Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

You're Jong-hyeok from vet school!
Ye-bun, did you come here
without knowing what this place is?
You said that you'd only be with me!
So that was real too?
Ye-bun, I'll see you again.
Excuse me!
Detective Moon!
What? What's wrong?
What's going on?
Jeez, I got scared for nothing.
This isn't what's important right now.
It is to me.
Get it out of here, will you?
This is killing me.
You're allergic to cats?
I'm allergic to any animal with fur.
But most of all,
I'm allergic to perverts.
- So leave.
- I'm not here because I want to be.
- I have something to tell you.
- I'm not interested, so leave.
I'll keep it short.
It's a kidnapping case.
When I got arrested
for drugs the other day…
I mean…
When you mistakenly arrested me
the other day,
you also arrested my college friend.
I think he kidnapped someone.
I saw a woman tied up,
begging for her life.
- You saw this yourself?
- Yes.
Where is she?
I don't know.
- You said you saw it yourself.
- I told you.
I'm psychic.
Get out of here.
A woman really got kidnapped!
If you don't believe me,
look into it yourself.
I'm sure she's been reported missing.
She's in her twenties
with long permed hair…
What else?
You said that you'd only be with me!
Dance like when you get donations.
100,000 won should be enough
for a "Heart Two."
She seems to be an online streamer.
So what?
Do you expect me to start an investigation
based on your psychic nonsense?
A person might die.
I'm on the verge of death myself.
I'm telling the truth.
You have to believe me.
I don't believe people easily.
Especially a perv like you.
- Get out.
- But it's true!
- Please believe me, Detective!
- Just go.
A person might die.
He's a total nutjob.
Why won't he believe me?
You're already back from Australia?
I had a great time with my kid
thanks to you.
But why are you back so soon?
Things are expensive there.
And I was jet-lagged and bored.
This is for you.
A little souvenir.
They sell this at Ok-hui's too.
I bought it in Australia.
Look what it says here.
"Austria Dirty Hoodie."
By the way,
I can now see people's memories too.
Then you'd make a great shaman.
But nobody believes me.
In our line of work,
you don't just hope
someone will believe you.
You make them believe.
How do I do that?
Look at me.
"I'm not sure,
but I think you need to become a shaman."
- Did that sound believable?
- No.
Right? How about this?
should definitely become a shaman."
Then most will answer,
"Me? That's not right."
That's when you say,
"Something's going on
that you're not aware of."
What about now?
I'm a bit scared,
but I believe you.
You have to sound so confident
that it's almost scary.
That's how you get others to believe you.
What is it now?
I'm psychic.
You've finally lost it.
Something's going on
that you're not aware of!
I said, get lost!
How are you, Mi-jeong?
I'm calling to ask about Yeom Jong-hyeok.
He was in your year.
- Are you close with him?
- No.
He was a loner.
So he didn't fit in at school
and wasn't close with any of us.
Then I guess you don't know
where he lives?
I don't.
Is there anyone who might know?
But didn't you say
that you'd set up a hospital in Seoul?
I'm just working at a friend's hospital.
Do you know anyone from our school
who opened an animal hospital near Mujin?
I was surprised to hear from you.
What is this about?
I heard you work near Mujin
but I never got to see you.
So I wanted to say hi and catch up.
Your hospital's also around here, right?
How's it doing?
I mostly treat livestock
since it's the countryside.
Same here.
By the way,
I heard that Jong-hyeok works under you.
Yes, he actually mentioned
that he saw you.
Did he?
What is he doing now?
It's his day off, so he's probably home.
Does he live around here?
Hey, Jong-hyeok.
It's me, Ye-bun.
Hi. What's up?
I just thought
we didn't get to talk much that day.
But what's with all the noise at your end?
I'm outside.
I had errands to run.
You did?
That's great.
Sorry? What do you mean?
Walking around outside
is good for your health.
So I'm glad.
So what exactly are you doing out?
Are you shopping?
Or are you on a date?
Do you have a girl--
Oh, my gosh!
You were here?
What brings you to my place?
I met with Eun-seok.
And when he said he works with you,
I wanted to surprise you.
I see.
You really surprised me.
Did I?
By the way, your house
seemed very well-maintained.
Do you live with someone?
No, I live alone.
I see.
