Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

What is this place?
What does he think he is? A cult leader?
Oh, gosh!
That gave me a shock.
It'll make things difficult for both of us
if you record this,
so please hand over your phone.
I'll put mine in too.
Stall for time until we finish
copying data from her phone.
I know it was you who tampered with
the evidence for my husband's murder case.
Hand over the evidence before the general
stockholders' meeting is held.
So you're going to use it as a weapon
to oust the vice-chairman at the meeting?
Well, if that's your goal,
you're going to have to pay me more.
I want ten times what you offered.
You darn…
-Jeez, that idiot.
-Jeez, that idiot.
Why the heck would you interject?
Okay. The data's been copied.
We've got nothing to lose from this.
Tell him we'll give him whatever he wants.
But tell him he's dead
if he doesn't hand it over.
Fine, you can have it.
But if you don't hand it over,
you're dead.
Jeez, hey.
Come on, you can tell him that directly.
Let me check the evidence first.
My people will be going, so follow me.
-All done?
Good job. You can come back now.
The person you have dialed
cannot be reached--
Darn it.
Why are they back already?
-Darn it.
-Wipe that smirk off your face.
Stop it.
Oh, gosh.
What was that?
Is it you, Looney?
Come out.
Hey, what are you doing?
Why is he sleeping
in this weird coquettish pose?
-Wake up.
-Jeez. Hey.
Wake up.
Did you buy cheonggukjang?
Han-jun, wake up.
You'll freeze if you sleep here.
-Gosh, this is embarrassing.
-Jeez. What's with the overreaction?
-Hey, is it that bad?
-What is?
Maybe it's time I took a shower.
Jeez, I thought I was going to get caught.
Hello, sir.
I was going to call you back,
but I got distracted and forgot.
You're calling about
the Shin Gyeong-ho case, right?
I was worried that you were drinking
your frustration away on your own.
How did you know?
I'm going to have just one can of beer
and catch him again.
I plan on making Shin Gyeong-ho pay
until he begs for mercy, so don't worry.
Shin Gyeong-ho would better
get ready if you're this determined.
Call me if you need anything any time.
You'll have my full back-up
for your revenge,
no holds barred.
Thank you.
I feel like you're always doing me favors.
-Buy me dinner sometimes then.
Dinner's on me when the case is over.
It was definitely a relationship chart.
What does Shin Gyeong-ho have
to do with my brother's case?
If my head is hurting this badly,
Han-jun must be…
He's not dead, is he?
Jeez. Why isn't Nam Han-jun here?
Detective Na?
What? Ma'am.
What brings you here, Detective Na?
I didn't want to come.
I made a reservation before I joined
the team, and they just got back to me.
-A reservation?
This place is so popular that
you have to wait at least three months.
I know I shouldn't have come now
I know about him,
but I already paid the deposit.
That's it. I swear.
So you're
meeting the Nam Han-jun today, right?
-Take me with you.
-But what about my privacy?
I can't go to a shaman with my boss.
I can't, not even if it's you.
I've been looking for him.
There was something
I really wanted to ask him,
but he suddenly disappeared
and I never got to.
-I've found him again after three years--
-You mean you and Mr. Shaman were…
I never forgot him, not even for a moment.
Wait. Did you have a crush on him?
-What? No way.
-Okay. You can come with me.
You can use this opportunity
to get over him!
Hey, wait. That's not true!
Na-dan, can you get me a cup of coffee?
Gosh, he's so handsome.
-Did you just see?
-He's so handsome.
Stand up.
Come on.
What's going on?
Gosh, you startled me.
Of course.
What is it?
No way.
Ms. Little Police?
Damn it.
So when will I get a girlfriend?
No, you won't.
-You're clueless and obsessive.
Women hate that.
If you want to get a girlfriend,
fix your personality first.
I'm sure that's not all
you were wondering about.
I was going to ask you if I should go
to the Major Crimes Division, but…
You've already been assigned.
You're screwed now.
I've already been screwed over once,
thanks to somebody.
You're clueless, sensitive,
and have delicate sensibilities.
You and Major Crimes Division?
The gates will soon open before you.
