Zorro (2024) s01e02 Episode Script


4 ounces. Not bad.
For this I can give you
320 reales.
A month ago you paid 144 reales
to Antonio Guzmán per ounce.
All of Los Angeles knows it.
The value of gold fluctuates.
Downward, unless
a rich man brings it in.
Take it or leave it.
We're poor, not fools.
-What's going on here?
-He's trying to rob us.
The price varies, you know.
It's the law of supply and demand.
-Shut up!
Whose side are you on?
If I hear another complaint,
I'll kill you right here.
Get up.
Back up.
On your knees.
On your knees, I said!
is it a deal?
Please, Severino.
-What is it?
Stay right there.
Nothing will happen to you.
This is yours.
As for you
You decide.
Do you see, Diego?
It's Zorro.
Carmen Díaz de la Madrid.
She's outside with her brother.
Okay, I'm coming.
Tadeo said you sounded the alarm
about Zorro's attack on our ranch.
It was a normal night.
Francisco was waiting for me
in Los Angeles for dinner.
I was coming out
when I saw Zorro go past.
He was heading north, fast,
as if he were fleeing.
I turned and saw fire here.
So I went to La Perla
in search of help.
Fortunately, Captain Monasterio
was there.
He was able to hunt down
that criminal.
I regret not having arrived sooner.
Your father was a great friend.
I think the natives and Zorro
had something against him.
And now against me.
I found out about Zorro's attack.
If they think I'll give up,
they don't know me.
I didn't return to California
to let some savages
take what legitimately
belongs to me
and to my family.
These lands prospered
thanks to people like us.
Not the Spaniards, or those savages.
We are the true children
of California.
"The true children of California."
I thought privilege ended
when we gained independence.
A loan house?
Do you know what's inside?
We'll have to find out.
Let's go.
Hold it!
Guns on the ground!
Get them.
You don't know who you're robbing.
-Those explosives belong to Ramirez.
-You don't say.
If you value your lives,
leave them where they were
and go back the way you came.
Oh, yes?
Now Ramirez has no way
of knowing who stole them.
Who's going to come for us now?
We don't need servants, Bernardo.
We manage just fine.
Oh, because I don't look like
a rancher. Fine, I have an idea.
We hire servants and you pay them.
How about that?
Good morning.
-Diego, what a surprise.
That's right.
-Ammunition to hunt vermin.
She needs ammunition,
I need fabric for a dress.
You didn't see a pair of outlaws
on the way here?
No one.
Is something wrong, Ramirez?
Some bastards killed two of my men.
They stole a box of explosives
from the mine.
You should speak to the Governor.
I'm going to,
because if I find them
I'll peel off their skin
and feed it to the coyotes.
With your permission
Let's go!
-It's late, shall we go?
Hey, be careful!
Good morning. Please, apologize.
Sorry, señorita.
I can take care of myself.
This town gets worse every day.
Thank you, Diego.
You go find people for the ranch,
I'll go to the loan house.
Ladies, have a good day.
Have a good day.
Why so much hostility towards Diego?
You don't still like him?
You and dad would like that.
In any case,
it would be a great mistake.
And it'd show little maturity
to marry a captain or soldier
just to contradict us.
So a rancher who vanishes
unpredictably is better
than a man one can count on.
Did that go well for you?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
-Come with me, Señora Ivanova.
-Of course.
Excuse me
This color is pretty.
Thinking about it,
we should invite Diego to dinner.
What? Why?
He behaved like a true gentleman.
Go to the loan house
and ask him, please.
Don't force me to go.
Fine, fine. I'm going.
How can I help you, Señora Márquez?
-I was looking for some fabrics.
-They're beautiful.
But if you'll allow me,
given your skin tone
I'd choose something
more in this color.
Good morning.
Hello. I'm Diego de la Vega.
Alejandro's son?
Yes, I am.
This belonged to my father.
-If you need me, I'll be outside.
-Thank you.
-Hold it! Hands up, damn it!
-Don't move!
Don't move, I say!
You, hands up
and get away from the box.
