Call It Love (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Uh, ma'am
You you can't suddenly just request us
to return the money like that.
Uh, when you just gave it to us
a month ago, right?
Did I ask you to return the money to me?
I thought I was asking Dongjin
to return it.
In that case,
could you please give us
a few more weeks to get it?
It's just that,
we're kind of in a tight spot.
Why do I have to beg you,
just to get back all the cash I lent?
Look, I don't care. Just return it all.
I have my own reasons
for wanting it, okay?
Give us your bank account number.
I never felt comfortable
borrowing that money from you anyway.
So don't worry.
-I'll give it back to you.
Hey, uh, Dongjin. Uh
Take care, ma'am.
That son of mine is
just like his father
I don't know why he's so weak.
That money.
We should return it.
Yeah, sure.
It's not like we were ever
really flush with cash.
Just talk to me.
If you're going through something then
Well, I'm around, man,
if you need help, okay?
I'll think about it.
That little jerk. Hey!
Han Dongjin!
Damnit, man.
How in the hell could you do this to me?
You hear me, Dongjin?
What the--
Who the hell are you?
Are you okay, sir?
-Hey, I asked you who you are.
-Let me help you up.
Sim Woojoo.
Did I ask you for your name?
Get off me, you bastard!
Are you blind, lady?
I'm obviously a higher rank than him
and I look older.
So if you were going to shove anyone,
it should have been this bastard here.
How dare you push me!
Please, just talk to me, sir.
-All right?
-Got anything to say?
Leave me out of your fight.
Looks like you're not injured.
Let me know if you're gonna hit him again,
I'll call the police.
Are you serious?
Is she drunk or just nuts?
I did drink a little, but I'm not nuts.
Sim Woojoo. Please go.
You're not helping.
I was gonna leave anyway
after saying one last thing to you.
Being nice doesn't mean
you wait for a wild boar to come
and just charge at you.
It just makes you dumb.
You little
Just thought you should know that.
Hey! Hey!
Did she just say that I was a wild boar?
Let go of me. Hey!
Let go, dammit.
-Here's the keys to his car.
-Thanks so much.
-Take care of him. Good night, sir.
Did you, uh, obtain the keys?
He's had two bottles already.
Be quiet and pour me something to drink.
You know what?
There was only one person
who knew my wife ran off
with that neighbor.
You know? So it had to be you, Dongjin.
I trusted you
'cause no matter how damn drunk you were,
you kept a secret.
Stupid of me.
My relationship was destroyed
because of another man,
so what does that mean for me then?
Oh, Mr. Kim, sir,
that actually wasn't him that leaked
Never mind.
Sir, we're deeply sorry.
We will take full responsibility for that.
Earlier today
my wife had just sent
the divorce paperwork.
So I was as mad as I could be,
and you were an easy target.
You should treat
that female employee to a meal.
I mean, she
actually stopped me from hitting Dongjin.
She shoved me out of the way!
An employee?
Dongjin, I envy you.
You have a girl who wants to protect you.
Excuse us, um
Can we get a bowl of noodles, please?
You should eat something, sir.
The noodles will help.
So she saw you,
and only you, and thought,
"I can't just stand by
and watch that man get hurt."
I had no idea Ms. Baek had
romantic feelings for you like that.
It's not like that.
Come on, man.
I mean, Baek Soohee tends to ignore
what I say,
but she really follows your every word
like she's going to church on Sunday.
Nah, she doesn't.
Listen, if you two tie the knot,
then I will drop you a nice check,
hmm, as your gift.
The girl I was with tonight
it wasn't Ms. Baek, all right?
Then who was it then, huh?
Hey, what female employee
is gonna stay extra late
working with you like that?
Baek Soohee would be
the only one who'd do that.
It was Sim Woojoo.
Sim Woojoo, huh?
You mean the part-timer?
Oh! My head!
I bumped my head
Why meet up with her at night?
Are you seeing that girl?
Ah You are.
I asked her to come see me.
