Close to Home: Murder in the Coalfield (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Neue Herren

[dramatic music playing]
[Martin] Yesterday's enemies
should be today's friends.
[Martin] The flag we swore allegiance to
is cast to the wind.
[Martin] But we will return.
Like the wolves.
[Martin] A single wolf, almost beaten,
one-eyed and limping,
is the forefather of every living pack
in the country.
No one would have thought he was capable.
There you go, Karl. You deserve it.
Don't take it too hard.
We all know you were a good policeman.
Your boys will carry the line.
You're right, Marianne.
- Maik.
- What?
- Maik will carry the line.
- What are you talking about?
I'm going over.
Are you crazy?
I was going to tell you sooner, Dad,
Don't bullshit me, Ronny.
You've still got Maiki. He'll stay
Chin up, Briegand.
You're not the only one they don't want.
You're such an asshole, Walter.
You're the reason they didn't take me on.
You hung me out to dry.
You thought that I wouldn't figure it out?
That questionnaire you filled out said
some really nice things about me, Walter.
Just get some sleep.
You didn't have to do that.
But you still filled it out.
Even though you knew better.
Because you're an asshole.
- Because you've always been an asshole!
- No, come on, Dad, we're leaving.
Go on, just go home.
We didn't write any reports.
But we provided solid security.
- Come on.
- Get your hands off me, Petasch.
To freedom.
- To freedom.
- To freedom.
[guitar music playing]
[Dani] Hey, just calm down, Maik.
Florian couldn't possibly have known that.
He doesn't even know who Oliver is.
He thought he was a burglar, Maik.
[Maik] Yeah, and how does that help me,
[Dani] Oh, come on, Maik.
Oliver creeps through
the garden and takes laundry off the line.
I mean, what would you think?
What does he care about the laundry?
The guy's an asshole.
He's crazy.
[dramatic music playing]
- Give me the key, I'll do it.
- Yeah. I'll wait here.
Not necessary.
[ominous music playing]
Oliver. It's me, Maik.
I'm coming in, all right?
What are you doing?
I'm looking for parallels.
I enter details and the computer compares
in the search interface.
Location, lakeshore.
Cause of death: strangulation.
Dressed or undressed.
Is it worth it?
See the little chestnut man?
Each year a chestnut tree can put out
pounds of chestnuts.
Several thousand, really.
And the vast majority end up
in the gutter, they rot, they get eaten,
or made into little chestnut men.
But once in a while,
sometimes a single little chestnut
can become a tree when it finds the soil.
So we shouldn't question the tree
if it's worth making so many chestnuts.
It's worth it.
That was beautiful.
I wouldn't waste your compliments here.
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
Her eyes.
A bunch of them are waiting.
Who was waiting, Oliver?
[crow cawing]
The birds.
The crows.
- Did you pull her out of the water?
- Yeah.
And put the stones on her eyes?
Why didn't you call the police?
Well, who's gonna listen to me.
What did you see?
The day before and that night?
What did you see?
There were some people that were singing.
Drinking beer.
- Okay, which people?
- Young ones.
And what else?
Later there was a car.
What kind of car?
Oliver. What kind of car?
- A big car.
- A big car, okay.
- Or black.
- A station wagon?
- Was it a station wagon?
- What are you doing?
Ms. Gottknecht, listen.
- We're going to take him back now.
- No, no, no, no.
Mr. Bartko? Mr. Bartko take it easy.
I need to take you.
[shouting] Oliver, wait!
He's trying to escape.
What were you thinking?
What the fuck is going on here?
Come on, I'll take over.
[screaming] No! No! No! No!
It's gonna be okay,
it's all right hold on.
We need an ambulance!
No! No!
[audio distorted, indistinct]
Annalena Gottknecht, Lauchhammer precinct.
We need an ambulance.
[audio distorted] Yes, as soon as you can.
I just got him to talk.
He saw something,
he's an important witness.
I just saved your ass, you know.
If he got away from you,
how would you explain it?
He's a suspect, not a witness.
His DNA is on the victim.
He saw a dark station wagon
near the scene.
And the upholstery fibers they found
on Ramona were from a Passat.
He pulled the girl out of the water.
He wanted to save her.
The question is,
what did he do before that?
She was already dead,
he didn't hurt her.
Briegand, that's what he says.
Yeah, and I believe him.
