Zero Day (2025) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[pensive music playing]
[Natan] George.
[pensive music continues]
Everything I told you last night,
it's true.
We were right.
That's the key to all of it.
- [helicopter blades whirring]
- [dramatic whooshing]
[rain pattering]
[Natan echoing] Are you someplace
you can talk?
[echoing] You need to write this down.
[pensive music continues]
[dramatic whooshing]
[thunder rumbling]
[static buzzing]
[dramatic swell]
[lights buzzing]
[electronic static]
[thunder rumbles]
[dramatic whoosh]
[dramatic swell]
[electronic static continues]
[phone vibrating]
[pensive music continues]
- Yeah, I can talk now.
- [Natan] George!
[distorted chatter]
Did you get it?
No, say it again.
Make sure you listen carefully,
George, because
- [dramatic whooshing]
- [George] What?
I can't understand.
[distorted chatter]
Goddamn it.
[dramatic music building]
[high-pitched ringing]
[faint indistinct chatter over radio]
[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
National tensions remain high
since the Zero Day attack,
and the overall mood remains cautious,
with the country slowly emerging.
Many offices and schools are reopening
or planning to shortly,
but air traffic remains limited.
And many commuter rail systems
will remain running on reduced schedule.
In the meantime, the Zero Day Commission's
work begins behind closed doors
with most experts insisting
only a nation-state could execute
an attack on this scale,
and one suspect
at the top of every list, Russia.
[rain pattering]
[techno music playing]
I've been trying to reach
you assholes for two days!
[techno music continues]
[dramatic swell]
- [gunshots]
- [man grunts]
[breathing shakily]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[groans, grunts]
[tense music building]
[music fades]
[Tom] President Mullen, sir.
Signal switchboard. President Mitchell
wants to speak with you.
We're gonna patch her through now.
All right.
[George] Madam President.
The Joint Chiefs came to see me.
Seventy-two hours.
That's the recommended window
for retaliation.
Against who?
All signs point to Moscow.
Wait, we we don't know that.
We can't know that.
Madam President, do we want someone
to blame, or do we want the truth?
Of course I want the truth,
but I want it
before it's too late to do me any good.
I hear you. I'm on it.
I know.
And I'm grateful.
[dramatic swell]
[dramatic music playing]
[horns honking]
Hand, sir.
[dramatic music continues]
[motorcycle engines revving]
[tires screech]
Good to see you again, Mr. President.
The team's waiting.
We have the facility on loan from CIA,
along with the hotel across the street.
I've arranged the same satellite uplinks
you'd have in the situation room,
and you'll find secure hard lines
and White House already set up.
- Thanks, Carl.
- [elevator chimes]
[elevator chimes]
[dramatic music continues]
So, from here on, we'll convene
an all hands at 0700 and 1900 hours
seven days a week.
[faint indistinct chatter]
It's Melissa Kornblau, PR.
It hasn't been that long, Roger.
Appreciate you coming back.
It'll be an honor to once again
keep the jackals at bay
while you save the country, sir.
Let's keep moving.
Maybe a few words
for the foot soldiers first.
I think it's best we do
that briefing first,
get everyone up to speed.
[Melissa] Sir, I think
it'll be a good idea.
They're all here for you.
[Melissa] It'll only take a second.
- [Roger] Melissa, let's keep it moving.
- Hey, let me just go here for a minute.
[indistinct chatter continues]
Hi, everyone.
[chatter softens]
Well, you're all here
because your country needs you.
you're the best at what you do,
and right now,
your country needs the very best.
So let's get to work.
[man] Yes, sir!
[all applauding]
[phone slams]
[phone vibrating]
[George echoing] Good morning.
[Carl] First, some housekeeping.
For those of you who don't know,
I'm Carl Otieno from justice.
I'll be coordinating the investigation.
- This is Roger Carlson.
- Thank you, Carl.
All documents,
scheduling requests for President Mullen
will go through me.
All of you should
have met Melissa Kornblau.
You get a phone call, text, WhatsApp
or door knock from a reporter,
you do not answer,
and you immediately tell me.
Is that clear?
Now that we have that out of the way
All right. Mr. President?
[George breathes deeply]
[George clears throat]
[inhales] Okay, so, what do we know?
