Call Me Dad (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Well then
-I'm going for a swim.
-What is it?
-It's just that
I heard that you lodged
a complaint against us.
And I wanted to know
why you didn't tell me first.
Because I don't need
my boyfriend's permission
if I've been harassed.
Calling it harassment
Isn't that an exaggeration?
No, I don't think so.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it.
It's really unpleasant to have you
tell me what did and didn't happen.
I'm not.
But you are.
Carla, that complaint
can be quite serious.
I need a place where I can relax.
I can't when you're accusing me.
I thought we agreed we weren't
going to talk about work at home.
-We have.
Weren't you going for a swim?
-Hi. Nice to see you again.
You too.
-What are you looking at?
-I lost my shoe. Well done, right?
-That's not a problem.
-It's just a dead thing.
-No, I'll fix it.
-Are you okay?
-Give me a second.
-You don't have to do it.
-No, it's fine. I want to.
Damn it!
-Are you sure you're okay?
-Yes. Thanks.
I don't understand why
people are still littering.
-It really puzzles me.
-It's crazy.
There's just so much garbage
around Vandvid.
-A cup of tea?
-Yes, please.
-Vandvid? The restaurant?
-Do you work there?
-Yes, I'm a chef.
-That's amazing.
I'm a huge fan.
You're 100 % carbon-neutral,
plant-based, organic and
-I love it!
I'm trying to implement it
in my own catering firm.
Your catering firm.
Are you a chef too?
Hey! Are you okay?
Yes, I'm a chef too.
You must come
and see the restaurant.
-I'd love to. Can I?
Yes, of course.
I'll give you the guided tour.
-Okay I'd love to.
You have to see the deck.
It's an amazing concept.
There's a great atmosphere and
Hold on a second.
I have a meeting. Sorry.
Thanks for the tea and your help.
-It was great.
-Yes, it was great.
And I hope you find your shoe.
-Take care.
-I will.
-See you. Bye.
-Take care. Bye.
-Where the hell have you been?
-I went for a swim.
-A swim.
-What are you dressed as?
-You can't look like that.
-You look nice.
Yes, I borrowed a tie from my dad.
We're having a meeting
about the business.
-We need to make a good impression.
-I'll talk.
You're sweating like a pig. Come on!
-Hi. Viktor.
-Sorry we're late. Hi.
We're glad you could come.
It's a serious accusation.
Yes, but we're glad to be here.
Not glad, but it's good to be here,
so we can get on top of this.
That's the thing.
We need to ensure a pleasant
working environment for all.
-That's why we're here today.
I'll start by reading
Carla's testimony.
"During my whole shift, I was talked
to in a degrading and sexist way.
The other female employee
was also exposed to sexual looks
and touches.
It culminated when co-owner
Viktor Frederiksen
threatened me with
a kitchen utensil."
They were salad servers.
You will get your say when I've
finished reading Carla's testimony.
"The other co-owner,
Emil Bøgh, enters the kitchen
and starts shouting
that I'm abnormal
and need to pull myself together.
I have a personal relationship
with Bøgh who knows
that I've been experiencing
mental problems most of my life.
In fear of my life,
I hastily leave the kitchen.
In a threatening tone of voice,
Emil Bøgh tries to force me
back to the kitchen
to continue my shift.
Since that day
I've had symptoms of PTSD."
Right. Do you have anything to add?
-Yes, we'd love to.
We do.
Carla is a very sensitive person.
her testimony can seem at bit
Emil, do you have anything to add?
Carla is a very sensitive person
who sometimes tends to exaggerate.
She does this at home
and in the workplace.
I'm going to interrupt you.
"At home"? Do you live together?
Yes. At the moment we do,
because Carla
doesn't have a place to live.
So I offered that
she could stay with me.
Do you think it poses a problem
now that she's lodged
a complaint against you?
Absolutely. It's a huge problem,
and one I take very seriously.
We've agreed not to
talk about work at home.
