365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Everything Has a Price Tag

Mr. Park Young Gil who couldn't make it here today
is dead.
Pardon? He's dead?
If I reset my life, does it mean I can win the lottery too?
Are you all right? Se Rin. Se Rin! What should we do?
Thank you.
It was
an unexpected accident.
It was an accident?
Do you all remember
the moment we reset?
I'm sure all of you blacked out for a moment.
Gosh, that's hot!
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
- That was my lucky moment! - Really?
- What's he doing? - What's your plan?
Goodness. Hey.
Hey. Are you all right?
Mr. Park Young Gil was driving at that very moment.
He died on the scene.
I was the one who suggested this reset.
So I feel responsible for his death.
If any of you
encounter any problems regarding this reset
or need help,
feel free to come to me.
I'll do my best
to help you.
Shouldn't she have warned us about this?
We could've been in danger as well.
Perhaps, she didn't tell us because she didn't know either.
I can't believe this.
He was alive almost a year from today.
But he died during the reset.
His fate must've changed.
Let's not talk about this here.
Let's go somewhere else and chat more.
It's time for my shift soon.
Haven't you quit yet?
- What about the lottery? - I've memorized
the lottery number for the one with huge prize money.
But I'm going to continue working until they find my replacement.
I can't help it.
Let's go out for some coffee.
Shall we begin?
I found out about something
that I shouldn't have.
I feel like everything's ruined now.
I thought you'd be the happiest among them
after the reset.
Seeing you regret this already
makes me sad.
I only thought I'd dodge all the bad incidents.
I didn't imagine I'd go through something
this horrible.
You still have the memory
from before the reset.
That's why you can make different decisions.
And living a different life because of those new decisions
is a given.
Let's go.
- Aren't you Maru? - Maru. I'm so sorry.
Hold on. There you go.
You don't like it.
Right. Oh, no. The vaccinations.
Let's get them tomorrow.
Ga Hyeon will be home soon.
All right. Woo Jin, why are you here at this hour?
I bought some macarons, your favorite.
Woo Jin, why are you here at this hour?
You're right.
I didn't know
and agreed to reset.
I don't know if I can do this.
I can't get over this feeling of betrayal.
When people experience horrible incidents,
they often go through memory loss.
Your subconscious removes
any unbearable memories.
But since you still remember them,
doesn't that mean you can take it?
Perhaps, you're a much stronger person
than you think you are.
Think about why you agreed to do this
and how you'll use this time granted to you.
Focus on those things.
It'll be more worth it
than allowing your subconscious to make the decisions.
Thank you.
The vibe here is amazing.
I used to be a regular here.
My wife loved drinking coffee
and wanted to open one later on in life.
Although I'm an amateur, I do have a barista certificate.
So I was able to buy this place, thanks to the reset.
I'm going to quit work soon and fly to Canada.
This is my second chance. It should be worth it.
You've already succeeded.
I couldn't recognize you at first.
Me neither.
I'm going to surprise my mom by getting into Hankuk University.
- "Hankuk University"? - I repeated a year.
Hyeong Ju, do you have any plans?
I've already
done it.
You all have set plans.
I don't.
The fact that we've rewinded a year's worth of time
is an opportunity in itself.
You can make plans from now on.
Why do you all think that only good things will happen?
Do you think it's a coincidence that the deliveryman died?
What do you mean by that?
Then what is it?
I don't know.
My gut just tells me that it's not a coincidence.
Oh, come on. That means you know nothing.
Why would you say such a thing?
- How's the coffee? - It's good.
- Come by often. - We will.
- What is it? - Give it to me.
Of course.
There's always a cop in these sorts of things.
Why did you take these photos?
- Is it wrong? - Yes, if they didn't consent.
You could get sued for every single one of these.
They're like items.
- What? - I need items to fight.
I want to be prepared before I get attacked.
What do you mean? "Items"?
I'm trying to determine what the hidden rules are.
You're quite slow for a cop.
The delivery man's death was a teaser.
The real game begins now.
We've been invited to play the Death Note Game.
Cut that nonsense and delete these.
Aren't you curious who the next victim will be?
I'm suspecting that it's a woman.
- A woman? - That woman in a wheelchair.
Okay. Strike another pose.
I'm done.
Maru, let's go.
Maru! Maru!
(Be careful!)
It's today.
Let's skip our walk today and walk twice as much tomorrow.
Drawing the same scenes is a headache.
Ga Hyeon.
Can we talk?
Ga Hyeon.
Please open the door.
I know you're in there.
I left a letter for you.
You don't have to see me, but please do read my letter.
Hey, Maru!
Maru! Maru!
Maru! Maru!
Goodness, Maru.
My phone. Where's my
("Hidden Killer")
- Yes? - Is Maru over there?
Why would Maru be here?
Wait, did you lose your dog again?
Never mind, then. Goodbye.
Where are you?
Hey, Jung Woo!
Excuse me, girls. Have you seen this dog?
- No, we haven't. - No, we haven't.
Maru. Maru?
Maru! Goodness.
- What are you doing? - Gosh.
Girls, have you seen this dog?
- No. - Oh, no.
Ga Hyeon!
Ga Hyeon.
