Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


[bell ringing]
[boat horn blares]
[wind blowing]
[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct whispering]
Everything is set.
We strike tonight.
Shouldn't we wait?
We don't have the numbers.
We don't need numbers.
We have our anger.
We have our grief.
And for the first time in a century,
we have hope.
I want you to meet someone
willing to risk everything for our cause.
Like all of us,
she has lost too much.
[indistinct murmuring]
My mother and my brother.
In the Siege of Ba Sing Se.
She works at the palace.
She's willing to help us
at great personal risk.
If she can summon the courage,
so must we all.
Fire Lord Ozai must die tonight!
[foreboding music playing]
[mysterious music playing]
[fire roaring]
[suspenseful action music playing]
[guard grunts]
[Ozai] There is no way out.
But you must have known
this was a one-way journey.
Or did you expect my men
to just lay down their arms
after you slaughtered their Fire Lord?
We expected
that all decent Fire Nation citizens
would've welcomed
being freed from your tyranny.
[Ozai] Tyranny?
Don't you mean unity?
Are we not
the greatest nation in the world?
Have I not led us to the brink
of bringing the entire world
under one rule,
our rule,
to ensure an era of peace?
At what cost?
How many more lives?
Will it take another century
of loss and suffering?
Do not speak to me of loss.
[foreboding music playing]
My compliments on making it this far.
Then again, we in the Fire Nation
have always prided ourselves
on our resourcefulness.
Isn't that right,
[indistinct murmuring]
Yes, Father.
You may have stopped us tonight, Ozai,
but there is one out there
who cannot be stopped.
The one who will restore balance
to the world.
The one who has returned to us.
[people screaming]
The one who will restore balance
to the world?
Can you believe
they think the Avatar has returned?
Leave us.
[footsteps retreating]
What's this?
[Ozai] A message from one of my commanders
in the Southern Seas.
No one of any importance.
What he had to report, however
Zuko has found the Avatar?
Your brother has done the impossible.
Just as I had asked.
[foreboding music playing]
The Avatar.
[dramatic music playing]
[mysterious music plays]
The water whip.
Weight shift. Wrist snap.
[gentle flute music playing]
[sighs] I don't get it.
Basic bending forms
are mostly just physical movement,
but when you get into the harder moves,
like the water whip,
you really need to reach inside
and feel the energy flow.
The monks always told us
to find a place
where emotion meets spirit.
A place deeper than thought.
Tap into your feelings
and gather energy from them.
Tap into your feelings.
[dramatic music playing]
[woman screams]
Wow. Uh
That's okay. I bet it was my fault.
I should never be a teacher.
The monks always said I never listened.
I think that's what they said.
I never listened.
All the more reason for us
to get to the Northern Water Tribe, right?
That's right. They've got the best
waterbending masters in the world.
I might even listen to them.
Okay, it's time to go. We shouldn't
stay in the same place for too long.
[Momo squeaks]
[dramatic music playing]
I liked her too.
Yeah, she was cool.
Of course, I have no idea
what she saw in you.
Hey, what's not to like?
[Appa groans]
- What is it? Fire Nation?
- [Aang] No!
I think
I think it's another Airbender!
[Sokka] He's headed for that mountain.
[Aang] That's no mountain!
That's Omashu!
Appa! Yip yip!
[Appa grunts]
[Zuko] He could be anywhere.
He was headed north
when he left Kyoshi Island.
He'll need to stop for food and water.
He may be the Avatar,
but he still needs to eat and drink.
[Zhao] The population center, then.
- I can alert my contacts.
- [Zuko] No!
I told you,
no one else can know of his existence.
But if I may,
we have a window of opportunity
as long as the Avatar remains
in this area.
If he gets too far north
There are Fire Nation forces everywhere.
They're sure to find out.
Which is why I suggest you allow me
to contact a few trusted sources.
They don't need to be told
any more than necessary.
[foreboding music plays]
Very good.
Commander Zhao's ship has arrived.
Perfect timing. To the Fire Nation.
I don't like him.
He does have a disagreeable quality.
[man] I spoke to some of his crew.
Word is Zhao failed
his officer training program three times.
Did I ask for your opinion?
My apologies.
He was only trying to help.
He was gossiping about a superior officer.
- An officer you don't like.
- That's beside the point.
There is an order
to the way we do things here. Rules.
We are Fire Nation, even out here.
