You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

La pista

You've been asleep for a long time.
How do you feel?
My chest hurts a lot.
What happened to me?
You went under cardiac arrest.
It hurts because
we had to resuscitate you.
There was an attack, remember?
How long have I been here?
Since last night.
Is anything wrong with me?
No, nothing serious.
You'll be discharged soon.
You're hurt.
No. It's not my blood.
It's yours and other patients'.
Was it you?
Were you the one who saved me?
I was there. I was luckier.
Well, I'm off.
If you need anything, ask the other nurse.
Take care.
What's your name?
Thank you.
OK. Take care.
Sweetie, you were close.
It was so crazy. It's a miracle I'm alive.
-How do you feel?
-Tired, but OK.
I have to go.
Please look after 334.
He almost didn't make it.
Prince Charming is awake.
Here are your things.
Please turn down the volume on your phone.
It hasn't stopped ringing.
An angel was looking out for you.
My coworker.
She didn't move from here
until you opened your eyes.
You're a lucky man.
What's going on?
How am I supposed to know?
We should have waited a few days.
After this fucking attack,
there will be checkpoints every hour.
Now what do we do?
We can't turn around.
There are patrols behind us!
If they search the car, we're fucked.
Hi, it's Natalia
Why don't you answer?
You didn't ditch the fucking phone?
Go shut that bitch up.
Stop making noise or I'll kill you!
Timur, there are cars behind us!
Shut the door!
Hi, it's Natalia.
Send me a message
and I'll get back to you soon,
or leave a voice mail
and I might hear it someday. Bye!
Natalia, sweetie, I'm home.
Call me back, please.
You're not answering and I'm worried.
Hi, Alex. I can't find Natalia.
Know if she's with Eli?
No, why?
She's not here,
she's not answering her phone,
and I haven't heard from her
since last night.
She's probably in class.
She doesn't have school on Thursday.
Her things are still here
and the bed is still made.
She always lets me know
when she's not coming home.
OK, let me talk to Eli.
I'll let you know, OK?
Thank you.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Shut off the engine and let me see
your IDs or passports.
Step out of the vehicle
and keep your hands on the van.
Is there a problem, Officer?
Keep quiet and put your hands
on the vehicle.
Is something wrong or
OK, OK, I was just asking.
Open up the back.
OK, get out of here.
Get going. Quickly.
What a mess of a case
you've been assigned.
If you crack it, though
you'll be a star.
Or come crashing down to earth. Depends.
Just don't get hung up on
anyone person in particular.
Don't give me that look.
Didn't you fuck things up
with the Italian?
I did, I believed a red herring.
I was too reliant on my intuition.
It had nothing to do with him.
OK. Well, I'm leaving.
I've got a lot on my plate
after the bombing.
By the way,
the captain was waiting for you.
Now you tell me?
Trusting your intuition too much.
Hi, Humberto, this is Monica,
Natalia's mother.
Hi, Monica. How are you?
Not well. I can't find Natalia.
Do you happen to have seen her?
Not since late yesterday.
She usually stays home on Thursdays.
Yes, but she's not here,
and it appears
she didn't come home last night.
Weren't you having dinner
together last night?
Yes, but I didn't come home
after the bombing.
Hey, did she seem weird to you?
No, not really.
She said she wanted to talk to me.
Do you know if she was worried
about anything?
I really don't know.
If you know anything,
it's really important that you tell me.
I'm very worried.
It might be nothing, but she had
a fight with Eli the other day.
With Eli? But they adore each other.
Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing serious.
Silly nonsense between them.
In fact, we all got together yesterday.
If you hear anything, please let me know.
I will. And vice-versa, please.
Hi. I spoke to Eli.
She doesn't know where she could be.
They haven't spoken.
Would you mind
if I spoke to her in person?
-No, of course not.
-Would it be OK at your house?
Of course.
-See you there.
-You got it.
-Thank you.
Get me one of those.
You can't. You're driving.
No way!
I'm fucking sick of your rules.
Come on, we're almost there.
What's your game plan
for the interrogation?
I don't understand.
Yes, you do. Don't play dumb.
I shall be well mannered,
polite and pleasant,
and I won't say anything
inopportune or vulgar.
Torres is a politician. It's up to them.
He's got the power to promote
you or cast you into hell.
And if Torres comes out of this unscathed,
he stands a good chance
of being this city's next mayor,
and future president
from what I'm hearing.
I don't want enemies like that.
The husband is always the prime suspect.
If either of them had a lover,
he'd almost automatically
be charged with his wife's murder.
Of course.
So other than minding my manners,
should I behave in a certain way
that I don't usually?
If so, I'd like to get that
in writing, please.
Do your job.
Remember that so long as
Torres hasn't been accused,
he's to be questioned at his office.
Very well, Captain.
