Blackshore (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

They fished a body from the lake.
I'm at Róisín's apartment, I
think the girl we're looking for
is her daughter, Carrie.
I've been gathering
evidence, against you.
It wasn't me, please!
Try barking up the
Maguire tree, the dumb nephew.
If you're going after
Bill Maguire's nephew,
you better be bloody sure of yourselves!
I'm gonna have to
cut this off at the pass,
get Fia Lucey in front of them all.
Lynette, she wants
to tell you something.
I think Sean Maguire raped me.
Hello everyone, I'm Detective
Inspector Fia Lucey.
Thank you all
for joining us this morning.
As you know we're investigating
the death of Róisín Hurley
and we are treating this
as a murder investigation.
We've set up an incident room at
Blackwater Garda Station
and we urge anyone with any
information to come forward.
As part of our investigation,
we're very keen to
locate this young woman.
We believe her name to be Carrie.
She's roughly five foot
six and possibly aged around 20.
She was last seen wearing
blue jeans and a green jumper
and we know she
uses an asthma inhaler.
Here we see Carrie leaving the
Blackwater Hotel on the night
Róisín Hurley died.
We need to establish the
nature of their relationship.
But our main priority is finding
and making sure that she is safe.
DI Lucey, how would you respond
to questions about your suitability
to lead this investigation?
Given your personal history with
a similar case here in Blackwater?
You mean the death of my family?
This investigation
has nothing to do with that.
And your line of questioning has
no relevance, next question please
A young woman is missing, just
as Chloe Whelan, your babysitter,
vanished the day before your
father committed the other murders.
And it's widely believed your father
was involved with Chloe Whelan
No that is gossip!
How dare you drag my daughter's
name through the mud
like that, you are a disgrace!
Thank you everyone.
I need to get back to work,
Superintendent Shanahan will take
any further questions.
Well can you at least
answer why you especially
were appointed to this case?
Look, we are seeking the public's
assistance in finding this young woman.
Please help us find Carrie.
Thank you.
Okay, let's move on, keep it
on message ladies and gentlemen.
We'll take another question here.
It's yourself of course, yeah.
Ger, sorry, I should have stopped by
the house, I'm looking to park up
for a few days, if that's okay?
Right, only if I'd known, I
wouldn't be here bothering you now.
Sorry, have you company?
Oh no, no, just my own self,
clearing the head, back to nature like.
Well, you don't need me
getting in the way of that, uh?
Thanks Ger see ya.
- Who was it?
- It was only Ger.
We're on his land.
You watched it?
Do they think I killed Róisín?
No, they're worried about you.
You could have died last
night without that inhaler.
It would have been old Liam here,
found with a dead
teenager in his caravan!
I could bring into town?
- Talk to the guards.
- No!
My mam said you can't
trust the guards in that town.
Do you think she was wrong?
Guards are guards like.
They haven't caught
her murderer yet, have they?
He's still out there
and he's looking for me.
Look, forget it, there's no way
I'm going near those guards,
or showing my face in that town!
I appreciate you
coming in like this.
Not a bother, happy to help.
Alright, let's make this quick.
Yes, I had a fling with Róisín Hurley,
it was more than two years ago.
Yes, it was sexual.
Yes, it ended amicably.
Yes, I've worked at the hotel
since and yes,
we were cordial and
professional at all times.
Do you supply
Ketamine for recreational use?
We've acted on a
warrant to search your office.
We have reasonable grounds to
suspect you're involved in the sale
and supply of controlled drugs.
You've been identified
as a Ketamine supplier,
Róisín Hurley had traces
of Ketamine in her system.
No, no, no.
Did you supply
Ketamine to Róisín Hurley?
I'm not saying anything
else without my solicitor.
The search has uncovered
25 grammes of suspected Ketamine.
Sean Maguire, I'm arresting you on
suspicion of the sale and supply
of a controlled drug, towit Ketamine.
Contrary to Section 15
of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977.
You're not obliged to say
anything unless you wish to do so.
