ACMA:GAME (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Five One

Underlying the history of war,
there is always a mysterious key
that seduces man and stirs his desires.
Devil's key?
It's the key to the game run by the devil.
If you win the game,
you can take anything you want
from the loser.
Just like Maruko,
there will be others chosen by the key
who will cross your path.
I will find you, and make you
pay for killing my father.
Call me Senya.
Who are you?
Does this answer your question?
A man called Teruasa Oda has the same key.
He is an experienced player.
You don't stand a chance against him.
If you have the choice
you should take on a beginner.
Yukari! Yukari!
Yukari! Yukari!
-Thank you, everyone!
Don't come near me!
I'm not giving this key to anyone!
Sorry, out the way.
You're the chairman of Miyanouchi Group.
The lucky owner of a key, huh?
Who are you?
Teruasa! Come and try this.
Is it chocolate?
Wow, it's yummy.
You like it!
Hey! He said it's yummy.
That's right,
your mom designed that
with the food department.
It's called "Mog chocolate."
-Mog chocolate?
-Think it'll sell?
Looks a bit like bunny poop, so maybe not.
Don't be so cheeky!
A highly valued opinion.
Then can I join the company
and figure out how to sell stuff?
What's this?
You want to do what your dad does?
I wonder if I can.
I'm sure of it.
If you keep working hard.
you can do it, Teruasa.
Do you promise?
I'm sorry.
I couldn't keep my promise.
It's okay to cry if you need to.
I can't.
Mom will be sad if I cry.
Where's the key?
I have no such thing.
The man who killed you
contacted me.
This key
has many secrets.
How much did you know?
They want to invest?
Yes, okay.
Of course, thank you very much!
Good job, Ui!
Are you going to tell Yuki?
You bet.
Hey, Yuki,
I had a call just now- What?
What video?
Something bad's happened.
It's the chairman of the Miyanouchi Group.
Check the link I'm sending you now.
I, Yoshichika Miyanouchi
hereby pledge to transfer
all management rights
of the Miyanouchi group
to Uesugi!
I'll call you back.
Is that Terurin?
I guess you saw the video?
What have you done to Miyanouchi?
More questions?
I'll answer if you win the game.
Where are you now?
Right now?
Somewhere I'm sure you've been before.
Just chilling out in the seat
your father used to sit in.
Why are you there?
Hurry along now.
I'm waiting.
I saw the video.
Did Uesugi have something to do with it?
I think so.
I'm not letting you go alone.
Senya Uesugi is 27 years old.
He was arrested for gambling in 2017.
Numerous witnesses report
seeing him at black market casinos.
Using my smile to turn frowns upside down,
I'm racing to the top of the idol world.
My name is Yukari Shikibe!
Don't tell me you haven't heard of Yukari?
She's an idol!
I thought she'd cheer you up.
Even got her to wear her costume.
Oh, yeah.
By the way, she's got a devil's key too.
Chairman Miyanouchi came after me,
but Senya came to my rescue!
She liked me straightaway,
so I let her off the hook.
You see, women like a strong man.
Quieten down, little playboy.
If it means I can keep the key,
I'll flirt and smile all you want.
I wouldn't get mixed up in this
if I were you.
What's this?
Great advice!
Just like I thought,
you dragged your luggage along with you.
Quit babbling.
Uesugi, let's get to the point.
Return the Miyanouchi Group.
Let's play the game.
Terurin, you are so lovely.
So, Senya Uesugi.
What do you want, and from whom?
Obviously, my opponent is
And what I want is
maybe his friend's life?
You can't!
Oh, sorry!
I want everything he knows
about the devil's keys.
Teruasa Oda,
there will be no tricks
from you this time.
I want to know everything Senya Uesugi
knows about the keys and Hoshin.
Fine, accepted.
I'm not done.
I want you to return the company
to Chairman Miyanouchi.
Are you some kind of idiot?