FBI, sir. I run the National Cyber
Investigative Joint Task Force.
Within an hour of the attack,
we deployed 56 rapid response teams
to run in-person forensics
on the impacted systems.
Sir, I'm Tim Pennington,
in charge of cyber forensics.
A coordinated cyberattack of this scale
against multiple systems is unprecedented.
Devices operating on Windows, Android,
Mac OS, iOS,
Industrial SCADA systems and PLCs,
they were all impacted at the same time.
What is really frightening
is that none of the systems
that failed show any evidence
of how they were controlled.
[woman 1] It's like an army invaded,
sacked the country,
and retreated without a trace.
[Tim] That's actually optimistic.
Most likely the malware is still in
place. It's just gone dormant, sleeping.
- So, someone could just wake it up?
- Whenever they choose to.
[Melissa] If I can interrupt
to state the obvious.
No one better breathe
a fucking word about this.
People are terrified,
and from what I'm hearing so far,
they're right to be.
Silence isn't exactly reassuring.
People need to know
that we have everything under control.
[Melissa] Well,
I need results I can share.
Or barring that, leads I can spin
until they bear a vague resemblance
to actual progress.
We're not gonna spin anything.
The American people need to know
the truth, nothing but the truth.
Well, we may have something
no spin required.
These images were just collected
from CCTV cameras outside
of a loft in the Bronx.
It's the headquarters
of a known hacking collective,
one of hundreds in the city.
But the only one someone went to
the trouble to wipe out execution-style
early this morning.
Facial recognition hasn't identified
this man yet.
We're still running him
through the system.
But this one, this is Alexi Lebedev,
known GRU officer.
Works out of the New York consulate.
As you know, sir, this is consistent
with the Pentagon's view
that Russia's most likely
the responsible party.
Thank you, General.
Uh, Melissa's right.
Not a word of this leaves this room,
not until we have the full picture.
That means not until
we find this mystery man.
All right? Thank you.
- [woman 2] Thank you.
- [Carl] Thank you.
[Roger] Hey, Carl. Carl.
So, you gonna pick the real bad guy
or just find any old innocent bystander?
[journalist 1] Alexandra, please,
just a minute!
[journalists clamoring]
[clamoring continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[phone ringing]
[Alex] Hello, Richard.
[Richard] You're a difficult woman
to reach.
I'm sorry.
Now is not a great
time to be avoiding me.
Yeah, I know.
The whole thing is a disaster.
It is,
and I'm sure you'll agree it needs to be
resolved quickly for the country's sake.
[Alex] Yes, I do agree.
Have you spoken with your father?
Nope. Not since I told him
not to take the job,
and we see how that went, so
You know, we don't talk very often.
You need to let
all that go right away, Alex.
This needs to be handled properly.
Managed closely. A lot at stake.
I know.
[uneasy music playing]
[page turns]
[knocks on door]
[music fades]
Sir, I have an update.
Um, I was just on with Sheila.
You may want to give her a call.
She seemed worried about you.
W What'd you tell her?
I told her you're good.
Great, actually.
Which, you are doing great.
I'm fine.
Because this morning was, uh
Wayne, the new house manager,
changed the combination on the safe
and I overreacted.
It's been a long couple
of days, you know.
[George sighs]
Now, what do we have?
Pennington's team just found an unusual
batch of code on a ConEd server.
Apparently, there's
a recurring sequence of numbers
that correspond to letters
in the Cyrillic alphabet,
spells out that.
[George] Maidan.
[Roger] Right.
It doesn't say what it means.
It's orange, uh,
for the Orange Revolution in Ukraine.
In 2004, the Russians
always blamed us for it.
Seems, uh,
clumsy, even for the Russians.
Is that it?
I also got what I found on Anna Sindler.
You said she met with you that morning?
[echoing] It says she was killed
at the railroad crossing near the house.
[uneasy music playing]
[high-pitched ringing]
[ringing fades]
You know what?
I want you to do me a favor.
Run Run this down.
[uneasy swell]
You want me to send
a note to the parents?
No, it it just
It It It could be nothing.
I I just I just want to make sure
she died the way this says she did.
You got it, boss.
[phone vibrating]
I will revert back.
