Begins Youth (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Piano bro
Ah, what the heck
Darn it
Kitty, come here
Come here
You look good
It seems like
you like your new school after transferring
Yes, I like it
I've made some friends
Some of them are younger and older than me
One of them, who's good at dancing,
walks me home
That's good to hear
Hmm, then
How about your memory of that time?
Do you still not remember anything at all?
Or has anything changed?
I don't remember, at all
Thank you
Haru, did you answer well?
What did you say?
Tell me about it
Huh? Haru!
What brings you here?
Oh, I came to see a doctor
But why are you here?
I came to get counseling and
to pick up some medication
For my narcolepsy, you know
Then, take care
Let's go
Bye, Haru
I'm Hosu Jeong
- Yes, please wait a moment
Haru Park?
Haru Park?
The prescription is ready,
where did he go?
Psychiatric Clinic
How did we just happen to meet here, huh?
- Tell him it was because of my insomnia, got it?
- Yes
So you have to
transfer to another school again?
I thought I could finally settle in
I'm sorry
- How come you guys come to school like that!
- I'm sorry
- Say hello to the principal
- Hello
Go in, you need to come up
on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk!
Give me the ball!
Go up on the sidewalk!
I said, go up on the sidewalk!
Say hello to the principal!
Walk on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk!
Go up on the sidewalk, everyone
Go up, quickly!
You know my mom, right?
I know
Is there anyone in this neighborhood
who doesn't know about that incident?
The fire was so big
Because of that incident,
you became famous too
It seems like Hwan Kim and you
have been hanging out together recently
Hwan is a good student
He seems nice
Don't corrupt an innocent student
I hope you don't stir up trouble at school
Because my students are
the most precious to me
This is advice, right?
Not a warning
Your father said
Cein is smart
but doesn't put in the effort
Seems like that is true
Hey, Cein Min!
Aren't you going to say hello?
- You're here
- Hey
Let's go
Hey, Cein Min!
Hey, dude!
Hey, you have four more weeks of
getting detention, got it?
You're extended for another four weeks!
- Walk on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk!
- Hwan
You know the principal well, right?
My dad knows him well more than I do
He was my father's
homeroom teacher in high school
Ah, I see
Being from the same Songho Scholarship Foundation,
they must know each other well
Who's from the same scholarship foundation?
Oh, someone I know
Can I come over to your house someday?
Well, I also want to see
what a rich house looks like
Uh, well, some other time
That reflection in the mirror is Haru Park
Psycho cockroach bastard
He's been hiding
in Songjoo Jeil Middle School
Jooan's trembling is totally severe
- I'm going crazy, really
- I told you
It's not that I didn't know
I know everything,
it's just that my brain works too fast
If that's the case, then I'm even quicker
the message was all delivered, wasn't it?
Really annoying,
I'm not hanging out with you
Isn't he so funny?
about running into you there yesterday
My mom has some serious insomnia
I mean, I also didn't expect to
run into you there yesterday
I must have had
a really weird expression, right?
Honestly, who would have thought
to meet anyone there?
Who would've even imagined that, right?
I was really surprised
I'm sorry
No, it's okay
I was shocked too
Hey, Haru
- Are you really going to the US this week?
- Yeah
Is this the place, right here?
I told you, it's right
I'm envious
I want to go to the US too
You'll go to the US during vacation, where your brother is,
and be hospitalized in a mental hospital
- It's a delusion made by himself
- I'll buy you your favorite hamburger
My brother said they have
really big hamburgers there, like this big
US hamburgers are kind of big
Yes, mom
I get nervous as soon as I see my mom
Hosu, let's go play catch
Do you know which school Haru attended
before transferring here?
He said some middle school in Munhyeon City
He didn't say which one, why?
Never mind, just curious
Come on, hurry up
Hey, your house is really nice
Mom, Dogeon is here
I feel assured
as if Jeha's grade is improved
- Please take good care of him
- Yes
And about that,
the part-time job for the scholarship
- Ah, yes
- I've already talked to the kids' father, so don't worry
Thank you
- Go inside, I'll bring you some snacks
- Dogeon, here
I'll study after doing this, really
But why aren't you eating?
