007: Road to a Million (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[soft suspenseful music]
[plane engine]
[Joey] In the words of Axl Rose,
welcome to the jungle.
It's just been cranked up a notch,
big time.
[epic music]
[laughs] He's pulled the stops
out again, ain't he? The voice.
Can't wait to chat to the fella.
So it begins.
- Here we go again, brother.
- [laughs]
[Controller] The Bone Brothers
have arrived at level three.
All right, here we go.
[Controller] I owe them 50,000.
[Joey] Out we get, boy.
[Controller] The next question
could double that.
[Joey] Wait, no. Watch that propeller.
- What have we got ourselves into?
- [laughs] Mate.
- [James] There's a boat.
- [Joey] Watch that clay.
- [Joey] What we got in here?
- [James] Have a look.
Let's hope that motor works.
- Here y'are.
- Oh, yes.
We got a load a
Let's put it out on the shore.
[Joey] Grab the bits.
What you got there?
Looks like some sort of transmitter.
[Joey] Oh, hello. There's our phone box.
- [James] Hold on a minute. [laughs]
- [Joey] A survival pack.
- A machete there by the looks of it.
- Keep that to hand.
Two hammocks.
- [Joey] Lantern.
- [James] Couple of lanterns.
- Hold on.
- What the
[phone ringing]
[Controller] Finding your question
will not be easy.
You must take a two-day journey
deep into the forest.
Follow the signal on the tracking device.
- Your question is for 100,000 pounds.
- [Joey] [whistles]
[radio static and beeping]
Two-day journey.
That's unbelievable.
- Two days into the jungle?
- What can you say?
- [James] Keep an eye out for us mate.
- [Joey] You might get a phone call.
Let's put the proper bins on.
Drop the sunnies.
[James] Nothing in there.
[Joey] You ever used anything like this?
Oh, here we go.
Like that and I think
that pops out like that. That's it.
And then that's got off,
so we turn, that's on.
We turn the volume up.
- Whack it up full.
- To maximum.
Hopefully we will hear
some sort of signal.
There must be some sort of beacon
that we've got to find.
Hold it up.
You might have to tune it a bit.
- Oh, hold on. Can you hear that?
- Yeah.
[static] [quiet beeping]
I think we just gotta get in the boat
and literally sail around until
So obviously the louder it goes,
the nearer you're getting to something.
[beeping gets louder]
[Joey] We're going into the jungle.
[suspenseful tones]
[loud beep]
Hold on a minute.
Bloody hell, nearly fell in the water.
Hold on a minute, let me get this on.
- What's is it, a message?
- Yeah.
And it says
- D.R.A.X.
- D.R.A.X?
That's it. That's all it says.
- Is that a coordinate or something?
- I don't know.
- I ain't got a clue about that, you?
- No.
[James Bond theme music tones]
[epic music]
[James Bond theme music tones]
[suspenseful music]
[James] What's the transmitter saying?
Head round to the right, James.
Straight in there, Jimmy boy.
[Controller] While the Bone brothers
follow the beeps into the jungle,
there are seven other pairs
still out there.
Including these two,
emergency nurses Beth and Jen.
Their first question
took them back in time.
[machine beeps on]
You're in the Northwest Highlands
and the rock beneath your feet is special.
It's some of the oldest on earth.
For 5,000 pounds,
approximately how long ago
were these mountains first formed?
[suspenseful music]
I feel like 2.5 billion years is too much.
No, I think it's two.
I think it's the older one.
- [Beth] You think C?
- [Jen] Mm-hm.
- You'll hold it against me if it's wrong?
- No.
- You promise?
- Yeah, I literally have no idea.
I feel like I'm not helping
in the slightest.
- [Jen] C?
- [Beth] Yeah.
[Jen] Shake on it.
- [Both] Good luck.
- [Jen] What have we got to lose?
I'm gonna pick it up. Okay?
- [Jen] Okay.
- Oh, Jen.
- [Jen] Okay.
- [Beth] Yeah?
- [Jen] Yeah.
- [Beth] Let's do it.
[Jen] [nervously] Okay.
What colour?
[both cheer] Yay!
Awesome. I love that.
[Jen] Thank God.
[car engine starts]
[Controller] Your second question
is for 10,000 pounds.