How long have you been living alone?
It's been quite a while.
Then you must not have had
a home-cooked meal in ages.
Not many men cook at home.
I guess.
Since I'm here,
should I cook for you?
No, thanks.
I don't even have
cooking utensils at home.
How about you buy me a meal instead?
Would that be better?
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
I'll know for sure
if I touch it one more time.
I'm sorry.
I tripped.
I'm so sorry.
With great power comes great hair loss.
This is driving me nuts.
What do you watch on MeTube these days?
Excuse me?
All the contents seem too generic.
Do you have any recommendations?
I don't really watch a lot of videos.
I see.
Aren't you going to eat?
I am.
Which streamer
is the most popular these days?
- Sea squirt…
- Is that the name of a streamer?
I did it because…
You know…
I know.
I know what you mean.
Since I was a bit, you know…
I'll do the, you know,
and all the, you know, from now on.
You don't have to do all that.
Just do the, you know.
No, I insist.
I said, there's no need.
Why do you say that when I was…
You know…
Do as I say, or you know what I'll do!
They don't seem to be coming
to an agreement.
What are you talking about?
They just made up.
They just said that they'd, you know.
Don't cry.
I need some allergy pills.
I'll take this.
That one?
I'd recommend…
this one instead.
No, that one works well on me.
So I'll take that.
Guess how many people with allergies
I've helped so far.
He means that one
gets him a bigger profit.
I'm fine with my usual.
I guess the kids
must be out of school by now.
He's struggling
to put his kid through school.
All right.
So this is what you want?
He's calling you heartless.
You're making this up, aren't you?
No, I'm not.
I'll have whatever you give me.
Where did you park?
He says thank you.
I don't think I belong in this town.
Shouldn't you see a doctor?
I'm fine, but I want you
to look into something for me.
What is it?
Check if there is a streamer
in her mid-twenties with long permed hair
among the people reported missing.
With the drug case too,
where are you getting all this intel?
Never mind. Don't look into it.
I seriously can't understand
people from Seoul.
Should I look into
the missing person case?
Forget about it.
- What's going on?
- Let's go!
What is this about?
Detectives should move faster
than they speak.
What is it? Prostitution? Drugs?
- You bastard!
- What the…
Spill it, you asshole!
Spill what?
What does he have to spill?
Help me, honey.
What? Why did you stop?
- Honey.
- Move.
You cheating bastard.
How much longer
do I have to put up with this?
- Who is it this time?
- Please.
A waitress? A friend?
Did you meet her while golfing?
Or while selling insurance?
Maybe it was the hiking club this time.
- Or did you use a dating app?
- No.
Where is she?
Where did you hide her, you little…
I'm really here by myself, all right?
I'm here for a hotel staycation.
- More like a motel staycation.
- Exactly.
Look around.
There's nobody else here but me.
You expect me to believe that?
You keep dispatching the SWAT team,
running license and background checks,
and even ordering stakeouts.
You can't exercise police authority
to catch your husband having affairs.
That's illegal surveillance.
Churning out written apologies
must be a piece of cake for you by now.
If you put all of them together,
it'd be at least a dozen books.
And they're always so fun to read.
I've never seen
such a moving written apology.
What's that? "I wanted to be worshipped."
"The ten seconds it takes me
to cuff my player of a husband…"
The way I see it…
You know Park Hae-young,
who wrote My Liberation Notes?
I think you're a better writer than her.
And what we have over here is a gangster.
We have a gangster and a great writer
in the same room.
What are you then?
Forget it.
- Hey, Ms. Park Hae-young.
- Yes?
Find him a fitting character, all right?
Are you going somewhere?
You should get some more rest.
You're unwell.
Where are you going?
He's probably going to Ju-man again.
- Where are the groceries?
- Oh, yeah.
There’s someone at the hospital.
Go downstairs.
I told you not to set up any appointments.
He said you told him to come.
Who is it?
Mr. Porcelain from the convenience store.
Have you been waiting long?
Not at all.
You've become even prettier
after meeting an amazing owner.
It won't eat.
Yesterday, it threw up
and cried all night.
You know how some people
can't sleep in unfamiliar environments?
The same goes for animals.
It must be a sensitive one.
I'll give it the first round of vaccines.
My hair.