Why is the apple shaped like a rabbit?
Do you want me to give you
some socks, Dogeon?
Did you see it?
- Here
- Thanks
You're really quick-witted
I've felt that way for a while
My stepdad says
he doesn't like that I'm too observant
No! Hey, you can't die there!
Just this round, only this round
How many hours do you play games each day?
Why do you like gaming?
I'm really good at this game
Here, I can't study well and it's boring
In the game,
everyone wants to be on my team
If I'm not online, they look for me
I'm popular, everyone likes me
Everyone likes you here too
Ah, you'll probably see Hwan often
He's right here
Maybe three times?
Haven't seen much though
- Really?
- It's perfect, perfect!
Hey, go inside!
- Ma'am
- Yes, Hwan?
I was going to
cut some fruits and put them in your room
Did you clean my room?
Yes, I cleaned it
- Did you happen to see the camcorder?
- Camcorder?
Isn't it in your room?
I only cleaned,
I didn't throw anything away
Do you need it right now?
No, it's not
Hwan, why?
Get ready to go with me
Assemblyman, that place might be
a bit too much for Hwan to go to
I'm sorry
We're late
No, you're not
Ah, your son is coming with you today?
He has his grandfather's face
Have a seat
- Go wait outside
- Yes
- Have you made your presence in the neighborhood?
- Yes
I'm just starting to
go around and greet people
It's a place that
your father cultivated well to win the vote
There shouldn't be any big problems
We'll set up your area in this room
during the redevelopment
- You can go to Seoul and play in the big leagues
- Yes
I respectfully ask for your care
I remember the first time I saw him
Wasn't it when you visited
your father in the hospital?
Back then, you could barely walk
- Oh, I
- Take it
You should learn to drink from your elders
Yes, like your grandfather, your father
If you want to do big things,
you should start by learning to drink, right?
Here, take it
Have a drink
Hwan, try some of this
It's honey tea
My goodness, assemblyman is really
How come he let a student drink this much?
Thank you
Are you okay?
I'm fine
What's this?
He didn't even read it
Haru? Your medicine
- Did you take the ones at lunch?
- Yes, I did
Sangmin must be very busy, right?
Of course, he's naturally busy
He's about to graduate
When are we going to the US?
Is it okay if I miss school?
But still
Isn't it a bit much
to skip school and go see him?
He said he would be coming to Korea soon
I want to see him receive his degree
He would want to see me too, right?
Did he say he doesn't want to see me?
Did he not want me to come?
It's not that,
it's just he's really busy and
Even if you come,
he might not have time to spend with you
This time, just mom and dad will go
Grandma will come to take care of you
while we're gone
Is that okay?
Mom, dad, and Sangmin
We all love Haru
You know that, right?
I love you too
You shouldn't stay up too late
- You have to go to school early tomorrow
- Yes
Compose Email
Hey, don't you want to see me?
Are you embarrassed by me?
Hwan! What are you doing?
I'm breathing
Hey, just stay still for a moment
I'm feeling dizzy
I told you to stay still
Why are you shaking so much?
You're the one
who's staggering right now
No, I'm not
I'm totally
Uh, oh!
He deleted the challenge video
Trying to prevent people from
seeing Haru Park, the psycho
There goes Haru Park, the cockroach,
acting all nice and pitiful again
Why don't you run away again, Haru Park?
Run away, I'll find you again
Post Deleted
Next time,
let's go together to see him, okay?
Mom will fully pack
your favorite US snacks in the trunk
Take care on your trip
Dad, take care too
Okay, take it easy
- Listen to grandma, okay?
- Yes
It was so funny yesterday
Hwan got so drunk
and was staggering around
No way, I'm not drunk
- Like this
- It wasn't that bad
Ah, my shoes, where are they?
My shoes!
When did I do that!
You were like this, going all
No, I wasn't that bad
Where are my shoes,
where are my shoes' just like that
Haru Park transferred out of our school
I know him, why?