But anything you do say will be
taken down in writing
and may be given as evidence.
I'll keep up to date with the
pharmacies and let you know, yeah?
Yeah, thanks.
Hey, I don't want to
interrupt Garda business,
but I do need to check in on you.
Ed Donoghue, what an asshole!
It's just an occupational hazard.
The prick!
Fia, he posted the crime scene
photos of your family on his website,
alongside a picture of you
up at the house the other day.
Come on, let's just get out of here.
Emma, do you think Dad had
something going on with Chloe Whelan?
I have never
believed that for a second.
Your dad he wasn't like that!
Was he not?
I mean, how would we know?
We were just kids.
Everything that was said in there,
there's absolutely no evidence,
it is all just gossip.
I always wanted to believe that.
Now I just want the truth.
Whatever that is.
Jesus Fia, have you not
enough to be getting on with?!
Dr Whelan, look, I
don't want to bother you
Listen, I have to go.
I'll see you later.
Mind yourself.
Yeah, see you later okay.
I don't want your apology
now or anything else from you.
But you do want to know what
happened to Chloe don't you?
Back off Donoghue!
Look, I'm just following a story.
Yeah, well you have it!
I'm sorry Dr Whelan, he's
drawn to you because of me.
It's not your fault.
It's your father's fault.
He was my friend.
And now I'm forced to think
that Jack only befriended
me to get to my Chloe.
My girl.
Fia Lucey is on a revenge
mission against Blackwater.
Now it's understandable after what
her father did,
you deserve better care
from the people here,
but she was treated like a ghost.
You're not here about
any of that, are you Deirdre?
She's had our Sean arrested.
Accused of drug crimes?
The timing's not lost on me.
The possession
charge against Sean is very sound.
He's a trainer!
Practically a physiotherapist,
Fia Lucey is targeting
him to smear this town.
And Róisín Hurley's murder, is
that meant to smear this town too?!
Deirdre Maguire is
kicking off about Sean's arrest.
They've Breda Gleeson coming from
Cork, half solicitor, half shark!
Yeah, well they'll need her
when we get a rape charge on Sean.
Has Lynette arrived yet?
- No, do you want me to chase her?
- No, I don't want to push her.
Keep Sean Maguire in
holding, let him sweat a bit.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Look, I'm sorry, that press
conference thing was brutal.
The trick is not
to take it personally.
I'll let you know if I learn how!
Here listen, I know you're
busy, but can I ask you a favour?
Lynette has to come in
and talk about her assault today.
I'm not going to
chase her with a squad car.
Can you make sure
she doesn't get cold feet?
And remind her,
she can trust me, please?
- Absolutely.
- Thanks.
Here, listen, I gotta get back.
- I'll walk with you, sure.
- Mm!
Charlie, could I get a
couple of hours off this afternoon?
The settings are all done.
No problem, how's he getting on?
Your grandad, with the chemo?
It's not him,
this is something else.
I have to see the guards.
Aw pet!
All right. All right,
just take it easy.
Come on, come on, let's go and
sit down for a couple of minutes.
You'll be all right.
He's in the cell there,
stewing, doing stretches.
Prick must have known
Róisín was in and out of rehab
and he gives her Ket!?
Unconfirmed, but it looks that way.
Will you get him on a rape charge?
That all depends
on Lynette's statement.
Here, we know that Róisín
had some Ketamine in her system
Carrie's the one who looks
doped up here, doesn't she?
You think Róisín
knew and confronted Sean?
He has an alibi for her murder.
Let's see about the rest.
Sean Maguire did that to you?!
Jesus Christ!
My drink was spiked with
some sort of blackout drug,
now the guards have
Sean for Ketamine.
- Aw Lynette, I'm so sorry!
- Stop.
No, maybe I don't remember
maybe I shouldn't have gone to
the guards, I don't remember enough.
I believe you entirely,
you better believe yourself.
You go tell Fia Lucey all
of it and she'll believe you too.
Hi, are you ready?
Go on, get changed.
Thank you.
