A Love So Beautiful (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Pick Me Up!

Are you feeling better now?
We'll be late.
-Come on.
Oh, okay.
Should I hold that for you?
-All right.
Good job.
Sol-i, you're running for class president?
But you always copy my homework,
doze off in class,
or doodle when you're less tired--
-I'm just saying.
I'm not saying
there's anything wrong with that.
No one in our class
is class president material.
Woo Dae-sung barely comes to school
and Cha Heon doesn't even know
his classmates' names.
But my Ha-young--
Heon, are you busy?
I finished writing my election speech.
Can you proofread it?
Sure. I'll catch you later.
Are you really going to back off?
Your beloved Heon and that sly Hui-ji
will be fellow prefects at this rate.
Will you let that happen?
No, right?
"Hello, I'm Shin Sol-i!"
"Hello, I'm Shin Sol-i."
"Hello, I am Shin Sol-i."
It's not like they don't know who I am.
Oh, my gosh!
Why are you so down today?
Where's your spirit, Brother? Your voice
used to ring throughout the whole school.
Let me see.
"I, Shin Sol-i, will devote myself
and do everything I can for class 1-7!"
"I, Wang Se-hyeong,
will devote all my energy to my classmates
and do everything I can for class 1-7!"
-Wang Se-hyeong!
-Wang Se-hyeong!
-Vote for number three, Wang Se-hyeong!
-Vote for number three, Wang Se-hyeong!
By the way, Se-hyeong,
can I have one more bread?
Don't tell me
you copied Se-hyeong's speech.
Did you have the same tutor then?
I'm doomed for sure.
Rather than using such a cliché,
find what only you can offer.
Maybe I should just withdraw.
Don't worry.
You too have something to offer, Brother.
Which is what?
Your sincerity.
What? My sincerity?
You may be like a punching bag right now,
but you're without doubt
going to do your best.
Of course.
That alone makes you
deserving of the title class president.
Is that a compliment?
My Brother.
You have excellent
listening comprehension skills.
Hey, Dae-sung!
Over there!
Or maybe not.
-Who are you going to vote for?
No, don't tell me.
It should be anonymous, so don't.
Anyway, I promise to do my best,
so trust me on that.
Ms. Moon and fellow students, hello.
I'm Shin Sol-i.
I'm fully aware that my candidacy
shocked many of you
and that many of you think
I'm not qualified.
I don't get good grades,
nor am I a model student.
Also, I'm not a natural born leader
or particularly humorous.
You've got this!
Go for it!
I easily make mistakes,
and I make lots of clumsy mistakes.
However, that's why
I believe there's room to grow
and improve in the right direction.
We'll be spending the most
important days of our lives together.
When the year is over,
rather than a clumsy troublemaker,
I'd like to be remembered
as your favorite class president
who helped and spoke up for everyone.
I'll do my best!
Thanks for helping me with my speech.
No, thanks.
Don't refuse. Just take them.
Hui-ji made it for you.
Why let them go to waste?
He accepted it!
Look, it's the vice president.
She got lucky, if you ask me.
Talk about not knowing your place.
Stop it.
What? Am I wrong?
What about you?
You should know your place.
It's all right.
Tell me why you didn't vote for Sol-i.
She's not it.
Hui-ji and Sol-i are at a tie.
Ms. Moon, Heon isn't here.
who will you vote for?
Heon, I'm right here.
Don't forget I'm your partner.
Oh Hui-ji.
Hey, Cha Heon.
-Why am I not up to the job?
You're not leader material.
And Hui-ji is?
Compared to you, yes.
What? You kicked Heon?
You kicked him hard?
Keep it down, will you?
Wow, Sol-i, I'm really impressed.
You taught him a lesson.
Why am I exhilarated
when you're the one who kicked him?
I don't know what to do right now.
Do you think he'll accept my apology?
Heon, wait up!
No way. I just can't believe it.
