Actress (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


They killed Rafet too.
They're trying to intimidate me.
How do they know about the stone
in my gallbladder?
Where has Ahmet been disappearing to
for days?
Ms. Yasemin. Can we take a photo?
Okay, it's my turn.
Come on, you
Take another one.
It's me. Calm down. You're soaking wet.
- Come on. Let's get you changed.
- I don't want to.
- Come on, get up.
- I don't want to--
Well, let's at least clean your wound.
And you like this, like a nurse
- Have you seen Ahmet?
- Mm-mmm.
I know it seems like I've moved in,
but I am looking for a place. Don't worry.
There is no need to rush.
You can stay here until you find a role.
- I need to do this.
"It is a natural part
of the biological process
that occurs when a lesion develops
on the skin or other tissue in the body
as a result of a wound, accident,
disease, or surgery.
Since the body cannot reproduce
the damaged tissue exactly,
fresh tissue grows in a new way
that differs in structure and properties
from the surrounding undamaged skin."
"The belly button
is our center or nucleus.
It is the center of the universe.
It is a wound
that no longer serves any purpose.
The body is an open field,
a battlefield of conflicts."
Got one.
That too.
She already dances.
Rock 'n' roll. Oh, she's good at that.
She's even got previous experience.
No, I don't.
Oh, yeah, don't ask.
We were also shocked about Mr. Rafet.
Of course, he drank and smoked.
He was also overweight.
That one?
I've looked at that
and sent you the details.
No, no, I'm looking at it now again
and I'll tell you. Hang up.
- How are you feeling?
- Much better.
Good. Got anything to say?
That day. Jülide's day.
Did anything unusual happen?
Like what?
I don't know.
Something weird along the way.
Why? Was something supposed to happen?
We're taking a break. You rest up. Okay?
- Who?
- It's not important.
Answer it.
Do you need anything?
Okay, see you later.
- I don't know how to rock 'n' roll.
- You'll learn.
How am I supposed to learn
in three days?
At least you have three days.
People learn how to drive a car
or ride a horse on the set.
Work at it and learn.
Digitalis Lanata. Good for the heart!
Rafet loved it! Could be handy.
- What tea is this?
- I don't know. It was there.
- Did you drink those?
- Huh?
- Did you drink these?
- No.
She doesn't even know
what tea she's making.
We've got coffee. Drink coffee.
Look. Use her as an example.
She does whatever she wants.
She wants us to have coffee,
we'll have coffee.
Yes, we present
the Special Jury Award.
We congratulate her with a warm round
of applause and send her off.
- Thank you.
- We thank you.
- And cut!
Yasemin, don't push too hard.
Don't let the stitches pop open.
I'm fine, there's no problem.
- There.
- Sir, who let you in?
Ah, we came to visit Ms. Yasemin.
I can't let you in.
We're about to start recording.
Okay. No problem. We'll wait.
- Later.
- Fatih?
Ah, Yasemin.
- Oh, I'm so sorry. He insisted we come.
- It's not a problem.
Do you know each other?
Yes. Is this how you treat
everyone who comes?
It's not a problem. Really
Yasemin, you've had an operation.
It was all over the news.
- Hope you feel better soon.
- Thanks.
- Are these for me?
- Uh-huh.
Yasemin. You know what?
Defne loves you very much.
I mean, I love you too,
but Defne loves you a lot.
Can we take a selfie and send it to her?
It would be so cool.
Who's Defne? His girlfriend?
Would it be a problem?
You know, in your outfit and all.
Come over here then.
- Would you like to look around the set?
- Uh-huh.
Can you show Mr. Ateş around the set?
Of course.
Guys, the camera is ready!
Boss, we are starting in five minutes!
Let's get everyone
not needed off the set.
Please, it's getting too crowded here.
- Coffee?
- Coffee.
- Coffee.
- Coffee.
What did he whisper into your ear?
- That's between us.
- Oh, gosh.
