Cooked With Cannabis (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

I Do Cannabis

Kelis, this has been a whirlwind,
and I know this is crazy,
but I have something I want to ask you.
Well, go for it.
Do you want to do a wedding show
about weed with me?
Is this happening?
I do.
Oh, Leather.
Welcome to Cooked with Cannabis.
Tonight's special wedding party
is award-winning chef Michael Voltaggio,
real-life couple rapper-producer El-P
and comedian Emily Panic.
Nice to meet you.
And my friend, rap legend Too Short.
-I'm a big fan.
-What's up, man?
They'll taste the dishes and share
their thoughts while enjoying the buzz.
This is Cooked with Cannabis.
-Hi, guys.
-What's going on?
-How are you?
-Nice to meet you, Lauren.
-I'm Coreen.
-I'm Stacy.
I'm really nervous,
and I'm very excited at the same time.
I'm Stacy Primack.
I work as an R&D culinary director
for a cannabis technology company.
I had some fun with cannabis
back in college, you know, the old
Oh, my God. My parents are gonna kill me.
I had some fun back in college.
We had no idea what we were doing.
We were just like,
"Okay, a tablespoon of this.
We'll throw it into the cookie batter."
Well, literally, for the next
three to four hours,
we were watching TV. The TV wasn't on!
I never ever want
anyone to experience cannabis
the way I experienced it when I was 21.
So if you're a guest at my dinner,
I want to make sure you have a great time.
What about you?
My grandmother, rest in peace,
got me into the culinary world.
Started out nine years old in her kitchen,
first thing I learned to make
was a batch of biscuits.
So, you talk about Southern biscuits
from your grandmother to die for.
My name is Lauren Williams,
and I am a private chef in the DC area.
My life before culinary
was straight sports.
I was a professional football player
with the Oakland Raiders.
When my football career came to an end,
it was a very bittersweet moment.
It was beginning of a new chapter,
which was the culinary world,
which I had a passion for as well.
Time to go.
Cannabis, growing up,
it started off as the bad thing,
and seeing how it has evolved.
It has become another outlet
for the culinary world.
Adding this piece to my repertoire just
makes me an even more multi-facet chef.
So this is a passion,
and I take my passion very seriously.
I was born and raised in Germany.
I run a cannabis event
in San Francisco as well as
co-authored an edibles cookbook.
My name is Coreen Carroll,
and I am the head chef and co-founder
of a monthly pop-up with my husband
focused on cannabis and cannabis pairings.
Holy shit.
In 2012, my husband and I moved
from Florida to San Francisco
specifically to be in cannabis.
The best part about my job is
that I can always be high.
To be honest.
Welcome to Cooked with Cannabis.
I think a wedding theme is genius.
I wish I'd thought of it at least once
out of both of my weddings.
-I did not, but we've got today.
-We got time.
-Number three. Third time's the charm.
So, you guys, we got three courses.
-Your starter,
your entrée and we would love to see
your take on a wedding cake.
-We're gonna give you
eight milligrams of THC.
We've capped the THC because we don't want
to comatose the bride.
Give us this magical wedding experience.
It's dosed gently,
but in a way that's thoughtful and fun
and makes this a wedding
we won't ever forget.
I think we're ready to go.
So let's
-get cooked.
-Get cooked.
-Let's go.
I'm getting started.
El-P, did you guys have any cannabis
at your wedding?
-Oh, yeah.
-Was it intentional?
-I like the pause.
-Is buying a pound of marijuana
-for your wedding intentional?
-Who's to say?
I would say yes.
I like the cut of your jib.
This weighs more than I do.
Oh, my God.
Our theme today is to cook a meal
around a wedding,
and I feel like I've got
great expertise in that
since fine dining is kind of, like,
my wheelhouse as well as pastry.
So, I have something up my sleeves,
or well I'm not really wearing sleeves,
but, if I was, I have something up them.
So, I'm in the zone.
I think I'm just trying to prove
that I don't suck on camera.
I'm going to make a miso tahini
roasted tomato tart
with a balsamic strawberry reduction,
infused with a honey MCT oil infusion.
I wanted to do something light, simple,
but elegant at the same time
and that's my idea of a beautiful wedding.
I heard the theme was wedding,
so that brought a lot of things to mind
as far as me popping the question
to my girlfriend.
If I win, it'll go a long ways
towards our family's future.