[phone continues vibrating]
Don't you guys watch the news?
I was in with Mullen.
[woman] He's across the street, Roger.
Or would you rather
Mr. Lyndon come to you?
[line ringing]
[voicemail] You have reached NuWay
Drycleaners. Please leave a message.
[line beeps]
Yes, I need to schedule
an emergency pickup.
Call back as soon as you can.
Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
We've taken over the scene from the NYPD
and have our own tacs on the ground.
Every cellular device
within a mile radius.
We've cracked them all
and are sifting through texts and emails
going back two weeks.
Accessing their encrypted comms.
Uh, WhatsApp, Signal will take another
few hours, but we'll get those too.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like our
mystery man himself had a phone on him,
but this is why I called you.
[electronic whirring]
[Newman] Facial recognition finally hit.
[computer beeping]
Sort of.
I've never seen that before.
I have.
[dramatic music playing]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[silverware clacking]
I'm hearing you shorted
the markets before Zero Day.
Gotta say,
nobody's good enough to spin that.
Short some things, long other things.
People always look for
constellations in the stars.
Come on.
Every decent restaurant's closed.
The chef came in special.
I ordered you the pumpkin ravioli.
So, what's up, Bob?
I I really gotta get back.
You look good, kiddo. Must be
nice to be the belle of the ball.
Phone ringing off the hook again.
Right now, I'm focused
on the work of the commission.
[sips drink]
Everyone in my business has an edge.
Mine is distressed assets.
People in trouble.
I can I can smell it.
I smelled it on you when I met you.
The president's boy
with so many secrets.
I could have bet against
you back then, but I didn't.
No, you didn't.
And as a matter of fact, it paid off.
This has been a two-way street here.
Look, this is all going
to end, and, uh
unless you would like
to dramatically increase my retainer,
I'm going to need
all the clients that I can grab.
Now's not the time to make new friends.
It's a test of how you treat
your old friends.
And how would you
like to be treated, Bob?
It's funny.
[silverware clacks]
I actually am short Russian oil.
You know how deeply
grateful I am to you,
but I'm in a fishbowl over there
even more so than the White House.
- Anyways, Otieno is really running things.
- You're kidding.
When he was assistant US Attorney, what
did he try to charge you with again?
Violations of
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
And, uh, it was his office.
Actually, Carl claims
he recused himself.
Oh, well, that was nice of him.
Anyway, the investigation's his thing.
Mullen's got me chasing
after a dead girl, for Christ's sakes.
[silverware clacks]
I'm hardly involved.
Then get involved.
Keep them focused on Moscow. Everyone
knows they're the bad guys here.
It's the right thing to do.
[chuckles softly]
I'm happy for you.
It's nice to see
Mullen still trusts you.
If he knew what I know,
not sure that would be the case.
I will do my very best for you as
always, but I can't make any promises.
It's a pleasure, as always.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Monica] And to the president, look,
just because the United States government
is trying to dismantle the company
I've spent my entire life building
doesn't make me any less of an American.
Trust me, this commission needs my help.
That offer of assistance from Kidder,
whose sprawling tech empire
includes a popular
social media platform,
digital media outlets,
and a portfolio of ubiquitous apps,
comes as she faces
an active antitrust investigation
[video halts]
You gonna take her up on it?
[inhales] Where's Wayne?
Sent him home
'cause I'm sure you can imagine
he was very upset.
I told you I misspoke.
I shouldn't have said what I did.
I have no excuse.
Seemed like a little more than that, and
then just to get on the helicopter
So what are you saying?
What am I supposed to do?
There's a hundred cameras outside.
Everybody's watching and waiting.
What am I supposed to tell them?
"I'm sorry. My wife is worried.
I should be taking a nap."
- You could've called me back.
- Roger said he spoke to you.
- Didn't he tell you I was okay?
- He covers for you. That's what he does.
- Not with you.
- I'm gonna need more than that. George
So, what are you gonna do?
Tell the world that you think I lost it?
I mean, what purpose would that serve?
[telephone ringing]
- [Sheila sighs] Hello?
- [phone chimes]
Oh, yeah. Hold on just a minute.
He'll pick up.
It's the White House.
The President would like a word.
