Beartown (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Right Out with you.
-Just one more beer?
-Oh, please!
Cut it out!
Get a move on and go home!
Damned weather
-Stop playing with your dick.
-Shut up.
Hey, Bobo
Oh man
-Did you have a good time last night?
I didn't hear you come home.
We're having breakfast now.
-She's been in there forever.
-She's hung over.
-Hi, Ana.
Is Maya home?
We're having breakfast. Want to join us?
I'd love to.
-Mop up that puke now.
-No way! I didn't chuck it up.
-Me neither.
-I'm not mopping up your puke.
-Just mop it up.
-I'm not cleaning up your mess.
I didn't do it!
-You ate the macaroni.
-I did not!
-You mop it up!
-I'll give you 500 if you eat it.
-500? You'd have to give me 2,000.
-No way! You're so sick.
-Are you chicken?
Imagine eating one of those macaroni.
-From his puke.
-Shut the fuck up!
Just mop it up!
My dad will be here soon.
-Fuck's sake!
-You do it, Bobo.
The Hed team really believed
they could beat us.
They knew they could.
-They got a taste of Kevin instead.
Straight up the ass!
Leo, please don't.
-You said it first.
-Absolutely not.
He said they wouldn't be able to shit
for a week.
-I said sit.
-Same thing.
There's a big difference.
-He'll copy you and say it at school.
-He's 12, not a baby.
-Did something happen?
-I'm tired.
-Why are you tired?
-I need to sleep.
Just leave so I can sleep.
Leave me alone.
Something happened.
What do you care? You just left.
What do you care?
You abandoned me!
Do you have to be with me all the time?
Don't you have other friends?
Hang on a sec. What's going on?
What's up, Maya?
Open up, honey.
-Hello there.
-My snowmobile got stolen last night.
-Oh no!
I was in the kitchen when I see
a guy get on it and just drive off.
-And you saw it?
-Yep. I think was one of your players.
All right, I'll look into it.
Come on, Maya!
-What's going on?
-What's up?
-I'm sick.
Did you fight?
I think I've got a temperature.
The house is still standing.
-Hi there!
-You're all wet.
-You look tired.
-Did you party last night?
-A bit.
Listen, you have to stop this now.
There's no respite
from all the congratulations.
-Is that so?
People from the municipality,
Roger, everyone.
Now they can't turn down my planning
applications. Bureaucrat bitches.
Steer clear of them.
-Hi! Congratulations on your win.
-Did you have fun last night?
-Good party?
-Not too bad.
The worst thing about having a teenager
is remembering what it was like.
So, was everything okay at the party?
Yeah, I guess so.
Maya isn't really herself today.
No? What's with her?
I don't know. I thought you might.
No, sorry. I didn't see much of her.
I saw when she got there, that's it.
To be honest, I don't think
she should have been there.
No? Okay.
But that's not up to me.
I'm not her mother.
We've got a few days
to prepare for the final.
So be on your toes.
The devil is in the detail.
Can he pull it off?
Peter knows his stuff.
Does he know what's at stake?
Move those skates! Come on!
Are you still drunk, Bobo? Move it!
Let's see a really nice shot now!
A hangover is no excuse.
We need to reduce ice time for the third
and second lines. They're too slow.
Yeah. Let's focus on Kevin
and the first line.
Then we'll win the final.
The second and third lines relieve
the first line. Don't you get that?
Everyone in the team serves a purpose,
has a job to do.
Maybe you should do yours
and stop moaning like a kid.
Maybe that's my job, be the kid! Jerk.
Come on, get moving!
Come on, keep it up! You can do it.
Come on, Kevin!
How's it going?
What happened here?
I wrapped it for protection
and taped it for stability.
But you wrapped it because it's tender?
Your skin?
The seams feel sharp?
I've seen that before.
I don't think you should tape it.
I had frostbite on my hands before.
Condition training too long in the snow.
My dad went ballistic.
But that was just his way.
-He was a drunk?
-My dad?
He was a lot of things.
Above all he was an asshole.
kevin = god
KING kevin!!!
Look at that, your snowmobile!
You can take back your police report.
-The boy gets away with stealing?
-You should be happy.
You got it back.
Now none of us needs to come back here.
Have a good day. Chill.
-We have thick walls and high ceilings.
-Thick walls? What do you mean?
Everybody needs to know
they can talk about anything,
whether it's love troubles
or performance anxiety,
and be absolutely certain
that it stays between us.
Your star player, Kevin Erdahl,
does he have any performance anxiety?
I don't know. Do you?
Let's turn it around.
What makes Kevin so good?
It's exactly the same
as for these kids here:
You repeat ten thousand movements
ten thousand times
and you love doing it.
And in that context,
what makes a really good coach?
