Collision (2009) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

How's it going? Are you glad to be back? Yeah.
- This is a Volvo.
- Brian Edwards's mother-in-law Joyce Thompson.
She she's hurt.
Thank you for helping me the other day.
It's just all in the line of duty for a hard-working waitress.
Karen Donnelly.
- The police have it? - The police? She's gone.
Her friends helped her.
Two men.
A missing Daniel Rampton.
Gareth Clay, Alice Jackson.
I'm afraid I've got some bad news.
And one of the fathers is shouting racism, and he's threatened to sue us.
He told you what to say? No.
This won't go to court.
Do you want me to come? No, probably better if I do this one on my own.
- They might see you as the enemy.
- Don't you all? Hello.
May I speak to Naomi? Naomi Mwanajuma Angaza.
Tsegga? Tsegga, is that you? - Naomi.
- Where are you? Amsterdam.
I will be with you tomorrow.
I've been counting the days.
Tsegga? Tsegga? Naomi.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
- I did not know there was anyone still here.
- It's all right.
I'm just um picking up a few things.
You're going to be late again.
I know.
Well, what do you think? I think we need to take you shopping.
Right, thanks.
Anyway, I thought you said nobody ever notices.
They don't.
- But you want your dad looking his best, right? - Hmm.
- Uh, get your own! - Can't, running late.
- Erm, - See you.
don't forget, don't be too late tonight.
- I won't.
- I'm doing dinner.
There's something I need to talk to you about.
Danny, where've you been? I've been worried sick about you.
- Does Sandra know you're here? - Of course not.
She doesn't know any of it and I don't want her to.
We had the police round looking for you.
What did you tell them? I didn't tell them anything.
I knew I could rely on you.
You've always stood by me, haven't you? You shouldn't have run.
You don't know what it was like.
I've got to get out of the country.
I can't sit around and wait to get caught.
- Maybe we should go to the police.
- We can't do that.
Think about Sandra.
Think about your kid.
Do you want him to see you go to jail? Me? We're in this together.
Have you got the money? 500.
It's all I have.
It's the money Sandra's been saving up for the holiday.
She's going to kill me.
That's not enough.
I'm gonna need more.
Give me time.
And don't call me.
I'll call you.
The nurse said Karen Donnelly had two lots of visitors.
Did the nurse say who they were? She said they were friends.
Do they look like friends to you? You see how they always keep their heads down? They say she discharged herself.
Well, maybe she did and maybe they are her friends.
- Why are you so interested in her? - Here he is.
- Who? - Her brother.
- That all seems harmless enough.
- That's what he said.
He looks up in a minute.
Karen Donnelly doesn't have a brother.
I checked.
- Then who is he? - That's what I want to find out.
You OK? Can I get you a cup of tea or something to eat? You've got to eat, love.
You'll be no good to anyone if you make yourself ill.
I can't.
I feel I feel sick.
I just can't believe this is happening.
I shouldn't have let you take her for a drive.
She didn't want to go.
- I only let you take her out because - What? Because I was so tired.
I just needed a break.
Don't do this, don't blame yourself.
It's nobody's fault, least of all yours.
If only you hadn't taken the A12.
If only you hadn't gone there.
Why were you there? What do you mean? Why were you on the A12? You said you were taking her to Sandhills.
- That's nowhere near.
- Stop it.
Stop doing this.
Stop doing this.
It was an accident.
It just happened.
Where are you going? This isn't the way to Sandhills.
No, I thought we'd go somewhere different, for a change.
I don't want to go somewhere different.
- Where are you taking me? - There's something I want to show you.
What's happening? - Get the crash cart.
- Give a mil, one in a thousand of adrenaline.
Come on, let's get to it.
Karen Donnelly was in no fit state to leave hospital.
- Have you tried ringing her at home? - There's nobody there.
Maybe she's staying with those friends.
- They didn't look like friends! - Are you saying she was kidnapped? That is what you're saying! Why? - Why would anyone? - Look, we pick up that envelope from her, and it gets nicked out of the back of my car.
And then she gets visited in hospital by her brother, except she doesn't have a brother.
And then two mysterious friends show up and just take her away.
- And you don't think that's suspicious? - Maybe, - but that's not my job.