I'm done taking a shower.
I'll feed you in a second.
My neck is cramping up.
See you next time.
Okay, bye.
I envy Seon-woo's cat.
I bet it gets to see everything.
Why didn't I think of that?
Where are you off to now?
Don't forget to buy groceries this time!
Mr. Jung Ui-hwan.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man.
I'll make our beautiful Mujin
a city bustling with tourists.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man.
Hello, I'm Cha Ju-man.
I'm candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.
You're here, sir. I'll do that.
I'm sorry.
I'm a bit late.
Are you all right? You look unwell.
I'm fine.
I'm perfectly fine.
Get him something cool to drink.
Yes, sir.
Hello, have a good day.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!
Hey, kitty.
Come here, kitty.
I need you guys to help me out here.
I'm putting my hair on the line for this.
I'm just going to touch you for a bit.
Show me a little more.
You got this.
What are you doing here again?
I remember that chair.
Please let me go!
I'm sorry!
You said that you'd only be with me!
What the heck?
I almost had it.
Come here, kitty.
Get inside this box.
That's it. Come here, kitty.
Come on. Get in here.
Ye-bun! Why aren't you here yet?
That brat probably forgot
to buy groceries again.
God knows what she's up to.
Why is he drinking alone?
The poor thing.
Why are you drinking alone?
I'm not drinking yet.
Gosh, what's wrong with me?
Maybe it's been too long since I drank.
I feel dizzy.
Stop playing tricks and get up.
What on earth are you doing?
Why do you have to show up
and stir my heart
when I've moved on?
Go. I don't want to see you.
You really want me to go?
Go now.
You have no idea how I feel.
Goodness me.
I don't feel like drinking anymore.
Why does it have to rain right now?
Get in.
This doesn't mean anything.
It's because of the rain.
I would have done this for anyone.
I didn't say anything.
Do you want to listen to some music?
It's broken. Don't touch it.
We're not people who enjoy music together.
So just forget it.
It's hot.
Damn it!
This doesn't close because it's broken!
What's wrong with you?
This is good!
It's a chance for us to be happy together!
I love being in the rain!
Are you out of your mind?
Oh, come on.
I'm happy!
Only lunatics would do this in the rain!
I'm happy!
Would you believe me if I told you
you're the reason I got divorced?
Everyone knows it was
because you got scammed out of money.
Get out.
Even so,
no one has loved me more than you did.
And you're someone I'll regret losing
for the rest of my life.
So Jong-muk…
Worship me.
My goodness.
I just can't with you.
You're so adorable when you laugh.
Laugh like that
to the people that come to you.
Welcome me like that.
Oh, for crying out loud.
Goodness, gracious.
What's going on?
Didn't I tell you to dress up like a vet?
Are you introducing me
to another boyfriend?
What do you mean, "another"?
He told me his house passcode yesterday
and now wants to meet my friends.
Which means he wants to marry me.
You wanted to marry a French man.
From now on,
only introduce French men to me.
I don't have time for this right now.
So you're leaving?
I just wanted to meet him
in a more formal way.
You know what to do, right?
I am to make it clear
that I'm a vet with a college degree.
And carefully make up
meticulous stories about your past.
In moderation.
Don't take it too far, okay?
Today, you'll be seeing a side of me
that you've never seen before.
But don't be startled or flustered.
And don't even think about
making fun of me. Got it?
So where's your boyfriend?
- Why isn’t he here?
- He's busy closing up.
Closing up?
He works here.
He owns this place.
This is Ok-hui's best friend, Ye-bun.
I'm Bong Ye-bun.
I studied veterinary medicine
at Hana University
and now run an animal hospital.
I see.
She's called Ye-bun
because she's pretty like a bunny.
But Ok-hui's the prettiest bunny
in your eyes, right?
Of course.
Ok-hui told me a lot about you.
But haven't we met before?
I'm not sure. I don't remember seeing you.
You think so because she's plain-looking.
Have you eaten yet?
If not, would you like a sandwich?
We're famous for our sandwiches.
Yes, please.
Ye-bun wants a sandwich.
Okay, just a second.
I'll be right back.
I told you not to make fun of me.
I'm not making fun of you.
I just think that garter belts
and long wigs are a bit too much.
What garter belt?
