1992 (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Sevilla es como soñar con el cielo

[calming piano music playing]
[voicemail] The number you have dialed
is not available.
Virgil. Sorry to call you like this.
I know it's late.
Listen. I need you to cover for me
in the morning. Maybe the day after.
On my way to Seville.
That's none of your goddamn business
where I go.
You fucking owe me, remember?
I'm not asking.
Get your ass down there first thing.
Or hand in your keys.
[cell phone vibrating]
Not yet. Just her voicemail.
It is. I'll let you know. Thanks.
Amparo, I have a feeling
you're in trouble.
I'm on my way there now.
Whatever you're doing,
you need to wait for me, okay?
This is too dangerous.
I'm on the train,
and you need to call me back right away.
[ominous music playing]
Don't look at me like that.
I'm sure she's all right.
You'll see.
- You recognize her?
- No. Mm-mm.
- Have you seen this woman?
- [driver 1] Sorry.
- No. You need a ride?
- Yeah.
[driver 2] Hop in.
This weather, huh? Can't make up its mind.
It goes from drought to monsoon.
They say it's due to climate change.
[blows raspberry, laughs]
[scoffs] I don't buy it.
It's worse than that.
It's due to the chem trails.
They're fumigating us from up there.
I have proof.
The government, the pharma companies.
It's a whole network.
Last week, a cousin of mine
went to Madrid on business.
He's in computers.
They were at a restaurant
with some clients,
and in the middle of dinner,
everyone got a nuclear alert
on their phone at the same time.
It was this message
from the state authority,
warning about severe rainfall
and saying not to go outside at all.
I need you to take the next right.
We already went that way,
just so you know.
I want to go down that same way again.
I'll go as many times as you want,
but you're gonna have to pay.
I know, just keep driving.
You know why that happened?
With the phone alert?
It's from accepting cookies.
When you click "accept all cookies"
on a website,
you're agreeing to everything, man.
You're selling your soul to the devil.
You're letting them
listen to you, watch you,
with those tiny little cameras
on the phones
that no one can live without.
You wanna know what I do?
I put tape over the camera.
That way, they can't see anything
[unsettling music rises]
[melancholy theme music playing]
[gloomy theme music fades]
[girl] Dude, Pedri was so wasted
when I saw him out there
- [guy 1] Pedri.
- [girl] On the floor.
I thought he was gonna kiss
everybody out there.
- Me too.
- He's always wasted.
- I need to pee. Keep watch.
- [guy 2] Go ahead.
Watch out, and if you film this,
I'll cut your balls off.
[indistinct chatter]
- [guy 1] Give me that.
- [guy 2] Stop.
- Come on.
- [guy 2] Stop.
[girl] Oy
- Psst! You can't watch me!
- [guy 2 chuckles]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [whistles]
- What?
- Look, look, look, look, look!
At what? You told us not to fucking look.
Down by the water, dumbass.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
Do you think they're
- Shit!
- What the fuck?
- [guy 2] I thought it was a body!
- We need an ambulance.
- No.
- Yeah, we do.
The ambulance'll call the cops.
I still have half the molly.
She could've been assaulted.
[guy 1] I say we leave her. She's fine.
[guy 2] Someone else'll find her.
[tense music rises]
[girl] We were dancing all night.
I went down because I needed to pee,
and I saw her there.
[guy 1] We were keeping
an eye on her, then
- [sirens wailing in distance]
- [indistinct police radio chatter]
Pressure's good. Does it hurt anywhere?
- Only my whole body.
- No kidding. But there's nothing broken.
Hitting the water like that,
you're lucky to be in one piece.
- Are you allergic to any medication?
- No.
I'll give you an antibiotic
because you swallowed a lot of water.
And that river
isn't very clean, unfortunately.
Here you go. Now you try to rest.
We'll check on you in a few hours.
I'd rather get out of here.
Fresh air and a coffee, and I'll be fine.
We can't release you yet.
You might have a concussion.
Symptoms don't always show up right away.
Yeah, but I have to be somewhere.
I had a
These are the things they found on you.
[doctor] I can't force you to stay,
ma'am, but I think you should.
I feel fine. Really.
Thank you.
The police have some questions.
They're waiting for you.
About what?
- How I ended up there?
- Under a bridge and unconscious.
Yeah, but I didn't jump,
if that's what you're after.
I did, uh
quite recently become a widow. Hmm?