One of the big secrets
is having the ability
to drink really bad coffee.
Really bad coffee?
Well, Kevin is special.
I started skating when I was eight.
He was two.
You couldn't even get skates that small.
His dad ordered them specially.
-Mats Erdahl?
-That's him.
Peter and Erdahl, are they good friends?
Not at all. The opposite.
They hate each other's guts.
It's something
from when they were young.
Good. I'm no fan either.
-No? Why not?
-I've had dealings with his company.
His contracts are
absolutely shit, to put it mildly.
What's the problem?
His contracts, his employees,
he uses a lot of undeclared workers.
-No way!
-Oh yes.
Jesus, I'd never have guessed.
-I thought he was honest.
-Not quite.
-He's a real bastard. That's for sure.
-Yes. That I knew.
Is she okay?
-Why wouldn't she be?
-She's not here.
-She's sick. Is that illegal?
-What's with all the questions?
-Forget about it.
I just lay there and let him.
What does that matter?
It matters plenty.
You have to tell your parents.
Have you seen the pics?
I look so fucking wasted!
Who'd believe someone
who was that drunk?
-What about the bruises?
-It's not enough.
It's like, this is Beartown
Everybody loves Kevin.
My dad loves Kevin.
So we just let him get away with it?
"Boys will be boys."
Let him do it again?
No, but that's how
they do things here, isn't it?
It's how it is.
Look You've got an open wound.
We've got to take care of it
or it'll get infected
and you'll get a scawr.
Scar. It's scar.
You know what I mean.
Don't let them crush you.
Get him to confess.
Zack, hey, wait up!
Come on, I've already apologized.
It's not just about the party.
Do you get that?
-I need to talk to you. It's important.
Something happened at the party.
I need to talk about it.
-I'm working.
-Can we meet after my practice?
-Can we get together? Promise?
-Okay! Goodbye.
Great. That's it!
That's great. Beautiful.
Kevin and Amat, you're next!
Every rep we do makes us better!
Come on, boys. Work it!
Yes! That's great!
Play like this in the final
and put Haparanda to shame!
Come on! Speed up!
Great, Benji. It's looking great.
Great, Kevin.
-Movie night tonight. Coming?
-I can't.
-Why not?
-You are so coming!
-Let's get some pizza.
-Yeah, I'm starving!
-Is your hand better?
-It's okay.
-I didn't like it.
-So the first one scared you?
-Yeah. All horror movies scare me.
-You're kidding?
-It's true.
All of you?
One of you will have to get in back.
You can sit with me, rookie.
-It'll be back-heavy.
-Shut up, Lyt!
-You sure you won't come?
-Yeah, I'm going to Hed.
You go there a lot.
Are you screwing someone there?
-Okay, take care.
-You too. Have a good time.
-Come on, get in!
-I'll ride shotgun.
-Can you just shut up?
-There it is! Told you.
He yaps and he yaps.
-Did you shit yourself?
-No way!
Smells like a barn. Gross!
You're such a moron.
You're so damn fast.
We'll be unstoppable in the final.
-He's never running out of bullets.
-He can shoot forever
-It's a she.
-That one, yeah, but the one before
Here we go.
Do you know how to save a guy from Hed
from drowning?
Get it?
-How do you fit four gays on one chair?
-Tell me.
You turn it over.
Oh, come on!
Don't you get it?
I get it. I just don't think it's funny.
Maybe you're boring.
Ever thought of that?
-You're so cute.
-Shut up, fucking gay boy!
I'm gay? No one's more gay than you
up here!
-Is that so?
Give me
Fucking gay boy.
You drive me nuts.
-Come on, Bobo!
-What the hell!
-How are you?
-Okay, I guess.
-How are you?
-I'm not very well, actually.
I'm just wondering
why you forced me at the party
-I don't
-Kevin, what's up?
I don't feel that way.
A drunken fumble means nothing.
That's not what happened.
-Looked like it.
-I didn't want to.
You stuck your tongue down my throat
because you didn't want to?
-You're lying!
-Don't be sad.
-What the fuck? Are you filming me?
-You can't take my phone.
Give me my phone!
-I'll switch off and delete it
-Give me my phone. Seriously!
-What's wrong with you?
Fucking yokel!
Maya, wait!
If Peter finds out
Kevin and Maya screwed
-We'd be fucked.
-How would he find out?
People talk, you know.
Time to go to class?
-You don't get any pussy, do you?
-Screw you.
What the hell was that?
-But she was seriously mad at you.
-It's nothing.
Nothing? She was that mad
for no reason?
Who's talking? You stole a snowmobile.
Peter will drop you.
No. The team needs me to guard you.
What's up?
After the semi at the party.
It all went wrong.
I don't know.
Wrong? How?
You know
It just well
-I can't talk about it now.
