Brown Nation (2016) s01e03 Episode Script

Video Conference

[in Hindi.]
How long is it going to take? My servant would have cleaned up the whole neighborhood by now.
You better keep quiet.
All you do is sit and read anyway.
[in Hindi.]
Do not think of my silence as my weakness.
[in Hindi.]
Here, you keep this.
I have been suffering this injustice for the past eight months.
I won't tolerate it anymore! [in Hindi.]
Mom, enough with this nonsense! She is my wife.
And in 7 more months, she will be the mother of my child.
Come on.
[in Hindi.]
They always do this at the end.
[in English.]
Trying to boost ratings for the final show.
[in Hindi.]
They think we won't know.
No reimbursements for water bills and electricity bills.
Company lunches and dinners to be approved by the CEO and receipts provided.
This is excellent work, Balan.
I've never seen a company travel policy typed up so neatly.
Please, have a seat, hm? Thank you sir.
There are so many costs to cut, really.
That is wonderful, Balan.
Oh my god, you just gave me goosebumps.
Oh, that's good, that's good.
Have you met the rest of the staff yet? Oh, yes, everyone is so nice.
Very friendly, I like them.
Not too friendly, Balan.
-Not friendly? -No, no.
I need you to keep an eye on things.
Keep the eye Make sure that everyone gets a copy of this travel policy, okay? Yes sir, yes.
And I was looking at the company manual, you know, there's a lot of company history in it.
Mm, that's great Balan.
You can't know the future until you know the history.
Yes, and sometimes, history repeats itself.
Uh, hi Matt.
Bilbo, how's it going? Yes Hasmukh, you are going to love this.
We have an incredible opportunity unfolding.
Oh, wow, wow.
They just fired their entire Citrus support team, they're on the lookout for another firm.
Quick Tech, based in New Jersey? No, no, California.
Silicon Valley.
Now look, we've got to move fast to get this business.
But, I've talked to them, they've already shown some interest.
Fortunately, there was another ticket available to San Jose.
Wait, you booked the ticket already? -Yeah, I had to.
-How much did it cost? $6,000.
-$6,000? -They only had first-class.
Wait, wait, wait, Matt, why can't we go in a couple of weeks, in the off-season, when the costs are lower for the flight? Couple of weeks, you gotta be kidding me, couple of weeks.
You can kiss this deal goodbye in a couple of days.
Well, I understand that Matt, but we have to be better planned.
Balan just wrote a new travel policy, I suggest that you read it.
Hasmukh in this business, you gotta take risks.
You gotta spend money to make money.
You gotta hustle.
How about approaching clients in the Tri-state area, ones that we can drive to.
I don't mind spending money, Matt, but what's the guarantee that we're going to get this business? So far I've been taking all the risks, where is the reward? You're the boss, I'll return the ticket.
But I can't guarantee a full refund.
Samantha? You landed? Hey.
No, no, no, it's fine.
Come, I mean, we weren't expecting you for another hour, but it's okay, right? It's fine, it's fine, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come, come, come.
Looking forward to seeing you and Hyder.
Hope you're hungry.
They landed early.
Good thing we started cooking this an hour ago.
And I'm glad we're not making Pav Bhaji this time because remember how she made that sarcastic comment about how I only make Indian food.
[speaking in foreign language.]
[humming to self.]
Looks like somebody made themselves comfortable already.
You know, this is supposed to be my office.
Oh really? Because Mr.
Parikh said that I could stay here and use this office for my leisure.
Parikh is my Jijaji, okay? We're related by blood, almost.
Very lucky, you are.
I found some punctuation issues and some major formatting errors on your expense policy.
-Is that a Being Human t-shirt? -Why are you touching me? That’s Salman Khan’s foundation.
What no, this friend got this for me? Look.
Same, but different.
Incredible fashion sense, Roli.
You guys want to see something? I've not shown anyone yet.
Me and Salman.
And this guy.
What the hell is going on right now? You don't know who Salman Khan is? He only listens to Wu-Tang Clan.
Salman is the best--the greatest actor of all time.
Comedy, drama, romance, action, science-fiction, he all-rounder.
Look at--look.
[singing in foreign language.]
So much talent but so much humility.
You've seen Dabangg? No? Dabangg 2? Wanted? Andaz Apna Apna? Jaagrurti? Maine Pyar Kiya? Oh my goodness.
I will help you.
I will make a mixtape for you.
Of Salman.
Aloha Dimple! Aloha Papaji! Oh, uh, hello-ah.
Hi, you guys look really relaxed.
How was Hawaii? Incredible, the rental property was breathtaking.
We brought you a gift for your home.
Oh, thank you so much.
Yes, we visited the Obama childhood home.
He had very humble beginnings.
It reminded me a lot of my childhood, we're very similar.