Madam President.
When you identify
a known Russian intelligence officer
at a mass murder scene,
I am the first to know, not the last.
There was another man at the same scene.
We haven't identified him yet.
But until we do,
we don't really know anything for sure.
Come on, George.
It's a smoking gun in Moscow's hand.
You gotta ignore the war drums.
The people beating them, they
don't have to make the call. You do.
You're right. I do have to make the call,
and we won't survive another attack.
So unless you tell me
definitively that it's not them,
I have to act.
I have a source that I trust.
Saying what?
I can't say right now,
but it could be the key to everything.
I spoke to them last night,
and I'm expecting
more information very, very soon.
Madam President, you chose me for
a reason because you you trust me,
but I have to be able
to run this investigation in my way,
without interference.
In 48 hours,
I'm scheduling an address from the Oval.
To say what?
Relax. I'm not dropping the bomb.
We'll announce sanctions,
expel some diplomats,
and carry out a targeted cyber strike.
They say we can take out some
of their refineries with minimal risk.
What if we find out it's not them?
Then a show of strength
gives everyone pause.
Makes whoever did this think twice
before they throw the switch again.
Or it tells them
we're still flying blind.
And once we start pushing over
those dominoes, there's no turning back.
Aren't you paying attention?
The Joint Chiefs, half my cabinet,
and most of the damn country
think we're there already.
If that's the case,
it's my responsibility
to make sure we win.
Good night.
Good night.
[line ends]
[George sighs] We get this wrong,
the whole world goes to hell.
I'm not stepping down.
I did that before,
and that's what people remember me for.
I'm not making the same mistake twice.
[Monica] There are young people
all around the world, not just Russians,
who have been training for cyberwar
against the United States
since the day they were born.
And our government is not equipped
to handle it on their own.
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[dramatic whooshing]
[uneasy music playing]
[uneasy music intensifies]
[dramatic whoosh]
[dramatic swell]
[electronic static]
[uneasy music continues]
[music builds]
[music fades]
[phone vibrating]
- Natan.
- [distorted voice]
[indistinct chatter]
[high-pitched ringing]
[uneasy music swells]
[music fades]
Her mom was traveling for work.
She still can't get back.
Well, she takes medicine,
but the pharmacy's out.
Some crap about the supply chain.
[girl] I'm scared, Dad.
[dad] I know.
We'll go home right now, sweetie.
[man] And this is the man
they tell us will save us.
King George restored to his throne.
This man isn't qualified.
The world has passed him by.
He isn't fit.
I don't need to remind you
what happened before.
This guy is a quitter.
He wasn't up for the job then,
and he isn't now,
and they want you to think he has
this under control, but he doesn't.
He's lost. Trust me, he has no clue.
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[doorbell buzzes]
You're sure this is where Anna Sindler's
body was taken after the accident?
Like I said on the phone,
it says so right here.
[camera shutter clicks]
Can I see it?
The body?
She was badly burned.
Then then show me whatever's left.
Here you go, number 15.
You sure about this?
[birds chirping]
[dramatic music playing]
[alarm clock beeping]
[soft music playing]
[pill bottle rattling]
[switch clicks]
- [dramatic whooshing]
- [electronic whirring]
[Tom] Mr. President.
[Tom echoing] Mr. President?
Mr. President?
Mr. President. Your phone.
- Oh.
- [phone vibrating]
- Yeah.
- I know why his file was restricted.
Whose file?
Our runner. The mystery man?
Outside the collective. The Bronx.
Yes. Turns out, he's one of ours.
I've been on with NSA all night
trying to access the file,
but all they have confirmed
is that he was assigned to TAO,
Tailored Access Operations,
our most elite offensive hackers.
- I know what it is. You have a name?
- [Carl] Not yet.
I've escalated our request
to Director Bernard.
Good. No time for bullshit,
but try to ask nicely.
I'm always nice.
[pensive music playing]
[metal detector beeping]
[line ringing]
[voicemail] You have reached
NuWay Drycleaners.
Please leave a message.
- [Roger] Good morning, sir.
- Roger.
So, cyber forensics says still no matches
for the malware, not even cousins.
