Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Come in.
Just in here.
Good to see you.
Did you get the DART out?
I did get the DART out, yeah.
Can I get you anything or
No, thanks.
I don't want
to be a home-wrecker
or, uh, whatever.
What do you mean?
Like, I
I don't want
to hurt your marriage.
That's all.
My marriage has survived
several affairs already.
Oh. Really?
I've just never been
party to them.
I see.
Let's go upstairs.
Are you sure?

- Is this alright?
- Yeah.

Sorry, I'm not, um
My eyes are watering,
that's all.
-Frances. -
It's, um, it's not real crying,
I swear.
Um, I'm-I'm happy.
Um, it sort of happened before
when, um, when I was with Bobbi.
She says it's a symptom
of my repressed nature.
You can ask her about it.
Only please don't ever ask her.
No, I won't.
It's, um,
it's just a physical thing.
I feel great. Thank you.
Oh, my God.
I can't believe
we just did that.
Yes, you can.
I should probably
tell you something.
This is kind of awkward.
Go on.
I've never had sex
with a man before.
Is it odd that I didn't
tell you beforehand?
It's totally up to you.
I was going to, um
but then I missed the moment.
I overthink things sometimes.
Makes two of us then.
So what would you be doing
if I wasn't here?
learning lines.
For what?
Um, going to Scotland
in a few days for a TV thing.
Is it very glamorous?
- Not in the slightest.
- Bullshit really.

Um, did you always
want to be an actor?
Um, from when
I was a teenager, I think, yeah.
Um, what is it
that you like about it?
If, um, that's something
that you can describe even.
Yeah, um
Find a certainty to it, I think.
Knowing what comes next,
what to say.

See you soon.

Nick Conway,
it's on here somewhere.
When's it from?
Ooh, it has
a really bad rating.
- Uh, let's not do this.
- It's weird.
No, it's not.
We know him now,
so it's kind of obvious
we are going to do this.
Yeah, well,
it feels weird to me.
Well, apparently, he does take
his shirt off at one point.
You're into that kinda thing.
Um, I'm not watching this,
Why do you feel the need
to defend him all of a sudden?
I'm not defending him.
I just don't like sneering.
That's all.
It's not what I'm doing,
and I'm not the one
who described him
as a trophy husband, by the way.
- You're being mean.
- Mean?
It's not like he's some
great friend of ours, Frances.
We only know him because he's
married to someone interesting.
Melissa's not
that interesting, actually.
You're hilarious.
You actually like him.
What are you talking about?
You like Melissa's husband.
You have a crush on him.
Why does
that even interest you?
Are you jealous?
Is that it?
You like this?
Fuck, Frances.
How did you and Melissa meet?
Am I allowed to ask that?
Yeah, of course.
I was in London.
Been there since drama school,
working a lot.
Sounds exciting.
Yeah, a bit.
I mean
I didn't really like London.
I was lonely, I guess, and
One night I was
at a friend's party in Highgate
and she was there. Um
and we got talking and
we hung out.
My entire romantic history
is just Bobbi.
Tell me about Bobbi.
We were together in school.
It all came as a surprise to me.
You know, Bobbi is who she is.
You can imagine the stir
she caused when she arrived.
And I wasn't popular
but she chose me anyway.
It sort of changed my life,
if I think about us.
You're quite intense together.
Are we?
Yeah, I guess.
How did it end?
It just did. I don't know.
I haven't been
with anyone else since.

- Morning.
- Morning.
- Manuscript on your desk.
- Oh, thanks.
- Hey.
- Philip.
- How are you doing?
- I'm good. How are you?

Do you have
a secret second family?
Like one of those men
they do podcasts about.
Where's this line of
questioning coming from?
I saw you in town today.
With a baby and a woman.
That was
my sister and my niece.
I'd have made introductions
if I'd seen you.
I know practically
nothing about you.
What do you want to know?
How many siblings do you have?
Just the one.
- And you?
- I'm an only child.
And I come from a broken home.
And when did they split up?
Um, when I was 12.
Must have been tough.
No, it was ordinary.
I mean, they were,
like, terrible together,
so it was a relief.
Sorry, one sec.
dreading it.
Yeah, that'd be the first thing.
Anyway, how's London?
How long will you be away?
For the rest of the summer,
Working for a few weeks
and then holiday.
Place in Croatia.
I see.
Well, this has been
terribly enjoyable anyway.
I might have mentioned that.
Think you did.
- I like hearing it, though.
- Yeah?
And after all this
what happens then?
I don't know.
We just have to sort of see,
I guess.
Safe travels.
I'll call you.
You're so handsome.
I thought you were
attracted to my personality.
Do you even have one?
Um okay, bye.