Oh, look, pineapples.
Hyder chopped down all the pineapples on the property.
Technically we did own the property for a week, didn't we? Ho, ho, that's my boy.
You and Hasmukh should go on vacation.
I think you need it, it's been so long.
No, we went to Miami last year.
It was really nice.
I actually like Miami more than Hawaii.
Miami has a lot of culture.
Wasn't that during hurricane season? What's that smell? The enchiladas are ready.
Enchiladas? It's okay, it's looking good.
It's okay, we actually ate lunch in Hawaii.
Volume one.
[music plays.]
Nice pants, Gautam.
Hello sir.
Balan, you're not going out for lunch? No, I always cook my own lunch.
I do not like to eat out.
It's bad for health.
Good Balan, listen, we need to update the company travel policy.
We forgot to mention flight costs for meetings.
-Flight costs.
But why do we fly for meeting? We can do video conference.
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't want to invest any more money in video conferencing equipment.
Oh, no need to invest, sir, we have equipment right here.
It will take ten minutes only.
Very easy, sir.
I won't have to invest any money? Trust me, sir.
We have capacity.
Are you sure you're not hungry? Don't worry about it.
Cooking enchiladas can be hard work.
Okay, but you have to come over next week, I have this amazing Greek recipe that I'm dying to try.
No, no, no, Dimple, don't worry about it.
I'll order take out, it will be easier on all of us.
Especially you.
But I like to cook.
I don't know, I've never been a big fan of video chats.
You just can't replace that in person experience, you know? It will work, Matt.
That Balan might not look like much, but he's a real genius.
We will have that personal touch, don't worry.
Listen, I'll kick off the meeting with a brief history of Sree Ganesh, then I'll introduce the whole team and I'll do a brief introduction of their backgrounds and qualifications.
You know why they fired the last company, right? -Why? -They got tired of outsourcing.
They don't want to have to deal with India anymore.
But we're not in India, we're in America.
This company is run by an American citizen, what's more American than that? Yes, but it has to appear American too.
They're going to take one look around here and think the whole place is run out of Bangalore.
[Balan sings to self.]
Just for once I'd like to post our vacation pictures on Facebook.
Why don't you post the pictures from our honeymoon in Florida? -Really? You want me to post them? -Yeah.
We had to move out of our hotel into a shelter, I have pictures of the shelter, you want me to post that? Dimple, how was I supposed to know that a hurricane was gonna blow in that weekend? You knew, that's why you booked it, because it was cheap.
Here he comes, right on cue.
Papa, please, just give us a moment.
I just came to say that we've run out of dog food.
If anyone cares.
Listen, Dimple, look, I know we need a vacation, I know you need a vacation, I need one too.
It'll happen, okay? I've just hired this new guy at the office, he's great.
He's a wizard, saving money.
And we're going to go through all of our expenses for the entire year, and why are we going to do that? It's very simple, Dimple.
So that this comp-- Sir, can you see me? Sir, can you see me? Where is the picture now, Balan, what is this? I thought you said this was going to be easy.
Sir, can you hear me? Can you hear me, sir? Where's the voice? Uh One second, sir, one second, please.
-Can you see me now, sir? Can you see me? Ah, there you go man, picture perfect.
Huh? No, no, no.
No more flying back and forth, it's like he's right here.
I am here.
The video is stuck.
We must reboot.
I one second.
-What's up bro? Hey what's going on with Roli, man? Has she gotten hotter in the past couple of weeks? Somebody is getting desperate Hey, speak for yourself.
I think she's got a boyfriend anyway.
I mean I could probably get her to dump him if I sweet talked her a little, but I mean, do I want to do that? That's a good question, man.
Mookie, where are the cards? They're almost ready.
I just have to start them.
I have a plan.
We don't need to introduce the entire team.
Look, I'll just do a brief introduction of Sree Ganesh Limited and then I'll talk about my father's peanut oil business in Ahmedabad and how he split it amongst his three sons and how I took my share of the peanut business and invested it in IT consulting.
Absolutely not.
It'll kill the deal, Hasmukh.
My father's peanut oil company was one of a kind, Matt.
Everyone in Ahmedabad knows about his nuts.
But what do peanuts have to do with Citrus? I mean, this is never going to work, I should just really fly out there by myself.
No, no, no, no.
You do all the talking.
I'll just work some of the finer points.
Can we at least get a decent TV in here? I want to see who the hell I'm talking to.
[in Hindi and English.]
Come soon, food is ready.
Mm, very nice.
I made chappathi, Papa, no junk food.
[in Hindi.]
I heard Anil Kapoor is making an appearance on Dancing With the Stars.
Come, let's check it out.
I love Anil Kapoor, that's why I told Hasmukh to grow a mustache.
