Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 4, Flower Festival]
don't make her uncomfortable.
Let's just go together another time
Why would it make me uncomfortable?
-Why can't the two of us go together?
I don't care.
I actually prefer it this way.
Let's go together, Ugi.
-Answer her.
-Answer her.
-Reply, Chae Ugi.
-Reply, Chae Ugi.
Answer her!
Yes. Sounds good.
Let's go together, Yu-mi.
Shall we meet late in the afternoon?
And see the firework?
Sure. Sounds good.
Mr. Chae.
-Can I talk to you for a second?
-I'll call you tomorrow morning.
You said they put on
a good fireworks show.
The coffee tastes good.
Guys. I feel dizzy.
-Go, Love.
-Go, Love.
-Go, Yu-mi.
-Go, Yu-mi.
By the way, someone's missing.
-Fashion cell.
Where is Fashion?
Well, actually
[There is a prison in Cell Town.]
[Felon cells that ruined Yu-mi get
locked up in there.]
[Fashion cell's been in the SHU
for two years now.]
[Food goblin]
[Summer outfits on sale]
[The beginning of the tragedy was
a dress.]
How do I look?
Awesome. That looks so good on you.
-It's nice, isn't it?
This is 50 percent off. It's 70,000 won.
Hey. You have to definitely buy it.
It's clearly made for you.
But I have no place to go in this.
It's so pretty.
I know it's pretty, but where would I wear
this? For work? For grocery shopping?
Go on a vacation. You can wear it
for your vacation.
Hey. Do you want to go there?
The one I told you about last time.
Phuket, Thailand for 499,000 won.
Oh, Phuket?
Yes. You must go to Phuket to wear this.
It's destiny.
Hey. It looks really good on you.
Where did you find it?
[Fashion cell made her go on
a 499,000 won trip to Phuket]
[to make her wear a 70,000 won dress.]
They don't match at all.
[A new pair of sandals
to go with the dress.]
I was going to buy them anyways.
[Pedicure for the new sandals.]
[Phuket trip information]
[And she made her get permed]
[for her new dress,
new shoes, and pedicure.]
-How much is it?
-It's 100,000 won.
-I got it.
-It's okay.
They're all mine?
Still, it was fun.
Let's work really hard starting tomorrow.
[Her trip to Phuket that began
with a 70,000 won dress]
[ended after blowing up her salary
for three months.]
[Perm, hair treatment,
package trip, resort services]
[A total of 11,390,000 won]
-What's going on?
What's the point
of keeping household accounts
and saving up?
There's nothing left because of Fashion.
She even canceled
her installment savings plan.
If this keeps going,
Yu-mi will never be able to
get her own house.
Please punish Fashion cell.
-That's right!
-Punish her.
Fashion cell is guilty.
Let me go. I said, let go.
Hey, Cheapskate.
Save up for her whole life.
You think that will get her a house?
She can't buy it anyways.
Why do you put the blame on me?
Darn world.
What have I done so wrong!
[Food goblin]
Inmate 32931, Fashion cell.
[Food goblin]
Get out. You're on parole.
-Fashion. You must've had a hard time.
What's going on?
You were given a special pardon
by unanimous consent.
-Would you like some tofu?
-You locked me up,
and a special pardon all of a sudden?
-Actually, Yu-mi's going on a date.
-A date?
She hasn't had a chance
for three years, Fashion.
We need your help.
It's today.
Guys. Take this.
It's a quiz for a prize.
How far would they go today?
If you get it right,
there will be a draw for a prize
after the date.
-That's nice.
-Give me one.
-Me too.
-I'll take one.
I wonder how far they'll go today.
I'd say number three.
They're old enough.
Look at all the cells.
Everyone's excited because she hadn't
been on a date for a long time.
Get over here.
Are you ready?
You haven't bought any clothes
while I was in prison.
There's nothing to wear.
What am I supposed to do?
That's why we needed
your excellent sense of fashion.
Today's date theme is
an effortless look.
-What? What's an effortless look?
You don't know an effortless look?