- Oh, come on, what is your job? - A car accident? - I'm trying to find out why two people died and a lot more were injured, yes - That's what I do.
- Fine, I'm gonna go find her.
Don't walk away from me.
Don't you dare walk away! This is just like you, isn't it? You go off regardless of anybody else.
All that matters is you.
What do you want from me, Ann? You can't do everything on your own.
I'm so, so sorry.
I don't understand.
I just don't understand.
How can she be dead? You walked away without even a scratch.
Oh, Brian, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
- Essex FM.
- With AJ.
This is AJ.
Lots of good music lined up for you.
Right, I'm off.
- I'll catch you a bit later, yeah? - See you later.
Dave! - I might be back a bit late tonight.
- Why? Where are you going? I said I'd meet Cindie for a drink after work.
- What's the occasion? - Her birthday.
A free baby sitter and the night off.
Sounds good.
Tell me where you're going.
I might join you.
Oh, you wouldn't be interested.
It's just going to be us two, just talking about girls' stuff.
Not much of a birthday, is it? Hm.
- I'll leave you some tea in the fridge? - Yeah, all right.
- I was thinking - Hm? I might invite Rob and Cheryl round at the weekend.
- Oh yeah, cool.
- You know she's pregnant? You're joking? She's only just got married.
It's four months down the line.
Down the line? What sort of a line is that? The production line? She seems really happy about it.
- Anyway, I'll see you later, yeah? - Yeah, see ya.
You have three messages.
Message one.
Hello, dear.
I just wanted to remind you we're off tomorrow.
Dad's lost the passports as usual.
We'll get there in the end.
Back in a week.
I'll see you then.
Message two.
Karen, this is James.
I'm at the Betsey Trotwood.
Where are you? You've got my mobile.
Please give me a call.
Message three.
It's me again.
It's eight o'clock.
I'm assuming you're not going to show up.
So, well, call me.
Thank you.
End of messages.
A road accident? Well, that makes sense.
We're all worried sick about her.
- Did you try to contact her? - Yes, of course.
We rang her home and her mobile.
But there was no answer.
Did you leave messages? Yes, I believe so.
I played her answering machine this morning, and there was nothing on it.
Well, I don't understand that.
And, frankly, I don't know what you're suggesting.
Actually, terribly sorryum what are you doing here? Karen Donnelly left hospital with two men.
Since then, there's been no sign of her.
- Were they family? - I was hoping you could tell me.
I'm afraid I don't know much about Karen Donnelly outside office hours.
- We didn't mix socially.
- And how long had she worked here? Four years.
I knew something was up when she didn't turn up for work, not without ringing in first.
HDC? - So what is it you do here? - The bulk of our business is in agro-chemicals.
Fertilisers, pesticides.
We export all over the world.
- Europe, Asia.
- Africa? Yes.
Yes, and Africa.
Have you ever seen this man? - Where did you get this? - It's from the CCTV camera at the hospital where Miss Donnelly was being treated.
I wondered if he might be a work colleague.
It's actually a terribly large company.
You can't expect me to know every employee.
Would you mind if I hung on to this? I could pass it on to the HR people.
They could run it through the records.
Yeah, you can keep that one.
I've got copies.
If she does get in touch, I'd be grateful if you'd let me know.
Yes, of course.
Right, let's get it all out.
I want an inventory of everything.
I told you, I don't know where he is.
- You haven't spoken to him? - No.
And you have no idea as to why he might have abandoned his vehicle? He was bringing in furniture from Holland.
It's a trip he's done plenty of times before.
Mrs Rampton? I've got nothing to add to what my husband just told you.
And how long had your brother-in-law been working for you? Not long.
We gave him a job when he came out the army.
We did it quite reluctantly, really.
- We were just trying to help.
- Sandra.
This is something I never expected - to have the police in my home.
Have you any idea how embarrassing this is? I've got an eight-year-old son.
He'll be home in a minute and see his parents being interviewed by the police.
I need to know if Daniel contacts you.
If he contacts us, Miss Stallwood, you'll be the first to know.
Why do they keep coming here? Why won't they leave us alone? - You know, it's routine.
- No.
No, it's not routine.
We've never had the police here before, not until you got involved with your brother.
