Allegiance (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Running on Empty

Previously on Allegiance
Mr. Ajeet Sohal? You are
under arrest for treason.
Sabrina, this is Nate Brugmann.
- Nate?
- Yes, I-I know who this is.
- Wait, is he ?
- In league with the devil? Yes.
Assistant Crown, on the
team prosecuting my dad.
When can we see you?
[AJEET] Max is still
working on clearances.
They want me to ask
for special treatment,
and I'm not going to do it.
[ISHAAN] The graffiti on Dad's office
belongs to a group called
"Eye of the Hurricane".
- Dad's arrest?
- One of these I.O.H. guys knew
it was coming before it happened.
So I talked to HR, they're
ready to let you go.
Look, I think I want
to see this one through.
Minister Peter Larrabee
stands firm in his defence
of both Minister Sohal,
and the Minister's
groundbreaking Bill C68,
aimed at reducing the
barriers for asylum-seekers.
[RADIO CALLER] So we just
what, we open our borders?
When will it stop?
I mean, where do Sohal's
loyalties even lie?
Does he even believe in a country
that has embraced people
like him as newcomers?
[SABRINA] Ishaan,
I'm heading out.
What's going on?
Nothing, all good, go to work.
Be all you can be.
- Let me see.
- It's nothing, Sab.
Then let me see.
[ISHAAN] Can you believe it?
They're going after his turban.
These idiots don't
even know what it means.
They think it's a funny hat.
You need to stop
looking at this bullshit.
I'm not looking at it, okay?
I'm trying to infiltrate
their chat rooms.
I'm trying to get bots
to mass report them.
I'm trying to keep up
and get this shit taken
down as fast as I can,
and it's
it's out of control,
and I can't keep up, and
Hey, it's okay, I'm sorry.
Have you heard from Max?
The same old song,
"Leave it with me, I'll
update you as soon as I can."
What about clearance to see Dad?
"Leave it with me, I'll
update you as soon as I can."
It's Max, leave a message.
Max, it's me.
I want to see Dad. Today.
Call me back.
Isn't this Dad's?
Yeah, it's Dad's.
I'll, um, let you
know as soon as I hear?
- Thanks.
- Maybe eat something?
Maybe take a shower?
Did you get lost on your way here?
Anticipated my T.O.'s
specialty coffee order.
Ah, smooth.
Does desperation come in decaf?
I would've got one for your T.O.,
but I didn't have his senior's card.
How's that going?
Well, you know, you learn a
little something from everyone.
Remember what they told
us at the Academy
"success is not a linear journey."
- What?
- Move. You're blocking my view.
Sabrina, hurry up.
Big visit from Serious Crimes today.
Thank you.
Good morning.
- Good morning!
- [BOLTON] All right, let's get started.
So, we're all aware of the
recent spike in auto thefts.
Cutting to the chase,
the chatter we're hearing
is that one of Surrey's
most active crews
is preparing for a major delivery.
Serious Crimes is on this one,
I'm gonna pass the
file to Inspector Degas.
Thank you.
12,000 vehicles were stolen
in this province alone last year,
and here in Surrey,
we are looking at
triple-digit increases
in the last 30 days.
Now, Surrey is a natural hub,
with lots of in and out points,
road, rail, and coast.
Cars are leaving the province
before they're even reported stolen.
Why can't we contain these thefts?
Well, uh,
modern vehicles are computers on wheels,
so thieves gotta get
more sophisticated, too
There are two leading techniques,
relay attacks and preprogramming.
Relays clone a signal from key fobs.
Preprogrammed attacks
allow a device like this
to access the CAN bus.
- "Can bus"?
- "Controller Area Network"
and "Communication Between Components".
Oh, thank you, that clears it up.
It's the nervous system of the vehicle.
It's accessed through
the headlight wiring,
or the wheel well,
and it enables control
over the entire car.
Which allows thieves to be in
and out in under two minutes.
[DEGAS] Nate Brugmann from the Crown.
The other problem is we're stuck
at the bottom of the food chain here.
What minor arrests we've made
haven't led to anything bigger.
This car-theft ring is using
a sub-contracting system,
which is insulating the big
players from the small ones.