Where's our TV? What else are you stealing from this house? It's just for a day, Dimple, I'll bring the TV back right after the meeting.
You know it's the season finale, you know we've been looking forward to watching it for one week now, where did you take our TV? And I invited Samantha to watch it, it's super embarrassing.
If I book this client, I'll buy you 20 televisions.
I'm doing this for us, for Papaji.
For Bobby.
I don't need 20 TVs, just bring back our one TV.
That's all I ask.
My poor Papa.
Dimple, the old TV works perfectly fine, I'm going to bring it up from the basement, just adjust for a day.
How's it going, Balan, how are we looking on time? It's very good sir, very good, I check, 100% good.
That's great.
Check again.
This is a really big client, Balan.
Could really put Shree Ganesh on the map.
-Too close.
Too close.
-Too close? Is it good sir? -Balan, a bit lower.
Yeah, lower.
No, Balan, that's too low.
-Too low.
Too low.
-Too low.
Too low.
-Up, good.
A little bit higher.
That's great.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, Balan, I'm looking really dark, man.
-You're Indian, sir.
-Increase the white balance.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good.
Good, sir.
Could you do this somewhere else? Son, do you think to be here, writing on top of a damn stove? Huh? My desk is too small, and Jijaji gave Balan the new office.
Hey guys.
Hey Roli.
Gautam, haven't seen you around for a while.
You know, been around, doing my thing.
This guy is going to be the next Mark Zuckerberg.
That's pretty cool, I've got a couple of things in the mix or two, I'm pretty much driving this whole Accutech thing.
I heard Hasmukh's going crazy.
Yeah, I wish he'd just let me fly out to the sales call.
I think I would be a good salesman.
Yeah? Maybe we should go to some meetings together.
We can see what you got.
Really? I would love that.
Yeah, I'll put in a good word with Hasmukh.
It'll sound good coming from upper management.
[warbled audio.]
So this is Love? No, that's not Love, Love is over there.
That's Raju, that's Amit over there.
Here, try these.
I think I have a headache.
I think Hasmukh did this on purpose.
No Papa, why would he do this on purpose? Then why did he take the TV today of all days? Shh.
I didn't want to tell you this, but my belt is missing.
And a couple of my new underwears also.
Oh hey, Hasmukh.
You think Roli could start coming with me on some sales calls? I mean, she's really talented.
Matt, it's 10 minutes to 10, can we talk about this a bit later? Yeah, sorry, yes.
I'll schedule a meeting.
Okay, great, are we all set? Yeah, yeah, I made some notes, don't worry.
Okay, Matt, I've modified the company description to make it sound more American like you told me.
Good, good, that's really smart Hasmukh.
-I know, I know.
-So Matt, you do all the talking, okay? -All right.
And uh, Mookie? Mookie! -Yo.
-Mookie, you hold the cards out, okay? But to the side, not in the shot.
And Balan, Balan, come here Balan.
-I'm Balan.
-Balan You record the entire video conference.
We'll use that video on our website to attract new customers.
Yes sir, we have recording capacity.
Oh that's great, I like it.
I like it a lot.
I really do.
Sree Ganesh? I'm sorry, I thought we weren't doing any more outsourcing.
It's an east coast firm, Courtney.
The, uh, their lead guy, a Matthew McGinley has been hounding me for the past month.
Well his email says that it's run by American citizens and his Citrus implementation rates are the lowest.
It can't be any worse than what we experienced last time, right? -Matt, if I may-- -Oh yeah, please, please.
-Fix that.
-Is it straight? Great, thank you.
-Yeah, I gotta get the dimple.
Thank you.
-Okay, ready? -Yeah, I'm ready.
-All right, want to push it? Yep.
-Yeah, I'll push it.
Good morning gentlemen, how are you doing today? We're doing well, Matt, good to finally see you, how are you? I'm doing great.
Why don't you tell us a little bit about your company to get started, And uh, then we'll begin discussing our goals and objectives.
Sree Ganesh Computer Technology Limited Incorporated is a ten year old company that is fully-owned by an American citizen based in a very city, Jackson Heights.
The seeds of this company were sown by the late Mr.
Pope Parikh, who had a successful peanut business in the city of Ahme -Ahmedabad.
The torch was then passed onto the late Mr.
Cam Parikh, who took the business to the next level with a peanut oil import/export company internationally.
Now, Mr.
Hasmukh Parikh Hello everyone.
Now keeps that torch burning brightly by expanding his division, to information technology.
At this time we'd like to share with you some key accomplishments our company has made.
Balan, Balan, roll, roll.
Record, record.
[music plays.]
Okay, Balan, stop it, stop it, Balan.
Cut it, cut it.
Now, cut it out.
-It's not stopping.
-Stop it, Balan.
Cut it, cut it.
Just cut it.
-Oh, my god.

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