Did you know
the world will run out of beer eventually?
Because of damned climate change.
Crazy times we're living in.
It snows in the morning
and by the afternoon
you want to tear your skin off.
In a few years, we'll have lost
a lot of barley crops.
Scientists believe that
in the worst of cases,
prices will go up around 340%.
Can you imagine?
It'll be cheaper to have caviar
for breakfast
than to drink a beer.
We're ruining the planet.
Without beer, society will only get worse.
Slow down and watch out for those cones.
We'll always have vodka.
That is made from potatoes.
Mom, go watch the front door.
What happened to you, buddy?
I'm in a rush.
All right.
Look, if I were you,
I'd take this one, OK?
It's clean.
That'll be 1,500, ammo included.
What happened, friend?
You get tired of playing
for the wrong side or what?
Hey! Stop!
Please help me.
Two men in a van kidnapped me
and I just got away.
You can't speak?
I don't know. I think I lost them.
I got away without them noticing.
Thank you.
Are you sure
you don't know where she could be?
I have no idea where Natalia might be.
Maybe she's with a friend or boyfriend.
You're her best friend.
She must tell you everything.
I swear I won't get mad
at whatever you tell me.
Sorry, I don't know anything.
Sweetie, try to remember.
Did she say anything lately?
Did you see something
you thought was weird?
Nothing out of the ordinary. I mean it.
I know you had a fight.
-That's our business.
-Natalia's missing.
How can you say that's your business?
It is.
Eli, you're her best friend.
How can you be so calm, for God's sake?
Whoa, whoa, let's all calm down, OK?
Eli, nobody's accusing you of anything.
Right, Monica?
I really don't know anything.
Know what I think?
That you're lying.
You know something
and don't want to tell me,
but I don't know why. Don't you see?
This is serious. It's important.
Natalia? Honey, are you OK?
Where are you?
I'm in the country.
The country?
Why? With whom?
Just know that I'm fine.
Natalia, sweetie, listen to me.
Tell me exactly where you are
and I'll pick you up.
Goddamn it, Mom. I'll come
home when I feel like it.
Goddamn it, Goddamn it!
Good, Natalia.
Fantastic job.
That was a very good performance.
Unlike you two, of course.
Hi, it's Natalia.
Send me a WhatsApp
and I'll get back to you.
Or leave a message
and I might hear it one day. Bye.
Natalia, honey,
please tell me where you are.
Call back. It's very important.
We're very worried.
Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving.
Natalia will probably return soon.
She's a good kid.
She probably went camping
with her friends or something.
Something is not right.
I'm going to the police.
-You think that's necessary?
OK, I'll come with you.
Cause of death was a sharp object
to the back of the neck,
right between her vertebrae.
And the weapon?
No, continue.
The width of the orifice
and depth of the wound
seem to indicate a slender,
very sharp object
such as a pen or sewing needle.
It was a clean wound with no signs
of the victim struggling.
Wouldn't it be difficult to stab
someone that precisely?
Almost impossible
if the victim were moving.
That's why we suppose
she was tied up and/or drugged.
The autopsy wasn't conclusive.
There's not much to work with
after two months of decomposition.
Maybe she was sleeping
if she trusted her killer.
The way the body was posed
suggests formidable self-control.
There are plenty of violent crime scenes,
but this goes way beyond that.
Everything was in its place.
Harmoniously arranged.
That's Torres confirming
when he'll be questioned.
I'm going to prepare.
Hi, it's Natalia.
Send me a WhatsApp
and I'll get back to you.
Or leave a message
and I might hear it one day. Bye.
Natalia, why did you run away?
I'll dump that guy if you want.
Just come home, Goddamn it.
They're going to the police.
If it comes out, his career's over.
So you haven't heard
from her since last night's phone call.
Well, I did speak to her
approximately one hour
or 90 minutes ago.
Hold up. So she answered her phone?
No, she called me,
but she was acting weird.
She was tense.
She wouldn't even tell me where she was.
This is going to sound weird but
she said something she never says.
She hates it when I say it.
She said, "Goddamn."
Goddamn. OK.
I know it doesn't make sense,
but I think it's her way of telling me
something wasn't right, you know?
Plus, she hasn't posted anything
on Facebook or Instagram
and hasn't been on WhatsApp
since yesterday.
Believe me, if you had
a daughter that age,
you'd understand.
OK, let's file the report.
Afterward, we'll pass along
all the information
and we'll active missing persons protocol.
I'll need to know everything:
what she was wearing, etc.
I'll also need some DNA samples
to compare in case
Well, in case she turns up you know.
Shall we start filling out the form?
This'll take a while, OK? It's a bit long.
I'll let you know when I'm finished, OK?
Everything is going to be fine.
Try to stay calm, OK?