We can't afford to waste any more
resources here prosecuting small fish.
- We need a marlin.
- We have managed a lead.
It's not much,
it's not even a name,
it's just a letter
This is who we believe
is running the crew
preparing for tonight's delivery.
- This is gang-related?
- Yes,
and the recent spike in thefts
suggests that the gangs are fundraising,
or they're exchanging
cars directly for weapons.
Obviously, with the rumours
of an impending gang war,
we need to get well ahead of this.
Look, the Mayor's getting a lot
of public pressure on this
- Here it comes
- [BOLTON] which means I'm getting a lot of pressure.
- and there it is.
- We're scaling up operations accordingly,
and we're making this
priority number one.
Now, patrols will be
assigned to hot spots,
where we'll be positioning
and monitoring bait cars.
We follow up on reported
thefts immediately.
We tighten up our response time.
We shut this down.
Morning, Constable Sohal.
Uh, frosty much?
Yeah, that's what you get
when you put someone's Dad in jail.
Is it happening? I need to see him.
[MAX] Sabrina, look,
everybody's trying to figure out
the best way to take care
of your Dad right now.
It's just
Your father doesn't want you visiting,
for now.
You can see his logic, right?
You've just started your new job
Are you saying this has
nothing to do with clearances?
He's just thinking of the optics
So all this time, he's been right there,
across the damn parking lot,
and I could have seen him by now?
I know it's hard,
but we have to respect
this is his choice.
[VINCE] Sohal
you good?
I gotta go.
[VINCE] Sohal.
These car thefts, we're being reactive.
- Okay, go on.
- What happened to POP theory?
That started in your generation.
"Problem-Oriented Policing".
Get the problem upstream,
before the crime happens,
address the root causes,
social issues, unemployment
Yeah, I think I was
there for that speech.
I really loved that speech,
but where's the money, the willpower,
the manpower Oh, sorry, people-power.
No, you're right,
here we are, we're still downstream.
What are you gonna do?
Are we engaging in one of those
"defund the police" debates?
Well, we should be talking
about it, shouldn't we?
- Okay.
- If we allocated more money upstream,
to front-line services,
that would be a good place
to start, don't you think?
Yeah, I think I'm gonna
leave the "stream" questions
to the politicians.
Vince, you have been a beat
cop your whole career
Have you ever wanted
to do anything else?
That's interesting question.
Do you mean anything
else, or anything more?
That's not what I meant
No? What part of being
a beat cop in a patrol car
are you in such a hurry to move on from?
I never said I was in a hurry
No, but maybe you implied
that it's more of a stepping stone.
Front-line contact with
the people that we serve
is the foundation of our careers.
Well then, why I'm a beat
cop after 25 years, that
that's still a mystery
to you, am I right?
[DISPATCH] Available
units in South Newton,
1085 in progress, 60th and 142nd.
6103, 10-17. Over.
[VINCE] Yeah?
[SABRINA] Dispatch, we're in pursuit
of a possible stolen
black Ford Explorer,
plate number 7-4-2-1-November-Zulu.
[DISPATCH] Roger that, 6103.
Okay, high-speed pursuit,
what do I need to know?
Uh, Risk vs. Reward.
What street are we on?
[SABRINA] 60th.
What time is it?
It's 10:00 a.m.
60th, 10:00 a.m., this is good why?
- No schools.
- Good. Risk vs. Reward.
Civilian safety.
[VINCE] What direction are we going?
[SABRINA] Uh, west. Towards Delta.
[VINCE] What does that tell us?
[SABRINA] He's heading
away from the highway.
[VINCE] Exactly. We're going
deeper into residential streets.
- Vince.
- I see it.
Suspect is on foot. In pursuit.
Medium build, black
sweatshirt, sweat pants, and
he's really fast.
Hey, stop!
- Stop!
My leg
Hold on, I'm coming down!
[SABRINA] I've apprehended the suspect.
Good, good, did you check for weapons?
She's clear.
- Where's she hurt?
I think she broke her leg jumping down.
Dispatch, 6103, we'll need EMT support.
It's just a sports injury.