It's eight miles away
across these mountains
at the Lochcarron garage.
[Jen] You know what? Throughout that,
neither of us got stressed out.
We stayed calm the whole time.
- [Beth] Very true.
- [Jen] We knew this about ourselves,
calm under pressure.
[Beth] Just gotta keep that up.
[Beth] When you work
in an emergency environment,
you learn to rely on your colleagues
and trust each other.
Even though things do worry me
and frighten me,
and I've got adrenaline
coursing through my body
I'm very, very good at outwardly
giving off a relaxed feel.
I've done it for 25 years,
so it's like a reflex.
I don't think about the pressure
because if you think about the pressure,
you start losing your head.
[Beth] With the Manchester bombings,
we were the second hospital
to take casualties from there.
We had a lot of the kids
coming down to us from that.
You've really gotta hold it together,
otherwise you affect everyone around you.
That's massive if it comes to
saving someone's life.
[Jen] That's a fuel sign, uh,
we think that might be it?
- [Beth] Look, Lochcarron Garage.
- [Jen] And shop. Okay.
[Beth] Let's get in.
[suspenseful music]
[Beth] There's a box on the seat in here.
[Beth] No, I think these are toolkits.
- [Beth] Nice car at the back though.
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Beth] Let's figure out
how we get it down.
It's hydraulic,
so we're looking for a lever.
[Jen] Oh, it's got "play me".
[Controller] This is
the Daimler Sovereign 4.2.
This car was used by a prime minister
following a terrorist bomb attack.
The car was armour plated.
They also installed
a special headrest for power naps.
For 10,000 pounds,
which prime minister's car was it?
A. Tony Blair.
B. Winston Churchill.
C. Margaret Thatcher.
I don't think there were terrorist attacks
around Winston Churchill era.
Rule out Winston Churchill.
I think Churchill's out,
even though it'd probably be
right up his street, that car.
Is it worth having a look at the car?
[Jen] Hoping to find
a prime minister's ID card.
[Beth] Anything with information.
[Jen] It's a pretty old car.
I don't think it's a Tony Blair era car.
I can't imagine Margaret Thatcher
being in this car though.
I was really hoping
there was gonna be a bit of a clue.
Tony Blair.
I didn't really pay too much attention
to politics at that age.
Now I kind of wish I had. [chuckles]
I'm thinking terrorist attack,
that's a key word in that question.
- It would've been the IRA, wouldn't it?
- Yeah.
Because IRA was around when I was a kid,
which would've been the 80s.
I don't recall hearing about
a lot of bombings with Tony Blair.
I feel like I wanna say Thatcher
just because of
the fact she wasn't massively liked
and definitely people
would want to take her out.
Is that harsh?
I just feel like
Thatcher famously mentioned
that she never slept
more than four hours.
That's true.
If you don't sleep more than four hours,
we know medically you're slightly broken,
you'll have to have a nap.
- We're gonna go with C then.
- [Beth] Should we go with C?
- Do it?
- [Jen] Yeah.
- And we're both okay?
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Jen] We're as okay as we'll ever be.
- [Beth] C, Margaret Thatcher, yeah?
- [Jen] Yeah.
- I'm really nervous. Ready? I'll do it.
- [Jen] Yeah, go.
[Controller] For 10,000 pounds,
you chose C, Margaret Thatcher.
Your answer is
[gasps] Yes!
Oh, wow.
[epic music]
- Okay, it's really busy.
- How will we know what to look for?
[Beth] I don't know.
Maybe someone will give us information.
[Controller] Maybe they will.
[Joey] Tracker's still getting us
through this undergrowth.
- [James] Yeah?
- [Joey] Yeah, mate.
[Joey] Oh, the crossroads.
- Left or right, then?
- Let's go right.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
[Joey] You're machete-happy now.
You're like Rambo.
[James] Oh my God.
[Joey] It's a graveyard. Oh my God.
This is what happened to the last people
that went on with the voice.
Hold on a minute though, look.
Yeah, we got a bit of civilization here.
Yeah. This is something,
I think we might have found something.
[James] Here, look.
[Joey] Hold on,
I better get me proper bins on.
Is this telling us what settings we need?
[Joey] Is it that you need to get
something started up?
[James] These are all the same settings.