-What door?
-The gates of hell.
A gate to hatred.
You'll think you did your best,
but people will continue to criticize
and hate you.
It's not your fault the crime happened,
but it's your fault
you couldn't catch the culprit.
It really sucks, it does.
You're screwed.
Is that why you ran away?
You're a profiler, not a shaman.
Are you sure you have powers?
Aren't you just fooling people
using your skills as a profiler
while pretending to be a shaman?
Of course, not.
Then I'll be punished by the heavens.
You served time three years ago
for tampering with evidence.
Did you get your powers
while you were serving time?
Darn it, this is a new low.
This is not cool at all.
Or maybe not.
Jeez, it's tiring being so popular.
Where are you going?
I'd be kicking the sheets at night
with embarrassment if I were you.
Hey, you…
Darn it, this is so embarrassing.
Hey, where are you going?
-Hey, you.
Aren't you supposed to be in Singapore?
And what's with this car?
I got fired from the NIS.
This is where my severance pay went.
Did you do something crazy again?
Get in.
You idiot.
-Where are you going?
-Shut up.
Hey, just pull up the top.
I'll get dust in my nostrils.
This is so freaking embarrassing.
Hey, let's go home first so I can change.
There. Yongho Detective Agency.
Are you sure this is it?
It looks like they went out of business.
"Former police detective."
Just get off already.
What a joke. Damn it.
Wait here. Let me get something to drink.
Hey, just get us some alcohol.
Let's commemorate the end
of their business now that we're here.
"Former police detective?" That's a laugh.
He hasn't come back.
Yes. I reported him missing to the police,
but they told me to wait,
saying it looks like a plain runaway case.
Jeez, I could just throttle him.
He took off with my bankbook and my seal.
The CSAT is just around the corner!
What do I do with him?
Hey, what are you doing?
Come in.
I've never seen anything like this before.
So he's finally managing on his own.
He doesn't even have a place of his own.
They even share the same customer base.
What's this?
Gosh, that startled me!
Who's there?
Hey, stop.
Is that you, Su-cheol?
It's me!
-Put that down first.
-Darn it!
Are you okay?
Hey, you look like crap.
Come in.
Hey, here.
What's this?
Oh, you didn't have to.
What's wrong with your agency?
I bought the office next door
and took down the wall,
but I'm not getting any business.
You know, the economy is
in a terrible place.
Not with these around.
I was going to clean up and decorate
the place when I made some money,
but I don't have any.
It's true that you need more
than just willpower to run a business.
-Hey, let's open the windows.
-Okay. I'll take that for you.
Hey. Why won't this open?
The window doesn't work either.
So you're now an ex-convict
and soon to unemployed?
Hey, so are you.
And he's a business owner.
-Yes, he's going out of business soon.
Oh, he already did.
I'm ruined again.
Excuse me.
Is this…
It's a customer.
Sorry. I think I have the wrong place.
They told me to wait,
saying it looks like a plain runaway case.
He took off with my bankbook and my seal.
Your son ran away!
You're here to find him.
"Mi, nam, dang."
Oh, Mr. Shaman.
How did you know right away?
You're so good.
I'm sorry, ma'am, but…
Mr. Shaman, please find my son.
I'm not a shaman…
My son didn't even go to school yesterday.
His phone was off too. He's never
done anything like this before.
All he ever does is go to school
then come back home.
He's got nowhere else to go.
Ma'am, you can't just do this.
This isn't--
Please help me.
After my husband died,
my son is all I have.
If something happens to him too,
I couldn't go on living.
I understand
what you're going through, ma'am.
When my sister ran away from home,
my mother was devastated too.
How could I ignore you when I know that.
Thank you, Mr. Shaman.
Oh, thank you.
If you can find my son,
I'll pay whatever price you ask!
Pay me?
Your son took your bankbook
and seal, right?
How do you know that?
He hasn't withdrawn money yet?
Oh gosh, yes, right!
Tell us his phone number before you go
and head over to a nearby
community service center.
A community service center?
He should have gotten a seal certificate.
-Go check and call us right away.
Go on. We need to find him quickly.