Listen, about what you told Fia
Saying I was here,
giving me an alibi
I want to apologise for
putting in a position that
you felt you had to do that.
I chose to say what I said to her.
Obviously if I'd never
had the thing with Róisín
Yeah, you had the thing with Róisín.
Which had nothing
to do with her death.
I won't have you
be a murder suspect.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
I don't expect you
to forgive me anytime soon, but
But I just
I don't want you to keep
feeling hurt about what I did.
But it does hurt, yeah.
All kinds of ways.
I really hate what you did.
But I just I just
don't want to fight anymore.
You alright Garda Furlong?
I've been a selfish asshole.
Well, I couldn't
argue with you there.
Mind you, she lied to give you
an alibi, sounds like love to me!
Not that I'd know
anything about that!
Anyway, a guy got into
Carrie's flat yesterday,
I think using her keys,
landlord cornered him, but he got away,
said he took a passport and an inhaler.
Carrie's landlord
gave a description.
So I pulled up our gallery
of Róisín's drinkin' buddies.
Tried them with a few,
positively identified Liam McArdle.
What do we have on him?
Three month driving ban, over a
decade ago, drunk and disorderly
at a private
residence five years ago.
Nothing violent.
Lynette O'Brien is here.
- Right, just give us a sec.
- Okay.
- Make sure she's comfortable.
- Of course.
Does he own a licensed gun?
Don't believe so.
Right, bring him in.
Oh and Luke
Excellent work!
So you worked at the hotel
one summer and most
of the following year
Did you enjoy it?
I loved it.
I was the youngest.
Everyone took care of me mostly.
And the staff were celebrating
Sean Maguire's birthday that night?
Big night out.
There were drinks.
I had a bit of a crush on Sean.
A few of the girls did.
He was nice to me.
A group of us wound up in the
resident's bar, I remember Sean
getting me a drink.
I remember him
helping me up the stairs
Helping you or bringing you?
I don't know.
There was the stairs,
then nothing,
really nothing.
I woke up in a hotel room,
naked, with a sheet thrown over me.
There was blood
I knew I'd been raped.
I keep going over that night.
Trying to figure out
what, what I did wrong.
Hey, you did nothing wrong!
A man wanted something
from you and he took it
in the worst way possible.
Will you identify him Lynette?
I no, no I can't.
- [STAMMERS] I'm sorry
- Take your time.
Sean was with me earlier in the
night, but I
I don't have any memory
of him in the room.
- Nothing, I'm sorry.
- Look, if someone
has spoken to you or threatened
you or offered you money,
you cannot trust them.
Nothing like that.
I, I can't be sure, I don't know.
I'm so sorry, I'm sorry.
Listen, if you change your
mind, or you just want to chat,
I'll be there in a flash.
[WHISPERS:] I think
there are other girls.
Maybe lots.
Without her what have we got?
Well in there I've got Sean Maguire.
Listen, get to the hotel,
go through the employment
records, especially
female staff who
worked with Sean Maguire.
This is your second arrest for
possession with intent to supply.
My client was
acquitted of that charge.
A stalking complaint.
- Which makes for creepy reading
- That complaint was withdrawn.
Can we move on?
Move on indeed!
So many complaints were
withdrawn, people trying to move on.
Please explain the delay
in releasing my client today?
Ketamine is widely
used as a rape drug
You spike her drink
and she falls into your arms.
Is that your style Sean?
Hang on!
These are more staff files?
Yeah, they're not the
best organised down in the spa.
Sean became dependent on Ketamine
after being prescribed the drug
- by a specialist.
- And I can show those prescriptions.
Sean suffers pain related insomnia.
This is due to multiple sports
injuries, all documented,
he has been self-medicating
and is committed to seeking help.
You've no good reason to charge
him with intent to supply
- or to hold him any longer today.
This is DI Fia Lucey,
pausing this interview at 15:23.
What have you got?
So male staff worked through
their contracts no bother,
but young female staff are
fired left, right and centre.
Especially those
working in spa and fitness,
working with Sean Maguire.
Bring it all in.
On my way.