So the first dish is called
"Eggs at the Spa."
So it's basically a pea puree
and it's going to have a poached egg
and a tempura-battered cucumber.
The peas are infused and I'm gonna
finish it off with some CBD oil.
This thing is coming out silky smooth.
Anybody else want an arm workout
real quick?
No, I'm good.
-I've got guns.
Just making sure.
I've been married
for almost two years, next month,
but we've been together for ten.
I'm the oldest of 22 cousins,
and always got dubbed with,
"Watch the kids,"
or, "Cook something for the kids."
So I ended up in the kitchen a lot.
And then, it wasn't until my 20s
I realized that that was truly my passion.
My starter, I am making
a pea and mint velouté
with a white truffle oil
and fresh summer truffles.
-Were you looking at my recipe book?
-No, I wasn't looking at your recipe book.
-I think you were.
Have you cheffed for many weddings?
Not a lot, but enough.
I am looking to see some creative choices
with the infusions they did yesterday.
Some of the highlights were
Lauren going with something borrowed,
the Chem Dawg #4, a strain that unlocks
a long-lasting euphoric high,
and infusing it in clarified butter.
And Coreen decided to go
with something old-school.
Took the truffle oil and mixed it
with the powdered form of THC.
And then Stacy went with something blue
in the bridal tradition,
and picked the Blue Dream strain,
which gets its name
from its blueberry aroma,
and then infused whole milk,
a low-fat alternative.
So, I'm very interested to see
how she uses it.
You know, I have a feeling I might,
in a situation like this,
in order to, sort of, get everybody
to a place in the wedding,
I might drop all eight milligrams of THC
-right out of the gate.
You're not a pastry chef
if you don't get flour all over your body.
So, for my first course,
I'm moving on to my tart dough.
It was one of my grandmother's recipes.
I call her my Bubbie, my Zayde.
They're gone, but I dedicate
this whole thing to them.
Chilled butter, going inside.
Faster. Fast I'm just kidding.
This is the secret.
Now that Bubbie and Zayde are gone,
I can tell you.
Cream cheese.
Some people use shortening.
I like fat.
Cannabis likes fat, so
I am putting about two milligrams of THC
into the first course,
I want a super even dosage every course
to make sure everyone has a good time.
I'm cutting up my shallots
that are gonna be fried up later on.
I've got chicken stock cooking
with russet potatoes,
which will be the base to my pea soup.
It's infused with eight milligrams of THC.
I'm doing everything up-front
so they feel it from the get-go.
Then I'll control them
throughout the rest.
Stacy, what would
your dream wedding be like?
-Find the right husband.
-Find the right Oh, wow.
With my first dish, the peas are infused
with an avocado Chem Dawg.
I'm probably gonna use two milligrams
for the lemon flavors.
Then I'm gonna finish it off
with about ten milligrams of the CBD oil.
I, kind of, want to take you
up, down, up, down,
and then, kind of, at the end
mellow everything out.
All right, chefs. You've got less than
ten minutes for your first course.
Ten minutes, let's go.
Oh, boy. Workin' hard.
My grandfather would bring home
these huge, beautiful tomatoes,
just the most gorgeous tomatoes.
So, that tomato tart symbolized
my grandparents, and what he loved
and she loved to cook,
and their marriage together
and their bond.
I'm like, "I miss you guys."
You know? My Bubbie and Zayde.
I think these are gonna be half tarts.
I'll split them in half to save time
'cause I still have to fill them.
That is gonna be rough.
And raw. They're gonna be raw.
So the tarts got put aside,
and I ended up just doing
the miso tahini spread on the plate.
Just get it done. You know?
Shoot! I am in trouble.
Chef in the middle looks stressful.
That's the beauty of it.
If you're stressed,
just take a bite of your dish,
eat some of your food.
Do one of you have the baking powder?
-Yes, I do. Here.
-Can I borrow it for a bit?
-All yours. You're welcome.
-Thank you
My pea soup is cooking away.
Next, I am starting my cake already
since that's gonna take the longest.
Usually I spend, like, three days
on this cake and different layers of it
and letting it set,
but I'm pushing myself today
to try to really make this cake
because it looks
very similar to a wedding cake.
So this is my little German twist to it,
and what's a wedding
without a layered cake?
I broke a yolk.
Chefs, we've got less than two minutes.