We both live in the same neighborhood.
-Hold him up! Hold him up!
Hold him up.
I just found out
my man asked some girl out at night.
Come on, man.
How could I not be surprised?
But uh, you're dating the spy,
isn't that weird?
It's problematic.
The spy is someone else.
Sim Woojoo is innocent.
Yeah, but you know,
no woman is completely innocent.
Let's get him inside.
Wait, you must be joking right now?
You can't be serious, Dongjin.
This isn't some kinda
elaborate prank?
I confirmed it earlier.
I saw President Shin and Mr. Cha meet.
No thanks, water's not gonna help.
Wow, I've never felt this betrayed
in my life.
I mean, how am I supposed
to trust anyone again?
-This is nothing, Sunwoo.
How would this mean nothing?
I mean, I can still remember his face
from that day, you know?
'Cause he was all like,
"There's no way it was him."
There's no way it was him.
"I'll be responsible if it was though."
I'll be responsible if it was.
How can he stab us in the back
with that look on his face?
It's so terrifying.
You know I've never liked japchae, right?
My mom always made japchae for me
each time she remarried.
I've eaten that japchae three times,
and each time, I said to myself
"Not again."
But every time, I was wrong.
She betrayed her son's trust in her
every single time.
Your mother
was married four times?
I never knew that.
-Let's get going.
-Hold on.
Oh, come on, man.
How is that supposed
to make me feel better, huh?
It makes me feel bad for you.
-Go on.
Uh, are you okay?
The alarm didn't ring yet.
Why do you do this?
So, about the test.
You have less than 50 days left.
Last year,
you failed by only three points,
so this year, you'll pass, right?
I'm not trying to pressure you,
so don't feel pressured about it.
Look, what you're asking right now
is like asking a chain smoker
when he'll quit smoking cigarettes
every day.
Ugh, you're so mean. Seriously.
You little shit, you smoke?
Yes, I smoke!
I've served in the army.
I'm old enough to smoke
if I feel like it, okay?
That's true.
You should be the one
to live a carefree life.
What's your problem?
You're scaring me.
Okay, sleep.
Why'd you come here and wake me up anyway?
They say that
moms think of their children.
So they can stand their stupid husbands.
I wanted to see if I could stand it better
if I looked at my baby brother.
But after seeing how small your room is,
I decided I won't.
I'm gonna go to work.
The boss wants me to come to work,
so I can't stay home, right?
Why should I be scared?
I haven't done anything.
Woojoo, wait.
Close the door.
It gets drafty.
The person you are trying to reach
cannot come to the phone--
Where is he?
Where are you? You weren't home.
At the pharmacy.
Do you need something?
I made us all some soup.
Next time, can you just send me a text?
You don't have to call.
I'm too lazy to type on the phone.
If you're lazy, why are we talking?
By the way, why do you keep whispering?
I'm not.
Are you outside?
I, uh
left the pharmacy door open
to let some air in.
Then why do I sense
that you're kinda near here?
Yoon Jun.
Do you wanna come out
like a normal person,
or should I pull you out by the ear
on the count of three?
One, two--
Fine. I'll come out
before you finish the countdown.
So it's still kinda normal.
I shouldn't have answered your phone call.
That's what gave it away, right?
It was a critical mistake.
I know what you're trying to do.
Forget it.
Mm-mm. No, you forget it.
Because today, I'm gonna find out
where you've been working these days.
I've already had breakfast.
And that means I'm determined to find out.
That's cute.
Oh, timeout!
You know I'm a record holder
of the Chuncheon Marathon.
Give up, okay?
All right, I'll tell you.
-I work over there.
-Over where?
It's around here, okay?
I'm giving away a lot already
telling you this much.
One week.
I'm not joking.
I give you one week.
Whether it's revenge
or to confess your love,
just get it done and come back to work.
And if I say no?
If you continue to work there
after a week's gone by
I'm just gonna have to make a call
to your mother in Tongyeong.
"Hello, ma'am. Did you know Woojoo--"
Don't call my mom, I'm warning you!