-Before he gets into worse trouble.
-Okay, sir.
There are only two chat rooms.
Doesn't he have any friends?
So he was cyberbullied for a long time.
It's just as I thought.
Those assholes are making Gyeong-jun
take out an illegal loan.
Kids nowadays are pretty scary.
He must have called the loan shark.
Find out his location.
Oh, please.
You think you can snap your fingers
and find out someone's location
just like that?
-You should be thankful you have me.
-Hey, what's going on?
Why won't you tell me?
Hold on tight.
If the electricity goes out, you're dead.
Damn it. If this isn't bullying,
I don't know what is.
Hello, ma'am.
Did you check?
Yes, you were right.
He came in for a seal certificate
and a family relation certificate today.
I have a terrible feeling about this.
You should go home now.
I'll call you when we find him.
I got the sons of bitches.
Darn it…
Darn it!
-Thank you.
-Of course.
Put them there.
Thank you.
Hey, Gyeong-jun. Thanks.
We were nice enough
to be friends with a loser like you.
How dare you do that?
Thanks for being friends
with a loser like me, you asshole!
Go get him!
We have proof of illegal loans.
Who the hell are you?
Jeez, you lowlives.
How could you do that to these kids?
How good are you with your fists?
I bet I'm better than you are.
Kong Su-cheol!
So I hear you're good.
Now smile.
Yes, that's nice.
Damn it.
Do you know who my dad is?
Why? So you can have your awesome dad
pay back all the money
you've taken from the others?
Well, that doesn't seem fair.
If you do that, you'll go viral
on social media.
-What the fuck do you want me to do then?
-Su-cheol, he's cursing.
You'll have to work
to pay it off yourself, got it?
You be good, all of you. Don't curse.
-Let's go.
Well, excuse me.
You guys are so cool.
Please let me be your assistant!
-What are you going to do?
-Do you want a baby sibling?
-No, Hye-jun's more than enough.
Where did you pick him up?
Come on, we have to feed him
before sending him away.
Here. Take this and study hard.
I might not have good grades…
…but I'm the best inventor in the country.
Can part-time here?
Mr. Edison. Go someplace else
if you want to make money.
This place is bust.
This is it.
And Minamdang's
handsome shaman, Nam Han-jun.
I bet it'll be even more successful
than a detective agency.
You guys were awesome today.
-Jo Na-dan. You're hired.
-I am?
-Yes, because you're handsome.
Because I'm handsome?
I'm hired!
Wait, you said you'd get the guy
who killed Prosecutor Han.
-Is money more important to you?
What if we starve to death
before we catch him?
He framed the both of us,
two police officers, to get rid of us.
He must be rich and powerful.
If we want to take him on,
we need a lot of money too!
-Right, we need money for fried chicken.
-Let's make a lot of money.
-Let's get amazingly famous!
That makes so much sense!
You can totally do it!
But that means you'll have to work
as a shaman. Can you do it?
It won't be that hard.
You'll have to tell fortune
and perform an exorcism
to drive away ghosts too.
Or you could die dancing on blades
in colorful hanbok.
Oh, I don't know if I can pull
that hanbok off.
Hanbok is the one
he's the most worried about?
This is Nam Han-jun we're talking about.
Jeez, that's scary.
What's that?
It's a gopuri knot.
You undo the knot
and say "gopuri"
when you're performing an exorcism.
You use it
to comfort the dead
so they can leave in peace.
Gopuri, the bastard.
So what about it?
The culprit was holding this
when Jae-jeong died.
He killed someone using that?
The culprit's either a shaman
or someone fascinated with shamanism.
You'll be looking for a shaman
with a burn scar, then.
What if he's just really into shamanism?
If you make it as a shaman,
Gopuri might come to you.
Are you insane? So you're going to
open a fortune-telling shop?
I don't see why not.
I can pretend to be a shaman
only if I could catch that jerk.
I can even pretend to be a shamanka.
I don't think we can pull it off
with just the two of us.
I'll talk to your mother
and let you move out of her place.
You'll make money and be free.
You can do anything you want.
What do you think?
No nagging.
Do you have a death wish?