Nice. Ready. Ready.
We're ready here. Once again.
Why do kids like you so much?
Excuse me, which newspaper
are you from, I wonder?
- Uh, is that how it sounded?
- Yep, exactly.
So just be straight.
For weeks, I've been accused of ignorance
because I don't know who you are.
During that time,
we've seen 50 of your performances.
So you watched them, did you?
We got one of those metal clamps,
like Clockwork Orange.
Somehow it helped.
It's a joke. I was joking, really.
You practiced that shit joke, didn't you?
What's his mother doing?
She's fine, I guess. I don't know.
We don't see each other, except for Ateş.
Let's finish up here!
After the accident,
we became more distant.
Was it because of the accident?
How long did you do time for?
Are we going to talk about this? Hmm?
I can't take you seriously
while you're wearing that.
Excuse me! But I'm actually very sweet.
No, seriously,
what's wrong with my outfit?
Nothing. Really, nothing.
- You look like a peacock.
- A peacock?
- Do you fancy me?
- Huh?
Ateş said, "My father fancies you,
but don't give it away."
That little bastard!
Oh, so you don't fancy me then.
Guys, makeup team.
Please make the final touches.
- What should I do? Should I ask you out?
- Please!
Will you ask me out?
I've never been asked out.
- It won't be anything like this.
- Let's do it. Come on! Ask me out.
Come on.
- Come on.
- The tea is on its way.
I like you very much,
and if you want to--
Ms. Yasemin. Can we do your makeup?
Sound! Are you ready, sound guys?
I accept. Tomorrow night.
Prepare the garden.
Ms. Yasemin,
you had asked for the guest list
for the award ceremony. Here you go.
Thank you. Thank you.
Yasemin, can we talk a little, please?
Taner, I'm fine. Really well. Don't worry.
- Why did you want this list?
- I'm going to have a party at my place.
Won't it be really crowded like that?
You, me, Ahmet? And Chief Ekin.
Got anything else to say?
Yes, I do. We're going to Toll tomorrow.
Mr. Serkan is Rafet's partner.
He wants to make Hunter
in memory of Rafet.
The screenwriter made all the revisions
according to you. You can read it.
- What was the name of the screenwriter?
I'm not low enough
to memorize any screenwriter's name.
Anyway, we'll talk.
Hello? Yes? What? Kamuran?
Don't let Kamuran
on the set. I'm coming. Okay.
Savaş Aksoy.
All I want is to play together!
If legends are to be believed,
this courtship dance
heralds the arrival of the monsoons.
But this year, the rains have been delayed
and the females have been affected.
Every dry day makes the battle
for survival a little more difficult.
Cigarettes are becoming
more and more harmful
to human health every day.
So is Yasemin, a creature known
to smoke only in times of stress,
experiencing fear
for the first time in her life?
Does the presence of someone
watching her every step of the way
excite her and make her happy,
or frighten her?
Yasemin, who has long been bored
with her monotonous life
and wants a playmate,
has a complicated inner world.
The day
when only the tough will survive
and have to share the scarce water
is unfortunately very close.
- I think we got a little carried away.
- It was fun though.
But the guy who came to the set today
was good too.
- And you see everything.
Single fathers are always good.
They are sensitive. They listen to you.
They are very good in bed
because they came out of a bad marriage.
Single fathers?
What do you know about single fathers?
Should we read your DMs?
Go. I'm going to sleep.
Come on.
I always wondered what is sent to you.
- Just go.
- Should we just read one?
- Go, I said. Come on.
- Please?
- Just one.
- Okay.
Lazy bastard. What did he say?
"Yasemin, how are you?
I hope everything is fine."
Polite boy.
I've been in the army for three months.
Life here is very hard for us. Can you
send me a naked picture of you? Love."
- It started off so well.
- Look at the lazy bastard!
- Psst.
- Enough.
- Shall we send one?
- Go.
- Just a small one.
- Go.
But he asked so nicely.
