Concordia (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

What is important to me?
Being around the people I love.
Openness. Expressing myself.
What is important to me? Being
encouraged to be whoever I want to be.
Being supported in my choices.
- Inclusion.
- Opportunities.
There are no second-class
citizens here.
It's a level playing field,
no matter where you come
from, what you believe.
How you choose to live
your life or who you love.
We do our part as humans.
We look out for each other.
It's about protecting our rights
to personal choice and
to personal freedom.
We're individuals in
charge of our destinies.
And we're a community, making sure
every individual choice is respected.
A community that truly cares about
equality, about combatting prejudice.
A community that does
more than say it does.
It's not just words.
The town runs
cultural exchanges.
So we better understand each
other's beginnings and perspectives.
In Concordia, people are very interested
to know about my belief and religion.
They want to know more about me.
Public holidays and town events
represent all our
cultures and religions.
They encourage us to come
together to celebrate each other.
Our culture is the
foundation of our community,
furthering everything
we hold dearest.
It's a community like I
Like we've never
experienced before.
What's it like living in
Concordia in one word?
- In one word?
- Secured.
- Protected.
- Hopeful.
Cameras or no cameras, care
for others is above all else.
Cut the power, for fuck's
sake! Cut the power.
Disconnect the main, Ole!
You've put me in an impossible position.
How can we move forward from this?
The referendum only passed
with a narrow majority.
I've been fighting fires and defending
criticism of the rollout from all sides.
I've staked my entire
political career on this.
I've had protesters
deface my home.
Hanna, we did not know
that Oliver sent private
data out of Concordia.
What do you need from us?
Who is responsible? How did they breach
the system? Are they still in there?
We are days away from launching.
There's no way I can allow
that to happen as it stands.
To allow the people of
Kopwitz to walk into a place
that is not capable
of protecting them
or their data would
be unconscionable.
We need to postpone the launch.
For all of us,
yourself included
Give us till tomorrow. If we haven't
satisfied you by then, we'll postpone.
No later.
Who saw the simulcast?
Only our immediate
Concordia leadership team.
What about the technicians
at the simulcast test?
They're bound by NDAs.
- If they break them?
- If we act fast, it's containable.
We cross-referenced
the systems' logs.
None of the data is recent.
It's all from months ago.
That doesn't mean whoever's behind
the simulcast hack doesn't have more.
Seems unlikely. If they had recent
footage, they'd have used it.
They could have sunk
Kopwitz then and there.
We were wrong not to go to
Hanna with what we discovered.
For which I blame myself as much
as anyone around this table.
We will not make the
same mistake again.
Find out if the system is secure and
what the solution is if it's not.
If you don't have an answer to both
those questions by first thing tomorrow,
we are going out to our
people here in Concordia.
We need to move beyond the
corporate competitor theory.
- Based on?
- Why hijack the simulcast test?
It's showy. Corporate espionage is
discreet, so they can carry on doing it.
And we still have no evidence
of Oliver receiving any funding.
Maybe he was killed
to avoid payment.
Or this is more ideological.
Whatever it is, his actions
show serious motivation.
Oliver graduated from watching private
moments to stealing data and sharing it.
The question is, who
else is involved?
We're almost out.
Food, too.
Yeah. I don't think
we'll go thirsty.
If we had fishing rods, we
could live here forever.
Radioactive fish and tree
leaves Sounds great.
I know what you're going to say.
- Oh, do you?
- Yeah.
- You don't understand.
- I do.
Tessa, he's my Dad.
I know, I know.
But we can't, obviously,
not until things
I was meant to be
there to help him.
And I just didn't show up.
Now he's waiting
for the operation
and he's probably
seeing my face on TV.
The police would
have called him.
What if he thinks I did it?
What if he thinks I'm
some sort of killer?
What if that's the last
thought he has about me?
No. No. Elodie, that's
not going to happen.
Well, you don't know
that, though, do you?
You can't, I can't, nobody can.
I got Oliver killed, Tessa.
He didn't deserve to die.
No, you didn't
We, we did not do
We did not do that.
Well, we did.
You, me, we all got
him killed, so
Can you look at me, please? Hey.
Hey, Elodie, look at me.
It's not your fault. Okay?
It's not. Don't think that.
It's gonna be okay.
Shit, look.
Fuck. Let's go.
You don't want to see if he has
an extra rod, so we can stay?
You had to go on a walk for a
call? I can't hear anything.