Okay, now they're picking up steam.
I can see people are getting
a bit more intense.
That last two minutes is always the worst.
You're asking yourself,
"Did I make the right decisions?"
The rebound, baby.
-Chefs, you've got one minute left.
-One minute.
They've got ten seconds.
Here we go. Ten,
eight, seven,
six, five,
two, one.
Hands up.
I'm so tickled.
-That was intense. I'm not gonna lie.
-It's supposed to be. It is a wedding.
-You're good.
-Stakes are high.
What you have in front of you
is a pea and mint velouté.
That's been topped off
with a white truffle-infused oil,
mint cream as well as chive blossoms
-and some fresh summer truffle.
-Oh, I love.
I infused the truffle oil
with something called Mondo Meds
which is a powder form of THC.
I added in this powder
and just measured it out perfectly.
-You guys have eight milligrams of THC.
-That's a nice
-Right from the get-go.
You called it.
I said, if I did something like this,
I'd hit people over the head
out the gate.
Right, I want you to feel it
while I'm still serving you,
so I can control it later on.
So I'm gonna hit you with other parts
of the plants that'll then even you out.
Nice. This is delicious.
-Thank you.
-It is.
-I could just hang out here.
-Come on. We got work to do.
All right, I'm moving.
If I knew where the weed was at,
I'd go for the
If the weed is the white stuff,
I'd just eat the weed.
-I mean, I'm that kind of guy.
-Feeling good?
-You look beautiful, so I feel better.
Thank you. I'm like, okay.
Stop it.
-I wish I could
-Chopped liver?
-I like your tie a lot.
-Good. Nice.
Okay. Originally I was going to make
a little tart,
but I ran out of time, unfortunately.
So today I have a miso tahini
with cherry tomatoes.
My grandfather had a garden
when I was growing up,
and he prized his tomatoes.
I like the roasted tomatoes,
a bit of basil and I finished the top
with honey and MCT oil.
-MCT oil is a really good way to put THC
-In it.
It needs a fat, needs a lipid.
You're gonna have
about two milligrams of THC.
That way they have a sweet
even-keeled high.
There's no CBD in this one,
-but watch out.
-Just two milligrams of THC. Oh, man!
-Thank you, chef.
-Really nice. That was delicious.
-Plus it wakes up your palate.
-Super flavorable and I
-Was it flavorable?
It's working. It's already working.
Don't fuck with me. Listen.
-How you doing?
-Good, how are you?
I'm excellent.
So this is "Eggs at the Spa."
You and your significant other
go to the spa
-Any spa, I'm in.
-before the wedding, relax.
So this is a nice pea soup
and a poached egg,
tempura-battered cucumber
and crispy crouton.
I used some Chem Dawg
in my avocado oil.
That's how I started off my base
for the soup.
I did four milligrams on this one.
Okay, and any CBD?
A couple of drops of CBD
as a finishing oil.
Four milligrams of THC
plus the eight we had over there
-And the two with Stacy.
-I'm doing math in my head.
-Get ready.
-You're quick, too.
This could be nasty.
-Can't get anything past you.
-I wish it weren't
so good 'cause I'm throwing it down.
-I appreciate it, thank you.
This is good. Between the two pea things.
I think I like this one better.
This is one course though.
Starting with the pea thing
and ending with the pea thing?
No, each chef has done a separate dish.
-This isn't one chef. I see.
-This is all of their first course.
I got you.
-Guys, just
-I mean, you are serving me weed.
-Direct any questions to me. I know.
-This is what you wanted.
Chefs, thank you so much. That was
a fantastic start to our wedding menu.
-Come on. Go!
-Second course.
That was extraordinary.
Every one of those dishes was smart
-Yes. I agree.
-and delicious.
What do you think about the dosing?
We've got Coreen who came,
just like you said
who hit us hard with the eight right away.
That's an interesting play.
-I loved it. Right.
-Bold move.
Coreen's dish was not only refreshing,
but I liked her methodology of dosing.
I'm excited to see where she goes with it.
Then there was Stacy's dish,
which I thought was so damn delicious,
and it stood out
compared to the two pea soups.
Yeah, but let's see if Lauren
can make up some ground this round.
This is remarkably close.
It really is.
How'd you guys feel about Coreen's dish,
all the eight milligrams at the top?
I feel a little hoodwinked by that move,
you know.
