Angels of Death (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Trail of Blood

Burn the heretic!
Kill the mutant!
Purge the unclean!
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
We are almost at the beacon.
And still they come.
The city is infested.
The Xenos must have overthrown
the ruling powers years ago.
- The civil war
- Those loyal to the throne failed.
This place belongs to the cult.
Brother Melchior, cleanse us a path!
Your will, Brother-Sergeant!
Hostiles in the loading hold,
we cannot
The docking limb release
is non-responsive
The hostiles have almost reached
the void shield plasma conduits.
Our defences around them need reinforcing.
Hold perimeter around the enginarium
and weapon decks.
They cannot fall.
Aye, mistress.
They want to take this ship.
We shall deny them.
Open a vox channel to Techmarine Hadrael.
Ah, Ship Mistress Solken.
I am preoccupied.
I doubt it has escaped your attention
that we have enemy
on board.
I had noticed, lord.
The enemy is attacking
through the loading bay.
We cannot break from the tower.
The docking limb must be disengaged
but the anchor release is not responding.
Compliance. I shall see to it.
Pict feed to the loading bay established,
Ship Mistress.
- Its distorted and intermittent.
- Show me.
Ship Mistress,
more ships have broken with the flotilla
and are closing on us at speed.
Unleash our broadsides.
Burn them from the void.
Ship kill,
but were unable to adjust
the firing angle to target the rest.
They are still closing.
They are manoeuvering to board us.
Ordnance, make ready to fire
on the promethium hauler.
At this range
we may be caught in the blast wash.
And if there are any innocents
in that flotilla
Who among us is truly innocent?
Target that ship.
Prow battery ranged and loaded.
Let fury be our voice.
All hands! Make ready! Brace!
- High atmospheric explosion.
- Not the Sword of Baal?
That is not a warship detonation.
That's a battle.
The Sword of Baal is engaged.
The enemy are using the tower.
This is the cult.
The Genestealer is a parasite.
It will subvert.
It will subsume.
Now that this world is theirs,
there will not be a shadow
in which they do not lurk.
Then we purge them all.
They rally for another attack.
Let them come.
Multiple detonations.
Light and heavy arms fire.
Overwhelming close assault.
They were ambushed
Secure the site. Kazarion, to me.
Brother Leonas
He fought and died well.
The signal that brought the Captain
to the surface,
what was the source?
Unknown, brother Kazarion.
But it was of the highest encryption,
and validity.
It cut through the signal interference
to reach us.
Just like the Captain's beacon
They bring us to
their mouth a piece at a time
The attack did not begin here
We will come back
for your gene-seed, brother.
You will live on.
Buried under such filth.
This is no end for an Archangel.
It is unworthy.
These hybrid abominations
will engage anything
when they have the numbers to do so.
They care nothing for the nobility
of such warriors.
They moved to this tunnel opening
to shelter from the weapons fire.
No. They were trying to get
out of the tunnel,
to reach the Thunderhawk.
Better to face the enemy in the open,
than to die in the shadows
with your back against the wall.
But why would the Captain
move from the gunship in the first place?
Because there was someone else here.
Tell us what you see,
Brother Kazarion.
Look for yourselves.
A lure to pull them away
from the Thunderhawk
- and to the killing ground.
- No.
They were protecting it.
That makes no sense.
It does if the Servitor
came to meet the captain.
Servitors seldom act alone.
The cult tried to prevent them meeting.
- Then what are they doing now?
- Watching.
You know their nature well.
- Genestealers!
- Purestrain form.
Maintain utmost vigilance.
This is a foe that can lay
the strongest of us low.
Orpheo's signal
The path continues.
We shall bring light unto the dark
and burn it away with righteousness.
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