[Joey] That's upside down,
Transmitter, selector, magnet. I mean
Does this stuff
get this going or something?
[Joey] I don't know what that is.
I'm not a
It's like a turbine, I can't even see it.
- [James] Here, that's literally that.
- [Joey] Yeah.
[James] We've gotta get there.
It's a building.
[Joey] That's the control panel
for that system.
[James] Be handy if we saw
a big old red wheel.
[Joey] Yeah. Is there something outside?
[James] All right
[Joey] The tracker's still beeping.
We're going the right way.
We're losing the light really rapidly.
[James] It's gonna start
getting dangerous.
[Joey] I think we need to
get to a sort of clearing.
[James] Yeah.
Hey, this will do mate. This is perfect.
[James] It's one thing tying a knot,
it's another thing tying a good knot.
One of us is gonna fall
on our arse, ain't they?
And I believe that that
is my bed for the night.
Not the best one I've ever had.
[bag unzipping]
[Joey] What's that you got?
He dropped that whiskey in the bloody bag.
- Seriously, mate.
- All things considered it could be time.
After you, bruv.
- Oh dear, bottoms up.
- I'm not even a big fan of it.
[coughs] Oh, woo!
Might go on the fire
Remember when we went camping with Dad?
I think Mum and Dad had just got divorced,
Dad, me, you just sat by the campfire
chatting for ages.
We're going back years now,
but being the oldest,
when Mum and Dad got divorced and stuff,
obviously we
I was quite a bit younger than you.
What was did that like
- It fucked me up, mate.
- Yeah?
A hundred percent.
- How old were you?
- 11.
Just starting senior school.
I don't know, it done me.
That's why I was so naughty
after for a few years
because I didn't really know
what was going on.
- [James] Lost.
- Yeah, a little bit.
Yeah, just didn't really understand it.
This has been like
a bit of a second chance for me.
I didn't go away when I was younger.
I sort of dived into stuff and thought,
"I've got to get a house and"
Life didn't pass me by,
but before you know it,
you're like, "I'm 30."
And it just happened like that for me.
Now it's opened up my eyes
and deep thoughts to think,
"I want to go out
and see more of the world
and I'm gonna try and grab it
with both hands."
End of the day,
the money's the thing we're going for,
but I think more than anything,
we've gotta keep this adventure going.
[Joey] Oh mate, long may it continue.
[James] Right, I'm off to bed, mate.
- See you in the morning.
- Have a good night's kip.
- [James] Tomorrow we go.
- [Joey] We go again.
[suspenseful music]
[phone ringing]
[Jen] Can you hear that? No way.
- [Beth] Ready?
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Controller] Welcome to Istanbul.
Your next question is for 25,000 pounds.
Next question is for 25,000 pounds.
You'll find it underneath Taksim Square
in the metro station.
In the metro station.
It's in a maintenance tunnel.
You have 90 minutes.
We've got 90 minutes.
Are we going to need to ask?
- There's more signs up here.
- Okay.
[Jen] I've had some pretty risky times
in my career.
In 2010 I was deployed with the RAF
as a reservist to Afghanistan.
It was really hard because you saw
young men with horrific injuries.
It was difficult.
[sombre music]
I think you kind of get used to operating
under a certain level of stress.
I was one of the nurses
running a medical clinic
in the British Embassy compound in Kabul,
and hearing a huge explosion
very close by,
and finding out afterwards
that it was someone
that had gone into a hospital
and blown themselves up
and killed a load of civilians.
It was scary
how close you were to it then.
I think to do that kind of work,
you've got to be a calm person.
To work in a high-pressure environment,
you need to think quickly, on your feet,
make quite quick decisions.
I think there's stairs there,
look, metro sign.
If that says Taksim Does it?
It says Taksim, the metro.
- [Jen] It's shut.
- [Beth] Yeah.
- There must be another way.
- Let's go around.
Look, is it a lift?
- [Beth] Is it working?
- [Jen] I don't know.
The cables are moving though.
- [Jen] Oh, yes.
- [Beth] Oh.
[suspenseful music]
Oh God. It's massive.
It's huge.
[Beth] No
[Controller] Taksim Square,
one of Turkey's busiest metro stations.
Closed for tonight.
[Beth] Is there anything?