I've known this man for almost 50 years.
He might have given us even more clues.
He can still do that.
Whether the prosecution will believe him
just because he's your buddy
is another question.
So then, what's wrong with him?
Claustrophobia. It's extreme.
Since forever.
- I've got the keys.
- Come on, everybody, get in.
[dramatic music playing]
One hundred and fifty-six horsepower. Wow.
- I see you're an expert.
- Twenty thousand?
[music continues]
Walter, here. Eviction order.
Don't bother getting up.
What's going on here? What are you doing?
Wait a minute, we have a contract.
Call KROMOS real estate, just ask them.
We already have.
You have a commercial rent agreement,
which you're obviously violating.
This is not a residential building.
You're also in breach
of fire safety regulations.
- Bullshit.
- Everybody clear out!
Hazard prevention, I'm sorry.
Everyone out!
It's really a spectacular waterscape
that's being created here,
and the run for real estate
is only just beginning.
You can count yourself lucky
that you have the opportunity
to be a part of the first wave.
You get to witness firsthand
how the largest man-made
water feature in Europe is developed.
Where others are booking a holiday a year
in advance, you'll live.
This could really be your life here.
Now, I'm rather curious to hear
what you think?
- Well, sounds fantastic.
- Yeah?
But a lot still needs to happen out there.
Yes, of course, and a lot will happen.
Do you know the Mädler Passage in Leipzig?
It used to be a horrible place,
reeked to kingdom come. Yeah.
Full of criminals, I mean,
I mean the un-housed.
And then somebody came along
with courage and imagination,
and today, it's the pride of Leipzig.
Ah, we're just going to take a bit
of a little break.
I'll be right back with you.
Enjoy your prosecco,
and I'll be right back, all right?
Okay, all right.
Yeah, it's a bad time. I have customers.
Afternoon. Gottknecht,
Cottbus State Police.
- This is my colleague
- Yeah, I know who he is.
Do you know the girl?
I've never seen her.
Is she one of the activists?
I mean, I'm against climate change 100%,
but those people screaming
about the environment all night,
I pick up their trash the next day.
I asked you if you know the girl.
I saw her in the media, right?
Isn't she the dead girl?
And you never met her?
That's what I just said. I don't know.
Were you taking a walk by the lake?
Oh, yeah.
The other day, after the thunderstorm,
everything was flooded.
Heavy rain. What are you doing?
Size 11. We're just gonna borrow them.
Where were you Saturday night, precisely?
I was in bed,
would you like to know with whom?
[dramatic music playing]
Your car keys.
Excuse me?
We're seizing you car.
You heard him.
Come on. Are you crazy or what?
How will I get back? Hey!
What did the guy do
to make you so hostile?
The crazy thing was after
the turnaround,
the same people who used
to work in strip mining
had to perform the demolitions.
My grandpa had to blow up
his own workplace.
Yeah, and it took 1,000 people to assemble
the F-60 for use in strip mining.
The conveyor bridge we showed you,
it was the pride of the TAKRAF combine.
It went operational in March 1991.
But just 13 months later,
the strip mine was shut down.
Yeah. And that's before anybody
thought about the climate.
Yeah, and today only tourists go there.
Jackie and I
got to talk to the tour guide.
He said lots of former miners
are still suffering from the shutdown.
Yeah. And now climate jerks like you
come along and destroy the rest.
What are you talking about?
Coal is killing our villages,
polluting the environment
and destroying the climate.
The sooner we phase it out, the better.
There just has to be a fair balance
- Just take off that fucking t-shirt, man.
- Excuse me?
What's your problem with the t-shirt,
Quiet, please!
- What does that have to do with anything?
- What?
Fucking climate morons, get lost!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [indistinct arguing]
Yes, but the t-shirt is part
of the presentation.
[phone ringing, vibrating]
- Dani?
- [indistinct chatter]
- Hello? Dani?
- [indistinct chatter]
- Dani?
- [indistinct chatter]
- Hello?
- [indistinct chatter]
[muttering] Shit.
I don't fucking believe it.
[static] Hello?
Fucking East Germany.
[muttering] This asshole.
- Now. Here we go. Another one?
- Mhm.
- There.
- Thank you.
- And one for you.
- No, thank you. I'm good.
- Jackie.
- No, that's meat.
But a couple of sausages won't cause
the end of the world, Jackie.
