All That Glitters (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

A sarong?
Liu Mu!
Watch out!
I told you to watch out.
-Come on!
-Let go!
Let go!
What's the matter?
I brought her back. I want a refund!
Bro Jianzhi, it's all right.
I didn't press it long enough.
Let go!
Jiahui, if it hadn't been for you,
I'd have reported him to the police!
The police? Why?
-He touched me!
Don't talk nonsense! I didn't touch you.
I only grabbed your bag.
That is obstruction of personal liberty,
aggravated provocation
and attempted outrage of modesty.
Zhenting is a law and management student.
I only brought her back
to get this sorted.
Who says I provoked and molested her?
She kicked me instead!
I was acting in self-defense.
I should have kicked you hard enough
to castrate you!
Bro Jianzhi, did she kick you?
It's all right.
I'm sorry. I embarrassed you again.
It's all right. At least
they won't call me Big Potato again.
You fought them just because
they called you Big Potato?
Big Potato is an idiot.
My teachers, classmates
and neighbors have called me an idiot
since I was little.
I swore to beat up everyone
who calls me an idiot.
Can you beat them up?
I didn't know he was such a good fighter.
I'm warning you, in the future,
don't get into fights
with others casually.
Even if you do, don't make a bet
where the loser has to drop his pants.
It's so embarrassing!
Don't worry. I won't lose.
I'm going to learn martial arts.
I'm going to the Shaolin Temple.
-Is this your so-called Shaolin Temple?
You're going to learn martial arts here?
Hello, Master.
What are you waiting for?
My master is waiting.
Master, I brought them here.
You're here.
Granny is your master?
You're even more stupid than me!
All right, stop fooling around.
Come and pray to the Buddha.
May the Buddha keep the three of you
safe and sound,
so that you may get married
and have children soon.
I'm relieved to know that Jintiao has
two good friends like you.
You must be good friends for life.
My grandson is dim-witted.
You must take good care of him for me.
Did you hear that?
You must take good care of me.
-Yes, Granny.
-Yes, Granny.
I'm leaving. Take good care of the home.
-Who is Granny going to look for?
-My dad.
Your dad? Isn't he dead?
He has been missing for over 20 years.
Only she believes that he's still alive.
Since she wants to
search for him, let her.
Grandma is getting
more and more stubborn as she ages.
She won't listen to anything I say.
Where is she going to look for your dad?
In Malaysia? Batam? Bintan?
It must be in a faraway place.
Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked us
to look after you.
David, come quickly
once you've parked the car.
-It must be him.
-Don't take too long.
Bro Bing.
-You're here.
-It's been a long time.
It's been a long time.
-This is my buddy, Jintiao.
-Hello, Bro Bing.
Hi, I'll leave this place to you.
You'll be in charge
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Another team will take charge
on other days.
I've also spoken to the boss.
His car registration number is 8182.
Remember that.
Remember to greet him properly.
All right.
You won't be gone all that long.
The lawyer says
I'll probably get 18 months in prison
and six strokes of the cane.
I'll be taken away
once the verdict is given tomorrow.
Don't worry. I'll look after this place.
We'll be waiting here for your return.
Why should you wait?
This is just valet parking.
-It's not serious business.
-Bro Bing.
-Here, Bro Bing. It's just a small token.
Take it. Thank you for looking after us.
These are for you to use.
-And take these keys.
-All right.
Do you have to pay takeover fees
for a valet parking business too?
Nothing in this world is free.
But he only got into a fight.
Why did he go to prison?
He hacked someone with a bread knife
and nearly killed him.
He hacked someone with a knife?
How could you be friends
with such a person?
I'm not the one he hacked.
Why should I be afraid?
I've been following him
ever since I left Uncle.
I worked for him.
I helped him with his car cleaning
and valet businesses.
Let's get to work.
I haven't put it on yet.
Hurry up!
Boss. That way, please.
Someone's here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
He wants his car. Go get it quickly.
What took you so long?
Get to work.
Mind your head.
Boss, I'm new here. My name is Lin Musen.
You can call me Liu Mu or Thunder.
Park the car.
When will I ever get to own such a car?
Miss, I have no quarrel with you.
You must have got the wrong person.
I'm just a valet driver.