[VINCE] Ma'am, we're gonna need
medical attention for that leg.
It's not broken. It's just dislocated.
- You just have to pop the leg back in.
- We're not medical professionals,
- we shouldn't be messing around with
- I've done this before.
Okay, what do we need to do?
One of you hold me,
the other grab, pull, and twist the leg.
- Maybe you do the leg
- No, no, no, no, you got the leg.
- Okay, here.
- Okay.
Okay, now pull and twist, hard
- Is that in? You good?
- What?
- Holy crap, I'm think that's Keisha Barrow.
[VINCE] You know her?
No, but I know who she is.
All right, it's my duty to inform you
that you have the right to
retain and instruct counsel
in private, without delay.
You can call any lawyer you want
[SABRINA] All right, just take a seat.
Inspector Degas will be right in.
I went to East High, too.
I remember when you were on
your way to the Olympics
You want my autograph or something?
A little memento before you put me away?
No, it's just, uh
me and my friends,
we were pretty proud
to see a Surrey girl
showing them how it's done.
I remember the way that you
ran the ribbon at Bear Creek,
always first to break the zone,
- the inside lane
- My best finish was fourth,
and then my knee happened.
So I guess that's me
"showing them how it's done".
What happened after that?
Did you think about another job?
Like what?
I would rather be broke than blue.
I hear you.
There's lots of reasons to not be a cop.
And a Surrey girl
should know all of them.
Is the money good in the car business?
[KEISHA] Money is not good
if you don't get paid.
5K gone, thanks to you.
You ready to head in?
Let her keep talking.
[SABRINA] But when I was
training at the Academy,
they pushed us pretty
hard, made us compete.
That total unconditional commitment,
that rush of coming in first,
I kinda miss it.
I got a hit of it, though,
when I was trying to catch you.
[KEISHA] The body still wants it.
She's mirroring her,
she's building a connection.
Game recognize game.
You coach her on this?
She showed up this way.
[KEISHA] Wait, are you thinking
I was stealing cars for the rush?
- No, no, it's
- I never wanted to be a part of this.
Two jobs in, they were
pushing me to step up,
I stayed ground level, okay?
I-I'm not-I'm not a gangster.
Were there other options?
What about community? Your family?
It's just me and my Granny.
- Can I call her?
- No.
No, you cannot. I don't give
you permission to do that.
[VINCE] Sohal
You got her talking.
- Sorry, I should have waited
- She mentioned not getting paid.
She didn't deliver the truck.
Maybe she still can.
You think she'd go for it?
I don't know.
Would you trust her?
Yeah, I would trust her.
What if you told her,
that if she helps us out,
we may be able to release her
without recommending any charges,
that she could avoid
having a criminal record.
How would she help us out?
You connected with her.
If we can get to who handles her,
then they can lead us
to their cooling shop,
or wherever they're
scrubbing VINs and GPS.
This is our first real shot
at getting up the chain.
I don't know a "G".
I meet someone called Star.
Then that's who we want to meet.
You want me to drop
off the truck with him?
Drop off the truck, get your payment,
and move on like you normally would.
Look, she said you
would talk to the Crown
about not laying charges?
You've only been arrested and detained,
you still haven't been formally charged,
but if you help us
apprehend your contact,
I'll recommend to the
Crown no charges be laid.
The decision's in the Crown's hands,
but our recommendations are their guide.
Now, if you get me
Star, and that gets us G,
it'll be a big day for them,
for us, for the city.
It's good motivation for
them to let you walk away.
No record, clean slate.
If you were me, would you do it?
For a clean slate?
Yeah, I would.
Keisha's in position.
[OFFICER] Copy. Alpha team has eyes on.
[DEGAS] Vince are you set?
[VINCE] Copy. Out of sight,
and in position.
I'm not sure this fits
with your POP theory.
What do you mean?
This isn't exactly getting
upstream of the problem.
Keisha is looking for work,
a job, a way to survive,
not being put in the
line of fire like this.
Okay, so today, right
now, what would you do?
Find another way. I don't know.
Well, Inspector Degas said
that cash from the thefts
is fueling something bigger.
