hi, Aarón.
Good morning.
I was told that you recovered a good deal
of what was taken from the cemetery.
Let's get a coffee.
I can't.
Come on.
It's just a minute.
It's around the corner. It's quick.
There's someone who knows you
and wants to say hello.
I'm working.
If the mountain won't come to Mohammed,
Mohammed goes to the mountain.
Garrido, it's me.
José, dear, how's it going?
I couldn't find out anything.
I have people on it,
but these things take time.
I want to ask you face-to-face
about the Kesselman boy.
Your face always gave you away.
It's a miracle you've gotten
as far as you have.
If you want to see your wife again,
let the kid go.
What are you doing, José?
Where is she?
Let the kid go first, Garrido.
You're sick, son of a bitch.
No, it's your wife who's sick.
And she needs her medication.
You're wasting valuable time, Garrido.
Let the kid go
and I'll tell you where she is.
You have until noon,
the time it takes for the IV to run out.
If I didn't miss the vein.
With all the money you stole,
you could have put her in a better place.
Stingy fucker.
Thank you.
This is Rabbi Straimel
from Entre Ríos, your town.
Since he knows your family,
I thought you'd like to say hi.
This is Iosi Peres,
the boy I told you about.
José Perez. I know his family.
I told you, this guy isn't Jewish.
You're not Jewish?
It's true.
I'm not Jewish.
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