Don't you want it for yourself?
Teruasa, you were supposed
to take over the company.
I know.
But winning a company on a bet
is ridiculous.
I've made up my mind!
If you lose, I want you
to do three things for me.
Anything I like.
That spices things up.
Now take your oaths.
I will fight for my desires.
I will triumph for my desires.
-I swear on the devil.
-I swear on the devil.
Oaths accepted.
This time, the game is called
"Five One."
"Five One."
The game uses 15 cards.
Diamonds, spades, hearts, and clubs.
And this one is a devil card?
There are three of each suit.
Fifteen cards in total.
One of these cards
It's turned totally black.
You must guess the symbol on this card.
This card is "Five One."
Each player is dealt three cards
from the rest of the pack,
which will give you the information
needed to start the game.
By reasoning from these three cards,
each player will take turns
to guess the suit of the black card.
The first to get the correct symbol,
gets one point.
The first with three points is the winner.
There are five types of card.
So the probability
of guessing right is 20 percent.
As the game continues,
the probability of guessing right goes up.
One more thing.
On the first turn only,
both players can reveal as many cards
as they like from their hand.
Of course, that means the opponent
will be able to see the symbols.
how is that useful?
If you show your cards
you receive the same number of new cards.
If you share information
You get new information all to yourself,
which makes it easier
to figure out what the black card is.
Let the game begin!
In the first round,
this is the card I need to guess.
I have the devil power, Limited Perfect.
No doubt this guy
has some special ability too.
But what is it?
And when will he use it?
The first player is Senya Uesugi.
Declare how many cards you want to reveal.
I'm not showing any cards.
I already know the answer.
The symbol on the card is
a club.
Oh, what a shame!
That would have been
such a killer bluff if I'd been right.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Now clubs have been eliminated,
it leaves diamonds, spades,
hearts, or the devil.
A 25 percent chance of success.
But why didn't he show any cards?
Is he bluffing to mess with my head?
Or he gained something useful
from guessing straightaway.
Oh, yeah.
Since I'm calling you Terurin,
feel free to drop "Uesugi."
My first name will do.
We're not friends.
Cold as ice!
I should have added another demand.
To force you to become my bestie.
If he has three cards
of the same suit in his hand,
he's excluded the clubs,
and the suit in his hand,
and his chance of success is 33 percent.
So it was better to keep his cards hidden.
Now I have a huge disadvantage.
At the very least, knowing his hand
would have put us in the same position.
I have a heart and two diamonds.
The symbol on the card is a club.
Clubs have been excluded.
If this guy has three of the same card,
then they must be devil cards, or spades.
If that's true
I'll show all three cards.
What have we here?
You receive three cards in return.
A spade.
That means that he must have
three devil cards.
So there's no way
the black card is a devil card.
Two diamonds on the table
and one in my hand,
so it can't be diamonds either.
So the answer is hearts or spades.
Fifty percent chance of success.
Teruasa Oda, take your guess.
My answer is spades.
Shit, you were wrong.
Don't worry.
I've reached the right answer.
It must be hearts.
Second turn. Senya Uesugi, you're next.
This time you can't show any cards.
Take your guess.
Okay! I'm going for
Just kidding.
It's a devil card.
It's not a heart?
Correct! One point to Senya Uesugi.
A devil card?
When you saw I didn't show any cards,
you made a rookie error,
assuming I had three of the same card.
Just because I said clubs
a club.
You jumped to the conclusion
I didn't have a club in my hand.
But hold on.
That's too bad.
After that, you went
and showed me three cards,
just like I knew you would.
You gave away one heart and two diamonds.
So if you assumed I had
three of the same card,
you'd think the black card
was a devil or spade.
After you got three new cards,
you went for spades.
Wonderful, truly wonderful.
You concluded I must have
three devil cards.
the three new cards you got
didn't include a devil card.
One heart on the table,
and two in my hand.