I would never do that to my son, okay?
- Okay.
- Hmm?
So you're still in mourning.
I'm sure that's difficult.
My son just moved to Canada,
and I sort of promised a selfie.
But it was darker
than I thought up there, and I fell.
[sighs] Selfies'll be the end of us.
They're a fast track to the ER.
Everything's gone. My credit cards
and money, they took it all.
Maybe I could use your phone to call?
This thing is kaput.
Never mind. My husband's number is
the only one I know by heart.
Thank you.
[somber music playing]
Excuse us! You can't just walk out of here
like that, ma'am.
- Why? They released me.
- You're not wearing shoes.
I know.
Somebody should be with her.
- How can they let her leave?
- Why didn't you stop her?
- We tried.
- [officer scoffs]
[gloomy music fades out]
- Hello. How are you?
- Have an appointment?
I need a new phone.
This one is pretty much ruined.
Without an appointment,
I'm afraid I can't help you.
I have an account with your company
if you want to check.
- [scoffs] Right.
- I'm in a tough spot.
My wallet was stolen.
We don't address that sort of problem.
If you could just go over
and get one of those phones?
Then we can just swap my SIM and my phone
will work.
- I can pay with the card on file.
- The card that was stolen?
I'm telling you, I have an account.
Go look it up!
They took everything.
I need you to get me a new one.
You need to leave. Without money
or an appointment, I can't help you.
Call the manager.
You are the rudest salesperson ever.
- I refuse to talk to you.
- And I refuse to talk to you.
Now get lost, or I call the cops.
[woman clears throat]
[man] I can't give you
that information, sir.
I understand.
I just want to know if you've seen her.
I think something bad
might've happened to her.
He already told you.
Who says you're not a jealous partner
or some kind of stalker?
You can check my record.
I used to be a detective in Madrid.
Yeah. As if that gives you a free pass?
Do you know how many cops I've known
who were charged with abuse?
Or worse? Some were even friends.
I thought I knew them.
I'd put the cuffs on myself if I could.
We're not budging.
I get it.
I just want to know if she's all right.
You can file a missing person's report
if you're that worried.
But if you were a cop, then I'm sure
you know it's not very useful.
[irritated] I hear you.
You've been a great help.
Thanks for nothing.
[suspenseful music playing]
Anyone here?
Excuse me? I need a phone.
[clerk] They're at the front.
Beautiful. I'm in a bit of a bind.
My wallet was stolen,
so I don't have anything to pay with.
But I can give you my old phone,
which was super expensive.
[indistinct chatter on TV]
Super expensive and super trashed.
- What?
- I'm looking at your watch.
Can I see it?
Is it stolen?
Better than the phone.
- Take it.
- I'm gonna keep this thing, too.
[Amparo] Yeah, sure. Here.
[clerk] Nice.
The SIM?
And these.
No. I only want the phone, thank you.
I want to give you more, though.
- It's a good watch.
- [Amparo] I don't mind.
- I want you to have it.
- [phone chimes]
- [ringtone playing]
- Ah. Excuse me.
- Richi?
- [man] Amparo Castaño?
- [Amparo] Uh, this is she.
- Fernando Victoria. You came to my office.
- Yes?
- We need to meet.
[shop bell chimes]
[unsettling music playing]
[unsettling music subsides]
- [Amparo] Mr. Victoria?
- Yes.
- Amparo, right?
- Yes.
- Let's get out of the rain.
- Right.
- Crazy weather. Have a seat.
- Hi.
Okay. Just have a seat.
I'll get you some menus. Two more!
Let me start by saying,
I am very sorry about your husband.
Thanks for that. Except,
how do you know my husband died?
You included that in the note you left.
- [sighs] You must think I'm crazy.
- No.
Quite the opposite.
You don't know what a relief
it is to talk about this.
If you want to know the truth
I'm scared to death.
I'm sure.
And when I'm scared
or nervous, I get hungry.
- Will you join me? Like fried fish?
- I'm starving.
- Mr. Victoria
- Relax, it's my treat.
But only if you stop calling me mister.
Um, may we have
a little bit of everything.
A combination of fish.
The usual, you know?
Want wine?
- Pinot grigio?
- And two pinot grigios.
- [Encarna] Perfect.
- I have to say, um
That when I heard about
what happened to, uh
Valcárcel and Granjero,
I thought it could be a coincidence.
- But when I heard about Zamorano
- Did you talk to Zamorano?