Er, DI Lucey, do you have a minute?
I need to get back to this.
What is it?
Erm, something's been bothering me.
When you first got here,
I said you'd find
Róisín Hurley drunk in a ditch.
I shouldn't have talked
about her like that.
It's not good enough.
Especially from a female Garda.
Look, you realised it on
your own, I mean that's good.
And this job makes us tough.
But you won't get to the truth
of anything with thick skin.
Look, Cian is bringing in
some records from the hotel,
we need to cross-reference them
with any Garda complaints.
And Angela
I need you to find
me women who will talk.
- Yes, Inspector.
- Thanks.
So you were dependent on Ketamine,
you'd have some
expertise on its effects?
- In a therapeutic sense, yeah.
- Mm-mmh.
Does Carrie look under
the influence of Ketamine here?
You don't need to answer that.
I don't know, could
just be drunk, hard to say.
Yeah, that makes Ketamine the
ideal rape drug then, doesn't it?
I mean who notices another silly
girl who's had far too much to drink?
And you can just abuse their helpless
bodies and they're left
with nothing but incoherent,
unreliable memories.
You'd better have good
cause for subjecting Sean to this!
Without memory she
can't even own her trauma.
What a creepy, pathetic
way to attack a woman!
Jesus Christ, I never raped anyone!
What did you do Sean?
- Tell me.
- This is baseless intimidation.
Are you bringing
other charges or not?
Young women who worked with you at
the gym,
some were dismissed after a month,
some only after a few weeks.
The hotel has high standards.
Róisín Hurley had
Ketamine in her system,
you've a history with Róisín!
And a history with stalking.
I remind you for the last
time, that complaint was withdrawn.
Was that the only complaint, Sean?
What went on with these women?
It really is better
for you to come clean now.
If you're not bringing
further charges, I demand
Sean's immediate release.
I have a woman for you.
Her name is Zara Bailey.
I'd only had a few drinks.
Before I knew it I was falling
backwards into the dark.
Then there was nothing.
I woke up, daylight
in this hotel room.
My legs were all bruised,
all over me it was really.
I had no memory of how I got there.
You remember nothing about the man?
I really tried.
I didn't want to, but I tried.
It's just blank.
And this disgusting
feeling I can't even describe.
I quit my job at the hotel.
I just wanted to leave it behind.
But my mum, she kept nagging.
Go to the guards,
the guards will help.
They have experts for this.
I sat in Blackwater
station with a sergeant.
As I was talking he
was making tiny twitches,
he kept coming back to,
"what did you say you were drinking?"
He let me finish my version.
Then he told me what happened.
I got too drunk.
I had sex with the wrong guy.
I had morning after remorse.
- He said that you?!
- Yeah.
Acted like he was
doing me a favour too.
I knew I'd be facing years
of humiliation and pain
and even with mum
there was no way.
I withdrew the complaint.
How have you coped with this?
I have a good life.
But if anyone ever asked me
to set foot in Blackwater again,
I would scream and scream and
smash every single thing in this cafe.
Yeah, I get it.
But how do you think
you'd feel if I got him?
If I nailed the fucker?!
Now that, would change everything.
Zara Bailey's complaint was
withdrawn, what are we to do after that?
Shouldn't we look at the
reasons why it was withdrawn?
I mean, blatant Garda
mistreatment of a victim.
Does Zara Bailey
wish to pursue this matter?
She doesn't want
personal involvement, no.
But don't you think
it should be pursued?
This station is stretched
enough without making work!
Alright, so we just ignore it!?
Turn a blind eye, it's not
going to make the truth go away.
You have Sean Maguire
on possession of drugs,
you do not have a month's supply
and you do not
have him on a rape charge.
Are you looking at him
for Róisín Hurley's murder?
He has a solid alibi
with his aunt and uncle, so no.
Focus on your murder case.
This Maguire thing
is looking like a vendetta.
Sexual abuse and rape were
facilitated by that hotel,
by this town, and by this Garda
station, so you're right!
I do have a vendetta, against rape.