What's wrong? Are you okay?
Was it a car accident
that made you sit in the wheelchair?
A hit-and-run accident.
It happened right there
a year ago today.
Aren't you curious
who the next victim will be?
I'm suspecting that it's a woman.
- A woman? - That woman in a wheelchair.
That's why I was going to stay home all day.
I lost Maru at that time,
so I didn't even take Maru for a walk.
Come to think about it,
I met Maru around now.
I knew this would happen, but I ended up here again.
I guess some things are just bound to happen.
You're right. Things end up happening.
But it's possible to stop it too.
There was a culprit that I had to catch.
Are you a police officer?
So did you catch the culprit?
He tried to commit the same crime on the same day,
so I arrested him.
Is that why you reset?
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is
you can stop this from happening if you take preventative measures.
I'll look for Maru. Go back home and stay in for today.
No, I couldn't do that.
I am a police officer.
A part of Violent Crimes Investigation.
You may be a detective, but that doesn't mean you'll find my dog.
Yes, hello?
Yes. Yes, that's me.
Maru. Where have you been?
Ga Hyeon.
Hey, Yeon Soo.
Goodness, that was your dog?
Gosh, yes.
What are the chances?
Thank you for finding Maru.
I didn't do much. I just gave you a call.
I found Maru thanks to you, Hyeong Ju.
It would've been really bad if you didn't put this on.
It looks like you two had been acquainted.
Well, yes.
- He's my fan. - What? Your fan?
I'm a huge fan of her artwork.
Oh, so you're an artist.
Yeon Soo.
Please excuse me.
If it's okay with you, let's all grab a cup of coffee.
Let's do that, Yeon Soo. Let me return your favor.
What would you like?
Do you know them?
They're all regulars here.
My business is pretty slow,
so my customers usually greet each other.
I see. I'm Kim Dae Sung.
I'm her fiance.
We really have to go. I'll see you next time.
- Oh, all right. - That's a shame.
- Thank - Goodbye, then.
Thank you for your help.
Let's go.
This is it.
This building?
I see. This is the studio where you made that classic.
Thank you for your help today.
I ended up owing you twice.
Don't just say it.
Who in the world is Samson?
Are you that curious?
Of course. Think about the cliffhanger.
I knew it was a great ending.
I signed a contract, so I can't tell you that.
Come on, you can't do that to me.
What if I ruin the story by telling people what comes before Samson?
Then I'll probably write a different story to avoid that one.
Then you'll never know who Samson is.
Goodbye, then.
Hey. You never know,
so don't go outside today.
Maru, you've done well today.
Yes, hello?
Hey, Shin Ga Hyeon.
You sent my portfolio to your company.
They called and asked me to sign with them.
Why did you do that?
Are you telling me to go die, pretending to help me?
I just didn't want to see your stuff in my studio.
Stop overreacting.
I want to turn back the time just for a year.
Ga Hyeon.
I have something to tell you face to face.
I'm on my way there, so open the door for me.
Don't come. How dare you come here?
Then do you want to come out?
I'm near exit eight of Sodam Park
Hey, Min Ju Young.
Listen to me.
You're a brat who stole your best friend's boyfriend.
I want you to disappear from my life
No, I want you to disappear from this world.
So don't ever
Min Ju Young.
Ju Young?
Hey, answer me.
(Ju Young)
It's a car accident. It's the street in front of
exit eight of Sodam Park in Banho-dong.
Please hurry.
Ju Young.
This can't happen.
Where's the patient?
Please stay here for now.
Ga Hyeon.
What What happened?
It's because of me. Because of me, Ju Young
What are you talking about?
What did you do?
Ms. Lee, please let me return to the time before the reset.
I want to return. No.
I have to go back.
What's going on, Ga Hyeon?
My friend got into the same accident that I had.
The same time, the same place. It was exactly like that time.
Did she get hurt because I avoided the accident?
Is that so? You've done this a lot, so I'm sure you would know.
That had never happened to me before.
It might be the butterfly effect caused by your choice,
but I'm sure she didn't get hurt in your place
or anything of that sort.
You're only speculating too.
It was your first time resetting as a group,
so you don't know what the cost is.
It'll be the same.
It'll be impossible to find the culprit,
and the accident will become a cold case.
Then Ju Young will
This time, it might be different.
If it happened at the same time and place,
the culprit should be the same person too.
I'll help you.
All right.
Your body is
slowly falling down into the ground.
Your body feels relaxed
and heavy like cotton soaked in water.
Ga Hyeon, you are unable to open your eyes
or lift a finger.
Ga Hyeon, you are now
in a state of weightlessness.
You can fly anywhere
and see anything.
let's head back to that accident.
It's cold.
The floor is too cold.
What do you see?
Brown shoes.
A man.
He's poking me with something.
What is it? What is he using to poke you?
Look closely.
That man is leaving.
He thinks I'm dead.
- No - Where is he headed?
Did he get in his car?
- There are letters on his car. - Can you read it?
No, it can't be. No.
- No. It can't be true. - You will wake up now.
- In 1, 2, 3. - No!
What happened?
What did you see?
What were the letters?
(Episode 4 will be aired shortly.)
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