I won't see you anymore.
Then let's not see each other.
And that means you'd have to move out.
Yoon Jun.
Are you telling me
to move out of your house right now?
Didn't you beg us to move in with you?
I did.
I thought it would be fun
having all of us there living together.
So, I begged you to move into my house.
That's why. Hmm?
That's why me saying
"I won't see you again", is serious.
If I didn't know anything, fine.
But now that I know,
I can't let you do that.
I'm just looking out for you, okay? Okay?
Let's not see each other again, then.
I've thought about it
every minute of every day.
"What do I know about revenge, huh?
Just forget it. Patience is a virtue."
But those aren't even my ideas.
That's what my mom
had to keep telling herself.
I still think my mom should have
at the very least
just pulled that woman's hair out
the day she found out about it all.
Then maybe she wouldn't
have gotten cancer, I think.
So I have to do something, you know?
I'll lose my mind if I don't do anything.
Dongjin, I envy you.
You have a girl who wants to protect you.
What's with today? My gosh.
Hey, do you know that guy back there?
No. Never met him before.
Well, you may not know him
but he seems to know you.
He keeps looking at you.
Like he wants to tell you something.
You're late.
For me, but not work though.
-So yesterday--
-Let me just say first.
I wasn't trying to help
or defend you yesterday, all right?
It was just instinct.
'Cause that was clear to me
that you were about to be attacked.
So there is no need
to try to thank me for it.
Well, thank you.
I'm being serious.
I don't wanna hear it.
You really like to make things, um
Let's go in.
Why don't you finish your sentences?
I make things more what?
More, um
amusing in a way.
Amusing Amusing.
Have you ever actually met a funny person?
Who are you to say I'm amusing?
Can you
come to my office a quarter past ten?
Go on in.
You're not actually here to work, are you?
What's it to you?
You must have thick skin
to come back here.
Is she crazy?
Can't you work anywhere else?
Ms. Sim will be joining us again,
starting today.
-Oh, hello, sir.
Come see me if you have an issue.
I asked her to return back to the office.
Let's get back to work.
Just be yourself.
Don't let them bully you.
Was he waiting for me
because he knew this would happen?
Get to work.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
-Look, look
Do you have something in your eye?
No. Look over there, it's Woojoo.
President Han asked her
to return to the office.
Seriously though, why is she here?
I'm curious as well.
Did you work on the data?
Give it to me.
So we need about 90 more booths
to reach our target?
There's a number of companies
that have verbally agreed to participate,
so you can assume that we have
more or less reached our target.
But I have to say thanks to you two
convincing Mr. Kim to attend,
the Business Team can catch a break.
Just thinking about
having to persuade him,
kept me up all night.
-How's it possible your skin's so nice?
For someone who didn't sleep enough,
I find your skin way too clean.
Can you please not lie?
I'm blessed with some naturally good skin.
Uh, I've never had any acne,
even in my early years.
Is never getting a pimple something
that an adult should brag on about?
It's conceited of you!
Did I, uh, do something wrong?
Who here doesn't know
that I'm a bit of a weirdo?
Forget it, just let it go.
I haven't been around as of late.
I'm just very irritated. I'm sorry.
I'll go talk to him.
Well, I guess that's all today.
Excuse me.
Can you tell me something, sir?
So, Ms. Sim
Why is she here with us, again?
Starting from today,
she'll be working with the Business Unit.
Why did you lower the blinds?
To make him curious.
Mr. Cha doesn't seem to know
that he's been found out.
It seemed like you wanted
to torment him a bit,
so I thought I'd help.
So, uh
Why do I have to be on the Business Team?
Not telling Mr. Cha about it
isn't to torment him,
but also prevent others
from behaving like he would.
The President Shin I know is relentless.
He's not going to stop it.
I want to avoid
having to suspect my own staff.
Over and over.
I would like your help with that.
So are you telling me
to keep an eye on him, then?
I'm asking a favor
but also telling you as your boss.