Sol-i kicked you?
Sol-i, Shin Sol-i!
Sol-i, Shin Sol-i!
-Here you go.
-What's this?
The money for the field day T-shirts.
Hui-ji told me to give it to you.
-That's all I know.
She's making you do all the work now.
Ha-young, what do I do?
What else can you do?
It's your job as the vice president.
No, I mean about Heon.
How am I supposed
to ask him to pay the money?
What? Just ask.
Put him in a headlock
and point a gun at him.
"Bang! Pay up."
But he's too tall for me.
Do it when he's seated.
He usually is, anyway.
Okay, one, two, three. One!
-Darn it.
-Hang in there.
You're caving in. Jeez.
Do it!
"Bang! Pay up."
God, that was so cheap.
How about another game?
Hand me my change.
Ms. Moon said I should ask you
to recommend some English books,
since you've read a lot.
I want to start reading in English.
What books do you recommend?
-I'll write you a list later on.
Are you done collecting the money?
Ms. Moon wants it by this afternoon.
Sure, got it.
-Let's go.
-What is it?
-Where did it go?
-Try to think.
Hand in your Korean language assignment.
This is crazy.
I think it's in my Korean language
Then get it back
before Hui-ji and Su-jin find out.
that means
I'll have to go to the staff room
and the person who sits next to Mr. Kim…
is Mr. Cho.
I won't be able to retrieve it.
What's wrong? Are you sick?
Actually, my stomach hurts.
Hi, Mr. Lee.
Mr. Lee, my stomach's killing me.
Can I get medicine?
Where does it hurt?
Why don't you show me?
This would be indigestion.
And this would be enteritis.
-Do they require different medicine?
-Of course.
The treatment varies
depending on the illness.
And gender too.
Men and women need different medications.
So be more specific.
consider me a girl.
Thank you!
What do I do?
Take one.
Take one now.
You lost the money, didn't you?
-Is that so?
-Forget it, then.
Help me.
-Why should I?
-I'm sorry I kicked you.
I was going to apologize right away.
I mean it.
If you help me,
I'll never forget your kindness.
Where did you lose it?
I put it in the homework notebook
I handed in.
why don't you go kick Mr. Kim
in the shins, too?
I'm doomed!
I'm sorry, but I'm begging you.
Please don't tell
my classmates about this,
especially Oh Hui-ji and Lee Su-jin.
They can't find out about this.
Please, sir.
What are you doing?
Why are you blocking the door?
Heon, how are you feeling today?
I envy him.
Hui-ji, did you collect the money?
Yes, our vice president has it.
Sol-i, what's wrong?
Ms. Moon, the thing is…
Ms. Moon, I apologize.
I lost the money I'd collected,
and Heon's just recovered it for me.
I knew she'd cause trouble.
Sol-i, are you kidding me?
I'm sorry, guys.
I guess I shouldn't be the vice president.
Shouldn't she resign?
She messed up big time.
You think so?
Quiet, everyone.
Anyone can make mistakes.
Even I, your teacher, make mistakes.
However, it's never easy to admit them.
One has to be brave
to openly admit their mistakes.
That is why I believe
what Sol-i just did is incredible.
It's not like the money's gone,
so isn't it all right?
-Right. Don't you agree?
-The money's all there.
That'll do.
Here you go.
Hey, what was that?
Nothing, sir.
Get it together, all right?
You guys are going to be seniors soon.
Got it?
Yes, sir.
Let's go, Shin Sol-i!
-Shin Sol-i!
-The field day is next week--
-Which has nothing to do with you.
Heon, do you know
why she's practicing so hard?
Mr. Lee, is Ha-young
going to be all right?
I have to go now.
-Is there any way?
-Jump over the gate.
-What are you doing?
-The dean's coming.
How about we meet
at the playground briefly?
-Don't be nervous.
-Heon, will you help me?
Subtitle translation by: Hye-lim Park
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