Ark: The Animated Series (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Element 3

- Hold.
- John, you should hear us out.
John? From the Alliance?
Wait, I thought he was supposed
to be your friend?
That depends
on one's definition of "friend."
I'm surprised
you have any left, Meiyin.
Uh, can we talk about this?
Like reasonable people?
We heard a huge explosion.
I should have known.
You've always had a knack
for finding trouble.
We found something, John.
A weapon of tremendous power.
This is the advantage we needed!
This can change everything.
I will allow you the courtesy
of leaving the way you came.
But Hmm.
You're much stronger
than I remember.
You said
she wasn't ever coming back.
And I told you she would.
She's coming to the village
for dinner, right, Dad?
All right. At ease.
Yes! You're the best!
The Beast Queen is back!
Beast Queen?
Don't ask.
- Trying to eavesdrop?
- Am I that bad at it?
Let's say you need to work
on your technique.
I get it, though,
I've been trying to get my dad
to let me into council meetings
for ages.
- I'm Helena.
- Meiyin's friend.
And don't worry,
you haven't missed
anything good.
But if I know her,
they're about to start arguing
in three, two
Nerva thinks us weak.
But that is an advantage.
With this weapon in our hands,
we could strike now and
You are not listening to me.
The Alliance died
in that battle.
My people and Alasie,
they are my only concern now.
Where is the fierce warrior
I once knew?
We cannot be led astray.
Nerva will come for us all, eventually.
What will become
of your people then?
What will become
of your daughter?
- How long have you been here?
- No idea.
I've been knocked unconscious
for a lot of it.
The days do tend
to blur together.
My dad says every day is a gift,
but I think
he just tells me that
to make chores seem less boring.
Thank you for convincing John
to take us to your village.
You were very persuasive.
He listened, for once.
Well, he clearly cares about you
very much.
Yeah, we had our own families
back where we each came from.
When I first woke up here,
I was
I was in a really dark place.
Then John found me,
and he made it seem all right.
He's my father now,
no matter what.
But I wish there was a way
he could see
I'm not that scared
little girl anymore.
Want to hold him?
He always cheers me up.
- And I think he likes you.
- Oh.
A lot!
Thanks, Helena.
Oh. We're here!
We're home.
Food and water for the mounts.
Have the Eastern scouts
Helena, check this out!
They're really just big softies.
Uh, I can see quite well
from here, thank you.
Hmm. Hmm.
- He's missed you.
- And I, him.
Pretty neat, isn't it?
Henry designed those,
he's an inventor.
But Meiyin and him,
um, they don't get along.
Alasie! Get a saddle
for that fin-head over there.
What are you doing here?
Easy, Henry. There is something
that we must discuss.
A weapon
won't rebuild the Alliance.
This one will.
That's enough.
We'll convene the elders.
Perhaps, it is better
that I do this alone.
Ch Check eyes.
Dilated pupils.
Bloody hell, he's burning up.
- What's happening to them?
- Swamp fever.
We don't know
what makes them sick.
They don't get it
from each other.
First a cough, then a gasp.
Then they, um
Hand me that cloth.
There's no more.
The council
is making a mistake, John.
The time for half-measures
is gone,
Nerva knows
we have the Green Artifact.
These are the problems
I must solve here, Meiyin.
Your desire for vengeance
must wait.
Chava showed me
how to make medicine.
Where can we get more?
The essential ingredients
are blue flowers
that used to grow
on the mountain slopes nearby.
But the Great Bird,
ruler of the mountain,
has since devoured them all.
"Great Bird"?
It's the big mean one,
and it lays the blue eggs and
Blue? Like the flower?
Have its eggs only turned
this color recently?
We need to get
one of those eggs.
I know this sounds crazy,
but the Great Bird
may have passed
the medicinal properties
of the blue flower onto its eggs
through the transmission
of epigenetic markers.
- The egg could heal the sick.
- Then let's go get it!
It's a dangerous trek.
You're right, John.
Nerva will cut through us
like a scythe
through the summer grass
if we do not stop this sickness.
How are you feeling, Chava?
Well enough for this.
And I will be here
the moment you return.
I think you gave him
too much personality.
Looks kind of cute.
So, it's really not that hard.
Just draw
and release.
See? It's easy.
- Draw
- And release!
Easier said than done.
Meiyin's a warrior.
You shouldn't compare yourself
to her.
Uh, I I I don't.
Listen, I wasn't always
our village's best archer.
My dad used to refuse
to take me on hunts.
So, I made it impossible for him
to leave me behind.
- How?
- Practice. Lots of practice.
Now, watch again.
- Ready to go, Dad!
- Good.
Henry, watch over Chava
and protect her
while we fetch the medicine.
Smooth climbing, my friend.
We will make haste.
Helena, climb to me!
There is a secret. Soft face.
Uh, "soft face"?
Too much tension.
Soft face. Relaxed.
You better have worked up
an appetite.
your cooking smells so good,
I won't need an
Are you okay?
Yeah. Just fine.
Alasie, you're burning.
How long have you known?
Please don't tell anyone.
He'll never let me
- Why wouldn't you tell me?
- Because I knew you'd overreact.
You're always telling me
I'm not ready.
I feel fine, honestly!
If I hadn't come with you,
would you have been able
to beat back those critters
on the climb?
If you fell ill
when we needed you,
that could have endangered
us all.
You must learn to consider
how your actions
affect your tribe.
You are no longer a child.
You will stay here tomorrow.
Dad! No!
You'll need me up there.
And, you said it yourself.
I'm no longer a child, and
Alasie, here, have some water.
I'm afraid
her condition is worsening.
The egg. Are you certain?
I am hopeful, yes.
Then only one thing matters.
Tomorrow morning,
the Great Bird
will leave its nest.
And then we will take the egg.
It is time.
Just rest, my daughter.
We will return soon.
Watch over her.
I will.
Mount up!
Helena, take my hand!
Alasie? Where is the medicine?
We've got to hurry.
Bring her close.
- Is it working?
- Give it time.
Alasie, you are strong.
You are my daughter.
I won't lose you. I won't.
Yuck. That tastes really awful.
Easy, Dad.
Alasie is right.
It does taste awful.
But who am I to complain?
Henry and I will take the rest
back to the village.
Meiyin says you were
a scientist in your time.
Perhaps we shall add "Healer"
to your list of titles.
Thank you, Chava.
It is we who owe you a debt
that we can never repay.
Though I would like
to know more about those
What did you call them? "Genes"?
- But can we keep it?
- Huh?
I promise
I'll take good care of it.
Yes, for now.
But we must also discuss it
at the next council meeting.
Which you will attend.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.
I'm gonna name him Rhubarb!
So, does this mean Meiyin
is welcome at your village?
She she was
at Nerva's camp with me.
We escaped together.
I have seen these before.
They are from Nerva's
mining camps.
There must be one nearby.
- What can we do?
- We shall find this camp.
And then,
we are going to liberate it.
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