I don't eat meat, grandma.
- And what about you, Dani? How many?
- No, I have to pick up Florian.
Is that why you're dolled up?
and then we're getting sushi together.
Our law enforcement officer here
decided to take his car away.
Now, now.
Maik, what were you thinking?
Sushi. Just some sticky rice.
Eight-fifty apiece.
- Did you really, papa?
- Of course, he did. Because he's jealous.
And because Florian had to throw
his crazy friend out of the garden.
You better go rescue your cowboy.
And please sleep somewhere else tonight.
You really took away his car, my boy?
We have to check it out.
[laughing] You should look
into these houses,
the ones out there on the lake
while you're at it.
- Why?
- Not today, Jackie.
- [sighing]
- No, why, grandpa?
At some point,
all our strip mines will be closed.
Excavators shut down.
All the pumps switched off.
- And long before 2038.
- That's not fast enough for you?
No. I'd still like to grow old
on this planet.
When the pumps
in the strip mines overflow,
the groundwater will rise everywhere.
And before you know it,
your house on the lake
will be a house in the lake.
- But that's fraud.
- You said it, not me.
Here we go. How about another one?
- Mhm, thank you.
- No, thank you.
Hey, Maiki! Your sure looking good.
And fatter.
Yeah, you too.
So how are things?
You moved to Cottbus now, I heard?
Hey, Ronny is here, son!
Yeah, dad, I see that.
Come on in.
You can't have the couch tonight.
Your brother's already sleeping there.
- That's fine.
- I have to see if I have clean sheets.
Did you see what he brought me?
From Scotland.
That's excellent stuff. Good boy.
[mysterious music playing]
[Maik] What's taking you so long?
Oliver! I'm gonna catch you!
[Oliver] You'll never get me,
you lame duck!
[Maik] Ronny, cut the shit.
[Ronny] Shut up, Maiki.
That's really excellent stuff, boy.
Well, I just wanted to make sure
your okay, papa.
Why wouldn't I be?
Here. I made you an appointment.
At the eye doctor, for your glasses.
Ron, help me take out the recycling.
Don't give me that look, Maiki.
At least he's drinking the good stuff.
What are you doing here, anyway?
Visiting the old man, why?
You haven't been here in over three years.
Don't play the homesick card with me.
It's business.
Oh yeah? Like what?
You should have heard. Major police action
at 20 Peace earlier today.
We finally threw out those lowlifes.
About time.
I know that.
What does that have to do with you?
I own the place.
Me, yeah. Jeez, Maiki,
don't tell me you didn't know.
They sold drugs out of there for years.
- Is that so?
- Yeah.
I know there were a few raids,
and I know
that nothing was ever found there.
Yeah, it's nice having a few old buddies
on the police force, huh?
Real estate's where I make my money.
Administration. Services too.
As long as the price is right,
I'm never going to ask who or what.
- This is a free country now.
- You were a cop once, Ron.
Come on, Maiki.
You're still an officer of the law.
[ominous music playing]
Don't worry, I'll be gone tomorrow.
Just fuck off, you stupid bitch!
Yeah, yeah, I'm going, Ms. Schinschke.
Mr. Pötschke?
What's going on?
The boy will be picked up
tomorrow morning.
How come?
I told you to fuck off already!
- She'll get it together.
- No, I'm sorry, I don't believe that.
The boy just lost his sister.
Now you going to take away his home?
His home? You call this a home?
Dustin can't stay here.
Then at least wait until
after the funeral.
No, I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Dustin. Hey, big guy. Come here.
There. You'll sleep in
Mona's room tonight. What do you say?
[piano music playing]
You don't have to brush your teeth
if you don't wanna.
[dramatic music playing]
[Ronny laughing] Come on,
pour me another drink, old man.
[woman on radio] So today,
the Fridays for Future movement once again
launched urgent appeals
to the negotiating parties.
[woman] We need to convince those suits.
The ones who hold our future
in their hands.
The ones who make decisions about a time
which they themselves
will never have to live through.
[man] We'll just scream so loud
that they can't help but hear us.
- [people chanting]
- [phone ringing, vibrating]
[clears throat] Yeah?
[Annalena] Morning. Awake yet?
What's up?
My grandpa had a diesel,
you always had to preheat it for a minute
before you could fire it up.
We have a lead on Dustin's bike,
and Juri Schavadenov
is well enough to talk about it.