[As if she didn't put any effort
into her look]
I see him every day at work.
I can't suddenly dress up.
[That's why I decided to go
with an effortless look.]
[Very subtle makeup.]
[But with a delicately different touch.]
[It looks like she just threw things on,
but the match was carefully planned.]
[Tada. This is the effortless look.]
-That's it?
She looks the same as usual.
That's not an effortless look.
She just didn't put in any effort.
What do you mean? It's in the details!
How about a one-piece dress?
It's their first date.
Yes. Men expect a certain something
from a first date.
Why are you all so backward?
A one-piece dress is so old.
Does it look like I just threw things on?
I look like a farmer.
[No! It's called the effortless look!]
Should I change?
Who's this?
Who's this?
[Yu-mi, it's Ugi.]
Hi, Ugi. Whose number is this?
It's not yours.
[I borrowed someone's phone.]
I'd already set off when I realized
I'd left my phone at home.
Oh, really?
So I called ahead
in case we miss each other.
I'm at the flower festival.
Already? That's not good.
I'm still at home.
[Take your time.]
I'll look around as I wait.
I'm by the fountain.
Do you know the fountain garden?
Yes, I know the fountain garden.
Okay, then. I'll wait for you here.
Okay. I'll be right there.
It's just ten minutes by taxi.
By the way.
How did you have my number?
You left your phone at home.
I happened to remember it.
I guess I'd memorized it.
[I dialed it to check and I got it right.]
This is crazy.
He memorized Yu-mi's number!
This is a green light, isn't it?
-I have a good feeling about this.
Let's go all the way to a kiss!
I want to vote number four.
Is number four a kiss?
I'll go with four then too.
Four sounds good!
I'll come right over. Wait for me.
[Okay. Get here soon.]
The weather's amazing today.
-Thank you.
[Congratulations, Yu-mi's Date]
Love's here!
Guys. The day has come.
It's Yu-mi's first date
in a really long, long time.
Let's cheer for her so that it goes well.
Let's clap!
Do the wave!
[Congratulations, Yu-mi's Date]
Go for it, Yu-mi. Ugi is waiting for you!
Oh, right.
[For hire]
To Eungaram Park, please.
[2020 Goyang Spring Flower Festival]
Thank you.
-It's Ruby!
Why is she calling me?
[What's going on? Why is she calling?]
She said she has a wedding in Busan.
Does she have something to say?
Do you think she wants to check
if they're on the date?
That must be it.
Then let's pick up.
Pick up and say it's going great.
To upset her.
She's transparent. Why is she so curious?
I have a bad feeling about this.
It's not an ordinary call.
Then what is it?
I don't know what it is,
but she called to ruin everything.
There's no need to ruin a good day.
[One Missed call: Ruby]
Don't call me. I won't pick up.
[2020 Goyang Spring Flower Festival]
Ruby showed up!
-It's Ruby.
-What now?
Calm down, guys.
She's crazy. She actually showed up?
She said she'd go to Busan. She didn't go?
She must've taken a train back
to ruin the date.
She's a psycho.
Isn't what Ruby's wearing
the real date look?
Who's the one who plugged
the effortless look?
We paroled her for nothing.
Run, Yu-mi.
[Run in the spring]
-Good luck!]
[Run, Yu-mi!]
-Stay strong!]
[-Go for it!
[-You can do this!
-Don't stop!]
Oh? Yu-mi!
This is bad. What should we do?
Did you hear that? Ruby called Yu-mi.
She must've seen her.
It doesn't matter.
That's not important.
What matters is today. This very moment.
Ugi left his phone at home.
As long as we lose Ruby,
it will still be a date.
That's right.
-Run, Yu-mi.
-Run, Yu-mi.
You must win love.
[Goyang Spring Flower Festival]
I'm sorry.
One, two, three.
[Fountain Garden, Dock]
Run, Kim Yu-mi.
[Fountain Garden]
Why is she so fast?
[Fountain Garden]
Gosh. What was that?
I can't keep going.
-We won.
-What was that?
-What was that?
-What was that?
Watch out.