Did you see?
The STEP UP dance video you made
was also deleted
It seems there's been some glitch
with the program lately
I deleted it
You did?
- Why?
- Well, on a closer look, the moves weren't that great
So, I'm planning to reshoot it
Hey, then I'll reshoot it for you
I have a lot of time today
Since mom and dad
went to the US today anyway
Why didn't you go?
Well, that's
Hey Haru, sorry,
but I can't go with you today
Mrs. Kim asked me to come over a bit early
- Okay
- I'll go then
He was all set to go to the US
where his brother is
There was a rumor that he actually went into
and came out of a psychiatric hospital
Is that true?
No, that's a lie,
what are you talking about
Are you close with him?
He's just cute. Kind too
How about you?
How's your new family?
Hey, you used to cause trouble
in the orphanage all the time
You got scolded by Mrs. Kim a lot
Hosu, I don't want to talk about
the orphanage anymore
Even after being adopted
rumors about being from an orphanage
continued at school for a while
I see
Do you not have that problem?
Everyone at our school already knows
What can I do about it?
It's true that I lived in an orphanage
I heard that the orphanage will be gone
once your neighborhood is redeveloped
So the kids will be split up
and sent to different orphanages?
Looks like it
It's probably hard for all of them
to go to the same place
That reflection in the mirror,
that's Haru Park
Psycho cockroach
He's been hiding
in Songjoo Jeil Middle School
He deleted the challenge video
Trying to prevent people from
seeing Haru Park, the psycho
There goes Haru Park, the cockroach,
acting all nice and pitiful again
On a closer look,
the moves weren't that great
So, I'm planning to reshoot it
12-year-old boy Choi missing,
search hampered by rainy season
No witnesses found, intensive investigation
at Grass Flower Arboretum
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
[Run away]
What are you doing, all by yourself?
Where's Hosu?
Hosu went home early
because Mrs. Kim told him to
Ah, you walk a long way, don't you?
Isn't it tiring?
No, I'm fine
Why do humans have legs
to walk around, it's so bothersome
Look at snakes
They just lie there
and nobody says anything
How comfortable is that?
Let's go
Let's go
Come on, I'll buy you something tasty
If you're going to walk a long way again,
you need to eat something good
You've ordered two
'Dugeun Dugeun Choco the Love Pearl' drinks
How would you like
the sweetness and ice level?
Bold ice?
Yes, the sweetness and ice
Did she say 'bold ice'?
I'll come back next time
Thank you, have a nice day
I was expecting to get something tasty
Hey, who's the smartest among us?
- Dogeon?
- Yeah, yeah
Then we should come here
with Dogeon next time
What's this 'Dugeun Dugeun' pearl thing?
I mean, if it's ice, then it's ice.
What's 'bold'?
Why are you laughing? Isn't it strange?
It's really hard, seriously
My parents are also
having a really hard time
I'm struggling too
I feel like I'm going crazy
If I could just remember that time,
I'd like to shake it off and feel relieved
But I really can't remember
Just a moment
Next, next!
Hurry up!
There are only up to ep. 19 here, right?
- What!
- The protagonist just
It ended right where it set
a huge death flag with 'Did he finish it off?'
- Hurry up and find it
- Okay
He told you there are only up to 19 here
It was such a crucial moment
What is this, anyway?
What's this?
When I went to Jeha's house for tutoring,
there were apples shaped like rabbits,
and these things were all stuck on top
What are these?
Are they like forks?
- Have you never seen this before?
- Yeah
Why don't we know about things like this?
We didn't even know such things existed
What is this thing,
plastic with animal shapes, what is this?
I felt a bit pitiful for me
not knowing about things like this
for a moment
What did you say?
I didn't say anything
Was it you?
Why is he acting like that?
No, it wasn't
I thought you were calling me
Ah, I have to go to
the psychiatrist again next week
It's so bothersome
But after going there a few times
I realized it's just like going to
the pediatrician or internal medicine for a cold
No, why
People are born with
their own weaknesses, right?