You wore them to please him, didn't you?
Are you insane? That's gross.
Also, I've never had long hair in my life
whether it's mine or a wig.
It's a disadvantage when I fight.
This, I can just take off.
Please don't get hurt.
What is it?
Should I tell you?
What is it? Tell me.
Hurry up and say it.
Come on. Tell me.
I think your boyfriend
is seeing another woman.
How do you know?
I'm 100% sure of it. You should check.
Did you see or hear something?
How do you know?
Something's going on
that you're not aware of.
Oh, my back.
Come here, kitty.
This was expensive.
Come here, kitty.
Here, kitty.
There you go.
What's all this?
This chair…
So she really was a MeTuber.
But why are these in Jong-hyeok's house?
Where is she?
Did something happen to her already?
Can you hear me?
Give me a signal if you can.
That little perv.
She's walking around
wearing a windowsill now?
Hey, you.
What is this?
I almost died today
because you didn't believe me!
How could I believe you
when you pull stunts like this?
Why, that little…
Can you get me out of this thing?
Right. No matter how perverted you are,
you probably can't go home like this.
Watch out.
You're such a wuss.
- I won't hurt you.
- Not me.
My bag.
I'm not done paying for it yet.
You're really something else.
I guess you'll get married twice
since you have a double crown.
- Just go.
- I'll be quiet.
Why won't you believe me?
I told you the truth
risking being called insane.
I never told anyone else that I'm psychic.
I only told you.
Why did you only tell me?
I thought you'd believe me.
You let that man go
because you trust people.
You wavered because you trusted him.
Who told you that?
Nobody told me.
I saw it.
Say another word,
and I'll make you regret it.
If you trust me like you trusted him…
Get lost.
Here's 20,000 won.
I don't want to owe you anything.
You're dead if it costs
more than 20,000 won.
- Hello, sir.
- Hey, Deok-hee.
Find out how much it costs
to get a windowsill off a person's body.
Excuse me?
All right, sir.
He's definitely not normal.
And neither is she.
All right.
Thank you for showing up today too.
- Yeong-hui.
- Yes, sis.
So you got into a huge fight
with your mother-in-law?
- That's right.
- How did it end?
We got hammered together
and became best friends.
What a family.
Were you at the plastic surgeon's?
Yes, sis.
Make it sharper.
- How's your salon doing?
- Good, sis.
Who's this?
She came with me
because I needed to finish her perm.
How professional.
My goodness.
Why are you here again?
Da-eun was changing the baby's diaper
when she saw your text.
And she insisted
that at least I should be here.
- Tell her it's fine.
- Wait.
It felt like
I might be the one
to need diapers if I didn't come here.
So I gladly showed up, sis.
She's taking this a little too far.
Just go.
I must tell her what this is about, sis.
Stop calling me that!
All right, girls.
The reason I called you here is…
Take a good look.
This is my boyfriend.
Report to me about every single woman
he meets aside from me. Got it?
- Yes, sis!
- Yes, sis!
You're dismissed.
Why are you still here?
My eyes are aging.
Can I take a closer look at your phone?
I got it, sis.
I said stop calling me that!
- I'm…
- Quiet!
General MacArthur is landing in Mujin.
What's your name?
It's Kim Seon-woo.
Your birthday?
November 28.
You're pretty good at English.
Okay then.
What brings you here?
I'm here to teach you English.
My goodness.
Hello, sir.
Is it all right if I sit here?
The teacher should take the seat of honor.
Why don't we test your English level
before we start?
Test my English level?
What's the seventh month in English?
The seventh month?
January, February, March
April, May, June
July, right?
That'll do then.
The test is over.
Shouldn't you ask me more questions?
I think that's all I need.
You're better at reading people than I am.
By the way,
are you looking for a tenant?
Yes, I am.
That's good.
I was actually
looking for a place to rent.
This place is too shabby.
How about we don't
pay each other rent or tuition?
Then I'll be in your care.
That would be my line.
When will you be moving in?
Would tomorrow be okay?
Tomorrow? That soon?
Yes. The sooner the better.
It's nice…
and close.
Oh, hello.
Hello, Dr. Bong.
What are you doing?
I'm going to live around here from today.
We'll be seeing each other more often.
We'll see each other very often.
I'll move in the rest. Head inside.