Especially out here.
Omashu was carved out
of a living mountain.
It's one of the wonders
of the Earth Kingdom.
Of the world, actually.
And they have
an incredible delivery system
that winds through the whole city.
And the people there,
they're artists, scientists, builders.
Plus, the food there is amazing.
[solemn, uplifting music playing]
[guard] You again?
What did I tell you before?
[man grunts]
[people gasp]
[guard] You! Step forward!
They don't take kindly
to outsiders in Omashu.
What makes you think we're outsiders?
No reason. [chuckles]
We're new here,
but we have a friend we need to see.
We just could use
a little help getting inside.
It's either that or the turnip sack.
I'm sure you can make that look good too.
[guard] You and you! Step back!
Omashu's one
of the last Earth Kingdom strongholds.
Try as they might,
Firebenders haven't been able
to take it yet.
That's why they're so careful here.
So how do you know we're not a threat?
Just a feeling.
Oh wow.
[bird chortles]
[guard] Hold there.
[tense music playing]
State your business.
Headed to market, as usual.
Oh, wasn't a great crop this month.
She told me
I wasn't watering the turnips enough.
Knew there was a reason I married her.
Irrigation, am I right?
[Sokka grunts softly]
Uh, my my brother-in-law
would agree if he could speak.
Struck mute at birth.
You'd be amazed
at how much he can say without words.
Just the other day,
he made us laugh so hard
All right, that's enough. Move along.
[bird chittering]
[dramatic music playing]
Thank you. Bye.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [bells jangling]
[bird whinnies]
Good luck finding your friend.
And be careful.
Omashu can be a dangerous place.
[bird caws]
There he is. Look.
Aang, wait up!
[adventurous music playing]
- [grunts]
- [man] Look out!
[woman gasps]
- [Aang grunts]
- [man grunts]
Hey, watch out for my
- [Sokka] Oh!
- [Katara grunts]
You're not an Airbender.
An Airbender? Of course I'm not.
[man] Help!
Aang, we can't see!
[suspenseful music playing]
He's an Airbender.
And you're a Waterbender.
Teo! Teo!
- Are you all right? Are you hurt?
- Dad, I'm
[coughs] I'm fine.
- We should get him out of the smoke.
- Here. Our house is right here.
Thank you.
- Thank you
- Katara.
My name is Sai.
What were you doing out there?
I just landed. How was I to know
there'd be another bombing?
Bombing? You mean that wasn't an accident?
[Teo] Nothing the Fire Nation does
is an accident.
The Fire Nation?
Yeah. Their spies
are everywhere in the city.
[sighs] It's not safe anywhere these days.
Omashu can be a dangerous place.
[Sai] More water. More water.
You're an Airbender.
Do you realize what this means?
We finally have a way
to take the fight to the enemy.
You could drop bombs on them.
Rain down destruction.
Air power is their weakness,
and you you are air power.
Pretty great, huh?
Dad's the mechanist to the King of Omashu.
Ah, just a fancy word for someone
who wastes a lot of time tinkering.
[Teo] Don't listen to him.
He's responsible for maintaining
the best parts of the city.
Like our delivery system.
You've seen it, right?
It's amazing.
I play but a small role.
Hey, if everyone in Omashu
were as dedicated as you,
this war would be over.
The Fire Nation would be
on their knees by now.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Well, we have our own part
to play in the war. Right, Aang?
Yes, uh, which is why we have to go.
[Teo] Oh, right. Of course.
Just promise me
you'll really stick it to the Firebenders.
Make 'em pay.
- Sokka.
- This stuff is incredible.
I mean, look at this.
Those are for cleaning
under your toenails.
It can get bloody.
Did you see the mechanism
on that sorting machine?
It's spring-powered. Ingenious.
Should've done that with our kayak racks.
- [man] It stopped the bleeding, I think.
- [woman] Ah! No!
[man] You're all right.
[indistinct chatter]
[Aang] This place used to be incredible.
A place I couldn't wait to see.
A place where amazing things were created,
not destroyed.
It's my responsibility
to help these people.
How are you gonna do that?
Being the Avatar
isn't just about fighting.
It's about helping people,
like Teo and his father
and everyone in this city.
What about getting to the North?
Didn't Kyoshi tell you
you had to get there to prevent a tragedy?
Yes, and I'm gonna do that,
but I have to do this too.