So we're going, right?
- No.
- Why?
I'll do it.
- Good morning, Mr. Briegand.
- Morning.
- Ten minutes, all right?
- Yeah.
[clears throat, sniffing]
I didn't do anything.
I'm not the killer.
Where did you get the money?
What money?
You had nearly 20,000 euros on you.
- Where is it now?
- Answer the question.
It was mine.
Twenty thousand euros.
Selling subscriptions.
I saved up.
So you broke into Ramona's garage
to get your savings.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Are you going to beat me up again?
- [dramatic tone]
- [sighing]
It was our money. Ramona's and mine.
She hid it in the garage
so her mother wouldn't find it.
Did you take the bike, too?
The kid's blue bike?
I wouldn't steal the kid's bike.
Dustin's like my little brother.
I didn't kill her.
I was in love with her.
[sighing] I wanted to run away with her,
But what?
[whispering] So fucked up.
[sighing] I was just incapable.
That stuff turns you into a cripple.
And that's why you sell it
to 16-year-old girls.
Where do you get the stuff?
- Nah, not him.
- You sure?
- That there's a gypsy.
- Roma.
No, the guy was German.
I see.
And where's the bicycle?
Come on, I'll show you.
So what did he look like, this German?
Ah, pretty normal. Dark hair,
Chin-length hair, curly.
He had bad teeth
and red patches in his face.
He was like a rotting corpse.
There's the bike.
And didn't that make you wonder
about someone
like that bringing a children's bicycle
into a junkyard?
I don't get paid for wondering.
- Did you happen to notice anything else?
- No.
Any dumbbells here? Maybe.
Yeah, I think so. Hold on a sec.
Come on, Helen.
What can I offer Schavadenov?
What will he give us?
Maybe a murderer, maybe a drug ring.
Maybe both, I don't know.
The boy's only 19,
he needs perspective. A redo.
You think Schavadenov will deliver?
I'll think about it.
[dramatic music playing]
[music continues]
Katti. Katti Kemmrich.
By the way, we have a fitness room.
And a punching bag.
- If you want to change things up.
- Oh, really?
I share an apartment. I mean, well,
a farmhouse. It's all guys, though.
No, thank you.
We're still looking for some women.
Why, for the kitchen?
For the fitness room.
One dead, and one missing.
There are eight cases of missing women
in recent years, two of them similar.
Says who?
The computer.
It's just smarter than us sometimes.
Andrea Schuster from near Leipzig.
18-years old, in the army, a soldier.
Very active in climbing,
paragliding, rafting.
Disappeared on leave in 2004,
and there hasn't been a trace
of her since then.
And this one is dead.
Sofija Czerny from Bautzen, 16-years old.
Her family is part
of the Sorbian minority.
She was working at a diner,
and she was riding a bicycle from there,
two kilometers from her place of residence
she was strangled and buried
in a forested area. 2012.
At first glance,
not a lot of similarities.
Well, maybe, there are.
A professional soldier and a 16-year old
who makes her own money.
And Ramona, has 20,000 stashed away
and takes care of her brother?
I don't know.
To me, it sounds like,
independent women who know what they want.
Just like you.
[laughing] You'll be a good profiler,
you know that.
[dramatic music playing]
And I'd like for you to get me
last week's duty rosters?
- Sure.
- And your holiday plans as well.
- What for?
- Federal Motor Transport Authority.
The first 50 out of 13,000 VW Passats
from the region.
Yeah, there are hundreds of chestnuts.
Why these?
Well, first of all,
we have to start somewhere.
And secondly, I think the perp
knows his way around.
- All right. 50 vehicles.
- The first 50.
Yes, of course.
[mysterious music playing]
Good morning. This is Karl Briegand.
I would like to speak to Michal Petasch.
Yes, I'll hold.
Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
We have a hit for the fingerprints
on the kid's bicycle.
The man's name is Lars Kessler,
he's been using since age 15,
crack and meth, mostly.
His parents are tax advisors.
He regularly breaks
into his parents' house
and steals anything he can sell.
He is prone to uncontrollable fits
of rage when he's high,
which is basically all the time.
- Briegand?
- I'm listening, continue.
Lars Kessler was at the garages,
he was in withdrawal, he needed money
or something to sell,
Wrong time, wrong place.
- Can he drive a car?
- Not him.
But his parents do. And guess what model.
