A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Strong Don't Howl

Hold on.
Let me take a look.
Jian, are you back from school?
The house is perfectly fine.
Why are you breaking it down?
This house is not perfectly fine.
On the surface,
yes, it looks fine. Nice and strong.
But it's not strong at all.
Especially this room.
The roof might fall any second.
That's why repair work needs to be done
as soon as possible.
Stay somewhere else for two weeks.
It will be strong after we repair it.
Okay, whatever.
In that case, add a window to my room
while you're at it.
What room doesn't have a window?
A window.
That'll cost more.
Up the price.
Korean beef?
-Okay, I like Korean beef.
- Let's eat that.
You have to pay triple for the window.
I'm sorry, how much?
He's angry.
Pork belly, then.
Let's eat pork belly.
Just double, then.
All right, fine.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
See you later, sir!
We'll see you in two weeks.
Thank you, sir.
Where do we stay for two weeks?
Jirisan Mountain.
There's a cave.
Why is there a cave here?
What a relief.
That's true.
Be careful.
Darn it.
You're too
You're way too hot!
Once the high fever subsides,
hypothermia will set in.
I can't believe I'll get hypothermia
in the mountains at night.
This is ridiculous.
We should've gone to a hotel or a motel.
Or some nice and quiet campsite.
Why explore this mountain?
You even hurt your leg!
That's my hurt leg.
Listen up, Jian.
When you're in a difficult situation,
instead of arguing over right and wrong,
it's important to find a way
to solve the problem
and overcome the situation.
What the heck?
Are you lecturing me now?
We don't even know where we are.
What's that?
You had a map?
-I think
- this is where we are.
So if you walk
five or six kilometers this way,
there will be a shelter
with an emergency phone.
Can you
get there on your own?
I have to.
You'll become one with Mother Nature
if I don't.
I love nature.
That wouldn't be so bad.
It sounds good to me too.
I'll get to live on my own.
Right, Jian. Hold on.
Just in case,
take this with you.
What's so funny?
Do you know how many wild boars
are in this mountain?
What if you run into one?
Wild boars are scary.
If they're hungry and have nothing to eat,
they try to eat humans too.
What are you doing?
Are you trying to scare your rescuer?
Are you scared?
Of course not!
I should run away if I meet a boar.
How will this help?
If you think you're in danger,
shout out my name
at the sky three times.
"Jeong Jinman,
Jeong Jinman, Jeong Jinman!"
I might just show up.
What a load of bull.
I clearly saw you sweat a lot.
Are you sure you're sick?
I'm burning up!
Come on.
Don't you remember when you were little?
When the bullies at school locked you up,
you shouted my name
and I magically appeared.
No, I don't remember.
leave this if you don't need it.
Wait here.
I'll call for help and be right back.
Be careful, okay?
Pasin, it's me.
The drugs are incredible.
Jian is on her way down.
We should let her decide herself.
Is this the right path?
I found it.
Only the weak bark.
The strong don't.
You must become strong.
Whatever makes you scared,
keep your eyes open and face it.
You were sweating with a fever.
What's going on?
I didn't have to climb down alone.
Nature must've healed me quickly.
I think nature fits me well.
And your leg?
It still hurts.
You saw me limping earlier.
And where on earth
did you get that kind of gun?
It was in the backpack.
Pasin lent it to me.
Why does he have a gun to begin with?
So you had a real gun,
but you gave me a slingshot?
What kind of uncle are you?
That's because you don't know
how to use a gun.
A gun?
Where did you get that?
Isn't it illegal?
Do you want to try it?
Listen up, Jian.
Guns are double-edged swords.
With this gun,
you can protect yourself,
and you can save your companions.
But someone always gets killed by it.
Keep that in mind.
This is the magazine.
This is the barrel.
This is the slide.
Inside is the bolt.
That's the recoil spring,
and that's the frame.
Align your sights.
Take a deep breath.
Are you okay?
Jeongmin, snap out of it!
Do you want to die here?
They've pulled out all the stops.
This isn't right.
We have to get out.
Who are you?
Bae Jeongmin. I I'm Jian's friend.
What did you just
Was it you
that tried to kill us?
What's that?
A slingshot?
Let go of me!
Let go! Let go of me!
Let go!
You move without thinking.
You're the opposite of your uncle.
But you better think and move
like your uncle from now on.