Weapons for a possible gang war.
Yeah, yeah
So putting Keisha into play
is a calculated, managed risk
to prevent something
bigger from going down.
[DEGAS] It's Star.
He's here.
Copy. 10-4.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Stop! Police!
[DEGAS] On the ground now!
Hands behind your back!
[OFFICER] Hey, don't move.
[DEGAS] We have Star in custody.
Get her.
[OFFICER] We got cash and
a burner phone. No I.D.
[DEGAS] I'm gonna need his phone.
Excuse me,
we've had a person of
interest enter the premises.
Can we take a look?
[VINCE] You take the
bathroom, I'll take the back.
Is there any other way out?
She's gone. She took the money and ran.
Command, get me Keisha Barrow's address.
Old police saying, where
there's a window, there's a way.
She got me. I thought
we could trust her.
We've got a BOLO on the area.
She's on foot, so she can't be far.
She's Keisha Barrow, so, yes, she can.
She's carrying a few thousand in cash,
so she can afford to lay low.
Command is gonna send over her address
in case she checks in there first.
Maybe you can intercept her.
[SABRINA] I take full
responsibility, Ma'am.
- I made an error in judgment
- So make it right.
Meantime, we've got Star,
maybe he'll give us G.
Success is not a linear journey.
Hey, now that I remember.
CFPC Academy, day one.
[VINCE] Thanks again. If she does
show up, let us know as soon as you can.
- Thoughts?
- Keisha made about 5K per vehicle.
Why would she live in a place like this?
Yeah, second-hand furniture,
nothing on the walls.
Nothing on her walls,
that's what's bugging me.
Where are her trophies, her medals?
That was her world.
You don't throw that stuff away.
Yeah, she was practically an Olympian.
Right? You frame that stuff,
you put it on display.
Or your parents do.
We keep all our kids' stuff.
Well, Keisha said no family.
Except Granny.
And if you had to disappear,
maybe you'd want to say goodbye first.
Hey, Dispatch, this is 6103.
We need an address.
Granny, it's me.
- How are you feeling? You good?
- Oh, there she is.
Come, Keisha, I was
just telling your friend here
about this one.
- Granny, I-I don't think
- Keisha.
It had been so long,
I thought I'd stop by to say hi.
- I'm really
- Sabrina was one of them
that looked up to you, you know?
She didn't even know
you're still training the
young ones at the centre.
I told her, Keisha still work hard,
and she looks after me now.
It was nice to hear.
That's exactly how I remember you.
Well, um
shall we get going?
Can I just have a minute?
Here you go.
Hey we're all good.
Good till January
but, um
Granny, I, uh
I have to go away for a little while
A work thing?
Yeah. Yeah, uh, a work thing,
but I'll call you when I can,
and they are going to
take good care of you
while I'm gone, okay?
I'll see you soon.
- [VINCE] We found her.
- You've got her in custody?
She had an errand to
run before skipping town,
and, uh, we intercepted.
Any luck with Star?
No, I'm hitting a brick wall here.
Tech's got his burner phone,
seeing if they can get anything.
Well, we're heading in.
I wasn't skipping town.
Thank you, um,
for not making me tell
her about what I did.
All this was for her?
They wanted to move her,
but she is so happy here.
It's always been just the two of us.
I just wanted her to stay
where she could be happy, you know?
As long as she could.
We ran out of money,
and we ran out of road, so
How long does she have?
Not long.
Vince, where's your collar?
She's in holding. Why?
We got into Star's burner.
Guess who was the only contact in there?
- G?
- Yeah, we need Keisha back in the truck.
Didn't we just haul her in
for running on us the first time?
[DEGAS] That was then.
As soon as Star makes a phone call,
the lead is dead,
but before that happens,
we can try to contact G, as Keisha,
and set up a drop directly to him.
I can use Star's phone
to back up the story.
You think he'd go for that?
There's a list in Star's
burner, a hot order.
Pre-sold vehicles
meant to go out today.
The Explorer is on it,
so I think G might be very motivated
to go for that.
It'll be a simple hand-to-hand,
we just need Keisha behind the wheel.
We can't send Keisha.
- We can't do that.