If I'm gonna save the world,
I have to do it one person at a time.
That's why I'm staying in Omashu
because I wanna help, and I think I can.
Because I'm the Avatar.
Now tell me about these bombings.
"He's done the impossible."
He's done nothing.
He spent three years on an ocean cruise
while I've been here
doing everything Father has asked.
Who's the one risking her life
to root out traitors?
Oh, that's right!
Tell us about your mission.
Were you nervous?
Was your life really in danger?
Not really. People in the resistance
aren't the brightest of flames.
Then again,
what can you expect from peasants?
At least you got out into the city.
Zuko may be banished,
but he's out there exploring the world.
If I were him, I wouldn't wanna come back.
Yeah, well, all dear old Zuzu wants is
to make it back here
and take away everything I've worked for.
Technically, he is first in line
to be Fire Lord.
Not that he deserves to be.
He doesn't, but now he has hope.
- And that's dangerous.
- [soldier] Retreat!
So what can you do about it?
You're here.
He's out there.
There are always ways to get in the game
if you know which pieces to play.
[Teo] The Avatar has returned.
My mother told me stories of the Avatar
and how he'd return one day.
Dad, do you remember her stories?
What I remember is
that your mother was taken from us
by this cursed war
and everything we've had to do
to stay alive since then.
We worked hard,
and we kept our heads down.
- That's not how we'll change the world.
- But it is how we'll survive.
You pretend like you don't care,
but I know you hate the Fire Nation
as much as I do.
Why else would you build all this
if not to help our army?
Like this.
That's just an experiment.
I can't even get the damn thing to work.
Look, I'm not here to cause any trouble.
All I want is to help.
I know how. I have a hunch about
where the bombers might be gathering.
It's high up on the mountain.
Can't really reach there by myself,
but with your airbending
Just there. The strongest updrafts
are in the morning, so we should fly then.
What, tomorrow?
No, Teo, you're supposed to
help me with the airship.
I still need to fix the attitude control
before I show it to the generals.
I can help with that.
My sources say
an Airbender was spotted there.
Enemy territory.
Indeed, but not to worry.
There are ways to gain entry
if you know the right people,
which I do.
I'll send two of my best men
to confirm the report.
- They can be in and out before
- No.
Uncle Iroh and I will go. No one else.
As you wish.
I trust you understand the danger.
If anything happens in Omashu,
we won't be able to help you.
The prince and I will be fine.
We know what it means to be on our own.
[mysterious music playing]
[door closes]
[suspenseful music playing]
- What are you do
- Sh.
Fire Nation spies.
But that means the mechanist is a
[man] Traitor.
Come on.
[suspenseful music continues]
The mechanist
has been working for the Fire Nation,
building devices, selling secrets.
Sokka and Aang. They're in danger.
- I've gotta warn them.
- They'll be fine.
The mechanist may be a turncoat,
but he's a coward.
He'd never take any direct action.
This one, on the other hand
[Katara] Wait.
Who are you?
They call me Jet.
[adventurous music playing]
[Teo] Yeah!
[Teo laughs]
[boy] They're flying!
[woman] Look at that!
[Teo chuckles]
[Teo] There's the cave.
Your pursuit was so clumsy,
I wasn't sure you'd ever catch up.
Big talk for someone who's outnumbered.
[man] Good thing I brought friends then.
- [men yell]
- [man grunts]
[Jet grunting]
[action music playing]
[Jet grunts]
Oh yeah. I brought friends too.
[heavy footsteps approach]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
[action music playing]
[boy] Hey, buddy.
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
[Jet] Awesome shooting there, Longshot.
That was a mean swing, Pipsqueak.
Nice moves. I had a feeling
you knew how to handle yourself.
- Really?
- Cool attack on that flamehead.
Thanks, Pipsqueak.
- He's The Duke. I'm Pipsqueak.
- Oh.
It's great to have a Waterbender
on our side.
Who are you people?
We're the good guys.
Where's he taking him?
Don't worry. Pipsqueak knows
how to take out the garbage.
You coming?
[mysterious music playing]
And if you add plates here
and a vent here,
all you need to do is install
a bleed valve to regulate pressure.
And you're saying you implemented this
with water-based transportation?
Well, no, it's just an idea I had
to make our ice-dodging ships
more maneuverable.
[Sai] Oh.
Very clever.
Your father must be proud of you.
Yeah, um, Dad doesn't really pay attention
to stuff like this.