Did you pull another scam?
It's not a scam.
He's going to be my English tutor.
In return, he pays no rent.
English tutor?
He majored in English
at Hankook University.
That suits him.
But you said MacArthur returned to the US.
What kind of scam are you planning?
The thing is,
my son moved to Australia
at such a young age
that he doesn't speak Korean.
So I didn't get to talk to him
during my last visit.
I don't even know what he likes.
I see.
But I can't just give up.
I'm going to try every possible way
to communicate with him.
I'm sorry for doubting you.
You have every right to do so.
Well then.
This is bad.
God and the general
don't mix well together.
- Come with me.
- Why?
You know how well-connected
and tenacious I am, right?
And that there's nothing I can't find out.
I asked around everywhere,
and my boyfriend has no other woman.
I even asked him myself.
Why did you say that to me?
I can't…
tell you why.
But you're going to regret it
if you don't believe me.
So trust me.
I'll be very sad
if you don't trust me either.
I want to believe you!
But there's no other woman.
If you keep this up,
I'll just have to assume
that you're being jealous.
It's not like that.
I told you that
because I was worried about you.
If you're that sure, find the woman.
Then I'll believe you.
If you're right,
I'll even kneel at your feet.
But if you're not?
Then you and I are done.
This damn psychometry
or whatever it's called.
It's only making my life complicated.
I was in the area,
so I stopped by for some coffee.
I see. Do you need anything else?
I'm actually here because of Ok-hui.
Is Ok-hui all right? What is this about?
First, let me fill your glass.
How much can you drink?
I can drink about three glasses of soju.
Please tell me what this is about.
I'm dying to know.
- You are, aren't you?
- I am.
Here. Have another shot.
Why do you keep giving me shots?
You won't be able to handle
what I'm about to say if you're sober.
What on earth is going on?
Is there another man?
Have another shot.
There isn't necessarily
another man involved--
Does it have to do with her finances?
Have another shot.
Have you seen this person around?
I don't think so.
Please call
Mujin Police Station if you do.
Have you seen this person around?
I'm not sure.
I don't think so.
Honey, are you all right?
I knew you were drinking too fast.
Why are your shoulders so stiff?
Hold still. I'll give you a massage.
Gosh, you're so stiff.
Your back is full of knots.
Where do you live?
Hey, where do you live?
How did I get myself into this?
- Excuse me.
- They left the restaurant
and are heading toward the motels.
I won't miss them, sis.
Have you seen this person around?
- I'm not sure.
- Please call the station if you see him.
- All right.
- Thank you.
That little perv…
- What are you doing here?
- Chasing a pervert. You?
- Chasing my boyfriend.
- Let's go.
I can explain everything.
Hurry up and arrest me.
She's going to kill me.
Come on. Drag me out.
How could you steal my boyfriend?
It's not like that.
Then explain what I saw earlier.
Forget it.
Just stay out of my sight.
Or I'll make you regret it.
You were the only reason why
I was able to stand being here
after my parents passed away.
You were everything to me.
A friend, sister, and family.
So please trust me,
and check out your boyfriend's house.
You're insane.
Do you like hearing all that
from your friend?
Can't you control your instincts?
I told you. It's not like that.
I can't help what I see.
It's the truth!
Don't you try things with me.
Crying won't help.
You can cry all you want,
but you're still a pervert.
It's the truth.
It's the truth, you asshole!
I was right about the pickpocket,
the pesticides, and Jong-hyeok as well!
So there's a girl locked up
in the house of your college friend?
Should I go look into his house?
She's not at his house.
- You said she was there.
- She was,
but not anymore.
What kind of bullcrap is this?
Is she there or not?
I don't know either.
Call me when that girl is at his house.
I’ll believe you then.
You were everything to me.
A friend, sister, and family.
So please trust me,
and check out your boyfriend's house.
Who the hell are you?
This is who I really am.
Why did you hide it?
I thought if I told you,
you'd leave me.
I was going to tell you later
when I was brave enough.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
This doesn't mean
that I'm not attractive as a woman.
Your lip color.
You'd look better in peach than red.
That brat.
How did she know?
It's the same room.
Hi, everyone.
It's me, Streamer Ms. Si-a.
- Thank you for the donation!
- It's her.