I don't give a solitary
flying fuck how that looks!
Fuck sake!
What do you need me to do?
Just stick with the hotel records.
Keep on it with
Gannon, we can't miss a thing.
Where are we with Liam McArdle?
No contact.
haven't seen him for days.
We've got alerts
out for him everywhere.
He owns a caravan, also gone.
Make and model?
I have his reg, I'm running it
through the ANPR,
we'll see what it throws up.
Now Liam took Carrie's
inhaler, does that indicate caring?
He also got her passport,
does he have travel plans?
Do you think he's
holding Carrie against her will?
I think we treat it that way
and hope to be proved wrong.
I'll check in later.
They've let Sean Maguire go.
Did they arrest anyone else?
I don't know.
They're still
looking for you though.
She'd know what to do.
Your mam?
Only person that
was ever glad to see me.
I grew up in foster homes.
Some of them were all right, but
The first time Róisín
hugged me, it felt like home.
Real home.
She kept it quiet enough about you.
Told none of us.
Yeah, well it wasn't perfect.
We didn't get a chance
to get better at it, did we?
She wanted to set me up
with an apartment in Spain.
She had friends
there to give me work.
Spain, imagine!?
I should never have
gone to the hotel that night.
She told me to stay away.
That bastard!
What he did to me
Breda Gleeson's on the case, you'll
get a suspended sentence at most.
They're accusing me of rape.
If they had evidence
you wouldn't be sitting here.
But the drugs, Sean
The drugs, it reflects on all of us.
I told you, my insomnia has
been diagnosed by a specialist.
I'll give you fuckin' insomnia!
- Think would you like, I'm leaving.
- Where are you going?
Telling you that would
defeat the purpose wouldn't it?
You're staying!
And you'll be
at every festival event
and we'll be standing
with you side by side.
can we meet tomorrow?
can I call you?
No. Will phone at 5
Same time. The usual spot
See you 6.30 at the Lady Liz. OK?
[ECHOING:] Wake up.
Fia, good night's sleep?
Dad's phone, with messages
to and from Chloe Whelan.
They were meeting up in secret,
by the cruiser in the mornings.
Jack did a lot of
trout fishing at first light.
Oh Jesus, I wish I
had your blinkers, Donal.
Do the messages
say outright that they
The messages exist!
A married man's secret text
messages to a teenage girl.
But Jack was probably advising her.
Chloe had her issues.
Didn't they both?
What were hers?
Her parents, holy Joe gowls that
they are, I'd call them an issue.
So Jack was advising
her on parental issues?!
Jack was helping
her with her fly fishing?!
Jack was doing
anything, fuckin' anything
apart from what was
staring us in the face!
Do they say it outright or not?
It's blatantly obvious, Donal.
What sort of hypocrite am I?
If I can't accept the evidence?
More questions?
What is it?
Did you ever see my father
out here alone, with Chloe Whelan?
I saw him a few times yeah, I think.
Early morning, sun up, the
only ones out, not counting me.
They were on your dad's boat.
One time, I saw him
teaching her how to drive it.
I'm sorry Fergus,
I'm just trying to get to the
truth about what happened.
Hear you!
What I saw was pure innocent.
- Your dad was a decent man!
- Was he?
Well then why the secret meetings?
Why not tell anyone about it?
Was it secret?
Did your mother not know?
The dead can't defend themselves.
- Finished up here folks?
- Thank you.
- Lovely, how was it?
- Beautiful.
- Great, are you all right for drinks?
- Another glass please.
Coming right up, coming right up.
They released Sean Maguire, they're
only charging him for the drugs.
The guards didn't believe Lynette?
I don't know Charlie.
- What is up with you?
- What is up with me?!
Lynette raped, my best friend
her young daughter missing, a
daughter I didn't even know existed!
Should I know something about
you, Róisín or her daughter?
Oh what, like, is she mine?
That's where your mind goes!
Yes, that is where my mind goes!
Do you know something, you can
fuckin' finish up here without me!
For fuck's sake!
Yeah, Cian?