Spades was wrong,
clubs was wrong. Leaving
A diamond or devil.
Well, let me remind you what you did next
Shit, you were wrong.
Don't worry.
You were so confident.
Just as if you knew
you'd get it right next term.
That convinced me.
You eliminated the possibility
of it being diamonds.
Meaning the third diamond
must be in your hand.
Shit, you were wrong.
So the right answer was devil.
He knew what I was thinking.
You're a smart cookie, a master of logic,
but to gamblers,
masters of logic
are worse than fools.
Sitting ducks.
This guy is good.
A master of his craft,
he's got me in the palm of his hand.
Time for the second round.
Hey, Ui.
Got anything I can write on?
Hold on a sec. What are you two up to?
This is a game of probability.
I'm gonna write down the math.
Is that allowed?
I'll allow it.
All I have to do
is make sure I don't give anything away.
To do that
Awaken the devil power.
I'll use my devil power to stick
the cards together, hiding the symbols.
I'm showing three cards.
The problem is whether this counts
as showing cards.
Now you receive three new cards.
Yes, he let it go.
Why are they stuck together?
Could it be
this is your devil power?
Who knows?
Gado, my guess is spades.
The second player is Senya Uesugi.
Do you wish to show any cards?
It's a shit hand, so be my guest.
You receive three new cards.
Say, Terurin.
You seem to be trying your best
to keep me in the dark this time,
but you've given something big away.
The cards you fixed with the devil power
are all clubs, right?
-How the hell?
Look at that.
Did I guess right?
You can only use a devil power once,
so the best time to use it,
would be when you have a really good hand.
Like when you have three of the same card.
You made a crucial mistake.
Do you know what it was?
What are you talking about?
When you took the new cards,
you turned the middle one
the other way up.
The other two symbols must be upside down,
but that doesn't
seem to bother you, does it?
The cards on each side
must be diamonds?
Including the cards in my hand,
now I know 11 cards out of 15.
Spades were already guessed incorrectly,
so that means,
it's a devil card.
No way!
Not three clubs?
But you gave it away.
Oh, sorry. Teruasa asked me to play along.
Teruasa had him fooled from the start.
Since you narrowed it down
to a devil card,
now I know you have
two hearts in your hand.
the answer is diamond.
Teruasa Oda wins one point.
Crap, I think I'm falling for him.
Shall we continue the game of deception
you love so much?
I'm suddenly starting to enjoy myself.
Teruasa and Ui?
I think they're playing Senya Uesugi
to win back the company.
Yuki, Yuki!
I got some new info on Senya Uesugi.
New info?
Yukari, will you get my bag?
Gado-chin, can I take a memo too?
Yes, I'll allow it.
Thanks to Terurin's little notepad trick,
I can use mine
without anyone blinking an eye.
If I mark the cards like this,
I'll know what's in his hand.
Isn't this a cute game,
Three cards.
You receive three new cards.
That's a pretty bad hand.
As long as I mark one more card, I'm good.
Your father was killed by Hoshin.
When did you decide to get revenge?
Ever since he died 13 years ago.
Seriously? You really know
how to hold a grudge!
That's enough.
You can't understand how someone feels
after losing their family like that.
You're right, I don't get it.
This idiot could not get any worse.
Senya Uesugi, what's your answer?
He's getting sloppy.
By the way, Terurin.
What would you do if you saw an old man
walking along with heavy bags?
I'd see if he needed help.
Instead of an old man,
what if it was a child?
The same thing.
Is that compassion?
You feel pity for those in trouble?
It may appear so.
So what if it was a 14-year-old
middle school student?
What if that student believed
he had caused his father's death,
and instead of bags,
he was carrying a heavy burden of guilt?
I owe thanks to your son,
who's been digging around online.
His research led me right to you.
Chairman Oda!
Dad! Dad!
What are you trying to say?
"Responsibility" sure sounds fancy.
