A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Someone is Thinking of Someone

All right!
Time to make
Itsuomi-san's sign language notebook!
That day I realized
I was in love with Itsuomi-san
I can teach you sign language,
if you want
I hope I can give it to him
when I visit the cafe with Rin-chan.
But only if the timing seems right.
I'll back off
if it looks like I'm bothering him.
Drawing signs is harder
than I thought.
Since the right-hand goes like this
Yuki, can you go get something at
That's a rather unique dance.
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
Good evening!
Welcome! Sit wherever you like.
Rin-chan looks more relaxed now.
But I feel worse than last time.
It's squealing.
What was that sound?
My hearing aid does that when not
fit properly
It happens sometimes in class, too.
How much can you hear right now?
I've never heard actual sounds, but
Kind of like
everything blends in together
I can't tell what sounds are
or where they're from
Since birth?
When I take my hearing aid off,
I can't hear anything
Sorry, Itsu's being insensitive.
Come on, go take care of this.
He straight-up talks
to anyone without hesitating.
Yep, sounds like Itsuomi-san.
Is he interested? Or curious?
Either way, I'm happy.
Maybe it's because he has lots
of international experiences?
I don't know, but I think
Itsu's a special case.
A sign language notebook?
Wow, did you make that, Yuki-chan?
Hey, can I have a look, too?
It's packed! Must've been tough.
They're so cute!
You must've given it your all, Yuki!
My name
I'm gonna need some help.
Is this how you do "tsu"?
"tsu" is like this.
Itsuomi-san's fingers are so long.
You're as red as that souvenir from Laos.
But I'm not sure how much I can read.
The pictures don't help much.
Could you teach me
in person instead, Yuki?
What signs do you use often?
Itsuomi-san's signs feel strong,
like his hands can wrap around anything.
What's wrong?
Don't do that out of the blue.
You'll startle her.
My heart is thumping so fast.
I wonder if he can hear it.
There's someone
who is in love with you right here.
What should I do if I fall for you?
Here we are!
How many bars have you been to tonight?
Thish ish still the second
Sorry 'bout that.
That scared me!
You okay, Shin-Shin?
S-Shorry fer startling you.
She's so pretty.
Her hair is nice and glossy.
Well, aren't you a cutie?
Wantsh me to do yer hair?
He's a really good stylist, you know.
Yer making me blush.
I, uh, have no idea what they're saying.
You'll probably look good with short hair.
Wanna try another color?
Add in some highlights here, and
Shin, come with me.
You too, Emma.
Sorry, Yuki.
-Does Itsuomi-san know them?
-Take off your jacket.
-Probably his friends?
-Sit here.
Itsu-kun, gimme some beer.
Red glass for me!
Drink some water, you're drunk.
They're Itsu's classmates
from high school.
The guy in shades
is pretty cool when sober.
Alcohol sure is powerful.
Hey, Itsu-kun.
Are you gonna be here for a while?
I wanna know!
Why'd you always run off abroad?
She's all over him.
I know she's drunk,
but the way she looks at Itsuomi-san
Why'd she suddenly show up?!
What's wrong?
My mom texted saying
she's in my room right now.
Sorry Yuki, gotta go.
Yuki? Yuki!
What is she to him?
You were from Fukuoka,
right, Rin-chan?
I thought you would've had an accent.
-I fixed the accent in my first year.
-I feel fuzzy inside.
She's clinging onto him again!
Whoa, what the
Oh, you mean Emma-chan?
They're not going out.
They're just friends,
and I don't think they'll ever date.
Wait, why?
It's better if you hear it
directly from them.
The way he says it
makes their relationship
sound even more intimate.
He's serious about learning sign language.
Take care of him, okay?
Kyo, know where the wine opener is?
I'm coming!
See you later.
"Take care on your way home."
I guess I'll just have to trust
Kyoya-san about their relationship.
I had a blast with Kyoya-san today.
I'm so happy!
We'll have to do our best.
Right, Yuki?
Before I knew it,
I already passed the starting line.
I'll do my best, too.
I want to make progress.
I had fun!
The cafe's livelier with you.
Thank you.
Good luck at work tomorrow, too.
Thanks. I'll teach you sign language
Good night
It's been four days since then.
I haven't seen or heard from him in days.
Maybe he's abroad again?
Pull yourself together!
Good evening
Are you in Japan right now?
And it's sent.
I hope I didn't bother him.
That was fast!
I'm at the laundromat
Wanna come?
Or not?
You're going out?
Just a bit?