The worst thing is you don't see it.
He's got you wrapped round his little finger.
My credit card got rejected this morning at the supermarket.
You have no idea what it was like.
I had all the till girls staring at me.
They made me take things out my basket and put them back.
What's happening, Jeffrey? What have you two been up to? I need to know.
It's not a very good picture, but I've seen him quite a few times.
How do you know he drank here? I know he was meeting someone at the Betsey Trotwood, and this is the only pub with that name.
- Ah, well, he lived round here.
- Who? Dickens.
Yeah, I definitely recognise this guy.
Comes in two or three times a week, late, usually.
I'd say he was local.
Did he ever come here with this woman? She's familiar.
I've definitely seen her.
- Did you hear what they were talking about? - No.
- What did you say their names were? - Her name is Karen Donnelly.
We only know him as James.
I'll keep an eye out for 'em.
I'll let you know if I see 'em come back.
- You leaving, Mr Taylor? - For the weekend.
A story's come up.
- You owe me five weeks' rent.
- When I get back, I'll pay you.
- I haven't got time to talk about it.
- You can't go until you have paid me.
I said back off! Get off me! - Shit! - Help me, somebody! Naomi, you haven't said a word to me all day.
What have I done? It's not you, Joe.
It's my husband.
Still no word? He rang me a week ago from Amsterdam.
He said he was coming.
- Since then, nothing.
- Why was he in Amsterdam? It was the last stop.
It is a long journey.
He should be here now.
Maybe he's buying you tulips.
Don't worry about him, Naomi.
- You spoke to him.
You know he's on the way.
- He should be here now.
- What's his name? - Tsegga.
Ah! You named your son after him? Tsegga-Angaza.
It will be a surprise for him.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You speak English? I am an engineer.
A lot of my business was in English.
How long will I be here for? You'll be on your way very soon.
Do you have a phone? I was talking to my wife, but the phone card ran out.
You can talk to her when you see her.
Here he is.
What have we got here? Please.
Do you know me? No, I've never seen you before in my life, love.
I came here eight months ago.
They brought me here.
Nah, nah, you've mistaken us for someone else.
All we do is fix cars.
Where is my husband? I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know who you are or who your husband is.
- He called me.
- That's enough.
Please help me.
He should be here now.
- Where is he? - I told you once, I don't know what you're talking about.
Now, do yourself a favour and go away, please.
They were carrying furniture from Eastern Europe.
There's got to be more to it than that.
Daniel Rampton's disappeared.
If he was drunk, he'd have turned up by now with his tail between his legs.
Drugs? Would explain it.
No, they look too suburban to me.
Well, we know that Daniel Rampton didn't start the crash.
- So? - So, if we do find a couple of kilos of Dutch cannabis, it's not our business.
Hand it to the drug squad.
We're traffic.
This is a traffic accident.
- Try telling John that.
- Why? What's he doing? - It doesn't matter.
- Er, listen.
I'm sorry to land you both on the same case like this.
I mean Water under the bridge.
- It is.
- Well, look, it pains me to say it, but for a suit, he seems like a decent enough bloke.
Ah, please.
It's not exactly like you've got them queuing up.
Piss off, Mike! Since when did you become my counsellor? Jesus, that is the trouble with this place.
If you're not unhappily married with three kids and a mortgage, everyone looks at you like you're weird.
I've paid off my mortgage.
John, I've just had word from Fraser.
- He wants you off the case.
- He what? Well, don't worry.
He's delighted.
Bill Jackson has withdrawn his suit against the Met.
- That's down to you.
- Yeah, - but there are still a few loose ends.
- I know.
I know.
But as soon as we get the EDR data back on the car, you're reassigned.
It's a good job.
Excuse me, madam, do you have a reservation? Oh, hi.
You made it.
I didn't think you'd come.
Well, let's get a drink.
No, look, I'm really sorry.
I can't stay.
- What's the matter? - Well, I I'm in a relationship.
Well, there's an opener.
Well, if we're being honest, so am I.
I'm married.
- You're married? - Well, for now at least.
Well, it's only a drink.
They do great cocktails here.
Well, anything you want.
- A glass of wine? - Yeah, they do wine.
Come on.