-I was like, okay.
-It was bold.
I have to rearrange my strategy, you know?
Because I'm doing two things.
I'm trying to have good food,
but I'm also trying to make sure that
I don't have like a psychotic meltdown.
We're here for you.
But maybe the intention's
you hit 'em with eight milligrams,
and they'll get hungry, and love
everything else I bring them.
How's it going, everyone?
-I'm good. In a groove.
-It's going.
-What about you?
-In the groove.
My whole dream is to have my own farm
where people come and get to experience
everything about food
and cannabis culture and sustainability.
I usually stay away from
chicken, pork and beef.
So I really want to showcase
one of the other proteins.
Duck is one of my favorites.
So I am making duck breast
that I'm gonna crisp up.
It's something different, but the whole
crowd will like. It's great for weddings.
And then I'm doing spaetzle
which is a German style noodle,
and I'm going to be adding cannabis
leaves as an herb component.
And then that's all going to be on top of
a Swiss chard cream puree.
What I'm hoping to do, for this course,
is to get the people
a little more comfortable
for the wedding,
do something a little more hearty.
I'm thinking about
a sous vide chicken dish.
It's gonna have a smoked potato puree.
I'm probably going to
infuse my potato puree.
Also infuse my chicken when I sear it off.
I'm gonna finish it off
with some truffle oil,
kind of truffle them down a little bit.
Hashtag "truffle them down."
I'm getting ready
to put these rib eye steaks
into my vacuum seal bags
and I'm going to sous vide them.
In order to win,
I definitely need to manage my time right,
and make sure
that my recipes have stuck in here.
I'm a little nervous about that.
This is gonna be for the main course,
beautiful rib eye steaks.
And then, I'm gonna make a crème fraîche
horseradish mustard sauce.
I'm going to make some carrot juice,
turn that into some little individual gels
which will be decoration on the plate.
And look, amazing. Look.
I was talking about my Bubbie and Zayde.
That's pretty good luck.
Look, it's Bubbies.
Or maybe I'm not supposed to plug that.
But whatever, it's Bubbies.
Now I'm starting a spaetzle
which is a German style noodle.
I'm going to add cannabis leaves
as an herb component.
Usually I put parsley or something
into it.
And, in this case,
I really want to showcase
these cannabis leaves that we have here.
To the Swiss chard puree I'm gonna
be adding CBD coconut oil, 15 milligrams.
To really counteract that THC they had
in the first course.
CBD has a lot of various
medicinal benefits
constantly finding out more and more
with research.
I personally like to use it for anxiety.
For this one, I plan to take it up to
about three milligrams of Chem Dawg THC,
infuse that into my potato puree.
Also infuse that into my chicken
when I sear it off.
There's Chem Dawg in that butter.
See you guys in the end zone.
Doing the dance.
I'm putting four milligrams
of my infused Sour Diesel
into my horseradish mustard sauce.
Oh, my God.
This is the sauce
for the steaks.
Mustard, crème fraîche
I'm also going to infuse the CBD olive oil
into my mustard sauce.
Let's go, chefs.
-Ten minutes and that's a hard ten.
-Ten minutes!
This is real.
We gotta hustle.
Time to go.
I really had my eye on that duck,
but doing all these other things
it totally got away from me,
and that duck stayed in the oven
longer than I wanted it to.
I hope that doesn't take me
out of the running for the prize.
What are you working on, right now?
I'm making the cake batter.
Infused cake batter for my dessert course.
-With Blue Dream.
I put the infused milk that I made,
which is the Blue Dream THC.
I put that into my buttermilk
and my buttermilk is gonna be added
to the cake batter.
It's getting hot in the kitchen.
Stacy and Lauren are getting a head start
on those wedding cakes. About time.
Yeah, totally.
Dessert is definitely a challenge.
I'm a little concerned I'm not gonna
get these done within the time frame.
You gotta multitask here, baby.
You gotta multitask.
Chefs, you've got less than five minutes.
Damn, five minutes! I need balsamic.
Let me hear it. I'm ready.
Competition has always been in my blood.
You line up in front of me.
You stand beside me.
Whatever the competition is,
I'm ready to win.
We rockin', we movin', we shakin'.
I'm about to pull my chicken out the oven,
and I'm gonna hit it
with some fresh truffle
and some infused truffle oil.
Are you feeling like you've had enough?
-After those eight?