What if I decide to team up
with Mr. Cha, what then?
I mean,
all I have to do is say I'll do it.
And instead, I can work with him
and even accept President Shin's money
and not tell you about it.
I've only been working here
for three weeks.
You trust me?
You really are naive.
I trust that you are not
easily manipulated.
Also, I don't really have an alternative.
Asking and begging are my choices.
My only options.
Don't try to look pitiful.
I don't intend to help you.
So I have to do something, you know?
I'll lose my mind if I don't do anything.
Hey there.
Hello, welcome.
Iced Americano, extra shot.
Okay, one extra shot,
iced Americano.
4,500 won, please.
So you know
I've only been working here about a week.
Okay then,
why am I the one who caught you?
It's not fair.
Will you please not tell Woojoo?
I wanna write music.
-I didn't hear that.
-Hey, listen, okay?
My plan was to study hard for two years
after getting out of the army.
If I gave it everything
but still didn't pass the exams,
it's no big deal.
So after spending two years in the army,
and then another two years
studying hard for school,
I think I should go
and do what I want now.
That's enough.
I got it.
You won't tell Woojoo at all?
It's not that I won't,
I can't.
For real
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
-Cut that out.
Mark my words, man.
It's not because I'm looking out
on your behalf.
Jun, seriously,
why the heck are you in Seoul?
Shouldn't you be at Haeinsa
or some other great temple? Seriously?
Oh, Great One.
I pray. Please, make this humble human
do the chores.
Oh, I'll even clean the bathrooms.
Oh, Great One!
Need anything else?
Enjoy your coffee.
I wonder when he'll learn.
I bet he doesn't even know
about the cash Woojoo's saving.
Okay, good work, everyone.
I'm heading out.
-Have a good evening.
-Have a good night!
Hey, is the calculation off?
She can't hear anything you say right now.
It's something she does
every time she gets out of a relationship.
She does that again and again.
She'll be recounting
those figures all night.
Times like these,
she does her best work.
Go ahead, keep working.
What a weird thing to do.
We're leaving.
Don't work too hard.
Oh, um, hey, aren't you gonna go home?
Uh, I'll set the alarm before I head out,
so you can head home if you want to.
Have a good night then.
While you work, be sure to stay hydrated.
Well, I guess I should be on my way.
You know
I could misunderstand this.
Why did it have to be a heart?
I'll assign meaning to it.
-I got that from someone earlier.
-I never noticed.
But you're actually quite handsome.
"Park Suho."
Your name is romantic-sounding.
Women are moved
by really small kind gestures like this,
you know?
I was moved by this gesture so
Um Okay
"You are amazing."
You are amazing!
So, did you confess your love?
Are you rubbing it in?
Well, did you?
"Your crazy mother sold our house
and gave you the money,
so I'm plotting revenge."
That's not a heartfelt confession of love,
all right?
It's just a confession.
Oh, good. You've regained your sanity,
you're finally making some sense.
You having fun?
Oh, yeah.
This is most definitely entertaining.
How's this for entertaining, huh?
So the guy wants me to keep an eye
on the spy in his company.
He's giving a fish to a cat,
and he says that he trusts me.
How can he be the head of a company?
He's so full of weak spots,
it's ridiculous.
There's two presidents, but only he works.
That just proves how dumb he is.
I'm asking just in case.
He's handsome to you, right?
-You heard me.
Are you attracted to him?
Why would you ask me that, Jun?
You must,
especially since you can't answer me.
What do his looks
have to do with anything?
He's still my sworn enemy.
Well, that's good.
I thought you forgot.
Excuse me.
Can I get a large pork gukbap, please?
Listen up, you two.
You better not think
that I'm doing all right,
just 'cause I'm acting all normal,
even after getting my hair
pulled out at work.
Oh, come on. We wouldn't think that.
Now that I'm not dating,
I find myself eating a lot.
Being hungry can't just be
all that I look forward to.
Just keep eating.
You know what I think?