Look, I don't care
if you have a crush on Nick
and I wasn't trying
to embarrass you or whatever.
Sorry if it
came across as such,
but it was really
fucked up of you
to accuse me
of being jealous like that.
It is so stereotypically
to accuse a gay woman
of being secretly
jealous of a man,
which I know you know,
but even more than that,
it's really devaluing
to our friendship
to make out like I'm
competing for your attention.
What does that say
about how you see me?
Do you really
rank our relationship
below your passing
sexual interest
in some cis-het married guy?
It hurt my fucking
feelings actually.
How's that?
Yeah, it's fine.
How's your own writing going?
I thought you were disciplined
with these things.
It's the summer, I guess.
- Hmm.
- Things drift.
They do.

Yeah, I'd say it's hard.
- Hey.
- Hey.
This is easier than messaging.
- Okay.
- You alright?
I just wanted to get
things straight, that's all.
I see. Um
I mean, obviously, we can't
see each other right now.
Okay, you wanna leave it,
is that it?
I mean, I genuinely don't care.
Frances, I'm sorry,
things here are just
Good night.

Bobbi, hey, you're right.
It was a weird
and wrong thing to say,
and I shouldn't have said it.

I felt defensive and I justwanted to make you angry maybe.
I feel guilty for
hurting your feelings
over something so stupid.
I'm sorry.
Fine. I forgive you.

Was that very hard for you?
Took you an awfully long time
to write back.
I know. I'm bad at this.
It's okay.
I don't like fighting with you.
Then don't be a dick.
- Are you around tomorrow?
- I wanna meet you for a coffee.
I'll text.
when she gives the speeches.
- Hi, Frances.
- Uh, hey.
How are you doing?
How was London?
It was good. Good to be
somewhere else for a while.
Hope you don't
mind me joining you.
No, not at all.
Can I get you anything?
- Uh, Americano.
- Just black, please. Thanks.
Okay. Be right back.
Okay, ask her.
Okay. I have a request.
I wanted to use a quote
fromDiamondsin my book.
- Really?
- If that's okay.
- Um
- Frances.
You know what?
I can send you the essay
and see what you think.
There's no pressure, really.
I just think it works
really well thematically.
- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah?
Um Yeah, please send it.
I need to submit in the next
few days if that's alright.
You know, before I head away.
Yeah, no,
I'll take a look right away.
Tell her about your house.
It's not our house.
My friend, um, actually,
my agent has a house in Croatia
and she lets us
use it in the summer.
She showed me pictures,
it's stunning.
I was saying to Bobbi
that you two should come.
Well, we have people
visit all the time.
There's plenty of room.
Yeah, thanks.
Um, I just I don't think
I can afford to, so
We'd get
the flights for nothing.
Once you're there, there's
really nothing to pay for.
We'd feed you, I promise.
Thanks, um,
but I have work as well,
so, uh, I'll need to think.
Frances, it's reading.
You can read anywhere.
It's okay. Let her think.
Yeah, I'll think about it.

You go then.
I'm not gonna go on my own,
that would be weird.
Melissa likes you
more than she likes me.
Yeah, and you like Nick
more than I like him,
and probably
more than she does too.
Who cares?

Do we really wanna do this?
It'll be fun.
For you maybe.
It would be a sin not to go.
Utter insanity.
Come on, Frances.
You've probably heard
we're going to Croatia.
I just wanted to assure you
I'm not planning
on making a scene.
I'm a three-legged dog ♪
Workin' with what I got ♪
And part of me ♪
Will always be ♪
Looking for what I lost ♪
There's a fly
around my head ♪
Waiting for the day
I drop dead ♪
My DNA ♪
Looks pretty strange ♪
Can you see it ♪
On my breath? ♪

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