- She's right.
Either of you have a better idea?
Send me instead.
- Oh, come on
- Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
- Well, how would that work?
- The big players,
they never deal with
the small players, right?
Maybe that works for us.
Star's the only one in the
chain who's ever seen Keisha.
At most, maybe he's described her
She's my height, she's in her 20s,
she's got dark hair
Who are you gonna send?
We don't deploy junior
members of the force
for high-risk operations like this,
but this is an opportunity that
might not come our way again.
Get Keisha from holding.
Meet me at Command.
We're doing this.
You said it yourself,
risk versus reward.
That's not what I meant.
- It's just a hand-off.
- Uh, yeah, that's great, that's great.
This isn't a simulation.
Come on, let's get you prepped.
[DEGAS] She'll be
driving into the location
and dropping it off. That's all.
Tac Team will do the rest.
All right, we need to be
able to communicate with her.
- Yeah, we're on it.
- I mean, I'm not overstepping,
I'm just, you know, filling gaps,
because, you know, some
things you can study for,
and some things just
take time, you know?
Are you saying I can't
calculate the risks?
No, I'm saying I've trained more
rookies here than anybody else,
and I've seen them come out of
the Academy ready to kick ass,
and I've seen what happens
It's my job to keep her alive.
You kept me alive, as I recall.
I did.
You're welcome.
Vince, it's my job to get her home, too.
Okay, she'll have our full support.
I'd like to stay involved,
and we keep Keisha in the comms
room, in case we need her.
You got it.
You know she dreams
of being you one day.
Yeah, well,
who else is she gonna dream of,
- being you?
- [GROANS] Oh, I walked right into that.
- I liked you better when I outranked you.
- [CHUCKLING] Yeah, right
Okay, let's ping him.
- [GILLIAN] "Who's this?"
- Got him.
- Do you use your real name?
- Mm-hmm.
[DEGAS] Uh, say you got
the number from Star.
"Star no-show. I have the Explorer.
What do I do with it?"
"Leave it parked. We'll pick it up."
"No way. I need to get paid."
- "Bring it here. You got one hour."
- Okay, we're on.
There's a GPS concealed in the truck.
No way they find it
without ripping it apart.
Got it. There's a bone-conduction
headphone in the cap.
Bone conduction?
It's military tech gone mainstream.
They use it in baseball.
Sound is vibration, right?
Well, the vibrations go
from the top of your jaw
to your inner ear, to your brain.
So there's no earpiece,
and no one can hear it but you.
Keep talking on the approach,
tell us what you see,
and when you arrive, you
might meet G, you might not.
And if you do meet anyone,
talk clear, talk slow.
[DEGAS] Once the exchange is made,
the Tac Team will take over.
The drop's near an industrial park
with a few hundred units.
That's a smart place
to hide a cooling shop.
Okay, so our drop-off point is exposed,
so we'll conceal Tac
in the industrial park,
and we'll track the car using GPS.
- Okay.
- Hey
eyes peeled,
watch your six.
[DEGAS] Keisha, with me.
I'll walk you to your truck.
[GILLIAN] Good luck.
- She's all up to speed?
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, I'm gonna go check on the truck.
Why are you stepping up for me?
I'm stepping up for us nailing G.
If that gets you your
shot at walking away,
a little more time with
Granny, then, that's a win-win.
You know, the first
time I dropped off a car,
I made a deal with myself
if anything even smelled bad, I'd ditch.
- Yeah?
- It made me feel better,
knowing if I had to run,
none of those dudes could catch me.
Well, that's weird, 'cause I'm
pretty sure I caught you this morning.
Weys! Check you out, eh?
You're lucky my knee buckled.
It's Trini. It's like, "Oh, snap,"
or whatever you posh girls say.
Road's quiet.
Haven't seen many cars.
Good, keep talking to me.
Alpha, sit-rep?
[TAC OFFICER] In position.
Waiting for delivery.
Sohal? You there?
In position.
It's G. Open up.
[DEGAS] Sohal, what's going on?
He's male, 30s
Bravo team, standby.
[TAC OFFICER] Bravo team, copy.
Nice. She looks like
she's in good condition.