You're so rude.
- Yuck. Go!
- Good night, Yasemin.
- Go!
We are very happy
that you decided to continue.
You can be sure
that we will do this job properly
in memory of our brother Rafet.
You must have read the revisions.
We made a lot of revisions
so you can play the commissioner.
- Right?
- Hmm.
- For now, her name is Yasemin,
but we will change that. Don't worry.
I read it.
I read it. It's good. Uh
In fact, you made the character
more prominent.
I didn't ask for that, but
Did you like it? Tell me how you like it.
- I did.
- Ah.
- As we said last time, you added a mentor.
- Of course we added it.
And, uh, can we, uh--
Can we talk about
the character of the commissioner?
Huh, Yasemin?
Well, to be honest,
after the conversation the other day,
I went home and thought about it.
And then I created this character.
The person, who made the Hunter a hunter,
has been there for them
in their hard times.
A person who always helped them.
An ex-cop.
Then I came up with this idea.
I haven't written it yet
but the one
who betrays the Hunter in the final,
instead of the girl she loves,
I want it to be her mentor.
So such a betrayal
would be worse than death to the Hunter.
What do you think about the revision
of the screenwriter? Do you like it?
No, I didn't like it.
Well, let's think about it.
Let me think about why you don't like it.
The car is here too.
Hello, Ms. Yasemin. How are you?
- Fine [clears throat] You?
- Thank you very much. After you.
- Where's Ahmet?
- I really don't know, Ms. Yasemin.
Ahmet told me to come today.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
There's no problem, right?
Did Ümit pick you up?
Yes, he did. There's no problem.
I was worried about you.
You didn't warn me.
I had some things to take care of,
so I thought I'd get it
all out of the way today.
There's no problem, right?
No problem. It's fine.
My battery's dying, Yasemin.
I'll call you later.
Sure, we'll talk.
Okay, you win.
Let's finish the next one together
tomorrow night.
- Let's go to the hospital then.
- No, we can't!
So, be quiet then.
Take it easy.
What's your problem?
- Reason?
- I don't like them.
What does your therapist say about this?
I've been once. Never again.
- Asked too many questions.
- Mmm.
Not a bad-looking wound.
It looks good on you.
- If you make an NFT of it, it'll sell.
Did you know that, in some cultures,
a scar is respected?
The person with a big and impressive wound
is the one who has looked
into the eyes of a wild animal,
overcome his fears and survived.
-Hotel Silence.
- Mm-hmm.
A fresh quote from the last book I read.
What a great coincidence, isn't it?
I don't understand.
You don't understand.
A mysterious man with a troubled past.
He comes and takes over the café
where only I hang out.
He claims he doesn't know me.
What he watches, what he listens to,
the painting in his house.
The books he never even opens.
Isn't it a great coincidence
that I love these things too?
And that I talk about it in my interviews.
What the hell are you talking about?
Are you stalking me?
- Are you crazy?
- Answer me.
Is that what you're like? Huh?
The world revolves around you
because you're in two shitty TV shows?
Don't take yourself so seriously,
dear sister.
- You'll go crazy.
Fuck you.
I'm not around today, too.
Try not to die if you can.
The house is full of this stuff
called Flakka, commissioner.
This shit is worse than K2.
They call it the zombie drug.
Suicide, most probably.
So many people have shot themselves
in the head because of this shit.
Let the ballistics specialist take a look.
We heard the sound at night, chief.
I thought a tire or something like that
had blown.
Tuned cars always race
in the back alley, commissioner.
We thought it was them.
- Did you see someone passing by here?
- No way, chief.
- I saw someone.
- Who did you see, old man?
I saw Yasemin Derin. She was here.
This is the local nut, chief.
Yasemin Derin was here.
Of course, old man.
Beren Saat robbed a jeweler's last week
in Maltepe too.
Fucking lunatic.
There are no coincidences in the universe.
Are you ready???
Come, let's play.
So? Do you have anything to say?
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