Like some people catch colds easily
and some break bones easily
Just like that
People who go to psychiatrists
The teacher said it's like
being born with a weaker heart
- Hey, Haru
- Hey, Hosu!
Ah, I forgot
My mom told me to come home early today
But aren't your parents in the US?
Ah, it's my grandmother, my grandmother
Sorry, I have to go home early today
Hey, Haru
- Anyone for ice cream?
- Me, me, me!
Huh? What's this?
Why is one left over?
Why didn't Haru come?
Ah, is it this week?
Haru was supposed to go to the US
for his brother's graduation ceremony
But he was at school today
When I asked him
why he didn't go to the US,
he said that his passport had expired
The passport expired
Yeah, so only his parents decided to go
That's what he said when I saw him earlier
When are you free?
Why, is there something you need?
Do you know what 'Dodo Ice' is?
Arrogant ice?
Why would ice be arrogant?
You just eat it
You make some time, okay?
- Yes
- Okay
Huh? It's Haru!
Why is he acting like that?
He was like that last time too
Hey, Haru
Jooan, I'm sorry
Are you okay?
Haru, are you okay?
Are you hurt somewhere?
Why do you look like that?
It's because you're You're disappointed
Haru also wanted to go to the US
Are you okay?
My dad forgot to book the flight tickets
So that's why
I thought
the passport's expiration was the problem
I mean, it's just that
dad suddenly got busy with work
He must have been preoccupied
Hey, who wants to eat tteokbokki?
- I'll treat
- Me
- Me, me too
- Can I have mini gimbap?
Of course
Hey, let's go
Let's go!
Shall we go?
Let's go
Come on, let's go
Who is it?
Which one of you two did this?
or was it both of you?
Honey, someone might hear you
Does this even make sense?
How dare you touch Dad's wallet, huh?
I knew something was off since last time
This time, I specifically counted
and put the money in
and now, 50,000 won is missing!
Who is it?
Who is it!
Mingook Seo
Why me?
It's not me, Dad
Why are you just standing there?
Is it you?
I saw Jeha going into the master bedroom
when Dad wasn't around
Multiple times
Is it really you?
Jeha Jeon
Come here
Someone with only crap in their head
needs to have their brain washed out
Come here!
How dare
a kid touches the Dad's wallet, huh!
Who told you to do that?
Can't you stand up straight?
Stand up straight, I said!
Did you steal it?
Huh? Are you out of your mind?
Stand up straight, man!
Can't you stand up straight?
Did you steal it?
Huh? Are you out of your mind?
Stand up straight, man!
Hey, Hwan
What are you doing here?
This camcorder
Did my father do this?
Then why did you bring that here?
He doesn't want to talk about it
Hwan, Hwan!
Calm down, okay? Hwan!
What are you doing all the time?
I'm going to school
Stop pretending to be
a rebellious teenager and listen
When I was your age,
I had already set my lifelong vision
I told you
to walk towards the light, clearly
Do you want me to put it in simpler terms?
Why are you like this?
What are you doing here!
Hey, Jeha
Hey, do you feel wronged?
What's there to feel wronged about, huh?
But your mom seems
really smart, doesn’t she?
You got hit by water
and your mother didn't stop him and watched
If your mom had defended you,
knowing my dad's temper,
he would have flipped everything over
and you and your mom
would have been kicked out immediately
Especially since it involved Dad's wallet
You think he'd just let it go?
My dad's temper is no joke
You should be thankful
it ended this way, you know?
Jeha, did you really do it?
Did you steal money from your dad's wallet?
You didn't do it, right?
Jeha Jeon, you didn't do it, did you?
Then why don't you say it's not you?
It's not you!
You didn't do it!
That way, the house will be peaceful
and mom will be happy
What about you?
Then are you happy?
Where are you!
Jeha Jeon, where are you!
Do you want to be loved by Dad that much?
What about you, Hwan?
Where are you in all this?
Jeha didn't do it
You know that
He's not the kind of person
who would do such a thing
Jeha obviously wouldn't have told
you, but
In the meantime,
I've seen Mingook bullying Jeha a lot
It's really not me, Dad
It's not
No, it's really not me!