[2020 Goyang Spring Flower Festival]
[You must win love.]
-You can do it.
-Let's go.
-Cheer up.
I'm here.
Did you run?
Why? You're not late.
In case
you are waiting.
I don't mind.
Do you want some drinks?
I'm good.
I'll get you some water.
If you wait here
No. It's okay.
It's okay. Let's leave.
I'm so hungry.
We can come back after some food, right?
-Yes, but why have lunch now
-Let's go.
-Come on.
The exit is that way.
Let's take the back gate.
There are a lot of restaurants.
-The back gate?
There are really good places.
There is
no restaurant.
It was here somewhere.
I don't think there is.
I must've got confused.
Let's go back and use the front gate
Oh, taxi. We can take a taxi.
-Let's take a taxi.
-We're taking a taxi?
It doesn't take long.
Where are you going?
Oh, yes.
Baekma Station please.
Isn't Baekma station far from here?
We might as well go to
a famous restaurant in Ilsan.
It's on me.
Okay. That works.
I'm sure she went this way.
Where is she?
Ms. Kim Yu-mi!
Ms. Kim Yu-mi!
You're getting a call.
I don't have to take it. It's a spam.
Nice, Yu-mi.
[Yu-mi. Are you seriously
going to do this?]
I saw everything.
Are you really not going to pick up?
I like it more.
[Delete messages]
I'm sorry, Ruby.
Oh, right.
You should order.
I'm starving.
Why didn't you have lunch until now?
I didn't have a chance for some reason.
Will you be okay?
About what?
You're running late because of me.
It's okay.
Flowers don't matter.
It's nice to meet up with you and talk.
I thought you were busy.
I'm free today.
Let's spend some time here
and go watch the fireworks show at night.
Let's do that.
He's always so sweet.
No wonder she can't help but fall for him.
By the way,
this place looks good already.
The food here is really good.
I guarantee you.
I've had lunch,
but I'm getting hungry again.
You should eat.
If you don't eat here, it's your loss.
What should I eat?
By the way,
what's your favorite style?
I like everything here.
Not food. A man.
What type of man do you like?
I'm not sure.
Why do you ask?
I was
suddenly curious.
I've always been curious about you.
About me?
Yes, I want to know
about your personal preferences.
What kind of personal preferences?
For example.
For example?
Do you have a boyfriend
that people at work don't know about?
Do you have one?
-No, I don't.
I really don't.
That's good.
Oh, my gosh. My heart is about to explode!
Not yet. I think he's going to say
something crucial now.
Then, Yu-mi
Then do you
Would you go on a blind date?
What did he just say? A blind date?
-Oh, no
Love. What happened?
What is this?
A blind date?
I know a really great guy,
and I want to introduce you to him.
Are you interested?
You want to set me up
with your friend?
I thought you would look good together,
so I wanted to introduce you guys.
He lives in Ilsan.
That's why when I went to Ilsan with you,
I was hoping to introduce you to
one another.
Do you live in Ilsan?
I have plans in Ilsan today,
so I was thinking I could give you a ride
if you finish early.
[Congratulation, Yu-mi's Date]
Was that it?
He asked because he wanted to set her up?
My gosh. I'm at a loss for words.
How could he do that?
Guys, let's get out of here.
It's raining cats and dogs.
Love, hurry up!
Oh, I see.
But because Ruby ended up
joining us that day,
she ended up meeting him.
I see.
He's a really great guy.
I can vouch for him.
But why do you want to
introduce him to me?
There are plenty of other women
at our company.
Because you're a really,
really good person.
-I am?
-You have a great personality,
and you're very pretty too.
If you think she's that great,
you should date her.
If you think I'm that great,
you should date me.
I was just kidding.
But what about you?
Why are you setting people up
when you don't have a girlfriend either?
Am I wrong?
You have a girlfriend?
No, I don't.
But there's a woman you're interested in?
Yes, there is.
Guys, run away!
Run away!
It's a huge flood!
Oh, really?
I'm so surprised.
Is she someone at our company?
It's someone at work?