FBI counterintelligence reports
Alexi Lebedev was last seen leaving
the New York consulate three days ago
by one of their spotters,
but no sign of him since.
I don't see anything at all
about our mystery man.
Oh, Carl's on that.
- Okay.
- Hi.
Good morning.
Monica Kidder,
did she reach out to us to help?
[Roger] I doubt it.
Melissa used to work for her,
so that would come through her.
But I'll check.
Last night, I ran down
the Anna Sindler thing.
Nothing, right?
Actually, uh,
I went to the morgue,
but her body seems to be missing.
Sir, is there something going on here
that you're not telling me about?
I saw her
24 hours after she supposedly died
at the press conference.
[uneasy music playing]
[uneasy music continues]
[birds chirping]
[soft music playing]
- [woman] Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for reaching out.
Let's take a walk.
- Great.
- Okay.
- [Sheila] How's civilian life?
- Uh, different.
You know, these days I mostly focus on
asset allocation ratios
and interest rates.
[scoffs] You've done well, I hear.
Yeah, my second calling.
I was happy to hear from you.
He keeps thinking
he's refilled that feeder.
He swears he has.
Is he okay?
I need you to do something for me.
- Sure, if I can. What is it?
- I need you to go back to work for George.
The world has changed
in ways he doesn't understand,
and he needs a trusted ally by his side.
I don't I don't think
I can see my way to doing that.
Well, if I can see my way
to letting you go back to work for him,
you damn well
can see your way to doing it.
You were my friend.
You owe me this.
They say they want him to find
the truth, but I'm worried whose truth
and what they'll do with it
once they have it.
Do you think he's being set up?
No. At least I don't think so,
but I know he's surrounded by people who
he can't trust and who I can't trust.
But you trust me.
In no way but the one that matters.
I can trust that if you thought
he could be hurt by this
or someone has an agenda,
you would do something about it.
You would protect him.
I would. It's the job.
Lily must be 12?
Right? Chapin?
I'm asking you to do this.
Help him.
For me.
[Richard] If we've learned anything
these past few days,
it's that we are not protected.
You are not protected.
Another attack of even longer duration
could happen at any moment.
Now, as you know,
when we set up the Zero Day Commission,
we also established
an oversight committee to ensure
the commission lives up to
its responsibilities.
And today, I'm pleased to announce
that Congresswoman Alexandra Mullen
has agreed to serve
as its ranking member.
- [woman] Congresswoman!
- [man] Congresswoman Mullen!
What does your father think
of you looking over his shoulder?
I am committed to making sure that
this Commission not only keeps us safe,
but doesn't trample
our Constitution in the process.
It's vitally important that the
American people be able to trust
that this commission is
always acting in its best interest.
- And that will require
- [Melissa] This isn't good.
She's an assassin on social media.
And the oversight committee intends
to ensure that transparency.
[Alex] The oversight committee
intends to monitor the progress
You need to go talk to her.
- I don't think
- You have to talk to her.
She listens to you.
- Now, please.
- Yes, sir.
[Alex] And for those of you
who see a conflict of interest
in my overseeing my father's work,
then I say you clearly
have not done your homework on me.
- Did you get a name?
- No, sir.
Admiral Bernard is too busy
plotting World War 3.
Says the White House has him planning
an op against the Samotlor oil fields
to go live as soon as tonight.
Yeah, he was always a hothead.
And careless too.
[Alex] while also making sure
that our foundational liberties
are not compromised.
[silverware clacking]
[faint indistinct chatter]
- Are you being followed?
- [man] I don't think so.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine. I
I messed up, Emma.
I did something at work.
I thought it was the right thing,
but now I think I was lied to.
Are you still in touch with Rob Ionna?
From high school?
Yeah. He works at a port in Red Hook.
I I need to get out of the country.
- On a boat?
- They'd look at the flight manifest.
- Who's they?
- Emma.
I just need to know.
Are you gonna help me or not?
[pensive music playing]
[Alexi in Russian] He's in a restaurant
meeting with some girl.
[man] This is taking too long.
This is not the place. But I'm on him.
I'll handle it.
[pensive music continues, fades]
[in English] More banks
holding your money hostage,
more airlines keeping you grounded.
And we're still waiting
for answers from George Mullen.