-Okay. Relax.
-Move! Move!
Move, damn it!
If anyone moves,
I'll blow her head off.
Look who we have here.
The polite guy.
Stop! Please, enough!
Just what I needed.
I'll have to apologize for this too.
We don't have time
and we have work to do.
Clean out the boxes.
Did you sleep with my husband?
Do you mind?
Not particularly.
I'm more worried he'll lose his head
and give bad gifts with my money.
For example, accepting crumbs
in exchange for
the Russo-American Company
getting the monopoly
on maritime trade from Alaska.
Mexicans aren't interested
in the world.
They have too many problems at home.
Better us than the English.
Same dog, different collar.
I love collars.
And I love fair division.
We've got it.
You know what has to be done.
What's going on?
I don't know.
No, please, don't kill us!
Take her away through the back door.
-No, no, no!
-Let's go, let's go!
No! Mama!
-My girl! Please!
-Move or I'll shoot you right now!
Let go of me!
Señor, please, I want my mama!
If you want to see your mama,
you have to do two things.
stop crying.
And second,
you have to send a message.
And I'll make sure they listen to me.
-What happened?
-They're robbing the loan house.
They've killed a man.
Where's Diego? Where is he?
Lolita is with him.
The man doesn't want money.
Then what does he want?
He wants Zorro to come.
Or he'll kill everyone.
And my mama.
Good God, what do we do?
Speak to the Governor?
And Zorro?
No, I don't care about that.
With or without your help,
we'll finish them off.
Forget it, Ramirez,
I'm the law here.
Monasterio will find them
and we'll hang them in the square.
They're robbing the loan house.
Didn't you hear the shots?
-Who's inside?
-Lolita Vázquez, Diego de la Vega,
Cristóbal de Rueda,
Jacinto, his employee, and
The robbers want Zorro to come.
Go back to the church,
clear the streets, I'll see to it.
-I have my men outside.
-No, no shooting.
Take my men, surround
the loan house, no one comes out.
I want everyone inside
when Zorro arrives.
This is my chance to hunt him down.
-Tell Monasterio.
-I can take care of it.
No, you can't,
because neither you nor I
know who the hostages are.
Isn't that right?
-Don Antonio knows.
-I'll take care of him.
not a word about this.
I'll make it up to you.
You certainly will.
Who's that?
Slowly or I'll blow your head off.
He's my foreman.
He knows the natives,
he can reach Zorro.
I'll speak to him.
He's mute.
But I can communicate
with him through gestures.
Fine, ask him what he wants
and be very careful.
What is it? What's he saying?
That Zorro is unpredictable.
Tell her!
Chat's over.
Quickly! Quickly!
Sir, we're ready.
Do we assault the loan house?
No, no. We're going to wait.
Wait for what?
For Zorro. We won't intervene
until Zorro is inside.
Excuse me, sir, I don't understand.
I don't want him to become a martyr
for the poor like the previous one
or we'll have an uprising.
If he dies in the robbery,
he'll be just another victim.
And the hostages?
He needs them for Zorro to come.
Sorry, sir, but
if he doesn't come?
Where did your foreman go?
He went to the natives,
they have to find Zorro.
I wouldn't blame him for
not wanting to come and get killed.
If they tell him, he'll come.
Why Zorro?
Why precisely him?
I have scores to settle with him too.
Not like mine.
Zorro killed my father.
He killed him in cold blood.
I was 10 years old.
We lost
Zorro is a murderer
and today he'll pay
for everything he did to my family.
Why exactly today?
It didn't matter when,
but it had to be here.
And for that I needed help.
Zorro killed my father too.
But that Zorro died a year ago.
I don't think that all those
who wear the outfit are the same.
You have reason to hate him.
But if you kill us, you'll be like him.
The rich aren't innocent.
They're the other side
of the same coin.
Go with the others.
I told your boss.
I'm Zorro and I'm going to prove it.
No, you stay here.
This is my affair.
As you wish.
I was here that day.
Zorro left me this reminder.
And alive.
Why are you whining, you leech?
