Be Loved in House (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

(I think I discovered a big secret.)
♪Light years apart, there are
so many obstacles to this journey♪
I want to eat you.
(He's a cannibal.)
♪Show me Show me Your eyes♪
♪One, two I got distracted
and delayed the rhythm♪
♪Clear my mind and realize
who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
♪The little prince♪
♪Goes to dreamland
and plants golden wheat♪
♪Your smile is like the sunshine
that will be always on my mind♪
♪In the next moment,
the tears in the win
are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
It seems you're very confident
about yourself.
Do you dare to make a bet?
I don't understand.
Just you and me.
Let's make a bet.
Do you dare to do that?
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
Did you hear me?
I did.
You asked me if I want to make a bet.
Isn't the answer obvious?
you don't dare to?
It's not that I don't dare to.
It's not necessary.
Instead of wasting time,
think about how to get orders.
It happens to be related
to getting orders.
That's not a waste of time, right?
Tell me about it.
As the most experienced employee
in the workshop
and the team leader,
I'm challenging you.
Whoever finds a new partner first
is the winner.
The loser
must listen to the winner's commands.
It's really a waste of time.
I'm the art director.
I'm the boss here.
I'm the only investor here so far,
the marketing planner
and top decision maker.
I don't need to do this with you.
Using authority
as a bet
is too disrespectful.
This is what we'll do.
The loser will do one thing
for the winner.
If you want to abolish the rule,
just say it.
Why are you beating around the bush?
You can reject this.
Because you know that you can't win.
You're laughing?
I know exactly
what's in your mind.
You're fragile deep inside,
and you're afraid of getting hurt.
That's why you pretend
to be high and mighty.
But without the director position,
you're nothing.
If I win,
you must also do something for me.
you will take it?
You can't go back on your word.
I'm afraid that you'll back out.
Why would I do that?
Don't be so sure of yourself.
If you win,
I'll withdraw the rule.
But if I win
What do you want?
It's a secret.
Finish your sentence.
The challenger
must take some risk as well.
Isn't that how a game is played?
Before leaving my office,
I can give you a chance to back out.
Why would I back out?
We'll see after two weeks.
What are you doing?
This is our chance to turn the tables.
We must be united.
What are you up to?
I want Jin Yuzhen
to tear off the Singlehood Rule.
You have a way to make him do that?
I have a bet with him now.
I want him to see the capability
of old-timers in the workshop.
You said we are old?
Just say the word.
Do you want in
or out?
I do.
That line
should be what Xiaoqian says to you.
Then what should we do?
I have a plan.
(HWC Roasters)
♪It was splendid, like thousands of
miles of stardust from the sky♪
♪Don't be shy♪
♪Thank you for breaking my armor♪
♪Be like a capricious child♪
This is for you guys.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
♪Hold on to the long wait once again♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
Hello, I'm from Jingcherng Metalwork
and Design.
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
(Client Basic Information)
I want an order of HWC special espresso.
(HWC Roasters)
(HWC Roasters)
Gang, you should know
a lot of people, right?
Which area?
I think those who come to HWC
are mostly
or influencers
and the like.
If they have
any special requirements
for accessories,
you can give them
our contact information.
- Leave that to us!
- Leave that to us!
I wonder if you like accessories.
Tell us.
We can help recommend
customized service.
They're incredible.
- You can do it!
- You can do it!
We can do it.
I can help too.
We'll take note of that.
If they're interested,
I'll ask them to call the workshop.
They must directly contact
the three of us.
I got it.
This is hard work indeed.
I don't think we can go on doing this.
We must check the enemy's situation.
Why are you looking at me?
Me again?
Hurry up.
Are you done yet?
Hi, Mr. Jin.
Are you done eating?
Do you want some coffee?
I came to give you some materials.
Please take a look.
Nothing at all?
There's nothing at all.
You violated the rule.
I'm sorry.
All right?
What do you want to do about it then?
I want to eat you.
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
No way.
There's no sign
about who he's contacting at all.
He's too mysterious.
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,
I can't hide my excitement and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
I can't slack off.
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪Im gonna share with u my luv♪
No way.
The power is out?
How long will you be in there?
I need to pee.
Are you done touching me?
Why aren't you wearing any clothes?
I just finished my shower.
Don't you always wear clothes
before coming out?
Don't you often come out
without wearing a shirt
after taking a shower?
That's my habit.
What do you mean by that?
I think you're very capricious.