Is it
-It's not.
-It's not?
I wonder who it is then.
Gosh, I'm so curious.
It's not a woman.
You guys should get out of here
before you get washed away.
Aren't you going?
If we give up on the lever,
Yu-mi might end up crying.
I'm going to stay here and protect
Yu-mi's pride.
-I can't leave you here alone.
-I'm going to help you too!
Yu-mi! Be strong!
You can't cry!
I see.
Was that it?
Can you keep this a secret?
Of course. Don't worry about it.
Is it okay for you to tell me this?
I just
thought that you could keep my secret.
I felt like I could
trust you.
Thanks for trusting in me.
Then what about the blind date?
-I'll do it.
Yes, I will.
That's great. I think you guys
are perfect for one another.
Then can you give me your cellphone?
My cellphone?
I want to ask him
while we're on the subject.
And I'll save his number in your phone.
My friend's name is Goo Woong.
[Mobile Phone, Goo Woong, Phone Number]
You know his number by heart too?
I'm pretty good at remembering numbers.
I can memorize them without trying hard.
I see.
You're good at remembering numbers.
Yu-mi. Ruby's calling you.
Can you take it for me?
-Where are you going?
-To the toilet.
Hi, Ruby.
I left my phone at home.
You're here?
Where are you now?
[Do not keep it in. Toilet]
Answer me!
Is there really no one else?
[Episode 5: Blind Date]
[Chae Ugi]
Hi, Ugi. It's Sae-yi.
Woong stepped out.
I'll tell him to call you later.
He just got back. Hang on.
It's for you.
-For me?
-It's Ugi.
It tells me if there was a missed call.
-So what?
-You didn't have to answer.
I did because of the noise.
Put it on silent mode next time.
I went to get a coffee.
I'm busy, be quick.
A blind date?
With the colleague you mentioned?
Yu-mi, was it?
This weekend? I'm not doing much.
You're going on a blind date?
I didn't ask to be set up,
but he keeps offering.
I'm jealous.
Why does nobody set me up?
I wonder why.
Why is that?
Think long and hard about why that is.
So? Did you say yes?
There's no reason not to.
Are you meeting Ugi's colleague?
Yes. He keeps saying
we'll be a good match.
Are you the same age?
Do you know that women that age
go on dates to find a spouse?
For real?
You didn't know? They all do.
It's just a blind date.
You know so little about women.
Don't be too serious. Take it lightly.
Just meet her for a cup of tea.
I don't want to.
We'll have tea, eat,
and even get some drinks.
I'll do whatever I want.
I'm saying this for your sake.
What are you two doing?
Is this a love spat?
[Here is Yu-mi's number.
You call her first.]
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
[Save new contact]
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
[Hello, Ms. Kim Yu-mi.]
[Ugi gave me your number
and told me to contact you.]
[I am Goo Woong.]
What happened?
Fingernail Bite is missing.
So is Cut Bangs or Not.
I can't find Sensitive Sisters
or Easy-going brothers either.
White Blood Cell.
Are you going to call out the names
of all the missing cells?
Okay, then. I'll summarize.
Including Love and True Feelings,
a total of 389,210 cells vanished
in the last Great Flood of Tears.
This was the worst flood in three years.
Hey. Love, are you okay?
I'm okay, True Feelings.
How are we to get out of here?
I don't know either.
Will you stay here?
It might be best for me to stay here.
Why would you say that?
I don't think we're of any help to Yu-mi.
Since I woke up and you got out,
I think Yu-mi became even more unhappy.
Don't you think so?
Yu-mi might be better off
without love or true feelings.
Yes, that's right.
You can send the other files in an email.
Great, thank you. Bye.
[Nam Joo-hyuk]
They're so picky.
They want us to check again?
No, it's done. You did great.
Good job.
Ms. Kim, you too.
You two worked really hard,
even coming out on Sundays.
I'll treat you to something great
for lunch. Let's go.
Are you sure? What will you buy?
You can pick whatever it is
you want to eat.
I'm in a good mood.
Yu-mi, what should we eat?