The sound of the
streets clears my head.
You're so pretentious, Marco.
Thea, did you just call to criticise
my lifestyle or can I help you?
Have you picked up anything? Any
chatter on the simulcast? The hack?
There has been a buzz about something
that could be connected to Concordia.
It'll be the simulcast.
Word is spreading.
Online, online, yeah.
But most of these people
don't talk to anyone IRL.
I mean, I would know. This is the
first conversation I've had all day.
Let me just dig in a bit
deeper and see what I can find.
Focus on anti-surveillance
groups, probably in Germany,
ideologically opposed to
the expansion project.
There's bound to be some loose
talk that'll lead us to a source.
Yeah, I'm already hanging outside
some of those circles, so yeah.
I need specifics, Marco, and as
fast as you can get them to me.
So get back to your computer.
I am at my computer, Thea.
I swear to you, I
didn't know what it was.
I do tech for
concerts, keynotes.
I'm not some hacker.
The malware behind the
hack was on your computer.
Yes, I know that.
I know that, but
The malware wasn't mine.
Why would I leave a trail?
Did you leave your
computer unattended?
It's with me at work, at home.
Right now, we're running
checks on your online history.
If you ever so much as brushed
shoulders with Oliver Miller
or anyone he was ever in
contact with, we'll find it.
You know that, right?
I swear to you, there
isn't anything to find.
Check my phone, check my
laptop, check anything you want.
Please, I didn't do anything.
- Thea.
- Thanks.
- Noah, I need to talk to you.
- Sure.
I want to propose something.
- A system shutdown of Concordia.
- What?
- If the system were offline, we'd
- A.J.
- find and fix any holes much faster.
- A.J., stop.
You know that's not possible.
We can't shut the system down.
Our residents rely on it.
Yeah, but what do you think
could really happen, though?
If they had to do things like we
do on the outside for 24 hours?
Are Concordians a system
shutdown away from a riot?
- Of course not.
- A panic?
We don't know. That's the point.
It's the engine to everything,
what makes Concordia Concordia.
Some may not be bothered. Others
would feel isolated or threatened.
And it's not for any of us
to comment on or judge that.
A shutdown is not an
option. End of story.
This is on you, A.J.
He hacked your system.
Fix it.
Stop fucking around.
Azeem, I have a minute
now, if you'd like to talk.
You know we adopted our
daughter Adila from back home.
But I never gave
you the full story.
She is the daughter
of my cousin.
It was an unplanned
pregnancy. She was unwed.
Syria can be a hard
place to grow up.
But for an unmarried woman
with a child
and no family to support her
Her life would have
been impossible.
An abortion was not an option,
not something my
cousin considered.
We got her out long
enough to have the child.
I wanted her to
leave, like I did,
but she returned home to
take care of her parents.
So, we brought the child here
to Concordia.
We are on camera
all the time here.
We speak freely
like everyone does
about our life,
Adila, her mother
When I think about someone
getting that footage,
my family finding out about
my cousin, our daughter
I can't help but fear
what people might say.
What they might do.
No matter what it takes, Azeem,
I promise you
you, your cousin, your daughter,
none of you will be forced
to consider that reality.
It will not happen.
Ole's been cleared. The
malware must have been planted.
Any idea by who?
Well, Elodie was involved
with someone else.
We got an image from the
CCTV outside their dorm.
And it did lead me to this.
A criminal file for Tessa
Vogel, 26, from Düsseldorf.
Arrested at multiple
far-left protests.
And more recently, an associate
of the anti-surveillance group
the Faceless.
Along with the usual
hacker classics,
doxxing, DDoS attacks
and data leaks,
the Faceless have taken
credit for high-profile hacks,
like hacking companies who sold
surveillance tech to the US government.
So they're behind the breach?
Looks like it. My guy's
decrypting their comms channels.
They mention the simulcast hack.
And do we think the Faceless
are behind Oliver's murder?
It's hard not to feel it's connected.
These women are running for a reason.
- Are Gothenburg police pursuing this?
- We all are. It's the leading theory.
We still have one fundamental question
to answer: are they still in the system?
I want to propose a
full system shutdown.
We talked about this.
If we can fortify the system offline,
we'd know no one could access it.
To shut down with Germany already having
doubts would threaten the whole project.
- We do not need any more jeopardy here.
- We could do it quietly.
No, quietly is not an option.