If you don't like her, then why are you still together? If you're engaged to be married, why are you here? Because you said it was just a drink.
Does your fiance know you've come? See, I think you are here for the same reason that I am, the same reason I went to the service station to see you.
Which was? Well, if I had to tell you, you wouldn't be here.
Oh, sorry.
Thank you.
So? It's good.
Delia Smith.
It's her recipe.
- Is she not the one that cheats? - At least she admits to it.
I need to speak to you.
Don't worry, it's nothing bad.
It's about Edinburgh.
University? I sent the application.
You never told me.
Well, I told you I was thinking about it.
And have they offered you a place? No, but they want to see me.
That's great.
Is it? Yeah.
It's great.
What's to tell? I work in a service station and I'm engaged to be married.
- And you're happy with that? - Shouldn't I be? Well, if it's what you want, you should be.
I don't know, Richard.
You have all these dreams, when you're younger, about what you're going to do when you're older and places you'll see.
I had dreams of travelling the world.
France, Spain, Italy.
Do you know, I've never been out the country? - You're kidding? - Sad, innit? I've got my passport.
I got that as soon as I could, but I've never used it.
Big on dreams, small on risk.
I'm not sure we should count going abroad as a risk.
Ah, for me it might be.
I think if I left, I'd never come back.
I've got this vision of a villa on the hills in Italy.
Red wine, olive groves, that sort of thing.
You must think I'm mad.
No, no, no, no, I don't.
Will you come out with me tomorrow? No, we agreed a drink, and, besides, I'm working.
Well, call in sick.
Seems to be the tactic amongst the people I employ.
Russian painter, turn of the century, big passion of mine.
There's an exhibition opening tomorrow.
Invitation only.
You've just been invited.
Go on, take the risk.
Edinburgh's a long way away.
I know.
Is that why you chose it? I chose it because it's a fantastic city and it does the best course.
I just worry about you, that's all.
I mean, what if something happens? Nothing will happen.
It was my first choice.
It's where I want to go.
- I need my independence, Dad.
- You're independent now.
You are! "Oh, Jodie, er, what time are you going to be back?" "Jodie, who are you going out with?" I'm your dad.
That's my job.
I know, but it's hard to meet anyone round here.
I I just want to go somewhere new.
Meet people who didn't know me before.
People who take me for who I am.
I'm just trying to move on.
We both are.
So, who are you seeing? A tutor and they've got a disability co-ordinator.
Where will you live? How are you going to get in and out of campus every day? - What if you need medical help? - That's what I'm going to ask.
Right, well, I'm coming with you.
You're busy.
- Jodie.
It matters to me, Dad.
I want to go on my own.
I might not be so busy, anyway.
They want me off the A12.
Why? Ah, they say I've done everything that needs doing.
And have you? No.
I found everything that they wanted.
That's not enough for you, is it? Sir.
So what's the Met doing out here? With respect, sir, I could ask you the same thing.
It's not like a superintendent to be at a crime scene.
Karen Donnelly was involved in a road accident a few days ago.
Probably what tipped her over the edge.
- Oh, you think it was suicide? - Body was found in the bath.
Bottle of Co-proxamol at her side, wrists cut.
What else would it be? She suffered from depression.
We found Prozac in her cabinet, prescribed by her doctors.
What, that one there? Well, yes.
Where else? It's just I was here yesterday, and the only thing that I found was an empty bottle, prescribed in 2007.
You obviously didn't look carefully enough.
These were prescribed last month.
And still half full.
You find anything else in here? - No.
- Right, so nothing's been moved.
Look, I haven't got time for this, and frankly, I don't know who are you to come here and question me.
How did she light the candles? The candles, they've all been lit, but there's no cigarettes, lighter, there's no matches.
Co-proxamol has been withdrawn from the market.
How do you suppose she got hold of those? - Yeah, we're looking into that.
- Oh, that's great.
You know I don't like your tone.
I saw her leave hospital with two men.
And since then, she's just vanished into thin air.
She didn't come here.
She didn't go to work.
She didn't call anybody.
- Who were these men? - I don't know.
Are you saying they killed her? No.
Oh, well, perhaps you might want a bit more solid evidence before you start making accusations.
What have you got for me? - What, with the van? - Yeah.