-Anything's fine.
-Let's go somewhere expensive.
How about New Yorker?
Shall we have steak and wine?
Do you feel unwell?
You look off. Why do you look so down?
I'm not.
Did you decide what to eat?
Mr. Nam.
The weather's nice today, how about
we go for a drive and get out of the city
for lunch?
Sure. Sounds good.
-Then can we go to go Yangpyeong--
-I'm sorry.
I have plans today, so I can't go too far.
You have plans on the weekend?
You're always free.
I really have plans today.
Ms. Kim. You're not mad at me
because I asked you to come in
on a Sunday, are you?
Oh, no. That's not it.
Why do you look so mad?
Do you think she made fake plans to leave?
I know.
I can't believe you have plans today.
[The facial expression lever?]
It's completely broken.
You can't fix it?
The product has been discontinued,
so I can't fix it.
Oh, no.
Everyone's walking on eggshells around her
because she's not smiling.
There's nothing we can do about it.
A person can't be happy all the time.
But she has a blind date today!
What if she's like this
during the date too?
What if she cancels on him?
If she cancels on him last minute,
what would Ugi think?
Why did she agree to go on the blind date?
And today of all days!
Why was she in such a rush?
Emotion. There's no turning back now.
I really don't want her to go!
Then do you want to try using this?
-What is it?
-It's called Reaction Number One.
It's a doll that reacts automatically.
It reacts automatically?
Yes. It's easy to use too.
If you press the button over here
That's incredible! It's so funny!
My stomach hurts.
It reacts according to the situation.
Wow, that's great.
Give that to me.
If you don't want to go,
we could grab something light close by--
I really have plans today.
I'm going on a blind date.
I wasn't going to say anything. My gosh.
You're going on a blind date today?
Yes. That's why I need to get home
and get ready.
Please be understanding.
Of course.
Hurry up and get home to get ready!
What's going on?
You're really going on a blind date?
I'm so jealous.
Don't overdo it.
[Daehan Noodles]
Enjoy your date and tell me all about it.
-Ms. Kim?
-Good luck!
-Good luck!
Thank you!
[It's an automatic reaction,
so it's not very delicate.]
The side effects are overreacting
and pretentiousness.
But still This is fine.
It's better than looking down.
It's fine. Let's just use this.
You can't tell if someone's being
pretentious during a blind date.
Thank you!
I'll be sure to tell you all about it!
Thank you!
I'll be sure to tell you all about it!
Is she okay?
Good question.
I'm going out.
-Where are you going?
-I'm going out.
Where are you going?
On a blind date.
Hold on.
You're going out like that?
How can you go on a blind date like this?
-Does it look weird?
-Of course, it does.
Didn't you consider
how this makes Ugi look?
I got dressed up.
If this is how you look dressed up,
that's an even bigger problem.
Hey, Louis. My friend.
-Do I look funny?
You always look funny.
When did you ever look normal?
You should have some manners.
Are you trying to ruin your blind date?
You said I shouldn't take it seriously
and just grab some coffee with her.
You said I look rude,
so I'm just going to go like this.
What are you, a child?
[Sae-yi is so weird.]
Sae-yi? Why?
She confuses me.
How so?
On Christmas Eve?
Of course, I have plans then.
Why do you want to know?
Someone said we looked like a couple?
The people in the office next to ours.
Oh, my. That's unfortunate.
I've never thought of you
more than a friend.
[Even when she says this]
-What is that?
-Side dishes.
Stop ordering in.
We have to start taking care
of our health now.
Give me your hand.
-What is this?
-Eat it.
They're vitamin gummies.
Forget it.
[Woong, I can't fall asleep.]
[Seo Sae-yi]
[Can I call you?]
Gosh, it's cold.
You're so warm.
[That's how she is.]
What does she think of me?
What do you think?
She thinks you're a pushover.
-She doesn't want you,
but she doesn't want to lose you.
Don't you think so?
Is that it?
Darn it.
That's why I asked you last time
-The blind date--
-Are you talking about Yu-mi again?