Were you just talking to someone?
You scared the hell
outta me, I said a prayer.
[G] I gotta search ya.
Now you got something for me?
Yeah, we're sitting in it.
No, no, no, no, no.
Do you got something for me?
That's the code.
That's how Star used to ask me
Sohal, he wants the code.
Okay, Keisha.
Look, there's a change of plans.
No time to go to the shop.
Gotta head straight to the export.
Okay, so, pay me, and you take it.
You know, I told the boss about you.
You're really saving his ass
getting this truck in on time.
Says he wants to meet you.
Maybe get you bumped up.
What's that?
[G] It's a GPS blocker.
Let's go.
Which way?
Just pull out over
there and take a left.
We've lost the GPS.
Sohal, you copy?
Signal transmits are toast.
- Anyone have her 20?
- Negative.
[DEGAS] Alpha team, abort position
and work backwards towards the drop.
I'm trying to boost her signal, no joy.
[DEGAS] See if there's
anything in the area you can use
to locate her, CCTV, anything.
There's a traffic drone two clicks away,
I can co-opt it, and keep
it high in the sky. It's silent.
Do it. Keep me in your ear.
I'm getting mobile. We
need to cover more ground.
- I'm coming with you.
- I know.
Hey, Keisha,
I got you. Have a seat.
[G] Turn here, then stay straight.
You look different than I remember.
Probably because we never met.
Maybe you're thinking of another Keisha?
Ah, right, yeah, yeah,
yeah. That's my bad.
But yo, when Star said that
he hired a new "Trini girl",
I was expecting someone kinda
you know, Black.
Why you think they
call it the West Indies?
I can tell you're not Caribbean.
Yeah, Star said you were sharp,
said you were sharp,
ready to take on more work.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm only in it to pay some bills.
Family, right?
Family, yeah.
You just gotta look at it as a business.
But money
Money talks loud.
Your family? You got kids?
Head in here, west gate
- [DEGAS] Sit rep.
- [GILLIAN] Still trying to locate Sabrina.
[DEGAS] We're five minutes out.
[G] Scrub it fast, get
it in the container.
Is this the last of them?
You got it.
Pretty dope, right?
You the foreman or something?
Or something.
So when do I get to meet Viggo?
Surprise. Nice to meet you.
Come on, bro, stop messing around.
You drag me all the way out here?
I mean, I had to make
sure you were who you said.
I got too many headaches today.
- So you're the boss?
- I don't know about that.
Maybe after this
delivery, I'm on my way.
Tell me again how Star
gave you my number?
He said, for emergencies, you know?
In case he no-showed, text your number.
Uh, and he gave you my name?
He gave me a letter.
Your Mom call you "G"?
Listen, I've got plans tonight.
I'm gonna bounce.
Call me if you got work for me.
Hey, yo!
I thought you said
you wanted to get paid?
I've got eyes on Sabrina.
but comms are still down.
Alpha, you are 30 seconds out.
[ALPHA] Copy that.
- Stop!
Drone! Drone!
- [COCKING GUN] Where are you going?
- Chill.
[BUYER] Is it you?
Shit, it it must have been Star.
The guy that no-showed my truck drop.
Who are you?
[GILLIAN] We've got a gun.
Drone detection
They've made the drone,
they've made the drone,
they're on the move.
[DEGAS SHOUTING] Drop your weapon!
[VINCE] Do it now!
On your knees!
[DEGAS] Multiple suspects in custody.
We need additional transport.
Confirming we have G in custody?
[DEGAS] Stand by.
Negative. We do not have the suspect.
G has fled the scene.
Repeat, we do not have G.
[VINCE] Come on.
Here's good. This is good.
- You okay?
I'm good.
So, uh
Look, what I
What I've been meaning
to express to you,
and I hope you hear it,
is that ambition, and impulse, and risk,
all mixed together,
it doesn't always end well.
We almost lost you today,
you know that, right?
- You think I don't know that?
- I've seen rookies like you before.
Thinking about your career
the minute you hit the ground.
What people think, getting noticed.
- No, that is
- But a career?
A career
is surviving 30 years,
so you get another day.