But are you living your own life?
Teruasa Oda?
Don't let him get to you, Teruasa.
I'm showing three cards.
You receive three new cards.
You've started doing it too.
Where is it? Where?
The spade has one dot.
The club has four dots.
The devil card has five dots.
He marked them.
Finally realized?
I marked them too.
In the second round.
The answer
is clubs.
Teruasa Oda gains one point.
You've got this.
That was incredible, Terurin!
I owe thanks to the gods
for meeting you. Wait!
I owe thanks to the devil.
Damn right.
But you're the only one I can't lose to.
What do you mean?
I'll tell you if you win.
But that'll never happen.
Ten years ago, when Senya Uesugi
was a high school student,
he came home late at night
after hanging out with a friend.
He saw his parents and younger sister
get attacked and murdered by a robber.
How awful.
And the robber?
He was caught half a year later.
But it wasn't the police who found him.
It was Senya Uesugi himself.
He caught him alone?
As the only survivor, he felt responsible,
and went behind the police
to catch the killer.
He went through
something similar to Teruasa.
he's not just after the keys.
You're the best.
This is fun.
I wish we could play forever.
I'm showing two cards.
Are you kidding me?
He's totally scribbled over them.
It's just one cool move
after the next with you.
Gotcha. Both cards are marked.
Did you spot it?
Teruasa Oda, it's your turn to guess.
Senya Uesugi, you go second.
How many cards do you want to show?
All three.
Just copying now?
I was thinking of doing it before you.
It doesn't matter.
It's two diamonds and a spade.
Two clubs
and a devil card.
Now you're just giving it away?
You marked all three anyway.
No point hiding them.
By the way, I know what's in your hand.
A heart, diamond, and a club.
Don't expect me to tell you
if you're right or wrong.
Do what you want.
Then why don't we take a peek
at the back of these cards.
Both cards have five dots.
So it must be two devil cards, right?
If that's right, the answer is
Teruasa put fake markings on those cards.
They're actually spades.
So the answer is devil.
Senya Uesugi.
What now?
I was about to say it's not spades.
I spoke just in time, didn't I?
Make your mind up!
Something pretty caught my eye.
I found your
second markings.
On the key.
Terurin put a mark in black pen
on the black section.
You can see which card it is
by the way it catches the light.
He spotted it.
The black card
is a devil card.
Correct. One point to Senya Uesugi.
Take that!
Two points each!
You are a master of suspicion.
The next round will decide the game.
I'm looking forward
to the greatest thrill of my life.
From the marking,
I know one of the cards is a heart.
The other two
have had their markings covered up.
Senya Uesugi goes first.
Do you wish to show any cards?
I'll show two.
The symbols are covered up.
Which cards are they?
Well, well.
Two of the new cards
don't have a single mark
made by me or Senya.
There can only be two cards like that.
They must be hearts.
That makes three hearts in total.
Don't let him get away with it.
Might as well use my secret weapon,
"Senya-kun Eye."
Let me explain what it is.
It's a devil power that lets me
look through obstacles to see what I want.
Look through obstacles?
I can see a club and two diamonds.
So the answer is
What? You're lying!
It makes perfect sense.
Teruasa Oda, you go second.
Do you wish to show cards?
All three.
This card must be a diamond.
Teruasa Oda, your answer.
In total, I know
what nine of the cards are.
Spades has been ruled out
so it must be a devil card, or clubs.
He must have been bluffing
about the devil power.
If he'd seen the card,
he'd have got it right.
Come on, we don't have all day.
But why would he lie?
Did he do it to divert my attention
away from something else?
The two cards he revealed at the start
Could they have more markings on them?
Gado-chin, shouldn't he get a yellow card?
Have some Mog chocolate for the wait.
Oh, crap.
Thank you.
I win.
You can't win if you don't guess.
A magician whose tricks
are this transparent,
ought to hang up their hat.