-You're ready.
-No, let's go.
We're ready for round two.
All right, chefs. We've got 60 seconds.
-Come on, now.
-Sixty seconds till takeoff.
-Let's go.
-Pretty little garnishes.
Oh, my God.
Skin is not that crispy.
Everybody now.
-Where is it?
-That sounded like a stoned laugh.
-It was a stoned laugh, sweetie.
What have we got here?
Okay, you have a CBD-infused
Swiss chard puree.
And the spaetzle's actually infused
with canna leaves,
topped off with a crispy duck breast.
You hit us in the head, out of the gate,
with the eight milligrams of THC.
-So we're going back and forth
-trying to decide if that was a plan
-or if that was sloppy.
But you're German, so you have a plan.
Tell me.
You know it.
There's always a plan.
I have high dose of CBD now in this dish.
That actually counteracts THC.
So I'm creating
kind of a roller-coaster effect.
You're about to get to this point
where it's like,
-"I'm high."
-Then I'll level you back out.
-Thank you, Coreen.
-so very much.
-Really nice.
There's no THC in this.
-Just CBD.
Her courses are like an actual wedding.
All the stress in the beginning,
then mellow you out after that.
I feel like CBD is a miracle
for people like me who want to sort of
pretend to be healthy,
but not actually be healthy.
If I'm not going to exercise,
but maybe I'll just eat a lot of CBD.
All right, today we have
a seared rib eye sous vide
with charred broccolini.
And that is a carrot gel on the top,
a little sweetness.
-Carrot gel. Okay.
Also, mustard crème fraîche sauce
with the infusion of Sour Diesel flower
activated bud.
Just looking at the two things here,
I realize your delivery method is
a little flawed.
-It is.
-Because the sauce
is the way you're giving me my THC
and her THC.
She's getting more than I am.
You know what I mean?
You're right.
That's something to think about.
-Absolutely. Uniformity is important.
Why is this a wedding dish?
You'll pay for my meal
and I'll give you an expensive gift.
-Then I should get the meat.
-Nice way to put it.
It's opulent.
There's an obvious decision there.
What's the dosing exactly?
-I maxed the amount at four milligrams.
The first dish was two.
This one will be four.
-The last one will be a two.
-Got it. Cool.
Good ratio.
I like those chips. I like the broccolini.
-Very nice, chef.
-Thank you.
You see how I do it?
Sauce all over it.
-See that?
-I'm gonna follow Short's lead.
I like that you're being
very parental about it.
"Sweetie, you can't get up from the table
till you've had your THC."
It's the modern family.
I went with something very simple,
yet somewhat elegant.
It's a sous vide chicken thigh
and some Chem Dawg infused butter,
that I seared the chicken with,
just finished with some truffle oil,
truffle puree.
And then that's a smoked potato puree.
I think the thigh,
which I love, is a smart choice.
Well, it's all seasonal.
I love the fact that your skin is light.
It's crispy.
That's fantastic.
I'm really excited
about this smoky potato puree.
What are you giving us
in terms of THC?
In the butter I use about three milligrams
Chem Dawg-infused clarified butter.
And then I also have a little THC
in the truffle oil,
about a half a milligram in there.
I just drizzle a little bit of that.
-I like it.
-Nice dish, chef.
-It's great. Loved it.
-Thank you.
This is where it's at. This one's
This one's my favorite.
Why am I holding a spoon?
'Cause I'm high.
-Right. That's why.
I cannot wait to see
what our third course is,
which is our rendition of wedding cakes.
This is it, guys, for $10,000.
Let's get cooked!
Limoncello, where's my limoncello?
-Okay, so I'm dying to say it.
What a surprise. Right?
Lauren really rose to the occasion
with that chicken thigh.
I liked it as well.
But on the weed front,
Coreen did the best job
by explaining why she was using CBD,
and also using the fan leaf in her dish
to give us a nod that,
yes, we're eating weed.
I'm on a roller-coaster.
This round, I feel like we're
gonna have to sit and deliberate.
I'm making my grandmother's specialty
which is käsesahnetorte.
Basically translated "cheese cream cake".
The cheese here is Greek yogurt.
I'm putting that in a filling
with some citrus, nice and light.
Then in between each layer
is an almond olive oil cake.
I'll top that off
with a blueberry coulis.
Hopefully I have enough time
to candy a cannabis leaf.