- I thought you might have heard.
- Heard what?
He died in his residence last night.
In a fire.
I'm so sorry. I went to visit Zamorano
after leaving your office.
You weren't the only one.
Listen. He He was in that place
due to his memory loss, from what I know.
He was pretty gone. Such an awful end.
It didn't even make the news.
As in, it needs to stay quiet?
[inhales deeply] For somebody.
I hear that Esteban Palacios is thinking
of throwing his hat in the ring
to be our next PM.
He wouldn't want anything to get out.
Why not?
Are there skeletons in his closet?
[chuckles] Not just skeletons.
When you get as high up as he has,
there's whole mountains
of secrets to keep.
Try some of the fish.
Something big must have set this off.
Who'd want to kill them?
I think it could be who sent this.
I got it in my personal email last night.
And I don't give that address
to anyone I don't know.
[Amparo] "I want 3,000,000 euros."
"If you don't pay,
fire will reveal the truth."
What the hell does that mean?
What truth will be revealed?
- Where do you want me to start?
- The beginning.
- It goes back to
- Mm-hmm?
- The preparations for Expo '92.
- [energetic music playing]
[Victoria] Those were crazy days.
Not only did all of Spain
have its eye on Seville,
but the entire world was watching.
[crowd cheering]
[Victoria] Domingo Granjero
was already a well-known developer.
He'd made a name for himself
with major constructions projects.
José Zamorano was a commissioner.
Roberto Valcárcel was the boss,
and he divided up the pie.
Esteban Palacios was put in charge
of investments, marketing,
all that high-profile stuff.
I worked as an aide for Zamorano's office.
I was an eager young gun,
starting to make
a bit of a name for myself.
[crowd cheering]
You can probably imagine the pressure
that we were put under.
We were responsible for Spain's reputation
in the eyes of the world.
For the first official ceremony,
before the grand opening,
we planned to launch
an exact replica of the Nao Victoria.
- Mm?
- I wish it were in my honor.
It's the vessel in which Elcano completed
the first round-the-world journey.
It was supposed
to sail triumphantly up the Guadalquivir.
A proud symbol of Spain's
imperial conquest!
[man] There he is! Curro!
[uplifting music playing]
[crowd chanting] Curro, Curro,
Curro, Curro, Curro, Curro, Curro!
[all cheer]
- [explosion blasts]
- [crowd screams]
- [heroic music cuts out]
- [rumbling]
[boat creaking]
[camera shutters clicking]
- [rope snaps]
- [Curro screams]
[reporter] The disastrous launch
took place this afternoon
in the port city of Isla Cristina,
in Huelva.
The event was intended to celebrate
the maiden voyage of the replica
of the ancient vessel Nao Victoria.
The ship capsized due
to insufficient draft.
There were no major injuries,
but a few people did need rescuing,
including the person
inside the Expo mascot, Curro.
[Amparo] I don't remember that.
That's because you were too young,
but it made nightly news around the world.
The official explanation was
that there was a problem with the draft
and stability, etcetera, etcetera.
But [inhales sharply]
it isn't the real story, you know?
- The real story is that it was sabotage.
- [eerie music playing]
Eventually, we found out that Zamorano
had been receiving threats,
but he stupidly decided to ignore them.
Like a typical Spaniard.
In his defense, these things
attract the crazy and absurd.
It's par for the course.
But one letter did stand out
from all the others.
- It was typewritten and succinct.
- Mm-hmm.
Three lines that mentioned
sabotaging the launch.
But José didn't give it any more attention
than the others.
- Would you like dessert?
- No.
The Victoria got our attention.
Only, it turned out
to be just the beginning.
A few days after the boat incident,
Palacios received another warning.
"The grand opening is near,
and time is running out."
"If you don't want to lose
more than your jobs,
you have to pay 200 million pesetas."
- And converted to euros?
- Boatloads in any currency.
- Makes sense.
- Yes.
Our group was managing billions in funds.
But it was impossible for us to get
that amount in cash on such short notice.
I'll call the minister.
We called the government to the rescue.
[intense music playing]
[Victoria] Esteban met
with the minister of the interior
at the time to try to get the money.
At least to have them take care of it.
The rest of us sat at the kids' table.
I think you agree
the situation is unacceptable.
Yes, I do. But it won't resolve itself.
We need to find a solution, quickly.
You're gonna have to do that on your own.