He's got more important things
to worry about. He's a warrior.
The world is filled with warriors.
But there are far too few great engineers.
Engineer? [scoffs]
No, this is just a hobby.
My, uh my role is to protect the village
and be a warrior, just like Dad.
Protecting the ones we love is important,
but I also know we must pursue
the talents that we've been given.
Sokka, you're a gifted engineer.
Don't ignore that.
It's not always easy to find your path
in life, but when you find it,
you must embrace it.
People who saw the bombings
also saw a burst of green flame.
Tincar salt burns green.
It's a mineral tanners use
to cure animal skins.
They came up here
to dig it out of the mountain.
Just stuff I picked up from my dad.
- He must be really proud of you.
- I guess so.
I think he sometimes wishes
I was more like him.
Don't get me wrong. He's incredible.
After the Fire Nation
attacked our village,
he kept us alive.
He built our life here.
He's always said
that it's just me and him,
and he'd do anything to protect us.
And you want him to do more.
I want him to see that we have to do
everything we can to save the world
because if not us, then who?
[indistinct chatter]
[man] I'm almost there!
Come on.
[girl] Whoo!
[woman grunting]
You live here?
We've had a few bases,
but this one's served us well.
[boy] Yeah! Come on!
Firebenders haven't been able
to track us here.
I still don't understand what Firebenders
are doing in the Earth Kingdom city.
Well, Omashu isn't what it used to be.
In the old days, the city stood strong,
but as the war dragged on,
the king lost his nerve,
grew tired, senile.
Let corruption spring up all around him.
Fire Nation seeped in through the cracks.
That's where we come in.
So you just took it on yourselves
to fight the Firebenders?
Well, if not us, then who?
Everyone here
has lost someone to the Fire Nation.
Families. Loved ones.
We're orphans, refugees.
At least, that's what we were.
What are we now, Smellerbee?
Freedom fighters!
[fighters] Yeah!
Someone was here recently.
Here, look.
If you mix tincar with salt water
and then boil it down, you get this.
Blasting jelly.
A few jars
could blow half the neighborhood sky-high.
What is it? What did you find?
The Firebenders
weren't behind the explosion.
[Jet] My mother was
the fighter in our family.
She taught me the blade,
which, back then, was just a stick.
When the Fire Nation came to our village,
she held them off while
my dad hid me in a well.
I wanted to fight,
but he wouldn't let me.
I was eight.
[somber music playing]
[voice breaking] And when I came back up
they were all gone.
[Katara] I know what it's like
to lose family too.
It was quiet the night my mom died.
Until the soldiers came.
[villagers screaming]
I try not to think about it.
But recently, it's been coming back to me.
I think it's been affecting my bending.
I don't know anything about bending,
but I do know
that you have to use
everything inside you to help you fight.
Tell me, what do you remember
when you think of your mother?
I don't mean how she died.
I mean when she was alive.
I remember
her getting up every morning
before everyone else.
I remember
seeing her outside the hut,
getting to work, preparing breakfast.
And every day,
she would stop when the sun rose.
She would watch it and smile.
Every day.
Remember that.
Remember the sunrise.
[exhales slowly]
[uplifting music playing]
[breathing heavily]
We don't have to be afraid of our pain.
We just need to decide
what we're gonna do with it.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Zuko] What are you doing?
- Trying some Omashu barbecue.
It's not often you get the opportunity.
This is the great Omashu,
the best the Earth Kingdom has to offer?
I gather its charms are lost on you.
You mean the dirt, the noise, the
the stench?
- [man] Thank you.
- What happened there?
I'm told that Fire Nation agents
in the city have taken to sowing terror
to weaken the Earthbenders' resistance.
That's not right. Warriors don't hide
their faces in a fight.
Father would never approve
of this underhanded tactic.
Given how long this war has lasted,
who knows where true north lies
in the Fire Nation?
[ominous music playing]
[Azula] It has come to my attention
you are involved in a matter
vital to the safety of our empire.
I'd be in your debt
if you kept me informed
on the progress of your mission,
particularly as it relates to Prince Zuko.
In return, I will keep in mind
your loyalty and cooperation
when the time comes
for such debts to be paid,
a time that may arrive
sooner than expected.
To the Flame Eternal. Princess Azula.
[man] Good news?
The best.
It may have taken a while, Lt. Dang,
but we are finally in the big game.