-After the final.
Review chapters one to six for the test.
You need to know these things.
Fucking moron!
Come on! We want Haparanda to crawl
off the ice when we're done with 'em!
Guys! No messing around now!
It felt like things were looking up
when I heard you were coming back
to fix us.
I thought, "Let's do this.
Last-chance saloon." You know?
Didn't go that way, did it.
But I've been thinking
I wonder if you'd be willing
to take over as assistant coach
with me next season.
For real?
-You're kidding me?
-I'm not kidding you.
Have you told David?
David, he's
I just don't know.
We don't see eye to eye.
I don't trust him.
-But you trust me?
-I trust you, Robban.
No one knows more
about hockey than you.
-I don't know what to say.
-You're going to say yes.
Well, then it's yes.
Give me every ounce you've got!
Speed! Use those skates!
Tomorrow's the big day!
We can rest after the final!
Work it!
Finish that puck! That's it!
I'm going.
See you tomorrow.
-Aren't you forgetting something?
Aren't you forgetting something
you want to tell me?
-What do you mean?
-I talked to Hedin.
Who talked to Robban
You can't even say it to my face.
It wasn't meant
Going behind my back like a little girl!
That's so low. So fucking low!
-So fucking low!
-Yes, it was bad.
Why Robban?
He's an alcoholic. You know he is.
That's how you'll put Beartown
on the map? What's with you?
-You and me don't work.
-And why is that? Because of you!
Yeah. You talk about the team.
Yeah But it's all about you.
You treat people any way you like!
You're supposed to be a role model.
Everybody knows you're a failure.
We pretend not to know
you started drinking and got kicked out.
But here you're a saint
because your kid died!
Don't mention my son
or I'll smash your head in! Get that.
-Let go of me.
Shit, you scared me!
Are you okay?
Anything wrong?
I don't think I've told you
but you mean a lot to me.
Same here.
You know what Dad's like,
but you've really supported me.
I just wanted to let you know before
Before what?
-Before the final.
-Oh, right. Of course.
That's so nice of you, Kevin.
It makes me really happy.
You mean a lot to me too.
Is something wrong?
Can you tell me?
You're okay.
Come on now, Leo!
We've got a long drive.
-Yes! Can you calm the fuck down?
Go out to the car.
Come on! We're all waiting for you.
Where are you?
Are you in here?
We're going shopping in town
before the game.
Open the door!
It's open.
Something happened.
Don't keep him on the bench so much.
-You've got let William play.
-I need to get him fired up.
-It's really got to him.
-And it needs to get to him.
Peter, so nice to have you back.
-You've really lifted the gang!
-They lifted themselves.
-They're looking good.
-It's great news.
I'd never put William on the bench.
I know. I know that, David.
Thanks for the ride.
Good luck.
-Hello there.
-Are you here on time?
-Yeah, imagine.
-How are you feeling?
-Hi there.
-Got room on the bus for one more?
-I'm sure we do.
Great. Someone's got to keep an eye
on this one.
You forgot your Beartown hat.
I'll put it on later, when you win.
Hello? We're about to leave.
-Are you coming?
-Hey, buddy.
Mom called me.
What is it?
Tell me what's going on, Maya.
He raped me.
Kevin did?
At the party?
When you were at the party?
Weren't there tons of people there?
Both wrists, he held her down.
-It's obvious.
Hi. My name is Mira.
I want to report a crime.
-It is now!
-The Bear awakes!
-Who are we?
-The Bears of Beartown!
-What're we going to do?
-Win! Win! Win!
You've reached Peter Andersson.
Hey I'll be back.
-I'll be back.
-Where are you going?
-It's okay. I'll be back. You go on in.
Just like Peter. So unprofessional.
He'll just have to come after
in his car.
Yeah, we can't wait for him.
We leave in five.
Hey. How's it going?
What the hell's going on? Not a clue.
Now what?
What the hell?
-What's up?
I'm Jörgen from the police.
Is Kevin on the bus?
-What's going on?
-We want to talk to Kevin.
Hi Kevin.
We'd like to talk to you outside.
-What's this about?
-I can't tell you here on the bus.
-Has he been accused of something?
-I can't say.
We need to talk to Kevin outside.
-What the hell's going on?
-Is he for real?
-What the hell?
-What's he done?
-You can't just take him like this.
-Is this a joke?
Just step outside,
so we can have a word.
He hasn't done anything.
We've got a game.
-What's this all about? Jörgen?
-You'll have to wait, Mats.
-Has he been accused of something?
-I can't talk about it now.
We need to talk to Kevin first.
Get in the car.
-You're taking him away?
-Into the car.
What's this about?
-We'll explain later.
-You need to explain now!
He's playing the final!
We'll talk later.
What do you mean, later?
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