- You have a contingency fund, don't you?
- Yes, of course.
You were given carte blanche.
Have you seen the prices on this menu?
[chuckles nervously] Yes.
[Valcárcel] He's smiling.
What do you think?
It's obvious.
They're getting on each other's good side.
"You can go far, Esteban."
"If you listen
to what I'm about to tell you."
"You have to become
a champion booty kisser."
[group laughs]
"You mean kiss asses?" "Yes."
"I've become a professional.
I'm happy to teach you."
"I would love nothing more."
"The first rule is
you don't pucker up unless you're alone."
This is very useful. May I quote that?
"That's 'pucker' with a P?"
- "P, huh?"
- [Victoria] He's taking notes. Look.
- [Zamorano] With his pen.
- [Victoria] "You are a link."
"Someone kisses your ass,
then you kiss mine."
"I kiss the presidential ass,
and together, we suck the state dry."
- [slurps]
- You know we could all lose our jobs.
Laughter's the best medicine.
You could use an extra dose.
The closer to the goal,
the bigger the shit hits the fan.
[minister] Looking forward
to seeing what you work out.
I do have patience, sir.
I've seen how you play the long game.
- You pay attention.
- I do.
[quietly] They're done.
[Valcárcel] I don't understand
why we asked for this.
[tense music playing]
- You think we still have jobs?
- [sighs]
He says the government can't pay
that blackmail. We're on our own.
- What?
- They're not paying?
He says we have carte blanche
on the contingency fund,
and we're responsible
for what happens next.
- He hung us out to dry.
- [Valcárcel] Yep.
We're fucked. What do we do?
- [sirens wailing]
- [crowd clamoring]
The Seville Fire Department
has sent every unit to battle the blaze
at the Discovery Pavilion
ravaged by flames.
The pavilion appears to be destroyed,
with only two months until inauguration.
The overwhelming power
of the blaze left no chance
for the emblematic building to be saved.
The exact cause of the
fire is still unknown.
Various government officials are here,
having made the trip
to assess the magnitude
of the damage firsthand.
[reporter 1] Currently, the number
of potential victims is not clear.
But once it is known, this could turn
into a human tragedy on a grand scale.
Authorities say the cause
is under investigation.
However, everything seems
to be pointing to an unfortunate accident.
[reporter 2] Isla Cartuja
is covered in smoke.
As you can see, there are
emergency services in full force.
Ambulances, paramedics, firefighters
[Victoria] The very next day,
we got another fuckin' letter.
But now it wasn't for 200.
It was for 300 million.
- So, what did he do?
- My boss? Nothing.
[tense music playing]
[Victoria] In this case,
the government had to cough up the cash.
The minister didn't have a choice
unless he wanted the Expo to fail.
He raided some kind of reserve fund
that same day.
I'd never seen that much money
in my entire life.
And never have since.
The minister was willing
to put up the money but not lose it.
They wanted to use it
to catch the blackmailer.
So the head of security
for the Expo coordinated
with the National Research Council.
And they set up an operation
in downtown Seville.
They needed a fairly large open area
with lots of people.
But, my dear Amparo, Spain is different.
- [laughs]
- You know how we like to do things here.
But the Expo took it to a new dimension.
So the fuck-up
was quite literally biblical.
[religious procession band playing]
Can you believe this shit?
What's going on?
Attention, all.
There's some kind of Easter parade.
It's a procession for Holy Week.
But it isn't Easter,
and they don't even have a Virgin.
- [Palacios] A rehearsal?
- A rehearsal?
- I'm as surprised as you are.
- They're not ours?
I don't know who they are, sir.
Tell whoever's running this thing
to get that fucking parade out of there!
Do you copy?
Clear that procession out of the square.
Right now! Get them the hell out of there!
- Practicing for Easter?
- How did we not know they'd be here?
Do I look like security?
- Some congregations rehearse all year.
- I don't know!
[Valcárcel] Out of the frying pan
and into the fire, it seems.
[Granjero, under breath] Fuck.
The package is in the dumpster.
I repeat. The package is in the dumpster.
The hell is happening now?
He's taking the bag from the bin.
- We got that asshole.
- Yes, we did, Minister.
- [Valcárcel] Is that the blackmailer?
- Don't know. I can't see.
[Valcárcel] What's he doing?
- He looks like a bum.
- [Victoria] How can you tell from here?
- [Valcárcel] He just grabbed the bag.