A load of furniture, a few broken mirrors.
I reckon they've got at least 63 years bad luck coming their way.
- The van wasn't why you rang? - You thought it would be? Yeah.
We think it's more than just a drunken driver.
Possibly carrying something they shouldn't be.
Drugs, maybe.
- Can we make it a priority? - OK, I'll get the boys onto it again.
- So why did you call? - Brian Edwards.
Now, this one I do have something on.
I understand that Joyce Thompson died yesterday.
- Yes, head injuries.
- Fractured skull.
But the driver wasn't hurt, which isn't that unusual, all things considered.
Depends on the point of impact, speed, airbags etc.
But have a look at this.
I've measured up the indentations, and they're not nearly as deep as I'd have expected.
Do you mean he slowed down before the collision? Quite considerably, I'd say.
And there's something else.
The seat-belt.
She wasn't wearing a seat-belt.
I've got a report from a paramedic.
Then perhaps you should take a closer look.
When a person's thrust forward against their seat-belt in an accident, for that split second, the moment of impact, the friction generated between the seat-belt and the clothes - reaches - 250 degrees.
You told me.
Oh? Anyway the webbing of the seat-belt and the clothing fibres fuse together.
We've matched fibres from her blouse to those on the seat-belt.
Could it have happened at a different time? Well, it's possible, but extremely unlikely.
So if she WAS wearing a seat-belt and he slowed down before the impact Then she shouldn't have sustained the head injuries.
Why can't they release her body? In an investigation like this, we can't release the deceased Investigation? She died in an accident.
What is there to investigate? I want to arrange her funeral.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
Oh, this is Inspector Stallwood.
She wants to ask you some questions.
- They won't release Mum's body.
- Why not? Mr Edwards, was your mother-in-law wearing a seat-belt when you were involved in the accident? No.
No, she wasn't.
Mrs Edwards? Oh, well, I wasn't there.
If that's what my husband says Steve? Yeah.
What do you know about Detective Superintendent Anthony Braydon? - Never heard of him.
- I just met him at Karen Donnelly's house.
- He spent three years at SO60.
- Diplomatic squad? Now he's been assigned to a suicide.
Even though it's nowhere near his patch.
I don't think it's a suicide.
This is Karen Donnelly.
You still think she was abducted? I've got something new for you.
Police officer involved in a stabbing.
No mystery.
Just self defence.
- You dot the Is, cross the Ts.
- Steve, you said yourself, the black box data hasn't come back yet.
I'm not officially off this case until it does.
- I want another week.
- Christ.
You get three days.
Then EDR or not, you're reassigned.
Come on.
- What's your name? - Tsegga.
- Do you speak English? - Yes.
I find most people have trouble with Swahili.
Where have you come from? From the coast of East Africa.
- It's a long way.
- It has been a long journey.
Why England? Because it is a good place.
Everyone knows that.
There you treat your visitors with respect.
Land of hope and glory? Is that what you think? My wife and baby are waiting for me.
This is the first time I see my child.
We will build a new life together.
Did they come in the same way? There is no other way.
You don't move.
Do you understand that? You don't make a sound.
I'm putting my whole life on the line for this.
It is my life too.
Help me.
Sir! Oh, my God! I need your help.
They want to move me on.
Off the case? Reassigned.
Look, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have been the way I was.
- No.
You shouldn't.
- No, I mean last year.
I shouldn't have treated you the way I did.
I shut you out, I know I did.
I just.
I didn't know what else to do.
But I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
Right now, I need your help.
You're reassigned.
There's three people died in this crash, and then this morning we find there's another one.
Some poor bugger comes over here trying to find a better life and ends up bleeding to death in the bottom of a van.
There's no way I'm going to let him become just another statistic.
- Not any of them.
- They'll never be that.
Yeah, they will.
That's what they become in time.
But not this time.
I need to find out what happened here, and I can't do it without you.
- Why are you lying? - I'm not lying.
- Ann gave me a lift.
- So you're working with her? You shouldn't have been on the A12.
I wasn't taking her to Sandhills.
- I just need to see Jane.
Is she around? - She not here.
Please don't lie to me.
You do know 'em.
They certainly know you.
Harry Canwell.
He got out this morning.

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