Okay, fine. Then I'm going to say no too.
Your nagging is as bad as Mom's.
No interfering in my personal life.
Never come into my room.
No cleaning, no curfew,
no interrupting dates,
and no butting in among many others.
Absolutely no getting on my nerves, and…
You can't breathe next to me.
Do you agree?
She'd win against the devil himself.
Yes. I accept your terms.
-Then I'm in!
-Okay, my terms are--
I'm forbidding your hairstyle, the beard,
the clothes, and your entire style!
No, my terms, they're--
Wait. I think you're
all forgetting something.
Deaconess Park, I mean.
If she finds out we were
running a fortune teller's shop,
she'll get an even bigger shock
than when her son went to prison.
We're not going to be fortune-tellers.
Then what are we doing?
We're opening a café.
"Café Minamdang."
Follow me.
Hey, you better do a thorough job
with the cleaning, okay?
Good, very nice.
I cut school just so I could see you.
You're so handsome!
Su-cheol will be the barista.
Na-dan will be the server.
And Han-jun, the boss, will solve
the clients' problems in the VIP room.
Think it through and…
That will be Café Minamdang!
Go. Come on, hurry up.
But isn't that fraud?
What do you mean fraud?
We find exactly what our clients need
and solve their problems.
We'll even offer great customer service.
How can that be fraud?
We utilize our strengths to make sure
our clients' lives go smoothly
It's philanthropy.
We do good and make a lot of money.
It's philanthropy.
Why did you fabricate the evidence?
Was it really you who helped
Choi Yeong-seop get away?
Am I being interrogated?
Go read the ruling if you're curious.
I already did.
The ruling isn't everything, though.
So I'm giving you one last chance
to explain what you did.
You'll give me a chance
to explain what I did?
Let's say I'm giving you
a chance to repent.
It's not too late to admit to
what you did and ask for forgiveness--
Who are you to assume that I'm the culprit
and tell me to beg for forgiveness?
That ditz who just left will suffer
if he becomes a detective.
But you…
You shouldn't be a detective at all.
-A detective must keep an open mind
to all possibilities when investigating.
Nothing is out of bounds, and nothing
is impossible. Do not assume.
Isn't that the fundamentals of
But look at you.
You are blinded by your prejudices.
If you're just going to believe
what you want, quit being a detective.
You'll end up ruining people's lives.
You aren't qualified for the job.
You're talking to me about qualifications?
You're the one who isn't qualified.
Because of your mistake…
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong was murdered.
Have you ever properly apologized to
Prosecutor Han or his family?
Are you even sorry?
I always am.
I'm wracked by guilt every night.
But I never made a mistake.
Would you say that to
the victim's family too?
I would apologize and tell them
it was my fault.
So you'd apologize to the family
but won't admit to your mistake?
Not all acts of justice lead to good.
Thanks for clearing that up.
You'd better take care from now on.
No matter what sorts of tricks you play,
I swear I will catch you.
My gosh.
This is so tiring.
Maybe it's because she's a detective,
but this new stalker knows everything.
How frightening.
I'd better not get involved
with her anymore.
I didn't even get to have coffee
because of them.
Darn it. I'm just going to lie down
for a bit before I go.
He's never made a mistake?
How on earth is he so brazen?
You just wait.
I'm going to catch Choi Yeong-seop myself
and prove that Nam Han-jun was wrong.
And then I'll reveal that
I'm Jae-jeong's sister.
Let's see what face he makes.
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong was murdered.
Have you ever properly apologized to
Prosecutor Han or his family?
Are you even sorry?
How can I apologize to them
when I haven't caught him yet?
I swear I'm going to catch you…
no matter what.
Lieutenant Han.
I heard you were disciplined.
Are you okay?
Did something happen?
Actually, I found Nam Han-jun.
-You found Inspector Nam Han-jun?
Let's talk face to face.
Where are you right now?
I'm sorry I made you come
all the way here.
It's nice. I get to see your face,
Inspector Han.
If Mr. Nam is around here, where is he?
The name of the café
feels pretty narcissistic.
Oh, does Mr. Nam run that café now?