- Why else would he be there?
We can't just let him walk away!
Fernando, go after him!
- [Victoria] I can't.
- Drop the bag! Do not move!
- Hey!
- [gun fires]
- [crowd screaming]
- Hey! Gunshots!
[suspenseful music playing]
Someone tell me what's happening.
[man] Get out of the way!
[indistinct shouting]
You need to stay out of sight.
[crowd clamoring]
Out of my way!
[man 1 grunts]
[man 2] Grabbed the wrong bag.
Get the briefcase open
so we know the money's still here.
[sirens approaching]
[Victoria] The bastard made off
with the 300 million.
To this day, I don't know how he did it.
The only one
who went near the dumpster was the bum.
We had eyes on that thing everywhere.
None of us took our attention off of it
for even one second, I swear.
We were all pissed.
And the minister, rightfully so.
Because that was his money,
and someone needed to take the fall.
The choice was obvious.
I was the puppy who was invited
to play along with the big dogs
as long as he was willing to pay his dues.
- But it also kept me out of politics.
- Of course.
But you aren't doing too badly.
- Hmm?
- Tech is still the future.
- And you didn't get any more letters?
- No.
None of us ever heard
from whoever it was again. Not a word.
- Until now.
- Exactly.
Everything that happened, papers I signed,
the bullshit I had to deal with
I was given amnesty,
so I don't care who knows.
What I do care about is
not being found dead in my car tomorrow,
burned to a crisp.
With a mini fuckin' Curro
stuck in my hand.
- Sorry.
- I need to ask you.
Yesterday, one of your cleaning ladies
accosted me.
I think her name is Rosa.
She knew who I was.
Where I was from. Told me to go home.
She seemed to know something.
I'm not familiar
with the maintenance staff.
But I'll look into it.
- Please do.
- Okay.
[cell phone ringing]
[Amparo] Sorry.
I'm in a restaurant. Where are you?
[suspenseful music playing]
[steam hisses]
[device beeping]
[sinister music rises]
[sinister music subsides]
[Richi] Amparo?
- Richi!
- [both laugh]
- How are you?
- Fine. Fine.
- You sure?
- Yeah, yeah.
Why do you look like you got run over?
I think we should sit down.
- Jesus.
- There's lots to tell you.
[Richi] Fuckin' A.
It's worse than I thought.
The fall could've killed you. Know that?
I had to do it.
I didn't mean to scare you.
No, no, no.
I was more than scared, Amparo.
You didn't think this thing through.
We have to stick together.
No more bailing like that.
Did you forget it was you who bailed?
I told you
that we had to step off and be patient.
I'm sorry, but I came here alone
because you made it clear
that you were not gonna engage. Yes or no?
- Hold on.
- Yes or no?
That was before you hopped on the
What? Hopped on a train
to find who murdered my husband?
It was my mission. I'll see it through.
[indistinct chatter]
Did you get a good look
at the guy in the sweatsuit?
Let's go over it.
You sure that this guy wanted to hurt you?
Maybe he wanted money for drugs,
or maybe he wanted to sell you some.
Or maybe he's just some nutcase?
I'm actually not sure. It could be.
But the look I saw in his eyes was so
It turned my blood cold, Richi.
- And there was Rosa!
- [phone vibrating]
We need to find out
what her involvement is in this. Now.
Yes? She's in one piece.
She's fine. 'Kay, we'll meet you there.
- Who's that?
- Robledo. Just got into town.
We're meeting him at Victoria's office.
- Robledo?
- He had to get on board.
Zamorano's death made him realize
we're onto something.
- We're not alone anymore.
- That's correct.
- [chuckles]
- [Amparo sighs]
[gentle music playing]
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Okay?
Now let's go see Robledo
and find out who killed Alvaro.
[suspenseful music playing]
[bones crack]
[tense music swells]
[music fades]
[Victoria] I'm sending it as we speak.
[Amparo] Excuse me, Mr. Victoria?
[Victoria] Adolfo, I'm sorry.
I have to call you back.
Who are your friends?
This is Ricardo Zurita,
a former detective.
He was a friend of my husband's,
and he's been helping me.
Commissioner Robledo.
Amparo filled me in earlier.
Did she really?
And here, I thought it was
a private conversation over lunch.
If I'd wanted to involve the police,
I'd have called myself.
No, no. This is personal business
and an unofficial visit on my part.