Fia, I'm looking at the hotel files,
I think there were other victims,
lots of them and I think
Róisín was involved.
Right, I'm on my way.
So they'd rape a girl and then
when they needed rid of her
they'd get Róisín to do it.
It looks like she'd invent
a reason for their dismissal,
late once or twice,
work not up to standards.
Some girls were let go
with like three months pay
after only working two weeks!
- Bribes.
- Yeah.
I wanted it not to be true, I
checked again and again and again,
payoffs, cover ups, all here.
Signed by Róisín.
You think you know someone.
- Donna, can I have a word?
- Sure.
Women were raped in this hotel.
Róisín Hurley
facilitated it and covered it up.
I have to ask you,
did you know about this?
God, no!
These girls?
I mean, you did say you learned
to keep your mouth shut around here.
I didn't mean
about anything like this.
But you knew about Lynette.
She told me she was attacked.
God, why would I
ever think Ro was involved?
Because you're all over the bookings!
Do you remember nothing unusual?
Sometimes Ro would let
friends take rooms off the books.
I thought nothing of it!
She owned the place.
Fia, if I had of known anything
about this, I would have told you.
I swear.
I've got to go.
DI Lucey, can I have
a word, off the record?
Look, I'd like to apologize
for my abrupt approach earlier.
It's nothing personal.
Can I buy you a drink?
Blackshore 25 please,
make it a double
- with ice.
- Mm-mmh.
For what it's worth, I posted all
the info about Carrie Hurley
and shared it on social media.
Much obliged.
Thank you.
If you stumble across
anything useful pertaining to
Róisín Hurley's murder investigation,
contact Garda Furlong.
But never, ever
speak to me directly again.
You fucking parasite!
It's a double, it's 174 euro sir.
- And because of the ice you can't
- No.
Carrie, you'll have
to go to the guards.
They'll listen to you.
Please, you'll have to
keep me out of the whole thing.
Mum didn't bring me to
the guards though, did she,
she brought me to you.
She must have had her reasons.
She brought you to me,
yeah, but we don't know her plan.
And she didn't know she
was about to get killed, did she?
Sorry, Carrie, I
But we can't stay like this.
You, you're a missing young girl
and I'm this oul bum drunk
McArdle does not travel, except
to watch championship hurling.
He uses his caravan
regularly, but he never goes far.
He's known to a few caravan parks
but he also gets permission
from local farmers.
One says McArdle
parks up for a few days,
drinks a slab of beer and then leaves.
So we're gonna go with
an intense local search,
door to door on every farm,
scanning every forest trail,
anywhere a caravan could discreetly park.
McArdle sounds harmless,
but we're going to treat him
as extremely dangerous.
What are you doing?
Three fucking guesses!
Leaving will affect your charges.
Sean, you'll miss a court date!
You don't say!?
Fia Lucey is fitting
me up for murder and rape.
She doesn't have a case,
but running away Sean
See how it looks for all of us.
For your whisky social, fuck me!
If you go now he'll be done with
you, no more leg-ups or hand-outs.
Grand so.
You're an entitled brat.
out there
Please put the knife down Carrie.
You won't need it with me.
Let's get you somewhere warm and dry.
Get you cleaned up.
I won't push you to talk
I'm just so fucking glad you're safe!
- Are you hurt, has Liam done anything?
- No.
Liam's all right, he's a good guy.
I'm sorry about your mum.
Can you tell me what happened?
No one's gonna believe me.
Try me.
I will believe you.
And I will get Róisín's killer!
She's dead because of me.
No! You are not to blame for this.
You're trying to trap me!
Carrie, no!
I'll deal with it myself.
She's gone after Maguire,
get a unit to him now!
- Right.
- They have to be in the woods.
Call her name. Go!
Let me out!
Let me out!
[♪"I am you" BY Just Mustard PLAYING]
Change my hair ♪
Change my dress ♪
Change my head ♪
I am you with the red ♪
I am you with the red ♪
Change my hair ♪
Change my dress ♪
Change my head ♪
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