That wouldn't have been so shocking.
Shin Gyeong-ho's hit-and-run
was reported by Nam Han-jun.
It was also Nam Han-jun
who gave us the evidence to
have Shin Gyeong-ho released.
-Why would Mr. Nam do that?
-I don't know.
I think it has something to do
with my brother's case.
But I'm not sure at the moment.
Ms. Lee met with Chief Jung because--
-Why are you reporting this only now?
-I'm sorry, sir.
-I couldn't get in touch with you--
-Damn it!
-Get Chief Jung on the phone right now.
-Yes, sir.
-Oh, okay.
Well, Ms. Lee offered me
quite a large sum.
So are you happy?
I'm asking you if you're happy,
you bastard!
How long have you been seeing her?
Money's great,
but how dare you seduce my wife?
This is totally sick!
Isn't it?
It can be great to do sick things.
-It's exciting and exhilarating, right?
What makes him think that?
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
It's not like that.
Ms. Lee asked me to give her the evidence
for the murder you committed.
I think she's preparing to oust you
at the shareholder's meeting.
I'd rather
she cheated.
That little…
Never mind.
You know I'm as batshit crazy
as I'm rich, right?
I'm pissed off right now
and might kill you,
so come right away
with the evidence you have.
-Wait, sir.
There we go!
It's going according to my plan.
But if things are going
according to your plan,
isn't Chief Jung in danger right now?
-He is.
Never mind.
Let's prepare the necessary equipment.
You keep us updated
on Jung Cheong-gi's location.
Will the two of you be enough?
Why don't we go together?
-Two's enough.
Let's go!
-Hey, don't go overboard again.
-I'm not stupid.
What's this hopeless duo doing here?
No. You're underage, Na-dan.
Not anymore.
Really? But you still can't go.
You said you'd let me tag along
when I got my resident registration card!
Come on, let me join you guys. Please!
-Come on, just let him tag along.
We'll need someone to run
to the police if things go wrong.
-Should I do it?
-Of course, you will. Do you think I will?
-Keep talking if you want to die.
-I'm a fast runner too.
I've worked hard for this day!
By the way, where are we going?
Don't even try to find out.
You only just got that card.
You'd better get out right now.
Let's go already.
Jung Cheong-gi's already on his way.
-Okay, let's go.
Don't you take one step outside this car,
or you're dead. Got it?
Please. You better not beg me
to save your lives.
I would have had Shin Gyeong-ho
if it weren't for you.
Darn it…
Where on earth are they going?
Prosecutor Cha?
You startled me.
By the way, where are we going?
Oh, sorry. I had to follow them.
You must be busy. Shall I drop you off?
No, it's fine.
I'm totally free.
I'd worry if you went on your own.
Let's go together.
Oh. Okay.
-I'll get right on their tail, then.
Hold on tight.
All right.
Are you kidding me?
Are you crazy? Jeez.
Wait. Stop hitting me for a second.
Oh, gosh. I'm about to poop my pants.
Where do you think they're going?
I can't tell either.
Okay. What do we do now?
Get the tools. We'll follow them
and watch what happens.
You listen to the tap
and let us know if something happens.
All right.
-Wait. We got the wrong equipment.
Hey, what are we supposed
to do with these?
Well, you said
we were going on a work trip,
so I thought we were going to
perform an exorcism.
Jeez, you've really gotten used to
working for a shaman.
Nice job. There will be thugs there.
I'm sure of it.
So how do we fight using these?
Oh, I know.
Let's pray that they drop dead.
-What do you mean okay?
Get it together, you.
You could use my invention instead.
I could just kill the lot of you!
They're being like this
because you aren't paying attention!
We need to round them all up
and hand them over to the detective
so she won't get punished!
Is that why we're here?
Hey. What are you doing here?
When did that happen?
Jung Cheong-gi and Shin Gyeong-ho
both arrived.
-Oh, they did.
-So they did.
We need to take care of this first.
What is going on?
Why are we about to get caught?
This is the original and the evidence.
Hey, what about the copies?
Never mind, damn it.
He won't be able to use them any longer.
He'll be dead soon.