This isn't my car.
Who are you? Why were you in the car?
It's none of your business.
Who are you?
-Hey! Where's the boss?
-He's upstairs.
Take care.
Sir, I need to see the boss.
-Is anything the matter?
-Let him in.
Did you damage the car?
No, I'm a good driver.
Actually, while parking the car,
someone appeared in the back seat.
It was a little girl.
She had long hair.
She gave me such a fright.
I asked her who she was,
but she wouldn't say.
I thought I'd better report it to you.
-Where is she?
-She ran away.
She's such a wacky child.
That's my daughter.
It's all right. Go on.
Wait a minute.
-Your name is Thunder?
-Yes, Thunder.
Go ahead.
Go on.
We're going to be rich!
I earned S$60 for a day's work
as a valet driver.
It'll be S$180 for three days.
So in a month, won't I earn
-What are you doing?
Granny, be careful when crossing the road.
Come on.
What are you honking at?
Can't you see an old lady
is crossing the road?
There's an overhead bridge ahead.
Do old folks not have to
obey traffic rules?
Let's see if you'll say that
when you're 80 years old yourself!
If you can live to the age of 80, that is!
-What do you mean by this?
-I mean I'm very displeased!
What about it? Come on!
-I'm not pleased either!
-Neither am I!
Please hurry, all right?
I'm rushing to meet a client.
Here, Granny. Take it easy.
Take it easy. There's no hurry.
Are you in a hurry to be reincarnated?
Darn you!
Come on, Granny.
Muay Thai?
There's no Shaolin temple here,
but there's a Muay Thai school.
So I've decided to take up Muay Thai.
Do you have too much money to spare?
-Do you despise me?
-Did I say that?
I know how you feel.
You think I can't even tell left
from right.
You think it'll be a waste of money
for me to take it up, right?
You're right. That's how I feel.
You jerk!
What are you doing?
You're no longer my buddy!
You said it!
Forget it. I'm older than you.
I'll be magnanimous
and not hold it against you.
-But I'm very disappointed in you.
You despise me just like everyone else.
You have no regard for me at all.
If you want others to respect you,
prove yourself through your actions
instead of your words.
-Get it?
-I'll prove it to you.
You don't have to prove it to me
or to anyone else.
Prove it to yourself.
Prove to yourself that you can do it.
I'll prove to you, myself
and everyone else
that I can do it!
Once I master Muay Thai, no one
will dare to call me Big Potato again!
I'll give him a taste of my fists!
Liu Mu.
Liu Mu.
The client was so angry
when I finally arrived.
That stupid hooligan nearly
cost me a deal.
People are getting
more and more impatient these days.
He saw the old lady having
a hard time crossing the road,
but instead of helping her,
he sounded the horn and yelled at her.
Do you know what he said?
"Can't you see the overhead bridge ahead?"
"Do old folks
not have to obey traffic rules?"
Isn't it infuriating?
I really wanted to teach
that hooligan a lesson.
But it's more important
to help the elderly.
He floored the accelerator
and whizzed past me.
-It was so dangerous, wasn't it?
-That's right!
Had I not been looking after
Am I the hooligan you're talking about?
You're dressed decently.
I thought you were a property agent.
So I was wrong.
You must be a roti prata vendor.
You're so good at twisting words.
Were you the one who helped
the old lady across the road just now?
Do I know you?
You don't recognize me?
I'd recognize you
if you were burnt to ashes!
Kopi Gah Dai, what are you doing?
Xiao Mei Coffee,
how did you get to know this jerk
who calls others hooligans
when he's the biggest lout himself?
What did you say?
Why are you shouting? Did I mention you?
What about it? Do you want to fight?
Kopi Gah Dai, what are you doing?
I'm warning you to be careful
of this jerk.
I saw him staring at you
and getting touchy-feely with you.
He must have ill intentions.
He was such a hooligan earlier on,
and now he's a lecher.
She's my girlfriend.
We're getting married.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
Don't I sing better than Chao Chuan?
What's wrong with Liu Mu?
Let's go karaoke when we finish work.
It'll be my treat.
I earned S$60 in tips yesterday.
And I just received my salary today.
-I'm asking you what's wrong with Liu Mu.
-What's the matter?
I don't know.