Those people who get snappy over nothing.
Well, they're like that
'cause they're not dating.
This piece of kimchi that they served
won't fit in my mouth.
Normally, people would just take a bite.
But some complain because it's too big.
So I would ask that person
this very question.
"Has it been over a year
since you've been in a relationship?"
Then that person
will likely answer this way.
"Are you"
"A fortune teller?"
Oh, that's such a cliché.
It's the oldest line in the book.
Why is my kimchi so big though?
Hey, you two better not
be keeping any secrets from me.
When have we ever kept
any secrets from you?
You see? Like that.
You just said "we" as in you two.
I'm always alone.
What's wrong?
Gukbap is something you two like.
It's not something I like.
I only came
'cause I didn't want cup noodles
at a convenience store.
Truly lonely people
are the ones
who can't even say they're lonely.
You two need to realize that.
Stop acting crazy, all right?
Go find someone new to date. Hmm?
I guess.
That'd be better, right?
Yeah, I think it would be.
Yes, this is unit 2701.
Get up!
There's been another complaint.
I don't know what their deal is.
But they promise
they won't make any more noise.
Thanks so much, I appreciate it.
It's, uh
As you know, the expo market is
just a battle over spots.
The pie is small
and every company wants a little slice.
Well, so it seems like they give you
a certain amount of recognition
if you've been in the business
for over ten years.
And Shinwoo Fair is
We've been here for 14 years.
That's good.
Will I get to hear
what your company's next move is
going forward?
Oh Would, would
Would you like for me to explain it first?
So to start, if you guarantee
your long-term investment,
I can give you a business plan
that will, um, cover you
for ten more years.
Oh, uh, may I visit you at the address
on the business card
you gave me earlier? Yes?
No, I'll reach out to you.
Oh, yes, of course.
Sorry. Something urgent just came up.
I'll contact you after I look at this.
Yes, okay, uh, then,
I'll I'll wait for your call.
What? Wait a minute, you saw who?
Oh, Minyoung.
Dongjin's college sweetheart.
Oh, hello, ma'am. This is Sunwoo.
How are you doing today?
Your husband is well I hope?
Oh, well,
it's not that I couldn't get married,
I just didn't.
Uh, why yes, doing well.
So I just wanted to find out
if Minyoung is still doing well
over in New York?
No, it's just a friend of mine told me
that he saw Minyoung in Gangnam.
Oh, yes, I know.
I also think he was mistaken
Uh, ma'am.
It just so happens
that I'm walking into a meeting.
I'm sorry, may I call you again later?
Excuse me.
I am, uh, almost certain
that those are not your bags.
You might be mistaken.
I have a share on this bag though.
These initials
Didn't I put them on there?
Do I know you?
You're speaking to me like I do.
I hoped I'd see you.
I thought that you might still like
to play golf during the workday.
I won't get to golf for a while now.
All because of you.
Hey there, sir?
You haven't eaten, right?
What CEO comes out here
and assembles it himself?
I told you we'd take care of it.
Hey, you'll move it outside, right?
Let's eat something first.
I'm in my thirties now.
I can't do anything if I don't eat.
Jeez, stop.
You look well.
It's pretty hard work,
but it's so much better than office work.
You should join me,
I'll recruit you this time.
How much are you offering?
I'm not cheap.
Don't tell me you like money, too.
Doesn't everyone like money?
I can't get enough of it.
I really love it though.
I do, too.
I like it more than women.
Have you heard from the old man?
He wants you to drop by the campgrounds.
Uh How about next weekend?
Is he doing okay?
He talks about you sometimes,
and he's all right.
You'll go, right?
When you finish the car,
send me a picture of it.
Come on, let's go.
I'm a salaryman.
I have to work.
Oh, grab a towel,
there's none in the shower.
Is Mr. Han in his office?
No, he said he was going to a meeting.
who put this on my desk?
The same person that always does.
It was me.
You should bring it in person.
Just leaving it on my desk like that
is incredibly rude.