What's he planning to do?
A club and a devil card.
It's invisible ink.
It can only be seen with a black light.
I was right behind him
and even I didn't notice.
So, Teruasa Oda,
what is your answer?
The cards you were hiding
were a club and devil.
-The answer is
Teruasa Oda,
It can't be.
Just like I thought!
I knew you'd figure out my trick.
This is the pen.
On the other side,
it really is invisible ink.
But, hey.
Your discovery was all part of my
Just as you guessed,
Senya-kun Eye was a bluff.
I used a little something called
I put on quite a show to lure you in.
Now for the big reveal.
Two clubs.
You were completely fooled.
You figured out my special trick,
but I still managed to deceive you.
I'm having too much fun, Terurin.
Senya Uesugi, what is your answer?
This is
a devil card.
One point to Senya Uesugi.
Bringing him up to three points,
the winner of Five One,
is Senya Uesugi!
How wonderful it feels!
You were the best opponent ever.
Teruasa Oda,
that was short but sweet.
This brings the game Five One to an end!
There's a debt to be paid!
Teruasa! Ui!
A debt to be paid.
Cough up.
You can thank me.
I've freed you
from the heavy shackles of responsibility.
Teruasa lost.
tell me all you know about the keys.
From my research,
the devil's keys
have been around since BC.
And have been the cause of much conflict.
There are 99 keys in total.
If you collect them all,
you can have the world.
On each key,
there is a number inscribed
that looks like some kind of code.
That's all I know.
Okay, next. I have three favors.
I can ask for anything I want.
Please, anything but someone's life.
Give me your hand.
What's he doing?
Turn around.
Good boy.
As for my final request,
I'll save it until later for fun.
Ten keys in total.
Yukari, wanna play?
Now I kinda understand
how to use the keys.
I just need to find a sucker to play with.
#selfie #ponytailgirl
#mysteriouskey #iwanttostealkeys
Can I say-
Will you
give the key back to Teruasa?
Why, exactly?
Teruasa really needs that key
to catch who killed his father.
I don't know.
You're the same.
Your family was attacked and killed too.
You were just a high school student,
but you caught the attacker yourself
and turned him into the police.
Could it be
that you challenged Teruasa to a game
because you were intrigued
by how similar you are?
That's kinda messed up if it's true.
We can't begin to imagine
what they've been through.
You did your research, huh?
when I look at Terurin,
it reminds me my painful past.
It makes my heart ache.
It's been so difficult.
I wonder if the devil's key
doesn't just bring good luck,
but also brings similar people together.
It's all bullshit.
It's all too touching to be genuine.
He may have been
Mr. Nice Guy in the past, but now,
all he wants is a cheap thrill.
You got me.
You bastard.
Why don't you give up
all this boring revenge shit?
If what you said is true,
Hoshin is collecting 99 keys,
and seriously trying
to take over the world.
A crazy guy like that.
You really wanna take him on?
How about
we make a bet on the key?
Say again?
With that key,
I can challenge Hoshin to a game,
unearth all the keys and destroy them.
I will crush Hoshin's ambitions.
That's how you'll take revenge?
I'll fight and crush
those swallowed by desire,
and set them free.
They'll probably kill you first.
wouldn't that be
the best thrill of your life?
How about it?
Take the bet.
Join me in my plan,
and I'll make sure it's worth it.
Must be a bit lonely
collecting keys by yourself.
Team up with me.
Team up with me, take the keys
and destroy them all.
I'll make your life worth living!
Glad to have you on board, Senya.
Can't wait, Terurin.
First of all, let me tell you about
Hoshin's organization.
Armed groups have crossed
the South American border
in a military incursion.
Thanks to the key.
To see our whole plan through
We need to find all 99 keys.
Whatever danger awaits
I will crush Gungnir's ambitions.
A fight for one hundred gold coins.
Cut the crap.
It's over.
I've won.
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