You know the officer
on Prince Zuko's crew,
the one who slipped you
the information about the Avatar?
Lieutenant Jee.
I'd like to speak to him.
- Sokka!
- Aang, check this out.
Where's Katara?
Uh, I haven't seen her all day.
I was helping Sai with his airship model.
He just left to show it to the generals
at the palace. Why? What is it?
Teo and I found where the bombers
have been getting their explosives.
They're making blasting jelly
in a cave up on the mountain.
Blasting jelly?
That's not all. We also found these.
The robes from the turnip cart.
So it wasn't the Firebenders
behind the explosion? It was
You're not gonna believe this.
I know who's behind the bombings.
- No, Jet's not the bad guy. Sai is.
- Are you kidding me?
Sai has done nothing but help us.
Jet's a con artist who lied to our faces.
- He didn't lie.
- He didn't tell the truth.
Because he couldn't!
He's fighting the Firebenders,
and he has to protect himself.
You don't know what he's already lost.
Besides, I saw Sai talking
to the Firebender. He's the traitor.
You don't know what you saw!
For all we know, Sai could be working
with the king's men to root out spies.
He's headed to the palace right now.
He could be reporting everything.
- You're wrong!
- This is just like you, Katara!
Willing to believe anything
as long as it helps you!
This is just like you!
Never believing anything I say!
I'm sick of you
treating me like I'm a little girl!
Then grow up!
Where are you going?
To prove you're a jerk!
Oh yeah?
Well, I don't need proof for that!
[door slams]
[indistinct chatter]
- Would you like to try one of my
- Not right now.
[mysterious music playing]
- Listen, we need to talk.
- Sure.
Later. We just launched a big mission.
Things might get hot for us around here.
Mission? What mission?
[Jet] You were there when we confirmed
the mechanist was a traitor.
We took care of his partners.
Now, I need to take care of him.
Jet, what are you gonna do?
I told you.
We know how to take out the garbage.
- [Pipsqueak] I'm so sorry.
- Oh, it's fine. It's fine.
- [Pipsqueak] I'm so clumsy. Are you hurt?
- No.
- No harm done. No harm done.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Katara] You're going to blow him up?
Not just him.
He's got an audience with the king.
This is our chance
to burn out this city's diseased heart.
Sokka was right. You are the bad guy.
[Jet] Katara.
The warehouse we destroyed,
that was a meeting spot for spies.
And by flushing them out,
we got those three yesterday.
The mechanist will help us
root out even more evil.
Innocent people are gonna die, Jet!
[dramatic music playing]
That's the price of freedom.
It's too late!
There's nothing you can do to stop it!
You were right.
Shut up and gloat later.
Right now, we need to stop Sai.
Jet planted a bomb on him.
[suspenseful music playing]
What's the fastest way to the palace?
It's at the highest point in the city,
so we need to
[sinister music playing]
This guy? Again?
Go. Get to the palace and stop Sai.
This is my fight.
Keep your firebending in check,
or you'll have the Earth Kingdom Army
to deal with.
I don't need fire to defeat this boy.
[action music playing]
- [grunts]
- [Aang] Ah.
[suspenseful music playing]
[both grunting]
[Sokka] Watch out! Excuse me!
[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music continues]
I have an idea. Come on.
[woman screams]
[Zuko grunts]
[both grunting]
- Ah!
- [woman] Huh!
How dare you hit that child?
[uptempo music playing]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[indistinct chatter]
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Ah!
Sai said all routes lead to the palace.
We have to take this one
to the end of the line.
The end of the line may be coming soon.
Ready? One, two, three! Ah!
[Zuko] Stand and fight!
For what? Why is this so important to you?
You're an enemy of the Fire Nation.
And that's it? That's why you've been
hunting me for three years?
How do you know it's been three years?
You have my notebook!
[man] A Firebender!
[man 2] A Firebender!
My my my cabbages!
[suspenseful music continues]
Oh no!
[uplifting music playing]
- [people gasp]
- [guard] Protect the king!
[people screaming]
[people clamoring]
We must leave!
[suspenseful music playing]
[man] It's a Firebender!
[man 2] Find the Firebender,
and close the gate!
- Go! Save yourself!
- What?
- [Zuko grunts]
- [Iroh] For the Fire Nation!
[people screaming]
[people clamoring]
[guards grunt]
[upbeat drum and flute music playing]
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