-That way, we can
-Well done, Emil. Really well done!
What a great idea.
How long has she lived with you?
-Since Absalon.
-When you were meant to fire her?
She told me
that she'd been evicted.
-Is she there right now?
-She was evicted
-Is Carla in your flat right now?
-Yes, where else would she be?
-Excuse me! Hello?
-You're so weak!
-Hey! Hey! No!
-You're weak. That's your problem.
-That's your problem.
-Have you finished?
-Let's finish for today.
-The meeting?
-We have what we need. Right, Jan?
Yes, we're finished.
-Remember your towel.
-Thank you for the opportunity.
-Bye, bye.
That's the most humiliating
experience ever.
You could have told me.
I was a laughing stock.
How do we pay her compensation?
I don't have the money.
It's not going to happen.
I'll talk to Carla.
She'll see that it's just
a huge a misunderstanding.
And she'll withdraw her accusations.
Which starter did he order?
Oh yes. He wanted
They ordered foie gras.
-Foie gras?
-Yes, foie gras.
It goes against everything
this company stands for.
We can't serve them foie gras!
What will that make us?
You went in your swimsuit
and flip-flops.
Can't we make something else?
I don't think you really
want this as much as I do.
-Do you want this company to work?
Of course I do.
Here's the Tuesday special,
And you wanted pork crackling?
Yes, please.
-See you soon.
-Yes, bye.
-Have a lovely day.
-You too.
Hi. What would you like?
Some foie gras, please.
We have both Spanish and French
varieties. Which one do you prefer?
-I don't know.
Why don't you taste them?
No thanks. I'm a vegetarian.
Thank you.
But thanks.
Do you know if any of the geese
haven't been force-fed?
-No, I don't.
Are you able to find out?
-Of course. Just a moment.
Hi. Enjoy your food.
Sorry. I called,
but none of the geese picked up.
So let's go with the French.
-That's not very funny.
How would you feel if someone forced
a 30 cm long pipe down your throat
and force-fed you three times a day,
until your liver almost exploded?
Not very funny, right?
Think about that before you
joke about it. It's not funny.
I've had great success
with my baked celery.
If you bake it long enough,
you almost get umami flavour.
A very versatile vegetable, I'd say.
Come through.
He doesn't know any better.
If I explain how the geese
are force-fed,
he'll understand.
It was his wife's dying wish, Emil.
Are you out of your mind?
-Do it. I'm not getting involved.
-I will.
-I'll handle it.
-How are we doing here?
We're doing fine. We're almost done.
Hello. My name is Emil.
I'd like to express my sympathy.
-I'm Viktor.
I'd also like to
express my sympathy.
-Do you?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, damn it!
-I'm sorry, guys.
-Don't worry about it.
It's just because I constantly
think about my Sussie.
She decided
the menu for the funeral.
-Yes, it looks
-She loved foie gras.
Right. Okay.
To her, there was nothing
better than foie gras.
I can't grasp it.
We were together for 48 years.
That's a long time.
The greatest feeling in the world
is when you finally find the one
that you want to share
the rest of your life with.
Just give me a second.
Give me a second.
Right Should the three of us
taste the foie gras?
-Emil wants to say something.
Yes, I do.
Martin, there's something
I need to tell you.
I don't know if you know
how foie gras is produced?
Not in detail.
A pound of the foie gras.
Yes, take a deep breath.
Have you noticed a smell of cloves?
-I don't think so. No.
Take a deep breath.
Have you experienced more bleeding?
-No, not at all.
-How about your stools?
Have they been bloody?
No, I don't think so.
Didn't you examine your stools?
No, was I meant to?
Yes. You can find the answer
to everything in your stools.
Personally, I use skewers.
For barbecuing.
In my bathroom.
I dig around to see if there's
blood or other irregularities.
-I'll get one of those.
-Great. Put your shirt back on.
Do you have any idea what
could be wrong with my nose?
I had a patient
who had trouble swallowing.