First Emperor of Qin is saying
that I'm capricious?
So what if you have a nice built?
Don't you need to use the restroom?
Excuse me.
No progress.
Shi Lei, how are you doing?
I just didn't pay attention for a while,
and our competitor
stole a large order from us.
They acted too fast.
It's all because
you're not yourself at work.
Since when you become so low-spirited?
The list of old customers
is useless now.
It's so hard to get contacts.
are you busy with lately?
It's Little Qiqi.
I haven't seen you for a while.
Didn't school just start?
I'm always around.
school started two weeks ago.
- What did you say?
- What did you say?
It's been two weeks already?
Time went by so quickly.
What's the matter?
Anything I can do to help?
Come to the office.
There's a new rule again?
(Yinhua International Company Limited)
(Yinhua International Company Limited)
Yinhua International Company Ltd?
I received an email yesterday.
It's confirmed
that we can go to the next phase.
This is the initial proposal.
You can take a look first.
If you have any questions,
you can ask me any time.
If you want anything to be revised,
just tell me as well.
Should I wait
for you to take a leave first
then come back to do this?
If you have any questions
after you get home,
you can also ask me.
But the timeline is quite tight.
After three days,
you must attend the meeting with me.
Before that,
you must prepare
all the related information
and ideas.
I must check them the night before.
Is everything clear?
You're in charge of this project.
This is so sudden.
Is it that hard?
Don't underestimate me, okay?
Just give it to me.
Are you working?
A new proposal.
since you're working so hard,
I'll make you a special drink.
I heard you mention
that you were unable to get
this company's orders.
That's why we gave up on it before.
Who knew that Jin Yuzhen was capable
of getting into contact with them?
There's a new opportunity,
and you're still sighing?
If we can successfully get orders,
the workshop will be able
to pull it through.
But this way, I'll lose the bet.
How so?
He introduced this case.
If we get it, then he'll win.
Will you intentionally sabotage this
because of that?
I won't.
Then did he
keep reminding you
of the bet?
That's right.
Getting this project
is a good thing for the workshop.
And you're in charge.
Doesn't that mean
that you also helped to accomplish this?
Has it ever occurred to you
that perhaps
he doesn't care about the bet at all?
You made me feel like
I'm a very petty person.
he started all this.
who would be lame enough
to go against him?
You think your director
is very strange?
He's hard to define.
You'll spend a lot of time
with each other.
You must be able to strike a balance
so that it won't be too tiring.
If you still feel bad about it,
then find a comfortable way
to repay him
for working hard for the workshop
and also convince yourself
to not let the bet affect you.
But what should I do?
You must
rely on yourself to figure that out.
Your class is over?
I want to ask you.
If you want to repay someone's favor,
what would you do?
It depends on who it is.
It's someone
very annoying.
Why him?
Because he's the only one
you hate lately.
Don't you hate him?
I think he's incredible.
Any ideas then?
I usually treat people to a meal.
Never mind.
Forget I asked you.
What's this?
Italian chocolate.
Because it's almost White Day.
Our department
has an "Express your feelings
through chocolates" activity.
Everyone's making chocolates as gifts.
I got it.
Thank you, Siqi.
Lei, wait for me.
Why didn't you wait
until I got home before cooking?
I'm afraid that you're too busy.
You're studying, and you're working
at the workshop too.
Aren't you busy?
You're so silly.
Sit down first.
Dinner will be ready in a while.
It's so hot.
Welcome home.
Do you want to eat together?
Or do you want to shower first?
We can eat
after you take a shower.
Why did you suddenly make dinner?
As the workshop's team leader,
of course I must thank our art director
on behalf of everyone
for finding a way
to sustain the workshop.
We're just making a proposal.
We didn't get it yet.
I know.
We'll work hard.
Eat first.
Let's eat.
Let's drink the soup first.
What's this?
The whole thing?
Let's eat.
Should we
order takeout?
(TKK Fried Chicken)
It's good
to eat these occasionally.
This egg is incredible.
I know
these dishes can't compare
with those in the restaurants,
but at least
I learned a few dishes from my mom.
Is there
any dish here
that you don't like?
I can get
the soup for you.
Be careful, it's hot.
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,
I can't hide my excitement and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪Im gonna share with u my luv♪
♪I do, do do,
we agreed to meet in early summer♪
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
♪Eternity is unfolded right
in your hands♪
You must know a lot of things
about him in college then.
Did he date anyone back then?
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