Do you think we're allowed in here?
Anything, Beth?
[Beth] I'm trying to see if there's
anything I can see on the pictures.
Oh. Maintenance tunnel.
[Beth] Okay. What that says?
Peron 1. Go there. Let's go there.
[suspenseful music]
- [Jen] This is really creepy.
- [Beth] This is horribly creepy.
Access to train.
[Beth] Look. Let's go over, just go over.
[eerie music]
- Jen, we've got 15 minutes.
- Okay.
[Jen] There's a gate here.
The maintenance tunnel.
[Beth] Oh, wow.
Oh, no.
[Jen] This is creepy.
This is really creepy.
[Beth] Do you think we've got
to get on the track?
[Jen] Looks like there's two tunnels.
What's that?
There's a train up here though.
[Beth] I reckon go to the train.
- [Beth] Is it open?
- [Jen] Yeah, it's open.
[Beth] Let's get on.
Oh God, we've only got
four minutes left, Jen.
Oh my goodness. It's completely empty.
[Jen] It's a long train.
- [Beth] Speed up?
- [Jen] Okay.
- [Beth] [gasps] A case! Get it.
- [Jen] Hang on.
Do we just open them?
- [Beth] You ready? You got one?
- [Jen] Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
[Jen] It's a skull.
[Controller] You're standing in one of
the oldest metros in the world.
During recent digs in the area,
a treasure trove
of animal skeletons was unearthed,
including the remains of a circus.
For 25,000 pounds,
what circus animal
did this skull belong to?
A chimp,
an elephant,
a bear.
- It's definitely not an elephant.
- A hundred percent not an elephant.
- Can I have a look?
- Yeah.
[Jen] It's got these big canine teeth.
And it's got a longer skull.
Looks more like a dog.
- A chimp would have a skull more like us.
- Yeah.
- That's nothing like us.
- Definitely not.
- [Beth] So, bear?
- [Jen] Yeah. I think it's a bear.
[both] Ready? one, two, three.
[Controller] You chose option C.
You're answer is
Longest wait ever.
[Beth] Go please.
[Controller] Correct.
- Mate. Well done.
- I knew it was.
[James] Mate, it's so hot already.
[fast beeps]
- [Joey] The tracker's going bananas now.
- [James] That is a good sign.
[Joey] The needle's dive
jumping about and everything.
- [James] Really?
- [Joey] It's the first time.
We've got to be close.
- [James] There's something here.
- [Joey] See how loud that is now?
[beeping gets louder]
[James] Nah, that can't be it.
[beeping gets faster]
Down there or straight over?
[Joey] This is the loudest
it's ever been, so we've gotta be here.
[beeping gets louder]
Here you are! The shovel.
Oi, oi!
Look at
[beeping gets faster]
- [Joey] Get digging.
- Out of the way with the tracker.
[Joey] You're right on top of it.
- That's about as deep as you can
- He's not making it easy, is he?
You have a go Joe,
clear a bit more on a path as well.
- [Joey] Is that the tree root?
- [James] That's the root.
I'm pretty sure
he's probably dug it quite deep.
- There's something down there.
- Down there.
We're gonna need to dig more out.
[suspenseful music]
- [James] It's there.
- [Joey] Got it.
Is that a handle? That's the handle.
- [James] Oh, no.
- [Joey] That's broken.
- [James] Pull it up by the strap.
- [Joey] It's wrapped in plastic.
- [James] There you go. Keep going.
- [Joey] [grunts]
- [grunts] Oh, mate.
- Have you snapped it?
That's it, that'll come.
[both] Yes!
Well done, geez.
[James] Here we go.
Oh, hello.
[James] Welcome to Rio.
[Controller] Joey and James,
you will be expecting a question.
For 100,000 pounds, it won't be that easy.
Oh, Jeez.
[Controller] Your question is more
than 2,000 miles away.
After all that.
How can he expect us to do that?
How what 2,000 miles away?
- Let me have a look at that.
- Welcome to Rio.
[Joey] Anything on the back?
"Where was this taken?"
We need to go to Rio.
[epic music]
Rio de Janeiro, baby.
Mate. So this is Copacabana Beach?
This is Copacabana.
I didn't think I'd be here,
I can tell you that.
So, what we saying?
Get that postcard out.