If my presence bothers you,
I can go order room service at my hotel
and come back
to identify your charred remains.
We're going to find the killer.
I think the best way for us to do that
is to find out
who was behind the extortion.
- Do you think it could be the same person?
- That's highly probable.
But why reappear 30 years later?
It was bad enough in '92,
but this is different.
How can you kill some poor guy
who's completely lost his mind?
Because pesetas
didn't keep up with inflation
and the greedy shit needs more cash.
This is his way of scaring
the only one of you
who could have access to that much money
on such short notice.
Which is Palacios.
- The only thing to do is meet with him.
- That's not an option.
I've been wondering
if the minister got any more letters.
Amparo, you have to talk to him.
I would call,
but Esteban cut me off years ago.
I can't call him. Nobody knows I'm here.
And if Palacios or anyone in his office
finds out I'm here with you in Seville,
my head will roll.
- There won't be an investigation.
- We're running solo.
At least until I'm sure
of who we can trust.
Or until we've got
something solid to go on.
What can I do to help?
Did you ever have any contact
with the letter writer?
Did you get a look at him? Hear his voice?
The only contact I was made aware of
were the letters I mentioned to Amparo.
Do you know where they are now?
- Are you in a hurry?
- [loud ticking]
[timer bell rings]
[tense music playing]
[fan whirring loudly]
[tense music continues]
I think it's been at least
ten years or so since anyone's been here.
What is all this?
This is where they keep
all the paperwork related to the Expo.
Contracts, reports, purchase orders,
returns, complaints,
security footage, safety tests,
and [sighs]
Is this it?
Yes, it is.
This box contains all the letters.
They're photocopies, hmm?
The originals went to the police.
Do you mind if we dig around a little?
Not at all. That's why we're down here.
I think this'll keep you busy for a while.
I have a call to make.
If you need me, don't hesitate. Hmm?
Antonio, you'll take care of my guests?
Anything they need, okay?
- Um, Amparo?
- Yes?
I looked into the cleaning woman
you told me about.
- Rosa Fuentes, hm?
- Fuentes.
I'm told she's working tomorrow morning
if you want to talk to her again.
- Thank you.
- [Victoria] Good luck.
What did he tell you?
The cleaning lady I met
is named Rosa Fuentes.
- The one on the bridge?
- There's only one.
- I guess I'll start with this aisle.
- Yeah.
I'll head over that way.
[ominous music playing]
[mist spraying]
[intense, rhythmic music playing]
I think it's time we call it a night.
Get some rest. Come back tomorrow
and take a look with fresh eyes.
No, no. I'm going to stay on it
since we're already here.
You all right?
[sighs] It's pretty fuckin' hot.
I'm sweating to death. Ah.
[exhales] What are those?
Bills for champagne and wine.
Hotel suites.
Fancy cars.
No trouble spending
the taxpayer's dime, huh?
[Robledo] You know how things were.
Livin' the high life.
Yeah, because our politicians don't do
anything like that now. Pfft!
[sighs] I'm boiling. I'm going outside.
I can't breathe in here.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Do you remember the date
of the boat fiasco? The exact date?
The Victoria was February 7, 1992.
- [Amparo] Right.
- Why?
It says here that on February 7,
there was less security.
Normally, there were around 40
or 50 patrol officers
and that day, there were 15.
That doesn't mean anything.
Could just be a coincidence.
February 18, can you take a look?
February 18, what's that about?
- The pavilion burnt down.
- Let's see what the numbers were.
- [gasps] Just 12.
- [gasps]
He had access to that information
and planned around it.
Or else he was involved
in scheduling security.
[Robledo] The head of security?
For fuck's sake.
If he'd wanted
to get his hands on the money,
he would have done it differently.
- Like how?
- I don't know. Maybe more discreetly?
In my opinion,
the entire setup was genius.
A guaranteed alibi and tons of onlookers.
I remember Amparo saying Victoria swore
they never took their eyes off the money.
So how would he have gotten out
with all those witnesses?
Smoke and mirrors.
There never was any money
in that briefcase.
- Is this the guy?
- [Amparo] Yes.
[Richi] José Luis Martinez Romeu.
We need to see
if we can get a hold of this guy.
[ominous music playing]
[tense, rhythmic music playing]
[intense music swells]
[music peaks]
[Rosa shrieks]
[glass shatters]
[dreary closing theme playing]
Subtitle translation by:
Soledad Etchemendy
[somber music fades]
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