No, please…
-I suppose we only have one option left.
Operation Beethoven.
Wait. Am I the only one who didn't get it?
What's Operation Beethoven?
-We leave it up to fate.
On the count of three.
Let's do it!
Han-jun, please.
Come on, Han-jun!
Please, Han-jun!
Damn it.
Fine, come here.
-What's going on?
You little…
What? Come on.
All right. You?
Come here!
Jeez, come on!
Su-cheol. You're doing great.
Oh, gosh.
Look at him go!
Leg split!
Oh, come on.
It's one against many and you're using
a baton? Isn't that kind of low?
Hey, that guy is making a call.
Go check right now.
-What do I do?
-What do you mean? Get out of the car!
Right, I can do this.
Hey, you.
Come here.
The phone!
Take that, you scum!
Are you angry?
Let go.
Nam Han-jun. You just wait.
Kong Su-cheol, you're awesome.
Kong Su-cheol!
Kong Su-cheol!
I told you not to come out.
-You said the two met already, right?
Let's go and check
and come back to the car.
Come on, what about me?
You son of a bitch!
How dare you threaten me!
Die, you bastard!
Sir. Don't kill me.
Please forgive me, just this once.
I'll never…
Please forgive me, just this once.
I'm sorry.
-Take him away and get rid of him.
-No, please. Sir! Please…
Sir. I…
Please don't kill me!
Sir, please, don't kill me…
No, let go of me!
Jeez, that startled me.
Stop rustling around!
I told you to stay put in the car.
Why did you have to come?
Be quiet.
I found something pretty useful.
So what are we going to do now?
-You two.
-Yes, sir.
Hide here and call me
when Shin Gyeong-ho comes out.
-Yes, sir.
Okay. Good luck!
It's that way.
It is Mr. Nam's car.
But what is this place?
I don't know.
I think they followed someone here.
What is he scheming?
Yes, sir.
Someone's here
and they're saying
they have to talk to you and not me.
You talk to her, okay?
Detective Han?
This is Min Yu-seon.
Ms. Min?
I've never stood witness or reported
anything before, so I'm not sure,
but what do I do?
Just relax and tell us what happened.
Take a seat.
Oh. Right.
That day…
That day,
Gyeong-ho was driving
and he hit the motorcycle.
He thought the guy was dead
and threw his body away somewhere.
He's doing drugs in his villa right now,
so go there if you want to catch him.
This is how I do it, right?
Where's the villa Shin Gyeong-ho's in?
Chohyeon-eup, Hyangju, Gyeonggi-do.
Yunnam-ri, 25 San?
That's where his villa is!
I've been there. Yes, that's it.
I'm there right now with Prosecutor Cha,
so come as soon as you can.
Lieutenant Han, wait.
I know you're in a hurry, but I think
you'd better get a warrant first.
You can't let them
use that against you again.
Wait. Where are we going?
Hurry up.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask this.
What's with this?
Oh, right.
It's a sort of tactical weapon.
What a load of bull.
Where are you taking me?
I don't want to go!
Oh, god.
-What are you doing? Bury him.
-Please don't kill me.
-Do it.
-No, please!
Don't come any closer! Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Oh, my back.
Jeez, you're being ridiculous.
Don't kill me, please.
We got the warrant.
What was that sound?
-Let's go.
Nam Han-jun!
What are you doing there?
What are you doing?
We're from the Internal Inspection office.
I found it.
Lieutenant Nam Han-jun.
You'll need to come with us.
Come on, that makes no sense.
I want to catch the culprit more
than anyone else. Why would I…
It's because a prosecutor was murdered
because of your profiling.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Who dares disturb me in my prayers
and invite misfortune?
-My gosh.
-Can we talk?
-Nam Han-jun?
-We know everything.
There's no way you're getting out of this.
Arrest me?
He acts like he's the king of the world
with this arrogant look on his face.
Needle marks?
Someone made it look
as if he had died from shock.
It's unlikely someone broke in
from outside.
So, you gave the testimony and the report
because Nam Han-jun told you to?
-Let's see…
-Let him go.
-Let go of me, will you?
-We were looking for a ghost.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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