Beast Tamer (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Another Ultimate Species

A real bed!
It's so nice after all that camping!
What's wrong?
Rein! The beds are nice and fluffy!
Why is this happening?!
I'm so glad you like it!
Good luck, you two!
Good luck with what?!
So fluffy!
Beast Tamer
Hauling in the Ebon Fangs that Kanade
and I caught took us until nightfall.
Another Ultimate Species
After that, we were called
to the Adventurer's Guild.
Our elimination of the Ebon Fangs
was deemed such an achievement,
that I was given a special
promotion to E-rank.
I was also given a rather sizable reward.
So we picked up some equipment in town,
then celebrated with a
rather luxurious dinner.
I'm so sorry.
We only have one room open tonight.
All right, we'll try another inn—
And I'll show you right to it!
Huh?! Wai—
Kanade and I were supposed
to have separate rooms,
but with no others open,
we got stuck here together!
I bet I'll sleep really well tonight!
Come try the beds, Rein!
I'm camping out tonight!
What?! Why? Why?!
We already paid for the week!
There are bigger things at stake!
I can't sleep in the same room as a girl!
I don't mind spending the
night with you, Rein!
You should! I'm a guy, remember?
Well, the notion of sharing
a room with a guy like you,
does make me feel a little embarrassed.
But I know you're not that kind
of guy, so I'm okay with it!
I can't tell if she's too
kind or just too ignorant
Listen, Kanade.
You can't trust people so easily.
We only just met,
and we barely know each other.
What makes you so sure you can trust me?
I'm going.
It's not that I'd trust just anybody.
I trust you, because you're you.
You're not like other people.
Even if we only just met,
we're still comrades, right?
And I can't let my faithful
comrade sleep outside!
Comrades just don't do that!
You know?
I got it.
I won't sleep outside.
I'll sleep here.
Well, glad to hear it!
It's been one surprise after
another since I met her.
I just can't argue with her.
But, but You should look
away while I'm changing, okay?
He's so cute when he sleeps.
Rein really is a good guy.
Even among the ultimate species,
cat spirits like me are rare.
Countless humans have tried
to catch me because of that.
Some approach me hoping
to get ahead in the world.
Money, greed, glory
That's all those people wanted.
But that's when I met
Hey, are you okay?
Rein was surprised to
meet me, but that's not all.
He saved me out of sheer goodwill.
He interacted with me like
I was any other girl.
I can't express how happy that made me!
I bet Rein's still hurting from
being kicked out of his party.
He's acting like he doesn't care,
but I'm sure he's still bothered, deep down.
I'd like to heal that wound.
I want to see Rein smile from
the bottom of his heart.
No matter what happens,
I'll always be with you, Rein.
It's been a week since I first met Kanade.
We've been smoothly working through our jobs,
enjoying the laid-back
life of the adventurer.
Want some?
The Guard Dog of Stride Bridge?
Yes. A true hooligan has
appeared on Stride Bridge.
They're picking fights with
anyone who tries to cross.
They, apparently, leave once
they've deemed the battle won,
so they fortunately haven't killed anyone
But it's really deterring
people from using the bridge.
And so
What do you think, Rein?
Will you take the job?
You think E-ranks, like us, are qualified?
This job is available to all ranks!
Whoever beats the hooligan
first gets the reward!
And the reward is quite high!
Five gold pieces!
I'll take it!
Thank you so much!
Isn't it a big bridge, Rein?
Stride Bridge.
It's the only way to travel from the Central
Continent, where Horizon is located,
to the Southern Continent.
Isn't it amazing?!
I've never seen anything like it!
That's right. I guess you've
never been here before.
But what kind of person do you
think this "Guard Dog" is?
Good question.
Normally, if no one's died,
you'd be able to ask witnesses
about the culprit's identity.
But the people who got
beaten refused to talk,
so I couldn't get any information
about the Guard Dog's identity.
A completely unknown enemy!
I'll have to make sure
not to let my guard down.
What is it?
Look at that!
I sense power here.
Hey, you two! Fight me!
The dragon was a girl?
Are you listening to me?!
But can I ask one question?
Are you the Guard Dog who's been
raising havoc on this bridge?
Guard Dog?
Not exactly my favorite nickname,
but I guess that'd be me.
I'm Tania of the ultimate
species, dragonoids!
I'm using this bridge for training.
It's the law among the dragonoids.
Once they turn 15, they set out on
a journey to become properly strong.
I think.
Aren't you the knowledgeable one? Exactly.
I've been searching for somebody strong.
A first-rate adventurer and cat spirit
Perfect opponents upon
which to hone my strength.
I'm just fine with a two-on-one fight.
But I'm not leaving this
bridge until you fight me!
It looks like we'll have to fight her.
I wasn't expecting to fight a
dragon, an ultimate species
Don't worry! I'm an ultimate
species, too, remember?
That's true!
All ready, are we?
Now, let us begin!
Not bad at all.
That single blow's taken out about
half of those I've fought so far.
I'll bet.
I only just barely blocked it, myself!
That means you pass the first test.
But what about this?
Don't take on human form if you're
just gonna do dragon stuff!
It's hot! It's hot!
Don't move! I'll put it out!
My beautiful tail!
Okay, now I'm mad!
Finally up for the fight?
Two ultimate species
they're on even footing.
It feels a little like cheating
If we attack at the same time
It can't be!
H-Hang on!
And away you go!
Not good!
Even with the ability boosts granted
from my contract with Kanade,
I still can't fly!
If she attacks us now
Well done, you two.
You're the first to ever last this long.
I'm starting to enjoy this more and more!
She really is an ultimate species.