Not super sweet.
I'm not a super sweet fan.
My wedding cake,
since I'm not a big fan of a lot of sugar,
I just bought multiple wheels of cheese
and then put CBD and THC honey
on the side.
Oh, my God.
Most of the wedding party was high.
Most of the guests were high.
That's how we roll.
I'm hoping to redeem myself
in the third dish here.
I am making a whole egg buttercream
infused with Blue Dream
and a chocolate cake.
I'm also using some CBD sugar as well.
I would have liked to do
this buttercream ahead of time, but
We're gonna whip it good.
My last judging round
Pretty good, I think.
They loved the flavors.
They loved the style.
They loved the food, the idea.
Now it's time to just wow them
on the dessert.
For my dessert, I'm thinking about doing
a limoncello ricotta cake.
It's a very airy cake.
I didn't want to do anything too heavy.
It's got limoncello liqueur.
It's infused
with a little Orange Cream THC.
Thirty minutes away from 10K.
It's like the fourth quarter for me.
I'm ready to make the big play.
It's going down.
This cake rendition is really gonna be
the factor, right? It's the thing
because everyone's comfortable,
and knows what they're doing.
It's about execution at this point.
My high is lining up with this dessert.
-It's lining up.
-That's great. That's what they want.
Comin' around.
Burnt cake
requires some finagling.
I had a hiccup from the get-go,
burning that top of my cake,
which I then just
nonchalantly cut off and nobody knew.
I am making a whole egg buttercream.
After this whips and it gets
nice and full and aerated,
then I'm gonna go ahead
and slowly drop in
my room temperature butter.
Now the infusion itself,
I infused some milk
with Blue Dream.
It's two milligrams THC per cake.
The cake is very light and fluffy.
It's going to be a quaint,
elegant dessert, I believe.
It's infused
with a little Orange Cream THC.
This has one and a half milligrams.
I'm making a blueberry THCa coulis.
Here we have our THCa tincture.
This is made with Blue Dream
Raw Blue Dream,
so it has not been decarboxylated.
I do that because this won't
have a psychoactive effect,
but it has a lot of medicinal effects.
So this has now been mixed with Everclear.
I'm just adding this into the last meal
because I wanted
to introduce them to another
type of non-psychoactive cannabinoid.
Less than ten minutes.
All right. Let's go.
Time to push.
Let's go, guys. Let's go.
The only concern I have right now is,
is it enough THC, or you know,
into my dish,
and will they really understand or feel
what I did with this dish?
Oh, man. There's no way I'm gonna do this.
My dessert
It's giving me a minor heart attack
and making me have to
run to the bathroom,
but I'm trying to maintain
my composure inside.
But inside I have,
like, little people dancing.
You know, of course,
I would want to change everything
just because I'm a perfectionist
and I am German.
What would I do with $10,000?
I'd get a hot tub for my backyard.
The one thing I want to go to
after working in the kitchen is a hot tub.
Ten grand, yo!
I'm gonna candy these leaves.
I'm gonna put egg white on them
and then toss them in sugar.
And then hopefully they'll dry
really fast.
This is well timed.
-The munchies are hitting right now.
-It looks good.
-I love sweets.
-Everybody's staring at the desserts.
We're feeling good.
You only have one minute left.
Oh, no.
I'm good. Cool as a cucumber.
I may be sweating,
but I'm cool as a cucumber, baby.
Oh, my gosh.
Not my best plating ever.
Please, be done.
This is it.
10K right here.
I might have a heart attack.
Ten, nine,
seven, six,
Let's go.
-Come on over, chefs.
-You all right?
-We're ready.
-Come on over.
-What's up?
-Hi, guys!
-How are you?
-Hey, guys.
Let's start with Stacy.
It's a chocolate buttermilk cake.
That is what has the infusion in it.
It is two milligrams per person of THC.
I used Blue Dream, decarbed,
and I infused my milk with it.
And then it is encased
in a rosemary-scented, salted buttercream
that I made super fresh.
You sure did.
À la minute buttercream, that's ballsy.
À la minute buttercream.
I like the herbs in the buttercream
'cause I like herbs with butter.
I never thought to do that in pastry.
That's brilliant.
Is my mind playing tricks on me,
or do I really taste the weed?
You should taste a little bit in the cake.
For the first time today, I taste weed!
-Oh, yay!