To do good things,
even small good things,
even in a patrol car
and then you get to go home,
and not break the hearts
of the people who care about you.
What, no snappy comebacks, or ?
Well, yeah, I
I got one, but I'm saving it for later.
I appreciate the restraint.
Wait, saving it for when?
The vehicles we did recover
were valued at a million.
That's good, that's
down to your UC role,
but we confirmed what G
was getting in exchange,
handguns and assault rifles.
And I lost G, so whatever
weapons were loaded onto the truck
- are on their way to the streets.
- Yeah, you did what you could,
with the means and the
information that you had.
I got nervous.
I didn't ask for the money.
[DEGAS] We couldn't contain the
subject. That's not on you
and it's also not your fault
that we may not be able to
help Keisha as we'd hoped.
We promised.
We promised only that we would
make a recommendation to the Crown,
but Superintendent Bolton
has spoken with
Mr. Brugmann about showing a
- what did he call it
- "A firmer hand."
More arrests Mayor's office
You were there this morning. I'm sorry.
Wait, Keisha has no criminal record.
She cooperated with
us on the understanding
that she would get a shot
at keeping it that way
Well, that understanding
was before she fled police custody.
That money wasn't even for
her. It's in the report.
Her grandmother doesn't
have much longer.
She just wants to spend her last days
Constable Sohal,
you know better.
We don't get to bend the law
on the grounds of personal compassion.
If you really want to help Keisha,
let her know that when she's at court,
if she takes responsibility
for her actions,
she may be eligible
for a diversion program.
We will follow up tomorrow.
Um, Constable Sohal.
The transcripts for the
earlier bust, with Star,
mention the original payment Keisha
Barrow was to receive for the truck,
but that payment wasn't logged
in the arrest reports for Star.
Can you confirm if there was an
exchange of money at the coffee shop?
My partner and I weren't
inside the coffee shop.
Right, so you didn't see that money
physically change hands
between Keisha and Star?
Well, with all the cars
recovered from this bust already,
I can't afford to
expend any more resources
chasing down a small sum of cash
that has no chain of
custody, am I right?
It's not worth chasing.
Mr. Brugmann
How about Nate?
I know what it says in the reports
and in the transcripts,
but Keisha was key to this bust.
It was hard enough for her already.
If she gets a police record now,
she'll just disappear into the system.
If there's anything that you can do.
Community service, anything.
When your face hits the pavement ♪
When your arms have no strength ♪
When your dreams are no longer ♪
And you think it's the end ♪
God damn I can't understand ♪
The worry that fills my eyes ♪
God damn who could understand ♪
Why we have fallen again ♪
I shall not fear ♪
When my back's to the wall ♪
And I watch as it all falls apart ♪
I shall not fear ♪
When there's no one to call ♪
And the weight of the
world breaks your heart ♪
I shall not fear ♪
Pappa, what happened?
Who did this?
Angry men
taking out their frustrations.
Are you all right?
You're here.
I feel better already.
I know that you didn't
want me to see you.
- Sabrina
- You don't have to protect me.
You wore my scarf.
We got through Mum,
we can get through this
but, Pappa, you have to let me in.
I can fight for you.
I will fight for you.
God damn who could understand ♪
Why we have fallen again ♪
I shall not fear ♪
When my back's to the wall ♪
And I watch as it all falls apart ♪
I shall not fear ♪
When there's no one to call ♪
And the weight of the
world breaks your heart ♪
I shall not fear ♪
I'm giving everything I have ♪
Everything I have till
there's nothing left ♪
I shall not fear ♪
I'm giving everything I have ♪
Everything I have till
there's nothing left ♪
I shall not fear ♪
I'm giving everything I have ♪
Everything I have till
there's nothing left ♪
I shall not fear ♪
I'm giving everything I have ♪
Everything I have till
there's nothing left ♪
Giving everything I
have everything I have ♪
Till there's nothing left ♪
Giving everything I
have everything I have ♪
Till there's nothing left ♪
Giving everything I
have everything I have ♪
Till there's nothing left ♪
Giving everything I
have everything I have ♪
Till there's nothing left ♪♪
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