If you want to survive.
What the hell's going on?
Is someone with her?
Shit. I could've taken her out
with my first shot.
Come on, Seongjo.
If you did that, what's the point
of having all the guys here?
- I should give them a chance too.
- Of course.
Have this and keep it up.
Let's get something nice to eat
when we're done.
I'm not here to fight you.
I'm here to protect you.
Who are you?
What did you do to Jeongmin?
Don't worry. He's not dead.
Think about it, Jian.
Didn't you find it strange?
"Shout 'Jeong Jinman'
at the sky three times."
You've done it just three times
in the last ten years.
When you were bullied by a girl
in middle school,
when you were sexually harassed,
and this year.
Your boss at the convenience store
that tried to stiff you.
What happened to them all?
You probably don't know,
but there's a code implanted
in your forearm.
You and your uncle
are the only two green codes.
Whoever received a code has a duty
to protect you, Jeong Jian.
That's why everyone was mobilized
when you shouted his name.
That girl in your class was transferred.
The pervert from college dropped out.
And your boss had an accident, right?
Darn it.
What on earth
What the hell are you saying?
You saw just now,
the drones trying to kill you.
I repeat.
Please evacuate to a safe location
as soon as possible.
Let me repeat myself once more.
Until 18:00 hours today,
live firearm training
will be conducted on base.
- It will cause some dust and
-Even the military is helping.
Seongjo must've pulled some strings.
All right, let's go if you're ready.
Mr. Kim, it's a house with one girl.
Isn't this overkill?
I know she's Jeong Jinman's niece,
but she's just a 21-year-old kid.
I hope you're right.
But I don't know.
Team members.
Follow my instructions from now on.
In an emergency,
if you decide to break away and die
from your own judgement,
you'll be departing this life
for chump change
with no insurance and no one to blame.
So keep that in mind and try to keep up.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
One, two. Testing. Mic test.
Seongjo, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
Don't move and stay there!
What the hell?
How could that be there?
Hey, it's me.
I think someone's helping the kid.
Damn it, there's too much smoke.
I can't see anything.
Can you clear out the smoke?
God damn it.
My, my.
This changes everything.
Everyone, wait!
What the hell is Minhye doing there?
Seongjo? Is that Minhye
in the rabbit hole?
Minhye's Class S
holding Codes Red and Purple.
You'll have to pay more for risk.
Fine, just proceed.
We don't have much time.
Then, I'll trust you and proceed.
- Let's proceed.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
God damn it. Everyone's all about money.
Who's Minhye?
Just a crazy bitch.
Now, let's begin the rabbit hunt!
Teams 1 and 2 of Group 1
has begun the rabbit hunt.
Fifteen hundred meters to the rabbit.
Come back alive!
Listen up, Jian.
Blind spots.
It's flying in from the left side.
A diagonal direction?
The sound of the gunshot came
from much higher and farther away.
Where did she go?
- Hey, Bongo.
- Yes?
Go forward a bit.
Going forward a bit.
Have you shot a gun before?
Not that one.
When it comes to shooting,
pistols and rifles are the same anyway.
Pull the lever on the right
and insert the bullet.
You just need to load it.
What the fuck?
Look at this bitch!
She's Jeong Jinman's niece indeed!
I can't believe he stuck a gun
under the sofa.
That's just like
my dear Jinman.
Your what?
What do we do now?
The impatient always die first.
God damn it!
Minhye, that bitch.
How much is she getting paid?
There's no time.
I'll cover you. Go into the storage shed.
The storage shed?
Yes, on the floor
of your uncle's workroom,
there's a door into murthehelp.
I'm going to protect you
until you get in there safely.
I promised your uncle.
How can I trust you?
Why should I listen to you?
Aren't you curious
as to who your uncle really was?
Go right now!
Look at that.
Mr. Kim?
The rabbits are moving
towards the storage shed.
Get a move on, will you?
We just have to go through there.
Can you do it?
Let's go.
I knew it.
There it is.
Jeongmin, get up!
Got you.
That little bitch.
Where my uncle worked?
What is this?
What is it? Try his birthday.
His birthday? Birthday
My birthday?
Damn it! What is it?
Hurry up, Jian!
Listen up, Jian.
It's the same with your school ID number.
It worked.
It's really here.
Oh Hi, Jeong Jian.
I'm Brother.
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