Call me.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
I'll need an up-to-date photo
of your daughter.
Tell me her name, please.
Are you Alex Molina?
Do we know each other?
Not personally, no.
But a while back
I read an article on your work
and it really stayed with me,
the article and the title:
"The Photographer of Death."
Journalists are prone to come up
with provocative titles.
Right, but I'm sure that sells
more pictures for you.
After you.
Yeah, it's obvious you've got
a certain attraction to death.
I don't think it's that uncommon
to be curious about that.
Like you, for example.
You're a criminologist, aren't you?
It's just that my reasons
are aesthetic in nature.
You have good judgment, in my opinion.
I went to one of your exhibits
around a year ago.
Death can be as beautiful
as any other aspect of life.
For example?
A sunset.
Or a naked body.
I have to get to work.
I'd love to have coffee with you.
If you can, of course.
That way I could show you my work,
and you could give me
your opinion as a criminologist.
It'll be my pleasure.
The pleasure will be all mine.
Do you know of any reason
why Beatriz would be in the cabin?
Did your wife enjoy
going up to the mountains?
As far as I know,
she didn't like the mountains or hiking.
In other words,
you don't know what she liked.
She wasn't into any of that.
Then why do you think she was there?
A boy friend? Maybe a girl friend?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Could your wife have been having
an extramarital affair?
I don't know.
You don't know that either.
Was everything all right between you two?
-Are you married, Inspector?
Been in a decade-long relationship?
Well, over time,
relationships take on an air
of coldness, of routine.
And in that kind of relationship
which you describe so well,
was there any physical
or psychological mistreatment?
I've always been staunchly
against gender violence.
I've supported each and every initiative
to combat that social blight.
-Anything else?
We're investigating
all the incoming and outgoing calls
from your personal phone
as well as from your work.
We have a court order.
Is that necessary?
We wouldn't be doing it if it weren't.
Well, I hope you'll be discreet.
We'd hate for any of that to leak.
That'd be very unpleasant
for all involved,
including those responsible
for safeguarding that information.
Don't worry, we have
particular orders with respect to that.
Is that all?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Your welcome, Inspector.
I'm at your disposal
as often as you need me to be.
Your bosses are aware.
Fucking shit! Goddamn it!
They can't have access to my calls.
What judge authorized that?
Don't even think about it.
If anyone finds out you called
the examining magistrate, it's over.
Why? What's wrong?
Nothing. Nothing of importance.
Don't fuck with me, Alberto. Alberto
I don't understand what could've happened.
Unless she's just being
a spoiled teenager.
But Natalia's not like that.
Why don't you try to get some sleep?
You've been up for almost two days
and you need to rest.
OK, I'll take your advice and rest.
Want me to stay with you?
No, don't worry about it.
You sure?
I'd rather be alone.
Come here.
Come here.
Did you get rid of the van?
Now just pay us and we'll get out of here.
Pay you?
You don't deserve a dime.
We did the job.
You let the girl get away,
not to talk about that bruise she's got.
It was Timur.
She forced his hand.
She started yelling
when we were at a police checkpoint.
There was nothing I could do.
Please read the last message
I sent you yesterday.
"The bird should arrive intact,
looking like she just left her nest."
Do you understand it?
This is what we do.
The merchandise has to arrive
in perfect condition.
I told you we had no choice.
Kid, I'm sorry
for what these animals did to you.
It was unforeseen.
Since I see you're not hungry,
how about you go the bathroom
and get yourself cleaned up?
I'm sure it'd do you good.
He'll take you.
No, please don't.
Hi, Alex.
I was just about to jump in the bath.
What for?
I don't need anything to sleep.
I'll try.
But I have to keep
an ear out for the phone
in case Natalia or the police call.
Yes, I will.
My baby girl.
Finally. I thought you'd fallen off
the face of the earth.
It's done. Where do we meet?
What took you so long to do it?
What do you care? The job is done.
You'll get the rest when I confirm it.
Just one question:
what did that woman do to you?
That's none of your business.
Don't try to screw me.
You know how you might end up.
I don't know what you mean.
I think you do.
Yes, I understand.
I'm about to confirm it.
We're going to find her, right?
Of course. I won't stop looking for her.
Don't lose hope.
Thank you.
What will you do with me?
You're going to sell me, right?
They'll make a killing with you.
They'll get a lot of money.
Everyone thinks of death.
That's why you became a war photographer?
Are you psychoanalyzing me?
-What do you think?
-That it's dangerous.
You might find something frightening.
When Natalia found out
I was hooking up with him,
she didn't take it well.
Maybe she knew something
and wanted to warn you.
That's why I want a divorce!
I can't stand another day living with you!
Don't you get it?
What's that?
A conversation Beatriz Prats
recorded on her phone.
I won't let you fuck up my life,
especially not now!
We got him.
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