You're no better than him.
Do you think so?
You only take advantage of people.
Maybe I should finish you off.
Your father worked for me.
Zorro was a killer
and deserved to end up that way,
but your father was no better.
He had no qualms about taking bribes
and spending the money
in the cantina.
Shut up!
No! No!
Don't move.
Are you going to kill me?
Two bullets.
My turn now.
Captain, it's Zorro. He's inside.
You wanted to see me?
Don't fire!
Stop, stop!
Lolita! Lolita!
-What happened?
You! Take her to the cantina. Hurry!
-Who else is inside?
-A robber and Zorro.
The others are dead.
-Fire at will!
-Where's the rest of the gang?
-They fled.
But they took a woman as hostage.
You heard. After them!
Will she pull through?
Señora Márquez,
if you want to help, pray.
Now let me do my job in peace.
Señorita Kohl, scissors.
Doña Lucía, I owe you an apology.
When I got to the loan house,
I gave the order to fire.
I didn't know Lolita was inside.
Didn't the Governor tell you?
And to tell the truth,
if not for Señor de la Vega,
I don't know what would've happened.
Excuse me.
Captain Monasterio just told me
your warning saved Lolita.
And me.
I suppose that diminishes it.
Not at all.
I know I'll regret saying this, but
the captain seems like a good man.
Don't tell her.
I'm very fond of her.
Stay close and let her know.
Dr. Ros has extracted the bullet.
She'll make it.
You can come in and see her.
Is the Captain inside?
-Yes, he's
-I'm here. Did you find them?
We lost their trail
at the river, Captain.
Inform the Governor and watch Ramirez.
I don't want any more vigilantes.
And the woman?
I don't think we'll find her alive.
It's no use continuing the search.
That's it, that's it.
No, Bernardo, I owe you an apology.
I burdened you
with all the responsibility.
There are four dead men,
a woman kidnapped
and Lolita
Lolita could've died too.
Wearing the Zorro outfit
is harder than I thought.
If Nah-Lin wants it, she can keep it.
I was wrong, I'm not a hero.
What's so serious that you come
to my refuge without your outfit?
I'm sure you already know.
Acting justly doesn't always
have a just result.
Animals kill other animals
to feed their young.
Animals don't have to worry
about the orphans they leave.
Conscience is the difference
between a hero and a killer.
I don't even have the outfit.
She has it.
And maybe it's better this way.
The outfit is a symbol
and it's important.
But who is under the mask
is what makes the difference.
Each Zorro has found his own path.
You'll have to find yours, Diego.
I'm afraid my path has strayed a little.
Nah-Lin can dress like you,
fight like you,
but she's not you.
I trust you.
Do you trust yourself?
I do.
Throw it, Nah-Lin!
One day, sister.
One day.
Today is the day.
He chose you
because you can come
to understand everyone.
If only.
I'd love to.
The reality is that
she's convinced of the opposite.
Nah-Lin has deep wounds
that must be healed
or they'll poison
her spirit completely.
She is destined for great things,
but she may end up devoured
by hate and vengeance.
If she becomes Zorro,
there'll be unnecessary deaths.
Zorro, Zorro.
Revenge is personal.
Justice is for everyone.
Do you think you returned
to avenge your father's death?
You returned to decide
the fate of California.
Tomorrow we'll head north,
staying off the Camino Real.
What are we going to do with her?
Kill her.
- No, please.
- We don't need her now.
-Where are you going?
-Too much mezcal.
You said no one followed us.
Shut your mouth. Don't get jumpy.
I'll go.
Shut up!
-What was that?
-I told you, they're here.
Drop the sword
or I'll blow her goddamn head off.
Leave her alone.
I don't want to kill you.
You're joking, right?
Your boss died in vain.
Don't make the same mistake.
No, please!
You're crazy.
The pistol will always have
the edge over a sword.
So throw it down
or I'll kill her right now!
You're right.
Perhaps my sword is useless
at this distance.
All yours.
Relax. It's over.
Rosario, honey!
-Out of the way!
-Move! Move!
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