He's been like this for a while.
What happened to him?
Liu Mu!
Liu Mu!
Man the stall for me.
Where's Zhi?
He went to the toilet.
He's running a business.
Stop taking him out to eat, drink,
gamble and womanize, all right?
What? We enjoy food and drinks,
but we don't gamble and womanize.
I'm a man too.
I know you unruly people
wouldn't take him out for anything else
apart from eating, drinking,
gambling and womanizing!
I'll repeat myself.
We enjoy food and drinks,
but we don't gamble and womanize.
Who ate this?
I did.
I see. There's beer in the fridge.
There's money in the drawer.
Help yourself.
We're running a business!
I'll pay you.
That means you haven't paid.
I'll pay you now. Do you have to shout?
Just S$10?
I only ate two sticks.
Are there only two sticks here?
And you and Liu Mu
have been eating and drinking for free
in my absence.
Do you think I'm not aware of this?
It was once or twice at most.
Once or twice?
Perhaps three or four times then.
It's more like 30 or 40 times!
I know you unruly people are always out
to take advantage of my son.
Pay up!
Young man, what are you doing?
It's you. What do you want?
I'm not here for coffee, Auntie.
-Why are you here, then?
-Where's Xiao Mei Coffee?
I mean your daughter.
Zhenyu? She's out.
Did she give you the wrong change?
Sorry. She has poor eyesight.
How much does she owe you?
I'll give it to you now.
She didn't give me the wrong change.
She's seeing the wrong person.
-What are you saying?
-It's nothing.
Let's go!
Let go!
Auntie, he might be decently dressed,
but he's no good.
You mustn't let your daughter marry him.
He's abusive to old folks.
He claims to be a good man
when he's such a jerk.
What are you talking about?
He's drunk. Ignore him.
-Who says I'm drunk?
-Let's go.
Auntie, you must really
be wary of that jerk!
-Are you crazy?
-Let go!
Why were you so rash?
Didn't I tell you? That guy
He's a jerk and a scumbag. So what?
What do you mean by that?
I wasn't aware of it previously.
But now that I am,
I can't pretend not to know anything.
The question is whether
they want to know about it.
I don't know
if they want to know about it.
But since I'm aware of it,
I can't pretend not to know anything.
Do you get it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
But I know that whoever she wants
her daughter to marry
is none of your business.
-Who says it's none of my business?
-How is it your business?
Anyway, she can marry anyone she wants
except that jerk!
I get it.
She can't marry anyone except you!
It'd be most ungentlemanly of me
to feel that way.
Xiao Mei Coffee can't see enough
to judge someone's character.
I've seen through that man,
so I have a duty to warn her.
-Who are you to do that?
-What do you mean?
Who are you to her?
You're not her family member,
and you're not her friend.
If she wants to get married,
why should you
ruin something good for her?
It's not something good! It's clearly bad!
Should she end up with that jerk,
her days will be filled with weeping.
How can she make coffee then?
Even if she forces herself to do it,
her coffee won't be the same!
Yes, that's right.
To ensure that
I'll always enjoy good coffee,
I must prevent this!
You're bringing trouble
upon yourself and others!
She'll be in trouble if I don't do this!
-What are you doing?
-Are you done yet?
May I speak now?
-What is it?
-The money is gone.
-What money?
-What money?
My money!
My salary and my S$60 in tips.
-Have you been robbed?
-It's something like that.
Which scoundrel took your money?
Don't point at me!
I didn't take your money!
It was your dad.
I'm answering your call now, right?
I only owe you a little.
Do you have to yell at me?
Okay, I'll be right there.
Once I win big money,
I'll throw it all at you!
-Where are you going?
-What do you want?
-Pay up!
-What are you doing?
-Pay up!
-Why should I pay you?
-Jintiao's money!
-That was an old debt he owed me!
What old debt are you talking about?
Explain yourself!
He eats at our satay stall every day.
Am I supposed to give him free meals?
He said it himself.
He has been there 30 or 40 times!
I didn't say that.
It was just three or four times.
Even so, a few tens of dollars
isn't enough!
Tens of dollars?
There was over S$1,000 in there!
-You'd better cough up the money today!
-Forget it.
I said, pay up! Stop talking nonsense!