His oesophagus felt hairy.
One day I noticed he had these
brown blotches on his lower legs.
It had become gangrenous. Yes.
And two weeks later
his leg was amputated.
I don't quite understand what?
He was so focused on his oesophagus
that he didn't notice
the problem with the leg.
So there might be something else
wrong with me than just my nose?
It's hard to say right now,
so we need to do some more tests.
-Hi, sweetie.
What's up? Why are you so happy?
Because something great happened.
-What's that?
-The trade union just called.
I'll be getting 20,000-30,000
in compensation.
Yes, but that money
will come from Viktor and me.
Why are you being like that?
I finally have something to be
happy about, and you're sulking.
I can see how it's good for you,
It's not true that we have
a sexualised working environment!
I've been looking forward to
telling you all day,
and you're just being negative.
I thought we were going to celebrate
and go out for dinner and have fun.
But you're being such a killjoy.
And I can't deal with that.
I would love to go out for dinner.
I would love to.
Come here.
Please take a shower before we go.
You smell weird.
Do I smell of cloves?
-I don't know, but it's disgusting.
-Hi. What can I do for you?
I'm thinking a sweet white wine.
I don't like it when it's acidy.
-A Riesling?
Two glasses of Riesling and
a table for two, if you have one.
-I'll check if any tables are free.
You have something in your hair.
That's Helle. And Viktor.
They're kissing.
-What's going on?
-They're together.
-Viktor and my mum are a couple.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I tried, but
-No, no, no
-Carla, stop.
-Let's find another restaurant.
-No, I want to say hi.
-Carla? Carla, please No, Carla.
Hi. Hello! Hi, guys!
-Hi, Carla. Carla and Tubby!
-How lovely.
-Come and sit down.
-Come and sit down.
-Is that okay?
-We're actually just
-Stop it, Viktor. Sit down.
-This is fantastic.
-Why didn't you tell her, Tubby?
-Yes, why not?
-Told her what?
-That we're a couple.
-Yes, well I've been busy.
-To a strange little family.
-Which might get bigger.
-Are you pregnant, Helle?
-Not at all.
-No, not at all.
-Then what?
I don't know what you use.
We use a diaphragm,
and we've decided to
leave it on the radiator
-and give it a shot.
-Far out.
I didn't know
Can you get pregnant at your age?
We've both been examined
by the doctor.
-There's a chance it might happen.
Then you'll be a big brother,
You'll be the best brother.
I feel more and more ready
to become a mother.
-I can feel it.
-Beautiful. Follow that feeling.
We could become pregnant
at the same time!
-That would be amazing!
-Going out with the pram
I need a wee.
I'll join you, Helle.
I need to tell you something.
I might be coming into
a lot of money.
Did you speak to Carla?
Did she withdraw her complaint?
Yes, I have. Yes!
It's all under control.
-Hi, sweetie.
-I threw out my contraceptive pills.
I threw out my contraceptive pills.
How exciting!
I've been thinking about it a lot.
I think I'd be a fantastic mum.
Of course you can. Ouch!
-Don't you think so?
-That I'd be a good mum.
-Yes, absolutely.
Then what's the problem?
It's just that I don't know if I'm
quite ready to become a dad.
Of course you are. You'd make
a fantastic dad. I'm sure of it.
-Do you want to play with Bunny?
-No, we're making a baby.
But maybe we should
talk about it first.
If you don't want to have a child
with me, please just tell me now.
I'd love to have a child with you,
I would love to. But I
I just don't know if
we should do it now
I can't cope! You don't love me.
-What are you doing here?
I brought I found your shoe.
I went for a swim this morning
and more or less collided with it.
Okay, thanks.
But it's not mine.
-It isn't? Are you sure?
-But it's a nice shoe. Thanks.
-You're very welcome.
-Want to come inside?
Aren't you preparing for service?
We have lots of time.
You can see the kitchen if you want.
I'd love to.
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