But I think we can use
this to our advantage.
If a shutdown goes well, we can show
them the Concordia experiment works.
That we really have created
a tolerant, safe home.
Noah, help me draft an
announcement for our residents.
I don't think it
should come from you.
Juliane, everyone
knows you care,
but they don't come to
you with their problems.
They come to us community
officers or we go to them.
- You're right.
- I think it should be Azeem.
He gave up a life to
come, like many residents.
So their experiences, their anxieties
He knows it better than the rest of us.
I'll ask him.
I know the last 24 hours
haven't been easy for him.
Dear fellow citizens
of Concordia.
The system is not perfect.
No system is.
But it can be improved.
So, while we might
never attain perfection,
we will continue
to strive for it.
Together we have created
a tolerant and safe home,
where everybody is
welcomed equally.
But as you know,
not everyone understands why
we have chosen that path.
A few days ago, someone tried to
get access to our Concordia system.
Nothing serious happened,
but we want to be
100 percent sure.
So we will shut down
the whole system
for 24 hours to
run a full check.
Yes, we know this is an
unsettling situation,
but we have to stay calm.
The breach in the system
will be found and corrected.
For the next 24 hours, we
will act as Concordia HQ
for our friends,
families and neighbours.
We will look out for each
other as we've always done.
The system is
officially offline.
We will let you
get to work then.
Keep us posted.
You alright? You seem distant.
- No, I'm fine. Just tired.
- No
Come on. What is it?
I don't know.
I I never had any
doubts, you know,
but now I feel
I feel I can't help it, but
I'm anxious all of a sudden.
- You don't feel safe or
- No, it's just
I wonder what happens if
this all were to fall apart.
I don't know.
These questions
they scare all of us,
but falling apart?
It won't happen.
We will never let that happen.
Whoa, that's a great ship.
- Thank you.
- Well done.
- Well done.
- Goodnight.
Close your eyes.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
So, how are you getting on?
- I finished.
- You finished?
Let's go out, John.
Somewhere nice.
It's late.
It's very late.
You know what? I'll
come back in a minute.
We can finish it together, okay?
You found it.
I marked the passage
I told you about.
Where is it?
"Things of a day.
What are we and what not?
Man is a"
- "Anthropos".
- "Anthropos".
"A shadow of a dream."
It's lovely.
- Keep it as long as you like.
- Thank you.
Was that Greek?
- Yes.
- How many languages do you speak?
Just a few.
- You learned them at school?
- And you?
No. Bog-standard
Irish and English.
Greek was definitely not an
option where I went to school.
Well, believe it or not, but there are
downsides to an expensive education.
I don't want my children growing
up thinking everything is for sale.
Some things, like
a good education,
shouldn't be reserved just for
the people who can pay for it.
Everyone deserves a chance to
make it on their own, I think.
Can't believe it.
Someone's been
sneaking sweets, hm?
Talon! Where are
you, little man?
- What are you doing here, little man?
- Nana said she wanted to go out.
- Go back upstairs, okay?
- Whose door is that?
Don't worry about that, okay? Go
upstairs. I'll take care of it.
Let's go back upstairs, okay?
I can't celebrate now.
I can't do this, Juliane.
I feel like I am drowning
under the weight of it.
Peter, please.
- I'm gonna make a phone call.
- Sure. I'll be here.
There must be a way
to tell the truth
without sinking
the whole project.
Thea? This is an
okay time to talk?
Sure, all okay
with Talon and Mum?
Yeah, both are now in bed.
Long story.
- So tell me.
- No, no, I'm too tired for this.
Okay. What's going on then?
I don't know, I just
I should probably wait
until I see you, but
there's never a good
time for this stuff.
I'm feeling a
a bit burnt out.
Not just tonight, it's
been this way for a while.
What do you mean?
I guess I feel stuck. I
need a change, I think.
It's hard to describe.
Thea, are you okay?
I really want to discuss this, Alex.
It's just something is coming in.
I really do want
to talk about this.
Just the timing is shit.
That's not your fault.
Can we talk about this
later? Can I call you?
Or can we talk about this when
you're here? Really discuss it.
I don't like doing
it over the phone.
Yeah, I understand. Let's wait.
It's fine.
I love you, Alex.
I can't wait to
see you and Talon.
Us, too.
Hey, Marco picked up a signal.
I sent you the coordinates.
I've got it up.
Where is she?
Near Leipzig, Germany.