Where was this taken?
[James] I reckon
it's Christo the Redeemer.
[Joey] Yeah?
Now I'm looking at that,
I don't think it at all.
You can't see it from here at all.
[James] You see this building here?
Is that not that there?
- That that building there.
- The Hilton?
So, that's Sugarloaf Mountain,
Pão de Açucar.
- Do we know that for sure?
- One hundred percent.
You see the cable cars?
That might be what the pulleys are for.
- The pictures?
- Yeah.
- In the control room.
- For sure.
- Yes, mate.
- All right, now we got to get in there.
Let's walk, gotta walk to start with.
[phone ringing]
Hold tight.
[Controller] Congratulations,
Joey and James.
You've figured it out. Look around you.
A black Jaguar
is waiting to take you there.
[James] Is that a Jag?
I'm not up with me cars.
The black Jag out there, mate.
- Oi, oi!
- What, in this gear?
[Joey] I love this setup
of you're in a busy, busy city,
with a beach, with mountains.
It's unreal.
I definitely didn't get
the memo on the dress code.
It's budgie smugglers and thong bikinis,
mate, it's the order of the day.
You look like you got
a pair of winter pyjamas.
[Joey] I'm not smelling the freshest.
Oh, here we go.
- [Joey] Let's do it.
- [James] Let's do it, son.
What do you reckon, up there?
Hold tight, the phone's gone again.
[both] Take the jungle path.
That's gotta be that, innit?
It's straight there.
[James] This is gonna be sweat box city.
[Joey] I thought young whipper snapper
like you, would run up this.
[James] Oh, yeah.
[Joey] That Jag ride
seems a long way away now.
[James] Yeah, man.
Just gotta get up that last stretch.
No messing about.
[Controller] Welcome
to Sugarloaf Mountain.
[Joey] Jeez.
[laughs] Oh, mate.
[tense music]
[James] [laughs]
- We're climbing up it.
- He's having a laugh, ain't he?
How the eff are we gonna do that?
I'm guessing we'll stick the gear on
and give it our best shot.
- That is outrageous, mate.
- That is a straight cliff face.
[Joey] This is getting serious.
Proper pasties, these are mate,
I don't know what foot's what.
[laughs] These shoes are sharper
than some of the things
I've seen you in over the years.
Now, those white winkle pickers I had
were stuff of legend
back in the blue orchid days.
[Joey] Shall I take the reins here?
Age before beauty.
[James] You got the honour, bro.
- Right. Here goes nothing mate.
- Crack on.
[tense music]
[James] Take your time.
[Joey] Can't get a grip.
- You all right, James?
- Yeah.
Tell you what, some of its slippery mate.
Oh, mate.
[wind blowing]
- Jeez.
- Oh, God. [grunts]
This is hard work, James.
I've got no strength.
Jeez. [grunts]
[both grunting]
[grunting continues]
This is bollocks.
I've got no strength in my fingers.
Your brain's telling you
you got nothing left in your arms.
It's not a nice way to be.
You think, "Well, I can't let go"
and start to panic a little bit, I do.
I'm not like scared of heights or nothing,
but it's the feeling
of losing grip on reality, you know?
[suspenseful music]
[Joey] Okay, mate?
Fucking hell.
I'm struggling here.
[yells] [grunts]
[Joey] You all right, Jimmy?
Nearly there son.
[grunts] Come on.
[series of grunts]
- Well done, man.
- Yes, mate.
- Jeez.
- Oh, God.
[Joey] I didn't think I would do that.
My arms were like jelly.
Need a big fucking la-di, -da on the go,
you know what I mean?
Mate, it's unbelievable, innit?
[Joey] What a view.
Look at the vistas.
Have you got that postcard?
I think I have,
but there ain't much left of it now.
[Joey] [laughs] Look,
it's exactly what it is.
- [James] Yeah.
- [Joey] We're in the right spot.
It's gotta be round here,
you see that control panel?
Hold on. That looks like the photos.
Yeah, the pullies.
[bird squawking]
[Joey] We're in the right ballpark.
Oh, mate.
- [James] It's got to be around here.
- [Joey] He'll make us go to the top.
We need a main control area.
That's it there, man. That's it.
I think you might be right.
Can we get in there?
That's locked, mate.