Why won't he just say
what my sources tell me
President Mitchell will finally admit
tomorrow night from the Oval?
That this is clearly the work
of Russian plutocrats
working with Wall Street vultures.
I'll tell you why.
This man is impotent and afraid.
He can't even control his own family,
his own daughter.
And we expect him to save the country?
Come on.
[pensive music playing]
[pensive music continues]
[knocking on door]
- Thought you were asleep already.
- [Sheila] No.
[George] You hear about Alex?
- Are you really surprised?
- Yeah, I mean, I am a little surprised.
Your relationship with her is yours.
You know, talk to her.
- Easier said than done.
- Yeah.
Um, I saw Valerie today.
Here, actually.
I invited her over.
You need a real chief of staff, George.
Not a body man.
I mean, I still don't know what's going
on with you, but even if it's nothing
Roger's done a good job.
He's always been there.
You and I both know
Roger is not up to this.
Well, it doesn't have to be her.
If If you're trying to make a point,
I I don't know,
try to punish me or
Oh, punish you?
I have the most to lose
from this arrangement.
If you don't want to quit again,
really, you need Valerie's help.
It's not up for discussion.
Good night.
[Evan] Who stands to benefit?
[knocks on door]
[Alex sniffles]
[Roger] Worst, but perhaps only
coffee available in the neighborhood.
- [drawer opens, shuts]
- [silverware clacking]
[siren wailing faintly in the distance]
Did I miss the party?
You tell me.
It's an Addie.
It's prescription to help me focus.
[pill bottle rattles]
You can't talk me out of this, okay?
It wasn't even my call.
[Roger] Okay.
[glass clanks]
I know you think you hate him.
And actually, believe it or not,
I can understand why,
but this isn't really the time
to to get back at him
Get back Are you serious?
[Alex scoffs]
This is the last thing that I wanted.
This is just the latest swell benefit
to being the great
George Mullen's daughter.
He fucked me
by saying yes to this commission
when I warned him. I warned both of you!
I know that, but the last
thing he needs is for you
Just do me a favor and don't tell me
what my own father needs.
- Please.
- Well, I think I know.
Because when he didn't run again and
the party was over, you stuck around?
Last sycophant standing? Is that why?
Maybe what he needed back then
was to just be left alone
with all the shitty things he had done.
And what he needs now is
for this investigation to just be over.
Okay? Fast.
And please, feel free to tell him
that's my entire agenda.
My car is coming in like an hour.
So are we doing this or not?
I don't know, that depends.
Are you asking me as a private citizen
or, uh, in your official capacity
as chair of the oversight committee?
You know, it's not a subpoena.
It's an invitation to appear.
Well, in that case, after you.
[zipper unzips]
Admiral Bernard, it's George Mullen.
Yeah, oh, no, don't worry about that.
I mean, Carl can have sharp elbows.
I know that.
Yeah, so how are Julie and the kids?
Uh, it's Julie, isn't it?
Yeah. How are they?
Well, terrific. Terrific, terrific.
You know, it's funny.
I was just thinking the other day
about that little yakitori place
near the base for some reason.
I don't know why, and, um
You know, where the moto industry guys
used to hang out?
Our NSA operative, Patrick O'Keefe.
History matters.
It turns out I knew your admiral
when I was at DOJ,
and he was a captain in Okinawa.
- Go get him.
- Yes, sir.
Patrick O'Keefe.
It's best we get on that.
[pensive music playing]
Seven minutes till
we're inside his apartment.
He's been dark since Zero Day,
but we're geolocating everyone he was
in contact with for six months prior.
This cluster here
is Fort Meade.
Looks like he had mostly work friends.
And then here is the Bureau's crime lab.
All the phones that we found in the Bronx.
He was definitely in contact
with our dead hackers.
[Carl] What about any family?
[woman] Let me see.
[keyboard clacking]
Emma O'Keefe, born 11/17/95.
Maybe his sister?
That her residence?
[woman] Actually, that is the corner
of Summit and Van Brunt,
across from the port of Red Hook.
- Get a UAV overhead.
- [woman] Yes, sir.
- And who's the closest law enforcement?
[Carl] Then call them.
- [tense music playing]
- [keyboard clacking]
[tense music continues]
[music fades]
- [Emma] Thanks again, Rob.