Cough up the money!
You have to cough up the money!
Help! I'm being beaten up by my son!
That's enough! People are looking!
-I'm being beaten up by my son!
-Don't be rash!
He's always like this!
Forget it. He's your father.
He's right. I'm your father.
How could you do this to me?
Can you show some respect?
Your wife jumped to her death
because of you!
What kind of father are you?
Sit down.
Didn't his mother run away?
Why is he saying she committed suicide?
Why, my foot!
Everyone has a sore point.
For instance, you go crazy
when people call you
an idiot or Big Potato.
Maybe he doesn't want to be
reminded of his mother's suicide.
Or perhaps he hopes that
his mother might still be alive.
So don't bring that up again, all right?
Watch your step.
This condo is in a great location,
with good transport connectivity.
Best of all,
the scenery is beautiful from here.
-Come on, I'll show you the balcony.
All right. Take it easy.
I know you can't see, but it's all right.
Take a whiff of the air.
Do you smell the scent of nature?
This condo should be sold easily then.
That's for sure.
Many people have made enquiries,
but I can't bear to sell it.
Didn't you say the owner is migrating
and wants to sell it quickly?
I can't bear to see it sold.
But you're just the agent.
I can be the buyer too.
I'd like to buy it for our new home.
It costs more than S$2,000,000.
How can we afford it?
I'll pay for it over time.
I'll work hard to earn money
and give you a comfortable life.
You'll have a hard time.
I'm willing to endure
any hardship for you.
I love you.
George, don't do this.
We're in someone else's home.
The owner is overseas.
No one will come in.
We're getting married.
Don't be such a prude.
We're not getting married yet!
Please respect me!
I hit my head!
Are you all right?
It hurts!
Zhenyu, it hurts!
It hurts here.
Zhenyu, I need you.
-Get off me!
-I need
-Go away!
-Get off me!
Get off me! Don't touch me!
I'm a university graduate
earning over S$10,000 a month.
I can easily find a partner.
Many people have asked me
why an eligible bachelor like me
would choose to be with
a physically-flawed daughter
of a coffee stall holder like you!
I tell them it's because I love her.
I don't need you to be grateful to me.
But you should at least show me
that you care about me.
Are you being difficult?
You'd better not come pleading to me!
I'm sorry.
-Are you all right?
-There's no need!
Miss, are you all right?
I'm all right.
-I need you.
-Get off me!
Are you crazy? I'm your fiancé.
Can't we get intimate?
Thank you.
Why are you back so early?
Aren't you having dinner with George?
He had to meet a client at short notice.
He should have at least walked you home.
I told him not to bother.
His work comes first.
Zhenyu, are you planning to marry George?
You've been together
for almost three months now.
I know it's a little too soon
to talk about marriage.
But if your relationship is already
Mum, why are you
suddenly bringing this up?
I'm just concerned for you.
I'm blind.
I should be thankful
that someone doesn't mind
and wants to be with me in spite of that.
I should get married quickly
to avoid complications, right?
What's the matter with you?
You're always asking others
to find me a boyfriend.
You're afraid I'll be unwanted
and left on the shelf.
Now someone is finally willing to date me.
And he's a university graduate
with a well-paying job.
A blind girl from a coffee stall like me
should seize the opportunity
and not let him get away, right?
What's the matter?
It was just a casual question.
All right, I won't ask you that again.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I'm all right. I'm just afraid.
What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid you'll have a hard time.
Don't worry.
How could I not worry?
Just now
What happened just now?
Tell me, Mom.
A young man came just now.
He was probably drunk.
He came to the stall
and said a whole lot of nonsense.
What did he say?
He said you shouldn't marry that man,
and that he's not a good person
who even verbally abuses old folks.
Kopi Gah Dai?
Who's Kopi Gah Dai?
Mum, I know who he is.
Did he ever ask you out?
Did he say anything to you?
No. Just ignore him.
You're the one who should ignore him.
I'm afraid he might have designs on you.
It might affect
your relationship with George.
It won't, Mom.
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm just searching for a warm embrace
Is this too much to ask for?
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm just searching for a warm embrace
Is that too much to ask for?
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm just searching for a warm embrace
Distract them.
Don't let them notice anything.
The drinks are here.