[James] I think that's
the control panel in the corner.
Remember the phone and the red door?
Yeah, yes.
[phone buzzes]
Hold tight.
- Get in the cable car.
- [James] Where is it?
Get in the cable car.
- [James] The cable car ain't here.
- [Joey] No. Have a look, let's see.
[James] The cable car ain't here.
[Joey] Yeah,
well the cable car's at the bottom.
- Do we get in there and bring it up?
- Possibly.
Is that door?
[jitters handle]
[James] We gotta think
about how this opens.
- Have we had any numbers?
- DRAX? What about DRAX?
Yes, D. R. A. X., type that in.
[door beeps]
[whistles] Well remembered, mate.
[both laugh]
Well done.
He wants us to get in the cable car.
So, somehow
We've got to find a way of opening this.
[Joey] I don't know about that.
I think there's just a button
we'll have to press.
That's too technical.
We could end up
blowing the bloody thing up.
- Blowing the bloody doors off.
- Exactly.
I think a green button means go,
I think hitting maybe a green button.
Something like that. Or that one there?
On that panel?
Do you want to press it?
I'll press it.
I'm not in the car,
I'm not gonna fall off, am I?
- [James] Go on, let's do it.
- [Joey] Yeah?
[James] All right, ready?
[long beep]
Something's happening.
- [James] Yeah, we're going.
- [Joey] Ho-hoy!
- [Joey] Sweet.
- [James] Happy days.
- [Joey] Out to the platform.
- [James] Yeah, it's coming up.
- [Joey] Get in there.
- [James] Sweet as a nut.
[James] There's a question in there
or we got to go somewhere.
We've been told we get in the cable car,
so we just take it step by step with him.
[suspenseful music]
Doors are open. That's open. It's great.
Let's just go with what we can do then.
Just take it steady.
There's a ladder here.
[James] We must be going down.
- Here y'are!
- Here we go.
We go again. We go again.
[James] Where to, henceforth?
- Well, we're off.
- We're off.
- I'm on edge.
- A hundred percent I'm on edge.
Something's not right.
There's a strange sort of vibe going on.
[unsettling music]
- We know that something's gonna happen.
- There's a bloody ladder there.
I'm trying not to think like that.
It's, um
[cable car creaking]
- Fucking hell.
- Woah.
What is he doing?
I fucking knew it!
[phone buzzes]
Phone's gone.
[breathing heavily]
Jesus Christ. Another message.
Of course it is. I knew it.
The hooks on that ladder link up to that.
He's starting to bug me,
this geezer, I tell ya.
Put it back a little bit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's it. I'm locked in.
All right, away we go.
- How does that work?
- That'll pop open.
Make sure
it don't come crashing back down.
Keep hold of that.
[James] Bloody hell.
The view is mesmerizing,
if not a little fearful from up here.
- Bloody hell.
- What we got?
You got the top of the cart.
It's a mesmerizing view,
but the situation's something else.
[Joey] You're only 2,000 foot
up in the air, mate.
Hold on.
[Joey] What we got?
[James] The suitcase
is hanging from the frame.
[Joey] Are you gonna be
all right getting it?
- [James] I don't think I've got a choice.
- [Joey] No, not really.
Just watch it, it's wobbling a bit.
[suspenseful music]
I'm literally standing
on the top of a cable car,
about 2,000 meters in the air.
[epic music]
[James] Bloody hell.
[Joey] You all right?
- I've got it.
- [Joey] Good man, yeah, pass it down.
- You take that.
- Pass it down. I've got it.
- [James] You got it?
- Yeah, I've got it. Good lad.
- [James] Wait till I get down.
- [Joey] I'm down. I'm off.
- [James] I've got the stool.
- [Joey] Grab it and put it on there.
[James] Let's do it together, man.
[both] One, two, three.
[Bossa Nova music plays]
[Controller] Beneath you
is Rio de Janiero,
one of the most stunning but sometimes
dangerous places in the world.
[Bossa Nova music continues]
Out of the chaos of this city
came Bossa Nova,
a deeply evocative
and emotional type of Samba,
[Bossa Nova music continues]
which you're listening to right now.
[music cuts off]
For 100,000 pounds,
this music is said to evoke what feeling?
[suspenseful music]
[end credits music]
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