- Come inside with me!
- I didn't even touch the wallet
You're dead today!
I'm telling you, it's really not me!
You don't deserve
to be called brother, huh!
I am a brother, but it's really not me!
Come here, you little brat!
Why are you doing this to me!
Do it to him!
You're the one who did it, you brat!
Say it
Say it, I said!
When Dad goes into the bathroom
to get ready for work in the morning,
I've seen you
sneaking into the master bedroom
I've seen it several times
You think you're smart, huh?
You're doing this
to get back at me because I hate you
Like this
Ah, you're really driving me crazy
I won't let you get away with this
You and your mom, like parasites
I'll definitely make you leave the house
Just wait and see
what I do
Hey, Jeha
Huh? You were here, Hwan?
Since when?
Did you do it?
Hey, Jeha Jeon!
Anyway, our dad has a lot of money
My mom remarried him for that too
That's not the issue right now!
That is the issue
My dad doesn't like me
No matter what I do
He used to like everything
When I pay money
Like with the ice cream earlier
and when I paid for Cein's birthday too
Have you ever asked
where this money came from?
You just liked it
when I spent money, all of it!
Now are you going to hate me too?
Come down
It's okay
Where did it go?
I guess the cat's mother took it away
She abandoned it
How do you know?
If she was going to take it,
she would have done so already
She ran away
to live by herself alone
That mother cat too
Hey, that's
Our dad didn't know
so he couldn't do that for us
If our dad had known,
he would have carved apples into
rabbit shapes for us
and put those things
that Jeha brought from his house
Yeah, he would have done that
Look at this
It's flower
Did someone drop it?
No way!
Maybe the cat left it here
to thank us for feeding
The cat is saying thank you
It must have gone to the flower shop
and bought it with 500 won
It's my first time
receiving a flower as a gift
I guess this cat really likes me
To the cat, you are a hero
But a hero who can't save himself
The final exams are coming soon
How's school adaptation going?
All settled now?
Time flies, doesn't it?
Ah, about the midterm grades,
I already spoke to your father about it
It must have been hard for you
to show your true abilities
Don't be too anxious
Let's give him a bit more time
until the final exams
Lately you've been hanging out
with students you get detention with
Are they good friends?
Yes, well
Your father must be worried
When he hears about that
Is that what you're making
and hanging out with?
You want to be acknowledged
by your father, right?
I know how good student Hwan is
That's why I want to help you
You don't need to feel burdened
It's also part of education
If there comes a time when I need help,
I would be grateful
if you don't turn away from me
For now, could you take care of
these orchid plants here?
- Orchids?
- Yes
These orchids are like our students
They always need a caring hand
I hope you take good care of them
What's going on here,
where are the other kids?
Didn't they come?
What is it?
Hey, why did you guys
stop talking after I come?
What is it?
Hosu did you know?
Know what?
That it's raining today?
I obviously brought my umbrella!
If I hadn't brought it,
would you have shared with me?
Not that
At school
There are rumors that
Haru is a mental patient
It's been spreading
Before coming here, I met him
but he just walked away
Haru seemed really angry
I've never seen him with such an expression
Hey, Haru
Haru, why are you like this, huh?
Let go, damn it
You're the one who talked about it, right?
- What
- Who else would it be?
Hey, Haru Park
Is CHOCOSU also a psychopath?
Hiding his face
Like cockroaches, these psychos
Wait, the rumor about a mental patient is
really about Haru Park from Songju Jeil Middle School?
He's in the same class as my friend
The new student
Haru Park is a mental patient?
[Grass Flower Arboretum]
[Run away]
[Run away]
Mom told me not to talk about it
You ran away
You will remember
I had no choice!
I was
I was scared too
Stop it!
Don't listen
Don't listen, Haru
[Final Exam Answer Sheet]
you want to be acknowledged
by your father, right?
I know you're such a good student
That's why I want to help you
You don't need to feel burdened
If I ask for your help later,
could you please not turn me away?
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