- Absolutely.
- Appreciate it, man.
- I got you, bro. Come with me.
They're scrambling.
[woman] We're approaching her position.
[Rob] So, you got the cash, right?
So they'll look out for you.
The crew's all Filipino,
but the captain's German, so he's good.
[dramatic music playing]
All right, remember, two weeks,
join the Discord channel,
and I'll find you.
Is he with you?
[dramatic music continues]
- [Rob] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
- [sirens wailing]
- [Rob] Watch it! Hey!
- [tires screech]
- [cop 1] Don't move!
- [cop 2] Hands!
- [cop 3] Show me your hands!
- Okay, okay!
[dramatic music continues]
[woman] Got 'em.
Good work, everyone.
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
[Patrick] They said if I got them
the malware, they'd publish it,
like the Vault 7 leak,
to expose how dangerous it is,
the the stuff that our government
is developing. Not to use it.
[man] And you trusted
these Russian agents? This "Felix"?
Russian agents? His
name's Andy Franklin.
Felix was his grandfather.
He thought it sounded cooler.
I went to Dalton with him.
They're not Russian spies.
They're hacktivists.
- Entirely domestic
- Do you believe him?
[Patrick] to expose
our own government's code
Not sure.
Me neither.
[Patrick] These guys
are whistleblowers, not terrorists.
Mitchell speaks in three hours.
We're running out of time.
There are ways of being sure
he's telling the truth faster.
- History's watching, Carl.
- [man] Let's go back to the actual code.
- Yes, sir.
- [man] Is there a way to neutralize it?
[Patrick] I told you,
someone modified it.
What we built, what I gave them,
it was a nasty bug.
We couldn't do anything close to this.
You know, I I did my best, Mel.
You know how she is.
There's no talking to her
when she's like this.
They have a very
complicated relationship,
and I don't want
to get caught in the middle.
All right, all right, fine. I'm just,
uh, stopping to change real quick.
I should be there in an hour.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[door slams shut]
[music fades]
[shower water running]
[watch chimes]
Oh God. Fuck off, Carl.
Holy fuck!
I tried to call you.
Right. Uh
And I'm sorry about that.
But how did you get in here?
We tried many times
to make an appointment.
It's your apartment.
A gift.
And a message.
Russia had nothing to do with Zero Day.
Well, a lot of evidence says otherwise.
It's true.
An overly ambitious GRU officer
had an occasional business relationship
with those hackers in the Bronx.
Bots, ransomware,
small-scale mischief. That's all.
We admit it was bad judgment.
They and he have been dealt with.
You took a man into
custody this morning.
I have no idea.
I haven't even been into the office yet.
- And even if I had
- You'll find he has no connection to us.
Somebody else hired
these hackers for Zero Day.
And you expect us
to just take your word for it?
To paraphrase your President Reagan,
I expect you not just to trust,
but to verify.
[pensive music playing]
- [pensive music continues]
- [indistinct chatter]
[woman] Madam President,
we're live in ten minutes.
[Carl] Mitchell's speech
is about to go live.
I don't have time
to chase blatant disinformation.
All the more reason you have to, Carl.
If Mitchell goes on TV, blames Russia,
and we have evidence proving otherwise
- How's that going to look?
- [Carl] Roger.
My guy says you can
independently confirm each transaction.
If this turns out to be
a Kremlin plot just to distract you,
then you can use it as another bullshit
pretext to investigate me, okay?
We still have more to learn regarding
the full scope of the Zero Day threat,
which is why the Zero Day Commission
will continue its important work
hunting down anyone who aided and abetted
this horrific attack on our homeland.
But I will not wait to act.
Tonight, I have ordered
the Pentagon cyber command
to commence a retaliatory strike
against Russian oil refineries.
Roll that back, Leila.
[woman] Five minutes, Madam President.
[dramatic music playing]
Mitchell's on in five. Anyone know
where the nearest fallout shelter is?
You need to see this right now.
Six weeks before Zero Day, the hackers
received a large incoming wire transfer.
Not from Russia,
from an account in North Dakota,
which, according to the bureau,
is associated with a known
domestic terror organization
called the Reapers.