Since you donated 100,000 won,
I'll dance to "Heart Two."
You said that you'd only be with me!
Dance like when you get donations.
100,000 won should be enough
for a "Heart Two."
It's the same room and the same girl.
But why wasn't she there?
Did something happen?
Did I miss something?
I danced so hard that I'm sweating.
I'll go drink some water real quick.
…some water real quick.
The doorknob…
It's a different room.
Hi, everyone. It's me, Streamer Ms. Si-a.
Today's video is called
"Come To Me Quick, Quick, Quick."
Do you see my address here?
This is where you can send me your gifts.
Mujin Police Station.
I'd like to speak
to Detective Moon Jang-yeol.
This is he. Who's this?
the pervert.
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
Can you please believe me this once?
Why are you so serious?
It's not like you, perv.
The kidnapped girl I told you about.
I found out her name and address.
Unit 912, Star Apartments, Heungji-dong.
I just got here, and I'm about to go up.
I'm counting on you to come,
so I'm going in first.
Who said you could count on me?
I just want to.
I wanted to trust you
when I first told you that I was psychic.
And I still want to now.
I want to trust you, Detective.
All right.
Guys, we got a lead on Ted Chang.
Hurry up, let's go.
Whatever. You do whatever you want.
Hurry up and get in!
Get a move on!
I wasn't sure,
but you actually managed
to find this place.
You were in my house too, weren't you?
I have security cameras for the cats,
and they caught you.
Where is she?
I tried really hard…
to get her to live in my house.
And you ruined everything.
What did you do to--
I ask the questions.
You didn't talk to me once during college.
So why do you have to do this now?
I'm sorry about that.
But this is wrong, Jong-hyeok.
How did you know?
I never told anyone,
and it hasn't been on the news.
Are you psychic or something?
She's still alive, right?
Jeez, you're a handful.
I just finished cleaning.
Now I have to do it again
because of you!
You okay, perv?
Detective Moon!
Detective Moon!
If we had been just a second late,
she would've died.
You saved her, Bong Ye-bun.
Do you believe me now?
They say Ted Chang
will be getting on a boat at Mujin Port.
They're sure of it.
It's our first big case in forever.
A safe city like Mujin
rarely sees cases this big.
Lieutenant Moon,
you might be able to
return to Seoul after all.
You lucked out.
Hey, gangster. Solve this case quickly
and just go back to Seoul.
I can't stand the sight of you.
I want to trust you, Detective.
Stop the car!
What are you doing?
I'll be back in 30 minutes.
Where are you going?
Someone's waiting for me.
Why aren't you answering me?
Do you believe me now?
Why would I?
Then why did you come?
Because I was worried.
- About me?
- No, the victim.
How dare you glare at me?
I just saved your life.
Aren't you going to thank me?
Thank you.
So you can really see all these things
when you touch people's butts?
You heard me.
It does sound like psychometry,
but why the butt?
Maybe it's because you love
touching people's butts.
What was that?
Things just turned out that way.
But I think I'll still be able to
return to Seoul soon.
I think I found something.
All right.
What does he take me for?
Bong Ye-bun.
Do you want to grab something to eat?
I should reward you
for helping me catch the criminal.
Let's go. What do you want to eat?
By the way, how old are you?
I was born in 1988.
Why aren't you answering me?
What year were you born in?
Are you younger than me?
Were you born in 1989, you punk?
Why you little…
in 1988?
Or 1987?
You weren't born in 1990, were you?
Be quiet!
You better bow down low
and thank me every time you see me.
You owe me your life.
You little…
You said you were going to treat me!
What are we going to eat?
Hey, perv.
You see everything
when you touch someone's butt.
Then you could see the culprits.
These are the cases you'll be solving.
I'd like to phone a friend.
You got no friends 'cause you get ratioed.
All your jokes are so…
Go touch everyone.
What are you two up to?
An incompetent detective
is taking advantage of a psychic.
Delicate! Hands!
Faster, deeper.
- One! Two!
- Delicate! Hands!
There is someone
I'm interested in these days.
I could be the one he's interested in.
He even treated my wound.
Should I just check real quick?
Seon-woo, you have gum stuck to your butt.
Why couldn't I see anything?
Did I really lose my power?
I can't see anything anymore.
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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