You're old enough to know that, right?
Bring it to me in person.
Here it is.
Explain what it is.
It's a report that
itemizes any of the expenses
that were used on clients.
Got it. Dismissed.
If you don't like
that I'm on the Business Team,
take it up with the president yourself.
Instead of overreacting
like you're guilty of something.
What did you just say?
-Ms. Sim
-Ms. Baek, are you going to stop this act?
Apologize to him.
I understand that it's your personality
to have no filter,
but that doesn't mean you can be rude.
I think you understood what I said.
I apologize. I was out of line.
Oh, wow.
Fishing for compliments.
Hey, what kind of a part-timer makes
more noise than a regular employee?
-I know, right?
If you don't like
that I'm on the Business Team,
take it up with the president yourself.
Instead of overreacting
like you're guilty of something.
What is it?
Uh, President Han
hasn't called you, right?
Did you get caught?
No. I haven't.
There's just this girl here
that gets on my nerves.
Wonder if they know anything
or if the president knows about us.
Hey, I have to go. Bye.
I beg your pardon, Mr. Chairman.
All right, let's go eat.
-Wanna eat together? Let's go.
-Yeah, sure, why not? Cool.
What do you want? Budaejjiggae?
Or kalguksoo?
You wanna get some barley rice?
-Oh, sounds good.
Oh, sir. I'll answer this call
and catch up.
Don't worry about it.
She can take it.
Try and take good notes.
Hello, Best Fairs, how can I help you?
Yes, I understand.
I saw you come in here.
I'm a regular customer.
'Cause it's usually empty.
Well, okay, but I didn't ask.
Is something wrong?
What if something did happen?
Would you like every little work matter
reported to you?
You always sound, um--
Hey, stop there. Don't say "amusing."
I really hate it.
Can you just order your lunch?
The stew here is too salty.
-You should order the soup.
-Here's your denjang-jjigae.
I won't spy on Manager Cha.
I mean, I wasn't going to help you anyway,
but it's over.
It's quite clear that he hates me.
But um, I mean
I also don't like him all that much.
What don't you like?
Why would I like him?
He's disloyal and rude to everyone.
Like a two-for-one sale.
Seriously, how can you stand him at all?
You're really strange.
I let my girlfriend cheat on me
for a year.
I have a lot of patience.
No follow-up questions?
It must have been
something you could put up with.
I'm not super interested
in other people's misery.
Hey, do you know
why Suho didn't come into work today?
Is it his day off?
Who is Suho?
Oh, you know,
the handsome special guard police officer.
Oh, seriously?
Wait, what?
Oh, you and your sister
both like handsome guys, huh?
I do for sure, but my sister doesn't.
Pfff. I don't think
she's interested in dating.
Look over there.
-What's that, huh?
Looks nice on you, huh?
-Oh, really?
But doesn't this suit kinda look like
it's made for old people?
Oh. Mm-mm.
I mean, if I wear this,
everyone would think
that you and I are the same age.
Honey, if you say something
that mean again to me,
I might start nagging
instead of buying all this for you.
Ah, I want what he's wearing, and um
That one.
Top and bottom. One payment.
Two suits seem a little bit too much.
Oh, that suit isn't going to you, dear.
It's for someone else. Hmm
I'm going to the courier.
Should we go together?
It'd be nice to say hi
since we'll see him often.
Honey, we should have
a little bit of respect, all right?
It isn't a good look
since the funeral is recent.
If I take my current boyfriend up there,
two months after the service
How would he react, huh?
I'll come back soon, okay?
I'll be back.
Ah, I am here to see President Han.
Sorry, but who are you?
You're not very good at determining
who you're talking to. Can't you tell?
I'm his mom, silly.
Oh, welcome.
-He's in his office.
Oh, be a dear
and bring me an iced coffee, sweetie.
An Americano.
All right?
Oh, Woojoo, I've a meeting.
Can you bring an iced coffee
to Mr. Han's office?
-Uh, he didn't ask for it.