So strong
Maybe it was arrogant to think we could
beat a dragonoid in hand-to-hand combat.
I need to fight like a real beast tamer.
Can you buy me five minutes no, three?
I just thought of a plan.
A plan?
If you buy me time,
I'll work out the rest on my own.
Okay! Leave it to me!
Is your little strategy meeting over?
Now, then
Let's get serious!
Well, look at you go!
But how long will your
stamina hold up like this?
Don't worry about that!
Rein said he has an idea!
Hey! Don't tell her our plan!
No. I need to focus.
I needed to focus my mind.
When Tania sent me flying,
I felt a presence faintly
I found it!
Will you bring your friends here?
Yes! Good girl!
Leave the rest to me!
What, am I fighting you next?
No you're fighting them!
What is all this?!
What's going on?
It doesn't actually hurt, but
it's extremely irritating!
Stop it!
Trying to create a smokescreen, were you?
You can't possibly have
thought that would hurt me.
Don't make me laugh!
An attack like that could
never hurt a dragonoid
like me
What's going on?
I can't move.
This is a pito.
The bright plumage is a sign
that they're poisonous.
That big a dose of poison should keep even
a dragonoid like you down for a while.
Fine! I give up!
I lose!
Wow, that was fast.
Well, I can't even lift a finger.
How could I possibly win?
We did it!
Rein! We won!
Yeah! We did it!
All right, Tania.
You need to come with us.
Why? Going to sell me to some other human?
Of course not.
I just want to talk with you.
And I hope you'll promise me that you'll
never do anything like this ever again.
And if I refuse?
In that case
I don't know! I'd be in a real fix!
What kind of response is that?
You could just take me anywhere
and do anything you want
What a weirdo.
That super hurts!
What are you doing?!
Stop making trouble for Rein!
This is punishment for bad girls!
I got it! I'll go! I'll go already!
I get it! Just cut it out!
It never ends
You drove off the Guard
Dog of Stride Bridge?!
I beat the hooligan and got a guarantee.
The bridge should be safe from now on.
That's our Rein!
I just knew you could beat that quest!
We'll give you your reward
after we confirm your story.
But thank you so much!
By the way who is that?
The tail and horns
Is she a drago—
No! Just someone we met
on the course of the job!
She's human, and her appearance is just
Right! It's just a costume!
Oh, I see!
Don't you dare speak for me!
I'm not some kind of weirdo!
Allow me to tell you.
I am the queen of the skies,
a dragon—
We'll be going now! See you!
See you!
If they learn you were the
Guard Dog of Stride Bridge,
it'll throw the whole town into a panic.
So don't you go telling anyone—
You! Fight me!
What the heck? She's awesome!
How do you do it?
You wish to know who I really a—
Seriously, don't tell anyone
what you really are!
After we worked so hard to hide it
S-Sorry, I forgot.
Now, as for what we'll do with you next
Try to get as far from this town as you can.
You're sure?
Fortunately, word of the Guard Dog of
Stride Bridge hasn't spread very far.
Just promise you won't do
anything like that ever again.
Hey, why do you think those guys
wouldn't tell you about Tania?
That's a good question.
Did you scare them into silence or something?
Of course not.
Oh, but
They were all rather bummed
about losing to a girl.
That's the reason none of them talked?!
You're really not going to take me in?
Just take your training somewhere
you won't make trouble.
I s-suppose
Seeing as I couldn't even beat you two,
that training couldn't have
been very good for me anyway.
But the dragonoid rule is that
you have to keep training, right?
Well, about that
I thought I'd tag along with you guys!
Why would you do that?!
Seems like hanging out with you
would be pretty good training.
Plus, it sounds fun!
Rein, was it?
I find that I like you.
You protected me back there.
Wait! Get away from my master!
What's this, now? Jealous?
O-Of course not!
I just thought Rein seemed bothered, so
It's just a little hug.
Nobody likes a girl who won't share.
She's already picking fights
Well, I don't mind having Tania in our party.
What do you think, Kanade?
I'm fine with it.
Tania's a little mean,
but I like her just fine.
Then, that's that!
Well, then, Rein.
Form a contract with me!
You have a contract with Kanade,
so you should form a contract with me, too!
I can't believe I'm forming a
contract with not only a cat spirit,
but with a dragonoid, too.
Are you ready?
Yes, anytime.
My name is Rein Shroud.
In establishing this new contract,
a bond is formed.
An oath in our hearts, hope in our souls
Your power, in my hand.
Speak now your name.
Is it over?
Yeah. The contract is sealed.
See? You got a weird pattern
on your hand, right?
So this is what it feels
like to be tamed, eh?
It's strange it feels like I'd be
connected to Rein no matter where I am.
But it's kind of nice.
I feel like I've used up an
entire lifetime's worth of luck!
Hey, you!
You just got to seal a contract with me!
So why do you look so unhappy?
Happy to work with you, my master!
Damn it!
A whole week in the woods for nothing.
I'm pooped. I wanna take a bath!
Exploring while fighting monsters
is harder than I expected.
And carrying around our provisions was hard.
All jobs we used to have Rein do
Why do I have to do that
piece of trash's job?!
But what can we do about it now?
It seems difficult to progress.
I know. Let's bring Rein back.
We'll say we're sorry,
that we totally didn't mean it.
Then he'll come right back.
He's stupidly nice anyway.
Then, after we clear out the Lost Woods,
we'll abandon him again.
I want to look at Rein's face as he sleeps!
I don't care! Let me have the bed!
You're so stingy!
I said no!
And I said you're stingy!
Dragonoid Power
Next Time: "Dragonoid Power."
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