I've never heard of them either.
Apparently, they're radical leftists.
Where'd you get this?
Treasury just confirmed it's authentic.
The Russians didn't finance Zero Day.
This militia did.
It's homegrown, sir.
Call the White House now.
[woman] Thirty seconds till you're on,
Madam President.
[dramatic music continues]
Thank you.
Thank you.
[music fades]
I'll need time to verify.
Then he can walk out on the limb
in the meantime.
[woman] Fifteen seconds.
Call the network to cancel.
We're done here.
[faint indistinct chatter]
George Mullen's own daughter
has felt the need
to rein in her father's excessive uses
of this country's
mighty imperialist forces.
I promise you the corporate fat cats
and their Capitol Hill cronies
want to capitalize on your fear.
In the words of everyone's favorite
war criminal, Winston Churchill
- Fuck you, Evan Green.
- "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
[Evan echoing] "Go to waste."
[Evan continues indistinctly]
[uneasy music playing]
[dramatic rumbling]
[uneasy music continues]
[dramatic whooshing continues]
[Evan echoing] They want to capitalize
on your fear.
In the words of everyone's
favorite war criminal Winston Churchill,
[normal] "Never let a good crisis
go to waste."
They're gonna do
everything in their power
to take advantage of the situation
[George] You sure about this?
[Natan] Yeah, I'm sure.
[distorted chatter]
[Natan] Some kind of weapon developed
[high-pitched ringing]
[Natan distorted] It's called
[whooshing intensifies]
[Natan] Proteus.
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic continues, fades]
[cell phone vibrating]
This is Roger.
[clears throat] Mr. Carlson?
This is Sara Sindler.
You had some questions
about my daughter,
Yes, that's right.
Thank you for calling me back.
Forgive me, ma'am, but it's just
it's very important that I know.
Your daughter was killed on Zero Day?
We buried her this morning.
I'm so sorry to hear that, ma'am.
But just to make sure I understand
Why are you doing this?
that she was indeed killed
at the railroad crossing on Ze
- [line ends]
- [sighs]
Roger, call in the press.
The White House wants me
to make a statement.
- Sure you want to do this?
- Of course I'm sure.
We broke this thing open. Well, you did.
Keep an eye out.
See if this girl shows up.
You got it, boss.
[camera shutters clicking]
[faint indistinct chatter]
[George] Good evening.
[sirens wailing in the distance]
When I embarked upon this inquiry,
like so many of you,
I expected our enemy to be external.
But while this was my expectation,
my obligation was and is
to pursue the facts.
We have uncovered no evidence
that the Zero Day plot
was set in motion
by any foreign government.
In fact, we have concluded that
the computer virus used in the attack
was first developed
by our own government.
[indistinct chatter]
By the National Security Agency,
to be specific.
It was stolen with the help of a
disgruntled employee of that agency,
perfected and deployed
by a domestic terror organization
that calls themselves the Reapers.
The weapon is called Proteus. Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
The weapon is called Proteus.
Thank you. Thank you.
[anchor 1] That was
former President Mullen
delivering the first
significant investigative update
to come from
the newly-formed Zero Day Commission.
Contrary to prior speculation,
President Mullen did not pin
the attack on Russia
or any other foreign government.
originally developed by the NSA.
A cyber weapon he
referred to as Proteus.
[anchor 2] Earlier tonight,
we expected an Oval Office address
from President Mitchell,
but that address was suddenly canceled.
Instead, we have this announcement
from former President Mullen
pointing the finger not at Russia,
but at a domestic terrorist
I don't care what he said, he's wrong.
I never heard of
anything called Proteus.
[Mitchell] Russia was simple.
It was clean, and
at least it unified us.
I don't know who the Reapers are,
but you just opened the gates
for every conspiracy theorist in America
to start naming suspects.
Madam President, I'm right, you own it.
I'm wrong, you cut me loose.
Isn't that how it works?
I hope you know what you're doing.
[Jeremy] We're looking into the Reapers.
They exist, and they
may be a part of it.
How big a part?
[Jeremy sighs]
Too soon to know,
but Mullen is definitely
up to something.
Why do you say that?
Because there is
a government program named Proteus.
But it isn't what he thinks it is.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
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