What? Xiaomei's daughter?
Where are you going?
Did you hear what Jianzhi said?
Those two men are
deliberately distracting them
to stop them from noticing something.
Of course they plan to drug them.
Let's save Xiaomei's daughter together.
Are we going?
Are you crazy? I need to pee!
What will you do after that?
We'll continue singing. Let go!
-I'm a little bird
-He's leaving her in the lurch.
Bro Jianzhi, why are you here?
Bro Jintiao, you're here too.
You know them?
They're my cousin's friends.
Where's Bro Musen?
He's in the washroom.
Jiahui, have you been drinking?
No, I just had fruit juice.
Pretty girl, have you been drinking?
It's none of your business.
Whether you drink liquor or fruit juice,
you'll fall victim to them.
Do you feel dizzy now?
Just what do you want?
Those two men are no good.
They're trying to distract you
before spiking your drinks.
Don't talk nonsense!
I'm not talking nonsense.
My buddy heard it.
What did you hear?
I heard them planning to distract you.
-And what next?
Next, they'll drug you.
Did you hear us planning to drug them?
I didn't.
If you're not planning to drug them,
why would you have to distract them?
How can we give them a surprise
without distracting them?
They're celebrating
Zhenting's and my birthday.
That's the surprise.
A pair of idiots!
-What did you say?
-I'm calling both of you idiots!
Especially you! Do you want another kick?
We're helping you out of good intentions!
How could you call us idiots
and try to kick him?
I'm insulting you! What about it?
Hey! She
Let's go.
-Jiahui, don't drink.
-Let's go!
-Let's go.
-Let's carry on. Come on.
-Ignore them. Let's continue.
-Here, Jiahui. Sit down.
Cheers! Happy birthday!
-Here! Bottoms up!
I hate to be called an idiot!
She said it five times!
She insulted me too.
We misunderstood them.
I deserve to be insulted.
You're at fault too.
Why didn't you get things straight?
Where's Liu Mu?
Why aren't we going?
Don't ever leave things unfinished.
If you want to help someone,
shouldn't you go all the way?
Why should I help them?
Didn't you hear what they said?
As they said, they're classmates.
They were just giving them
a birthday surprise.
Do you mean classmates
can't be up to no good?
They might have lured them away
to give them a surprise,
but they could also be waiting
to spike their drinks.
So you're waiting for them to come out?
How else can we tell
if they're good or evil?
I think they're evil.
Wake up.
-Get up.
Where are we?
Weren't we at the karaoke joint?
That was last night.
It's already the next morning.
What happened?
You were nearly finished.
Bro Musen?
Come here.
Don't ever hang out with her again.
-What do you mean by this?
-What do I mean?
You called others idiots
when you're the greatest idiot!
You don't even know
who you can and cannot trust.
You can get into trouble for all I care,
but don't drag my cousin into it!
-Just what happened?
-You're really muddle-headed!
You still don't know what happened?
It seems like both of you were drugged.
Last night, we saw two men
dragging you out.
You were in a daze, as though drunk.
But I remember you telling me
that you don't drink.
I don't drink.
I remember.
After my second glass of fruit juice,
I felt very tired and drowsy.
So Tommy and Leo
really had bad intentions.
Where are they?
They ran away when we said
we were going to call the police.
You simply wouldn't wake up.
Liu Mu said your mom would kill you
if we took you home.
We don't know where she lives either.
And taking you to a hotel
would have caused misunderstandings.
We had no choice but to bring you here.
We kept watch downstairs
while you slept here.
Be careful!
Tommy Goh, don't think you can get away
by avoiding my calls!
And Leo, don't dream of
getting off the hook!
Listen. I'm giving you 10 minutes.
If you don't call me in 10 minutes,
we'll make a police report.
Zhenting, what's the matter?
-What is it?
You completely disregarded my words!
I told you not to hang out with her!
Stop there. Come home with me!
Zhenting is not well.
It's all right. Listen to him.
He's right.
I nearly brought harm upon you.
It's not your fault.
Zhenting is my good friend.
I won't leave her in the lurch.
I can go back on my own. Bye.
Let's go.
Should we go after them?
Don't bother.
What are friends for?
Friends should be loyal to one another.
Hold on tight.
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