-Well, we're split on that.
You like tasting a little bit.
You want to know, right?
I'm a weed smoker
so the flavor's very familiar to me.
What do we have?
What I have for you today
is a limoncello ricotta cake.
It has a little limoncello glaze.
I didn't want to do anything too heavy,
so it has a little THC in the limoncello.
This has one-and-a-half milligrams.
I love this.
I love how moist it is.
Your finesse today has been so impressive,
and the flavor of this is delicious.
Coreen, what do we have?
An almond olive oil cake
that's been layered with a Greek yogurt.
On top, you have a candied cannabis leaf.
Underneath you have
a THCa-infused blueberry coulis.
I definitely do not know enough
about what the THCa does.
When it comes to the medicinal benefits,
THCa, there's new stuff coming
out all the time.
Research is constantly being done
on cannabis.
I take it personally for my psoriasis,
in drop form,
and it has helped clear me up.
Awesome. Very cool.
The lightness of the yogurt frosting
is delicious.
The tang that comes from it.
-Thank you.
-The cake is really moist and fluffy.
I think this is just a fantastic touch.
The crystallized weed leaf
is absolutely beautiful.
So, we're gonna discuss some more
without you guys,
and when you guys come back,
someone's gonna win $10,000.
-This was so cool.
-You guys did a great job.
It really has been fantastic.
It's been a wonderful experience.
Thank you.
-Appreciate it, guys.
-Thank you.
Thinking about all of the courses
with all of the chefs, right?
Which wedding do you want to go to?
I think my favorite was Coreen.
The cake is actually the most important
part to me about a wedding.
Like, I want that
really yummy wedding cake.
This one really satisfied
what I would want.
Technically she did
a lot of really good stuff.
-That spaetzle was perfect.
-Yeah, it was perfect.
Coreen's dessert for me is
one of my favorite things I tasted today.
This was my least favorite dessert.
When you said one minute,
she was just starting to frost.
It seemed like she had five seconds
and she just had frosting in her hand.
And she smacked the side of the pastry,
"The frosting's on!"
Then we're into Lauren.
He brought it home with the chicken
and then the dessert.
His chicken for me
Short's right. That was one of the best.
You guys are great.
Would you do it again?
-For sure.
-Thank you so much.
-It's a good wedding.
-Okay, thanks.
-We're out.
Each chef had a moment
where that was definitely the best, right?
Coreen, she's the one who hit us
with the eight milligrams right away.
I liked her thought,
"I'm gonna hit you,
and I'm gonna bring you back."
She gave us the CBD and the THCa.
Even though she took some liberties
in the beginning
with that eight milligrams,
she does redeem herself with, like,
"I know what I'm doing. My precision is
You may not like my choices,
but they're not reckless."
What about Stacy?
Because I think everybody was so intrigued
and delighted with her first dish.
-She had me, and
-It was hers to lose.
Yeah, 100%.
That entrée got away from her.
I noticed the disparity
in terms of our sauce,
-which is where the THC was.
-Now, Lauren.
-His entrée, chicken is safe,
but it was done really well.
-That's what Michael said.
-I agree.
Of all of the dishes here,
this one stood alone
and stood out as the best execution.
-I agree.
-The best flavors, the best contrast,
-and is that enough?
-All right.
-I'm ready.
-Yeah, me too.
-Hey, guys.
-We're back.
-Here we are.
This was really hard.
I'd have crashed any of these weddings.
-That's true.
we can only have one winner.
I believe I did an excellent job.
I believe I exceeded some expectations.
So, I know I'm gonna win that 10K.
I'm really nervous because I've just
went up against some amazing chefs,
and they came up
with some pretty awesome dishes.
We'll see what happens.
I have no idea which way it'll go.
We're all standing there,
thinking, "God! This is so exciting."
Inside my heart's exploding a little bit.
The winner was the chef
who married cannabis and food
in the most interesting, elegant
and delicious way.
The winner of $10,000 is
Chef Coreen.
Thank you.
Congratulations to all of you.
You guys did a fantastic job.
It's really exciting to see that this
industry is now so in the limelight,
and that someone like me,
who's just been in the game with my head
down for so long, actually won.
It was a pleasure to work with these two.
-So awesome.
-All you, chefs, you guys were awesome.
-Thank you.
-Really exciting. Thank you, guys.
I'm a fucking winner.
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