His mother is here.
Whose mom's here?
Mr. Han.
Oh, will you stop frowning?
My son is president
so I should get to see you.
Why are you here?
Oh, um
I have a gift for you.
And a little thing to tell you.
You found a new guy?
You know me, I can't be single.
I'm still too young for that.
Your mom gets lonely, too.
Oh, look, your father and I
were legally married, you get it?
That house was under your father's name.
It belonged to you then,
but now it's an inheritance.
It was mine to sell!
I haven't done anything wrong, okay?
I swear,
if you take our home away from us,
karma will come for you.
You can't uproot us like that,
how could you?
Thank you.
But don't do stuff like this from now on.
Ms. Baek asked me to take care of this.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have.
Now that you're all done with the coffee,
head back out.
You know, son,
you might have to train that one again.
Or you could just fire her.
Excuse me.
Do we know each other?
What is she saying right now?
How on earth could I, huh?
I've only just met you now.
Do I know you?
It's been 15 years.
So I suppose there's a chance you don't.
I guess that we don't know each other.
You look like you're the kind of person
who forgets about the past.
How dare you speak to us like that!
I'm sorry, I guess what I mean is
if we haven't met,
then you shouldn't speak that way.
Hey, what kind of insolent little
How much should I let you keep going?
Please leave now.
And don't ever come
and visit me here again.
Why are
both of my older sisters complete nutjobs?
I mean, even if one of them was normal,
I wouldn't be here sweeping dirt, would I?
Don't forget to mop the floor.
By the way
Should I tell
Woojoo or Haesung the situation?
When I think about it
At least Woojoo doesn't actually hit me.
Hey, Jigu, bro.
You should accept the beating.
You can't just drop that bomb on Woojoo.
Ah You know
If I was really planning
to listen to your advice,
then I wouldn't have quit studying
in the first place.
I'll tell Woojoo and call it quits then.
Oh, please just listen to me,
don't tell Woojoo.
Oh, come on, why not?
I'm just afraid that
she'd flip out like that one day.
That day again? Tsk! Seriously, hmm?
Why won't anyone tell me what happened?
-Oh! You're back.
-Thank you.
Do you know what made your sister
become such a cosmic-level nutjob?
It was that one day.
Ah, please no
Don't come outside.
Don't, please.
There you are.
Huh? It's snowing.
I've seen it before.
When she's been hurt
I've seen how far
her craziness will take her.
It's worth it.
Oh! She totally jumped.
She jumped right in front of the car!
I, uh
Woojoo! You okay?
Why? Why?
What the hell were you thinking?
Why does it have to be her?
Oh, hello? Is this 119?
Yes, uh, there's been an accident.
Please send an ambulance quickly.
He went where?
Mr. Kim supposedly went
on a business trip to Shanghai.
I just wanted to know
if you knew about this.
No, he didn't mention it.
The booth location
and the price have been agreed on,
but now they're delaying the contract.
Thanks a lot.
Take the rest of the day off.
The number you have dialed is unavailable,
if you like to leave--
This is the second time
that you've walked by like I wasn't here.
My mother was rude to you.
Sorry she did that.
And you don't
have to make coffee for anyone.
That's not part of your duties.
Neither is watching Mr. Cha all day
at the office.
But you made me do it.
-I'm sorry.
-Why do you keep saying that?
You wouldn't know
what it means to be sorry.
Let's go home, everyone.
Yes, sir.
Look at her walking out
without even saying goodbye.
We're going for a drink.
You wanna come?
I have plans.
You shouldn't get married too soon.
When someone is waiting for you at home,
life's pretty much over.
We'll remember that, sir.
-Have a good evening!
-Good night.
-Take care.
I'm not telling you this
because I'm suddenly on your side.
So don't thank me too much now.
The President knows
that you and President Shin
are working together.
What are you saying?
Why else do you think he sent me
to work with the Business Division?
You've been caught red-handed.
So if you really wanna get this company
into complete bankruptcy
try harder then why don't you!
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