Okay, we'll put out an APB. How far along
are you with the cars?
There are a whole lot of VW Passats.
We're on it.
- And Florian Langendorff's?
- In progress.
Yes, come in?
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Do you have an appointment
with Mr. Petasch?
- We know each other.
- So you don't.
Karl Briegand. We're colleagues.
Then please wait outside for now.
- But
- One moment, please.
It's about Katti Kemmrich.
- Yes?
- A Mr. Briegand for you.
What does he want?
He says you know each other.
Right, so she just says it's been junked
already, but it's still registered?
These are all dog owners in the district,
at least those who have registered them.
We're looking for a short, smooth coat.
Maybe a boxer, a Dobermann,
French bulldog.
[scoffing] Do you know how many dogs
there are in the area?
On our farm alone, there's five.
Really? I hate dogs.
[mysterious music playing]
All right, I'm back.
Right, so can we clear that up.
A little lower.
Shoot that raghead.
And pull the trigger. Pull.
- Good.
- Why is the man called Ragged?
- Come on.
- Well, what do they call him that for?
Because that's his name.
All right, hold it straight. Aim and fire.
Wanna try?
Good. Good.
- Evening.
- Good evening.
They're beating down the door,
everybody wants a house by the lake.
We'll be running out of lakes soon.
What's wrong?
Erm. You know how you cleaned your car
last Sunday? Do you remember?
Yes, and?
It smelled like disinfectant.
Yeah, so?
Why did Maik confiscate your car?
He must have had a reason.
Because your ex is an asshole,
that's why. Simple as that.
Maik is stubborn.
And he never listens, that's true.
And the guy works constantly
and when he stops working,
the only thing that's on his mind
is more of the same work.
But he's not an asshole.
If he decided to take your car,
it isn't just because he doesn't like you,
So, tell me why he took your car?
No, I'm not in the mood to go out.
I'll stay here.
- Taste good?
- Mhm.
Here, seconds.
When Mona did it, there's no green stuff.
That's parsley. Eat.
- Can I shoot again?
- Not today, I have to get to work.
Then when?
And when is soon?
Soon is soon, I don't know.
Saturday, at nine.
I'll pick you up. All right?
You put him in the loony bin?
There was no other choice.
Oliver wouldn't harm anyone.
Least of all, a young woman,
that you should know.
He's scared of girls, Maik.
He's scared of people, too.
- He's scared of his own fucking shadow.
- I do what I have to.
Yeah. That's what you always did, right?
All of you Briegands.
- The whole lot of you!
- Just shut up, Bodo, all right?
What do you know about me and my family,
You're always on duty.
Just like your father.
Eyes closed and no questions.
You've lost all sense of decency,
it's despicable!
Oliver trusted you!
[shouting] Your the one that had him
on that chain! You!
It was all because of you!
You did this to him, Bodo.
[screaming] No!
But it was your Katti down there
in that shaft.
[Oliver screaming] Help me!
And we thought she was still alive!
[Oliver screaming] No!
[dramatic music playing]
Well, I'm sorry, but Mr. Petasch
is currently in a meeting.
[ominous music playing]
Are you fucking shitting me?
Look, your car is a VolksWagen Passat,
it's the right color and right size.
Either we search systematically,
or we don't do it at all, Maik.
Well, it's a sick system you got here,
did you ever think about that?
We retrieved Ramona Schinschke's
fingerprints already.
In Florian Langendorff's car.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Yeah, sorry.
I couldn't be sure it wasn't just another
one of your personal issues.
I thought you were confiscating his car
because of the thing with your wife.
But forensics says they've rarely gone
through a cleaner car than that one.
As though scrubbed with a toothbrush.
And it all smelled like disinfectant.
He's all yours.
Yeah. Now get out of my car.
[dramatic music playing]
[phone vibrating]
Hey, it's Max.
Sorry, I realize how late it is.
It's about the narcotics sample
from Schinschke's garage.
We have a match.
The drugs are identical to those from
an exhibit in the evidence room.
Max? Sorry, I almost missed you.
Are you sure?
Yeah. No chance for error.
Each batch has its own specific make-up.
It's like a fingerprint.
Then who signed for the seizure?
Hold on, I'll check. I'm already home.
[dramatic music playing]
[Max] Not one of our people.
A uniform from Lauchhammer.
André Pötschke.
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