Notify the police there now.
What the fuck are you doing?
I need to know if he's okay.
Sending a message will
tell them where we are.
- But it's a burner phone.
- What if they're monitoring your father?
I messaged from an
anonymous account. Chill.
- Okay, okay
- It's fine. No!
Elodie, you need
to give it to me.
I want to meet him.
- You're gonna meet him.
- I want to meet him now!
- How can I get him to you now?
- Stop saying that!
I need to know what the
fuck is going on here.
Okay, you're gonna meet him.
But I need the phone. Please.
Please give me the phone now.
You're gonna meet him,
but I need the phone.
Elodie, please.
- You promise?
- I promise.
Elodie now.
- We lost them.
- Shit.
Go home.
Get some rest.
We'll pick up the
fight again tomorrow.
We're lucky to have you, Thea.
I just thought you should hear
that after a day like today.
- Thea.
- Peter.
What are you doing
up this early?
I could ask you the same thing.
Well, you know, when I can't
sleep, I run down to the lake.
And you? Is this a
regular habit of yours?
Working all night?
Only during a crisis.
Forgive me, isn't your job
always during a crisis?
I suppose so. I like
solving problems.
The result of keeping peace in a
chaotic childhood home, perhaps?
Do you always do that?
Psychoanalyse your colleagues
as if they're your patients?
My turn. AI-supported healthcare.
It's a big step for the project.
A lot of pressure.
Do I look stressed?
Maybe a little.
Wouldn't be healthy if I wasn't.
Do you believe in it?
In Genie? Next-gen healthcare?
Not just that.
Concordia, all of it.
You don't believe me.
People often say what they
think others want to hear.
I don't know you well enough
to care what you want to hear.
It's inspiring, the
ambition of it all.
See you, Peter.
I thought you might call.
Always one step ahead, Adrian.
- I can guess what this is about.
- And you'd be guessing right.
You know of the Faceless?
No. But I can make some calls.
Elodie Cailleux and Tessa Vogel.
Start there.
- I'm on it.
- Thanks.
We've gone through the system.
Searched for backdoors and gaps.
It's clear. No one's inside.
We are fully patched up.
And the person who helped
facilitate the simulcast hack?
We uncovered a switch
that gave the Faceless
a backdoor into the live feed.
How did it get there?
It was on the computer of the
electrics engineer for the simulcast.
He was arrested by Gothenburg
police and questioned.
He's not involved with the
Faceless. He was in the dark.
There must be a way
to tell the truth.
I feel like I am drowning
under the weight of it.
I did it for you.
No, Peter, you did
it for yourself.
Marco's in. What do you need?
I wanna get a message
to the Faceless.
Is that something
your analyst can do?
Anything is possible.
What are you thinking?
I'm going to send you something.
So you're Leon?
Things have taken
an unexpected turn.
You are nervous.
I'm not nervous.
I need to know what
the fuck is going on.
You need to be patient.
We got you out at a
moment's notice. The rest
It takes time.
What's the rest?
As a worst case, a new identity.
But I promise you, we're
thinking of everything.
We're looking out
for your interests.
I just need the same from you.
No more mistakes.
Tell me, what did Oliver Miller say
to you in the weeks before his death?
He stopped sending you data.
Did you ever find out why?
I don't know.
I think something
spooked him. He just
He just retreated, but
he he didn't say why.
I don't know.
Leon, you need to see this.
What is it?
If you are watching this,
I hope it is because you are
a member of the Faceless.
I grew up in a failed utopia.
The grand ideas of Kant and Marx and
socialism had long since perished
in the East Germany I
knew as a young girl.
I know what you'll be thinking.
That we're just the Stasi 2.0.
Everywhere else in the
world we are surveilled,
and our data is bought and sold
by governments and corporations.
Not in Concordia.
Concordia isn't the
dystopia you fear it is.
How do we know?
Because we went
offline for 24 hours.
With the full knowledge and
support of every person here,
every camera was turned off.
And during that time, there
was not a single incident.
It's not the cameras, it's
not the fear of being watched
that keeps Concordia safe.
It's the life we've
created together.
A life of shared values.
So I want to invite you to sit down
with me to have a conversation.
And I think you will find
we have far more in common
than that which divides us.
Don't fall for her
lies, you hear me?
By tomorrow, we will have dragged
new truths into the light.
Truths that no amount of
pleading can keep buried.
Azeem, what's going on?
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