Come back by your curfew, okay?
My curfew is less than two hours away.
This is the first time
I've ever gone to see someone this late.
Wha? Tissues?
Where'd you think you're going
at this hour?
I'm in a hurry. Talk to you next time.
How many tissues are you carrying?
Don't tell me
you're meeting with someone.
So what?
It's not a guy, is it?
He seriously called you out this late?
I'm gonna be back before my curfew,
and my mom knows.
Is it that silver-haired guy?
You shouldn't see him alone.
He's probably just playing with you.
Don't talk that way about him!
If he isn't playing with you
Then he's just feeding his ego!
Thinking he's so nice and all!
I've already crossed the starting line.
I've run past it.
And I'm not turning back.
Want a drink?
My treat.
Yuki, you got 10 yen on you?
I want one, too.
Want this? Or not?
It's worth around 10 yen.
You can't use it in Japan, though.
I've never seen this coin before.
I wonder where this is from.
It's a Croatian kuna
Wanna see other coins? Or not?
There's more?
Yes, I want to see!
I don't have them
with me right now
I'll bring them sometime
By the way
Why do you travel abroad so much?
I'll tell you later
It must be just a pain to explain!
I want to know you better
You're cute.
That sign
It's the one I showed him before.
There are different ways to sign "cute"
Cute. Like that.
I see.
Any other ways?
You pat their head
It's what he always does to me.
The world of sign language is pretty fun.
When you used sign language
when we first met,
I felt my whole world turn upside down.
I used to live abroad, so I naturally came
to love cultures and languages.
They became my driving force.
But all I did was stare off
into the distance.
I didn't realize
they could be so close, too.
Did he just say something?
Do you want to know me better?
Yes, I want to know more about you
How do you say "more"
in sign language?
Got it.
Got it.
He's only holding my hands,
but it feels like his palms
are encompassing my entire being.
Whenever he's relaxed around me,
my heart throbs like crazy.
Du bist süß.
Was he just trying
to get a reaction out of me?
I don't mind.
As long as he's happy.
I feel like Itsuomi-san's fingertips
are still firmly holding onto me
like they'll never let me go.
All I want right now
is to hold onto him just as strongly.
Even though it's strong enough to hurt,
it doesn't feel real.
Only around an hour left before my curfew.
For a moment, it felt as if
the snow outside had stopped midair.
But that was just my wishful thinking.
It's still snowing.
I like snow
Is that the sign for snow?
I like snow, too.
I know he means Yuki as in snow, but
What's the sign for "like"?
Like this?
I'm gonna use it sometime.
On who?
I meant something like
"I like traveling."
I'll walk you home.
Where's your place?
The pedestrian lane
Don't get hit now.
Even though he's got me wrapped
around his fingers,
it feels like he's protecting me.
I wonder if everyone
falls for Itsuomi-san.
Was that girl
at the cafe your girlfriend?
She was with a guy.
They were drunk.
Oh, you mean them.
It stings how I can't meet his eyes
at a time like this.
I don't have a girlfriend.
Emma is just a friend.
She thinks of you as
What about you?
Aren't you dating that guy
who was signing you back at campus?
Does that mean
Itsuomi-san was looking at us back then?
He's just my childhood friend
It's the first time
we're in the same school
His big sis is studying sign language,
so he naturally picked it up
When was that?
Back in second grade.
He called me an idiot
I see.
We don't usually hang out
Let's change the subject.
There he goes again,
moving at his own pace!
When can I see you again?
Rockin' Robin is closed on Mondays.
Does that mean "promise"?
I'll take you home.
The sky is full of snow.
It scatters, blown by the wind,
like my wonderstruck heart right now.
It just never knows when to give up.
I don't want to go home.
Hey. When did you get here?
I just bought some booze.
Itsu-kun, lemme stay over!
I said okay last time
because Shin was with you.
I know.
You know what I'm after, right?
Stop clinging onto me.
Not coming in?
What would you like, Itsu-kun?
I'm fine.
Just make yourself at home.
The spare key is at the entrance.
Don't give it to Shin.
Where are you going, Itsu-kun?
It's late and snowing,
so you should stay inside.
Are you that mad that I came over?
Don't do this again.
But I'm only doing this because it's you!
Stop crying in front of my place.
You'll bother the neighbors.
You're so mean!
Who the heck leaves their guest
alone at their parents' home!
I'm going home even
if you don't ask me to! After this drink.
Itsu-kun, you dummy!
A sign language notebook?
What's this doing here?
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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