Kim Yu-mi, a woman I've never met before?
She's a really good person.
-You guys would look good together.
-I hate going on blind dates.
Just trust me.
I'm really busy. Is she pretty?
She's cute.
She must be ugly.
Hey. Come in.
-You're so cheap!
[I'll see you in front of
the Bonjour Fountain at 3 p.m.]
[Okay. I'm carrying a red bag today.]
Hello. Nice to meet you.
[What? What is going on?]
Are you Goo Woong?
[What? She's pretty.]
Are you Goo Woong?
[Even her voice is so cute.]
Aren't you Goo Woong?
I'm sorry.
I am.
I am Goo Woong.
I see.
Gosh, I'm nervous.
But don't be nervous, Woong.
Just follow "The Blind Date Manual".
First, take her to a cafe for some coffee.
After that What?
What is this?
Don't tell me he's drawing a blank!
His mind is going blank.
[Oh, no.]
[This has never happened
since he took the CSAT in 12th grade.]
[Foreign Language Section]
[This is bad!]
[His mind is going blank
when this girl is right in front of him.]
Anybody there?
Can someone help me?
I have no idea what to say.
I can't think of anything!
[Why isn't he saying anything?
Is he a fool?]
[What's with his hairstyle?
Does he think he's Beethoven?]
[He has a beard.]
[Gosh, I really don't like him.]
[Look at the shorts and flip-flops.]
[Clearly, he has no manners.]
-What's with him?
-I don't like that guy.
Guys like him scare me.
He looks like a hooligan.
But he has a handsome face.
Who cares? He seems like the type
that doesn't shower often.
The beard looks so messy.
Let's not waste our time.
I don't like that guy.
Still, let's not make it so obvious
for Ugi's sake.
Don't worry. We have this.
Show some reactions. You know the drill.
Ugi has told me so much about you.
He told me numerous times
that you're one of his dearest friends.
That's why I wanted to meet you.
I see.
Why isn't he saying anything?
Does he not like Yu-mi?
He thinks he can be picky? How obnoxious.
Just have a coffee quickly and leave.
My gosh. It's so hot today, isn't it?
It's so hot today, isn't it?
How about we go for coffee?
A place that I highly recommend
is just across the street.
Let's just go there. It's very close.
Then where should we go?
Where are you going?
Wait, Woong.
Where are you going?
I asked you where you were going.
The place you recommend.
I was confused.
It's not that way. We have to go this way.
It's here.
They specialize in pour-over coffee.
It's good.
Do you want to go in?
Or we can go somewhere else
I'm sorry.
My gosh. Are you all right?
Gosh, what is wrong with him?
Is he really an idiot?
Woong became a fool!
Can someone please answer me? Please?
-Over here.
-What? Who is it?
♫ I'm here ♫
Don't you worry about a thing.
I got Woong.
Who's talking?
Me? The key to a successful blind date.
An expert of ad-libs.
Who? Don't tell me you're
I'm Woong's Humor cell!
I'll make everyone laugh, as I always do.
Are you all right?
You should put some ointment on it.
Are pharmacies open today?
What time is it now?
Did you ask what time it was?
-Seoul time.
I see.
Right! I get it.
It's Seoul time.
That's funny.
-Do you know this?
Do you know what a gentleman says
when he introduces himself?
-I'm not sure.
-I'm a gentleman.
[That's it!]
Two in a row!
She loves it!
That was so funny!
Hey, he really is the worst.
-My gosh.
-"I'm a gentleman!"
"I'm a gentleman!"
That is hilarious.
It's hilarious!
[Yumi's Cells]
[That place would be good.
It'll be the best spot.]
[You look so cute together!]
[Why are they together?]
[Ruby will make a huge fuss about it
tomorrow now that she knows.]
This is why I said we should just go home!
[I don't want to go home so early.]
[How did the blind date go?]
[Who's the handsome guy?]
[Some women are just like that.]
[If she takes long to text you back
or doesn't text back at all,]
[it means she doesn't like you.]
[Don't let Hysterius take over!]
[You may regret letting him go.]
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